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Academic Year


Student Name: studentsID:

1. Reem Eawaduh Aljuhani. 150152

2. Ashwag Ahmed Aljhdali. 21110673

3. Hessa Khalil Alkayadi. 21110671

4. Mayan Loay Alrasheed. 140353

5. Asrar Ibrahim Aburasayn. 21110743

6. Manal Abdulaziz Alelyani. 140123


Year/Level: N3

Course/Code: NMNU


Name:Dr.Nadia Hassan

Presentation Title:

Deadline Date:

Date of Actual Submission:

Student Agreement:

I understand if my assignment is late, that 10% of the total assignment grade will be deducted if submitted
anytime within the five academic days following the due date. Later than this, I understand that I will receive a
zero on the assignment.

Student Signature:

Instructor Signature:

1. This cover sheet must be attached to the assignment.

2. Written assignments are to be submitted in soft copies (electronic) in Word.
Nursing Program

Written assignments Rubric

Student name: ………………… ID#: … … … … …

Marks Completenessand Student’s

Item of Assessment Score Score
accuracy scale

1 2 3 4
1. Scientific contents and design of the
2. Critical thinking 4

3. Communication 4

4.Information technology 4

5.Collaboration 4

Total mark

Assembling resources for the management of nursing functions material

to achieve the objectives of healthcare organizations.
and processes is an essential part of ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare
services. The management of nursing functions and processes involves the
coordination and organization of various resources such as human, financial, and
nursing assistants
The management of nursing functions and processes involves various activities
such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. To effectively
carry out these activities, healthcare organizations need to assemble the
necessary resources that will support the management of nursing functions and
processes. resources are critical in the management of nursing functions and
processes. They include nurses,
Financial resources
, and other healthcare professionals who provide patient care.
include the budget allocated for nursing functions and processes, which covers
salaries, equipment, and supplies. Material resources include the equipment and
supplies needed for patient care, such as medical instruments, medications, and
other medical supplies.
Assembling these resources requires careful planning, coordination, and
management to ensure that they are efficiently utilized to achieve the objectives of
healthcare organizations. Effective management of nursing functions and
processes requires a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, involving
nurses, clinicians, administrators, and other healthcare professionals.
In summary, assembling resources for the management of nursing functions and
processes is critical to the delivery of quality healthcare services. It requires
careful planning, coordination, and management of human, financial, and material
resources to ensure that they are efficiently utilized to achieve the objectives of
healthcare organizations.
Managing financial resources is critical to the effective management of
nursing functions and processes. Effective management of financial
resources ensures that healthcare organizations have the necessary funds
to support the delivery of quality patient care. Here are some effective ways
to manage financial resources:

Budgeting: Effective budgeting is critical to the management of financial

resources. Healthcare organizations should develop realistic budgets that
reflect their goals and objectives. Budgets should be regularly reviewed and
updated to ensure that they remain aligned with the needs of the

Cost management: Cost management involves identifying and controlling

costs associated with nursing functions and processes. This can include
reducing unnecessary expenses, negotiating better prices for supplies and
equipment, and optimizing staffing levels to ensure that resources are
utilized efficiently.

Revenue generation: Healthcare organizations can generate revenue by

providing additional services or expanding their patient base. This can
include offering, partnering with other healthcare organizations, or
marketing their services to attract new patients.

Resource utilization: Effective resource utilization is essential to the

management of financial resources. Healthcare organizations should ensure
that resources, such as medical supplies and equipment, are used
efficiently to avoid waste and reduce costs.

Performance monitoring: Healthcare organizations should regularly monitor

their financial performance to ensure that they are meeting their budgetary
goals and objectives. This can involve tracking key, such as revenue,
expenses, and profit margins.

Financial planning: Effective financial planning is critical to the

management of financial resources. Healthcare organizations should
develop long-term financial plans that reflect their goals and objectives.
This can help to ensure that resources are allocated in a way that supports
the overall objectives of the organization.
Important of assembling resources

Assembling resources for the management of nursing functions is critical for the
delivery of quality healthcare services. Here are some important reasons why
assembling resources is important:

1.Ensuring adequate staffing levels : Adequate staffing levels are essential to

ensure that patients receive quality care. Assembling human resources, such as
nurses and nursing assistants, ensures that healthcare organizations have the
necessary staff to provide quality patient care.

