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Course: Introduction to the CMDB

Audio Clip: Design Domain

The Common Service Data Model is broken up into three domains. The first domain is
design. In this domain we identify the tables related to business capability, business
application, and the new (New York release) information object. These tables were
popularized as part of the APM product line and enables capabilities related to the
understating of your business applications from the inventory and portfolio perspective.
You can look at your business applications from a capability perspective and identify
and rationalized where you have too much or too little spend related to the capabilities
you wish to provide. The business applications enable you to identify the metadata
about your applications, including in New York the new table information object, which
is related to your business application. For those areas where you need to identify
where you have compliance related data, such as PII or PCI, that information came out
within the information object table related to the business application. Where data
exists, we can relate that information object to the exact database instances where
the data resides.

Audio Clip: Manage Technical Services

Within the Manage Technical Services area we identify one of the most critical
elements of the Common Services Data Model, which is the application service.
Consider the application service to be the implementations of your business
application. You will notice a lot of lines coming to or going from the application
service. This particular table becomes the glue that ties many of the elements of the
common services data model together. That implementation of your business
application or application service can be done in many ways. We could break it up by
environment – Dev, QA, and Prod. We could break it up by geography - North America
prod vs EMEA prod, etc. Those become a representation of what's actually been
implemented. If you have products like ServiceNow Service Mapping, we can identify
all the configuration items that make up the implementation of that application service.
ServiceNow Discovery can identify all the pieces and parts from server and networking
equipment and the applications that reside on it. You’ll notice an application table
here identified that has existed since the dawn of ServiceNow in the CMDB. It is meant
for those discoverable elements that are in code running on hosts. You’ll often find their
names to be something similar to the name of an application, an @ symbol, and the
name of the host because it's pertaining to specific code found and running on a
specific host. Database instances are an example of an application. Next, you'll see
representations of technical service and technical service offerings. These are the
groups that provide for and manage these technologies that exist for the business to
consume. In essence the Manage Technical Services is an area that identifies what is
provided from a technical perspective so that the business can consume.
Audio Clip: Sell / Consume

The next domain is the Sell/Consume. As identified from the technical service as being
provided, the Sell/Consume is the business that then consumes what the technology
experts provide. These identify the exact elements that the business exists to perform as
a business, and are identified in multiple tables, including the Business Service offering,
Business Service, and (new for the New York release), Business Service Portfolio. The
Business Service Portfolio is not a CMDB CI table but it is identified to provide the
hierarchy of the service related objects. You’ll also note brand new in the New York
release, the ability to request from the request catalog a service offering.

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