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New Technologies in Marketing Special Issue: Article

Journal of Marketing
2022, Vol. 86(1) 67–90
An Emerging Theory of Avatar Marketing ª American Marketing Association 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022242921996646

Fred Miao, Irina V. Kozlenkova, Haizhong Wang, Tao Xie,

and Robert W. Palmatier

Avatars are becoming increasingly popular in contemporary marketing strategies, but their effectiveness for achieving perfor-
mance outcomes (e.g., purchase likelihood) varies widely in practice. Related academic literature is fragmented, lacking both
definitional consistency and conceptual clarity. This article makes three main contributions to avatar theory and managerial
practice. First, to address ambiguity with respect to its definition, this study identifies and critically evaluates key conceptual
elements of the term avatar, offers a definition derived from this analysis, and provides a typology of avatars’ design elements.
Second, the proposed 2  2 avatar taxonomy suggests that the alignment of an avatar’s form realism and behavioral realism,
across different contingencies, provides a parsimonious explanation for avatar effectiveness. Third, the authors develop an
emerging theory of avatar marketing by triangulating insights from fundamental elements of avatars, a synthesis of extant research,
and business practices. This framework integrates key theoretical insights, research propositions, and important managerial
implications for this expanding area of marketing strategy. Lastly, the authors outline a research program to test the propositions
and insights as well as advance future research.

avatar, artificial intelligence, behavioral realism, chatbot, form realism, human–computer interaction
Online supplement:

Advances in computer technology have supported the prolif- With this article, we aim to provide an integrated theoretical
eration of virtual characters, broadly known as avatars, which framework of avatars by establishing definitional and concep-
we define as digital entities with anthropomorphic appearance, tual clarity, synthetizing academic research and business prac-
controlled by a human or software, that have an ability to tices, and offering propositions that include both managerial
interact. Companies are heavily investing in avatars to engage insights and future research opportunities.
and serve their customers better, and the use of avatars is pre- This article aims to make three main contributions to avatar
dicted to increase by 241% in the travel and hospitality industry theory and managerial practice. First, because extant research
and by 187% for consumer goods (Sweezey 2019). In the bank- remains ambiguous with respect to defining and creating a
ing industry, 87% of companies already use some form of an taxonomy of avatars, it also remains difficult for researchers
avatar or plan to implement one within two years (Torresin to compare empirical results and draw meaningful conclusions
2019). across studies. We offer an overview, in which we summarize
Even as the use of avatars continues to rise, their effective- the various ways the term avatar has been defined, identify and
ness varies significantly across firms. For example, Progressive
Insurance’s avatar, Flo, serves many customers successfully on
Facebook Messenger (Briggs 2018), but IKEA withdrew its Fred Miao is Faculty Fellow of John Merrill Endowed Professorship in
Consultative Sales and Associate Professor of Marketing, College of
avatar, Anna, from its online website following its unsatisfac-
Business, University of Texas at Arlington, USA (email:
tory performance (Brandtzaeg and Følstad 2018). No guide- Irina V. Kozlenkova is Assistant Professor of Marketing, McIntire School of
lines exist for effective design or use of avatars (Bradbury Commerce, University of Virginia, USA (email:
2018), and academic research often lags behind business prac- Haizhong Wang (corresponding author) is Professor of Marketing, Business
tices. In addition, it is difficult to integrate extant research on School, Sun Yat-sen University, China (email: Tao
Xie is a doctoral candidate, Business School, Sun Yat-sen University, China
avatars to establish a strong foundation because the literature in (email: Robert W. Palmatier is John C. Narver
this domain is very fragmented and lacks definitional and con- Chair in Business Administration, Professor of Marketing, Foster School of
ceptual precision, as is typical for an emerging research area. Business, University of Washington, USA (email:
Đặc biệt, hình đại diện có tính hiện thực hình thức cao nhưng tính hiện thực hành vi thấp, mà chúng tôi gọi là hình đại diện hời hợt, có thể cản trở trải nghiệm của khách hàng trong các giao dịch rủi ro cao (ví dụ: mua cổ
phiếu) do sự sai lệch giữa ngoại hình giống người và trí thông minh thấp dẫn đến sự không xác nhận tiêu cực về kỳ vọng (ví dụ: Amelia của Nordnet thể hiện hình dáng con người thực tế nhưng không đưa ra lời khuyên tốt về
chứng khoán). Ngược lại, một hình đại diện phi thực tế thông minh (nghĩa là chủ nghĩa hiện thực dạng thấp, chủ nghĩa hiện thực hành vi cao) có thể tạo ra sự không xác nhận tích cực trong các tương tác phức tạp về mặt xã
hội đòi hỏi phải trao đổi thông tin cá nhân nhạy cảm (ví dụ: Ellie, một hình đại diện trực tuyến, giúp đánh giá chứng trầm cảm và rối loạn căng thẳng sau chấn thương của mọi người triệu chứng [PTSD]); bởi vì không thể
nhầm lẫn ngoại hình con người phi thực tế của hình đại diện với con người thực, nên mọi người có nhiều khả năng đưa ra phản hồi không có thành kiến về mong muốn xã hội.
68 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

critically evaluate key conceptual elements of these definitions, dimensional (3D) forms, imbued with seemingly distinctive
and propose a definition on this basis. Then, drawing on this personalities, appearances, and behavioral patterns, and are
definition, we present a typology of avatar design to isolate overall more appealing than the previous, simple versions
elements that academics and managers can leverage to ensure (Ahn, Fox, and Bailenson 2012; Garnier and Poncin 2013).
avatars’ effectiveness for achieving specific goals (e.g., provid- Second, increase in the use of avatars reflects the growing
ing standard vs. personalized solutions). This typology repre- importance of online service experiences, such as education,
sents an overall organizing framework for thinking about the gaming, banking, and shopping (Garnier and Poncin 2013;
uses of avatars, making relevant design/implementation deci- Kim, Chen, and Zhang 2016), which firms want to make as
sions, and identifying research gaps. convenient and hassle-free for customers as possible (Kohler
Second, applying our proposed avatar typology, we synthe- et al. 2011). For example, online customers often express frus-
size findings from prior literature and business practices to tration when they cannot find relevant information on a website
produce a 2  2 taxonomy composed of two dimensions: ava- quickly and easily; avatars can effectively and efficiently pro-
tars’ form realism and behavioral realism. This taxonomy vide a solution to this issue. Today’s customers also expect
enables us to generate specific research propositions to advance faster communication from companies, but immediate
our understanding of and improve effectiveness of avatars in responses tend to be difficult and expensive for firms to achieve
marketing. The level of alignment between an avatar’s form through traditional channels (e.g., face-to-face, telephone)
and behavioral realism across different contingencies provides (Kilens 2019). Shopping in the online environment also
a parsimonious explanation for when an avatar is most effec- reduces customers’ sense of social interaction and personal
tive, which we highlight with examples of successful and failed consultation, a concern that avatars can help address
avatars in business practices. In particular, avatars with high (Holzwarth, Janiszewski, and Neumann 2006). Finally, recent
form realism but low behavioral realism, which we call super- technology developments enable avatars to offer expanded
ficial avatars, can hinder customer experiences in high-risk benefits to firms, in that “avatars capable of having complex
transactions (e.g., stock purchases) because the misalignment and interactive conversations with customers will exponen-
between an anthropomorphic appearance and low intelligence tially increase the amount of data businesses can access.
leads to negative disconfirmations of expectations (e.g., Nord- Avatars can potentially know if [customers] were bored or
net’s Amelia exhibits realistic human appearance but does not happy in real time and know the exact moment someone
offer good stock tips). In contrast, an intelligent unrealistic became disengaged” (Frank 2019).
avatar (i.e., low form realism, high behavioral realism) may
produce positive disconfirmations in socially complex interac-
tions that require exchanges of sensitive personal information Defining Avatars
(e.g., Ellie, an online avatar, helps assess people’s depression Although we can readily list the benefits of avatars, no strong
and posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] symptoms); because consensus exists regarding their precise definition (Table 1).
the avatar’s unrealistic human appearance cannot be mistaken Furthermore, academics have used multiple terms interchange-
for a real human, people are more likely to provide responses ably to refer to avatars, such as automated shopping assistants
that are free from a social desirability bias. (Al-Natour, Benbasat, and Cenfetelli 2011), chatbots (Ho,
Third, by triangulating insights from the avatar fundamen- Hancock, and Miner 2018), virtual customer service agents
tals and our synthesis of the extant research and business prac- (Verhagen et al. 2014), embodied conversational agents
tices, we develop an integrative framework of avatar (Bickmore, Pfeifer, and Jack 2009; Lee and Choi 2017;
performance and offer key theoretical insights, research propo- Schuetzler et al. 2018), or virtual/digital assistants (Chattara-
sitions, and managerial implications for this expanding area of man et al. 2019; Freeman and Beaver 2018). The ambiguity
marketing strategy. This framework sheds new light on the surrounding the definition of avatars makes it difficult for
underlying mechanisms of effective avatar design and imple- researchers to compare empirical results or draw meaningful
mentation strategies, as well as potential contingencies to these conclusions across studies (Nowak and Fox 2018). To advance
effects. In turn, we offer managerial guidelines regarding ava- scientific knowledge, we need a precise definition that clearly
tar deployment, specific decision rules, and insights into how delineates the boundaries of the construct. In this section, we
and why specific avatar strategies may be effective. This foun- review various ways avatars have been defined, identify and
dation for a contemporary theory of avatars may spur future critically evaluate some key definitional elements, and offer a
research; the identified academic–practice gaps and proposi- new definition derived from this analysis.
tions in particular point to promising research directions.
Anthropomorphic appearance. One aspect on which there is no
consensus when it comes to defining avatars is whether avatars
Avatar Fundamentals need to have an anthropomorphic appearance (Nowak and Fox
The popularity of avatars is fueled by two macroenvironmental 2018). Anthropomorphism refers to “the extent to which an
factors. First, advancements in computer/digital technologies image looks human” (Nowak and Rauh 2006, p. 154). In prior
(e.g., artificial intelligence [AI]) enabled the development of academic research, 70% of articles identify an anthropo-
more complex avatars, and they often appear in three- morphic or humanlike appearance as a necessary condition of

Table 1. Avatar Definitional Elements in Empirical Research.

Definitional Element
Avatar by
Anthropomorphic Controlling Our
Illustrative Research Labels/Aliases Definitions Digital Appearance Interactivity Entity Definition?

