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Halloween, The Evil Ones Sabbath _Tjalloweeri, The Evil One 5 Sabbath Ha, Ha, Ha, This Is The

Night Of Nights.

Halloween, The Evil One's Sabbath

Authored By: Dr. Malachi Z. York For The Holy Tabernacle Ministries

Figure 1 Is This Your Idea Of Halloween?

__I?alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Introduction

"Mmmm" Night, With Its Stillness, Bone-Chilling, Cold And Low-Lying, Dense Fog Is Exhilarating! Its Strange Omnious Noises, Its Deformed Shadow. Twisting, Leering And Looming To Clutch At One's Throat Is Absolutely Breath-Taking! The Murky Landscape Lined With The Most Foul-Smelling Of Rotted Tree Stumps, Slime-Covered Stones And Gruesomely-Gnarled Tree Roots Cause A Little Fright To Some Poor Unsuspecting Fool. Ha, Ha. Ha, This Is The Night Of Nights. The Night That This Path, Laden With Unsuspecting Horrors Will Cause Many Souls To Become Mine Or Perish Damnably! This Short-Cut Has Always Provided Such Memorable, Merry Chases Before The Victim Ever Reaches The Safety Of Open Meadows. For My Enjoyment Are The Noises Of The Hooting Owl, Scurrying Rats, Howling Wolves And Napping Snakes. Oops! How Could I Forget My Fine Warm-Blooded (Or Should I Say, Cold-Blooded Friends-Bats-Occasionally Flying Overhead And Reporting Zesty Mischief Of The Evening Ahead. Note: To Say That Night Exists Is Incorrect Because The Day Is Never Without Light. There Is Always Light Because The Moon Is A Source Of Light. When There Is Darkness On The Earth It Is Properly Called Shadow Hour Or Shadow Time In This Scroll Night Will Be Used.

Tjallo ween, The Evil One 5 Sabbafh My Job Is Quite Easy On Any Given Moment, But Tonight I Won't Even Have To Work! Glory Unbounding, Shall Be Lain At My Feet, All The Praises Of Hell Fill The Earth In Honor! Men, Women And Children Shall Scourge The Land And Pour Forth So Delightfully Terrifying And Indescribable That All Which Will Be Occuring In That One Night, One Might Think It An Eternity And Best Of All, Innocent Children Shall Die!!! Aaah, Someone Approaches The Path What Joys Have I To Expect This Evening? Shall I Immediately Pounce, Play Hide-And Seek As Is This Lovely Full Moon, That Rhythmically Saunters In Front Of And Behind The Large, Gray-Black Clouds That Lends To An Already Heady Essence To The Evening Ahead? Aaah, I Can See Quite Clearly Now, The Familiar Figure Approaching. Shame For Me Not To Recognize My Dear And Faithftil Companion, Samantha Also Known As Anak. She's Truly A Servant Of Servants; Always At My Beck And Call. She Puts Such Energy And Enjoyment Into Searching And 'Discovering Ways To Please Me, Especially In The Way That Is The Most Delightful And Unholiest Of Pleasures!! It's Hard To Find A Good Witch These Days, Let Alone A Faithful Good

l^alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath Witch These Days, A Faithful Werewolf Or A Toothy Dracula!

I^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath The Halloween Season Is Big Business. It Is One Of The Three Top Candy-Selling Seasons Of The Year. The Manufactureres Of Halloween Greeting Cards, Costumes And Decorations Take Their Fill Of The Large Profits Reaped By The Public's Desire For "Fun And Folly", And The Beginning Of The Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year's Eve Swing. Leering Evil Ones, Grinning Jack-O-Lanterns, Creepy Ghosts And Goblins Are All Part Of The Halloween Spirit. If We Take A Closer Look And Examine This "Holiday" For What It Really Is, We'll Find That, Not Only Is Halloween Dangerous To Life And Property, But Its Roots Are Imbedded In Many Centuries Of Old Pagan Practices. (A Pagan Is One Who Is Not A Muslim, Jew, Or Christian, A Heathen Or Peasant, One Of No Religious Background-Taken From Webster's New World Dictionary). Year After Year, We See News Reports Of People Being Wounded And Killed During This Season. Little Children Are Gowned In Horrible Masks And Costumes, Which Invoke The Jinn (Evil Forces) They Receive "Trick Or Treats"; Sweet Loaded With Razor Blades, Needles, And Poisonous Candy. Running All About In Dark-Colored Costumes, Children Become Innocent Victims Of "Hit And Run" Accidents. Each Year, More And More People

Figure 2 Trick Or Treat If You Dare JUST "HOW HAPPY11 IS HALLOWEEN? Well, It's That Time Of Year Again When Cash Registers Ring Sweetly, As Big Businesses Sweep Upon The Masses, Exploiting Them With All Sorts Of Commodities Agencies And Department Stores Get Rich As The Naive Public Falls Prey To Their Hyped- Up Campaign.

T^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Are Viciously Attacked By Gangs Of Reckless Youths Who Molest, Assault And Sometimes Kill For Fun. Property Damage Is At The Top Of The List During This Night Of Feasting And Frolicking". Why Is This Particular Night, October 31st, Filled With Such Death, Violence And Mayhem (The Crime Of Maiming Or Mutilating A Person)? Is It Possible That The Purpose Of Halloween Is Not Really Overstood By Most People And In Their Innocence They Become The Victims Of The Night Dedicated To Death And Violence? WHAT REALLY IS THE TRUE STORY OF HALLOWEEN? Halloween, As We Know, Can Trace Its Roots To The Celts. The Celts Were Of The Offspring, Of Canaan, Grandson Of Noah, Who Resided In The Caucasus Mountains. (Refer To Koran 18:S, 18, 25;Lcviticus 14: 33 34. Diagram 1 THE CELTS

T?alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath THE DRUIDS

Their Religious Leaders Were Called The Druids (A Member Of A Celtic Religious Order), And Were High Priests. The Word "Druid" Means Knowing The Oak Tree". This Special Class Of Priests Held Both Political And Religious Functions. They Took Part In The Election Of Kings, Served As Ambassadors (Or Delegates) And Took Part In Battles. Their Teachings Consist Of Religious And Magical Matters, It Also Included Astrology And Study Of The Universe. Training To Be A Druid Was Long And Extensive. An Ancient Druid Custom Set Up Human Sacrifices. They Believed That Only " The Fruit Of The Body" Offered To Satan Was For The "Sin Of The Soul." The Religious Ceremonies Of The Celts Were Performed In The "Sacred Oak Grove", Usually In The Forest Sanctuaries. After The Gallo-Roman Period, Pagan Temples Were Built. RELGIOUS BELIEFS AND PRACTICES Many Polytheists Worshipped A Number Of Deities. Mercury Being The Great Deity. Apollo, Mars, Jupiter, Minerva And Dipater Were Also Worshipped. They Worshipped Nature (The Sky,

T^allowccn, The Evil Ones Sabbath Mountains, Stones, Trees, Lakes, Rivers, Etc) And Animals Such As The Boar, The Bear, Bulls Horses, Hares, Stags, Crows And The Snake. The Celts Strongly Believed In Human And Animal Sacrifices, Which Shocked Even The Barbaric Romans Empire. Fertility Was A Major Concern Of The Celts. It Involved The Fertility Of Flock, Field And Womankind. Procreative Rites Were Large Events - The Dance Of Maypole" Is One Ritual Still Seen In Europe And America. Around The First Of May, Large Bonfires Were Set. The Celts Would Perform A "Sun Dance" Around The Field Like Shining Stars. Often Animal And Human Sacrifices Were Tossed Into These Fires To. "Appease" The Sun To Once Again Shine In Its Full Strength After The Long Winter. Some Public Schools Still Have The Children Performing This Pagan Ritual. A May King And Queen Were Chosen To Symbolize (Or Said To Be) Incarnations Of The Vegetation Spirits. All Of These Activities Were Believed To Give Fertility To Soil And Flocks. The Gruesome Human Sacrifices Of The Celts Were Performed Not Only To Promote Fertility, But To Appease, Thank Or Gain Help From Their Deities. Most Often, Prisoners Of War, Thieves And Murderes Were Sacrificed, However, Innocent Wives

Halloween, The Evil One5 Sabbath And Children Were Occasionally Tossed Haplessly In The Fires. The Sacrificed Victims Were Sometimes Slain Beforehand By Arrows Or By Stakes Driven Through The Temples. It Was Common To First Build A Large Effigy (Representation Of A Despised Person) Of Wicker Or Wood And Straw, Then Place The Human Victims Within. The High Priests (Druids) Believed That By Observing The Way The Victims Die, They Would Be Able To See Omens Of The Future. (2 Chronicles 28:1-3) October 31st Was The Most Important Day For The Celts, For It Was Their New Year's Day And The Eve Of Their Festival For Samhain-Lord Of The Dead (Another Name Was The Time For The Gathering Of Many Evil Spirits And Souls. This Eve Was The Time For The Gathering Of Many Evil Spirits And Souls. To Release The Returning Souls, The Druids Sacrificed Their Animal And Human Victims. Charms, Spells And Predictions Of The Future Were Believed To Be More Power On The Eve Of Samhain. The Name Samuel Which Is Shortened As Sam Is One Of The Names Of The Evil One. It Is Derived From The Turkish Word Samyeil: Sam Poisonous And Veil- Wind.

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath This Is Also The Name Of Iblis When He Was A Baby Cherubeem From The Maarid Species. (The Most Powerful Of The Rebellious Race Of Eloheem.) Figure 3 Samhain Lord Of Death In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) Samuel Is Sama'el And Means "Poison Those Of El", Son Of Shakhar A Reptilian Who Raped The Anunnaqi, Mylitta. Dictionary And Glossary Of The Koran By John Penrice, B.A. He Defines This Word As: ( f j^u.) "A Pestilential Scorching Wind, Which It Is Said Shall Penetrate Into The Bodies Of The Damned; It Was From The Fire Of This Wind That Jinn Or Demons Were Created."

__I}alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath Below Are Some Of The Many Forms Of This Word: To Poison, Penetrate 2). Saam - (0Li) Poisoning Or Infecting With Poison 3). Samuwm A Hot Wind Also Signifies Death 4).Masmuwm Poisoned; Infected With Poison, Hit By A Wind Called Samuwm Samma (pH, In Aramic (Hebrew) Language Shem ( DIP) Means Name. Just As It Is Rendered As "Name" DW In Aramic (Hebrew), It Carries The Same Meaning In Syriac/Ashuric (Arabic) ( f u , Name). Samuel (Late Latin) Samuel (Greek) 1). Samm

Shamuel (Hebrew) Who Is Uncle Sam?


I?alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath The National Symbol Of The United States Which Is Uncle Sam Is Closely Related To This Word Samma 'p^-K The Term Uncle Sam Originated As An Unfriendly Nickname For The United States Government During The War Of 1812 A.D. People In Upper New York And Vermont Who Opposed The War Used The Nickname. It First Appeared In A Book Entitled The Adventure Of Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam's Costume Is Decorated With Stars And Stripes. He Has White Hair And He Has Chin Whiskers Just Like The Evil One's Ram. Notice His Swallow-Tail Coat, Vest And His Tall Hat! Doesn't His Appearence Resembles That Of Abraham Lincoln? Don't Tell Me That Is A Coincidence That Uncle Sam Has The Resemblance Of The Evil One's Ram And Abraham Lincoln! There Is No Such Thing As A Coincidence, When Compared To The Ram Caught In The Thicket To Be Sacrificed By Abraham Instead Of His Son Isaac. The Truth To This Is That Those People In Vermont Were Saying That Uncle Sam Is The Evil One. The Evil One Is Poison To Your Soul And Like A Poison, The Amorite, Physical Devil) Will Destroy Your Soul. Other Names That The Devil Uses Are Brother Jonathan (Which Is Defined As The Citizens

_Tjallowccn, The Evil One's Sabbafh__ Of The United States Collectively: Or The Government) And Yankee Doodle (An Early American Song With Several Versions Of Humorous Verses That Were Popular During The Revolutionary Wars And Sam Hill ( A Term For Hell). If You Don't Believe, Take A Look At The Word Sam Hillin, In Your Encyclopedia! Have You Ever Questioned As To Why The Terms Uncle Sam And Brother Jonathan Are Used So Frequently? Does All This Seem Like A Co-Incidence? A Coincidence Is Two Incidents, Being Analogous With Each Other. However, I Have Given You So Many Facts, You Must Realize This Malevolent Being Is Not Playing Around. Face The Facts, The Evil One Is For Real! The Evil One Wants Your Soul And He's Not Trying To Hide It!!! These Are A Few Terms That Are Derived From The Term Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam: Uncle Sam: Uncle Sam: United States Of America United Nations Sam Mas (S)


__I}alloween, The Evil One s SabbaHi_

^Ijalloween, The Evil Ones SabbaHi__ Read In Your Bible For Yourself. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Also Refer To Jeremiah 27:9) October 31st Was Also A Time Of Paying Honor To The Sun God "Baal" Or "Sal" Or "On", Who Had Supposedly Given The Blessing For The Harvest. The Word Baal Simply Means Lord, Husband, And Man. The Amorite Were Under The Rule Of Nimrod, The Nubian Ruler Of Babylon And The Self-Proclaimed Ruler Of The Amorite. He Was Councelled By Merlin The Magician (Who Was The Physical Manifestation Of The Evil One.) Corrupted By His Lust For Power, As Well As Inspired By Merlin's Diabolical Suggestions, Nimrod Thrust The Boundaries Of His Kingdom Outward In All Directions. His Ruthlessness And Cunningness Knew No Bounds. He Married His Own Figure 4 Merlin

Diagram 3 "I WANT YOU" And If This Isn't Enough For You Take A Look At Another One Of His Tricks!!! REMEMBER UNCLE SAM, THE SIMITUDE OF THE FATHER OF THE JINN, WANTS YOU HE WANTS YOU IN HIS MILITARY, HIS GOVERNMENT, HIS OFFICES, HIS MOVIES, HIS TV. SHOWS ETC. Anything To Keep You From Wanting You Proper Way Of Life, Your Proper Way Of Dress, And Your Creator!!! (Koran 58:19) These Jinns Are Not Sent From El Eloh To Guide Man. So Do Not Let The Innocent Appearance Of These Christian Ministers And Preachers Fool You.

Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Mother, Semiramis, Whose Own Evilness Was Only Exceeded By Her Son (Nimrod).

Xjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath These Are The Names Of The Madonnas And Their Children In Different Cultures Around The World. BABYLON CHINA Sing Moo (Holy Mother) INDIA Devaki* (Deitess) Krishna (Child) GREECE Aphrodite Deitess The Mediatrix ROME Venus **(Deitess) Cupid (Child)

Figure 5 Semiramis

Figure 6 Nimrod


Diana*The Isis* (Deitess Disa** Ashtaroth** Mother Of Mother) Pictured With (Deitess) Deitess Horus (Child) Child Baal(Child) Identified (Judges 2:13) With Semiramis

Eventually, After The Death Of Nimrod Was Tranferred Into The Deity "Baal", And His Mother Was Called, "The Queen Deity Of Heaven." The Sumerian Deitess Ishtar Is Also Known By This Title And Exalted Her Son Tammuz. (Refer To The Holy Tablet) This Is The Original Holy Mother And Child, Who Is Now Called Christ, That The Christians Worship Today. You Will Find This Madonna And Son In Every Culture Around The World.

* All Of These Stem From The Disagreeable Being Ishtar, Who Helped In Casting The Spell Of Sleep, KINGU, Called Leviathan On The Descendants Of Enlil And Enqi; Known As The Adamites And Enoshites Today, You! And Just With Different Names In Different Cultures. (1 Kings 18:25-26)



The Evil One s Sabbafh

T?alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath The ALL El Kuluwm) With Their Heathen "Holidays" And Feasts Are Over. (Leviticus 20:6) HOW DID THE FEAST OF SAMHAIN BECOME HALLOWEEN During The 4th Century A.D., Roman Emperor, Constantine The Great (Reign 324-327 A.D.) Declared Christianity As Lawful. The Spread Of Christianity Was Slow Due To Pagan Beliefs, Rituals And Practices Of The Masses. The Heads Of The Church Embarked On A Mission To Stamp Out Other Pagan Religions. The Celts Religious Beliefs Were Too Much For The Christians, So They Compromised By Giving The Celts: Rituals And Holidays New Meanings And Names. The Christian's All Saints Day Was Originally Celebrated On May 1. This Day Honored Early Christian Martyrs. Another Name For All Saints Day Allowed For The Idolatrous Celtics (Now Christians) To Still Celebrate On The Feast Of Samhain! Now On October 31st Then Became... n "ALL HALLOWS EVE" WHICH WAS LATER SHORTENED TO HALLOWEEN" Now For All You So-Called Christians Who Claim To Follow Christ, But You Know You Don't, The

Figure 7

Figure 8

Enlil Enqi ANUNNAQI SONS OF ANU By Now It Should Be Obvious That Halloween Is The Result Of Centuries Of Old Pagan Practices And Worship. Yet, You Still Insist On Participating In The Vices Of The Disagreeable People. These People Have No Soul And Are The Same People Who Roamed Barbarously In Tribes Thousands Of Years Ago. This Is The 21st Century, It Does Not Mean That Their Job (To Lead You Off The Siraat El Mustaqiym-Path Leading To El Eloh, Ami, The Most High El, Then On Further To The Bosom Of

, The Evil One 5 Sabbaili_ Messiah Didn't Eat Pork, Get Drunk, Take Intoxicants, Smoke, Etc., Which Are All Your Daily Habits. All Saints Day Is Merely A Replacement Of Festival Of Samhain. Even With The New "Meaning11 Given To These Pagan Rituals, The Ghost, Goblins, Witches And Various Creatures Of The Darkness, In Reality, Remain The Same. The Actual Celebration Of Halloween Is An European, Custom, Which Was Brought To America In The Nineteeth Century By The Irish And The Scotish. Halloween Is Nothing More Than A Day Of Honor And Tribute To Satan, The Malevolent One. The Romans Celebrated A Festival For The Dead In Late October Called Feralia. In November, They Honored "Pomana" Deity Of Orchards. These Two Festivals Gradually Blended With The Celtic's Samhain Feast. Figure 9 Pomana, Female Deity Of Orchards.

T^allowecn, The Evil One 5 Sabbath Roman Emperors Were Alarmed At The Intermingling That Went On Between Its Citizenry And The Celtic Peoples. They Set Out On A Massive Ban On The Ancient Druid Religion. These High Priests, Druids Were Hunted And Killed But The Celts Held Firm To Their Beliefs. HALLOWEEN SYMBOLS Objects Of Mystery And Legend, Halloween Symbols Have Their Roots In The Samhain Festival And In The Dawn Of Halloween Rituals. The Most Popular Are: THE CAT

Diagram 4 The Cat, From The Felida Order, Is An Outstanding Carnivore, Meat Eater. They Are Excellently Designed For Capturing And Killing Live Prey. Cats


Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbafh Are Intelligent, Alert And Powerfully Muscled. They Are Known To Be Quite Finicky Having An "Air Of Sophistication" About Them And Are Independent. The Domesticated Cat (Felis Dometicus Was First Domesticated In Ancient Kemet, Egypt. They Were Essential In Keeping The Egyptian Storehouses Free Of Pesty Rodents. The Egyptians Also Worshipped A Cat-Headed Deity Called Sekhmet, Also Worshipped By The Ancient Greeks And Romans, Who Ruled Over Witches, Wizards, And Ghosts.

Halloween, The Evil One 5 abbafh_ Among The Celts, Cats Were Dreaded As Supernatural Beings. They Believed That Cats And Humans, Transformed Into Animals By Evil Powers. Cats Were Victims Of Samhain Fires Because Of This Belief. The Superstitions About Black Cats Continued Into Their Association With Witchcraft. It Is Believed That Witches And Warlocks Have The Power To Transform Themselves Into Animal Shapes. The Evil One, Or Malevolent One Is Believed To Have Appeared At The Witches' Sabbat In The Shape Of Cats, Bucks, Oxen, Dogs, And Transformed Into Black Or Gray Cats, Traveling To The Sabbats And Dancing About At These Rituals. Associated With The Druids, Samhain And Later On With Witches, The Cat Was Marked As A Tme Symbol Of Halloween. It's Arched Back With Hair On End, And Yellow Eyes Glaring, The Cat Stood As A True Symbol Of The Spirit Of Evil. In Actuality It Was The Cat Who Vowed To Protect Man During The Creation Of The Pig, Which Involved The Dog, Cat And Rat. During Abraham's Time In Kemet (Egypt) With Imhotep And Zoser*s Graftation Of The Pig. (Refer To The Holy Tablet)

Figure 10 Egyptian Cat

Figure 11 Deity Bast

The Norse Female Deity, "Freya" Was A Deity Of Beauty, Love, Marriage And The Dead, And Held The Cat As One Of Her Sacred Animals.

22 23

i. The Evil Ones Sabbath

Tjalloween, The Evil One s SabbaHi__ Complete Silence And They Have Night Vision 100 Times Better Than Humans. The Ancient Romans Considered Owls Creatures Of Evil. It Was Believed That Witches Were Able To Transform Themselves Into Owl's. An Owl's Eerie Shrieks On A Lonely Night Would Send Any Traveler Swiftly On His Journey. The Spanish Word For Owl "Bruja" Also Means Witch. Like Bats, Owls Are Nocturnal And Their Eyes Are Objects Of Fear, And Mystery And Legend. JACK-O LATERN The Grinning Jack -O-Lantern Carved From The Face Of A Pumpkin, Is A Well-Known Halloween Symbol. Its Legend Finds Its Roots In Marshes And Bogs Throughout Europe. Figure 13 Pale Eerie Lights Often Appeared Over The Bogs And Marshes, Boobing Along Like A Lantern In

THE OWL I In- ( ) w l Belongs To The Bird Order, Strigifonnes. Mirv A i c hound Throughout The World Except In I he ( old Climate Of The Antarctic. Owls Have That Face Forward, Giving Them Binocular V is ion. Their Necks Are Very Mobile Compensating l o r Their Restricted Vision.
Owls Possess Flexible Feathers, Allowing For Silent Flight. Most Of The Species Of Owls Are Nocturnal (Night) Creatures And Have A Highly Developed Sense Of Hearing. All Owls Are Birds Of Prey, Feeding On Small Mammals Birds, Fish And Occasionally Insects. There Are Two Families Of Owls: The Barn Owl Family Tytonidae, Which Have Heart-Shaped Faces And Hunt Mainly By Sound, And The Typical Owls Strigidae, Which Are Round-Faced And Have Huge Eyes. Figure 12 Each Owl Eats Up To 10 Mice In One Meal. Because Their Feathers Tip Down, They Fly In


T)alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath

Someone's Hand "Ignifatuus" Meaning Foolish Fire, Are What These Strange Flickering Lights Really Were. It Is Similar To The Phosphorescense Caused By Spontaneous Combustion Of Methane (A Marsh Gas That Burn Readily And Easily). This Gas Is Formed By Rotting Plants And Animal Forms In Places That Have Little Oxygen. Centuries Ago, These Lights Were Attributed To "Lantern Men", Often Called "Hob-O-Lantern", "Jack -O-Lantern", "Will-O-Wisp" Or "Will". Many Superstitions Were Made Because Of A Lack Of Overstating Of The Causes Of The Light. It Was Believed To Be Souls Of The Sinner Who Were Condemned To Walk The Earth Until The End Of Time. One Such Legend Came From An Old Irish Story About A Man Named "Stringy Jack" Who Liked To Play Tricks On The Evil One. He Tricked The Evil One Into Promising Not To Claim His Soul. When Jack Appeared At The Gates Of Hell, They Turned Him Away. As The Scotish And Irish People Migrated To America They Discovered The Pumpkin Which They Found To Be An Excellent Substitute For Their Customary Turnip. The Pumpkins Became The

Tjalloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath

Perfect Jack-O-Lantern And Has Been Used Ever Since. GOBLINS Goblins, Like Their Counterparts Banshees, Leprechauns, Fairies, Brownies, And Pixies-Were Evil Spirits Which Were Once Thought To Emerge On The Festival Of Samhain And Later At Halloween. The Name Mormorn Means "A Spectre, Goblin, Ghoul, Spook Or Ogre" Of German Origin. The Name "Goblin" Is Derived From The French Language And Was Given To These Little People Or Fairy Folk. According To Historians, A Tribe Of Small Dark-Skinned People Averaging In Height Of Four And A Half Feet, Lived In The Northern Part Of Europe And The British Isles. They Were Said To Be The Enemies Of The Celts, Who Eventually Hunted Them Down And Conquered Them (The Celts Being Larger Than Goblins.) Goblins Were Also Associated With The Legendary "Gnomes". This Word "Gnome" Was Thought To Be Derived From The Greek Word "Genomous" Meaning "Earth Dweller". Some Gnomes, Work With Stones, Gems And Metals And Are Supposed


__ Tjallo ween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath __ To Be The Guardians Of Hidden Treasures. They Live In Caves, Far Down In What The Scandinavians Called "The Land Of Nibelungen". Many Of These Little People Of Legends And Stories Of Folklore Were Actually Extraterrestrial Beings Who Are Lacking A Certain Enzyme For Digestion And This Cause These Small Beings To Appear Green. (Refer To Shamballah And Arghaata Cities Within The Earth. Scroll There Are Other Gnomes Who Are Called Tree And Forests Spirits. To This Group Belongs The Sylvestres, Satyrs, Pans, Dryads, Hammadryads, Durdalis, Elves, Brownies And Little Old Men Of The Woods. According To Folklore, The Gnomes Were Ruled Over By A King Whom They Greatly Loved And Revered Named "Gobi". His Subjects Were Therefore Called "Goblins". Medieval Mystics Gave A Corner Of Creation To Each Of The Four Kingdoms Of Nature Spirits, And Because Of Their Earthly Character, The Gnomes Were Assigned To The North - The Place Recognized By The Ancients As The Source Of Darkness And Death! These Little People Were Said To Have Worn Green Garments, Which Disguised Them In The Fields And Forests.

__ Halloween, The Evil Qne s Sabbafii_ THE BAT Bats Are Rat-Like Furry Mammals With Wings. They Are The Result Of The Unnatural Mating Between The Bird, Which Accounts For The Wings, And The Rat Which Accounts For The Fur And Tail! Bats Have The Fastest Heartbeat Of Any Mammal, 200 Beats Per Minute. The Vampire Bat Drinks More Then Their Weight In Blood In One Night. The Long-Earred Bat Of Africa And Europe Can Hear A Moth In Flight. It Is One Of The Many Animals Which Mated Outside Of Its Class Boundary. It Is A Side Result From The Developing Or The Creation Of The Pig Next To Rodents, The Order. Of Bats Has The Largest Number Of Species Among Mammals (About 1,000 Species In All). Megachiroptera Are The Sub-Orders. These Bats Belonging To -The Megachiroptera
Figure 14 Bat


Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath

Order Are Fruit-Eating And Are Found In The Tropical Zones. The Majority Of Bats, Including All Species Found In The Temperate Regions Belong To The Microchiroptera Order. They Vary Widely In Eating Habits. Many Are Insectivores, But Are Fruit-Eaters, Fish Eaters And Blood-Suckers. Bats Are Nocturnal (Night) Creatures, They Use Echo-Location", A Sort Of Radar That When Used Throws Off "Ultra-Sonic Waves", Bouncing Back Warnings Of Any Obstacle Ahead. Echo-Location Prevents Bats From Collisions. THE VAMPIRE BAT The Infamous "True Vampire Bat Has Been The Object Of Myths And Legends, Especially Associated With The Notorious "Dracula". The True Vampire Bat Feeds On The Blood Of Warm-Blooded Vertebrae. Adaptable To Change In Their Living Conditions, They Are Mainly Cave Dwellers And Fly At Night In Search Of Food-Sleeping Mammals And Birds. When The Vampire Bat Finds Its Victim It Silently Alights And Cuts A Deep Slit In The Skin Of The Sleeping Mammal With Its Razor-Sharp Incisors. The Wound Is Painless. The Vampire Bat Then Puts Its Mouth To The Slit And Sucks The

Tjalloween, The Evil One's Sabbath

Blood. These Bats Attack The Hairless Part Of The Victims Body, Including The Noses And Toes Of Humans!!! One Major Problem Caused By The True Bat Is The Spread Of Rabies. In Venezuela, It Is Claimed That Vampire Bats Have Been Responsible For The Death Of Millions Of Cattle. Human Casualties Are Also Common In Trinidad And Brazil. Like The Cat, The Bat Is Also Sacred To The Norse Deitess Freya, And Also Has A Strong Association With Evil And Witchcraft. Bat's Blood Is One Of The Ingredients Said To Be Used In An Ointment Made By Witches. They Are Believed To Be The Vehicle Of Souls Of Witches And Cause Of Damage And Destruction. It Was Ignorance Due To Superstition And Lack Of Scientific Knowledge, And Overstanding Of The Nature Of Bat Which Played A Part In The Formation Of European Folk Tales And Beliefs. VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES FACT OR FICTION? The Wolf Man And Dracula Two Movie And Screen Stars Have Instilled Fear And Terror In The Hearts

T?alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath

Of Children For Years And Years. How Many Nightmares Have They Invoked By Their Menacing Appearance And Inhuman Behavior? Where Did These Characters Originate? What Facts And Folklores Did They Arise From? Is There Any Truth Behind These Loathsome Figures Of Fright? The Werewolf Is One Of The Most Ancient And Fascinating Tales To Have Existed Since The Early Medieval Times. Several Things Can Be Attributed To The Folk Tale Of The Werewolf. The Characteristics Of The Beast The Wolf Has A Cunning Nature Enabling Him To Survive Mankind's Attempts To Hunt And Control Them. He Has Been A Beast Of Fear And Terror For Centuries, Throughout The Mountainous Regions, The Forest Of Europe And Other Documentation That Wolves Will Eat Human Flesh. One Such Case Is The "Beast Of Geveaudan", An Extremely Large Wolf Which Plagued A Remote Corner Of France During The Eighteenth Century Killing, Over Sixty (60) Men, Women, And Children During A Two Year Spree Of Terror. His Ability To Escape All Attempts Of Annihilation Earned The "Beast Of Geveaudan A Reputation For Being A "Supernatural "Creature.

