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LABORATORY ACTIVITY 1: Basic Laboratory Techniques




● REPORT SHEET Weight and Volume


Computed Density Distilled Water Temperature: 25oC

Weight of
Measured 50 (Show the Solution) Remarks/ Comparison with the Given
mL Water Density: 997.13 mg/mL

Nearest and Most Accurate

The beaker provided the nearest value of
P=Mass/Volume computed density to the given density
Beaker 50 000 mg = 50 000 mg/50 mL Considering the temperature at 25oC, the
= 1000 mg/mL beaker yielded the highest accuracy in
Density= 1000 mg/mL determining the distilled water density,
and therefore was remarked to be the most
reliable among the three items.
Higher value and Slightly Accurate
The utilization of Erlenmeyer flask
resulted to a way higher value than the
Erlenmeyer given density for comparison. Therefore,
154 202 mg = 154 202 mg/50 mL
Flask it is observed that the weight of the
= 3084.04 mg/mL Erlenmeyer flask serves as the intervening
Density= 3084.04 mg/mL variable in the context interplay wherein
there was an observed highly increased
density of the distilled water.

Highest value and Least Accurate

Graduated cylinder being the heaviest
P=Mass/Volume apparatus of the three items, just like the
Graduated = 197 424.4 mg/50 mL Erlenmeyer flask, its weight affected the
197 424.4 mg = 3888.488 mg/mL
Cylinder computed density of distilled water,
Density= 3888.488 which was remarked to be the least
mg/mL accurate among the three employed
laboratory apparatuses.
LABORATORY ACTIVITY 1: Basic Laboratory Techniques


Describe the procedure in determining which bottle of "Compound A" contains the food

Utilized Procedures:
a) The following items were collected: Scale, 2 pcs. Volumetric flask
b) The Solutions (Compound A1 & A2) were already prepared for analysis.
c) Bring the Volumetric flask to the scale and click “tare”
d) Pour 50 mL of Compound A1 to the volumetric flask
e) Record the weight.
f) Repeat step C-E with compound A2 on a separate volumetric flask.
g) Repeat Step C-E but this time change the amount to be poured into 100 mL
h) Compute for the density; determine which is the preservative by analyzing the computed
outcomes of density.

Figure 1. Conduct of analysis for compound A1 & A2

Computation, Discussion and Analysis

Note: Both compounds were poured in a 250 mL volumetric flask and for a higher accuracy there
was two trials with two sets:
a) Trial 1: Poured a 50 mL of Compound A1 to 250 mL volumetric flask.
b) Trial 1: Poured a 50 mL of Compound A2 to 250 mL volumetric flask.
c) Trial 2: Poured a 100 mL of Compound A1 to 250 mL volumetric flask.
d) Trial 2: Poured a 100 mL of Compound A2 to 250 mL volumetric flask.
LABORATORY ACTIVITY 1: Basic Laboratory Techniques

Compound A1 Compound A2
Trial 1: 50 mL Trial 2: 100 mL Trial 1: 50 mL Trial 2: 100 mL
Mass= 63 000 mg Mass= 126 000 mg Mass= 42 500 mg Mass= 85 000 mg
Density (P) Density (P) Density (P) Density (P)
P=Mass/Volume P=Mass/Volume P=Mass/Volume P=Mass/Volume
=63 000 mg/ 50 mL =126000 mg/ 100 mL =42 500 mg/ 50 mL =85 000 mg/ 100 mL
=1260 mg/mL =1260 mg/mL =1260 mg/mL =1260 mg/mL

Density of A1 Density of A1 Density of A2 Density of A2

1260 mg/mL 1260 mg/mL 850mg/mL 850mg/mL
Trial 1&2 of Compound A1 are IDENTICAL Trial 1&2 of Compound A2 are IDENTICAL

Density of Compound A1> Density of Compound A2
1260 mg/mL> 850 mg/mL
Compound A1 has identical computed density value of 1260 mg/mL for both trial 1&2.
Compound A2 also yielded identical data for computed density value in trials 1&2, therefore, the
amount of the compound will be a vital component in determining which is the preservative and
the neurotoxins. Lastly, as stated by the theoretical chemist that the preservative will have a higher
density, hence, Compound A1 is the preservative and Compound A2 is the neurotoxin.


