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Renal Failure, 2013; 35(2): 268–274

Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN 0886-022X print/1525-6049 online
DOI: 10.3109/0886022X.2012.743859


Pomegranate Extract Attenuates Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity

in Rats by Reducing Oxidative Stress

Mustafa Cekmen1, Alper Otunctemur2, Emin Ozbek2, Suleyman Sami Cakir2, Murat Dursun2,
Emre Can Polat3, Adnan Somay4 and Nurver Ozbay4
Department of Biochemistry, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey; 2Department of Urology, Okmeydani Training and Research
Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey; 3Department of Urology, Balikligol Government Hospital, Sanlıurfa, Turkey; 4Department of
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Pathology, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

Nephrotoxicity is a major complication of gentamicin (GEN), which is widely used in the treatment of severe Gram-
negative infections. Reactive oxygen species are important mediators of GEN-induced nephrotoxicity. Because of the
strong antioxidant properties of pomegranate extract (PE), we evaluated the protective effect of PE against GEN-induced
nephrotoxicity. Thirty-two adult male rats were randomly divided into four equal groups: (1) controls; (2) treated with GEN
for 14 consecutive days (100 mg/kg/day); (3) treated with GEN plus distilled water; and (4) treated with GEN plus PE (100
For personal use only.

μL). After 15 days, the rats were killed and their kidneys were taken, and blood analysis was performed. Tubular necrosis
and interstitial fibrosis scores were determined histopathologically; and biochemically, nitric oxide (NO), malondialdehyde
(MDA), and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in kidneys were determined. Urea, creatinine, Naþ, and Kþ levels were
investigated in the blood analysis. Statistical analyses were made by the chi-square test and analysis of variance. Serum
urea and creatinine levels were significantly higher in rats treated with GEN alone than rats in the control and the GEN þ
PE-treated groups. The GSH level in renal tissue of only GEN-treated rats was significantly lower than those in the control
group, and administration of PE to GEN-treated rats significantly increased the level of GSH. The group that was given
GEN and PE had significantly lower MDA levels in kidney cortex tissue than those given GEN alone. There was no
significant difference of NO levels between the groups. In rats treated with GEN þ PE, despite the presence of mild tubular
degeneration and tubular necrosis is less severe, and glomeruli maintained a better morphology when compared with the
GEN-treated group. We think that PE prevents kidney damage by decreasing oxidative stress in kidney.

Keywords: gentamicin, pomegranate extract, nephrotoxicity, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species

INTRODUCTION aminoglycosides are excreted in the urine correspond to

filtrates.4 The specificity of GEN for renal toxicity is
Gentamicin (GEN) is an antibiotic of aminoglycoside apparently related to its preferential accumulation in
group and is widely used in the treatment of Gram- the renal proximal convoluted tubules, reaching a con-
negative infections. A major complication of this drug is centration of 5–50 times higher than plasma in the
nephrotoxicity, and it has been estimated that approxi- tubular renal cell.5
mately 10–20% of cases are treated with aminoglycoside It has been demonstrated that nephrotoxicity induced
therapy.1 Despite the introduction of less nephrotoxic by GEN is characterized by direct tubular necrosis,
antibiotics against Gram-negative microorganism, it is which is localized mainly in the proximal tubules. The
still used because of its low cost and efficacy against exact mechanisms of GEN-induced nephrotoxicity still
resistant beta-lactam positive microorganisms.2 GEN is remain unclear. However, several studies demonstrated
not metabolized in the body but is essentially eliminated that reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be important in
by glomerular filtration and partially reabsorbed by prox- GEN-induced nephrotoxicity.6 Moreover, GEN has also
imal tubular cells.3 No conclusive evidence exists of been shown to enhance the generation of ROS. Lipid
tubular secretion of GEN, and consequently, most peroxidation (LPO) mediated by ROS has been