2. Providing necessary equipment and supplies: Effective management of

material resources, such as medical equipment and supplies, ensures that
healthcare organizations have the necessary resources to provide quality patient
care. Assembling material resources involves procuring, inventory management,
and maintenance to ensure that the necessary equipment and supplies are
available when needed.

3. Supporting ongoing professional development: Assembling resources for the

management of nursing functions and processes enables healthcare
organizations to provide ongoing professional development opportunities for their
staff. This ensures that staff members have the necessary knowledge and skills to
provide quality patient care.

4. Efficient use of financial resources: Assembling financial resources, such as

budgeting and cost management, ensures that healthcare organizations use their
financial resources efficiently and effectively. This helps to ensure that financial
resources are allocated in a way that supports the objectives of healthcare
organizations and the needs of patients.

5. Multidisciplinary and collaborative approach: Assembling resources for the

management of nursing functions and processes requires a multidisciplinary and
collaborative approach. This ensures that resources are allocated in a way that
supports the objectives of healthcare organizations and the needs of patients.

Rules of assembling resources

Assembling resources for the management of nursing functions is a
complex process that requires careful planning, coordination, and
management. Here are some rules that can guide the assembling of
resources for effective management of nursing functions:

1. Identify the needs of patients: The first rule of assembling resources

is to identify the needs of patients. This involves understanding the
healthcare needs of the patient population, as well as the resources
that are required to meet those needs.

2. Define the goals and objectives: The second rule is to define clear
goals and objectives for the management of nursing functions. This
involves establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
time-bound (SMART) goals that align with the objectives of healthcare

3. Assess available resources: The third rule is to assess the available

resources. This involves identifying the human, material, and financial
resources that are available to support the management of nursing
functions and processes.

4. Develop strategies and tactics: The fourth rule is to develop

strategies and tactics to achieve the goals and objectives of nursing
functions and processes. This involves identifying best practices,
developing policies and procedures, and developing training programs
for staff.

5. Implement the plan: The fifth rule is to implement the plan. This
involves assigning responsibilities, establishing timelines, and
monitoring progress to ensure that the plan is being implemented

6. Evaluate the effectiveness: The final rule is to evaluate the

effectiveness of the plan. This involves assessing whether the goals
and objectives have been achieved, whether resources were effectively
utilized, and identifying areas for improvement.
Component of assembling resources
1. The assembling of resources for nursing functions and processes
typically involves the following activities:

2. Human resources: Human resources are critical to the

management of nursing functions and processes. Effective
management requires sufficient staffing levels, appropriate
training, and ongoing professional development. This ensures that
healthcare organizations have a skilled and competent workforce
to provide quality patient care.

3. Financial resources: Financial resources are also critical to

effective management of nursing functions and processes.
Effective budgeting, cost management, and revenue generation
are essential for the successful management of nursing functions
and processes. Healthcare organizations need to allocate
sufficient funds to cover salaries, equipment, and supplies.

4. Material resources: Material resources, such as medical

equipment and supplies, are critical to the management of nursing
functions and processes. Effective procurement,, and
maintenance are essential to ensure that healthcare organizations
have the necessary resources to provide quality patient care.

5. Multidisciplinary and collaborative approach: The assembling of

resources for the management of nursing functions and processes
requires a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach. Effective
management requires the involvement of nurses, clinicians,
administrators, and other healthcare professionals in the planning,
coordination, and management of resources. This ensures that
resources are allocated in a way that supports the objectives of
healthcare organizations and the needs of patients.

