Resume English For Statistic Chapter 1 by Prof

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Resume English for statistic chapter 1 by prof. dr.

Yusril Saputra
Population is an Individual or group who represent all the member in certain category. For
example. Every woman under 40 in makassar. So every women under 40 are population.
Sampel is an Individual or group who repsent all the member of population. For example, we
take randomly member in a population, and we get lina and cika, so lina nad cika are a sample
of population.
Parameter is the mean of population.
Statistic is the mean of sample
Why descriptive and inferential statistics are important, because not all sample could be good
representative of a population. For example, there is researcher define that river water is
healthed. In this case river water include river water in the world. And for sure the river water in
my places is not healthy to drink, even the animal realized it
Descriptive statistic apply only to the member of sample or population, which data have been
Inferential Satistics use sampel data to reach a conclusion.
Question :
1. Why unsystematic in sampling issues spesificly in randomly method is being important?
2. There is the word cents in the sentences, what is that mean?
Various Method of Sampling :
Randomly samples as the name we take sample with randomly method. This methode is most
useful and difficult
Representative Sampling is second way to selecting data, the researcher purpose select cases
so that it will be match with large population on specific category?/charachteristic.
Convenience Sampling The researcher select participant by proximity, ease-of acses, and
willingness to participate.
Variable are pretty much its have more than single value such as height, weight, age, etc. for
example explain on this table

Age Weight Height

Ade 20 50 165
Irfan 21 60 169

Constant in contrast, has only have one score, or single value, for example the all member of
the sample is men, the “gender” category is constant.
Quantitative variable ( continuous ) A quantitative variable is one that is scored in such a way
that  the numbers, or values, indicate some sort of amount. For example, height is a
quantitative (or  continuous) variable because higher scores on this variable indicate a greater
amount of height.
In contrast, Qualitative variables are those for which the assigned values do not indicate more
or  less of a certain quality. If I conduct a study to compare the eating habits of people from
Maine,  New Mexico, and Wyoming, my “state” variable has three values (e.g., 1 = Maine, 2 =
New  Mexico, 3 = Wyoming)
A commonly used qualitative variable in social science research is the dichotomous variable.
There is four different scales of measruments, they are Nominal,ordinal,interval,and ratio :
Nominal A nominally scaled variable is one in which the labels that  are used to identify the
different levels of the variable have no weight, or numeric value. For example man is “0” and
women is “1” this number do not show the different value. It show a code.
With ordinal variables, the values do have weight. If I wanted to know the 10 richest people  in
America, the wealthiest American would receive a score of 1, the next richest a score of 2, and 
so on through 10.
Interval and Ration, both have meaning in value, like ika 1,60m, bia 1,7m, and then I know that
bia is taller than ika.
Interval is giving some distance but not multiple, and Ratio Give distance in multiple, for
example A = 30kg, B = 40kg, C = 60kg. C is two Times heavier than A, This is Ratio. But C is 20kg
heavier than B, this is Interval
Experimental design is divide sampel to different group and then compare the group on one
more variable
Correlational research designs the  researcher simply collects data on several variables and
then conducts some statistical analyses  to determine how strongly different variables are
related to each other.
Variable Independent and dependent Variable Dependent have relationship with independent,
dpendent is object and independent is subject which is mean if independent is change
dependent will be change too. For example height affect weight someone. In this case height is
independent and weight is dependent, higher someone will make someone heavier, but not the
other way around.

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