Percentage of element 78% 70% 78% 90% 51%

Ho, Hancock, and Miner Chatbot “Computer programs that can simulate human-human P P Human No
(2018) conversation” (p. 712)
Holzwarth, Janiszewski, Avatar “General graphic representations that are personified by P P P Software Yes
and Neumann (2006) means of computer technology” (p. 20)
Jin (2009) Avatar “Artificial, computer-animated representations of human P P Software No
interlocutors” or “pictorial representations of humans in a
chat environment” (p. 234)
Kang and Watt (2013) Avatar “Digital models of people that either look or behave like the P P P Human Yes
people they represent.” (p. 1170)
Kim, Chen, and Zhang Anthropomorphized Entities that “are often imbued with humanlike features and P P Software No
(2016) helper / digital assistant characteristics” (p. 283)
Köhler, Rohm, and De Socialization agent/online “Computer mediated personas that possess the capability to P Software No
Ruyter (2011) agent involve customers in rich interactive conversations, rather
than discrete, basic exchanges, and that have the ability to
apply past interaction content to current interactions”
(p. 96)
Nunamaker et al. (2011) Embodied conversational “Virtual, three-dimensional human likenesses that are P P P Software Yes
agent displayed on computer screens…and interact with people
through natural speech” (p. 21)
Schuetzler et al. (2018) Conversational agent “Systems that mimic human-to-human communication using P P P Software Yes
natural language processing, machine learning, and/or
artificial intelligence” (p. 94)
Sivaramakrishnan, Wan, Anthropomorphic “A humanlike chatbot that acts as an interactive online P P Software No
and Tang (2010) information agent information provider” (p. 60)
Touré-Tillery and McGill Anthropomorphized “Nonhuman entities that deliver message content across a P Software No
(2015) agent (partial human) variety of media (e.g., print, online, television), are typically
imbued with various combinations of human
characteristics, such as human form (e.g., human-like faces,
arms, and legs), and the apparent ability to speak and
think” (p. 94)
Verhagen et al. (2014) Virtual customer service “Computer-generated characters that are able to interact P P P Software Yes
agent with customers and simulate behavior of human company
representatives through artificial intelligence” (p. 530)
Wang et al. (2007) Virtual character “Avatar with some type of combination of 4 online social P P P Software Yes
cues: language, human voice, interactivity, and social role”
(pp. 143–44)
This research Avatar Digital entities with anthropomorphic appearance, P P P Software or
controlled by a human or software, that have an human
ability to interact

70 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

a conceptual definition of an avatar. This element is important (2017, p. 2) allow them to be noninteractive and capable of
because the degree to which an avatar is anthropomorphic pro- only one-way conversation, such as welcoming users, introdu-
vides cues of its social presence (Nass and Moon 2000). cing the company, or describing available products. Some other
Research shows that the more anthropomorphic an avatar is researchers similarly do not consider interactivity as a neces-
perceived to be, the more credible and competent it seems sary element of digital avatars (e.g., Jin 2009). Yet most
(Westerman, Tamborini, and Bowman 2015), such that “a per- researchers focus on interactive avatars and find that they can
son may be represented by a highly accurate and lifelike avatar increase customers’ satisfaction with a website or product,
of a fir tree. Although this avatar is realistic, other users may be credibility, or patronage intentions (Chattaraman, Kwon, and
less likely to attribute social potential to it—and less likely to Gilbert 2012; Holzwarth, Janiszewski, and Neumann 2006).
communicate with it—because it is not anthropomorphic” However, designing a truly interactive avatar that can
(Nowak and Fox 2018, p. 37). Research shows that how anthro- engage in synchronous communication is not an easy task:
pomorphic we perceive something to be impacts our expecta- “Natural language dialogue in chatbots suggests a low thresh-
tions of certain behaviors and our willingness to interact; old for users to access data and services. However, whereas
people treat something with a human appearance differently conversational interfaces are truly intuitive when applied to
than they do inanimate objects (Fox et al. 2015). For example, interactions between people, conversations between humans
Neytiri in the film Avatar is not a human, but because she has and automated conversational agents are more challenging”
an anthropomorphic appearance, other characters interact with (Brandtzaeg and Følstad 2018, p. 41). The interactivity require-
her the same way they would with a human. ment would exclude entities such as “self-avatars” in clothing
Knowledge about how to deal with other humans generally stores, which do not offer bidirectional communication, as well
is learned early in life and is more detailed and readily acces- as any instances of asynchronous content, such as a lecture
sible in people’s memory than knowledge about how to interact delivered as a prerecorded video of the instructor, or a standard
with inanimate objects (Epley, Waytz, and Cacioppo 2007). greeting from a chatbot that cannot offer personalized interac-
According to the computers-as-social-actors (CASA) paradigm tions with each user. However, when there is true bidirectional
(Moon 2000; Nass et al. 1995; Reeves and Nass 1996), people interactivity, it can satisfy customers’ hedonic (e.g., having fun
tend to treat computer technology that exhibits humanlike char- while shopping on a website) and utilitarian (e.g., efficiently
acteristics as a social actor and apply the same social rules to it finding a solution to a problem on a website) needs (Liew, Tan,
during interactions, despite being fully aware that they are and Ismail 2017). Thus, we include it as a requirement for
dealing with a machine (Holzwarth, Janiszewski, and Neumann digital avatars.
2006). The presence of an anthropomorphic appearance trig-
gers people’s simplistic social scripts (e.g., politeness, recipro- Controlling entity. Researchers also have different perspectives
city), which in turn induce cognitive, affective, and social on the controlling entity, which refers to whether the control
responses during interactions with technology (Wang et al. over an avatar involves a human operator or an automated
2007). Thus, we regard an anthropomorphic appearance as an computer program (Nowak and Fox 2018). Some researchers
important, required element of the conceptual definition of make this distinction explicit and refer to anything controlled
digital avatars, because people interact differently with some- by technology as an agent or bot, while referring to anything
thing they perceive as more “human.” This requirement, controlled by humans as an avatar (Nowak and Fox 2018).
thus, would exclude inanimate objects and brands as well as However, in business practices, due to cost considerations,
voice-only digital assistants that lack an anthropomorphic digital avatars appear almost exclusively enabled by AI
appearance. (e.g., Sophie, the Air New Zealand customer service rep). Yet
we have no theoretical reason to limit the conceptual definition
Interactivity. Interactivity refers to “the extent to which individ- of avatars to only those which are enabled by AI, because it
uals perceive that the communication allows them to feel in seems that consumers want a perception of an avatar having
control as if they can communicate synchronously and recipro- some level of intelligence but often cannot tell precisely who or
cally with the communicator” (Chattaraman et al. 2019, what controls it (Kim and Sundar 2012), as there are typically
p. 317). In defining interactivity as another critical requirement no solid clues available. According to the modality–agency–
for digital avatars, we refer specifically to the ability to engage interactivity–navigability model and its applications in virtual
in two-way interactions, which may be verbal (voice) or non- environments, if agency cues are present in an interface, they
verbal (text, animation). Prior research has established three influence users’ perceptions by prompting their cognitive heur-
dimensions of interactivity: (1) the user’s active control, or istics about the nature and content of the interaction (Sundar
ability to participate and influence communication; (2) bilateral 2008). Users’ perceptions and behaviors thus differ if they
interactions; and (3) synchronicity (Etemad-Sajadi 2016; Liu learn that they are interacting with an AI-backed avatar versus
and Shrum 2002). Approximately 78% of the research we one controlled by a person, reflecting the different heuristics
reviewed include interactivity as one of the elements of the that are evoked by machine versus human counterparts (Fox
conceptual definition of avatars. For example, in defining et al. 2015; Go and Sundar 2019). Thus, “identity cues suggest-
avatars as “virtual characters that can be used as company ing that the user is chatting with a human agent or machine
representatives in online stores,” Liew, Tan, and Ismail agent can trigger human or machine heuristics respectively and
Miao et al. 71

accordingly affect the criteria by which they evaluate the qual- (Yun, Deng, and Hiscock 2009). In our sample of reviewed
ity of the interaction” (Go and Sundar 2019, p. 305). studies, 38% of studies examined static avatars, while 62%
In summary, we define avatars as digital entities with considered visually dynamic avatars. For example, Amelia is
anthropomorphic appearance, controlled by a human or soft- a visually dynamic avatar that is capable of facial expressions
ware, that are able to interact. Among the academic papers we and movement and has been used, with modifications, in var-
reviewed, about half (51%) include all of these elements in ious industries such as banking, insurance, and health care
their conceptual definitions of avatars; the inclusion rates for (Ipsoft 2018). Visually dynamic avatars with ability for facial
each specific definitional element vary between 70% and 90%. expressions can convey emotions, which is especially helpful
for customers from different cultural backgrounds: “Avatars
Typology of Avatar Design with high intensity expression and dynamics allow both the
local and global audiences to achieve approximately equal
Drawing on this derived definition of avatars, we propose a levels in subject identification and emotion perception”
typology of avatar design. This typology allows academics and (Yun, Deng, and Hiscock 2009, p. 21). Thus, visually dynamic
managers to isolate elements that make an avatar more or less avatars may be more effective for global corporations. Addi-
effective for specific goals, such as providing product informa- tional evidence indicates that the greater an avatar’s ability to
tion, answering customers’ process questions, and so forth. exhibit facial expressions, the less perceived human agency is
Furthermore, this typology provides an overall organizing required to exert social influence (Bailenson et al. 2008).
framework for thinking about, making design/implementation
decisions regarding, and researching avatars. Human characteristics. To enhance form realism, avatars can be
Different design elements cause avatars to vary in their designed to include additional “human” elements, such as an
visual appearances and behaviors during interactions with identifiable name, gender, race, and age. In the studies we
humans. All of the design elements affect avatars’ form realism reviewed, out of the aforementioned set of characteristics, gen-
and behavioral realism. Form realism refers to the extent to der and age are the most commonly studied ones, followed by
which the avatar’s shape appears human, while behavioral name and race. For example, the Air New Zealand virtual
realism captures the degree to which it behaves as a human customer service avatar is female, named Sophie. Research
would in the physical world (Bailenson et al. 2008; Blascovich shows that characteristics such as gender can increase the
et al. 2002; Fox et al. 2015). Some researchers argue that beha- effectiveness of avatars (Nass and Yen 2010).
vioral realism is more important than form realism (Blascovich
et al. 2002), but both form and behavioral realism are associ-
ated with greater avatar usefulness in most contexts (Garau Behavioral Realism
et al. 2003; Kang, Watt, and Ala 2008; Yee, Bailenson, and
Avatars’ behavioral realism can facilitate more natural interac-
Rickertsen 2007). Figure 1 provides an overview of all the
tions with users (Blascovich et al. 2002), and managers can
design elements, with examples, that managers can use to
manipulate the degree of avatars’ behavioral realism using
understand and influence the degree of avatars’ form and beha-
design elements associated with avatars’ interactivity and con-
vioral realism.
trolling entity. Specifically, relevant design elements that man-
agers can use to impact avatar interactivity are communication
Form Realism modality (avatars’ ability to communicate verbally, nonverb-
Higher form realism may lead users to develop social expecta- ally, or through a combination of both), response type (whether
tions for their subsequent interactions with avatars (Nowak and avatars’ responses are scripted or natural), and presence of
Biocca 2003). Managers can impact the degree of form realism social content (whether avatars can engage in interactions
of an avatar through the design elements such as spatial dimen- about social and personal matters in addition to task-oriented
sions (2D vs. 3D avatars), ability to have movement in the face communications). In terms of controlling entity, avatars can be
or body (visually static vs. dynamic avatars), and other char- controlled by a computer program or algorithm or a human,
acteristics that enhance the perception of “humanness” of ava- with the latter, predictably, increasing avatars’ behavioral
tars, such as signals of gender, race, age, or names. realism.