I^alloween, The Evil 0ne s abbatti__ LYCANTHROPY

Lycanthropy Is The Scientific Name Of Condition Which Literally Means "Wolf Man". It Takes Its Root From The Greek Word Lukantropia. Lycanthropy Is A Rare Disease, A Form Of Insanity Which Makes Its Victims Behave Like Wolves, Showing All The Savagery And Physical Characteristics Of The Species. The Victim Of Lycanthropy Did Not Actually Change Him Or Herself Into A Wolf. However, Their Behavior Is Beastlike: Snarling, Growling, Running Recklessly Throughout The Forests And Fields In The Blackness Of The Night, Attacking Man And Animal In The Most Savage And Gruesome Manner. The Night Of The Full Moon, Originally Called LUNA, And KINGU, Was Particularly Feared For It Was Known To Be One Of The Periods In Which The Disease Struck Most Often. Not To Mention People Start Acting Strange And Are Refered To As Luna-tics, Which Goes Back To The "Madman" Responsible For The Creation Of Your Moon (Refer To Mission Earth And The Extraterrestrial Involvement, Scroll #82). During The Dark And Medieval Ages When The Amorite Lived In A Barbaric And Uncivilized



Tjalloween, The Evil One s During The Dark And Medieval Ages When The Amorite Lived In A Barbaric And Uncivilized Condition, Myths And Fables Were Common To Become Manifest Due To The Fear Of The Unknown. It Was Believed, During This Period Of History, That The Victim Of Lycanthropy Could, At Will Transmute Themselves Into Real Wolves. They Were Also Believed To Possess A Magic Ointment Given To Them By The Evil One, Which When Rubbed On Their Bodies Commenced The Hideous Transformation. Witches Were Said To Be Able To Metamorphize Themselves (At Will) Into Wolves As Well As Other Creatures. The Phenomenon Of "Homo-Ferus11 (Wolf-Child) The Wolf-Child Is A Human Child (Usually Abandoned At Infancy) That Is Raised By A She-Wolf

Ijalloween, The Evil One s abbai-h__ These Children, If Not Rescued In Their Early Stages Of Development, Will Lack Human Behavioral Characteristics And Assume Those Characteristics Of The Beast: Eating Raw Meat, Walking On All Fours Often Unable To Stand Erect) And Lack Of Ability For Speech And Communication With Other Humans. These Children Howl Snarl And Growl And Cannot Tolerate The Daylight. Recently In The Jungles Of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) In The Early 1970's A.D., A Wolf-Child Was Discovered. Wolf-Children Are Commonly Found In Europe And India. Werewolves Also Originate From A Group Of Extraterrestrials That Are Completely Covered In Fur From Head To Foot And Are Called Shaggies From The Orion Galaxy. (Refer To Are There U.F.O. (Extraterrestrials In Our Midsts Scroll #84). Romulus And Remus Were Among The Earliest Recorded Instances Of Humans Raised By Wolves. It Is Fabled That They Were The Establishers Of The Roman Empire. The Two Brothers Asked For A Sign From The Gods To Tell Which Would Be The Founder Of The New City. Romulus Was "Chosen" By "Divine Omens" And In A Violent Quarrel Which Ensued, Murdered His Brother Remus. Thus,


Figure 15 A/B Werewolves



Tjallowccn, The Evil One s Sabbath The Famed "Roman Empire" Was Derived From The Latin Name Of Romulus. VAMPIRES IN THE LEGENDS The Vampire Or "Dracula" Is Again The Product Of An Ancient Myths And Legends. Look At This Word V-Ampire Or V-Empire. Dracula Means The Son Of A Drac. A Drac Or A Dracos Or Drago Is The Name Of A Species Of Reptilian From The Constellation Also Called Dracos Which Is In The Shape Of A Dragon And The Letter Zeta In Greek.

Halloween, The Evil One s abbal-h__ The Vampire Is Found In Folklore Worldwide And In Most Countries. The Word "Vampire" Is Of The Magyar Origin (A Principle Ethnic Group Of Hungary), And Appears In Cognate Forms In The Slavic Languages. Its Origin May Possibly Be From The Turkish Word "Uber" (Witch). The Motion Picture Industry Continues To Update And Modernize Its Versions Of The Dead.

Figure 16 Gargoyle

Figure 17 Dracos

Diagram 5 Dracos

Vampires Have Never been As Numerous As They Were In The Eighteenth Century. As Cases Of Vampires Were Seldom Reported In France, Tales Of Them Came From Russi'd, Silesia, Movarvia,


__ T^allowcen, The Evil One s Sabbath __ Slovakia, And Hungary. In Poland, Vampires Were Called Upirzi; In Greece, Brucolacas; In Arabic Ghuwl f+ , Plural Aghwaal f\+\. The WordMUberM (Witch) Was First Used In The English Language About 1743 A.D. It Was Described As The Head Person, Animated By Evil Spirits, Coming From The Graves During The Shadow Hour To Suck The Blood Of The Living. One Idea Of This Creature Of Darkness Evolved From The Stories Of The All Hallows, All Saints Day And The Celtic Samhain Festival. Many Believed That A Person Buried Without The Proper Burial Rites Would Not Stay Permanently. Diagram 6 Haunted Scene The Rate Of Premature Burials Was Very High Due To The Lack Of Medical Knowledge. Grave-Robbers

Tjalloween, The Evil One's Sabbath^ Often Found Buried Bodies Alive In Grotesque Conditions, As A Result Of Their V.ain Struggling To Escape The Grave-Robbers, Who Gossiped Tales Of Horrors Of The "Living Dead". The True Vampire Bat Which Sucks The Blood Of Warm-Blooded Mammals And Birds Gave The Vampire, Such As "Dracula", Its Ominous Bat Transformation And Nocturnal Behavior. VAMPIRES The Need For Blood Is A Natural Condition Of The Albino People With His Many Diseases, He Needs Blood To Keep His Race Alive. Hemophilia Is A Form Of VampirismThe Hemophiliac Is In Constant Need Of Blood. Albinos (Those Suffering From Albinism A Disease Which Causes The Lack Of Pigmentation In The Cells) Have To Undergo A Complete Blood Transfusion At Birth. Since Their Blood Does Not Contain The Necessary Factors For Clotting Or The Salt Necessary For Reproduction; These Blood Transfusions Must Continue Regularly Throughout Their Lives! This Is Vampirism!!! Haven't You Ever Wondered Why For The Simplest Blood Tests Your Doctor Needs 4 Tubes Of Blood? Where Is All This Blood Going? The Albino Man's "Blood Bank" Is Just A Sophisticated Way Of

_T}alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath^ Getting All The Blood He Needs! It Is Still A Form Of Vampirism! Vampirism Is Another Form Of Demonism, Which The Evil One, Himself, Has Introduced Into All Societies To Win The Souls Of The People. Note: The Name Of The Present Day Leader Of The Seventh Day Adventist, Jack Van Imp. Now Notice The Spelling Of His Last Name-Van Imp=Vampire!!! The Founder's Name Was Ellen G. White. The "G". Stands For Gould Or Is It "Ghoul". There Is A Book Out Called The Urantia Book Which Is Attracting Lots Of Attention And Is Looked Upon As The Bible. This Book Was Put Together By The Seventh Day Adventist. The Name Urantia Is Taken From The' Name Urania, Who Is One Of The 9 Muses Of Zeus. The Daughter Of Zeus And Mnemosyne. Urania Also Is Spelled Ourania Which Has The Same Root As The Greek Word For Heaven Ouranus (Ooranus) And Phonetically Uranus. Absence Of Pigmentation In The Skin. White Or Light Hair: Red Eyes Because Of Reflected Light Passing Through The Red Blood Vessels In The Eyes. "Vampires Actually Exist And Are Walking The

Ijalloween, The Evil One 5 SabbaHi_ Earth Today". Insist A Noted Exorcist For The Church Of England, Britain's Major Religious Denomination. "Believe Me, Vampires Are Real- I've Encountered Three Of Them" Declared The Reverend Dr. Donald Omand Of Devon, England. I Am Convinced That A Tiny Number Of People In The World Today Are Vampires - They Must Drink Blood. The Three I Encountered Were In Mental Hospitals. But I Think That Their Problem Went Much Deeper Than Mental Illness. I Believe They Were Possessed By The Evil One. The Legend Of Dracula - The Most Famous Vampire Of Them All Is Rooted In Reality", Said Dr. Omand. Dr. Frida Surawicz, Associate Professor In The Department Of Psychiatry At The University Of Kentucky Medical College, Agreed That Modern Vampires Do Exist. "I Have A Colleague Who Saw A Patient Who Was Showing The Symptoms Of A Vampire" She Said. Psychiatrist Dr. Berthold Schwartz Also Told The Enquirer That Vampires Are A Reality. "I Think It Is A Severe Form Of Mental Disturbances", He Said. There Is A Group Of People Who Are Called Gothic. They Prefer To Wear Black Clothes And Their Skin Is Extremely Pale. They Only Mix Their Genes With Their Own European Race, However, In Doing

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath This, They Will Return To Their Barbaric-Like State, Which Goes Along With The Meaning Of Gothic. They Become Those Bleached Out Lepers From The Time Of Canaan, Only Mixing Amongst Themselves. Many From This Group Participates In A Vampirish Practice Of Feeding Or Drinking Blood, Literally, Off Of Each Other As Vampires In Movies, Except These Are Willing Partners. (Ephesians 2:3). They Pierce The Tongue, The Lips, The Sex Sexual Organs, And They Tatttoo Themselves. They Are The Returning To Their Babarious Ways.

Halloween, The Evil One s abbafli_

Canaan And As A Result They Are Now Known As: Koreans Eskimos Japanese Some Chinese Indonesians East Indians Pakistanians Malayans Sicilians(Southern Italians) They Are All Nubian! Although They Have Violated The Commandments Of The Most High, They Are Not The Sons Of Canaan (Even Though They Mixed Their Blood With Them). (Genesis 9:25) When The Amorite Lived In The Caucasus Mountains No Plant Life Existed And Salt Was Unavailable. This Condition Forced The Amorite Males To Leave The Mountain And "Steal" Nubian Women; Thereby, Enabling His Degenerate Seed To Stay Alive. Canaan Women On The Other Hand, Were Left In The Mountains And Resorted To Lying And Having Sex With Beast, Such As The Jackal (The Ancestor Of Today's Dog). (Leviticus 18:23) The Phrase "A Dog Is A Man's Best Friend" Stems From This Sinful Act. The Dog Would Lick The Festered Sores Of The Leper And Cleanse Them For Him. (Leviticus 13: 2,10, 19-20) His Seed Was Kept Alive Due To The Mating Of The Malevolent Or Disagreeable One And The Characteristics Of The Beast. In Addition, Venereal Diseases Came About

The Evil One Is Tellinc You Himself Now , Will You Believe?
These Are The Sons Of Canaan, They Are The Children Of Devils Who Have Wreaked Havoc Throughout The Earth. The Spaniards (Spanish) Are The Native Inhabitants Of Spain. They Are The Europeans And Are Not To Be Confused With Our Original Latino Brothers And Sisters (Who Are Nubian) Who Inhabit Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Central America: Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua; South America: Guyana And Uruguay. The Europeans Should Also Refer To You By Your Name: Nubians. Some Nubians, Throughout Time, Have Mixed Their Seed With The Cursed Sons Of

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Because Of This Act. The Malevolent, Evil Ones Have No Respect For The Laws And Commandments Of El Yahuwa, El Eloh. Bestiality And Fornication Are A Part Of His Nature. He Has You, The Nubian Following In His Footsteps And Participating In These Abominations. Today, Big French Poodles, Great Danes, And Doberman Pincher, To Name A Few, Are Seen Walking Alone With Their Masters. Did You Ever Stop To Think That These Dogs Are Also Their Masters' Sex Mates? Women Of The Disagreeable Ones Practice Bestiality As A Form Of Masturbation,Using The Animal To Rub Against Or Lick Their Genitals! The Wolfinan Is Not A Mere Myth, He Is Based On Facts!! (Leviticus20:15-16) The Two Cities: Sodom Meaning "Covered, Conspiracies;1' And Gomorrah Meaning "Overhearing" Were Destroyed Because Of Their Wickedness. Also The Inhabitants Practised All Sorts Of Unlawful Sexual Acts. This Is The Common Explanation. (Refer To Sodom Misinterpreted Scroll # 123). Even Though The Two Cities Have Been Destroyed For Centuries, They Still Thrive In The Hearts Of Mankind Today! By Nature, The Disagreeable One Is In Opposition To The Will Of El Eloh. They Would Rather Resort To Bestiality As A Source Of Worship. Bestiality Has Well Taken A

fallowed!, The Evil One 5 Sabbafh_ Part In The Rituals Of Witchcraft, Magic And Sorcery. (Leviticus 18:22).

