The Floating Sleep Watcher - Story Writing 5A

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L.O : Able to write a spooky story.

The floating sleep-watcher

I was a chemist at a paint factory in Klang.

This incident happened in 2016 when two other
colleagues and I attended training at a hotel in Johor
Bahru. We checked in around 6pm in the evening after
the training, and then had dinner and a chit chat
session before going to bed. The three of us decided to
combine the two single beds, and slept together. I slept
facing the sliding glass.
Sometime after midnight, I wanted to switch
sides and that was when I noticed a tall, slender female
figure with shoulder-length hair and greyish skin staring
at my friend who was asleep on the other end of the
bed, near the toilet. What shook me the most was the
fact that the figure was floating above my friend! I tried
to ignore what I saw before my eyes, but it was too late
when I realized the figure was now looking back at me!

I knew I was in trouble when she started to roam mid-

air towards me and that was when I quickly shut my
eyes. I tried hard to turn to the other side but to no
avail as I could barely move. As I was struggling, I felt a
slight pain on my forehead and I could tell that the
figure was trying to turn my head towards her so that I
could see her face. I attempted to recite some prayers
but under the pressure, I couldn’t remember them. I
decided to just open my eyes and I saw a long greyish
arm right before my eyes.
Oddly, it disappeared immediately. I turned to
look at my two other colleagues, and they were
sleeping so soundly. It was around 3 am in the morning.
I knew I couldn’t bear to stay in the room anymore, so I
quickly changed, grabbed my phone, and headed down
to the lobby where I had a nap until 6.30 am. I returned
to my room as if nothing had happened, and got ready
for the second day of my training. I don’t think I’ll ever
stay in that hotel again.

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