Spatial dimension. Avatars can be 2D or 3D. In the sample of Communication modality. Avatars differ in the modalities of
articles we reviewed, 52% focused on 2D avatars and 48% on communication they use. Nonverbal avatar communication can
3D avatars. Research indicates that 3D avatars are perceived be represented by text (speech-to-text avatars), gestures, or
as more compelling and impactful, relative to 2D versions facial expressions; verbal avatars communicate via speech; and
(Bailenson et al. 2008; Fox et al. 2015; Persky and Blascovich both nonverbal and verbal avatars can communicate using a
2007). combination of these modalities. The latter category would be
the highest in behavioral realism from a communication mod-
Movement. Both technological advancements and customer ality perspective. Research investigating the communication
expectations have prompted the development of more realistic, modality of avatars has focused primarily on avatars that are
visually dynamic avatars that can move their bodies and faces capable of both verbal and nonverbal interactions, accounting
Managerial Definitional Design Design Element Study
Definition Avatar Examplea
Decision Element Element Level Count / %
Avatar is displayed as a two-dimensional visual ING bank’s avatar Inge has a 2D,
2D 26 / 52%
Spatial representation cartoonlike visual representation
dimension Avatar is displayed as a three-dimensional visual Replika, developed to be a personal AI friend,
3D 24 / 48%
representation is a 3D avatar

ABIe, an avatar for Allstate Insurance for business,

Static Avatar without any movement; a static graphic 19 / 38%
Degree of Anthropomorphic does not have capability for any movement
Form appearance Avatar is able to have visual movement of body and/or Amelia, used by many companies, exhibits
Dynamic 31 / 62%
Realism face facial expressions and movement

Gender Olivia is a symptom-checking avatar for the

Avatar has a specific gender 47 / 94%
UK’s National Health Service and looks female

Race Avatar is of a specific race Swedish bank SEB avatar Aida looks White 4 / 8%
characteristics Eviebot is an AI companion that appears to be
Age Avatar has an identifiable age range 44 / 88%
in the range of 20-40 years of age

The Air New Zealand customer service avatar

Name Avatar has a name 23 / 46%
is named Sophie

Nonverbal Avatar communicates through text (speech-to-text Friendship avatar Mitsuku supports customers’ need for 13 / 26%
avatars), and/or has gestures and/or facial expressions connectedness through text communication
Communicatio GMF’s avatar Prosper provides services to customers
Verbal Avatar communicates via speech 3 / 6%
n modality regarding life insurance policies via interactive speech.

Nonverbal Avatar has both non-verbal and verbal communication Microsoft's XiaoIce can communicate via text and
34 / 68%
& verbal abilities voice and can also interpret visuals, such as photos

Avatar can provide only a response from a stored set of HSBC's avatar Amy covers only some of the bank's
Scripted 30 / 60%
preexisting and predetermined responses products with predetermined responses
Response Avatar can have "relatively free-flowing conversation,
Interactivity Skincare company SK-II’s YUMI understands customers
type using accepted vocabulary and grammar, and with the
Degree of Natural using their own words and responds in an organic, 20 / 40%
ability to track the context of the conversation and make conversational manner
Behavioral appropriate responses”b
Avatar can communicate about social/personal matters, in Microsoft's XiaoIce communicates about anything that is
Yes 17 / 34%
addition to task-oriented communication of interest to the user

Social content Avatar is unable to communicate about social/personal Molly, a virtual nurse, collects health information from patients
No (to the user) matters and is only able to provide task- (e.g., postoperative, chronic conditions), suggests follow-up
33 / 66%
oriented communication behaviors, and communicates the information to the treating
physician. The interaction is limited to health content.

Progressive Insurance avatar Flo uses machine learning and a

Software-controlled Avatar is controlled by computer software or algorithm cloud-based API to obtain data from social media responses 43 / 86%
Controlling and training data to provide answers to customers
entity Resident avatars in Second Life are controlled by
Human-controlled Avatar is controlled by a human in real time 7 / 14%
participants who can interact with one another in real time

Figure 1. Typology of avatar design.

Although these specific avatar examples are used to illustrate a specific characteristic, they also satisfy all of the other requirements of our conceptual definition of avatars.
Burden and Savin-Baden 2019, p. 9.
Notes: For live links to the URLs noted herein, see the Supplemental Material link.
Miao et al. 73

for 68% of reviewed articles, followed by research on non- behave differently from customers who believe the avatar is
verbal avatars in 26% of articles, with verbal avatars attracting controlled by software. According to a meta-analysis, avatars
the least academic attention (6%). controlled by humans elicit more presence and a stronger social
In addition, managers might increase behavioral realism by influence than do computer-controlled avatars (Fox et al.
enabling avatars to recognize the nonverbal behaviors of users, 2015). Therefore, for firms that rely on software-controlled
such as their facial expressions, prompting more appropriate avatars (the majority of avatars in practice), reinforcing
responses. For example, Microsoft’s XiaoIce can interpret “human” elements can be very effective. They can leverage
users’ photos and make relevant inferences and comments the design elements we have discussed, such as more natural
(Dormehl 2018). However, even with significant advances in speech programmed for software-controlled avatars, non-
AI, creating an avatar capable of correctly identifying and verbal behaviors and emotions, and the ability to provide social
responding to users’ various emotions and contexts remains a content. However, perceptions of human agency might not be
challenge because “large, interpersonal variability exists in desirable in all settings, as research shows that people perform
how people express emotions. Humans also have diverse pre- worse on certain tasks when they recognize that they are inter-
ferences for how an agent [avatar] responds to them” (McDuff acting with a human-controlled avatar rather than software, due
and Czerwinski 2018, p. 76). to social inhibition, social desirability bias, and perceptions of
reduced autonomy (Kim, Chen, and Zhang 2016; Yokotani,
Response type. Managers can design avatars with an ability to Takagi, and Wakashima 2018). For example, avatars have
converse in a way that feels natural to users. Previous research become popular in health care, and when it comes to disclosing
has mostly (60% of articles) focused on avatars that are capable sensitive information such as drinking habits, users are more
of merely selecting a response from a set of preexisting, pre- comfortable revealing information if they perceive less human
determined, scripted responses. For example, HSBC’s virtual agency (Schuetzler et al. 2018).
assistant, Amy, currently is able to select and provide users
with only predetermined responses about a limited number of
the bank’s products. Avatars with a capability for natural Avatar Academic Research and Business
responses instead can have a “relatively free-flowing conversa- Practices
tion, using accepted vocabulary and grammar, and with the In the proposed typology, all of the design elements serve to
ability to track the context of the conversation and make appro- increase or decrease the form and behavioral realism of avatars.
priate responses” (Burden and Savin-Baden 2019, p. 9). For Most prior research investigates only a narrow set of design
example, the skincare company SK-II’s YUMI understands elements in piecemeal fashion, independent of other elements,
users expressing themselves in their own words and responds or at an aggregate level, without considering the granularity or
in an organic, conversational manner. The ability to have a interactions of specific elements. In the following sections, we
conversation that feels natural is also highly correlated with synthesize academic literature and business practices related to
perceived agency type; avatars controlled by humans would avatars to provide insights and identify research gaps. We also
have a natural response, whereas software-controlled avatars derive propositions to help advance theory, inform business
tend to rely on scripted responses. practices, and guide future research.

Social content. Another design element that can increase avatars’

interactivity is their ability to provide some social content dur-
Academic Literature
ing interactions with users, as opposed to purely task-oriented Because research on avatars is diverse and cross-disciplinary in
communication (e.g., providing product information). For nature, our goal is to provide a representative rather than
example, Microsoft’s XiaoIce is an AI assistant that also exhaustive literature review, covering a variety of research
attempts to function like a friend, checking on users after a disciplines and empirical settings. Using “avatar” and related
relationship breakup or asking about the physical recovery of terms1 as keywords, we searched article titles and abstracts in
a user who posted a photo of a bruised leg. Since its launch in electronic databases (Academic Search Complete, Business
China in 2014, XiaoIce has gained great popularity, due to its Source Complete, Science Direct, and Google Scholar) to find
emotional intelligence: “The real key takeaway is that we’ve studies published during the 1990–2020 period. To identify
focused on emotional intelligence . . . . We call this an empa- research involving avatars that are consistent with our defini-
thetic computing framework, [designed to] have conversations tion, we first excluded articles that did not provide detailed
with humans naturally, which can build a social and emotional information about avatar definitional elements or scope. In
connection. It’s a good friend. As a result, they can better addition, we excluded research on topics that fall outside our
participate and help out in human society” (Dormehl 2018).
In the research we reviewed, 34% of avatars could offer some 1
social content during their interactions. Related terms included animated agent, anthropomorphic agent, artificial
agent, chatbot, conversational agent, digital assistant, electronic shopping
agent, embodied agent, embodied virtual agent, nonhuman agent,
Controlling entity. Research shows that consumers interacting spokes-avatar, spokes-character, virtual agent, virtual assistant, and virtual
with an avatar that they perceive to be controlled by a human character.
74 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

