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Report on
Workshop on Assessment and Attainment of CO’s and PO’s
(4-5, May 2022)
Resource Person: Dr. Umakant P Kulkarni, Professor-CSE, SDM College of Engineering and
Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka.

Outcome-based education (OBE) is education in which an emphasis is placed on a clearly articulated idea
of what students are expected to know and be able to do, that is, what skills and knowledge they need to
have, when they leave the institution. For actual implementation of outcome-based education syllabus need
to have clearly stated program outcomes and course outcomes which are in alignment with mission and
vision of the institution. SMART course outcome helps in effective planning of the assessments and teaching
- learning process. Attainment of course or program outcomes requires a systematic approach of calculation
using direct and indirect methods.

The information obtained from the calculation will be used to create an action plan which will be helpful in
achieving the outcomes and improving the quality of education. Attainment of outcomes is also essential for
NAAC accreditation. Considering the importance of outcome-based education, NAAC, MITADTU organized
a workshop on attainment of course and program outcomes.

A 2 days workshop on calculation of Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes was organized by NAAC,
MIT ADTU. Workshop aimed at empowering the faculty in acquiring the skills and knowledge for apt
attainment of the CO's and PO's using direct and indirect methods as per NAAC requirements. The two days’
workshop was held at the SCIL Hall on 4th and 5th May, 2022. Dr. Umakant Kulkarni, Professor in CSE
Dept, Dharwad, IQAC and NBA coordinator, consultant on accreditation of NBA & NAAC based on OBE
principles lead his expertise as the resource person for this workshop.
Day 1: Inaugural Session: [10:00 am to 10:10 am]

Dr. Priya Singh, Associate Professor, School of Education and Research gave a formal introduction of
resource person Dr. Umakant Kulkarni. She emphasized on the importance and the relevance of the
workshop in the academic setup. She also briefed the participants about the end objective behind this
workshop namely being transformation of the faculty trainees into trainers of their own department.

Day 1: Workshop [10:15 am to 3:30 pm]

This was an interactive and thought-provoking session wherein Dr. Umakant Kulkarni explored the various
facets of COs and POs focusing right from the basics upto the actual application of the same. To prepare the
participants for the implementation part of the workshop he linked the objectives with National Education
Policy 2020. He discussed all the minute details with a variety of examples and activities. The elaboration of
his Goa workshop and the course objectives written for Music made it easy for the participants to understand
the commonly committed errors and also the tricks through which these could be avoided. He displayed a
variety of templates to emphasize his points. By initiating discussions right from computer science to the
horizon of dramatics, sir clarified and set the theoretical foundation for the next day’s practical hands-on
activity. The official felicitation of Dr. Umakant Kulkarni was also done on the first day of the workshop by
NAAC-Chairman- MITADTU Dr. Ramachandra Pujeri. He has addressed the participants and encourage
them t be more interactive with resource person and also said this is the “Train the Trainer” workshop, so all
the participants are advised to understand and workout the assignments thoroughly.

Day 2: Workshop [9:15 am to 4:20 pm]

Dr. Umakant Kulkarni initiated the second day’s proceedings with a quick revision of the previous day’s
activities. He distributed a workbook consisting of different worksheets related to various dimensions of
Outcome Based Education. After giving a short outline to the participants regarding the flow of the day’s
activities, Sir laid his focus on the topic of measuring attainment of COs. The various variables related to
successful calculation for the said task were put forth in front of the participants. These variables included
tests, questions, course outcomes, marks, students, benchmark and performance targets. By taking a
practical example, Dr. Umakant Kulkarni demonstrated every step of measuring attainment of COs with ease.
The effectiveness of the session was practically seen when every participant of this workshop was able to
calculate the remaining examples accurately. A special emphasis was given by sir on designing an action
plan constituting the elements of curriculum intervention, pedagogical initiatives and support system. He
discussed the format of course and program report which included syllabus, semester wise attainment and
program attainment.

End of this morning session, Dr.Chopade -Registrar addressed all the participants and understand the topics
in this workshop and train your colleagues in the schools/depts of the same. So that everyone will understand
the COs and POs and will do the needful accordingly. Dr.Pujeri -Chairman-NAAC also advised every
participants to understand thoroughly and complete the assignments and he has conveyed to everyone will
all receive the completion certificate soon. Later they had group photo.

This was followed by a detailed analysis of program outcomes as defined by the National Board of
Accreditation. This discussion was relevantly linked to the task of POs /PSOs measurement. Under the able
guidance of Dr. Umakant Kulkarni once again the process of POs /PSOs attainment was accomplished with
proper consideration. In the latter half of the workshop, sir invited participants to share their syllabus and
question papers for mapping the same with the COs. A set of different syllabi were taken into consideration
from different streams right from engineering, food technology, humanities to the domains of media, computer
science, architecture and sports. The need of bringing about a qualitative change in an incremental manner
was given prime importance in this session. The two days’ workshop came to a conclusion with a final round
of doubt clarification followed by a formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Priya Singh.

Takeaways from the Workshop:

1. Need of writing SMART outcomes mapped with assessment
2. Designing the assessments based on outcomes for its attainment
3. Calculations of attainment of course outcomes and program outcomes using direct and indirect methods
4. Action plan based on scores obtained from attainment of CO’s and PO’s
5. Points for making a course file from syllabus to attainment reports.

Implications of the workshop:

Participants will develop a course file using the learning from the workshop. Expert feedback will be taken for
the same. The participants will act as trainers for the faculty in their school/institute and provide support in
helping the faculty complete their course files which includes attainment of outcomes.

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