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HOSTEL PROSPECTUS Sinhpad Institutes SINNGAD TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY'S BOYS’ € GIRLS’ HOSTEL | | Phone No.:® Vadgaon (Bk): 020. 24100116 (Boys’, 020 - 24357021 (Girls? + name Ambeguen) 020 66031088 (oy, 020 31863 (I 3 Kaname Oh, ozo. 26934546 Lennala: 02114 306345 | fi melee Sinhgad Institu SINHGAD TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY'S. BOYS’ € GIRLS’ HOSTEL Brochure & Application Form Sinhgad Technical Education Society was established on |2th August 1993 under the able and dynamic leadership of Prof M. N. Navale. His vast experience in the field of education has been instrumental in establishing many Technical Institutions. The Society provides excellent educational & training facilities in the field of professional education like Engineering, Management, Medical, Dental, Nursing, Physiotherapy. Pharmacy, Architecture, Polytechnic, Education (B.Ed., D.Ed.), Computer Science, Schools etc. All the Institutes under the umbrella of the society are approved by the All India Council for Technical Education and /or by Government of Maharashtra and affiliated to and / or recognized by the University of Pune. Itis meticulously ensured that every institute meets all the norms and standards laid down by the statutory apex bodies. The society has eminent personalities from all related field and their rich experience and ideas contribute to build the institutions. The Society has provided highly educated & experienced faculty in its institutions. All required equipment, library books and journals are procured as and when desired by the Institutes. Every institute has its own computer centre having latest hardware, software and 24 hours Internet facility. PRINCIPAL Sinngad College of Engineering Punaatt cat, AMENITIES The Hostels have self-contained 3-seater & 4-seater rooms with attached toilets & Bathrooms The students are provided with basic amenities like bed, table, chair, rack, provision for hot water and allother usual fittings lke ceiling fan, tube lights, curtains ete, The rooms are spacious, ary Muminated and the buildings are surrounded by landscape with greenery. The water supply Is available for 24 hours. A recreation hall with facilities of games such as carrom, table tennis, ete, Is available for the good use of their leisure time, One TY. set per block of the hostel has been Provided. Daily newspapers are also made available in the come dents of 'S can avail of the facilities provided in the Sports Centre & the The Computer Centre and the Libraries of the Institutes are kept open for the use of them hostels. Besides, the student Cultural Centre. Wiefiinternet connectivity is also available through out the hostel blocks 6 premises ‘There is separate NRI block with kitchen & dinner room combined with TV, Washing Machine, Kitchenette, Dinning Table & Chairs. fier 2 a Hom) , 5\ o/s NCIPAL ROPE SY f Sinngad College of Enginoor! Puroatt vat PRINCIPAL , SINHGAD TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY'S Galle? (ocital RULES ‘0F DiS Geet ‘looks, basins and roms are roglarly leaned by the sweeper on duty, IF the students find any dirt on sanitary wares ‘ete, they shou! immediately report it to he office clerk/ warden, W.Playing cards, use of musical is, ete, is strictly: prohibited Spitting is strictly prohibited 18. The student should always carry her identity card and the same should be ‘presented when asked by the authority of Ahehostel, 19, Regular medical check up by a Medical Officer/Practitioner appointed by the Society is compulsory, In the case of detection of any contagious diseases, the concerned student will be shifted to $ special room till she recovers completely. 20. Students not having valid driving licence should not drive vehicle, 21. The students should park their vehicles dofnulters, under the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Prevention Act 1999, Attention of the students / Parents is drawn to the special Annexure on "The Rules of Prohibiting Ragging” on Page 7 & 8. 22. The students ed in ragging sctivities shall ately be expelled from the hostel and the College! Institute, She will be permanently debated from the Roll ofthe Institution concemed. The hostel fees, the deposit and College/Insttute fees, ete. of such students shall be forfeited and the decision of the Rector/Warden/Head of the Institution in this respect will be final tnd binding on the student and her parents, 23. The students will be allowed to celebrate certain. functions/festivals. of their interest, with prior permission and only at the place provided by the Rector. The festival like Holi, ham ete will not be the hostel premises. The| are also strictly prohibited, 24. In case of emergency, if the student is struck somewhere in or elsewhere, she should contact the ‘ofthe Institution/Secusity 25, The student shall not be allowed to late-night shows of a movie prior permission of Warden/Reetor, 26, Studentsare advised notto' Seeing ete; such setivities shall not be allowed by the Warden/Rector However, with prior permission, and on undertaking from the parents of the med students, they may by make these act only in vacations. The Warden! Rector reserves the Fight to nominate any staff member to escort such groups and students should obey the inst given by the concerned staff member on duty 27. Students participating in any competition viz, cultural activities, sports, sports activities ete and who are required to go out of the hostel for more than a day, should produce a letter to the effect from the Head of the Institution, to ‘the Warden before she leaves the hostel. 