definitional boundary (e.g., consumers’ self-avatars). Purely of behavioral realism (Bailenson et al. 2008); however, few
technical articles (e.g., programming of avatar) and studies that studies have done so.
do not address real-time consumer–avatar interactions were
removed as well. To strike a good balance between research Behavioral realism. Extant research consistently shows positive
diversity and quality, we sampled only reputable journals effects of greater behavioral realism. For example, Wang et al.
across various disciplines (i.e., impact factor of at least 3).2 (2007) report that an avatar’s scripted text or spoken commu-
In total, we compiled 98 empirical research articles (the full nications can enhance customers’ hedonic and utilitarian ben-
list of reviewed research is available in the Web Appendix). efits when shopping online, as well as increasing their
Table 2 provides a summary of select illustrative research. patronage intentions. Similarly, Lee and Choi (2017) find that
when users interact with an avatar that has a high degree of
Form realism. The overarching theoretical framework that behavioral realism, trust between the parties is higher. Other
guides empirical studies of human–avatar interactions is social studies offer similar results, noting that avatars’ behaviors,
response theory, which is sometimes referred to as the CASA such as decision-making style (Al-Natour, Benbasat, and
paradigm (Moon 2000; Nass et al. 1995; Reeves and Nass Cenfetelli 2011) and socially oriented communication
1996). It suggests that anthropomorphic characteristics of ava- (Verhagen et al. 2014), significantly affect avatar trustworthi-
tars elicit consumers’ socialness perceptions, often in an auto- ness and the overall customer experience (Brave, Nass, and
matic, spontaneous, mindless process that induces varying Hutchinson 2005; Chattaraman et al. 2019).
degrees of cognitive, affective, and social responses to avatars Advancements in AI technology have enabled avatars to
(Al-Natour, Benbasat, and Cenfetelli 2011; Holzwarth, Janis- exhibit higher levels of cognitive and emotional intelligence.
zewski, and Neumann 2006; Verhagen et al. 2014; Wang et al. For example, they can engage in autonomous conversations by
2007). Although the theory suggests that an anthropomorphic analyzing and responding to customers’ requests in real time,
appearance positively affects customer outcomes, empirical thereby significantly increasing customers’ trust in them
results indicate some mixed effects. In various situations, lower (McDuff and Czerwinski 2018). Using avatar interviewers
or higher levels of form realism appeared more effective, but in equipped with video, audio sensors, and advanced analytical
other cases, no differences emerged. For example, visually software, Nunamaker et al. (2011) demonstrate how intelligent
static, cartoonish avatars with very low form realism increased avatars can detect, interpret, and respond to human intervie-
satisfaction with a retailer, attitude toward products, and wees’ emotions, cognitive effort, and potential deceptions. Von
purchase intentions in some studies (Etemad-Sajadi 2014; der Pütten et al. (2010) examine the effects of an avatar that can
Holzwarth, Janiszewski, and Neumann 2006). However, Qiu collect and analyze a human’s voice and upper-body movement
and Benbasat (2009) find that avatars with more realistic, and coordinate its own responses accordingly. Results show
humanlike appearance increased customers’ perceptions of that the avatar’s intelligent behavior led to positive evaluations
social presence, leading to higher usage intentions. Verhagen of the avatar, regardless of whether it was controlled by a
et al. (2014) found no significant differences between avatars human or a software.
that are low or high in form realism in terms of service satis- Even in light of these consistent findings related to avatar
faction. Similarly, Schuetzler et al. (2018) reported that a more behavioral realism, some important research issues remain
anthropomorphic appearance of an avatar had no effect on unresolved. First, few studies have investigated the underlying
participants’ disclosure of information about sensitive topics, behavioral realism elements identified in our typology of avatar
such as drinking behaviors. design (e.g., communication modality, social content, response
Two factors may help explain these inconsistent effects. type) to determine which are most critical or how they might
First, prior studies have not investigated all of the design ele- interact with other form or behavioral realism elements. For
ments identified in our typology that help establish avatars’ example, Bickmore, Pfeifer, and Jack (2009) found that an
form realism (e.g., visually static vs. dynamic avatars, avatars’ avatar nurse incorporating social content in its scripted conver-
age, gender) or how these underlying elements might induce sations produced better patient experiences, but Schuetzler
specific effects. By focusing on only a subset of visual charac- et al. (2018) reported that a scripted, task-focused avatar inter-
teristics and, thus, failing to account for the totality of the viewer elicits more socially biased responses. Second, a few
elements that establish form realism of an avatar, these studies studies revealed some unexpected negative effects of beha-
may have produced biased estimates. Second, we propose vioral realism (e.g., Schuetzler et al. 2018), but research has
that avatars’ form and behavior must be considered simultane- yet to identify the conditions in which detrimental effects are
ously, because form realism is meaningful only in the context more likely or design strategies to address them.

Integrated perspective on form and behavioral realism. Our review

The academic disciplines included were (1) marketing (e.g., Journal of of extant literature thus reveals a key limitation: lack of
Marketing), (2) computer science (e.g., Computers in Human Behavior), (3) consideration of the alignment between form and behavioral
information systems (e.g., Journal of Management Information Systems), (4)
communications (e.g., Human Communication Research), (5) education (e.g., realism of avatars. If the levels of form and behavioral realism
Computers & Education), (6) health care (e.g., Journal of Medical Internet are mismatched, the consequences for avatars’ effectiveness
Research), and (7) general business (e.g., Journal of Business Research). may be profound and can help explain inconsistent past
Table 2. Avatars in Empirical Research.
Illustrative Moderator
Research Original Label Context Theoretical Perspective Mediator Variables Variables Key Findings

Al-Natour, Benbasat, Automated shopping Online shopping for a laptop Computers as social actors Perceived decision process None Perceived decision process similarity mediates
and Cenfetelli assistant computer (CASA) framework; similarity the effect of perceived personality similarity
(2011) similarity-attraction on several beliefs (enjoyment, social
hypothesis presence, trust, ease of use, and usefulness).
Bickmore et al. (2016) Embodied Cancer patients identifying Not specified None None Patients were more satisfied with the
conversational and learning about clinical conversational agent compared to the
agent trials on the internet conventional web form-based interface, and
patients with low health literacy had a higher
success rate in finding relevant trials.
Brave, Nass, and Embodied computer Casino-style blackjack game CASA framework None None Empathic emotion of the agent leads to greater
Hutchinson (2005) agent user-rated likeability, trustworthiness,
perceived caring, and perceived support.
Chattaraman et al. Digital assistant Online purchase of athletic Social response theory Trust in online store; Internet competency Users’ internet competency interacts with the
(2019) shoes by older consumers information overload; digital assistant’s conversational style (social-
perceived self-efficacy; ease vs. task-oriented) in affecting social,
of use; usefulness functional, and behavioral intention
Chattaraman, Kwon, Virtual agent Online purchase of apparel by Social response theory; CASA Perceived social support; trust None Virtual agents can increase older users’
and Gilbert (2012) older consumers framework in online store; perceived patronage intentions by enhancing perceived
risk social support and trust in the online store
while reducing perceived risk.
Derrick and Ligon Embodied An avatar-based screening CASA framework None Gender Self-promoting agents are perceived as more
(2014) conversational checkpoint experiment powerful, more trustworthy, and more
agent expert, whereas ingratiating agents are
perceived as more attractive. Ingratiation
impression management techniques are
viewed less (more) favorably by females
(males) than self-promotion techniques.
D’Mello, Graesser, AutoTutor Computer literacy learning Social agency theory None None Students who interacted with the AutoTutor
and King (2010) with a fully automated through a spoken dialogue used more
computer tutor cognitive resources and completed more
problems than students who had to type.
Go and Sundar (2019) Chatbot Online digital camera CASA framework Social presence; homophily Anthropomorphic Chatbot’s message interactivity has positive
purchase visual cues; agency effects on customers’ attitude toward the
website and return intention mediated by
perceived social presence and homophily;
anthropomorphic visual cues and agency
moderate these effects.


Table 2. (continued)

Illustrative Moderator
Research Original Label Context Theoretical Perspective Mediator Variables Variables Key Findings

Holzwarth, Avatar Online purchase of shoes that Social response theory Entertainment value; Product involvement Use of an avatar sales agent increases
Janiszewski, and are customizable via online information value; satisfaction with the retailer, attitude toward
Neumann (2006) consultation likeability of avatar; the product, and purchase intentions,
credibility of avatar mediated by perceived entertainment and
information value; an attractive avatar is
more effective at moderate levels of product
involvement, mediated by likeability of the
avatar, whereas an expert avatar is more
effective at high levels of product
involvement, mediated by credibility of the
Keeling, McGoldrick, Avatar Online experiments of retail CASA framework Trust perception Goods/services high in Avatars’ social orientation and task orientation
and Beatty (2010) websites selling books/CDs credence vs. search increase customers’ trust perception, which
and travel insurance qualities subsequently has a positive effect on
patronage intention. Effects of task- (social-)
oriented communications are stronger for
search (credence) goods/services.
Kim, Hong, and Cho Intelligent Online electronic product Not specified None None Agents capable of the probabilistic inference
(2007) conversational (e.g., cellular phone) and the semantic inference show superior
agent information search performance in providing suitable responses
to user inquiries with only a few interactions.
Lee and Choi (2017) Conversational agent Interactive movie CASA framework; media Intimacy; trust; interactional None Self-disclosure and reciprocity of the
recommendation system equation theory; uncertainty enjoyment conversational agent have positive impacts
reduction theory on user satisfaction and intentions to use,
mediated by intimacy, trust, and interactional
Mimoun and Poncin Embodied Furniture purchase with Anna Technology acceptance model Utilitarian value; None Anna increased consumers’ satisfaction and
(2015) conversational on IKEA’s website hedonic value behavioral intentions through utilitarian and
agent hedonic value.
Nunamaker et al. Embodied Automated kiosk-based Not specified None None Male-embodied agents are perceived as more
(2011) conversational interviews powerful, more trustworthy, and more
agent expert than female ones; however, the latter
are more likeable. Avatars with neutral
expressions are perceived as more powerful,
whereas smiling avatars are more likeable.
Von der Pütten et al. Embodied Interactions involving Threshold model of social None None Beliefs about whether a participant is interacting
(2010) conversational personal questions influence; Ethopoeia concept with a human-controlled or a computer-
agent controlled agent lead to almost no
differences in the evaluation of the virtual
character or its behavioral reactions; higher
behavioral realism affected both.
Table 2. (continued)

Illustrative Moderator
Research Original Label Context Theoretical Perspective Mediator Variables Variables Key Findings

