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Urban Water Journal

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How should urban water be priced? – An empirical

analysis for the city of Mekelle, Ethiopia

Tafesse W. Gezahegn & Xueqin Zhu

To cite this article: Tafesse W. Gezahegn & Xueqin Zhu (2017) How should urban water be
priced? – An empirical analysis for the city of Mekelle, Ethiopia, Urban Water Journal, 14:4,
409-415, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2016.1175484

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Urban Water Journal, 2017
VOL. 14, NO. 4, 409–415


How should urban water be priced? – An empirical analysis for the city of Mekelle,
Tafesse W. Gezahegna,b and Xueqin Zhua
Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands; bCollege of Business and Economics,
Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia


Urban water utilities have focused on setting water prices to cover average costs, usually using increasing Received 22 May 2015
block rate designs. In an attempt to contribute to the use of efficient, equitable, and revenue-sufficient Accepted 4 April 2016
pricing, this paper estimates the long-run marginal and average social costs of water supply in Mekelle city
using a multi-product translog cost function that incorporates the shadow price of natural water. Findings
Marginal social cost;
show that the marginal social costs of providing one m3 of residential and non-residential water are Birr marginal value; translog
5.33 and 7.71 (Birr = Ethiopian currency: 1 Euro ≈ 23 Birr), respectively, while the average current prices are cost function; natural water;
Birr 4.46 and 6.10/m3. On the other hand, the average social costs of residential and non-residential water Mekelle
are estimated at Birr 14.34 and 16.36/m3, respectively, implying that marginal social cost-based prices
would still lead to a revenue deficit of approximately Birr 9/m3.

1. Background value in Mekelle: MWSO doesn’t pay for the raw water resource
it uses to supply tap water to its customers. As a result, the price
In many cities, public attention has focussed mainly on techno-
it charges for tap water accounts only for the AC of water extrac-
logical solutions to water shortage (Sibly 2006b). To economists,
tion, treatment, storage, and distribution, but not the scarcity
however, pricing is the central mechanism that determines the
value of the resource itself. Besides, MWSO seems to follow
efficient allocation of water (Zhu and van Ierland 2012). Pricing
defective accounting practices that might undervalue its capital
would ensure that available water goes to the most valuable
uses, and that new supplies will be developed only if consumers costs: e.g. no interest and depreciation costs were reported for
are willing to pay for them (Pint 1999). The problem of burgeon- the period 2003--2007. As well, the costs of treatment material
ing water scarcity could be solved if water is properly treated (chlorine) were zero for this period. It’s quite possible that these
as an economic good (Dinar and Nigatu 2013). Achieving this missing costs would result in a lower AC which may eventually
goal requires taking account of the full cost of water supply (Tsur lead to under-pricing of tap water, not to mention the inher-
2005). Rogers et al. (1998) argue that sustainable and efficient ent incompatibility of ACP with economic efficiency. Besides
use of water requires water prices match the full cost: operating, economic efficiency, criteria for water rate design should also
maintenance, capital, opportunity cost (OC), and externalities consider revenue sufficiency and equity, as water is an eco-
(Sibly 2006a). Ignoring the OC undervalues water and causes nomic and social good (Hall 2009). MCP may fail to address the
misallocations of the resource (Rogers et al. 1998). When the efficiency, equity, and revenue sufficiency issues at a time (Sibly
price of water reflects its full cost, the resource will be put to its 2006a). Since an urban water provider is a natural monopoly, AC
most valuable uses (Rogers et al. 2002). Urban water utilities tra- declines as production increases, implying that marginal cost
ditionally set water prices to cover average cost (AC) (Pint 1999). (MC) is lower than AC (Sibly 2006b). As a result, an MCP scheme
However, Griffin (2006) argues that efficiency is not well served leads to revenue deficiency (Sibly 2006b).
by average cost pricing (ACP). Efficient pricing is equivalent to In Mekelle, water is priced based on Increasing Block Rate (IBR)
marginal cost pricing (MCP). What’s more, the ACP scheme used structure. However, Sibly (2006b) presents several disadvantages
by urban water utilities does not account for the scarcity value of of IBR. First, IBR-pricing has the effect of insulating typical consum-
natural water (Pint 1999). Mekelle is among the cities where effi- ers from facing the cost of decreased water availability. Second,
cient water pricing has received little attention. Mekelle Water with IBR-pricing, large but low-income families are likely to face a
Supply Office (MWSO) falls back on supply augmentation to higher price as compared to small but high-income households.
address the chronic water shortage in the city, and sets water Third, it sends the wrong price signals not only to consumers,
prices to cover ACs. Moreover, natural (raw) water is assigned no but also to the water providers themselves: IBR-pricing usually