Figure 20 Juliana Pastronis Remains Were Stuffed And Placed On Display By Her Husband. Result Of The Jackal Gene


l^allowccn, The Evil One 5 Sabbath

Halloween, The Evil One a Sabbafh_ WITCHCRAFT THE EVIL ONE'S RELIGION

The Rebirth Of Witchcraft, Satanism And The Occult In Recent Years Has Focused Much Attention On The Black Arts. What Is Witchcraft? Where Did It Come From? Today Many Believers In The Occult Are Coming Out Of The Closet. You See Events Occuring But You Refuse To Believe Them. There Is An Old Saying That Goes... "WHAT YOU DONT KNOW CANT HURT YOU..." This Couldn't Be Further From The Truth. What You Don't Know Can, Does And Will Hurt You In Your Everyday Life. Television, Movies, The Music Industry And Everywhere Else, Witchcraft Is Happening!!! You Have Been Placed Under A Spell; A Spell That Renders You Deaf Dumb And Blind, Unable To See The Truth.
However, El Eloh Says: " You Shall Know The Truth And Truth Shall Make You Free". - John 8:32. Right Translation By Dr. Malachi Z. York The Time Is NOW! For You To Open Up Your Eyes To The Tricks Of The Evil One. Witchcraft

Figure 21 Is This Just A Similarity, Or Is The Evil One At Work? (Numbers 27:21)


_T?alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath Is His Way Of Life, Yet, He Has You Believing He's A "God-Christian", And the "Great White Savior". Come, Let Us Delve Into The Subject Of Witchcraft And The Occult; Let Us Just See How It Really Does Affect You.

l^allowccn, The Evil One s Sabbath One Can Be Placed Under A Spell By The Following Things: One's Signature, Pentagram, Copper Jewlery Or Coins, (Watch For Those Unknown Pennies Just Laying Around Your House Or Right Out Your Door, And Cast Them Away) Cut Hair Or Nails, Dollar Bills And Knowledge Of The Exact Date And Time Of Your Birth. SORCERY Sorcery Involves The Major Aspects Of Life, The Source Of Things. The Aspects Of The So-Called Black Arts; It Is The Search For Supernatural Power That Can Be Used To Manipulate The Lives Of Others And Reduce Them To Complete Servitude. Men Without Faith In El Eloh Have Always Lived In Fear Of The Elements And Were Quick To Associate Anything They Saw For The First Time In Nature, With The Supernatural. When Man First Noticed That There Were Five Heavenly Bodies That Changed Their Stations From Time To Time, They Immediately Attached A Superstitious Significance To Their Motions. Sorcery Was Always Associated With False Claims. In Order To Influence The Weak And Seekers Of Power, Certain Men Also Arose, Who Claimed That They Could Foretell The Events Of The Future By The Movements Of The Planets And The Stars. The Ancient Babylonians Earned A World Of Sorcerers In His Court. The Sun And Moon And The Five


1) White Magic-Invoking Spirits 2) Grey Magic- Destroying Something Or Someone A Person Loves 3) Black Magic-Bringing About Total Destruction On Some Person/Persons 4) Red Magic - Invoking The Evil One Himself 5) Imitative - Sorcerer Uses Pictures Or Paintings, Illustrating Something They Wish Invoking This Magic To Occur. 6) Contagious- To Call A Spell On An Enemy By Stealing A Piece Of Clothing, A Lock Of Hair Or A Bit Of Fingernail. 7) Sympathetic - To Bewitch Or Kill The Sorcerer Of A Person And Burn It Or Stick Pins In It (Voo Doo Doll).


T)alloween, The Evil One 5 abbai-h_

Planets; Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, And Jupiter, Were Used As The Basis Of Such Practices. Thus, The Five Pointed Star Was Used (The Five Representing The Five Planets Which Were Known At The Time), As Were Many Spells, Incarnations And Rituals Based On That Number. To This Day, The Five Pointed Star Or Ram's Head, Is Still Used In Magical Ceremonies. Sorcery In All Its Manifestations Is Basically The Worship Of Satan, In The Hopes Of Gaining Supernatural Powers. Their Major Tools Are Fear And Intimidation And The Object Is Always Destruction. Also The Hexagram The Interlocking Six-Pointed Star Symbol Of The 6,000 Year Spell Of Leviathan. All Throughout History, The Evil One Amorite Has Been Using Magic And Sorcery As A Means Of Seducing And Gaining His Desires. One Such Case Was That Of "Merlin The Magician", Known Widely As A Magician And Sorcerer In The Fables Of "King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table". Merlin The Magician Was Not A Made-Up Character From The Amorite Storybooks! He Was Actually Satan In The Flesh, Who Appeared To Nimrod, The Son Of Kuwsh, The Grandson Of Noah And Namah. (Genesis 10:8) Nimrod Was A Mighty Ruler, Governing All His

T^alloween, The Evil One 5 abbaHi_

Subjects With Justice And Restitution Under ANU In Calneh " Fortress Of Ami", When Merlin Inspired His Diabolical Suggestions Of Hautiness And Tyranny. He Told Nimrod Of The Animalistic People Residing In The Caucasus Mountains Whereby He Could Rule The Whole World. Nimrod ,Being Seduced By Shaytaan (Satan, The Physical Evil One) Who Was Merlin The Magician Exceeded His Limits And Thought Himself To Be An Equal To El Eloh. SORCERY DURING THE TIME OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD During The Time Of Muhammad People 570-632 A.D., Who Opposed Him Worked In The Way Of Satan. The Evil One Worship Was Their Tool To Hurt Muhammad. So-Called Jews, Lubaid And His Two Daughters, Faatin And I'jaaz, Were Enemies Of Muhammad And Were Jealous Of Him. Since Faatin And I'jaaz Were Sorceresses, They With The Help Of Their Father Rooted Muhammad. Sorceresses Are Those Who Work Incantations, Spells To Produce Magical Effects On People Or Objects That Belong To The Person. You May Notice That Their Works Are Performed Late At Night. Faatin And I'jaaz Cast A Spell On Muhammad By Tying Knots In A Rope


_l7alloween, The Evil Ones And Blowing Evil Words On Them. This Caused Muhammad To Become Very Sick. He Remained Under This Spell Until El' Eloh Revealed The Koranic Chapters Of Suwrat El Falaq, Chapter Of The Breaking Forth Of Day) And Suwrah El Naas (Chapter Of The People). (Koran 113:1-5; 114:1-6). It Is Said That Powers Like These Are Only Active If You Believe In Them. Unfortunately, That's Why The Sorcery Was Able To Work On Muhammad. El Islaam Was Still New To Him And The Art Of Sorcery Was Prominent Back Then. He Was Vulnerable Because He Sometimes Doubted His Prophethood And Became Weak At Times The Rope Used By The Town Sorceresses, Faatin And I'jaaz Was Hidden In A Well, But El Eloh Interceeded In This Evil Deed And Commanded The Eloheem Gabriel, Nusqu To Let Muhammad Know Where The Rope Was Hidden. The Prophet Muhammad Then Told Amir El Mu'minin Ali Commander Of The Faithful, His Son -In- Law And Cousin, Where To Find The Rope. When Amir El Mu'minin Ali Brought The Rope Back, Muhammad Began To Recite The Above Chapters Of Koran. As He Recited Each Verse, A Knot Would Untie Itself Until He Had Completed The Recitation Of The Eleven Verses.

Ijalloween, The Evil One s Sabbafli__ Another Incident Where Muhammad Was Affected By Evil Sorcery And Wickeness Involved Umm Jumail. Umm Jumail Was The Sister Of Abu Sufyan, A Prominent Leader Of The Quraiysh Tribe And An Adversary Of Muhammad. This Evil Woman Was Also The'Wife Of Abu Uzza, Better Known As Abu Lahab "Father Of The Flame". She Used To Place Thorns In Muhammad Path And Would Throw The Insides Of Animals And Defiled Things On Him. Another Person Who Affected Muhammad Was Hind, Who Was The Wife Of Abu Sufyan. The People In The Surrounding Areas Of Arabia, Being Of The Pagan Tribes, Were Firm Believers In Fortune-Telling, Reading Of Tarot Cards, Astrology And Idol Worship. With The Advent Of Muhammad And The Proclamation: LA ILLAAHA ILLA EL ELOH! Nothing Would Exist If El Eloh Didn't Create It! Whose Existence Along With Everyone, Everything Else Came From El Kuluwm. The ALL. LA ILAAHA ILALAL EL KULUWM! NOTHING WOULD EXIST EXCEPT BY WAY OF THE ALL!!



_T?alloween, The Evil One s Sabbaf-h

All Forms Of Witchcraft, Sorcery, Magic, Etc., Were Diligently Opposed And Eliminated. (Acts 26:18)

I^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbai*h_ This Then Is The Root Of The Deception!!! Pseudo -Sham, False, Spurious, Pretended, Counterfeit;Closely Or Deceptively Similar To Specified Thing - The Science Of The Stars, Planets And Heavenly Bodies Dealing With Their Composition, Motion, Size, And Relative Position, Etc. NECROMANCY Necromancy Is The Ait Of Revealing Future Events By Means Of Alleged Communications With The Dead. The Word "Necromancy" Comes From The Conglomeration Of The Greek Words, "Nekros" Or "Necro" Death, Corpse Dead Tissue And The Word "Manteio " Divination. Along With Witchcraft, Sorcery And Magic, Necromancy Is An Abomination Unto El Eloh. DIVINATION NAKHASH OTJ Nakhash , "The Whispers" Is Also The Name Of The Evil Reptilian From The Garden, Who Enticed And Seduced Nekaybaw In The Garden. He Is Also Known As Khannaas Also Referred To As The Serpent Of Your Bible Genesis 3:1. This Same "Whispering Serpent" Is One Who Speaks Into The


Diagram 7 Early European "Astronomers11 Mimicking Their Teachers-(The Nubians)


Astrology - Is Identified As: Pseudo-Science Claiming To Foretell The Future By Studying The Supposed Influence Of The Relative Positions Of The Moon, Sun And Stars On Human Affairs. In Latin Is Astrolgia; Which Is Defined As Astronomy. Webster's Dictionary Supports That There Is No Real Science Called Astrology.


I?allowecn, The Evil 0ne 5 Sabbafh_ Heart Of Man And Leaves Evil Suggestions. Leviathan, The Spell Of Sleep, Is Defined As "A Sea Monster, Serpent". The Word' "Divination" Comes From The Latin Word Divinatio" Which Means The Faculty Of Forseeing. It Is The Act Of Or Practice Of Trying To Fortell Future Events Or The Unknown Occult Means. It Is Also Known As: Figure 22 Divination 1) A Prophecy; Prediction Augury 2) A Successftil, Guess1 Clever Conjecture ALCHEMY From The Latin Word "Alchimia"; Greek Archemia"; It Is Defined As The "Doctrine, Study And Practice Of Chemistry Concerned With Transmutation Of

Ijalloween, The Evil One s ^ letals Into Gold And The Finding Of A Universal Remedy For Disease." This Art Was Practiced extensively From The Thirteenth To The Seventeeth Century. Alchemy Has Been Used In The Occult And Black Arts As A Power Or Process Of Transmuting One Thing Into Another. Alchemy Is Called The "Secret Art Of The Land Of Khem", And It Is One Of The Two Oldest Sciences Known To The World. Infact When The Anunnaqi Were In Search Of Gold In The Land Of Kem Or Khem Or Kemet, They Turned Lead Into Gold Because Of Its Abundance. They Were Able To Change The Molecular Structure Because They Overstood The Structure Of Cells And Molecules. Many Of These Equations To These Formula Were Left And Discovered And That Is Why You Have Fake Golds Today. Alchemy Was Divinely Revealed To Man So That By Their Aid He Might Regain His Lost Estate. Another Mystery Science Is Astronomy. The Chaldeans, Phonecians, And The Baybylonians Were Familiar With The Principalities Of Alchemy, As Were Many Early Oriental Races. It Was Practiced In Greece And Rome And It Was The Master Science Of Kemet. "Khem" Was One Of The Ancient Names For The Land Of Egypt. In Both


T)alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Worlds, Alchemy And Chemistry Are Perpetuall Reminders Of The Propriety Of Egypt's Scientifc Knowledge. It Is A Well Known Fact That All The Knowledge Of The Sciences And Mathematics Came Out Of The Great Kingdoms Of Egypt. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF WITCHCRAFT A Witch Is The Most Popular Synbol Of Halloween. She Is Depicted As A Old Woman, Walking Bent Over With A Black Hat And A Long Cloak. She Is Usually* Seated Upon A Broom Stick And Has Her Favorite Companion At Her Side, The Black Cat. That, However, Is Merely An Imaginary Picture Of The Witch, For As You Will See, Witches Can Be Your Next Door Neighbor, The Friendly Bus Driver, Or Your Sophisticated Banker. WITCHCRAFT THE OLD RELIGION "Witchcraft", The "Old Religion Is As Old As Mankind. The Word Witch Is Derived From The Anglo-Saxon Word "Wit"= Which Means Wise. Witchcraft Consists Of The Use Of Sorcery, Spells And Magic. The Craft Stems From Ancient Pagan Religions That Worshipped The Elements Of Nature. Two Deities Are Worshipped: A Horned Male And

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Female Deity. The Female Deity Name Varies From Aphrodite, Diana, Astarte, Bridget And Persephone, Rules During The Summer Months Of The Year. She Represents Fertility. Diana Is Known By So Many Names As Diane, And The Word Also Is For Dina, The Only Daughter Of Jacob Father Of The Israelites, Who Mohammedans Worship, Din El Islaam. Look At What You See All Around You In The Islaamic World, Phallic Symbols Seen In The Form Of Minarrats; And Domes Representing Breasts. Now Do You See? It Is Nothing More Than A Fertility Cult. (Acts 19:26-27)

Figure 23 Diana

The Horned Deity, Who Goes Under The Names Gernunos, And Pan, Is The Symbol Of The Hunt. On Halloween, The Rulership Goes From The Deitess

l^allowcen, The Evil One s Sabbath To The Deity. The Horned Deity Is Worshipped During The Long Winter Months. He Is Usually Represented As A Ram, Bull Or Goat. THE HORNED "DEITY" IS SYMBOLIC OF THE EVIL ONE SAMAEL WITCHCRAFT, DEMOLOGY AND SATANISM ARE ALL ABOMINATIONS UNTO EL ELOH.
Pan Was The Ancient Greek Deity Of Huntsmen, Shepherds And Later All Nature. Wood, Field And Flocks Belonged To Him. The Greek Believed That He Stayed On Earth, Roaming Through The Mountains And Valleys, Playing Gayly On His Flute Made Of Reed.
Figure 24

T?allowccn, The Evil One s Sabbath And Beast. This Terror Of Panic, Was Named After Him. Also To Pan Look On And Sound Equalment: It Means From " Left To Right Or Right To Left". The Pan As The Sun Appears To Rise And Set For The Full Daylight Or Christian Sunrise And Set. Set An Egyptian Name For The Evil One. During The Medieval Times, Magic And Witchcraft Were Practiced Freely Until 14 A.D., When Emperor Augutus Caesar Placed A Ban On The Craft. The Use Of Magic To Blight A Crop, Raise A Storm, Or Predict The Death Of An Emperor, Was A Serious Crime. However, So-Called "Harmless Magic" Which Involved Healing The Sick Or Preparing Love Portions Was Still

PAN Pan1 Was Considered The Cause Of Sudden, Unreasoning Terror That Occurs Sometimes In Man And Beast. This Terror Of Pjanic, Was Named After 60

Diagram 8 Witches1 Sabbat


T^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath

In The Seventh Century, The Arch-Bishop Of Canterbury, England Set Punishments On Those Who Worshipped The "Horned Deity", Even Though Christianity Was Still Spreading And The Old Religion Still Survived. In The Tenth Century A.D., King Edgar Of England Admitted That It Was Still More Popular Than Christianity. It Was At This Point The Believers In The Horn Deity Were Called "Witches". Revelation 8:1 And When Tammuz The Lamb Opened The Seventh Stamp, There Was Silence In The Orion Skies For A Half An Hour.- Right Translation By Dr. Malachi Z. York The Previous Mentioned Quote Mentions The Year 1970 A.D., In Which The Seventh Seal Was Opened And All Truth Was Made Manifest. It Marked The Coming Of The Reformer And His Community, Jaami El Kawn ( o^su ^j> ) Universal Assembly. The Half An Hour Represents Symbolically The Last 30 Years To The Year 2000 A.D., Which Were Given To The Lamb Of The Most High, Anu, "The Heavenly One", To Slay The Beast, Leviathan, And Smother All His Venomous Lies That Have Been Fed To The People. There Has Been An Extention

l^allowcen, The Evil One s Sabbath To The Year 2030 (Refer To Mission Earth And The Extraterrestrial Involvement, Scroll #82.

