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Standard Template for Academic Tasks (22234)

Academic Task Number: Test 1 Course code: PEV114

Date of allotment: 22/08/2023 Course title: ADVANCED VERBAL ABILITY

Date of submission: 25/08/2023 Maximum Marks: 30

Academic Task Type: Offline

Question Question Statement Course Bloom’s Marks

Number Outcome level per
Correct the sentence by choosing the right option: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
Q1 She wore a bicycle helmet on her head that was too large.
A. that was too large on her head B. their was too large on her head 1
C. on her head which was too large D. on her head that had been too large

Find the part of sentence with error, and replace it with correct answer from the options CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
For the last decade, the city has had more tourists every single year.
Q2 A. the city has had more tourists each single year.
B. the city having had more tourists every single year.
C. the city has had more tourists every single year than the year before.
D. the city has had more tourists coming every single year.
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
Working overtime to produce their first issue, the newspaper was instantly 1
3 acclaimed as a successful venture in the publishing field.
a. Working overtime to produce the first issue
b. Working overtime to produce their first issue
c. Having worked overtime to produce their first issue
d. With its staff working overtime to produce the first issue
Correct the sentence by choosing the right option. CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
Gerald fumbled with his papers, apologized to his coworkers, and replaced them on his podium. 1
4 A. and replaced it on his podium. B. and replaced those on his podium.

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C. replacing it on his podium. D. and replaced the papers on his podium.

Correct the sentence by choosing the right option CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
Our supervisor instructed us to strictly keep track of the time we spent away from our desks.
a) strictly instructed us to keep track of the time we had spent away from our desks.
5 b) instructed us to keep strictly track of the time we spent away from our desks.
c) instructed us to keep track of the time we spent away from our strictly desks.
d) strictly instructed us to keep track of the time we spent away from our desks.
Choose the most suitable option to correct the sentence: for the underlined part of the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
To win the game, a great effort was made.
1 a great effort was made by her. 2 She made a great effort.
6 3 He makes a great effort. 4 You make a great effort.
Choose the most suitable option to correct the sentence: for the underlined part of the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
7 When only 10 years old, the boy’s father and mother sent him away to boarding school to expose him to a more
rigorous academic environment
1 the boy was sent away to boarding school by his father and mother to be exposed to a more rigorous
academic environment
2 the boy’s father and mother sent him away to boarding school, a more rigorous academic environment, to
expose him
3 the boy was sent away to a boarding school, exposed to a more rigorous academic environment, by his father
and mother
4 the boy’s father and mother sent him away to boarding school to expose him to a more rigorous academic
Choose the most suitable option to correct the sentence: for the underlined part of the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
Used until the end of the Second World War, the German army employed the U-boat to attack both military or civilian 1
8 1 the German army employed the U-boat to attack both military or
2 the U-boat was employed by the German army to attack both military and
3 the U-boat employed the German army to attack both military or
4 the German army had employed the U-Boat to attack both military and the
Choose the most suitable option to correct the sentence: for the underlined part of the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
Terrorism is often defined as a violent act that is intended to create fear; perpetrated for a religious, political, or 1
ideological goal; and deliberately targets noncombatants.

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9 A. a violent act that is intended to create fear; perpetrated for a religious, political, or
ideological goal; and deliberately targets noncombatants.
B. a violent act that intends to create fear; perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately
targets noncombatants.
C. a violent act intended to create fear; perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and targeted towards
D. a violent act that intends to create fear; perpetrates for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and targets
Choose the correct option from the following: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
Only under special circumstances would the professor allow a student to have as much authority as given to the
10 current teaching assistant. 1
a. as he has given to the current teaching assistant. b. as given to the current teaching assistant.
c. as gives to the current teaching assistant. d. as he given to the current teaching assistant.

11 Choose the correct option from the following: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5

The new division of the company oversaw a wide range of activities inside the corporate structures, including 1
production of machine parts, refinement of crude oil, and delivering supplies to factories.
A. including production of machine parts, refinement of crude oil, and delivering supplies to factories.
B. including the production of machine parts, the refinement of crude oil, and the delivering supplies to factories.
C. including producing of machine parts, refinement of crude oil, and delivering supplies to factories.
D. including production of machine parts, refinement of crude oil, and delivery of supplies to factories.
12 Choose the correct option from the following: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
The vineyards of Napa Valley are at once breathlessly vibrant, symmetrical, and the green is profound.
a) and profoundly green. b) and so profound green.
11 c) and the green is profound. d) and its green is quite profound.
Choose the most suitable option to correct the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
The kids took too much time cleaning their rooms, left little time to do outdoor chores.
a. leaving little time to doing outdoor chores. b. left little time to do outdoor chores. 1
12 c. leaving little time to do outdoor chores. d. left little time to had done outdoor chores.
Choose the most suitable option to correct the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
When choosing a sport, youths are encouraged to consider its difficulty, its required skills, its necessary equipment,
and its overall cost.
13 A. the cost of it. B. if it costs money.

