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Joseph Ivan Abanero


For me, Classical education and Modern education has some pros and cons like the classical, it
focuses more on teaching the students the tools that are necessary for self education and it assumes all
the students are created in the image of God. This education method always puts great trust in God
because he is a good and a beautiful creator who sacrificed himself for our sins. This method also
embraces an educational curriculum that verify with the student’s life calling. Modern education focuses
its teachings to the students by teaching them a consolidated list of facts and also information and it
also assumes that all students are equal and will perform actions of the same manner. Modern
education method places it trust to man and his/her ideals unlike the classical education method which
places a huge trust on the creator. Modern education also embraces a common core of information that
all students will verify with a standardized test score.

Regarding the pros and cons of these two educational systems, I believe that both of them have
their own benefits and drawbacks. For the Classical education, it's advantages include: it encourages
every student to engage with the learning process; students would be able to receive a foundation of
usable information; it passes down our knowledge to the next generation to come; and it is a broad-
based system, where the is excessive specialization in the educational system. Unfortunately, this type
of educational system can create a division when paired with the modern system; it does not offer
specialization; and there can be deficiencies in mathematics and science because te ancient approach
skips over these subjects because they were in their infancy during the stages of development.

On the other hand, the advantages of Modern Education include: the use of technology,
considering that all biological and scientific processes are assimilated today; there is a easy accessibility
of learning and availability of information; and students will be equipped with practical skills for the
future; Unfortunately, this educational system's disadvantages include: digital learning will cost a lot and
will be expensive to use; there would be influence of foreign languages; and over-dependent on
technology reduces students' intellectual skills.

Among the two educational systems, I would personally choose Modern Education because it is
concerned with the complete development of an individual's personality rather than just providing
formal knowledge. Modern education aims to develop a student's individuality by giving them a well-
rounded education. A student would be equipped to handle obstacles in daily life all because of
education, which also aids in unlocking beneficial potential. I also belive that thru this system, it will help
in developing analytical skills among students so that they can understand complex issues easily as well
as to widen their intellect in facing daily obstacles in life. Moreover, I believe that the versatility of
modern education allows us to distinguish between what is morally correct and wrong, unethical and
simple, and just. It gives someone hope that the problems humanity is now facing can be solved.

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