Qiu and Benbasat Anthropomorphic Online recommendation CASA framework; social agency Social presence None Humanoid appearance and human voice-based
(2009) interface agent system for complex and theory communication of avatars significantly
attribute-intensive digital increase participants’ perceived social
cameras presence, which has a positive effect on trust,
perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment,
and the decision to use the avatar as a
decision aid.
Schuetzler et al. Conversational agent Responses to sensitive Self-disclosure; social None None Conversational agents with better
(2018) questions to a person vs. a desirability; social presence conversational abilities prompt more socially
conversational agent vs. theories desirable responses from participants, with
online survey no significant effect found for embodiment.
Verhagen et al. (2014) Virtual customer Inquiries about online mobile Social response; implicit Social presence; Communication style Friendliness and expertise have positive effects
service agent phone service personality; primitive personalization (socially vs. task- on participants’ service encounter
emotional contagion; social oriented); satisfaction mediated by social presence and
interaction theories anthropomorphism personalization; the effect of friendliness on
personalization is stronger for socially
oriented agents than for task-oriented
agents, as is the effect of expertise on social
Wang et al. (2007) Virtual character Online travel information Social response theory; Arousal; pleasure; flow; Product involvement Social cues from interacting with the avatar
service stimulus-organism-response hedonic and utilitarian increase perceptions of website socialness,
framework; cognitive values feelings of arousal, pleasure, and flow, leading
mediation theory to greater hedonic and utilitarian values,
which then increase patronage intentions.
The effect of arousal on pleasure is stronger
when product involvement is high; the
influence of arousal on hedonic value is
stronger for women. Flow does not lead to
pleasure for older consumers, and pleasure
has a much weaker impact on utilitarian value
for those consumers.
Yokotani, Takagi, and Virtual agent Mental health interviews Threshold model of social None None Participants revealed more sex-related
Wakashima (2018) influence symptoms to the virtual agent than to a
human expert, whereas they disclosed mood
and anxiety symptoms more often to the
human expert than to the virtual agent.

78 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

Form Realism
Low High

Simplistic Avatar Superficial Avatar

• Not a very anthropomorphic appearance (e.g., 2D, static, cartoon • Realistic anthropomorphic appearance (e.g., 3D, dynamic, realistic
image) and low intelligence (e.g., scripted, task-specific image) but low intelligence (e.g., scripted, noncustomized
communication). solutions).
• Since this avatar type has an unrealistic appearance, the • Likely results in a negative disconfirmation for customers, because
consumers' expectations of its behavioral competence are lowered. the realistic anthropomorphic appearance raises expectations of
the avatar's intelligence.
• Can provide a hassle-free convenience by completing quick and
specific tasks (e.g., 24/7 travel information, online content • Effective in improving productivity of low-risk transactions (e.g.,
exploration). bank account information inquiries).
• Most effective for low-risk transactions (e.g., basic customer • Can produce detrimental effects on customer experience for high-
inquiries, inexpensive online purchases). risk transactions (e.g., stock purchase) due to lower intelligence.
Behavioral Realism

ING Netherlands Inge TwentyBN's Millie Nordnet's Amelia Natwest Bank's Cora

Intelligent Unrealistic Avatar Digital Human Avatar

• Intelligent (e.g., cognitive and emotional intelligence) but lacks • Realistic anthropomorphic appearance (e.g., 3D, dynamic, realistic
realistic anthropomorphic appearance (e.g., cartoon image). image) and intelligent (e.g., cognitive and emotional intelligence).

• Can produce customer delight because the nonrealistic • Alignment of realistic appearance and intelligence provides highest
appearance lowers customers' initial expectations of avatar levels of customer experience.
• Capable of autonomous, natural verbal, and nonverbal
Capable of autonomous, natural verbal, and nonverbal communication that includes social content. Allows for complex
• transactions that require highly personalized service (e.g.,
communication that can also include social content.
High skincare).
• Especially effective for complex, relational transactions involving • Most effective for long-term relational exchange by providing
sensitive personal information (e.g., mental health), by providing highest levels of cognitive (e.g., informativeness), affective (e.g.,
reassurance that a nonhuman agent will not judge the customer. entertainment), and social (e.g., rapport) customer experiences.

PTSD therapist Ellie MIT's REA SK-II's YUMI UBS's Daniel Kalt

Figure 2. Form realism versus behavioral realism taxonomy.

findings. Yet some misaligned avatars (e.g., the REA avatar is unrealistic, and digital human avatars. A simplistic avatar has
high in behavioral realism but low in form realism) seem an unrealistic human appearance (e.g., 2D, visually static, car-
equally as effective as well-aligned avatars (e.g., SK-II’s skin- toonish image) and engages in low intelligence behaviors (e.g.,
care advisor YUMI is very high in both behavioral and form scripted, only task-specific communication). For example, in
realism). However, other misaligned avatars have failed (e.g., the Netherlands, ING Bank uses a 2D, cartoonish-looking ava-
Nordnet’s Amelia, with high form realism but low behavioral tar, Inge, to provide responses to simple customer inquiries
realism). A systematic analysis of avatar effectiveness thus with a set of predetermined answers. In contrast, a superficial
seems warranted and requires identifying different categories avatar has a realistic anthropomorphic appearance (e.g., 3D,
of avatars along the form and behavioral realism dimensions as visually dynamic, photorealistic image), such as Natwest
a first step. Bank’s Cora, but low behavioral realism, in that it is only able
We suggest that avatars can be parsimoniously grouped into to offer preprogrammed answers to specific questions. An
a 2  2 taxonomy, according to their form and behavioral intelligent unrealistic avatar (e.g., REA) is characterized by
realism (Figure 2). This taxonomy provides a foundation for humanlike cognitive and emotional intelligence but exhibits
predicting the success or failure of avatars in business practices an unrealistic (e.g., cartoonish) human image. These avatars
and can inform avatar design strategies. We identify four dis- can engage customers in real-time, complex transactions with-
tinct categories of avatars: simplistic, superficial, intelligent out being mistaken for real human agents. Finally, a digital
Miao et al. 79

human avatar such as SK-II’s YUMI is the most advanced et al. 2009). Nordnet’s Amelia exhibited minimal competence
category of avatars, characterized by both a highly realistic in providing customized advice for high-risk transactions (e.g.,
anthropomorphic appearance and humanlike cognitive and stock purchase), which proved disappointing. Amelia’s realis-
emotional intelligence, and is designed to provide the highest tic anthropomorphic appearance might have led customers to
degree of realism during interactions with human users. develop high behavioral expectations, which Amelia could not
deliver, giving rise to a negative disconfirmation. Therefore,
Insights and propositions derived from academic literature. To we expect asymmetric effects of misaligned avatar form and
advance extant literature, we propose the need to consider the behavioral realism.
interrelationship of form and behavioral realism. Visual infor-
mation (i.e., what an avatar looks like) often gets processed Proposition 2: Differences between the avatar’s form
automatically and almost immediately, requiring minimum and behavioral realism have asymmetric effects, such that
cognitive resources (McGloin et al. 2009). This visual appear- customers experience positive (negative) disconfirmation
ance then becomes the basis for probabilistic consistency when an avatar’s behavioral realism is greater (less) than
inferences, where consumers form an expectation of some its form realism.
unknown attribute, based on a known attribute with which it
is believed to be correlated (Dick, Chakravarti, and Biehal Mediation mechanisms of avatar effects on performance. Integra-
1990). For example, consumers often make inferences about tion of evidence across multiple research streams suggests that
an unfamiliar brand’s quality by using price as a signal of avatars affect performance outcomes (e.g., customers’ likeli-
quality, in the belief that the two are correlated. Similarly, hood to purchase a product) indirectly through customers’ cog-
when an avatar looks more like a human, consumers may nitive, affective, and social responses, depending on the
expect it to also behave like a human. Thus, the visual charac- context (Holzwarth, Janiszewski, and Neumann 2006; Lee and
teristics of an avatar may influence consumers’ judgments of Choi 2017). Customers form cognitive responses to avatars
its behavioral competence, even before an interaction takes according to the avatars’ informativeness or competence in
place (Nowak and Biocca 2003). A more realistic anthropo- helping them make well-informed decisions (Holzwarth, Janis-
morphic appearance suggests a higher level of behavioral rea- zewski, and Neumann 2006; Wang et al. 2007). Cognitive trust,
lism, leading to a greater expectation that the avatar will behave or willingness to rely on another entity’s help to achieve goals
like a real human might. in uncertain situations, is another key dimension of customers’
cognitive response (Keeling, McGoldrick, and Beatty 2010;
Proposition 1: As the form realism of an avatar increases, Martin, Borah, and Palmatier 2017).
so do customers’ expectations for its behavioral realism. Interactions with avatars can also evoke affective responses
Customers will use an avatar’s form realism as a frame of in customers, such as by providing them with unique entertain-
reference for forming initial expectations about its behavioral ment experiences (Holzwarth, Janiszewski, and Neumann
realism. The expected level of behavioral realism will then 2006). Avatars can deliver pleasurable experiences indepen-
serve as a benchmark, against which consumers will form com- dent of their ability to facilitate a specific functional goal, such
parative judgments of their subsequent experience. According as a shopping task, by offering entertainment and emotional
to expectation confirmation theory (Oliver 1980), when the value during the shopping process (Wang et al. 2007). Human–
actual outcome is worse than expected, consumers experience avatar interactions are also social in nature. Avatars can
a negative disconfirmation, leading to decreased overall satis- enhance customers’ perceived social presence (i.e., the feeling
faction. A better-than-expected outcome instead results in a of being with another person) and create feelings of human
positive disconfirmation, which increases customers’ overall contact or connection (Chattaraman et al. 2019; Qiu and Ben-
satisfaction (Evangelidis and Van Osselaer 2018; White and basat 2009). Moreover, the use of an avatar can provide a sense
Schneider 2000). of personalization, so customers receive information that
Consistent with this theory, if an avatar’s behavioral realism appears tailor-made to their specific needs (Verhagen et al.
exceeds the consumer’s initial expectations, which were based 2014; Wang et al. 2007). The CASA framework argues that
on the avatar’s form realism, a positive disconfirmation likely avatars can also induce feelings of reciprocity in human–com-
occurs, and the consumer should perceive the avatar as more puter interactions, which can strengthen perceived rapport with
credible and attractive, as well as feel increased trust or confi- the avatar and enhance the users’ social experience (Chattara-
dence in it (Afifi and Burgoon 2000). Ellie, an avatar that man et al. 2019; Lee and Choi 2017).
assesses depression and PTSD symptoms in veterans, serves When the levels of an avatar’s form realism and behavioral
as a good illustration of a positive disconfirmation: her cartoon- realism are aligned, customers’ behavioral expectations tend to
ish appearance paired with highly intelligent, humanlike beha- be confirmed. This simple confirmation, together with high
vior has proven highly effective with vulnerable individuals initial behavioral expectations induced by form realism, may
(Robinson 2015). Conversely, if the avatar’s behavioral com- have a strong, positive, additive effect on performance out-
petency falls short of the expectations that users formed on the comes, such as customers’ purchase likelihood (Oliver 1980;
basis of the avatar’s form realism, it may lead to a negative Stayman, Alden, and Smith 1992). We expect that avatars that
disconfirmation and dampen customers’ satisfaction (McGloin are aligned in their form and behavioral realism can affect
80 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