28.1f the student is found irregular in snendance at the theory and practical classes and so reported by the concerned Head of the Institution, would be asked to vacate the hostel immediately and her ‘deposit and fees will not be refunded 29. Strict silence should observed in the hostel premises 30, The reading hall, library facilities as well as computer facilities shall be made available to the students upto 9.00 p.m., the students are expected to take the advantage of the facilities provided by the Society. The student availing of this {facility is required to make a note of her ‘attendance in the register maintained at the hostel, 31. After the closure of the academic term, ‘the students are normally expected 10 eave for their native places. However, if astudent desires to goto any other place, ‘he should accordingly make an entry of her destination, approximate period of stay, full address and other details about her whereabouts in the registet. NOTE The student should strictly obey the instructions and rules, Violation of any of the above rules by the student, willbe dealt with disciplinary action to the extent of even expelling her from the hostel and the institution concerned and in that case the decision of the Rector/ Warden/Head of the Institution shall be binding and final for the student and her parents The above rules. of discipline are always subject to change, modification, and alteration as and when the Rector/Warden deems if fit and proper. The decision of the Rector/ Warden shall be final SINHGAD TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY'S ~ OF PH PROHIBITING I RAGGING THE RU HIGHER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ‘Mantralaya Annex, Mumbai 400 032, dated the 101h May 1900 NOTIFICATION MAHARASHTRA PROHIBITION OF RAGGING ACT, 1999. (2) oh {ee Serta, 10984," 89100\/UN1.3 n exarcln ofthe pores eorteet Sector tor ne mah Prohibition of "aN of 100), be ‘Maharashtra Ragging act, thanrarve ere apprise yin 19 10 be the date on which the ‘said Act shall come into force. By order and in the name ofthe Governor ofMaharashira, VP. Raja. to Government. In pursuance of clause (3) of artle 248 of he Conan | following | Sasi Se Movant rion Ragging act, 11 ta i: SO of 1805) rey Miron oft Govemor By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra, sTRA ACT NO. No. XXXill OF 1999. (First published, afier having received the assent of the Governor in the “Maharashtra Government Gazette’, on the 15 May 1999.) ‘An Act to prohibit ragging in educational institutions in the State of Maharashtra. WHEREAS itis expedient to-enact a special law to prohibit ragging in educational institutions in the State of Maharashtra. It is hereby enacted in the Fifieth Year ofthe Republic of India as follows : (a) This Actmay 8 Itshallcome! the Official Gi horttitle and commencement (1 sori actmaybe called the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragoing Act. 1999. Government may, by notification into force on such date as the State jazette, appoint. ea pe a a >< PRariva UMass, ea) ZB Z x — PRINCIPAL Sinngad College of Engineering, Puredti oat. (©) “head of the educational institution* means the tu Vice: Chanceltor of the University, Ponce Medical Faculty, Director ofthe ination ote Principay hewdmastor of Ye y responsible for the management of the educational insttution, Kecae replay oldisorderty conduct, doing ofany act which Causes OF caer Ysic8l Psychological harm oF raise approhiension of fear oF shame OF Ay wenamentto a studentin any educational nstition and includes | seen abtING: threatening or playing practcallokes on, oF causing hut 10, (aking student do any ct or pertorm somthing which sch stent wl nt inthe ordinary course, willingly, do. seh Ly Prohibition of ragging Reaging within or outside ofany educational instiuton Is prohl-ted. CoM articipates in, abets or propogates raging within Eater wich may eerste a yeus nae oho emer extend to ten thousand rupees. Dismissal of student ‘Any Student convicted of an offence under section 4 shall be dismissed from the ‘educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational ‘Institution for 8 period of five years from the date of order of such dismissal. Wy student or, as the case may be, the parent or guardian, or a teacher of ‘an educational institution complains, in writing, of raging to the head of the Sereatonelnsuton, thehead ofthat educatonainstuon shal witout prejudice Fay ae al to the foregoing provisions, within seven days of the receipt of the complaint, enquire into the matter mentioned in the complaint and if; prima facie, itis found true, suspend the student who is accused of the offence, and shall, immediately forward the ‘complaint to the police station having jurisdiction over the area in which the ‘educational institutions situated, forflrther action. (2) Where, on enquiry by the head ofthe educational institution, itis proved that there is no substance, prima facie, in the complaint received under sub-section (1), he shall intimate the fact, in writing, to the complainant. (3) The decision ofthe head ofthe educational institution that the student has indulged in ragging under sub-section (1), shall be fmal. Deemed abetment If the head of the educational institution fails or neglects to take action