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The Homogeneous Universe

The metric and its degrees of freedom

Expansion Dynamics
We saw that it was possible to introduce the concepts of expansion and redshift in a
general way, without specifying the theory of gravitation (that drives the expansion)
à they are not necessarily a consequence of general relativity.

Let us now try to derive the equations of movement of the gravitational expansion,
i.e., the equations for the evolution of the scale factor a(t), or the Hubble function
H(t), using Newtonian mechanics.

Is this possible?

Let us consider the homogeneous and isotropic Universe as a sphere of radius r

that expands radially and is filled by a homogeneous cosmological fluid with
density ρ.

i) Energy conservation (kinetic + potential)

Ek = v2 / 2 EV = - G M / r
The mass relates to the cosmological fluid density:

We can introduce the scale factor by considering this equation in comoving

Friedmann’s equation

The constant is K = 2E / (x^2)

where E is the total energy of the Universe and x is the comoving coordinate of
the surface of the “Newtonian Universe” - the Hubble radius.

So we get Friedmann’s equation, identical to the one derived in General Relativity

(although in GR the constant K has a different and well-defined meaning: it is the
curvature of space.
ii) To solve Friedmann’s equation for a(t) we need to know the source of gravity, i.e.,
the mass of the Universe, i.e., we need to know ρ(t).

The evolution of ρ(t) is constrained by the conservation of mass (the continuity

equation in the Newtonian approach).

For this, let us consider the 1st law of thermodynamics for the expanding
cosmologcial fluid:

dU = -p dV

(there is no heat dissipation to the exterior of the expanding sphere that constitutes
the whole Universe)

The energy of the Universe is

This is identical to the conservation equation
derived in GR.
iii) Finally, to find the equation of movement of the expanding Universe, we
consider the 2nd law of Newton:

This equation is different from its GR

counterpart, which also involves pressure (in
GR pressure is source of gravity, while in
Newtonian gravity it is not).
However, if we combine the 1st Friedmann equation with the conservation
equation that we found, we obtain the following:

(differentiate Friedmann’s equation + use conservation equation à eliminate

dρ/dt and get an equation for ä :

This is the 2nd Friedmann equation, also

called Raychadhuri equation and now it is
identical to the one derived in GR.
How was this possible? From where did the we get pressure in
our Newtonian description?
It came from using the first law of thermodynamics to get the continuity
equation, i.e., we used a conservation of energy instead of conservation of
mass. In other words, we wrote U from ρ, implicitly assuming mass-energy

In conclusion: Newtonian gravity does not find the correct evolution equations.
We could however find them using relativistic Newtonian gravity, i.e.,
Newtonian gravity + special relativity.

Note that relativistic Newtonian gravity is different from General Relativity. It is

just Newtonian physics + the assumption that the energy is source of gravity. It
does not include the concept of curvature, which also contributes to gravity.
The Robertson-Walker metric

GR of course is not just Newtonian theory + special relativity, and so the

homogeneous Universe is not just a connected set of large homogeneous
Newtonian regions. GR introduces new global properties, such as curvature.

The metric keeps its traditional role of determining distances and local inertial
frames, but it also plays the dynamic role of a gravitational potential, determining
the geodesics (trajectories) of the space-time.
The general form of the metric is fixed by the cosmological principle:

Does this mean that the metric is completely fixed by the cosmological principle, or
are there some degrees of freedom?
Scale factor

There is freedom in the time-evolution of the metric, defined by the scale factor a(t).

a(t) is not fixed by the cosmological principle (i.e., by the fact that the metric is RW).
It is free to be determined by the dynamics of the Universe (the differential equations
provided by GR: the Einstein equations).