customer performance outcomes through all three types of Simplistic avatar. An obvious benefit of using avatars is the
mediating responses: cognitive, affective, and social. However, firm’s improved efficiency and scalable customer service. For
when the levels of form and behavioral realism are misaligned, example, ING Bank’s cartoonish avatar, Marie, answers com-
the outcomes might be mediated through different responses. mon debit and credit card questions with preprogrammed infor-
Consider the misalignment that occurs when form realism mation and solutions ( In the Los Angeles
exceeds behavioral realism. In this situation, customers may Superior Court, an animated cartoon avatar, Gina, which
find the avatar to be especially entertaining, because its realis- speaks multiple languages, successfully handles 1.2 million
tic anthropomorphic appearance and characteristics can also new traffic citations a year (Llop 2016). A start-up company
serve as hedonic elements that can increase perceived enter- called TwentyBN has introduced an animated cartoon sales
tainment, which often is intrinsically enjoyable in its own right, avatar, Millie, which can understand and answer simple ques-
regardless of performance outcomes (Davis, Bagozzi, and War- tions while presenting various products (Kahn 2018) and seems
shaw 1992; Xu, Abdinnour, and Chaparro 2017). To the extent to be especially effective in promoting low-ticket items, such as
that perceived enjoyment creates a pleasant mood, the hedonic sunglasses. Simplistic avatars thus seem most effective in pro-
aspect of high form realism can improve performance viding hassle-free, convenient options for completing quick,
outcomes such as impulsive online purchases (Parboteeah, specific tasks (e.g., information inquiries), especially when
Valacich, and Wells 2009). Yet customers also might experi- relatively little risk is involved (e.g., inexpensive online
ence negative disconfirmation, stemming from the disappoint- purchases).
ment with an avatar’s cognitive and social capabilities,
resulting in weakened customer performance outcomes. Superficial avatar. The use of superficial avatars in various
Alternatively, when misalignment arises because the ava- industries shows more mixed results. Among the successes,
HSBC Hong Kong’s Amy, a photorealistic avatar that handles
tar’s behavioral realism exceeds its form realism, the positive
routine customer inquiries similar to ING’s Marie, was well-
effects on customer outcomes might be mediated primarily by
received by customers (Torresin 2019). A very realistic-
cognitive and social responses. Although typically this avatar’s
looking 3D avatar, Cora of Natwest Bank in the United
lower form realism is unlikely to provide much entertainment
Kingdom, can answer 200 basic questions, such as how to open
for the customer,3 the positive disconfirmation of avatar’s
an account or complete a mortgage application (Peddie 2018).
behavioral competence may significantly boost customers’
In the insurance industry, Lemonade Insurance’s avatar Maya
confidence in the avatar’s overall ability to provide valid infor-
and Progressive’s Flo, both very humanlike, are programmed
mation, offer personalized service, or build customer rapport. to provide category-specific information and handle simple
transactions, such as onboarding customers and giving online
Proposition 3: When an avatar’s form realism exceeds its
quotes (Briggs 2018; Phaneuf 2020). However, other superfi-
behavioral realism, it has a positive effect on performance
cial avatars have been less effective. The Swedish bank
outcomes (e.g., purchase likelihood), through customers’
Nordnet had to discontinue its realistic-looking avatar Amelia,
(a) affective responses, but a negative effect on perfor-
presumably due to her failure to provide intelligent stock pur-
mance outcomes through customers’ (b) cognitive and (c) chasing advice. At IKEA, the decision to eliminate its avatar
social responses. Anna stemmed from a recognition that her realistic anthropo-
Proposition 4: When an avatar’s behavioral realism morphic appearance led to complex customer questions, which
exceeds its form realism, it has a positive effect on per- required responses beyond the predetermined set available in
formance outcomes (e.g., purchase likelihood) through the avatar’s programming (Brandtzaeg and Følstad 2018; Scott
customers’ (a) cognitive and (b) social responses. 2008). Overall, superficial avatars can entertain customers
while enhancing efficiency in low-risk transactions (e.g., bank
account information inquiries), but they also can produce detri-
Business Practices mental effects for customers seeking high-risk or complex
As we noted previously, many companies are adopting avatars transactions (e.g., financial investments) because these avatars
to humanize their brands with a scalable personalized human lack the level of intelligence that their realistic anthropo-
touch, but managers lack guidance for how to design these morphic appearance leads users to expect.
avatars to ensure their effectiveness (Bradbury 2018; Wooler
2019). In this section, we use business examples to illustrate the Intelligent unrealistic avatar. This type of avatar is relatively rare
avatar categories from our taxonomy (Figure 2) and thereby but generally successful. For example, the REA avatar has been
clarify which factors and conditions make them effective. We effective in providing virtual showings of homes for sale; Ellie,
also generate theoretical insights and managerial implications. an avatar therapist, has been useful in detecting PTSD and
depression symptoms in military veterans. With its humanlike
intelligence, Ellie can engage in context-appropriate, autono-
We acknowledge there may be exceptions in which a very “cute” avatar, mous conversations and build rapport with subtle, supportive,
although low in form realism, might provide strong hedonic value. We thank an and sympathetic gestures when listening to a veteran’s sensi-
anonymous reviewer for this insight. tive story. In turn, veterans disclose significantly more PTSD
Miao et al. 81

symptoms to her than to a human therapist (Gonzalez 2017). These mediated effects also might be moderated by perceived
Thus, intelligent unrealistic avatars seem especially effective uncertainty. When perceived uncertainty is high, the avatar’s
for complex relational transactions involving sensitive personal entertainment value may become less salient to the consumer
information (e.g., finances, health) as they can provide a sense because an entertaining avatar cannot overcome the perceived
of nonjudgment because customers recognize that these avatars risks associated with the purchase. The negative disconfirma-
are not human but are still competent in their tasks. tion induced by the avatar’s lack of behavioral competence
should become more salient and detrimental to consumers’
Digital human avatar. With advanced digital and computing cognitive and social responses, resulting in weaker perfor-
technologies, pioneer avatar companies such as Soul Machines mance outcomes. For example, whereas the realistic, anthro-
are breaking new ground for digital human avatars in market- pomorphic appearance of HSBC’s Amy seems effective
ing applications ( For example, skin- because she was programmed to provide basic information to
care brand SK-II uses an incredibly realistic looking and routine customer questions that do not involve high-risk trans-
behaving avatar, YUMI, whose AI-powered digital brain actions, the very realistic appearance of Nordnet’s Amelia
enables advanced cognitive and emotional intelligence. In could not compensate for her lack of competence to offer stock
addition, YUMI can recognize users’ gestures and features, advice (i.e., high financial risk transactions). Thus, we expect
such as eye color; communicate via speech or text; and deliver the following moderation effects:
customized tips with credible, highly personalized beauty
advice (Brunsman 2019). Another digital human avatar, mod- Proposition 6: When an avatar’s form realism exceeds its
eled after Daniel Kalt, the chief economist of UBS investment behavioral realism, its positive effect on customers’
bank, can forecast financial data and present investment advice affective responses is weakened if (1) functional risk is
to high-wealth customers ( Overall, digi- higher, (2) financial risk is higher, and (3) the product is
tal human avatars seem most effective for building long-term more expensive.
customer relationships in contexts that feature substantial com-
Proposition 7: When an avatar’s form realism exceeds its
plexity or risk (e.g., financial investments), where users prior-
behavioral realism, its negative effects on customers’
itize realistic, trustworthy, and personalized service.
cognitive and social responses are strengthened if (1)
functional risk is higher, (2) financial risk is higher, and
Insights and Propositions Derived from Business Practices (3) the product is more expensive.
Observations from business practices suggest that avatars’ Conversely, when an avatar’s behavioral realism exceeds its
effectiveness may be highly contingent on the level of per- form realism, it may have a stronger positive effect on cus-
ceived uncertainty users experience during their interactions tomer performance outcomes under high perceived uncertainty.
with avatars. This uncertainty might arise from contextual fac- This is because an avatar’s form realism may induce a positive
tors, such as functional risk, financial risk, or price (De Haan disconfirmation regarding its behavioral competence, which
et al. 2018). Functional risk refers to the concern that the can reassure customers of the usefulness of the information and
product/service may fall short of performance expectations. personalized service provided by the avatar, thereby boosting
Financial risk refers to a possible loss of money, independent customers’ confidence in their risky purchase decisions.
of purchase price, due to a poor decision (e.g., stock perfor- Another pertinent risk in today’s world is that of privacy viola-
mance) (De Haan et al. 2018). In addition, as the purchase price tions (De Haan et al. 2018). If an avatar’s behavioral realism
increases, the need for information about the quality of prod- exceeds its form realism, the avatar provides reassurance that
ucts or services also becomes more important to manage per- customers are dealing with an intelligent, nonhuman entity that
ceived risk (Wu and Wang 2005). Overall, we predict that will not judge them, so it should mitigate social unease and
when customers feel greater uncertainty, they develop heigh- embarrassment. The PTSD therapist Ellie works with highly
tened expectations that an avatar that offers a realistic anthro- private matters, involving patients disclosing emotionally and
pomorphic appearance will also have a comparable level of psychologically sensitive information. Such situations might
behavioral realism, because they rely on the avatar’s informa- evoke greater concerns if patients cannot tell whether they are
tiveness and ability to provide personalized advice to reduce dealing with a real human therapist behind the screen.
the perceived risks associated with the purchase.
Proposition 8: When an avatar’s behavioral realism
Proposition 5: The positive effect of an avatar’s form exceeds its form realism, its positive effects on custom-
realism on customers’ behavioral realism expectations ers’ cognitive and social responses are stronger if (a)
is stronger when (a) functional risk is higher, (b) financial functional risk is higher, (b) financial risk is higher, (c)
risk is higher, and (c) the product is more expensive. the product is more expensive, and (d) privacy risk is
We previously posited that when form realism exceeds
behavioral realism, the avatar can have both positive (via cus- As avatars are also increasingly used in mobile apps (e.g.,
tomer’s affective responses) and negative (via customer’s cog- ING’s Inge, Progressive’s Flo, Bank ABC’s Fatema), the
nitive and social responses) effects on performance outcomes. choice of mobile or fixed devices as platforms on which the
82 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