Address correspondence to Alper Otunctemur, Department of Urology, Okmeydani Research & Education Hospital, Sisli, 34384 Istanbul,
Turkey. Tel.: þ90 212 314 5500; Fax: þ90 212 314 5503; E-mail: alperotunctemur@yahoo.com
Received 28 July 2012; Revised 18 October 2012; Accepted 23 October 2012

Pomegranate Extract Attenuates Gentamicin Nephrotoxicity in Rats 269

suggested as a causative agent of cell death in different controlled facility with a constant 12 h light/dark cycle
pathological states including various models of renal dis- with free access to food and water. The use of animals
eases.7,8 Besides their direct damaging effects on tissues, and the experimental protocol were approved by the
ROS seem to trigger the accumulation of leukocytes in Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and ani-
the tissue involved, and thus cause tissue injury indirectly mals were treated in accordance with the Guide for the
through activated neutrophils. It has been shown that Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of Research Council.
activated neutrophils secrete enzymes such as myeloper-
oxidase, elastase, and proteases and liberate oxygen radi-
Treatment and Experimental Design
cals.9 On the other hand, in vivo and in vitro studies have
After a quarantine period of 7 days, 32 rats were randomly
shown that the scavengers of reactive oxygen metabolites
divided into four equal groups, each consisting of eight
are protective in GEN-induced renal failure.10,11
animals as follows: (1) controls; (2) intraperitoneally
Pomegranate extract (PE) and its derivatives have been
injected with GEN for 14 consecutive days (100 mg/kg/
used for centuries to confer health benefits in a number of
day); (3) treated with GEN plus distilled water via naso-
inflammatory diseases. Edible parts of pomegranate fruit
gastric gavage for 14 days; (4) treated with GEN plus PE
represent 52% of total fruit weight, comprising 78% juice
(100 μ/L) for 14 days. Rats were treated for 14 days. After
and 22% seeds.12 Fresh juice is rich in vitamin C, and
15 days, rats were killed and their kidneys were taken, and
polyphenolic compounds such as anthocyanins, punicala-
blood analysis was performed. Tubular necrosis and inter-
gin, and ellagic and gallic acids.13,14 PE is a rich source of
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stitial fibrosis scores were determined histopathologically

potent polyphenolic, flavonoid antioxidants (anthocya-
in a part of kidneys; NO, malondialdehyde (MDA), and
nins). The soluble polyphenol content in PE varies within
reduced glutathione (GSH) levels were determined in the
the limits of 0.2%–1.0% depending on the variety and
other part of kidneys. Urea, creatinine, Naþ, and Kþ levels
includes mainly anthocyanins that have been shown to
were investigated in a blood analysis.
possess antiatherogenic properties. Anthocyanins were
shown to be effective inhibitors of LPO, production of
nitric oxide (NO), and inducible nitric oxide synthase Sample Collection and Biochemical Assays
(iNOS) activity in different model systems.15,16 Twenty-four hours after the administration of last doses of
For personal use only.