It Is No Coincidence That The Evil One Would Have Public "Witch-In" In The Year 1970 A.D. He Is No Longer Hiding The Truth About Himself, For All The Truth Has Been Made Manifest. Witchcraft Is His Religion And He's Letting You Know About It!!! THE EVIL ONE'S SABBAT An Organized Coven Of Witches Have Two Types Of Meetings; A Weekly "Esbat", Which Is A Meeting Of The Local Coven And A Sabbat", Which Is A Much Larger Feast. The Word Sabbat Is Derived From The Aramic (Hebrew) Word "To Rest". The Word Sabbat As Used By Satanic Worshippers, Attracts Evil Worshippers From All Over The World And Is Held Mainly (4) Times A Year. February 2: Candlemass August 1: Lammastide Day October 31: Halloween April 31: May Eve The Oldest Halloween, Was Based Other Days New Year's Sabbats Of Them All, May Eve, And Belong To An Ancient Calendar Which Upon The Mating Times Of Animals. On Which The Sabbats Are Held Are: Day, Saint Thomas Day (December 21),



I7alloween, The Evil Qnc s Sabbath Midsummer's Eve (June 23), Christmas (December 25), And Easter. In Europe, Several Places Are Known To Be The Gathering Places For Witches On Their Sabbats. The Blocula In Sweden Was One Well Known Place, The Puy De Dome In France In Another. Harz Mountain, A Famous Region In Germany, Is The Most Well Known Sacred Spot For Witches. The Number In A Coven Of Witches Is Traditionally 13. 12 Members And The 13th Member Is The Grand Master Azazl. The Types Of Activities Performed In These Covens Varies In Degrees Of Rituals, Rites And Worship. As You Will See, People Like The Pope, And Queen Of England And Various Political Leaders Of Various Countries And Some Members Of The Clergy Gather At The Major Sabbats To Invoke The Malevolent One!!! On Each Of These Occasions A Nubian Man Is Sacrificed. The Witches Light Fires, Dance And Feast, And Sacrifice On The Nights Of The Sabbats. The Blood Of The Sacrificed Victims Is Spinkled All About The Place!!! In The Year 1970 A.D., The Public Witch-In Was Held In Central Park On Halloween During The Evening Hours. The Congregation Of A Coven Still Exists Predominately In England, And South America.

I?alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath From The Pope Who Head's One Of The Countries Controlled By The Beast, The President Of The United States As Well As Many Other Political Leaders Of Other Countires Around The World Are All A Part Of The Brotherhood Of Satan. (Koran 10:106) A LOOK AT THE ACTIVITIES OF "WITCHES" The Sabbat Attracts The Evil One's Worshippers From All Over The World And Is Held Mainly Four Times A Year As Mentioned Previously: Other Days On Which Sabbats Are Held Are: Saint Thomas Day Midsummer's Eve Easter April -December 21 - June 23 - First Sunday Of

Satanic Ritual Calendar Date

Jan. 7 Jan. 17

Celebration Type
St. WineBald Satanic Revels Blood Sexual

Animal Or Human Oral, Anal




l^alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath

Feb. 25
St. Walpurgi Day St. Eichatadt Or Strength Or Homage

_I?alloween, The Evil One s abbal-h_

Aug. 3
Sept. 7 Satanic Revels Marriage To The Beast Satan ** Feast Day (Fall Equinox)
All Hallow

Blood Communion Of Blood Or Blood Drinking Of Human Blood Orgies

Animal Dismemberment
Any Age

Sexual Sexual

Oral, Anal,


Mar. 1

Sacrifice Infant - To 21 Dism'embe r Oral, Anal, Vaginal

Any Age Male, Female, Or Animal Any Age

Sept. 22


Mar. 20

"Feast Day Thaddaeus Preparation 'Grand Climax ** Feast Day (Summer Soltice) Demon Revels

Oral, Anal, vaginal


Any Age (Male Or Female

Oct. 29 Nov. 1 Nov. 4

Blood Sexual Sexual Orgies

Sexual Climax With Demons Oral, Anal, Vaginal Oral, Anal, Vaginal

Apri. 21-26



Halloween) Satanic Revels ** Feast Day

(Male Or Female

Apr. 26May 1
June 21

De Meur Orgies

Corpus De Baahl

(1-15 Female)

7-17 (Female)
Any Age (Male, Female Or Animal Any Age Male Or female

Dec. 22

Anal, Any Age Vaginal (Male Or (Human Or Female) Animal Sexual

Any Age (Female)

Dec. 24

Demons Revel

Oa Meur

High ('Umax

July 1

Blood Druids Associatio 11

*Signifies Most Important Holidays **Signifies Holidays Of Lesser Significance



i, The Evil One s Sabbath By Mulachi Martin Just A Few Week Ago, Great Publicity Was Given To A Seemingly Mindless Act Of Vandalism In A Cemetery In Quessna. Graves Were Broken Open And Bones Removed. What The Devil For? For The Devil Himself In All Probability. A Detailed Account Of What The Bones Were Doubtless Intended For, Along With Many Other Gruesome Happenings, Will Be Found. In" Michelle Remembers". Michelle Smith , Is The Subject Of The Book, Poignantly And Painfully Remembers What Almost Certainly Was Her Abuse As A 5 Year Old In An Episode Of Satanism-To Which Her Own Mother Apparently Submitted Her. Michelle Was Offered As The Bride Of Satan In A So-Called Black Mass Also Known As The Feast Of The Beast, A Reverse And Bloody Parody Of Christain Holy Communion Service That Is Usually Celebrated On Or About All Souls Day (Nov. 1) As Will Be Seen In The Excerpts, The Bones Of The Dead Are Used For Communion Wafers, Which Is Why Priests Are Alert At This Time Of The Year For What They Call "Matchbox Snappers" People Who

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Take Communion And Then Immediately Transfer The Wafer To A Matchbox Or Whatever To Save It For Use In The Coming Black Mass. This May Sound Silly, If Not Blasphemous, But For Satanists It Is An Entirely Serious Matter With Much Larger Than Blaphemous Purpose: The Goal Of The Black Mass Is To Produce A Living Embodiment Of Satan In The World, That Is The Antichrist. This The Satanists Hope, Will Be Achieved By The Priest-Celebrant Of The Black Mass, Representing Satan, Actually Impregnating The Virginal Female Who Is Used As The Altar Of Worship, As It Seems Michelle Was Intended To Be. Satanism Is Actually Far Older Than Christianity And Probably As Old As Humanity. In Essence It Is A Display Of Power That Evil Has Always Raised Against Good, No Matter How Those Polar Forces Have Been Called At Particular Times. In General, However, In The West Today Satanism Is Expressed Through A Lampoon Of The Christian Communion Service, Or Mass. The Governing Principal Of The Black Mass Is "Everything In The Opposite Way." Crosses Are Upside Down. Candles Are Black Instead Of White. And So On.



Halloween, The Evil One 5 SabbaHi_ Most Christians Still Believe That At One Past Moment Jesus Died On The Cross. Every Celebration Of The Holy Communion Since That Time Refers To That Past Event, With The Celebrating Priest Standing In For Jesus. "The Son Of Man'1, And With The Communion Wafer Representing The Body Of Jesus And The Wine His Blood. By Participating In The Ceremony And By Consuming Wafer And Wine, Christians Hope To Participate In What They Believe Was Jesus' Triumph Over Death. That Is, They Hope For Salvation From A Past Event Made Present. Satanists On The Contrary Hope That Once In The Near Future, The Son Of Satan Will Be Born In An Actual Live Birth From A Virgin Seeded Priest Conducting The Black Mass - Or , If The Congregation Is Exceptionally Lucky, By Satan Himself. For This Insemination To Have Any Chance Of Success, Satanists Believe The Priest Must Be A Genuine Ordained Priest, Who Consecrates The Bread And Wine On The Pubis Of The Virgin, Who Is Used As The Altar. After This, He Penetrates And Seeds Her. There Is Also A Living Victim Who Is Killed In A Bloody Sacrifice.

Tjalloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbai"h__ Michelle's Forced Exposure To Satanism Seems To Have Undertaken Place In 1955, In Victoria, British Columbia, As Sedately Proper A City As One Could Possibly Imagine. Where The Possibly Imagine. Where The Most Ordinary And Respectable People Apparently Took Part In The Ceremonies Under The Central International Church Of Stan, Similar Ceramonies Will Be Enacted This Year In New York, Kentucky, Connecticut, Geneva, London Town- All Over The World. No Hard Figures Are Available But The Membership In The Satanic Church Seems To Be Growing As The Great Satanic Year Of 1982 Nears. The Belief Is That Every 28 Years Satan Himself Appears At A Feast Of The Beast To Outline His Strategy For The Next 28 Year Period- 28 Being Four Times The Crucial Satanic Number Of 7. Necromancy And Numerology Are Strong Elements Of Satanism...Michelle, With Half Of The Presence She Calls "Ma Meur", Who Appears To Have Been The Blessed Virgin, Was Able To Resist The Devil Himself, Rather A Remarkable Achievement For A Child Of 5. Daily News, Sunday October 5, 1980. WITCHES FAMILIARS


Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbafh The Witches Familiars, Or The Familiar Spirit Is Said To Be A Low-Ranking Demon, In The Shape Of A Small Domestic Animal, Such As: Dogs Toads, Goats, Oxen, Owls, Rodents, And The Most Popular, The Cat; Which Was Given To The Witch By The Evil One. Once The Witch Made His/Her Familars For Protection, Advice And To Perform Small Malicious Errands, Including Murder And Sickness, It Is Believed That The Witch Would Suckle Her Familiars On Her Own Blood For Nourishment (Vampirim). An Accused Witch Who Named Her Familiars Often Had These Animals Burned At The Stake With Her. WHAT CAUSED THE INQUISITIONS The Inquistions Was The Catholic Tribunal Charged With Exposing And Punishing Religious Unorthodoxy. The Inquisition Itself Emerged About 1200 A.D., It Was Recorded, The Inquisition Was Due To Mounting Insecurity, Weakness, And Immorality In The Roman-Catholic Church. In The Year 1184 A.D., The First Episcopal Inquisition Was Organized By Pope Lucius III. He Ordered Bishops To Make "Systematic Inquiry", Into Any Activities That Deviated From The Official Teachings Of The Church. Any Person Found

Halloween, The Evil One 5

Marked By Suspicion Alone Had To Prove Their Innocence Or Be Punished. These Local Inquisitions (Those Who Sought Suspected Criminals) Directly From The Vatican With Absolute Authority. The Decree, Later Part Of The Canon Law, Came As A Bull (A Bulletin From The Medieval Era), In March 1199 To The Town Of Viterbo. HERESEY: According To Aquinas And Canon Law Heresey Religious Error Held To The Truth After It Had Been Defined And Declared By The Church In An Authoritative Manner. The Word Heresey Is Derived From A Greek Word Meaning "Free Choice", At This Point In Time, Witchcraft Was Considered Heresey. Heresey Was Not Only A Sin But A Crime Punishable By Death. In Other Words Anyone Who Went Contrary To The Teachings Of The Church Was Automatically Guilty Of Heresey!!! In December 1484 A.D. Pope Innocent VIII Issued A "Bull" Which Gave Great Prestige To The Inquisitors. Within A Few Months Of His Election To The Office Of Pope, He Started The Inquistions Against Witches.


Tjalloween, The Evil Ones Sabbath The Inquisition Spread Rapidly Throughout Europe. The Perversions Of The Church Hierchy: The Pope, Bishops, Cardinals, Monks Etc., Along With The Courts And The Sadistic "Inquisitors" Plunged Europe From The Thirteenth To The Seventh Century Into A Merciless Blood Bath. The Methods Used In The Inquisitions May Be Summed As Follows: 1) The Accused Was Guilty Until Proven Guilty. 2) Suspicion, Gossip, Or Denunciation Was Sufficient Indication Of Guilt To Hail A Person Before The Inquisition. 3) All Offenses Were Considered Heresey. This Justified Any Action Taken By The Inquisitors. 4) No Witness Was Allowed To Testify On Behalf Of The Accused. 5) The Accused Was Permitted No Counsel. 6) The Judges Were Inquisitors And They Were Encouraged To Trick The Accused Into Confessing. 7) The Practice Of Torture Was Regularly Used And Could Be Inflicted On Any Witness. It Was

l^allowccn, The Evil One 5 Sabbafh A Means To Discover Heresy, By Pope Innocent IV In 1257 A.D., And It Was Not Abolished Until 1816 A.D. By Pope Paul VII. 8) Legal Torture Could Not Be Repeated, But It Could Be, And Was LegallyffContinuedff Until The Accused Confessed Whatever Was Demanded Of Him. Three Sessions Of Torture Were Usual. 9) Having Confessed Under Torture The Accused, In Sight Of The Torture Chamber, Had To Repeat His Confession "Freely And Spontaneously, Without Torture!!! 10) Every Acussed Had To Give Or Invent Names Of Accomplices Or Those Whom Were Suspected Of Heresy. 11) Generally No Appeal Was Countenanced. 12) The Property Of The Accused Was Confiscated By The Inquisition, All Hopes Praised This Practice As One Of The Strongest Weapons In The Fight Against Heresy, Confiscation Was Routine.