in the manner ‘specified in section 6 when a complaint of ragging is made, such person shall be deemed to have abetted the offence of ragging arid shall, on conviction, be punished as provided forin section 4. Powerto make rules (1). The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, amend mies for ‘carrying outallor any ofthe purposes ofthis Act. inder this Act shall be laid, a8 soon a8 may be, after itis made, eee mouse of the Slate Legislature, while isin session for total period of Petey deve, which may be comprised in one session orn two or more successive Seodions, arid If before the expiry of the session in which itis 80 laid or the session. Famediately following, both houses agree in making any modification inthe rules oF both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, and notif~ such decision in the Official Gazette, the rule shall from the date of publication of such notification, have fffect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity ‘anything previously done or omitted to be done under that ule, PRINCIPA Sinnged College of Engineering Pune-d41 041, , f ie nie st SINHGAD TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY'S (efttne | SINHGAD BOYS! & GIRLS’ HOSTEL oe eet Student Sinhgad Institutes APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION Co Form No.: Campus: Name of the Student : a $$$ (In Capital, Starting with Sumame) (First Name) (Middle Name) Date of Birth: __/_/_ Blood Group: Caste: G0 1 ccecnnssiliciiaa Address; ec ParentName ; a Designation Company/Office Cell No. Permanent Addres: Company/Office Address ee Guardian Name: Mr. ‘Addres Street Address Area Landmark City State Pin code Tel. (Resi.) Cell No. Name of the person tobe Contacted incase ofemergency —_: Telephone No.(R): Cell No.: Name of institution to which admitted Class of Study | have read all the rules of admission and discipline of Hostel as enumerated in Hostel Information Brochure and consulted my Father / Guardian & after understanding these rules. | have filled up the application form for admission to the hostel. | undertake to obey instructions and rules of discipline as mentioned on the reverse of application form, Signature of the Student ‘is granted and admitted in the hostel for the academic year Date of admission : —_ /__ /20___ prittiran car College of Engineering Pune-411 ate ae eee eS RULES AND REGULATION 1, Roomallotment will be done by the hostel authorities and change if required. 2, _Ishall not indulge in any act or activity, which may cause damage to property of institution; Hostel, Mess and Society. | shall pay for all such damages including penalty. 3. I shall not participate in any type of strike, lock out, slogan shouting, di posters. 4, I shall not seek or make an attempt to seek support of any outside organization, institution, press or individual for redressal of my grievances. | shall follow laid down procedure and instruction of STES for such redressal. 5, I shallnot entertain any unauthorized guest/student in my hostel premises or hostel room. | shall not indulge in any kind of theft, forgery or proxy signature. am aware and will not indulge in consumption of liquor, drugs, smoking of cigarettes (Strictly prohibited ‘within the institutes, Hostels, Messes, Canteen and Society premis 8, I will not use any unauthorized electronic gadgets like emersion rod and such heavy duty electrical appliances in my room institute. 8. [shall not create any nuisance by playing loud music/musical instruments, bursting of crackers or such ‘material, which may cause disturbance to others. 10, theta pay all dues as stipulated by the Institutes, Mess, Hostel and Society within the laid down time ame. 11. I shall personally accountable and responsible for all valuables belonging to me and that management will not be responsible for such loss 42. shall not indulge in arguments, quarrel and physical violence with other students, security staff, hostel and mess staff or any employee of STES and | am aware that any act from my side will result in severe disciplinary action against me. 413. [shall reportiin the hostel as per following timings : a) Boys Hostel -Before 24.00 hrlatest. b) Girls Hostel-Before 20.30 hr latest. 14. willbe member of mess allotted to me by the authorities and will take my meals in the nominated mess. 15. Iwill vacate hostel room by date and time given by appropriate authorities. 16. I shall not indulge in raging and abide by Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999. 17. [shall notleave hostel for night out without valid permission in writing from warden. 18. Itwill be my sincere endeavours to uphold the name of STES. I shall not indulge in any activity, which may tarnish the prestige of STES andits institutions. 19. As & When called in the hostel. | will report within 24 hours without giving any reasons. Negligence of it, may result in cancellation of admission. 20. Iwill take responsibility of my Son/Daughter within 24 hrs, when admitted in the hospital. If guardians are from Pune, or near by place, they will take charge of admitted student in the same night. Iread and understood the all above given information and here by give my undertaking and consent. lay of protest badges or Sign. of the Student Signature of Parents/Local Guardian Name: Cell No: Reference : ‘Sr. No. Name Designation Company Contact No. f z PRIASPAL Sinngad College of Engineering Pure.414 944, ge? a

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