Metal Weight Initial Final Volume Predicted Computed Density

# of Metal Volume Volume Difference Name of (g/cm3)
(g) (mL) or (cm3) (mL) or (cm3) (mL) or (cm3) Metal
(Initial-Final volume)

78.7682 24.45 32 7.55 (Ag) Silver =78.7682 g/ 7.55 cm3
#1 = 10.37 g/cm3
Density= 10.37 g/cm3
Metal (Rh) =73.8862 g/ 6.12 cm3
73.8862 21.88 28 6.12
#2 Rhodium = 12.07 g/cm3
Density= 12.07 g/cm3

Metal (Pt) =77.5213 g/ 4.36 cm3
77.5213 20.64 25 4.36
#3 Platinum = 17.78 g/cm3
Density= 17.78 g/cm3
LABORATORY ACTIVITY 1: Basic Laboratory Techniques


D. Sublimation

Separation Method Observation

This was the first process, in the china dish there was
naphthalene, sand and salt which as heated directly releases
fumes, ergo, it is an illustration of sublimation—a direct phase
transition from solid to gas. This endothermic process usually
occurs with naphthalene which possess sufficient vapor pressure.
Sublimation The organic compound was held by the van der waal
intermolecular forces. Lastly, as observed in the simulation,
naphthalene powder was gathered from the constricted fumes in
the glass funnel, therefore, the fumes constantly carry particles
which solidifies as it cools down and form needle-like crystals of

E. Filtration
Separation Method Observation

It was completely observed with water, but in this process, it

was utilized to separate sand. In the simulation, the application of
water as solvent was somehow limited, since sand are insoluble in
Filtration nature. Hence, it will be suspended as it is being actively stirred
and will settle within the bottom of the container. Therefore, a
utilization of filtration paper is employed to gather the sand from
the mixture.

F. Evaporation

Separation Method Observation

Boiling saltwater is an extensive illustration of “water cycle”,

Evaporation the moment the saltwater was heated for quite amount of time, the
water will transition into a water vapor and will evaporate to form
precipitate. The water molecules surround salt particles to keep
LABORATORY ACTIVITY 1: Basic Laboratory Techniques

them apart, but, once the water start to evaporate as observed in

the simulation, therefore, there will be a viable decrease in the
water molecules that will keep the salt particles away from each
other, once the process of water evaporation has materialized,
recrystallization will take place on the salt, ergo, salt was
separated from the mixture through evaporation.


1. Name all equipment you should use when heating 5 mL of water.

Equipment needed:
 Bunsen burner
 Test Tube
 Test Tube Holder
 Dropper Pipette
Explanation: The Bunsen burner will serve as the source of heat for the process of a
possible evaporation of the water being heated. The dropper pipette will serve as the acquirer of
the sample which happens to be a 5 mL of water. The test tube will be utilized since its purpose
was defined to hold small amount of substances for heating and/or mixing. Test Tube holder will
be needed since the test tube will be intensively hot after a contact with fire and it will be
impossible to hold it with bare hands and take note that proper precautions and executions must
be observed in the conduct.