Note  that  in  general  in  a  physical  system  there  are  several  levels  of  “freedom”:  
i)    Symmetries  impose  general  constraints  (in  this  case  determine  the  type  of  metric)  but  
leave  the  physical  func9ons  f(t,x)  free  (in  this  case  a(t)  ).  
ii)  Differen:al  equa:ons  provided  by  the  theory  (in  this  case  the  Einstein  equa9ons  of  GR)  
are  solved  to  get  a  solu9on  for  f(t,x)  (in  this  case  the  func9onal  form  a(t)  ).  The  solu9on  
always  include  integra9on  constants,  which  implies  that  the  solu9on  func9on  can  only  be  
determined  up  to  a  constant.  à  This  fixes  the  “model”.  
iii)  Ini:al  condi:ons,  i.e.,  condi9ons  at  the  borders  of  the  (t,x)  domain,  that  can  be  9me  or  
spa9al,  provide  the  absolute  value  of  a  physical  func9on  (or  its  deriva9ves)  at  a  certain  
point  of  its  domain  (t,x)  (in  this  case  a(0),  a(t0),  å(t0)  ).  The  ini9al  condi9ons    
may  be  imposed  (in  this  case    a(0)  =  0,  a(t0)  =  1),  or  determined  by  observa9ons  or  
experiments  (in  this  case,  the  value  of  å(t0)  ,  i.e.,  H0  ).  à  This  fixes  the  “cosmology”.  
The  “ini9al  condi9on”  absolute  value  of  a  cosmological  physical  func9on  (or  its  
deriva9ves)  at  a  certain  point  of  its  domain  (t,x)  is  what  is  called  a  cosmological  
There  are  also  phenomenological  models.  In  these  cases,  the  cosmological  func9ons  are  
proposed  empirically  and  do  not  come  from  a  solu9on  of  a  differen9al  equa9on  of  a  
theory.  In  these  cases,  the  func9onal  form  of  a  cosmological  func9on  can  also  be  
parameterized  à  This  introduces  more  cosmological  parameters,  besides  the  ones  strictly  
related  with  ini9al  condi9ons  (that  would  determine  the  amplitude  of  the  func9on).  

Solution for a(t) (model-dependent)

a(t) can thus be determined in a model-dependent way, i.e., by solving the relevant
differential equations, and its amplitude parameterized by an initial condition.

a(t) is usually parameterized using its amplitude at z=0 (i.e. today at t0).

However, differently from most functions, a0 is not find by observations but it is just
fixed by convention: a0 = 1.

This means that all possible a(t) solutions are “distorted”, i.e., are forced to reach
the value a=1 today.
This implies that the parameter a0 is not useful to distinguish the various cases (the
various cosmologies).

Various cosmologies are instead distinguished by looking at the slopes with which
the functions a(t) reach a=1. In other words, the relevant parameter is

å (z=0) (notation: å is da/dt).

Since a0=1, we have å0=H0 à the Hubble constant is a free parameter of the model
(the parameter related to the initial condition of a(t)) and its value (determined from
observations) will help in defining the cosmology.

(It is the first cosmological parameter we encounter).

Solution for a(t) (model-independent)

Note that å0 would also be the first parameter in the Taylor expansion of a(t) around t0

In fact, if we would Taylor expand a(t) around t0, introducing a potentially infinite
number of parameters (the values of all-orders derivatives at t0), a(t) would be fully
described (in the local Universe).
If we could design a way to measure all those parameters individually, we would then
reconstruct a(t) with no need for the evolution equations à in a model-independent

The set of all those parameters - called the cosmographic parameters - would
contain the same information as the set of differential equations.

There are attempts to do this, and the lower-order parameters are defined:

The first-order term is a velocity term à the Hubble constant H_0

The second-order term is an acceleration term à the deceleration parameter q_0

(historically defined with a minus sign, hence the name deceleration instead of
We can continue the expansion to higher-orders, defining a series of parameters:


The derivative of the acceleration is known as

The next parameter is called the jerk j0 (that corresponds to the change of
acceleration, well-known in mechanics, felt for example
when changing gears in a car)

The next orders parameters are called snap s0,

crackle c0 and pop p0 (taken from the names of the
characters in these cereals!).

This approach to cosmology is called cosmography:

the Universe is described in terms of its dynamical
quantities with no need to solve the evolution equations
(the Einstein equations) and no need define the sources
of gravity (in the energy-momentum tensor).

Let us look at the spatial part of the metric that, due to the cosmological principle,
must be spherically symmetric.