6. : Continuous improvement is critical to the assembling of

resources for nursing functions and processes. Ongoing
monitoring and evaluation help to identify areas for improvement
and ensure that resources are effectively utilized to achieve the
objectives of healthcare organizations.
Technique of assembling resources
Assembling resources for the management of nursing functions
involves several techniques. Here are some of the key techniques:

Needs assessment: Conducting a needs assessment is a critical

technique for assembling resources. This involves identifying the
healthcare needs of the patient population, as well as the resources
that are required to meet those needs. This can help healthcare
organizations to effectively allocate resources to support the delivery of
quality patient care.

Resource allocation: Resource allocation is another important

technique for assembling resources. This involves allocating resources,
such as human, material, andfinancial resources , in a way that
supports the objectives of healthcare organizations and the needs of

Budgeting: Budgeting is a critical technique for assembling financial

resources. This involves developing realistic budgets that reflect the
goals and objectives of healthcare organizations. Budgets should be
regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain aligned with
the needs of the organization.

Cost management: Cost management is another important technique

for assembling financial resources. This involves identifying and
controlling costs associated with nursing functions and processes. This
can include reducing unnecessary expenses, negotiating better prices
for supplies and equipment, and optimizing staffing levels to ensure that
resources are utilized efficiently.

Inventory management: Effective inventory management is critical to

the assembling of material resources. This involves procuring,
managing, and maintaining the necessary medical equipment and
supplies to provide quality patient care.
Performance monitoring: Performance monitoring is another important
technique for assembling resources. This involves regularly monitoring
performance to ensure that goals and objectives are being achieved,
and that resources are being effectively utilized. This can involve
tracking keyperformance indicators, such as patient outcomes, staff
productivity, and financial performance.
Characterized of assembling resources
Assembling resources for the management of nursig is characterized by
several key features. Here are some of the key characteristics:

Multidisciplinary and collaborative approach: Assembling resources for

the management of nursing functions requires a multidisciplinary and
collaborative approach. This involves working with clinicians, nurses,
administrators, and other healthcare professionals to ensure that
resources are allocated in a way that supports the objectives of
healthcare organizations and the needs of patients.

Ongoing professional development ,: Assembling resources for the

management of nursing functions involves supporting ongoing
professional development opportunities for staff. This ensures that staff
members have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide quality
patient care.

Effective resource allocation: Effective resource allocation is a critical

characteristic of assembling resources for the management of nursing
functions. This involves allocating resources, such as human, material,
andfinancial resources.

Continuous improvement: Continuous improvement is another key

characteristic of assembling resources for the management of nursing
functions. This involves ongoing monitoring and evaluation to identify
areas for improvement and ensure that resources are being effectively
utilized to achieve the objectives of healthcare organizations.

Focus on patient-centered care: Assembling resources for the

management of nursing functions is characterized by a focus on
patient-centered care. This involves ensuring that resources are
allocated in a way that supports the needs and preferences of patients,
and that care is delivered in a way that is respectful and
Emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness: Assembling resources for the
management of nursing functions is characterized by an emphasis on
efficiency and effectiveness. This involves utilizing resources in a way
that maximizes their impact and achieves the objectives of healthcare
Human Resources Strategic Management

The traditional personnel system at the Veteran Administration, much like those of

the rest of the federal government, is being confronted by market pressures that are

provoking important changes. In order to compete for the talent necessary to fulfill VA’s

mission, our system for managing our human capital must evolve. It must become

more flexible, agile, effective and accountable in order to provide the range of services our

Nation’s veterans have been promised. The Strategic Plan that the Office of Human

Resources and Administration (HR&A) has developed in partnership with the Human

Resources community begins the process of transformation. The Office of Human Resources

and Administration will oversee a centralized HR governance process that will monitor the

implementation of this Plan, ensure compliance with federal and Veteran Administration

Human Resources policies and procedures, and maintain

accountability at all levels (Pittman, 2010).