firm decides to provide an avatar also may be pertinent. Com- effects of cognitive responses are amplified in the explo-
pared with fixed devices (e.g., desktops), mobile devices are ration phase but suppressed in the build-up and maturity
particularly entertaining as hedonic information technologies phases, (b) the effects of affective responses are enhanced
(e.g., video games, MP3 players) have made their way into in the maturity phase but suppressed in the exploration
these portable devices (Xu, Abdinnour, and Chaparro 2017). and build-up phases, and (c) the effects of social
Moreover, consumers spend more time in online communities responses are strengthened in the build-up phase but wea-
when they use mobile rather than fixed devices (Melumad, kened in the exploration and maturity phases.
Inman, and Pham 2019), suggesting that mobile devices are
the preferred channel for online social experiences. Thus, ava- Integrated Framework of Avatar Performance
tars that are entertaining and capable of establishing persona- To synthesize these insights, we offer an integrated framework
lized social connections with customers may be especially of avatar performance (Figure 3). This framework provides a
effective on mobile devices. visual summary of key insights from our review of extant
research and business practices, as well as our development
Proposition 9: As form realism increases, relative to of the avatar taxonomy and propositions. With this framework,
behavioral realism, the use of mobile devices (compared we work to advance thought in this emerging, contemporary
with fixed devices) strengthens the positive effect of ava- marketing area by integrating three mediation mechanisms
tars on customers’ affective responses. (customers’ cognitive, affective, and social responses) together
Proposition 10: As behavioral realism increases, relative with theory-driven moderators to test theory as well as offer
to form realism, the use of mobile devices (compared managerial implications.
with fixed devices) strengthens the positive effect of ava-
tars on customers’ social responses.
Managerial Implications and Research
Finally, the effects of customers’ cognitive, affective, and
social responses on performance outcomes may depend on the
Directions for Avatar-Based Marketing
consumer relationship phase, which refers to the relational tra- Our integrative analyses of academic research and business
jectory of a customer–seller exchange (Dwyer, Schurr, and Oh practices generate practical implications and research direc-
1987; Palmatier et al. 2013). During consumer–avatar interac- tions for avatar-based marketing, which we group into five key
tions, three relationship phases are particularly important: managerially relevant areas: (1) when to deploy avatars, (2)
exploration, build-up, and maturity (Jap and Ganesan 2000). avatar form realism, (3) avatar behavioral realism, (4) form–
During the exploration phase, a consumer is primarily con- behavioral realism alignment, and (5) avatar contingency
cerned with the potential value and benefits of dealing with effects (Table 3).
the seller, so the perceived informativeness of the avatar In terms of when and where avatars should be used, avatars
becomes especially critical. During this initial stage, entertain- seem to be most effective in service-oriented industries (e.g.,
ment or social engagement provided by the avatar might even financial, travel, telecom services), in which the sheer scale of
detract from the consumer’s task objectives and compromise service requirements and customer inquiries can easily over-
customer outcomes. In this stage, avatar design should allow whelm a company’s employees. Avatars can free up employ-
for behavioral competence, so that the avatar can provide accu- ees’ time, so that the employees can focus on complex
rate, task-specific, customized information rather than focusing customer needs and offer more value-added services, with
on designing highly attractive or socially engaging avatars. greater productivity. Avatars can provide consistent, persona-
Such an approach should produce a positive disconfirmation lized service and help build emotional connections between the
for customers’ cognitive experience. As the relationship pro- firm and its customers (Corner 2018; Kannan and Bernoff
ceeds to the build-up phase, the consumer has experienced 2019). For companies that serve a large portfolio of customers,
some benefits from interactions with the firm’s avatars, so avatars can also make it feasible to launch a segmented, multi-
socialization processes (e.g., building rapport) become more channel strategy. By offering customers opportunities to
important. Engaging and fulfilling social experiences can help engage with avatars through different channels (e.g., social
customers develop long-term commitment to the firm. A pos- media, company websites, dedicated apps), the firm ensures
itive disconfirmation about the avatar’s ability to deepen social that it meets each customer’s unique needs at the right time
bonds might prove especially effective. Finally, during the and in the right place.
maturity phase, a consumer satisfied with the cognitive and After confirming that an avatar should be implemented, the
social benefits of interacting with an avatar may focus less firm should determine the design of avatar’s appearance, with
on these factors and instead seek more entertainment value, the clear recognition that its form realism is a double-edged
prioritizing affective responses. sword. On the one hand, a more realistic, anthropomorphic
appearance appeals to consumers, because it offers greater
Proposition 11: The effects of customers’ cognitive, entertainment value (Parboteeah, Valacich, and Wells 2009).
affective, and social responses on performance outcomes On the other hand, it elevates customers’ expectations of the
are moderated by the relationship phase, such that (a) the avatar’s behavioral competence, which is much more difficult
Miao et al. 83

Uncertainties Media Channel Phase
• Functional risk
• Financial risk Mobile vs. fixed • Exploration
• Privacy risk devices • Build-up
• Price • Maturity

P5–P10 P11
Online Experience

Cognitive Responses

• Informativeness
• Cognitive trust
Form–Behavioral Customer Performance
Realism Effects Outcomes
Affective Responses
• Behavioral realism expectations
(P1) • Likelihood to purchase
• Entertainment • Avatar usage intent
• Positive/negative expectancy P3, P4 P3, P4 • Word of mouth
disconfirmation (P2)
Social Responses
• Social presence
• Personalization
• Rapport

Figure 3. An integrated framework of avatar performance.

and costly to develop. If the avatar’s behavioral competence customers’ cognitive, affective, and social responses differ
falls short of customers’ expectations, they experience a nega- across relationship stages. For example, during the exploration
tive disconfirmation, which can decrease their satisfaction. To phase, a positive confirmation regarding an avatar’s behavioral
avoid negative performance outcomes, an avatar’s anthropo- realism can ensure good cognitive experiences (e.g., cognitive
morphic appearance should not exceed the level of its beha- trust), but during the maturity phase, a more entertaining avatar
vioral competence. (e.g., funny, attractive appearance) may prove more effective
Having decided on the avatar’s appearance, companies can for sustaining the relationship. Future research that takes a life-
design the avatar’s behavioral competence. If companies lack cycle approach to avatar design and use could determine avatar
the resources to develop high form–high behavioral realism effectiveness at each stage and the strategies needed to adapt in
avatars (i.e., digital human avatars), they should allocate more accordance with customers’ dynamic needs.
resources to the avatar’s behavioral intelligence than to its
appearance. A positive disconfirmation of the avatar’s cogni-
tive and social competence likely produces an above-average Research Directions
level of customer satisfaction or even customer delight (Finn Our analysis of avatar design strategies indicates some promis-
2012), which can increase firm performance. ing research opportunities. First, propositions derived from our
Managers should account for form realism–behavioral rea- conceptual framework provide opportunities for empirical
lism alignment too. If an avatar has high levels of both form research, which can be tested using different methods. For
and behavioral realism, customers’ high initial expectations example, researchers might collaborate with an avatar design
about the avatar’s behavioral performance will be confirmed. company to manipulate form and behavioral realism in a 2  2
Because customer satisfaction is an additive function of (1) full-factorial experiment, consistent with our taxonomy in Fig-
initial expectations of the avatar’s behavioral competence and ure 2. These results would provide evidence of the effects of
(2) subsequent confirmation or disconfirmation of this expec- form realism on expectations for behavioral realism (P1), as
tation (Oliver 1980), the high form realism–high behavioral well as (dis)confirmations induced by any (mis)alignment
realism alignment will likely produce high levels of affective, (P2). Moderation tests also might be carried out with lab experi-
cognitive, and social responses in consumers, as well as better ments that allow for manipulations of uncertainty factors (e.g.,
outcomes overall. Additional research is needed to determine risk, price, privacy) or channels (e.g., mobile app vs. desktop)
the “zone of tolerance” and the precision required when align- (P5–P10). To test the mediation effects, researchers might use a
ing form and behavioral realism of avatars. difference-in-differences field experiment to examine the
Finally, in addition to considering uncertainty factors and aggregate main effect. Using a low form realism–low beha-
media channel choice, design efforts should take the customer vioral realism avatar as a baseline (control group), researchers
relationship phase into account, because the relative effects of could increase form (treatment 1 group) and behavioral
84 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

Table 3. Managerial Implications and Research Directions for Avatar-Based Marketing.

