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3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz

(Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)
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Busaing, Blitzen

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Untitled Section 0 of 30 points

What is the precursor for fatty acid synthesis ···/2

Acetyl CoA

Propionyl CoA

Succinyl CoA

None of these

No correct answers… 1/9
3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

Metabolic syndrome is an accumulation of several disorders, which ···/2

together raise the risk of an individual developing atherosclerotic
cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance (and diabetes mellitus), and
vascular and neurological complications such as a cerebrovascular
accident ("stroke", "MI"). What role does the kidney have in perpetuating a
"viscious cycle" within this syndrome?

Vasoconstriction due to hypoxia

Water and salt retention to increase blood pressure

Both of these

None of these

No correct answers

The following may explain the pathophysiology of renal involvement in ···/2

metabolic syndrome, except  

Atherosclerosis hinders renal perfusion

Derangements in plasma levels of metabolites (glucose, lipids) increases the renal


Both statements may be true

Both statements are false

No correct answers… 2/9
3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

1. The glycemic index (GI) is a way of ranking carbohydrate-containing ···/2

foods based on how slowly or quickly they are digested and increase
blood glucose levels over a period of time; 2. Insoluble dietary fiber helps
reduce lipid absorption in the gut

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true

Both statements are true

Both statements are false

No correct answers

1. Visceral fat is a hormonally active component of total body fat; 2. ···/2

Compared to subcutaneous fat, visceral fat contributes more in the
development of metabolic syndrome.

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true

Both statements are true

Both statements are false

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3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

1. Hemoglobin and myoglobin share a similarity due to both carrying heme ···/2
molecules; 2. Myoglobin is intracellular (in the cytosol)

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true

Both statements are true

Both statements are false

No correct answers

Which of the intermediate of the Kreb’s cycle is utilized in the formation of ···/2
amino acids?

Citric acid

Malic acid

Isocitric acid

𝛼-ketoglutaric acid

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3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

1. AST and ALT play an integral role in the Kreb cycle; 2. AST and ALT are ···/2
intracellular (specifically in mitochondria)

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true

Both statements are true

Both statements are false

No correct answers

1. In uncontrolled DM, hyperglycemia causes a decrease in plasma ···/2

tonicity, hence the patient manifests polydipsia; 2. In uncontrolled DM,
polyphagia can be explained by impaired glucose uptake in the tissues

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true

Both statements are true

Both statements are false

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3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

Cholesterol serves as the precursor for the following biosynthetic ···/2

pathways, EXCEPT

Bile acid synthesis

Steroid hormone synthesis

Aldosterone synthesis

Thyroid hormone synthesis

No correct answers

Which of the following enzymes regulate the biosynthesis of cholesterol ···/2

also serves as the target of pharmacologic intervention in

HMG-CoA synthase

HMG- CoA reductase

Lansterol oxidase

Cholesterol synthase

No correct answers… 6/9
3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

Part of the pharmacologic management of coronary pathology is the ···/2

administration of aspirin. What is the role of aspirin in this case?

Prevents atherosclerosis by reducing the sheer force of circulation

Prevents thromboemboli from forming

Prevents cholesterol deposition in the vessels

None of these

No correct answers

Part of the pharmacologic management of DM is the pharmacologic ···/2

control of dyslipidemia. Why is this so?

Uncontrolled DM enhances the development of atherosclerosis

Uncontrolled DM drives metabolism backwards

Both statements are true

None of these statements are true

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3/18/23, 6:43 PM Clinical Pathology Laboratory Quiz (Glucose, Lipids, Cardiac Markers)

A known diabetic with poor compliance seeks consult due to chronic ···/2
bleeding peptic ulcer. Labs were done, revealing low normal HbA1c and
markedly elevated FBS results. 1) The HbA1c is unreliable due to possible
chronic anemia; 2) The FBS in this case is more reliable because it can be
measured without effects of ongoing blood loss

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true

Both statements are true

Both statements are false

No correct answers

1. From an anthropologic point of view, humans as a species evolved to ···/2

store fat, because as hunter-gatherers, our ancestors had almost always
starved and had to forage or scavenge for food; 2. The basis of the "paleo
diet" is to eat foods likely eaten by early humans because our genes are
not well adjusted for modern diets that grew out of farming (and
technology in general)

Only statement 1 is true

Only statement 2 is true

Both statements are true

Both statements are false

No correct answers

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