CONTACT  Tafesse W. Gezahegn

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
410    T. W. Gezahegn and X. Zhu

undervalues the water sold in the first tier, and thus provides The remaining part of the paper proceeds as follows: Section 2
insufficient incentive to expand supply. With a typical IBR, price presents a brief description of the study area; Section 3 outlines
signal becomes misleading when water use moves from one the methodological approaches followed; Section 4 presents and
block to another. Whittington (1992) adds a serious problem with discusses results; and Section 5 concludes.
IBRs: they can only work if each household (rich or poor) has a
private, metered water connection. Yet, many cities in develop-
2.  The study area
ing countries do not meet this condition. Usually, the poor buy
water from relatively rich neighbors with private connections. The Mekelle is located on the northern edge of Ethiopia situated
sellers can capture the benefits of the first block, while charging at a distance of 783 km from the national capital, Addis Ababa.
buyers a price that will recover the highest per unit charge in the It lies in the country’s temperate highlands of Tigray region at
IBR plus some mark-up. In this case, IBR will have precisely the an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level with a total
opposite effect of its intent: the poor will pay higher prices than area of 150 km2 (in 2011) (MCI 2012). The city has shown a rapid
the rich (Boland and Whittington 2000). growth and development in all social, economic, political and
The purpose of this study is to estimate the MC of water sup- cultural spheres (Gebreegziabher and Tadesse 2011). MWSO
ply and analyze the implications for more efficient, equitable, is responsible for the city’s water supply. For technical sup-
and revenue-sufficient water rates in the city of Mekelle based port, it relies on Tigray Regional Bureau of Water, Minerals, and
on a full economic cost approach: full supply cost (operating, Energy Resources. Activities such as drilling deep and shallow
maintenance, and capital costs) plus OC, as Rogers et al. (1998) wells, reservoir construction, electro-mechanical installation
put it. The OC is proxied by the marginal value (MV) of natural and spring development are undertaken by Tigray Water Works
water in agriculture in the outskirts of Mekelle estimated by Construction Enterprise. The main source of Mekelle’s water
Gezahegn and Zhu (2015). This makes sense since agriculture supply is groundwater from about 20 boreholes (in 2011) that
and urban water use are the two major sectors competing range from 32–250 meters in depth. The distribution system
for raw water in the area. Since the externalities related to depends primarily on gravity, but it also relies on pumps (Castro
the city’s water use are difficult to quantify, we exclude them and Maoulidi 2009). Since 2008, water is priced according to IBR
from the analysis. Thus, it should be noted that the estimated structure for residential users: for a consumption of up to and
MCs in this paper can only serve as the lower bound of the including 5 m3, the price equals 2.30 Birr/m3; for any amount
true MCs of water supply in Mekelle. The phrase marginal greater than 5 m3 up to and including 10 m3, 3.50 Birr/m3; for
social cost (MSC) is used to refer to MC of water supply with any amount greater than 10 m3 up to and including 20 m3,
MV of natural water taken account of. What we estimate is 4.90 Birr/m3; and for any amount above 20 m3, the price is 6.10
the long-run MC (LRMC)1: the cost of an extra unit of water Birr/m3. For non-residential users, the rate is flat at 6.10 Birr/m3
when all factors of production (including capital) vary incre- (1Birr ≈ 0.042 euro), and the billing period ranges from day 1 to
mentally (Sibly 2006b). By their nature, capacity expansions day 30 of each month.
of water networks are often lumpy rather than incremental
(Sibly 2006a). Yet, Turvey (1976) distinguishes between the
3.  Materials and methods
distribution network and the central system: distribution net-
work can expand through many small investments, while the The translog function is often used for the purpose of repre-
central system can expand by large investments, often at long senting the water production technology (Grebenstein and
intervals. Thus, treating distribution network as a variable that Field 1979, Kim 1987, Steven Renzetti 1999, Tsegai et al. 2009).
can be incrementally increased may be justified for Mekelle This function has the advantage of being flexible with only
due to the dominance of the expansion of distribution net- few restrictions on its input data. It is parsimonious and satis-
works to meet increasing demand without major investment fies price homogeneity assumptions by imposing a set of linear
in the central system. LRMC-pricing is preferable to short-run restrictions on the parameters to be estimated (Reynaud 2003).
MC pricing in the water industry to ensure stable financing Besides its flexibility, it can also accommodate the multi-product
of long-term investments (Economics 1997). As a volumetric nature of an industry. With time series data, Verbeek (2012) notes
rate based on LRMC is stable (Sibly 2006b), the LRMC method that for applying standard estimation or testing procedures, the
is relatively administratively less expensive than the more variables are required to be stationary (the mean, variances, and
dynamic short-run MC method (Garcia and Reynaud 2004). We co-variances of variables are finite and independent of time).
adopt a three-product (residential, non-residential, and wast- If a non-stationary variable Yt is regressed on another non-sta-
age) translog cost function accounting for the OC of natural tionary variable Xt, estimators and test statistics will be
water in the context of a developing country. The inclusion of misleading. An important exception arises when two or more
the OC in the cost function of a water utility in an area where non-stationary variables with the same order of integration
natural water is assigned no value is an innovative feature. (the number of times a non-stationary variable should be differ-
What’s more, the paper empirically tests the cost complemen- enced2 to get a stationary series) are co-integrated: there exists
tarities among different water outputs, giving an insight into a particular linear combination of these non-stationary variables
whether it is advantageous to “produce” wasted water jointly which is stationary: Yt − βXt is stationary for some β although Yt
with residential and non-residential water outputs. Here, we and Xt are both non-stationary. Thus, for the estimated cost func-
do not claim any methodological innovation but the inclusion tion to be econometrically valid, all variables must be integrated
of the value of natural water in the cost function is a novel of the same order (Moss et al. 2003) and must have a stationary
contribution to the empirical literature on water pricing. linear relationship.
Urban Water Journal   411