T?alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbafh__ As A Result, As All Records Showed (And As The Inquisition Even Admitted), Once One Was Accused, The Chances Of Escaping Death Were Almost Nonexistent. Diagram 8 Torture Chamber The Inquisition Was Used As A Means To Get Rid Of Political Threats And Enemies, To Acquire Land And Property, And To Literally Force The Masses Into Submitting To The Church. Millions Perished By The Cruel Tortures Used To Gain "Confessions". There Were Accusations Such As: "Pacts With The Evil One, Attending The Sabbats, Bewitching Others, Causing Death And Destruction. Usually It Was Routine To Burn The Accused Alive After Confirming His Or Her Confession. According To Popular Belief The Magical Power Of Witches Was Contained In Their Blood, And Was

Halloween, The Evil Ones Sabbath Transmitted To Their Children. It's Potency For Evil Remained Unimpaired By Time Unless Destroyed By Fire. The Results Was The Custom Of Burning The Bodies Of The Witches. The Lycanthrope (Or Werewolf) Was Also A Victim Of The Tortures Of The Inquisitions. All Were Accused Of Having Made Pacts With The Malevolent One, And One Popular Belief Was That The Wolfs Fur Grew In Reverse-On The Inside Of The Skin. Many Acussed Werewolves Had Their Thumbs Really Chopped Off To Seek Proof Of This Belief. The Methods Of Torture Varied From Place To Place, And From Centruy To Century As Well As Hangman To Hangman. Generally The Foulest Tortures Were Commited In Germany, In The Early Seventh Century, Where Bamberg, Germany Became Synonmous In Name With Horror And Shame. Nevertheless, The Basic Principles And Procedures Remained Fairly Constant Throughout Europe, Over The Centuries. On June 9, 1566 A.D., King James Was Born To Mary, Queen Of Scotland. Upon His Mother's Death A Year Later, (1567 A.D. ) James Was Proclaimed King. Until The Age Of Seven He Was Unable To Stand On His Legs; He Also Stuttered Badly. To Make Up For His Weak And Crooked Body He Resolved To Strengthen And Develop His Mind.

Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbafh_ James Came Into Britian; So Among His Studies, Witchcrafts Became One Of His Great Interests. In 1611 A.D., James Ordered A Translation Of The Bible To Be Put Into The English Language. The Best Scholar In His Realm Went To Work On The Project And When It Was Completed, It Was Declared Before The King. This Is The King, Being James. This Is The King James Version Of The Bible That Is Most Widely Used To This Day. Many People Who Were Innocent Of Delving In Witchcraft Were Killed. King James Found Witch-Hunting And Killing A Perfect Excuse To Eliminate His Political Enemies, And To Use This Version Of The Bible. Why Were So Many People Not Guilty Of Witchcraft Sadisically Tortured And Burned At The Stakes? What You Have To Realize Is The Nature Of The Amorite Has Led You To Believe That Because Of Heresy, Professed Belief In The Creator Whom They Refer To As "God", These So-Called Witches Had To Be Slain Because Of An Act Of Heresy. In Reality Christianity Has Nothing Whatsoever To Do With Yashua (Jesus) Of 2,000 Years Ago And It Is Nothing More Than A Political Tool Used As A Means To Enslave And Control

fallowed!, The Evil One s Sabbath Masses Of People. The Truth Is That These People fin The Medieval Times Did Not Want To Be Christians. They Were Comfortable With Their Pagan Gods And Their "Old Religion". The Church Had To Go So Far As To Compromise With The Pagan Rites And Holidays In Order To Win These People Over To Christianity. The Church And State Is One And They Saw The Religion Of The "Horned Deity" Or Witchcraft As A Threat To Their Power. The Peasants And Serfs In The Medieval Ages Were Mere Slaves - They Had To Toil Day And Night For Monks And Noblemen. Several Uprisings Were Staged By The Lower Classes And Were Quickly And Efficently Suppressed. The Early Revolts Showed That The Large Masses Were Dissatisfied With The Church And They Didn't Want It. It Was Restrictive Hypocritical And It Wanted To Control And Regulate Not Only The Peasant's Life, But Even Every Human Emotion. For Us To Clearly See The Hypocrisy And The Lies Propagated By The Church, We Must Take A Brief Look At History Of Christianity. The Point Of Christianity Was To Make Us Sons Of Abraham, Forget Who We Are. We Have Even Fell To A Lower Level Of Worshipping The Evil Ones Image And His Ways, When He Was Told To Bow To Us. (Koran 2: 30).


__ Ralloween, The Evil Ones Sabbalii__ THE POLITICAL PLOT

Christianity Is The Broad Term Applied To The Doctrines And Values Which Its Adherents Claim To Have Originated From Pagan Sources And Which Have Been Propagated Ever Since It Was First Organized In The Year 300 A.D. In Rome. It Has Always Been A Great Influence On The Lives Of Millions Of People All Over The World. "Politics Is Defined In Webster's New World Dictionary As: As Factional Scheming Within A Group" What, You May Ask, Does Politics Have To Do With Christianity? If You Closely Examine Its History And Heroes, You Will Find Facts Saying That This Man-Made Religion Is Nothing But Politics. It Has Been The Vehicle Which Enables The Evil One (Samael) To Pursue And Reach His Political Aims The Proof Is That Everywhere The Doctrine Of Christianity Has Been Propagated, The Recipents Became The Subjects Of That Nation Which Sponsored The Teachers. From That Point Onwards, Every Facet Of Their Lives Were Governed By And According To The Whims Of That Nation.

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath In Other Words, "Christianity" And Its Proponents Sought To Conquer And Dominate Large Groups Of Nations And People To Satisfy Their Own Greed For Earthly Things. At The Same Time They Were Conquering To Make Their Establishment Materially Rich, They Taught Their Victims To Negate Earthly Gain. Futhermore, They Trampled Upon The Cultures And Languages Of The People Who Were Indoctrinated, And Embedded In Their Minds, An Essential Inferiority. "Christianity" Was The Tool Used By The Amorite To Spell-Bind The Amirs Who Were Brought To America In Slave-Ships, And Forced To Build The Amorites Empire In America. These Amirs (Princes) Are The Nubians Living In The Western Hemisphere, Who Are Still Mentally Enslaved By The Evil One, Shakhar Has Accomplished These Actions In The Name Of Religion, Yet It Is Contrary To The Teachings Which Are Supposedly To Be Upheld. Thus, So-Called Christianity Is Not Only Politics, It Is Also A Gross Hypocrisy. Christianity As It Is Known Today Came Into Existence Within The Period Of Time That The Teachings Of Rabboni Yashua Were First Brought To Greece And Rome, Until Its Acceptance As The Official State Religion Of The Roman Empire. In That Span Of Time, Most, If Not All Of The Original Twelve Disciples Had Passed On To A Higher Life


Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath And The Gospel Was Left To Be Propagated By Men Who Had Not Known Rabboni Yashua. Some Of These Men Had Only Second And Third Hand Reports To Go By; Thus They Were More Susceptible To Influence Of Other Men Seeking Their Own Fame.

Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath The Line Of The Prophets From Adam. (Koran 15:28-29) (Refer To The Real Jesus, Scroll #34) Rabboni Yashua (Jesus) Was Not The Universal Prophet As You Have Been Led To Believe. He Was Sent To The Tribe Of Israel Only, To Bring Them Back To The Rememberance Of El Eloh. Muhammad Was Also Universal Because What He Taught Could Be Applied By People Around The World, But He Was Not Sent To All People On The Earth. Just Like The Teachings Of Yashua (Jesus) Can Be Applied Today, By People Around The World, Yet He Was Only Sent To The Tribe Of Judah (Matthew 10:6,15:24;18:11). Yashua Is Not The Flesh And Blood Son Of The Most High, Creator, El Khalaq, As Taught In The Christian Doctrine. (Koran 10:68)

Diagram 9 The Tortures Of The Inqusition Were The Product Of A Sick And Demented Mind It Is Very Important That We Pause For A Moment To State A Few Necessary Facts About Rabboni Yashua (Jesus) Was Not An Amorite, With Long Blood Hair As The Evil One Portrays Him In His Movies And Pictures. He Was Of The Pure Seed Of

The Horn God As He Appeared In The Paleolithic Times. Below, The Evil One Samael As The Ram And The Five-Pointed Star.
Diagram 10 RAM


Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath TORCH:Symbol Of Liberty Facing Crescent Widely Used By Moslems"

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Paul (Saul The 13th Self-Appointed Apostle) Was Responsible For Spreading The False Religion Of Christianity. He Was Neither Disciple, Follower Or A Supporter Of Yashua. Paul Never Met Yashua Directly Or Indirectly. However, By Way Of An [Acclaimed Vision, He Has Been Able To Swallow The Whole World Up In His New-Found Doctrine Of Christianity. Acts 26:14-16 Paul Altered The Teachings Of Yashua (Jesus) As Well As Introduced The Concept Of The Trinity. He 'Outwardly Admits That He Used Lies, Deception To Gain His Followers. (Romans 3:7) Paul's Father Was A Judahite By Name Only. So ^Paul Was Born A Roman Grecian Hebrew- In Other Words A Reformed Judahite, A Gentile"! He, Paul, ;Was Of A Mixed Seed And His Father Had Long Since Left The Laws Of Moses. He, Paul's Father Had Reformed. [With Paul's Changes Of The Laws In The Torah, I You Can Find The Contradictions In The Following Of Paul's Letters. One Where The Witness Heard A Voice But Saw Nothing; Another Heard A Voice But [Was Speechless. And Saw A Light But Heard Not A IVoice. Which Is It? Acts 9:4-7, Acts 22:7-9 Acts 126:13-14

Middle East.

The Interlocked FivePointed Star Has Acquired1 Several Meaning;

Caudeus" \Symbol Of Health Facing Black Crescent Used By Black Moselms In America. Diagram 11 Baphomet Goat Of Mendes

(Refer To Paul Disciple Or Deceiver, Scroll #61)


T^allowcen, The Evil One s Sabbafh_ HOW DID CHRISTIANITY BECOME THE RELIGION OF ROME? The Two Men Who Throughout History Are Known To Be The Saviors Of Christianity" Are The Very Same Evil Ones Amorites Responsible For The Lies And Distortions Within The Christian Doctrine. In The Year 313 A.D., Emperor Constantine The Great, (Reign 324-327 A.D.) Issued The "Edict Of Milan" Thereby Ending The Persecution Of Christians. This Shrewd Evil One Saw The Unity And Strength Of The Small Congregations And Knew That It Had Great Potential Gain And Power. The "Edict Of Milan" Was Not Pro-Christian Manifest, However, It Gave The Christians The Right To Worship, Placing, Them On The Same Level As The Pagans. NICEAN COUNCIL Meanwhile, Under The Rule Of Constantine The Great, The "Nicean Council" Was Organized To Settle The Difference Of Opinions Pertaining To The Scriptures. It Approved What Should And Should Not Be Taught In The Church And Sanctioned Certain Pagan Ideas And Customs Which Were Said To Be The Teachings Of Yashua. The Council Of

Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Nicean Was Responsible For The Teaching Of The Trinity Concept And Was Also Responsible For Subtracting The Scroll Of Barnabas, One Of The Lost Books Of The Bible. The Scrolls Of The Prophet Barnabas Was Subtracted From The Bible Because Barnabas (Half Brother To Yashua From Joseph's Former Wife Halsa) Recorded The Prophecy And Other Truths That Could Not Be Altered Concerning The Life And Teachings Of Yashua. Barnabas Is Recognized As One Of Yashua's Most Trustworthy Disciples. This Is Due To The Fact That He Was The Disciple Who Prophesied The Coming Of The Comforter. When Thev The Nicean Council, Banned The Scrolls Of Barnabas Who Was Also known As Barnabas From The Bible They Called It "Apocryphal," Meaning "Hidden". In Rome, Several Converts Were Gained For A While, The Roman Authorities Tolerated Their Growing Numbers Without Complaint. Gradually, The Romans Realized That This Body Of People Were Very Unified And Had Secluded Themselves From The Rest Of The Citizens Of Rome, To Perform Sacrifices Before The Emperor's Image. The "Christian" Were Fed To The Lions In The Great Arenas, And Subjected To Other Forms Of Torture. (Revelation 2:10

__ Ijalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath __ Excerpt From Barnabas In Part...

I dJ i

Tjalloween, The Evil Ones abbafh__ 1 Plus 1 Plus 1 Does Not Equal 1! Three God The Cannot God The God The Father Son Holy Ghost Go Into One THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THREE PARTS MATHEMATICS!!! With Their Paganism Added To The "Christian" Doctrine And Their Lies Well Under Way Constantine The Great, Succeeded In Making Christianity Acceptable To The Pagan Masses Of The Roman Empire. The Next Evil One Amorite Responsible For Destroying And Adulterating The Truth Was Emperor Theodosius Of Rome (379-395 A.D.). During The Reign Of Theodosius, The Old Pagan Religion, Christianity Became The Official Religion Of The Roman Empire. Theodosius Gave The Bishops A Place In The State And Recognized Their Jurisdiction In All Matters That Concerned The Lives Of The Christian Population. This Is When The Church And State Became One. The Feast Days Of The Church Became Public Holidays And Lent Became A Holy Season.

"...HOWEVER , WHEN AKHMAD (MOHAMMED) HAS COME, THE HOLY APOSTLES OF EL ELOH THAT DISGRACE WILL BE TAKEN AWAY AND THIS IS WHAT EL ELOH WILL DO BECAUSE I HAVE CONFESSED THE TRUTH OF THE MESSIAH; WHO WILL GIVE ME THIS REWARD, THAT I WILL BE KNOWN TO BE A STRANGER TO THAT OF DISGRACEFULNESS. " As Previously Stated, The Nicean Council Formed This Trinity Concept To Solve The Problem Created By Separating Their Deity Into Three Distinct Personalities : The Father, The Son And The Holy Ghost. The Latin And Greek Words Were Substituted In Their Mistranslated Versions Of The Bible, Thereby Covering Up The Truth And Indoctrinating More Lies. The Trinity Is Pagan Origin, And Every Polytheistic Culture Has Their Own Representations Of It. Common Sense Tell You That The "Three Persons Yet One God" Theory Is Impossible Because...


l^alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath Teachings Of Yashua. To Assure The Safety And Security Of The Lies Which Are The Foundation Of The Christian Doctrine, Emperor Theodosius Ordered The Great Libraries Of Alexandria, In Kemet To .Be Burned, Thus Destroying All Traces Of The Truth. THE LOST LIBRARIES OF ALEXANDRIA Towards The End Of Ancient Khem's Glorious Era Was As An Empire, Alexandria Was One Of The Ancient World's Centers Of Learning.