Usually, spherical symmetry is written like,

But as we know, gravity in GR is the space-time curvature,

and space itself (not only space-time) may also be curved.

So we need to include the additional degree of freedom of curvature in the metric.

How to do this?
To do this, we consider the following feature of a curved space:

In a curved (3D) space, the area of a spherical surface at distance r from the
origin is not 4π r2 but it is smaller (positive curvature) or larger (negative
curvature) than 4π r2 .

So the spatial part of the metric may be written more generally as,

dl2 = u2(r) dr2 + v2(r) dΩ2

Only for flat space is v2(r) = r2 :

For positive curvature, we need v(r) < r or u(r) > 1
For negative curvature, we need v(r) > r or u < 1

The curvature K of a surface is the product of its principal curvatures.

Each principal curvature is 1/r, where r is the radius of the circle in the normal plane,
that best fits the curvature.

K = 1/r 1/r > 0

K = 1/∞ 1/∞ = 0

K = 1/r 1/(-r) < 0
We need now to find out from all possible functions v(r) and u(r) which are the ones
that verify spherical symmetry in curved spaces. Or in other words, what is the
constraining condition of a spherical surface: (in 3D flat space the points on a
spherical surface verify the constraint dx2 + dy2 + dz2 = constant = dl2).

In a curved 3D space we need to consider that the space “curves into a 4D flat
space”, i.e., a curved 3D volume may be embedded as a 3D-surface in flat 4D

The spherical 3D surface is then a constraint on the 4D coordinates. It is simply the

surface with points at a fixed radius R from the center of the 4D space:

where the combination x2+y2+z2

corresponds to the radius of the 3D
volume in the 3D space.

So the points in the 4D space such that w2 + r2 = constant, are the ones that
define the spherical surface.
The line element of that surface is thus dl2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 + (dw/dr)2 dr2 .

Since the w coordinate of the points on the spherical surface is w2 = R2 - r2, we get:

is the solution
Note that 1/R2 is the curvature of a spherical surface of radius R: K = 1/R 1/R
and so the line element is,

It corresponds then to a change in the function u(r) , which is 1/(1-Kr2) instead

of u(r)=1, while v(r) is kept as r2

We can also consider that the constant in the condition w2 + r2 = constant is

negative, to allow for the case of negative curvature.

Note that a negative R2 does not mean an imaginary radius. It simply means that the
equivalent radius of one of the principal components is positive and the other is
negative (meaning it curves to the opposite side).

This scenario allows for a different solution:

and now the functions are u(r) = 1/(1+Kr2) and v(r) = r2
There is thus a degree of freedom associated with the curvature, since there
are several possibilities for the curvature of a spherical symmetric space,

that is encapsulated in the curvature parameter K

(K>0: positive curvature; K=0: flat; K<0: negative curvature)

It is also usual to write the metric using the dimensionless curvature parameter k
(“small k”):

In this case, the curvature types are: k = 1: positive curvature; k = 0: flat;

k = -1: negative curvature.
Since k is dimensionless, all values of R are equivalent. However in this case, the
element dr2 / (1-kr2) no longer has dimensions of length, and so the scale factor
a(t) needs to have units of length and is no longer dimensionless.
Now, the derivation can also be done in a way that the curvature is encapsulated in
the function v(r) instead of in u(r), i.e., u(r) is kept as r, and is v(r) that changes.
The result is:

This is the most usual way

to write the RW metric


Once we know the metric of the space-time, we can define distances.

In general there is no unique (or correct) definition of distance.

This happens for two reasons:

- the existence of curvature

- the existence of expansion

Effect of curvature

As we saw, the existence of curvature introduces two different radial quantities in the
spherical symmetric metric: the radial displacement u(r) and the radius of spherical
surfaces v(r).

Both are legitimate ways to define a radial distance.