Pomegranate has become more popular because of the GEN and PG, on the 15th day, the rats were anesthetized
attribution of important physiological properties, such as by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine and were sacrificed.
anticancer,17,18 cholesterol-lowering, cardioprotective,19 Twenty-four-hour urine collections were obtained in stan-
and so on. Many investigators have reported that pome- dard metabolic cages a day before the rats were killed.
granate and its derivatives have free radical scavenger and Renal cortical tissues were separated into two parts for
potent antioxidant activity.20–22 It has also been shown biochemical analysis and light microscopic examination.
that pomegranate can suppress nuclear factor kappa B Blood samples were also obtained by cardiac puncture to
(NF-κB) activation through a novel mechanism in vas- assess the serum levels of urea, creatinine, Naþ, and Kþ
cular endothelial cells.23 concentrations. The tissues were shock-frozen in liquid
As a result of this information, in this study we investi- nitrogen and were kept in 80 C. In the frozen tissues,
gated the possible inhibitory effects of pomegranate against MDA, end product of LPO, reduced GSH, nonenzymatic
the GEN-induced oxidative stress and renal injury in rat antioxidant, and total nitrite (NOx), a stable product of
models. The nephroprotective effect of PE is previously NO, were evaluated biochemically as a means of oxidative
established in many studies, however, to our knowledge stress.
this is the first study in literature concerning the protective Renal impairment was assessed by serum urea and
role of pomegranate against GEN nephrotoxicity. creatinine levels, as well as by the kidney histology.
Serum urea and creatinine levels were determined
MATERIALS AND METDODS using an autoanalyzer (SYNCHRON LX20, Beckman
Coulter Inc., Ireland) by using commercial Becman
Coulter diagnostic kits. Kidney tissue (300 mg) was
GEN was purchased from Bilim Pharmaceuticals
homogenized in ice-cold tamponade containing
(Istanbul, Turkey), and PE (100% pure, pasteurized
150 mM KCl for determination of MDA. MDA levels
pomegranate juice, 250 mL; Elite Natural Beverage Co., were assayed for products of LPO. MDA referred to as
Ankara, Turkey) was purchased from a local store. GEN
thiobarbituric acid reactive substance was measured with
was dissolved in saline and injected intraperitoneally. PE
thiobarbituric acid at 532 nm using a spectrofluorom-
was dissolved in distilled water and administered via naso-
eter, as described previously.24 GSH was determined by
gastric gavage. The average of 2.5 mL diluted PE contains
the spectrophotometric method, which was based on the
100-μL PE, which is equivalent to 2.8 μmol of total poly-
use of Ellman’s reagent.25
phenol per day.
NOx was quantified by the Griess reaction26 after
Animals incubating the supernatant with nitrate reductase from
Adult male Wistar albino rats (200–250 g) were housed in Escherichia coli to convert nitrate (NO3) to nitrite (NO2).
clean plastic cages in a temperature and humidity- Griess reagent (1 mL—1% sulfanilamide, 0.1%

© 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

270 M. Cekmen et al.

naphthyl-ethylenediamine hydrochloride, and 2.5% Statistical Analyses

phosphoric acid; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, Results of all groups were shown as mean
USA) was then added to 1 mL of supernatant. The values  standard deviation (SD). Statistical analyses of
absorbance was read at 545 nm after 30-min incubation. the histopathological evaluation of the groups were carried
The absorbance was compared with the standard graph out by the chi-square test, and biochemical data were
of NaNO2, obtained from the reduction of NaNO3 analyzed by the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
(1–100 lmol/L). The accuracy of the assay was checked The significance between two groups was determined by
in two ways; the interassay and intraassay coefficients of the Dunnett’s multiple comparison test, and p < 0.05 was
variation were 7.52% and 4.61%, respectively. To check accepted as statistically significant value.
conversion of nitrate to nitrite (recovery rate), known
amounts of nitrate were added to control plasma sam-
ples; these samples were deproteinized and reduced as RESULTS
No deaths or remarkable signs of external toxicity were
observed in the groups of rats given GEN either alone or
Histopathological Examinations combination with PE. The biochemical and histopatho-
Histopathological evaluation of the kidney tissues was logical results were similar for the control and PE groups,
done. Paraffin-embedded specimens were cut into and we decided to consider them without distinction and
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6-μm thickness and stained with Hematoxylin–Eosin report only the control group.
stain for light microscopic examination using a conven-
tional protocol27 (Olympus BH-2, Olympus, Tokyo, Urinary Volume
Japan). A semiquantitative evaluation of renal tissues The 24-h urine volume in the GEN-treated group was
was accomplished by scoring the degree of severity significantly higher than in the group control (p < 0.01),
according to previously published criteria.28 All sections indicating the presence of GEN-induced polyuria,
of the kidney samples were examined for parietal cell whereas in the group treated with GEN þ PE, it was
hyperplasia, tubular vacuolization, and tubular necrosis. not different from that of the group control, pointing
Briefly, minimum of 50 proximal tubules associated with out the protective role of PE against acute tubular necro-
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50 glomeruli were examined for each slide, and an aver- sis (Table 1).
age score was obtained. Severity of lesion was graded
from 0 to 3 according to the percentage of tubular invol- Biochemical Variables in Plasma and Tissue
vement. Slides were examined and assigned for severity Naþ and Kþ concentrations among four groups were
of changes using scores on scale of none (0), mild (1), similar. Serum urea and creatinine levels were signifi-
moderate (2), and severe (3) damages, in which (0) cantly higher in rats treated with GEN alone than rats
denotes no change; grade (1) changes affecting <25% in the control and GEN þ PE-treated groups
tubular damage (mild); grade (2) changes affecting 25%– (p < 0.01). Administration of PE to the GEN-treated
50% of tubules (moderate); grade (3) changes affecting rats caused decrease in serum urea and creatinine
>50% of tubules (severe). levels (Table 1).
To evaluate kidney fibrosis, the specimens obtained The GSH level in renal tissue of only GEN-treated rats
from kidney were embedded in paraffin, sectioned at was significantly lower than those in the control group
6-μm sections, and stained with Masson’s trichrome. (p < 0.05), and administration of PE to GEN-treated rats
Specimens were scored after painting with, in brief, () significantly increased the level of GSH (p < 0.05; Table 2).
no fibrosis, (þ) fibrosis in <25% of total kidney tissue The group that was given GEN and PE had signifi-
(mild), (þþ) fibrosis in 25%–50% of total kidney tissue cantly lower MDA levels in kidney cortex tissue than
(moderate), (þþþ) fibrosis in >50% of total kidney tis- those given GEN alone. There was no significant differ-
sue (serious).29 ence for any levels between the groups (Table 2).