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C. how much it costs overall. D. its overall cost.

Choose the most suitable option to correct the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
The teacher sought new ways of teaching, believing her students would get more from lessons featuring playing,
14 acting, and creativity.
a) featuring playing, acting, and creative things. b) featuring playing, acting, and creativity.
c) featuring the playing, acting, and creativity. d) featuring playing, acting, and creating.
Which part of the sentence has error? CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
15 My friend Jacob/ is charismatic, adept/ and he is a great pediatrician.
a. My friend Jacob c. Is charismatic, adept 1
b. And he is a great pediatrician d. No error
Choose the erroneous part of the sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
I like to spend my winter/ holiday skating, skiing, / and I also enjoy snowboarding.
1. I like to spend my winter 2. Holiday skating, skiing 3. and I also enjoy snowboarding 4. No error
17 Find out the error in below mentioned sentence: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
He cannot be trusted with important secret informations otherwise I would have made him my assistant. 1
a. He cannot be trusted b. With important secret informations c. otherwise I would have
d. made him my assistant

18 Choose the correct option CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5

Very few cities in India are as rich as Mumbai.
a. Mumbai is richer than other city in India. 1
b. Mumbai is richer than most other cities in India.
c. Mumbai is rich as other city in India.
d. Mumbai is the richest state in India

19 Choose the correct option: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5

John’s car is faster than Kyle. 1
a. John's car is faster than Kyle's b. John's car is faster than Kyle c. John is faster than Kyle's car

d. John is faster than Kyle’s car himself

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Which part of the sentence has error? CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5

20 Results founding that boys not only (1)/ play more than girls, but (2)/ they start earlier, an outcome that (3)/ could be
clearly related to a cultural influence(4)/ 1
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Select the correct answer: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
Inflation is higher in India than any other city in the world.
21 a. Inflation in India is higher than any other country in the world
b. All other cities have less inflation than India
c. Compared to Nepal, India has higher inflation
d. No error
Which part of the sentence has error? CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
22 Seema is not smarter (a)/ then my brother (b)/ when it comes (c)/ to playing chess (d)/ 1
a. Part a b. Part b c. Part c d. Part d

Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
23 The judge of the baking contest liked the pastry Sally made better than Bob. 1
a. pastry Sally made better than Bob
b. liked Sally’s pastry better than Bob’s
c. likes Sally’s pastry better than Bob’s
d. he liked Sally’s pastry better than Bob
24 Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
The view from this apartment is not nearly as spectacular as from that mountain lodge.
a. The view from this apartment is not nearly as spectacular as the one from that mountain lodge.
b. The view from this apartment is not nearly as spectacular as from that mountain lodge.
c. The view from this apartment is not beautiful
d. The view from this apartment is only as spectacular as from that mountain lodge.
Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
25 Perhaps the shift in the profit sectors will reverse itself in the next few months, makes the entire conversation 1
unnecessary in the long run.
A. makes an entire conversation unnecessary in the long run.
B. to make the entire conversation unnecessary in the long run.
C. making the entire conversation unnecessary in the long run.

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D. makes the entire conversation unnecessary in the long run.

Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
26 The key issue in the case concerned whether or not the defendant ever having possession of the murder weapon. 1
a) ever having possession to the murder weapon.
b) even having possession of the murder weapon.
c) ever having possession of the murder weapon.
d) ever had possession of the murder weapon.
Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
27 More than any other person who having held the position, the student body president actually ran a vigorous 1
campaign to be elected to his office.
a. More than every other person who having held the position,
b. More than any other person who having held the position,
c. More than any other person who held the position,
d. More than any other persons who having held the position,
28 Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
Unlike his contemporaries, the painter sticking closely to shapes that could exist in reality. 1
a) the painter sticking closely b) the painter sticking closer
c) a painter sticking closely d) the painter stuck closely
Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5
29 The girls having a party commemorating the end of the school. 1
a. The girls having party b. The girls are having a party
c. The girls having the party d. The girls having a party
Choose the correct option to make the sentence grammatically correct: CO1,CO2,CO5 L1,L2,L5 1
Gordon, having already gave several commencement speeches over the past decade, took little time and effort to
30 prepare for his upcoming address.
A. Gordon having already given several commencement speeches
B. Gordon, who has already given several commencement speeches
C. Gordon, having already gave several commencement speeches
D. Gordon, having already given several commencement speeches

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