Looking at the metric,

[note that the comoving radial
coordinate (i.e. in the comoving frame
not affected by the expansion) is
usually written with the letter χ instead
of r.]

we can infer that those two distances are Δχ and ΔfK (χ) and they define the:

- comoving distance, dC , also called the line-of-sight comoving distance [ Δχ ]


- comoving angular-diameter distance, dM , also called transverse comoving

distance or movement distance [Δ fK (χ) ]

Since fK (χ) is the radius of a spherical surface at

comoving distance χ from the origin, it is the
distance that relates an intrinsic diameter with
an angular aperture, hence the name angular
diameter distance.

But note that it is a radial distance and not a

transverse distance.
To compute these distances from the metric elements, we can consider the space-
time triangle defined by the line-element (not considering angular variation)

(the line element is like the theorem of Pythagoras)

We can also use the redshift as a

variable in the integral:
The resulting expressions for the comoving distance are,

where the Hubble function is written as H(z) = H0 E(z). This is used to separate the
functional form and the H0 parameter value.

The actual value of the comoving distance between two points in the Universe
depends on the cosmological model of that Universe. It requires the knowledge of
E(z) (obtained from the Einstein equations for the particular model), and of the
cosmological parameter H0 (obtained from observations).

It is usual to absorb the dependence on H0 into the units of distance, i.e,

cosmological distances are usually given in Mpc/h, instead of Mpc
(megaparsec), hiding the explicit dependence on the unknown value of H0
The comoving angular-diameter distance, ΔfK (χ) , or dM is computed from dc
using fK (χ), and is:

positive curvature
negative curvature

- volume distance, dV

The so-called volume distance is not another fundamental distance defined from the
metric. It is essentially a weighted geometric combination of the line-of-sight (1/3)
and transverse (2/3) comoving distances.

It was introduced in the analysis of the first detection of baryon acoustic oscillations
as a way to take into account the error produced by the Alcock-Paczynski effect.

It is defined as:
Effect of expansion

The existence of expansion (and the fact that light propagates at finite speed)
implies that the emission from a source and the detection by an observer are
never at the same instant of the Universe (or at the same value of the scale
Hence, they are never in the same comoving frame and the two comoving
distances are not measurable distances, and may be considered “non-

Several “physical” non-comoving distances can be defined:

- Light-travel distance, dT
It can be computed from,

and it is a potentially measurable distance (if the time of emission is known)

- Proper distance, dP

The proper distance is similar to the light-travel distance, but for a fixed value of
the scale factor (the one of the observer), and thus it is not an observable
distance, since it is not connected to an actual propagation.

It is given by dP = a dC,

for a = 1, dP = dC

It is the distance that would be measured by a ruler placed between two points.
Conceptually it is the simplest distance, and the one that could be thought as
“the true distance”. However, it is not directly measurable.

- Angular-diameter distance, dA

Consider a large transversal region of the Universe (meaning with all its points
at the same redshift) that occupies a solid angle dΩ2 in the sky.

Like we did for the comoving diameter-angular distance, we can draw the
corresponding spatial triangle for this source-observer system:
The difference with respect to that case is that due to
the expansion, the intrinsic size of the observed region
a is not its comoving size (fixed) but its proper size

We can thus define the (non-comoving) angular-diameter distance dA

which is just: dA = asource dM (distance from observer at a0=1 to the source at

the spherical surface asource)

or dA = asource dM = asource dC for flat space.

We can also define the angular-diameter distance between two points (instead of
between a point and the origin) :
The angular-diameter distance is the cosmological probe measured in
observations of standard rulers.

A standard ruler is an object for which the intrinsic size is known (from theory) and
for which the angular size can be observed à enabling to determine its distance dA,
which in turn contains cosmological information because it is model-dependent (and
can be computed from theory).

A useful standard ruler needs to be at a:

reasonably high redshift (to contain cosmological information),
be large (for its size to expand, so cannot be an astrophysical collapsed
object; and to occupy a large enough solid angle that can be measured with good
be observable;

Do such objects exist in the Universe?

Yes, an horizon is a good candidate for this! In particular, the sound horizon at
recombination (z=1100). The sound horizon of the Universe is observed as a peak
in the CMB power spectrum (the first peak of CMB) and also as a peak in the
matter power spectrum (the baryon acoustic oscillations BAO peak - even though
the analysis of BAO uses dV instead of dA).
- Luminosity distance, dL

As we already saw, the luminosity distance is not another fundamental distance

from the metric. It is simply a version of the angular-diameter distance corrected
for the effects of the redshift on the luminosity.