2. How will you measure a solid with no distinct shape?

Answer: Measuring a regular shaped solid would definitely be an easy task, irregularly shaped
solid was mostly measured in terms of volume through water displacement, it’s the most
convenient way to do so, and has presented its accuracy. Also, the application of this procedure
can result in determining the density of the solid, therefore after gathering the mass of the solid
either through a balance scale of the triple beam balance. It would be trouble-free to gather such
data from an irregular solid through the application of “water displacement”, this is the activity
LABORATORY ACTIVITY 1: Basic Laboratory Techniques

executed in identifying unknown metal. It is a process wherein water and graduated cylinder will
be needed; the process are as follows:

1. Pour a liquid in the graduated cylinder, measure the volume and record it as the
initial volume;
2. Carefully insert the irregular solid into the cylinder with the liquid;
3. Record the final volume and subtract it to the recorded initial volume, the results
of the computation will be classified as the volume of the irregular solid.

3. What is the dominant flame of a properly adjusted Bunsen burner? Why?

Answer: Bunsen Burners are type of laboratory equipment, a gas burner to be exact and a properly
adjusted Bunsen burner will result to a dominant flame in the color of blue, it is non-luminous that
contains lots of energies than that of the luminous yellow. Moreover, blue flames are hotter and
scorching than yellow and orange flames. A yellow flame signifies insufficient air to aid in a
complete combustion of gas—therefore, adjustment of the gas burner will be needed and once it’s
applied a blue flame will technically be observed.

4. How will you compare filtration from decantation? Which is more efficient in separating a
mixture of solid and liquid?

Answer: Both filtration and decantation aim to separate two substances from a mixture. However,
decantation separates either a solid-liquid mixture or two immiscible liquids wherein the lighter
liquid will be poured out of the container and the heavier will be contained. On other hand,
filtration was mainly employed for separating solid from liquid and/or gas, there will be an
observed utilization of filtration tools commonly filtration paper/cotton and for higher volume or
mass, would be filtration devices. Consequently, decanting simply pours of excess liquid from a
mixture unlike filtration which separates solid from liquid, ergo, filtration procedure is much
efficient in separating mixture of solid and liquid

In this activity, the main focus was to determine the density of various elements,
substances and mixtures as well as its essence to determine unknown solids specifically with
metals. The three (3) separation methods were also executed in the activity which yielded notable
findings and/or understanding with relevance to the topic. With this being stated, it was
theoretically found that the density is the mass per unit volume of a substance, moreover,
LABORATORY ACTIVITY 1: Basic Laboratory Techniques

temperature acts as the catalysts for the density wherein it contextually affected the value of density
in the array of “an increase in temperature would vastly increase the kinetic energy of the
The primary activity wherein it was observed that the weight of equipment which
holds the substances has presented various effect, specifically intervening the result of mass which
derived into a massive change in the density, with the comparison data Erlenmeyer flask has
provided the most accurate data, hence, in the first activity the selected items has challenged the
accuracy of the measurements and data.
The second activity wherein density has also portrayed a greater importance in
determining which was the preservative and neurotoxins, with the help of virtual labs for
illustrations, the formula for computations and the advice from the theoretical chemist, it was
found the compound A1 is the preservative since it yielded a higher computed density than
compound A2.
The third activity wherein the density was accumulated to serve a basis in
determining unknown metals to have a comparison with the given density value, since the
computations are technically hypothetical, there would be no computed density value that will
satisfy the same amount with the given values therefore, the nearest value will be considered to
determine which is which from the analyzed metals, the results are as follows: Metal 1-Silver,
Metal 2-Rhodium, Metal 3- Platinum.
The separation methods has proven high efficacies within the respective substance
that it aims to collect, filtration procedure are much viable within separating insoluble solid from
a solvent, evaporation were purposively functioning from reducing molecules of a liquid
substances to allow a complete recrystallization of the dissolved substances and sublimation create
a direct phase change from solid to gas wherein it was investigated that the fumes carried some
particles, and once it was constricted and thoroughly cool down, it may form solid crystals with
dependence to the substances the fume was generated. Ergo, the first laboratory activity has
successfully instilled knowledge and catered the capabilities of students in terms of elaboration for
computing density, its importance and numerous functions in determining novel characteristics of
either an element, substance, mixtures and compounds.

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