Back-To-Back Cycloadditions in Nature: News & Views

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Back-to-back cycloadditions in nature

Richiro Ushimaru & Ikuro Abe Check for updates

Tandem cycloaddition reactions have significant responsible for catalysing the tandem hDA reactions to form com-
pound 1 (or respectively the homologous protein PycR1 for the bio-
applications in organic synthetic chemistry. synthesis of 1′).
Now, two enzymes are shown to catalyse tandem To test these hypotheses, precursors 5 and 4 were fed to an
A. nidulans transformant expressing eupfE and eupfF. Production of 1
hetero-Diels–Alder reactions with a synergistic as a metabolite implied that EupfF is responsible for the tandem
interplay between a calcium cofactor and intermolecular hDA reaction of 7 and 4, resulting in the formation of 1
N-glycan post-translational modifications during because the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase EupfE, encoded
by eupfE, catalyses the reduction of compound 5 to 6. Furthermore,
the biosynthesis of bistropolone-sesquiterpene in vitro enzyme analysis of EupfE and PycR1 purified from A. nidulans
secondary metabolites. verified their roles as tandem DAases with distinct substrate specifici-
ties. Specifically, EupfE and PycR1 selectively accept 4 and 4′ as their
The Diels–Alder (DA) reaction is a [4 + 2] cycloaddition reaction between respective dienophiles.
a conjugated diene and a dienophile, enabling the rapid construction of Hu, Zhou, Houk, and co-workers also solved the crystal structures
complex molecular frameworks in a single step. Owing to the versatility of EupfE and PycR1. Both EupfE and PycR1 exhibit a propeller-like
and predictable regio- and stereoselectively of the DA reaction, it is one overall folding and are post-translationally modified by N-glycans at
of the most powerful and widely utilized chemical transformations in multiple asparagine residues (N45, N68, N213 and N300 in EupfF, and
organic synthesis of natural products and pharmaceuticals1. Conse- N43 and N211 in PycR1) (Fig. 1b). They also both contained a catalytic
quently, the synthetic routes of target molecules containing complex Ca2+ ion. The crystal structure and mutagenesis experiments indicated
polycyclic ring systems include tandem DA reactions as key steps. Now, that the N-glycan modification at N211 in PycR1, which is located at the
writing in Nature Chemistry, Hu, Zhou, Houk and co-workers demon- dimer interface, played a crucial role in both dimer formation and Ca2+
strate that such tandem DA reactions can be catalysed by enzymes ion binding. This finding was consistent with the dramatic reduction
called Diels–Alderases (DAases) during the biosynthesis of fungal in the activity of a glycan-free PycR1 purified from Escherichia coli.
bistropolone-sesquiterpenes, eupenifeldin (1) and pycnidione (1′) Subsequent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and ONIOM (short
(ref. 2). They also uncover the detailed molecular mechanism by which for 'our own n-layered integrated molecular orbital and molecular
the DAases selectively facilitate the tandem polycyclic ring formation, mechanics') calculations suggested that the Ca2+ ion, acting as a Lewis
which involves a synergy of calcium binding and glycan decoration. acid, is critical for the dehydration of compound 6 to enone 7, which is
Over the past dozen years, numerous enzymes that catalyse peri­ the immediate precursor preceding the hDA reaction with 4 (Fig. 1a).
cyclic reactions such as DA reactions in natural product biosynthesis have The proposed molecular catalytic mechanism of PycR1 and EupfF
been reported3. Although DAases are powerful biocatalysts for producing suggests that substrate 6 undergoes dehydration to form enone 7 via
structurally complex natural products, most of them are limited to cata- the Lewis acidity of the Ca2+ ion. Enone 7 then reacts with 4 (or 4′),
lysing single-step DA reactions. Enzymatic catalysis of sequential DA reac- leading to the formation of the first product, 2 (or 2′), which is either
tions by a single enzyme would require accurate recognition of multiple released from the enzyme cavity or translocated to another region
substrates at each step during the cascade process, which is non-trivial. within the cavity. Upon the arrival of another molecule of 7, the second
Eupenifeldin4 and pycnidione5 are stereoisomeric bistropolone- hDA reaction takes place (Fig. 1a). MD simulations provided insights
sesquiterpene natural products produced by fungi that share an into the stereoselectivities of the first and second cycloadditions,
identical two-dimensional carbon skeleton, wherein the central which are primarily controlled by the main chains of Y223 and V225,
sesquiterpene-derived 11-membered macrocycles with distinct stereo­ respectively (Fig. 1c). Sequence alignment and mutagenesis experi-
configurations are flanked by two dihydropyrans, each conjugated with ments also revealed that N341 and S242 in PycR1, as well as N340 and
a tropolone moiety (Fig. 1a). The presence of two identical tropolone Q239 in EupfF, play crucial roles in the second hDA reaction because
fragments in their molecular architectures led the researchers substituting these residues with the corresponding amino acids found
to hypothesize that the biosynthetic pathways of 1 and 1′ involve a in a one-step DAase AsR5 resulted in the abolishment of the second
two-fold conjugation event between the sesquiterpene core with the hDA reaction. Additionally, it was found that the S242Q variant of
tropolone moiety. Previous studies on the biosynthetic gene clusters PycR1 accepted 6, while the Q239S variant of EupfF accepted 6.
(eupf from Penicillium janthinellum and pyc from Leptobacillium sp. Based on MD simulations, these critical residues likely affect the
CF-236968) (refs. 6,7) responsible for generating these natural products hydrogen-bonding network and conformation of active-site residues
have shown that EupfF catalyses a hetero-Diels–Alder (hDA) reaction such as Y223 and V225, thereby leading to altered substrate preferences.
between modified sesquiterpene 4 and tropolone 7 to form a mono- The work by Hu, Zhou, Houk, and colleagues provides new biosyn-
cycloaddition product, neosetophomone B (2). However, when the thetic insights into the assembly of natural products containing polycyclic
eupf gene cluster was heterologously expressed in the fungal host systems by a single enzyme. The detailed structural and computational
Aspergillus nidulans, compound 1 containing two tropolone units analysis of EupfF and PycR1 highlights the cycloaddition mechanism,
was produced. This led to the hypothesis that EupfF is the enzyme in which Ca2+ binding and N-glycan post-translation modification