Consider the emission of light from a source of luminosity L, from which we

measure its flux F.

note that the distance to be used here is the distance from the
source to a spherical surface at a0, i.e. the angular-diameter
distance dA with a=1, which is the comoving angular-diameter
distance dM.

Measuring the flux and knowing the intrinsic luminosity enables us to measure the
comoving angular-diameter distance.

However, the luminosity in our reference-frame at a0 is not the one emitted at the
rest-frame. The luminosity is “redshifted” in two different ways:
The correction factors are absorbed in the definition of a luminosity distance,
such that:

dL = dM (1+z) or dL = dC (1+z) (flat)

or, in function of the angular-diameter distance to the source:

dL = dA (1+z)2 à dL seen explicitly as a renormalization of dA

The luminosity distance is the cosmological probe measured in observations

of standard candles.

A standard candle is an object for which the intrinsic luminosity is known (from
theory) and for which the flux can be observed à enabling to determine its distance
dL, which in turn contains cosmological information because it is model-dependent
(and can be computed from theory).

Do such objects exist in the Universe?

Yes, supernovae of type Ia are good candidates for this. Even though they do not
all have the same intrinsic luminosity (absolute magnitude) as first thought, they can
be “standardized” (meaning the observed light-curves can be shifted in a way to
renormalize their absolute magnitudes).
The metric also defines volumes.

The volume, like the distances, is a geometrical quantity that can be used for
cosmological tests.

The comoving volume, VC , is the volume where the number density of objects that
follow the cosmic flow remains constant as the Universe evolves.

dA =

and as we saw,

The integrated volume, from z=0 to z

and over the full angular sky is thus,

We can also define the proper volume, VP , multiplying the comoving volume by a3 :

The volume is the cosmological probe measured in number counts observations.

The number of objects (e.g. galaxy clusters) within a volume of the Universe (defined
by a an angular size and a redshift size) is counted, usually in bins of a physical
property, such as mass (building a mass function).
If the mass function is known (from theory), the comparison between predicted and
observed number counts à enables to measure the volume VC which in turn contains
cosmological information because it is model-dependent (and can be computed from
Einstein tensor
The “equations of GR” are the Einstein equations, which are a set of constraint
differential equations that relate gravity with the sources of gravity.
For this, gravity is represented by the Einstein tensor, and the sources of gravity are
encoded in the energy-momentum tensor.

In GR, gravity arises from the curvature of space-time.

Given that the curvature of a manifold in any number of dimensions is described by

the Riemann tensor, the Einstein tensor has to be related to it.

In particular, the Einstein tensor is defined as: Gab = Rab - ½ gab R

where R is the Ricci scalar, and the Ricci tensor is a contraction of the Riemann

and is computed as,

The connection Γbc is the quantity that enables to “connect” the local geometry
around one point of the curved space (or space-time) with the local geometry
around another point of the same space (or space-time). In other words, it describes
how the basis vector change from point to point due to the curvature.

The connection is thus a needed quantity when computing derivatives in a curved

space: the covariant derivative (;) of a function, includes the “normal” derivative (,) of
the function and the derivative of the basis:

derivative of a vector: or

derivative of a tensor:

derivative of a scalar: naturally, the connection is not needed when

differentiating a scalar quantity

In GR the connection is completely determined by the metric, as,

but in general the connection and the metric could be two independent quantities
related to curvature. Note: this is the case in the Palatini approach to gravity.

Hence, the Einstein tensor is computed from the connection and the metric.
We saw that the homogeneous Universe is described by the Robertson-Walker

(here f is fK)
Computing the various terms of the connection, metric and tensors
(for all combinations of indexes, running from 0 [time] to 1,2,3 [space] ):
the resulting Einstein tensor is:

It is diagonal, like the RW metric, having only 4 non-zero elements.

This tensor is the left-side of the Einstein equations:

Gab = 8ΠG Tab

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