Table 1. Effects of GEN alone and its combination with PE on plasma urea, creatinine, Naþ, Kþ, and 24-h urine volume levels in rats.
Parameters Control GEN GEN þ vehicle GEN þ PE

Urea (mg/dL) 34  8.1 109  14.9 a

105  14.4 45  10.8b
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.44  0.1 2.1  0.5a 1.99  0.5 0.8  0.3b
Naþ (mmol/L) 138.5  1.4 140.3  2.7 139.1  2.4 138.8  1.6
Kþ (mmol/L) 3.9  0.2 4.2  0.5 4.1  0.4 4.1  0.3
24-h Urine volume (mL) 8.8  1.1 21.8  4.5a 20.3  3.4 9.6  1.7b
Notes: Values are expressed as mean  SD for eight rats in each group.
Groups: control, GEN-treated, GEN þ vehicle-treated, and GEN þ PE-treated.
Significantly different from the control group.
Significantly different from the GEN-treated group (p < 0.001).
Abbreviations: NO, nitric oxide; MDA, malondialdehyde; GSH, reduced glutathione; GEN, gentamicin.

Renal Failure
Pomegranate Extract Attenuates Gentamicin Nephrotoxicity in Rats 271

Table 2. Effects of PE on NO, MDA, and GSH levels of rat kidney.

Parameters Control GEN GEN þ vehicle GEN þ PE

NO (nmol/g wet tissue) 30.3  9.3 47.2  7.3 a

44.5  5.8 43.7  11.9
MDA (nmol/g wet tissue) 2.6  0.7 4.1  1.1a 3.9  1.1 2.2  0.9b
GSH (umol/g wet tissue) 2.3  0.8 1.4  0.7a 1.3  0.6 2.4  0.4b
Notes: Values are expressed as mean  SD for eight rats in each group.
Significantly different from the control group.
Significantly different from the GEN-treated group (p < 0.05).
Abbreviations: NO, nitric oxide; MDA, malondialdehyde; GSH, reduced glutathione; GEN, gentamicin.

