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I. Choose the best answer

1.SI Unit of density is 5x1=5

2 3 3
a) kg/m b) kg/m c) kg/m d) g/m

2. Which one of the followings is an example of metal ?

a) Iron b) Oxygen c) Helium d) Water

3. The sub atomic particle which revolves around the nucleus is ---------
a) Atom b) Neutron c) Electron d) Proton
4. Asexual reproduction in yeast is
a) Spore formation b) Fragmentation c) Pollination d)Budding
5. Tobacco chewing causes
a) Anemia b) Periodontitis c) Tuberculosis d) Pneumonia
II. Fill in the blanks 5x1=5
6. The area of a leaf can be measured using a---------------
7. The rate of change of velocity is---------------
8. ------ is the only non-metal which conducts electricity.
9. Onion and garlic are example for --------------------
10. Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium --------------

III Match the following 5x1=5

11. Speed of ship Fe

12. Iron Chrysanthemum

11. Positively charged particle Hydrophobia
14. Phylloclade Knot
15. Rabies Proton
IV Use the analogy to fill in the blank. 5x1=5
16. Tuberculosis ; Air ;; Chlorera ; -------------
17. K ; Potassium ; C ; --------
18. Mercury ; Liquid at room temperature ;; Oxygen ; ----------
19. Velocity ; metre/second ;; Accelaration ; ------------------
20. Liquid ; Litre ;; Solid; --------

V. Answer any of the 10 questions briefly 10x2=20

21.What are derived quantities?
22.Define-Astronomical unit.
23.What is centre of gravity?
24.Write the chemical formula and name of the elements present in the following compounds.
a.Sodium chloride b.Carbon di oxide
25.What is the atomicity of elements?
27.What are two important parts of a flower?
28.Give example for corm and tuber.
29. What is tendril?
30. What first aid will you provide in the case of bruises?
31.Give any two communicable diseases which spread in your locality during monsoon
32. What is Raster Graphics?
VI.Answer any 4 question briefly 4x5=20
33.How will you determine the density of a stone using a measuring jar?
34. Explain the types of stability with suitable examples
35. Differentiate metals and non-metals.
36. Write down the properties of metalloids.
37. What are nucleons? Why are they called so? Write the properties of the nucleons.
38. Draw the flower diagram and lable the parts.
39. Write about any three communicable diseases in detail.
40. How the diseases are transmitted from one person to the other person?

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