Ipjugaad - Bajmc 3rd Sem Radio Jockeying and News Reading Paper 2017

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Exnm Roll No. .-...'...,""'--'-

(Pleose write Your Exam Roll No')

' dJVeurs Reading

P"p, C"a"t &A(JI{IC) 2O7

ich is cornltulsory'

Q1" Write short on the following:

a) News Values
bi Monitoring Senrices
O Coa" and ethics for presentation transmlsslon
. .--:
features in radio
;i Use of Pre-recorded

India Radio'

India Radio'

news bulletin witJl example'
elements of;;Ao

Qs. Writingforradioisdifferentfromothermed.iumhow?Explainwith
approPriate examPles'

Q6. Describetlrepresentationtechniquesofarad,iojockeywithexarnple.

Q7. Whatarethequalitiesofradionewsreaderandhowitisdifferentfrom
TV news reader? ExPlain' a
of Radio ProduEtion for a 5 minute racto feature
Q8. Explain the techniques
in Studio and Location'



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