nature chemistry Volume 15 | August 2023 | 1056–1057 | 1056

News & views

EupfE PycR1


5 6 H2O

7 7 H
Z EupfF H EupfF HO O
4 O
Neosetophomone B (2) Eupenifeldin (1)

7 7 H
O trans
PycR1 PycR1 HO HO O
Epolone B (2′) Pycnidione (1′)

b c





N43 7 R94

Fig. 1 | Tandem Diels–Alder reactions catalysed by EupfF and PycR1. a, Schemes respectively. The calcium ion is shown as a green sphere. Sites of the glycosylation
for the EupfF and PycR1 reactions2. b, Overall structure of PycR1 in complex with are also indicated. c, Active site of PycR1. Panels b and c were generated using the
7 and 2 (PDB ID: 7X2S). N-glycans, 7, and 2 are shown in magenta, yellow and cyan, PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 2.4.1, Schrödinger, LLC.

cooperatively fine-tune the tandem DA reactions. The presence of genes Published online: 24 July 2023
encoding EupfF homologues in fungal genomes implies that such tandem
cycloaddition reactions are more relevant and operative in natural product References
biosynthesis than previously recognized. Lastly, the successful engineer- 1. Nicolaou, K. C., Synder, S. A., Montagnon, T. & Vassilikogiannakis, G. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
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Research Institute for Innovative Microbiology, The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan. Competing interests
 e-mail:; The authors declare no competing interests.

nature chemistry Volume 15 | August 2023 | 1056–1057 | 1057

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