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Wireless and Mobile Communications

MATLAB Assignemt

Amplitude Modulation

Q1. Consider single-tone modulation, that is, m(t) = Am cos(2πf mt)

 carrier frequency=18 KHz; message signal frequency = 900 Hz;

 carrier peak amplitude = 10 volt; message peak amplitude = 4 volt;

A. What is the value of depth of modulation or modulation index?

B. Write a program to plot a message signal, carrier signal, and, modulated signal. Use AM
signal expression directly. Give x-label, y-label, title, etc. to all subplots.
C. Assume R = 1Ω. Compute carrier power Pc, transmit power P t, power in sidebands, %
power efficiency, and bandwidth.

Q2. Write a program to plot variations of carrier power and total sideband power (normalized
with respect to the total average power) with % modulation
• modulation index μ = 0:0.05:1;
Give x-label, y-label, title, etc. to all subplots. Which curve has a positive slope? Which curve
has a negative slope?

Frequency Modulation

Consider single tone FM. Message signal m(t) = 1.5 (exp (j2π × 500t) + exp (-j2π × 500t))
• FM signal s(t) = 10 cos (2π × 104t + 5 sin(2π × 500t) – π/2)
• Questions:
Q1. Write a program to plot message signal, carrier signal, and, modulated signal without using
MATLAB library and, modulated signal without using MATLAB library function. In other words,
use FM signal expression directly. Give x-label, y-label, title etc. to all subplots. (Note: Use
t=linspace(0,0.004,100000) in your code.)
Q2. Determine modulation index, frequency deviation, transmit power P t, and bandwidth.
QAM Analysis

Q1. Write a program to numerically compute SEP of 4-QAM (M = 4) and plot the following
• SEP as a function of SNR using formula
• SEP as a function of SNR using Monte Carlo simulations.
• Show analytical and simulation curves in a single plot. In the plot, provide x-label, y-
label, title, and legend.

• Suppose that the noise power is 33 dBm. What is the average probability of error at Ps = 9
dB? (Hint: Determine from the SEP plot.)

BPSK Analysis

Write a program to numerically compute SEP and plot the following

Q1. SEP as a function of SNR using formula derived in class
Q2. SEP as a function of SNR using MC simulations
• Show analytical and simulation curves in a single plot. In the plot, provide x-label, y-label, title,
and legend.
Q3. Suppose that the noise power is -27 dBm. What is the average probability of error at Ps = 9
dB? (Hint: Determine from the SEP plot.)

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