Key Issues/Decisions Implications Directions for Future Research

Avatar deployment  Avatars can be used to humanize a brand with scalable,  How can avatar–human collaborations be optimized?
cost-effective, responsive (24/7), humanlike
 Avatars can be used when the scale of service  When the customer encounters a problem with the
requirements and customer inquiries overwhelm avatar, which type of “exit ramp” to a human employee
company employees (e.g., financial, travel, telecom is most effective: avatar-initiated, employee-initiated, or
services). The employees can use their new free time customer-initiated, and when during an interaction
for more complex issues. should it be deployed?
 Avatars can be used to enhance customer engagement  In the event of an avatar service failure, what service
and relationship building through emotional recovery strategies should be employed?
connection, personalization, and service consistency.
 Avatars can be used to offer multichannel flexibility  To what extent can a successful/failed service recovery
based on segment preferences (e.g., mobile social experience shape customers’ (dis)confirmation of the
media, company website, dedicated apps). avatar’s effectiveness?
Avatar form realism  Avatars’ anthropomorphic appearance is a double-  Which dimension of the avatar’s anthropomorphic
edged sword. A more humanlike appearance appeals to appearance (i.e., spatial dimension, movement, and
consumers, due to enhanced entertainment value, but it other human characteristics) has the greatest impact on
also raises consumers’ expectations of the avatar’s consumers’ expectations for the avatar’s behavioral
behavioral competence. realism?
 If behavioral realism falls short of expectations, a  When might a digital assistant without a visual
negative disconfirmation will be produced, resulting in representation (e.g., Amazon’s Alexa) outperform an
lower levels of customers’ cognitive and social avatar with an anthropomorphic appearance?
responses to the avatar.
 Avatars’ form realism should not exceed the level of its  Which avatar form realism elements create the most
behavioral competence to avoid unfavorable customer entertaining avatar experience?
Avatar behavioral  An avatar’s behavioral competence is a more impactful  What is the role of avatar emotional intelligence,
realism design factor than its appearance. In case of a budget relative to its cognitive abilities, in shaping customers’
constraint, more resources should be allocated to expectations and overall experience?
improving avatar behavioral competence than to
enhancing its visual appearance.
 The higher the avatar’s behavioral competence relative  What corrective actions can be taken to redress a
to its appearance, the more favorable the customer’s negative disconfirmation stemming from avatar’s
cognitive and social experiences, due to a positive behavioral realism?
 As a caveat, high levels of behavioral competence may  How might other types of avatars (e.g., customers’ self-
produce negative effects (e.g., social desirability bias) avatars) facilitate social media-based marketing
when the avatar also has a very realistic campaigns?
anthropomorphic appearance.
 Which behavioral realism elements have the greatest
impact on customers’ expectations?
Form realism–  High form realism induces high behavioral realism  What are the unique benefits, challenges, and risks
behavioral realism expectations, which will then be confirmed. associated with using high-realism avatars in brand
alignment campaigns?
 The additive nature of high expected behavioral realism  When would avatar virtual influencers (e.g., Lil Miquela)
and its subsequent confirmation produces satisfactory be more effective than human endorsers in brand
customer experience with the avatar. promotion?

 Alignment of high form realism–high behavioral realism  How should hyper-realistic avatars be deployed in
results in high levels of customers’ affective, cognitive, marketing campaigns?
and social experiences, which subsequently increase
firm performance.
Avatar contingency  Consumers’ expectations that the avatar’s
effects anthropomorphic appearance reflects a comparable
Miao et al. 85

Table 3. (continued)

Key Issues/Decisions Implications Directions for Future Research

level of behavioral competence will be more  How might customer segmentation strategies (e.g.,
pronounced when consumers’ perceived uncertainty psychographics, benefits sought) inform effective avatar
(e.g., the product’s functional performance, financial designs?
risk) is high.
 Behavioral realism should account for more weight in  What form realism–behavioral realism elements are
avatar design decisions than form realism, especially most relevant and impactful, given a specific customer
when customers’ perceived uncertainty is high. segment profile?
 When the avatar is designed with a low level of  How do avatar mediation mechanisms differ across
behavioral competence, companies should manage customers in different segments?
customers’ expectations by giving the avatar a less
realistic, less humanlike appearance (i.e., simplistic
avatar). Avoiding a design with high form realism–low
behavioral realism (i.e., superficial avatar) becomes
even more important when customers’ perceived
uncertainty is high.
 When the exchange entails privacy concerns (e.g.,  In which circumstances will avatars likely distract from,
mental health), an avatar characterized by low form rather than contribute to, customers’ experience?
realism–high behavioral realism (i.e., intelligent
unrealistic avatar) may be more effective than an avatar
with high form realism–high behavioral realism (i.e.,
digital human avatar), because it reassures customers
that they will not be judged and promotes more honest
 Use of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones), compared  What contextual factors determine the relative
with fixed devices (e.g., desktops), can enhance avatars’ effectiveness of avatars vs. other digital entities (e.g.,
impact on consumers’ affective and social experiences. anthropomorphized products, brand mascots) in online
shopping experience?
 Avatar designs should account for the consumer
relationship phase. During the exploration phase, avatar
behavioral realism should focus on providing the best
cognitive experience; during the build-up phase, avatar
design should be directed at enhancing consumers’
social experience (e.g., rapport) to promote
commitment; during the maturity phase, emphasizing
the entertainment value of the avatar (e.g., funny,
attractive) may prove more effective in sustaining the
established relationship.

(treatment 2 group) realism. Any significant differences in rigorous approach would secure panel data from a collaborat-
daily sales across the treatment groups and control group, ing retailer that uses avatars and agrees to let the researchers
between the pre- and posttreatment periods, would indicate the track customers’ relational trajectories through longitudinal
external validity of the asymmetric effects of form realism– surveys, while also granting them access to objective customer
behavioral realism misalignment (P3, P4). To confirm the dis- sales data.
tinct mediation effects, customers also could be surveyed Research opportunities also exist in areas that our frame-
regarding their cognitive, affective, and social responses, work does not cover. Avatars are designed to enhance the
shortly after the treatments, followed by tests of the effects productivity of company employees, rather than replace them
on performance outcomes (e.g., purchase intentions, word of altogether, so continued research might investigate how to opti-
mouth). Alternatively, a lab experiment can be used for differ- mize avatar–human collaborations, especially if problems
ential mediation tests. As for the test of the relationship phase arise. Various approaches allow customers to switch to a
(P11), a cross-sectional survey posted on a retail website that human representative when necessary, using avatar-initiated,
uses an avatar might enable researchers to conduct subgroup employee-initiated, or customer-initiated “exit ramps.” These
analyses or moderated regressions to detect differential effects approaches can differ in their nature (proactive vs. reactive)
of mediators across relational phases. A more demanding and and timing (early vs. late in the interaction). Thus, determining
86 Journal of Marketing 86(1)

how and when human intervention is introduced could provide Drayton 1987); they also might be used to predict which cus-
significant insights for achieving service recovery and ensuring tomers will be best served by a given type of avatar. For exam-
customers’ overall satisfaction with and commitment to the ple, customer’s demographic traits might interact with the
firm. In this article, we have highlighted the influence of an avatar’s demographic attributes or behavioral elements to
avatar’s form realism on the overall customer experience. influence customer’s cognitive, affective, and social responses
Additional research should uncover which specific dimensions to the online experience. Creating a personality or decision-
of the avatar’s anthropomorphic appearance exert the strongest making style for an avatar that matches those of the customer
impacts on customers’ behavioral realism expectations, which might be an effective, psychographics-based design strategy
form realism elements create the most entertaining avatar expe- (Al-Natour, Benbasat, and Cenfetelli 2011). Segmenting mar-
rience, or when a digital assistant without an anthropomorphic kets on the basis of in-depth analyses of the motives that lead
appearance (e.g., Amazon’s Alexa) would perform better than certain people to interact with avatars could also inform
an avatar. For example, if the avatar’s form realism exceeds its benefits-based avatar deployment strategies (Brandtzaeg and
behavioral realism, which subset of behavioral elements is Følstad 2018). Distinct mediation mechanisms could be uncov-
most likely to lead to customers’ expectation disconfirmation? ered across different customer segments to inform idiosyncratic
What corrective actions would be effective in addressing avatar designs. Research is also needed to determine when
negative disconfirmations? Research also could delve deeper avatars may distract from, rather than contribute to, the cus-
into the effects of avatars’ emotional intelligence, relative to tomer’s experience, as well as find strategies to address these
their cognitive intelligence, in shaping customers’ expectancy challenges. Finally, to extend beyond our focus on the relative
(dis)confirmations and overall experience. effects of the different types of avatars established by our tax-
Another type of avatar that is growing in popularity is cus- onomy, future research might compare the effects of avatars
tomers’ self-avatars, created with virtual model technology with the impacts of other digital representations such as emoji,
(Smith, Johnston, and Howard 2011). To inform research into anthropomorphized products, brand mascots, or voice-only
these applications, the typology we developed would need to be digital assistants. Understanding when and how avatars, versus
modified to reflect the unique characteristics of self-avatars these alternative marketing tools, are more effective in influen-
(e.g., resemblance to self). Some designer brands (e.g., Gucci) cing online shopping experience and performance outcomes
have successfully engaged customers to dress their self-avatars demands further scientific inquiry.
in branded products, then share them on social media (Carson
2019). The limited research on self-avatars has focused primar-
ily on enclosed online environments (e.g., retailer’s website),
not social media (Cho and Schwarz 2012; Fiore, Kim, and Lee Rapid increases in the use of avatars have been fueled by two
2005), indicating the pressing need for insights into how, why, main factors: advances in digital technologies and increasing
and when self-avatars could perform in social media marketing reliance on online experiences among both consumers and
campaigns. firms. The use of avatars is projected to grow by 35% annually
Brands also have turned to virtual influencers (3D, (Globe Newswire 2019). However, the effectiveness of avatars
computer-generated personalities) instead of or in addition to continues to be uncertain, so we offer an integrated theoretical
human influencers for online marketing campaigns. Powered framework to establish definitional and conceptual clarity,
by advanced AI, these avatars can attract significant followers synthetize academic research and business practices, and offer
on social media platforms. For example, with almost 3 million insights and propositions that provide managerial implications
Instagram followers, Lil Miquela has endorsed brands such as and an agenda for future research. The proposed definition of
Prada and Calvin Klein (Abad 2019; Bezamat 2018). This avatars, as digital entities with anthropomorphic appearance,
avatar actively replies to social media comments, appears in controlled by a human or software, with an ability to interact,
publications like Vogue, and even participates in live media helps us establish a design typology, which in turn gives aca-
interviews (Chichioco 2019). While virtual influencers offer demics and managers insights into how to isolate elements that
unique benefits to brands such as content control and versati- make avatars more or less effective for specific goals.
lity, they also create potential risks. For example, 61% of con- We synthesize academic literature and business practices by
sumers assert that authentic, relatable content is the primary offering a 2  2 form realism–behavioral realism taxonomy,
appeal of human influencers (Penny 2019), but only 15% of which in turn enables us to derive propositions regarding the
followers of virtual influencers describe them as credible effectiveness of avatars in marketing. The level of alignment
(Chowdhary 2019). Moreover, because the virtual influencer between an avatar’s form realism and behavioral realism,
avatar is not a human, the brand it endorses ultimately is held according to several contingencies, can provide a parsimonious
responsible for its actions. Academic research has yet to inves- explanation of when an avatar will be most effective. With
tigate the unique benefits, risks, and operational mechanisms insights gained from our investigation of fundamental avatar
associated with avatar-based virtual influencer marketing. elements, extant research, and business practices, we develop
Future research might also explore avatar-based targeting an integrative framework of avatar performance that offers
strategies. Demographics, psychographics, and benefits sought theoretical insights, research propositions, managerial implica-
are widely used customer segmentation bases (Tynan and tions, and future research directions.
Miao et al. 87

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