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CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of one‘s PECs in Cookery.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner independently creates a plan of action that

strengthens and or further develops his/her PECs in Cookery

Objective: Develop entrepreneurial skills.

SUBJECT MATTER: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Learning across curriculum:

1. Mathematics - Calculating costs and profits in a food business
2. English- Writing business proposals and marketing materials
3. Social Studies - Studying successful entrepreneurs and their strategies

Review Motivation:
1. Show a video of a successful young entrepreneur and discuss their journey to inspire
2. Conduct a brainstorming session on potential business ideas and ask students to share
their thoughts.
3. Share success stories of local entrepreneurs and how they started their own businesses.

Activity 1: Business Plan Creation

Materials: Pen, paper, business plan template

1. Introduce the concept of a business plan and its importance in starting a food business.
2. Provide students with a business plan template.
3. In groups, students will create a business plan for a food business of their choice.
4. Emphasize the inclusion of market research, financial projections, and marketing

- Market Research: 10 points
- Financial Projections: 10 points
- Marketing Strategies: 10 points

Assessment Questions:
1. What is the purpose of a business plan?
2. Why is market research important in a business plan?

Activity 2: Menu Planning and Costing

Materials: Menu planning template, calculator, ingredient price list

1. Explain the importance of menu planning and cost management in a food business.
2. Provide students with a menu planning template and ingredient price list.
3. In pairs, students will plan a menu for a food business and calculate the cost of each
4. Emphasize the need for balanced menus and cost-effective ingredient choices.

- Menu Planning: 10 points
- Cost Calculation: 10 points

Assessment Questions:
1. Why is menu planning important in a food business?
2. How can cost management contribute to the profitability of a food business?

Activity 3: Marketing and Promotion

Materials: Marketing materials samples

1. Discuss the importance of marketing and promotion in attracting customers.
2. Show examples of marketing materials such as flyers, posters, and social media posts.
3. In groups, students will create marketing materials for their food business.
4. Encourage creativity and effective communication of the business's unique selling points.

- Creativity: 10 points
- Communication: 10 points

Assessment Questions:
1. Why is marketing important in a food business?
2. How can effective promotion attract more customers?

Analyze the outcome of each activity by evaluating the students' understanding of business
planning, menu planning, costing, and marketing strategies. Identify areas of improvement
and provide feedback to help students enhance their entrepreneurial skills.

Guide students in reflecting on the importance of entrepreneurial skills in the real world.
Discuss how these skills can contribute to personal and professional success.

Give students a real-life problem related to the objective, such as designing a business
model for a food delivery service during a pandemic. Ask them to apply their entrepreneurial
skills to solve the problem and present their solutions.

Teachers can assess the learning of students based on the learning objectives by conducting
oral presentations of business plans, evaluating the accuracy of cost calculations, and
reviewing the effectiveness of marketing materials. Additionally, quizzes or written exams
can be used to assess their understanding of entrepreneurial concepts.

Assign students to interview a local entrepreneur and write a reflection paper on the lessons
learned from the interview. This assignment will help students gain insights into the practical
aspects of running a food business and further develop their entrepreneurial skills.

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