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New Age Montessori News

April 2023
“There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature, to
understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature…
so that the child may better understand and participate in the marvelous things
which civilization creates..” Dr. Maria Montessori

Mayor, Rick Stopfer, of city of Irving will be at NAM

on Friday, April 21. He is the Guest of Honor at our
Annual Science Fair. All Primary students need to be
in uniforms and primary class parents are welcome
to attend this event. April Calendar of Events

• 6: Easter Egg Hunt

March was a joyful month. Thank you to all the parents
who sent their classrooms garden supplies: seeds, and • 7: School Closed (Good Friday)
plants! Once the weather is a little warmer, children will • 21: Science Fair
start gardening and will continue for all to enjoy through
the year. • 24: Eid Celebration (Children may
dress in traditional clothing)

Easter Egg Hunt - Thursday, April 6: Please bring an Graduation for the Primary students
Easter basket filled with the quantity of plastic eggs entering first grade or kindergarten in
specified by your class. Please fill them with little treats the 2023/2024 year is on Thursday,
(no candy, chocolate or any food items). May 18, 2023.

Montessori Care of the Environment and Earth: In a Montessori classroom we foster our students
to show love for the environment, we help children connect and engage with nature, and encourage
the child to interact with the environment, exhibiting respect and love.
Our earth should be protected so its precious resources are available to us for many years to come.
It is never too early to start teaching children the importance of keeping our planet clean. With a
little guidance and supervision, they can get creative helping and celebrating the earth. Little steps
can lead to big changes.
Teach your children the importance of keeping the earth and their home environments clean with
these easy activities:
* Sorting recycling materials. * Picking up garbage in the neighborhood. * Shopping with reusable
tote bags. * Reducing waste and buying in bulk. * Shopping at farmer’s markets & buy local
produce. * Growing your own vegetables. * Composting. * Walking or riding your bike to school. *
Pay attention to how you use water. * Turn off the lights when you leave the room. * Use
biodegradable products. * Stop using plastic whenever possible. * Plant a tree!

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