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Important Questions

1. Explain Android Framework.

2. What are Intents?
3. What is Toast state its usage?
4. What items are important in every Android project?
5. Explain Intent Filter
6. What do you think are some disadvantages of Android?
7. What are the four essential states of an activity?
8. What is the AndroidManifest.xml?
9. What are the features of Android architecture?
10. Describe the Android Framework
11. What is Android? Write the disadvantages of Android.
12. What is the latest version of Android? L
13. What is an activity? What is the life cycle of Android activity?
14. What is AndroidManifest.xml file and why do you need this?
15. What are broadcast receivers? How is it implemented?
16. What are the differences between Service and Thread?
17. What database is used in Android? How it is different from client-server database
management systems?
18. What are view and view group classes in Android? Why layout are created using XML
19. What is Web Services? Why it is required? How a web service can be consumed in an
Android application?
20. What is Android? With a neat diagram explain the major components of Android stack.
21. Define activity. Explain the steps for creating in activity in Android studio.
22. Explain XML attribute taking Text view as an example.
23. Explain about understanding different components of a Screen
24. Discuss about Views and their View Groups
25. Briefly about resize and repositioning
26. Difference between Table Layout and Frame Layout
27. Briefly about Scroll View & anchoring views
28. Write a short note on image view and scroll view.
29. Explain about adapting to display orientation
30. How you detecting orientation changes
31. Discuss about controlling orientation of the activity
32. How you managing & changes to screen orientation
33. Write a detailed note on Progress Bar with syntax and example.
34. Explain Query Providers?
35. How do we setup SQLite database connection?
36. Explain sending SMS with an example.
37. Explain neatly about Absolute and Relative Layouts
38. Discuss the action items and their applications
39. Explain about different kinds of messaging
40. Briefly discuss about adding action items to the action bar
41. What are views and view group classes in Android? Why layouts are created using
external files
42. List different notification technique used to notify the user explain anyone technique with
43. Distinguish between a) .apk and .jar b) JVM and DVM
44. Explain in brief about Hacking in Android.
45. Develop the registration form using the following GUI.

46. Write a program to capture an image using camera and display it.
47. Develop a program to send an email.
48. Develop an application to store student details like roll no, name, branch,
49. marks, percentage and retrieve student information using roll no. in SQLite databases.
50. Write a program to locate user’s current location. (Write ONLY .java and manifest file)
51. Develop a simple calculator using table layout.

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