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Look at the pictures write the verbs in present simple and the time: All the verbs are

are in 3rd person sing.

cook go get up brush drink give ride speak

sleep skip do play get dressed write have wash

Maggie ________ to bed She___________the floor Lisa _____________ at She _________________

at half past nine. at quarter to eleven ten past eight. at half past eight.

He ____________ his Homer _____________ Marge ______________ Lisa _____________ the

skateboard at five to at half past ten. lunch at twenty to one. saxophone at half past
five nine.

Homer _______________ After having lunch she Bart _______________ his He _____________ a
lunch at half past one. _____________ her sister teeth at quarter to beer with Barney at
at ten past three. nine. five past seven.

She ______________ her Marge ____________ She _____________ some She ____________ the
diary at half past eleven Maggie a bath at exercise at five past six rope at ten past five
in the morning. twenty five past five. in the afternoon. in the afternoon.

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