Tjallowecn, The Evil One s Sabbath_

It Was Built Under The Order Of Alexander The Great, And It Became The Trade Center Of The Mediterranean. It Quickly Grew In To A Metropolis, Serving As The One Capital Of Kemet After The Throne Of Ptolemy Was Overtaken. Alexandria's Prosperity Lasted For Nine Centuries. Through It Was Large, Populated And Wealthy, The Most Famous Attraction About Alexandria Was The Great Libraries And Their Learning Complexes, Which Were Called "Museum" By The Latins. It Was One Of The Schools That Stored El Yahuwa's Knowledge For Man. This Knowledge Was Possessed By The Ancient Kingdom, Salaam, Ruled By Malki Saadiq. Prior To Christian Era, Seven-Hundred Thousand Of The Most Valuable Books, Written Upon Parchment, Papyrus, Vellum, Cotta And Wood Were Housed To The Alexandrian Libraries. The Sciences, Mathematics, Medical Technology-All The Ancient Knowledge Which Far Surpasses The Amorites So-Called Modern Advancements Were Destroyed In A Series Of Fires.

Diagram 12 Egypt And Adjoinng Lands

The First Fire Took Place In 51 B.C., During The Time Of Cleopatra's Reign. Caesar Ordered A Fleet Of Ships To Be Burned At The Docks. One Of The Buildings Which Housed The Knowledge Of The


_I>alloween, The Evil One s abbaHi_ Ancients, Was Undergoing Repairs, Those That Were Not Duplicated Were Stored Away In The House Of One Of The Librarians. As The Fleet Of Ships Burned, The Building Situated Nearest The Hart>or Caught Fire. The Librarians Along With Several Hundreds Of Slaves Ran To Save These Volumes From Their Fiery Destruction. The Most Precious Of These Volumes Were Believed To Be Saved. In 389 A.D., Under The Order Of Emperor Theodosius, The Christian Stormed Alexandria And Destroyed By Fire, The Serapeus, The Building In Which The Volumes Were Kept. Why, You May Ask, Would The Man Who Firmly Established Christianity As The Religion Of The Roman Empire, Have All The Knowledge Given To Man By El Eloh, Destroyed? It's Simple, He Is The Evil One!!! The Amorite Is The Physical Manifestation Of Azazl. He Is Shaytaan And He Can Not Live According To The Laws And Commandments Of El Eloh. It Is Not In His Nature. The Evil One Has You Blind To The Facts And After Centuries Of Lying, Stealing, Murdering, Raping And Destroying, He Has Built Empire After Empire Leading Millions Upon Millions Of Souls Astray In The Name Of Deity And Religion11!!!

Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath

Now That You Overstand That Christianity Is Based On Lies And Pagan Roots, We Can Compare The Similarities Of Christianity And Witchcraft. The Point I Am Making Is That Christianity Is Witchcraft In Reality, And It Is The Worship Of The Evil One!!! NOTE THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THESE HOLIDAYS: Christian Holidays: Witches Sabbat: 1. Easter 2. Christmas (Which Is Is Really The Celebration Of The Birth Of Nimrod 3. All Hallows Eve (Eve Of All Saints Day 4. Saint Thomas Day 5. Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday (Maiort I.Easter 2.Christmas (Major Night Of Sacrifice For Witches) 3. Halloween 4. Saint Thomas Day 5. Shrove Tuesday*



*In Touraine (A Region And Former Province Of West-Central France) Cat' Sabbat (A Sabbat Where The Evil One, Is Believed To Appear As A Black Cat) Takes Place During The Night Of The Shrove Until Ash Wednesday)/


Tjallowccn, The Evil 0ne s Sabbath

Tjalloween, The Evil Qnc s Sabbafh___



The Christian High Mass Is The White Wafer Which They Presently Give The People In The Local Churches, But Human Flesh, And The Wine In The Chalice Is Really The Blood Of The Person Or Animal Sacrificed. The Pope, The Bishops, The Cardinals And High Ranking Priests (Known As Ghouls) Gather At Vatican City On Satan's Holidays To Participate In The Sabbat. Make Note That In Every Motion Picture Demonstrating Satanic Worship, The Ceremonies Are Said In Latin: This Is The Language Of The High Mass Of The Roman Catholic Church. In Addition, On "Ash Wednesday", The First Day Of The Religious Season Of Lent, Christians Rub Their Foreheads With Ashes. What Basis Do They Have For Such A Practice? Like The Other Festivals, It Is Also Of Pagan Origin And In Ireland, One Of The Strongholds Of Roman Catholicism, A Type Of Divination With Ashes Is Practiced On Halloween. The Church Professes That They Are At War With The Evil One;

Yet The Color Red, Which Is Known Worldwide As The Color Of Samael (The Evil One), Is Used Immensely Within The Church. The Pope Himself Is Attired In Red Shoes, He Wears A Long Red Stoic, That Is Assign Ol Universal Jurisdiction In The Church. Figure 25 THESE ARE PRIESTS OF THE CATHOLIC (LEFT) AND SATANIC CHURCHES (RIGHT). NOTE THE SIMILARITIES. To Ward Off The Cold He Wears A Cloak Of Red Wool Called A Mantello. The Red Is Used For Martyrs.


Xjalloween, The Evil One 5 SabbaHi_ Upon The Mitre, (A Tall White Pointed Hat Worn By Pope Symbolizing His Authority) Decorations Of Red And White Are Placed. To The Church, Red Is Symbolic Of Love, Suffering, Yet, It Is The Color Attributed To The Evil One . The Pope And His Brotherhood Of Satan Are Not At War With The Principalities Of Evil! They Are At War With You! To Win Your Soul. For The Religion That Outlawed Paganism What Are All Those Thousands Of Idols Doing In The Church, Not To Mention The Thousands Of Saints Worshipped By Catholics All Over The World! They Profess To Uphold The Commandments Of The Bible, Yet They Ignore Scriptural Quotes Such As:(John 5:21; Revelation 13:11) The Two Horns Of The Beats Spoken Of In The Above Quote Are Symbolic Of The "Church And State", Which Are: The Church, Which Is Headed By The Pope In Vatican City, Rome, And State, Which Is The President Under The Queen Of England. They Are The Backbone Of The Beast "Leviathan". Leviathan Literally Means "Spiritually Bound." Spell Of Sleep That Has Made You Totally Ignornant Of Who You Really Are As Children Of The Eloheem, Rizqiyians (Refer To Man From Planet Rizq, Scroll #80 And The Family Guide).

T^alloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath This Spell Binding Happened Long Ago On You The Descendants Of The Anunnaqi Enqi, Nudimmud, Izraa'el Zodoq And His Brother Enlil, Nunamnir, Surial Zodoq, Who Later Became The Enosites And The Adamites Of The Earth. (Refer To"Mission Earth And The Extraterrestrial Involvement" Scroll #82) This Combination Of Church And State Which Has Bound Everyone Through It's Spell Of Sleep, Marked The Ruling Force Of The World Powers That Are In Existence Today. (Revelation 13:18) In Greek, The Name Of The Beast Is "Thrion" (xriptov) When Numerically Broken Down, Its Letters Equal 666. It Is Stated Amongst Most Translators Of The Bible That This Man Is A Papal Figure (Meaning The Pope), And As A Part Of This Formal Attire, The Pope Has This Greek Word Inscribed On Th Mitre (The Tall White Hat Worn As A Symbol Of His Spiritual Authority). THE POPE THAT THEY WERE SPEAKING OF IS POPE PAUL THE SIXTH NOTE: THE WORD POPE IS TAKEN FROM THE CHILD'S NAME FOR "FATHER". THE WORD PAPA IS DERIVED FROM THE ARABIC WORD BAABAA ( M+ ) WHICH MEANS "POPE".

I^allowecn, The Evil One's abbafh_ Let's Look At The Name Pope Paul 6th: When Thfe "P's Are Inverted We Get" bobe baul 6th Or 66/6/6 1966 6th June June 6th 1966: Hardly A Coincidence!!! The Day The Evil One Came Out Of The Pit. "666" Is Also The Name Of The Beast Which Is A Computer IBM - 3666 The Evil One Showed To The Public The Involvement Of The Church And The Pope With Satanic Worship In The Movie, Rosemary's Baby! In This Movie, There Is A Scene In Which The Character, Adrian Marcato (Who Is Satan, And The Pope (Who Is Really Pope Paul The Sixth) Were The Chief Warlocks'Who Directed The Preparation Of Rosemary For The Conception Of The Evil One's Son. The Name "Rosemary" (The Evil One's Mother) Was Chosen Because It Represents The Ancestral Background Of The Amorite, The Evil One's Send). "Rose" Is Symbolic Of The "War Of

T?allowecn, The Evil One 5 Sabbath Roses"; (The Color Of The Harlot, Red) A War That Occurred In Europe In The 1800's A.D. Between Two Families: The Yorks And The Lancasters. These Two Amorite Families, Fought Because The Lancasters Did Not Want Members Of Their Family To Marry Those From The Yorks. The Yorks Were Hemophiliacs (A Leprous Disease Affecting The Blood, Found Among The Cursed Seed Of Canaan, And The Lancasters Did Not Want To Intermarry With Them. Thus A Family Feud Occurred Resulting In The Lancasters Moving To America. Mary Represents The Pagan And Shaytaanic Religion Which They Uphold, Christianity. Before This It Was Nimrod's Mother, Semiramis Who Represents Christianity. This Was No Coincidence Nor Is It A Fictional Movie Made For Your Entertainment, It Is All Fact!! It Is A Fact During The Shadow Hour, On October 4 1965 A.D., Pope Paul The Sixth Was In New York On The Thirteen Hour Visit Under The Pretense Of A "Personal Appeal For Peace To The United Nations." It Is Also A Fact That In The Movie, "Rosemary's Baby", The Evening That Rosemary Was Drugged To Have Intercourse With Satan, She Is Shown Watching The Pope On Television At The "Celebration Mass" At Yankee Stadium! During The Actual^Ritual, A Pope Comes In With A Suitcase



Halloween, The Evil One s abbai-h_ (Representing That He Was Traveling) And A Coat Over His Arm. She Kisses His Ring And He "Forgives" Her, And Then He Rushes Off To Catch His Plane (To Return To The Vatican City). Not Only Was Pope Paul The Sixth Shown In This Movie, But Also Jacqueline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy (Shown As The Captain Of The Yacht), Sarah Churchill - All A Part Of The Ritual Of Rosemary's Sacrifice To Satan!!! It Is Interesting To Note That Despite The Fact That Paul (The 13th Self Appointed Apostle) Changed The Messiah Yashu'a (Jesus') Teachings, Catholic Popes Still Use Paul's Name In Their Names. Pope Paul III, Pope Paul VI, Pope Adrian VI, (Whose Name Just Happens To Be The Same As The Character Adrian Marcato Who Is A Physical Incarnation Of Satan), Which Is One Of The Chief Warlocks Who Directed The Preparation Of Rosemary For The Conception Of The Evil One's Son, And The Current Pope John Paul, All Carry The Name Paul. They Know That The Self-Acclaimed Apostle Distorted The Teachings Of Christ, Yet They Still Insist On Holding His Name In High Esteem. All They Are Doing Is Desecrating Their Religion. The Evil One Amonte Has No Fear Of Camouflaging These Events In His Movies Because

Tjalloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath He Knows He Has You People Under A Spell That Has Left You Deaf, Dumb, And Blind. The Fact Is That In The Year 1966 A.D. Thirteen Sons Were Born To Satan In Various Parts Of The World. The One Born In The Western Hemisphere Was Portrayed In The Movies: Rosemary's Baby, The Omen - 666, And Damien, Omen II! If You Would Just Open Your Eyes You Would See That Baby Was Born Right Here In New York, The Pit Of The Evil One, On 72nd Street, In An Apartment House Which Has Been Around Since The Latter Part Of The 1800's A.D. This House Is Popular Amongst The Occultists And Movie Stars (Boris Karloff, Judy Harland, Nureyev, Loren Bacall, Rex Reed And Actress Ruth Ford To Name A Few). This Is Because It Housed Witches And Warlocks. In The Movie, Adrian Marcato Was The Chief Warlock (The Evil One) Who Gained The Most Attention. He Was Born In Glasgow, Scotland In 1846 A.D., And Came Sometime After To New York. Marcato Participated In The Sabbath And Was One Of The Chief Priests Who Conjured Up The Evil One, He Died In 1922 A.D. In 1866 A.D., His Son Steven Marcato Was Born In New York, Who (Not By Coincidence) Lived In The Same Apartment House As Rosemary (The Dakota). Later In The Movie, We Find Out That Adrian Marcato Is The Evil One And That Rosemary's Baby

I^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Tjalloween, The Evil One s abbafh_ Was Named "Adrian" Because It Was He (Adrian Marcato) Who Had Come Up From Hell And Manifested As Part Man And Part Beast To Beget A Son By A Mortal Women - Rosemary!!! The Evil One Knows That The Name You Choose Tells Your Life Story. He Makes It A Point To Disguise His Nature And The Reality That He Is An Evil Being By Choosing Common Names Which Appear To Have No Significant Meaning. The Name Adrian (Andy) Is A Good Example Of This. ADRIAN: A Masculine Given Name (Middle English, From Latin Adrianus, Hadrianus) Of The "Adriatic Sea" - A Roman Family Name (Rome Is The Seat For The Evil One And Is The "Fourth Empire") Adria, Hadria, The Adriatic Sea. From: The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language. Adrian Stems From The Word Adroit" Which Means "Skillful, Clever" Especially In The Exercise For The Mental Faculties: An Ingenious Person. So Adrian Means "Expert, Clever Skillful, And Artful". These Are Definitely The Attributes Of Shaytaan. The Evil One Has Also Camouflaged His Evil Nature In The

English Language And Is Now A Part Of Everyday Speech! YEAR OF THE CHILD Why Was The Year 1979 A.D. Dedicated As The Year Of The Child? First Of All, The Amorite Used His Language Of Confusion, English, Quite Well, For He Had The Masses Falling For The Lie That He Was Speaking Of All The Children. Can't You See This Is Just A Play On Words? Year Of THE CHILD!

N 1 O 2 X 3 I 4 N 5
Diagram 13 Pentagram Diagram 14 Nixon Diagram 15 Goat

He Is Speaking Of One Child In Particular, And That Is Azazl's Child. If He Meant All Children, He Would Have Said, "The Year Of The Children". Isn't It Obvious How Cunning He Really Is?

Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath Second Of All, 1979 A.D. Was Dedicated To The "Year Of The Child" Because Power Would Not Be Given To Azazl's Child Until He Became The Age Of Thirteen Year Old (1966 +13+1979). Now Do You Overstand? In 1966 A.D. Samael's Baby Was Born Marking The Year One To The Evil One's Worshippers. Now, 13 Years Added To 1966 Maked 1979 A.D. When All Power Would Be Turned Over To This Child. In The Movie, Damien, Omen, Omen II, Damien Is Told To Read Revelation (As He Was Nearing The Age Of Thirteen), So That He Would Be Able To Overstand Who He Really Was! Can't You See The Truth! The Evil One Showed You Right Before Your Very Eyes And You Missed It! Damien Represents One Of The Thirteen Children That Were Born Unto Samael In Various Parts Of The World, He Is The One That Would Come From The West And Represents The Anti-Christ. In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic), The Word For The Anti-Christ Is DAJAAL (JLA/*) From The Root DAJALA (^UA) Which Means, "7b Deceive, To Cheat, To Cover Or To Coat A Thing." The Anti Christ Was Prophesied To Come In The Last Days, During The Return Of The Messiah Jesus. In The Book Of Revelation, The Thirteenth Chapter

__ I^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath __ Mentions The Coming Of The Anti - Christ And His Activities The Anti-Christ Will Attempt To Lead All People Astray With His False Doctrine And Performing Many Wonders. He Will Try To Deceive The Whole World And Will Succeed With Everyone Except The Very Elect, The Purified Ones AL MUKHLASINA tA<>) Daniel Also Commented On The Anti-Christ. (Daniel 7:25)

Figure 26 HOUSE OF EVIL.