Results of Histopathological Examinations mild and moderate fibrosis in kidney specimen (Table 4;
The histopathological examination of kidney showed no Figure 2A and D).
pathologic findings in the control group (Figure 1A). In
rats treated with GEN and GEN þ vehicle, there were
mild and severe tubular necrosis, tubular degeneration,
and epithelial vacuolization in the proximal tubules, and The kidneys are easily susceptible to damage from drugs
parietal cell hyperplasia compared with the control group because of larger perfusion and accumulation of excreted
(Figure 1B and C). In rats treated with GEN þ PE, compounds that occur in renal tubular cells during
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despite the presence of mild tubular degeneration and absorption and secretion. Aminoglycoside is an antibio-
epithelial vacuolization in the proximal tubules, parietal tic whose clinical use is limited by its nephrotoxicity.
cell hyperplasia and tubular necrosis are less severe, and GEN is a widely used aminoglycoside antibiotic and
glomeruli maintained a better morphology when com- has been shown to cause marked histological damage in
pared with the GEN group (Figure 1D). These changes particular to renal proximal convoluted tubules,30,31
are summarized in Table 3. resulting in swelling, vacuolization, and necrosis of
After staining with Masson’s trichrome, no statistical epithelial cells and accumulation of myelin-like bodies.32
difference was found between the groups in kidney fibro- Furthermore, the results of many studies have shown
For personal use only.

sis scores. However, in GEN-treated rats, there was more that altered concentrations of various biochemical

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 1. (A) Normal tubules and glomeruli in kidney cortex, staining with H&E 100 (control group). (B) Severe tubular necrosis, tubular
degeneration, and epithelial vacuolization in the proximal tubules, staining with H&E 100 (GEN-treated group). (C) Moderate tubular
necrosis, tubular degeneration, and epithelial vacuolization in the proximal tubules, staining with H&E 100 (GEN þ vehicle-treated group).
(D) Mild epithelial vacuolization in the proximal tubules and normal glomeruli, staining with H&E 100 (GEN þ PE-treated group).

© 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

272 M. Cekmen et al.

Table 3. Semiquantitative analysis of tubular necrosis, tubular vacuolization, parietal cell hyperplasia in the control, GEN-, GEN þ vehicle-,
and GEN þ PE-treated rats.
Tubular necrosis Tubular vacuolization Parietal cell
Hyperplasia n 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

Control 8 8 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 8 0 0 0
GENa 8 0 2 5 1 0 2 4 2 0 2 5 1
GEN þ vehicle 8 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 2 0 3 4 1
GEN þ PEb 8 4 3 1 0 1 6 1 0 3 4 1 0
Notes: Score 0, no degeneration; 1, mild degeneration; 2, moderate degeneration; 3, severe degeneration.
Statistical significant difference from the control group.
Statistical significant difference from the GEN-treated group (p < 0.05).

Table 4. Analysis of kidney fibrosis in the control, GEN-, were not increased in rats with GEN-induced nephro-
GEN þ vehicle-, and GEN þ PE-treated rats. toxicity.35–37 Administration of PE protects the kidney
function from GEN as indicated by preventing an
n () (þ) (þþ) (þþþ)
increase in serum urea and creatinine levels. PE restores
Control 8 0 0 0 0 the renal function by preserving the structural integrity of
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GEN 8 3 4 1 0 renal cells against GEN challenge, evidenced by signifi-