Underlying and supporting the planned systemic changes in the Human

Resources environment is the development of an effective, user-friendly, Human

Resources Information System. The key part of this system will be a web-based HR

Resource Center, a tool that HR professionals and managers can use to address local

classification actions while staying consistent with both Office of Personnel Management

and VA classification guidelines. It will include position descriptions, performance standards,

functional statements and competencies, performance-based interview questions and

eventually, electronic employee records. In Practical terms, this system will, when a

performance measure for a certain grade is needed, enable an HR professional to go on-line

and look up and select from several examples of performance measures at the grade in

question. In addition, this system will make both historical and current

workforce data available so that HR professionals will be able to do trend analysis to help VA

managers determine future workforce needs based on retirements, promotions, re-assignments

and other significant personnel actions (Pittman, 2010).

The next step in the strategic process is to ensure that Veteran Administration’s

human capital plans and strategies are developed and implemented in such a way that they

serve the mission, goals, objectives and budget of the entire department. The requires

clear lines of communication, effective planning processes between the administrations,

staff offices and human resource and administration, skilled human resource staffing

throughout veteran administration, and one-veteran administration approach to marketing

and staffing. A properly functioning human capital program will provide an adequate

supply of qualified prospective employees for planned departures and new openings.

Veteran Administration is developing new information systems that will help identify an

appropriate pool of internal veteran administration candidates for those openings. Also, by

expanding the collection and dissemination of personnel data, additional benefits will accrue.

Databases that maintain an inventory of employees’ skills, core competency requirements

for each position, and training programs to fulfill the competencies and to prepare

employees for their future posts, will establish the critical base for

a successful human capital program (Pittman, 2010).

The Veteran Health Administration (VHA) operates the United States’ largest

integrated health care system, public or private, with 1,100 facilities serving 8.5 million

enrolled veteran beneficiaries. Planning for such a large system requires accurate and timely

geographic analysis of facility and enrollee locations. Historically, the Planning System

Support Group provided planners with a host of static cartographic products and statistical

reports on access to facilities at all levels of Veteran Health Administration geography. In

basic ways, these products identify

spatial gaps in access to health care where new facilities might best be located. They also

compare local access statistics to various benchmarks (Harp, 2010). Historically, the Planning

System Support Group provided planners with a host of static cartographic products and

statistical reports on access to facilities at all levels of Veteran Health Administration geography. In

basic ways, these products identify spatial gaps in access to health care where new facilities might

best be located. They also compare local access statistics to various benchmarks (Harp,


A Geographic Information System is a “computerized system that relates and display data

collected from geographic entity in the form of a map. The ability of GIS to overlay existing data

with new information and display it in color on a computer screen is used primarily to conduct

analysis and make decisions related to geology, ecology, land use, demographics, transportation,

and other domains, most of which relate to the human use of the physical environment.” The

VHA geocodes, its inventory of facilities quarterly and its list of beneficiaries all 8.5 million of

them annually, this work is done by the Planning System Support Group (PSSG) in Gainesville,

Florida, which houses the majority of the VHA’s geographic information system (GIS) personnel

and resources (Shaw, 2012).

The Geographical Information System (GIS) technology offers many advantages in data

integration, interactive querying of databases and design, and presentation of findings in the form of

maps. Both the visual impact and the data analysis provided by GIS’s are advantages that

support their use. The ability to overlay data layers allows for interpretation beyond that seen

with traditional research and statistical methods. The studies reviewed used GIS’s to both

empirically measure and visually identify and explore spatial relationships of health and health

variables. Geographical Information System use was effective in the investigation of various
aspects of healthcare access and health outcomes and therefore can be an asset in the

understanding and resolution of health disparities (Graves, 2008).


Graves, B. A. (2008) Integrative Literature Review: A Review of Literature Related to

Geographical Information System: Healthcare Access, and Health Outcomes.

Harp, S. (2010) GIS Supports Strategic Planning for Veterans Health Administration:

Healthy GIS: Steubenville, Ohio.

Nykiforuk, C. I. & Flaman, L. M. (2011) Geographic information systems (GIS) for

Health promotion and public health: a review. Health Promotion Practice: 12:63-73.

Pittman,A. (2010) The Department of Veterans Affairs Human Resource Strategic Plan.

Shaw, N. T. (2012) Geographical Information Systems and Health: Current State and

Future Directions, Health Informatics Institute: East Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

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