3.1.  Model specification 3.2.  Data and variable description

Kim (1995) regards U.S. water utilities as multi-product firms Monthly time series data (10-year) on total costs (TC) of water
providing residential and non-residential services; Hayes supply, quantities of water outputs, and input prices were uti-
(1987) examines the cost structure of the water industry in the lized. Monthly TC includes costs of capital (approximated by
U.S. by considering it a multi-product firm producing whole- network expansion costs), labour, energy, material and natural
sale and retail products; Garcia and Thomas (2001) regard the water. Data on input (other than water) prices, capital mainte-
water industry as a multi-product firm producing two out- nance cost, and input cost shares are the result of own calcu-
puts: losses and the actual water produced; Martins et al. (2012) lation. The price of labour was calculated as the ratio of total
estimate a cost function with two outputs: water loss and ser- monthly wage (including salary) to total monthly number
vice output. Following the lines of argument in favour of the of hours worked. The price of energy was determined as the
multi-product approach, the present study treats MWSO as a ratio of total monthly energy cost to total amount of electricity
three-output firm producing residential (qr), non-residential used per month in kilo-watt-hour (kWh). Likewise, the price of
(qn), and wasted (qw) water outputs. A time variable t has been materials was approximated by the ratio of total monthly cost
included in the model to account for a Hicks-neutral technical of materials to total monthly quantity (kg) used. Theoretically,
change, as in Ray (1982). Since all the variables included in the the price of capital is determined as the sum of depreciation
estimation of the translog cost function are non-stationary, rate and interest rate (Pindyck and Rubinfeld 2001). Yet, it was
a test for the presence of a co-integrating relationship was hard to find documented depreciation costs. So, following IBRD
conducted using Dickey–Fuller tests (Verbeek 2012). The test (2006), monthly depreciation rate was approximated by the
results indicate that the null hypothesis of non-stationarity ratio of monthly capital maintenance cost (approximated by the
can be safely rejected, indicating a long-run co-integration excess of monthly TC over the summation of monthly network
among the variables.3 Besides qr, qn, qw, and t, the multi-prod- expansion, labour, energy, and material costs) to total capital.
uct cost function includes prices of labour (pl), capital (pk), The capital maintenance approach focuses on measuring the
energy (pe), materials (pm), and natural water (pW) as its argu- expenditure needed to maintain assets at their current level of
ments. That is, C = C(qr , qn , qw , pl , pk , pe , pm , pW , t)implicitly. serviceability, and recognizes that assets like pipes don’t gen-
The translog specification is: erally wear out and then get replaced all at once, but rather are
ln C = 𝛼0 +