Halloween, The Evil One's Sabbaf h_

_T}alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath This Child Will Have Political Power, As Well Represented In The Movie, The Omen 666, When Young Damien Was Shown At His Farther's Funeral Holding The The Of Hand What President. President Was This? Well, In Damien Omen III, Damien Was Raised By A Man Name Richard. Now, Ask Yourself, What President Do We Know With The Name Richard" Richard Nixon. Figure 27 Omen (Did You Know That Your Ex-President Nixon Has His Name As A Covenant With The Evil One? (See Preceding Pages) The Evil One Is No Longer Playing! Only Those Who Place Their Trust In El Eloh Will Be Saved From The Power And Destruction







I^alloween, The Evil One s SabbaHi_ Of The Beast. The Downfall Of The Nubian In The West, Is From The Fact Of Refusing To Believe The Evil One Is A Man. That's Right, A Living Breathing Human Being - The Amorite Your Doctior, Lawyer And Teacher Of Your Children! THE NATURE OF THE EVIL ONE In Order For The Nubian In The Western Hesmisphere To Release Himself From The Spell That Renders Him Deaf, Dumb, And Blind (The Spell For Leviathan) He Must Overstand The Nature Of The Evil One. The Downfall Of The Nubians Is The Fact That You Refuse To Acknowledge The Evil One For What He Really Is. You Want To Believe He Is Some Spooky Being Dressed Up In A Red Suit, Complete With Horns, Tail, And Hooves!!! This, However, Is A Fantasy Of What The Evil One (Azazl) Really Is. Read The Following Quoted Careful And See If You Can Gain An Overstanding Of The Nature Of The Evil One For The Scriptures: (Genesis 3:14-15) The Previous Quote Has Made It Perfectly Clear That The Evil One Has His Own Race (Seed) And They Would Have An Enmity Between The Descendants Of Zakar And The Race Of The Evil One. The Word Enmity Means: /// Will; Mutual

Tjalloween, The Evil One s Sabbath

Hatred; Antipathy; Animosity; Rancor. This Is A Perfect Description Of The Relationship Between The Amorite And The Nubian! Two Curses Were Placed On The Evil One; First He Was Cursed Spiritually, Rajim(pSA^)And Later The Physical Manifestation Of This Curse La'ana (-u*J), Took Place (On The Physcical Plane). Let Us Examine The Difference Between The Two Curses. (Qur'aan 15:34-35)

Figure 28 SPIRITUAL CURSE (^h)RAJIM Adam Was Created Spiritually On The Fourth Plane (The Realm Of The Eloheem, Malakuwt Before The Creation Of His Physical Body. He, Adam, Was Created Superior To The Eloheem In Nature Because

Halloween, The Evil One s abbaHi__ He Was Endowed With 360 Degrees Of Knowledge: Possessing The Knowledge Of Agreeable, Benevolent And Disagreeable, Malevolent. He Was Given "Will Mashii'ah, p.... a.) Which Is The Ability To Choose Whether Or Not To Abide By The Commandments Of El Eloh. El Yahuwa Commanded The Eloheem To Prostrate Before Zakar. All Obeyed Except Iblis. Iblis Was A Jinn Who Resided In The Realm Of The Angelic Beings. He Was A Very High Ranking Angelic Being. However, Through His Cunning Nature, He Learned From Zakar About "Will" Which Caused Iblis To Rebel. He Refused To Prostrate To The Zakar For He Felt That He Was Superior To Him, Being Created Of Smokeless Fire, In The Previous Sun Cycle Where Adam Was Created From Clay In The Moon Cycle. (Qur'aan 7:11-12) Because Nakhash Refused To Submit To Zakar, And Obey The Command Of Ami, The Heavenly One, The Most High. He Was Cast From The Realm Of The Eloheem. Iblis1 Name Stems From The Word Balasa (JLj Which Means "He Rebelled." It Was Pride That Caused Iblis Not To Prostrate To Adam, And El Eloh Cursed Him Until The Day Of The Sentence Yawm El Din. The Curse That Iblis Received Immediately Was Rajim

l^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath WHO IS THE EVIL ONE? HOW THE RAJIM CURSE MANIFESTS: 1) The Evil One: Mental Source Of Evil 2) Jann: Father Of The Jinn Race And Iblis 3) Ihlis/lhlivs: Fallen Angel

4) Jinn: Evil Forces Places On Earth 5) Demons: Evil Spirits THE EVIL ONE IS THE AMORITES





I?alloween, The Evil One 5 abbaHi_ This Is The Physical Curse That Was To Manifest Itself On The Physical Plane La'nat Means: "One Who Is Cursed1 (Noun); (Verb) To Curse, Damn, Execrate, To Utter An Oath Of Condemnation (Criticized To Curse Each Other, To Slander. This Curse If The Curse Of Leprosy (uajj Baras That Was Placed In The House Of Canaan. El Yahuwa Granted Iblis Respite Until The Day Of Standing. This Respite Has Given Him The Job Of Leading Man Astray And Taking Him Off The Path Of Righteousness. He Wants To Prove To El Yahuwa That Man Is Not Perfect And That He Could Easily Be Lead Astray. (Qur'aan 39:14-18) For Every Child Born To The Nubian People, A Child Is Born Unto The Race Of The Evil One. There Is No Escaping The Evil One, For He Is Everywhere And This Is His Domain. He Is Ever Present, Causing Confusion, Turmoil, Destruction And Hatred. When I Say This Is His Domain I Mean That This Is His Playground To Reek Any Kind Of Terror He Wishes. (Qur'aan 63:3-6) The Amorite Can Not Do Good. He Is By Nature An Evil Being. The Scriptures Tell Us Very Clearly That He Is A Walking, Talking, Physical Being. The Following Quote Should Make This Very Clear. (Romans 7:14)

T?alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath It should be quite clever to you now that the evil one has "pulled the'wool over your eyes"! Through his "white is right" propaganda, he has lead you to believe that you were an inferior race of people! Today, the evil one is racing against time to win your soul. Not only has he locked you under his spell through movies, television, magazines and various other means of advertisement, but also through music. The evil one knows that the Nubian has a spiritual and soulful love for music and that it is very much a part of our everyday lives. The "Black" Malevolent, Disagreeable Or Evil Ones Are Hard At Work Using Music To Destroy Our Young People Today. Young Music Addicts Are Actually Being Hypnotized And Brain Washed By The Music They Adore So Much. The Evil One Knows That He Can Control The Music World As Long As His Agents Are Within The A & R Department (Artist And Repertoire, Who Are Responsible For Choosing Who Makes It In The Music World) Of The Well Known Companies. He Cannot Evaluate Latin Or Nubian Music Because He (The Evil One) Has No Soul. He Only Duplicates It. Elvis Presley, The Righteous Brothers, Rod Steward, Lisa Stanfield, George Michaels, Michael Bolton, Michael McDonald, Simply Red All Duplicate Soul Music, Because They Have No


Halloween, The Evil One s Sabbafh_ Soul. A R&B Executive Who Has No Soul And Knows Nothing About Brown Music* Can Only Sign Artists With What Is Called A Crossover Sound, A Sound They Can Relate To. He Had To Come Up With Something To Win Our Souls Through This Means, And He Did It With Disco!! This Music Was Created To Replace The Music We Made Natural With Our Hands, That Stirred The Souls Within Our People Time After Time, He Has You Mesmerized By His Spell-Binding Artificial Music And Abstract Sounds That Are Only A Replica Of Real Music That Steals The Souls Of Our People That Was Stirred To Life By Our Drums. Because Of His Lack Of Soul, He Had To Invert All Kinds Of Electronic Devises To Make His Music Acceptable To The Brown (Nubian) Race. Samael Has Been Very Successful In Capturing The Souls Of Teenagers Middle Aged People Through Heavy Metal, Punk Rock, Hip Hop, And Rap Music. Some Of These Victims Have Went As Far As Committing Suicide In The Name Of Samael After Listening To Many Of These Demonic Albums. Why? Because Excellent Technique To Slip Hidden, And Some Times Satanic Messages Past The Programmed, This Has Been Replaced With A More Sophisticated Method Of Subliminal Control Using Low Frequency Sound To Transmit Mood Altering Behavior- Changing Sound Waves.

T^alloween, The Evil One s Sabbath WITCHCRAFT IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY Today, The Use Of Witchcraft And Satanism Is Being Exposed To The Public As It Is Used In The Music World. Several Groups Such As "Kiss", (Knights International, Satanic Society), The "Bee Gees", And The Rolling Stones" (To Name A Few) All Use Satanism In Their Music. Mick Jagger, The Leader Of The Rock Group The Rolling Stones, Belongs To The "Church For Satan1, A Church Recognized By The Pentagon!! A Well-Known Newspaper Recently Did A Series Of Articles On This Group And Described Their Entitled "Sympathy For The Evil One", Which Lets You Know, If You Listen Carefully Enough, That The Evil One Is A Man!!! Some Of The Lyrics Are: "Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself I'm A Man Of Wealth And Taste. I've Been Around For Long, Long Year Stolen Many A Man's Soul And Faith! Pleases To Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name. But What's Puzzling You Is The Nature Of My Game. As Heads Is Tails, Just Call Me Lucifer... Cause I'm In Need Of Some Restraint. ... And Some Taste! Use All Your Well Learned Politeness Or I'll Lay Your Soul To Waste!Many Rock Artists Sent Their Recording To Have Demons Involved Over Them While They Are Being Produced In The Sound Studio!!!

Ijalloween, The Evil One s Sabbafh__

_l7alloweeii, The Evil One s Sabbath The Subconcious Mind Know The Difference. Rock Music Is The Evil One's Masterpiece And He Is Using It To Enslave His Own Children! (Matthew 6:24) WHO DO YOU SERVE! PUT YOUR TRUST IN EL ELOH The Sooner You Wake Up And Realize That Witchcraft Is Not Dead, It Has Just Been Sophisticated And Cunningly Directed At You, The Sooner You Will Be Well On Your Way To Being Released From The Clutches Of The Evil One. It Is Time For You To Stop Observing The Evil One's Holiday Such As Halloween, And Sending Your Innocent Children To "Trick-Or-Treat" (Begging For Food That Was Once Left To Roaming Dead Spirits). It Is Time For You To Realize Who You Are, Who The Evil One Is, And To Come Home. The Truth Is Here, And There Is Not Going To Be Any Exceses Accepted On The Last Day, Such As, "I Didn't Know". The Evil One, Samael, Cannot Lead You Astray If You Don't Follow Him. (Koran 4:79) The Tabernacle Of The Most High Is The Only One Progressing And Propagating The True Rites Of Abraham Called Millah Ibraahiym Also Called Berith Milla, The Covenant Of The Rites Of Abraham, As It Should Be Taught In Its Entirety And Perfection.

Figure 30 Pentagram

Figure 31 Album Kiss

The Amorites Samael's Agent Here On Earth) Will Go To Any Means Necesssary To Take Your Soul, And By You Submitting To His Way Of Life, You Are Only Making His Job That Much Easier!!! Wake Up Nubian Man!!! It Has Been Discovered (By Accident) That When You Play Certain Songs Backwards, You Hear Different Lyrics Other Than Those Of The Original Song. You May Probably Think That If You Didn't Hear These Lyrics, It Would Not Affect You, But


Halloween, The Evil One 5 SabbaHi_

I Will Continue To Fight To Stomp Out The Falsehoods. You Don't Fight Fire With Fire You Fight It With Water. That Is Why We Have Made This Day Of Trickery A Festive Day For Children Called Prophet And Angels Day. Where The Homes Are Colorfully Decorated With Various Pictures Of The Many Prophets, Angels, Apostles And Women Of The Scriptures. The Evening Before The Festivities Is Spent In Prayer, Including Exerts Form The Book Of Light, The 113th And 114th Chapter Of The Koran And Psalm Chapter 23. The Next Day The Children Are Colorfully Dressed In Costumes And Re-Enact Events From The Person That They Chose To Be And Play Amongst Themselves. They Then Pararde Through The Houses And Say "Bakshish" Which Means Gratuity And Then Attend The Party Of Paradise Haflat El Jannah. Once There They Are Served Drinks Of Paradise Milk, Honey, Water And Wine. After The Festivities They Are Serve A Bountious Dinner From The Foods Of Paradise Such As Meat, Fruits And Pies Such As Pumpkin. For The Rest Of The Evening They Play Games And Receive Gifts Symbolic Of The Gifts That Would Be Received In Paradise. During These Last Days Only Those True To The Most High, Elyown Elyown El Will Receive The Protection Of El Eloh And Will Be Sheltered From The Wraths Which Will Descend On Man Because

Tjalloween, The Evil One 5 Sabbath

Of His Rejection Of The Word Of El Eloh. Earthquakes, Famine, Death, Genocide, War, Radiation; All Will Be Experienced By Nations For People, Except For The MUKHLAS1NA The Purified Ones. (Revelation 9:4) Who Will Make It To The Crystal City And Make It Further To Nibiru Remember The Dates May 5, 2000, August 12, 2003, June 26, 2030 A.D.(Refer To Man From Planet Rizq, Scroll #180) You Are Not Fighting A Physical War But A Mental Battle And Our Weapons Are Love, Unity, Right Knowledge, And Overstanding. The Nubian Must No Longer Allow This Wretched Heinous Beast To Thrive Off Of Our Dignity And Ignorance. This Is Why We As A People Must Fight To Live As One ALL NUBIANS, Regardless Of What You Call Yourselves Must Come Together In The Brotherhood Which You Will Find In The Ancient Mystic Order Of Melchizedek A.M.O.M. For We Are All One Brotherhood. Righteousness Is A Weapon Against The Evil One, The Arch-Deceiver. We Must Become Children Of The Eloheem. It's Not About Faith, Not What You Believe, Because That's What Nakhash (The Whisper) Did, He Lied To Eve's (Nekaybaw) Children Be-Lie-Eve. It's About Facts. Only Then Will You Truly Overstand? "The Middle Path"



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