GEN þ vehicle 8 4 4 0 0
cantly preventing an increase in the levels of serum crea-
GEN þ PE 8 6 2 0 0
tinine and urea.
Notes: Score (), no fibrosis; (þ), mild fibrosis; (þþ), moderate Since brush border membrane (BBM) and other intra-
fibrosis; (þþþ), serious fibrosis.
No statistical difference between the groups (p > 0.05).
cellular organelles such as mitochondria and lysosomes
are known GEN target,38,39 the structural/functional
integrity was assessed by the status of their respective
indicators of oxidative stress in kidney tissue are due to biomarker enzymes. So, here, we measured the MDA,
GEN.33 Because of the obvious responsibility of ROS in GSH, and NO, as a means of oxidative stress. Our find-
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GEN-induced renal damage, several antioxidant agents ings corroborate those of the earlier studies demonstrat-
have been used to prevent GEN nephrotoxicity.34 PE is ing that an enhanced endogenous oxidative stress has a
rich in antioxidants of the polyphenolic class, which major role in the severity of GEN-induced acute renal
includes tannins and anthocyanins. These antioxidants failure.40,41 MDA, a stable lipid hydroperoxide, provides
are more potent, on a molar basis, than many other anti- an index of the LPO in biological tissues.42 In this study,
oxidants, including vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q-10, we found increased MDA levels in the GEN-treated
and lipoic acid. The antioxidant levels in PE were found to group, and as a protective effect of PE, lower MDA levels
be higher than that in other natural juices, such as blue- were found in the group determined by GEN þ PE. The
berry, cranberry, and orange, as well as in red wine.15 GSH antioxidant system is considered as the most notable
Pomegranate has become more popular because of the cellular protective mechanism. GSH has a very important
attribution of important physiological properties, such as role in protecting against oxygen-free radical damage by
anticancer, cholesterol-lowering, and cardioprotective. providing reducing equivalents for several mechanism, as
This study demonstrated ameliorative effects of PE, a well as scavenging hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen.
phenolic antioxidant, on GEN-induced nephrotoxicity, Its depletion is a common consequence of increased for-
in line with the consideration that oxygen-free radicals mation of ROS5 like GEN-induced nephrotoxicity. In the
are important mediators of GEN-induced acute renal group treated with GEN þ PE, we found increased GSH
failure. The understanding of aminoglycoside nephro- levels. However, our study has shown that PE does not
toxicity is clinically important; such nephrotoxicity is affect NO levels protectively in contrast to some previous
typically associated with anoliguric acute renal failure, studies with different antioxidant agents.3,43 So, it may
that is, azotemia in the presence of 1–2 L/day urine out- enhance LPO by a different way. These findings strongly
put. In this study, the 24-h urine volume in the GEN indicate that PE is important in protecting the kidney from
group was significantly higher than in the control group, GEN-induced injury through improvement in oxidant
indicating the presence of GEN-induced polyuria, status.
whereas in the GEN þ PE-treated group, it was not GEN treatment provokes acute tubular necrosis and
different from that of the control group, suggesting the acute renal failure in about 30% of high-risk patients.6
protective role of PE against acute tubular necrosis. In Animal models of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity also
addition, increased serum urea and creatinine levels in present residual areas of interstitial fibrosis in the renal
GEN-treated rats reflect the renal damage. In contrast to cortex and progressive tubular injury.44,45 After staining
the previous studies, serum Kþ levels were similar with Masson’s trichrome, no statistical difference was
between the GEN-induced nephrotoxicity and the con- found between the groups in kidney fibrosis scores.
trol groups. The final studies show that Kþ levels However, in GEN-treated rats, there was more mild

Renal Failure
Pomegranate Extract Attenuates Gentamicin Nephrotoxicity in Rats 273

(A) (B)
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(C) (D)

Figure 2. (A) No fibrosis in the control group, staining with Masson’s trichrome 100. (B) Mild fibrosis in interstitium, staining with
Masson’s trichrome 400 (GEN-treated group). (C) Mild fibrosis in interstitium, staining with Masson’s trichrome 200 (GEN þ vehicle-
treated group). (D) No fibrosis in GEN þ PE-treated group, staining with Masson’s trichrome 100.

and moderate fibrosis in kidney specimen as previous an overall protective effect against GEN-induced nephro-
studies. In this study, the histopathological examination toxicity in rat model. The observed protective effects can
of kidneys showed severe and extensive damage in GEN- be attributed to the antioxidant properties of PE. So, PE is
treated rats which have tubular necrosis and edema. This a highly free-radical scavenger agent and offers protection
could be due to the formation of highly reactive radicals as against GEN-induced acute renal failure.
a consequence of oxidative stress caused by GEN. The
kidneys of the control group showed normal histological Declaration of interest: The authors report no con-
features, but the GEN-treated group revealed more exten- flicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the
sive and marked tubular necrosis. On the other hand, the content and writing of this article.
tubules from rats of the GEN þ PE-treated group were
nearly normal in histological appearance except for a
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Renal Failure

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