𝛼i ln qi + 1∕2
𝛼ih ln qi ln qh maintained and renewed in a continual process. Finally, interest
i i h rate (monthly), taken from the National Bank of Ethiopia, was
∑ ∑∑ added to the approximated depreciation rate to arrive at the
+ 𝛼j ln pj + 1∕2 𝛼jf ln pj ln pf
(1) price of capital. Monthly prices of natural water were approxi-
j j f
∑∑ mated from the yearly MVs of rainwater in agriculture in the
+ 𝛼ij ln qi ln pj + 𝛼t t + 𝜀
close vicinity of Mekelle estimated by Gezahegn and Zhu (2015).
i j
Input cost shares were calculated as the ratio of the monthly
where subscripts i and h refer to the three outputs (r = residen- cost of each input to monthly TC (Table 1).
tial, n = non-residential, and w = wastage); j and f refer to the five It should be noted that for some variables, monthly data were
inputs (l = labour, k = capital, e = energy, m = material, W = natu- available not for all the 10 years of the study period. For some
ral water); and ε is the error term. The translog cost function and years, especially years earlier than 2008, only quarterly data
the input cost shares (except the cost share of material to avoid were available at best. In some instances, no data were available
multicollinearity) were estimated as a system. The cost share of for some years. For example, the distinction between qr and qn
input j is derived using Shephard’s Lemma as follows: became evident only from 2008 onwards. So, the monthly distri-
∑ ∑ bution of data on these variables for the earlier years was deduced
Sj = 𝜕 ln C∕𝜕 ln pj = pj xj ∕C = 𝛼j + 𝛼jf ln pf + 𝛼ij ln qi + 𝜀j on the basis of latter years’ data (using regression of each variable
f i
(2) on time). The regression residuals of this deduction are likely to
where xj denotes the quantity demanded of input j. An estimate carry over to subsequent analyses, and might affect the accuracy
of the MSC of output i (MSCi) is computed as follows: of the estimated parameters, though, we believe, only to a level
that does not seriously bias the results.
MSCi = (𝜕 ln C∕𝜕 ln qi ) × C∕q
i = 𝜉i × C∕qi
̂ (3)
where Ĉ = fitted value of the cost function (Equation (1)) as in
4.  Results and discussion
Kim (1995) and ξi = ∂ ln C/ ∂ ln qi= elasticity of cost with respect
to output i. Measures of economies of scale (ES) are also meas- The model (Table 2) seems to fit the data well, explaining 99%
ured as follows (Coelli et al. 2005): (R2 = 0.99) of the variation of the dependent variable. qr and qn,
[ ]−1 and all input prices except pm turned out to have positive and
∑ significant parameters, as one would normally expect: cost of
ES = 𝜉i (4) water supply increases with the level of output and input prices,
ceteris paribus. The parameter of qw, however, has a negative
MWSO would exhibit increasing, constant, or decreasing returns sign, which looks odd at first sight. Note, however, that the cost
to scale if ES is greater than, equal to, or less than one. of water supply includes costs associated with avoiding water
412    T. W. Gezahegn and X. Zhu

Table 1. Descriptive statistics.

Variable Description (units) Mean S.D.

C Cost of water supply (105 Birr/month) 24.47 41.16
qr Residential water (105 m3/month) 1.38 0.36
qn Non-residential water (105 m3/month) 1.21 0.33
qw Wastage (105 m3/month) 0.63 0.33
pl Price of labour (Birr/hour) 0.96 0.49
pk Price of capital per month (Birr)a 5.90 11.56
pe Price of energy (Birr/kWh) 0.58 0.07
pm Price of material (Birr/kg) 8.85 3.19
pW Price of natural water (Birr/ m3) 0.30 0.04
l-share Labor cost share/month 0.21 0.12
k-share Capital cost share/month 0.48 0.30
e-share Energy cost share/month 0.15 0.10
m-share Material cost share/month 0.02 0.01
w-share Raw water cost share/month 0.14 0.10
Customers Number (average over 2003-2012) Average consumption/month/individual (m3)
Residential 21,544 6.41
Non-residential 1375 88.03

Source: Mekelle Water Supply Office (2012) and own calculations based on 120 observations.
Price of capital refers to the monthly user cost of a 100-Birr-worth capital (monthly depreciation plus interest).

Table 2. Parameter estimates of the translog cost function (standard errors in parenthesis).

Variable Parameter Estimate Variable Parameter Estimate Variable Parameter Estimate

Constant α0 1.775*** (0.072) lnqr*lnpW αrW 0.023 (0.020) lnpl*lnpe αle 0.008 (0.007)
lnqr αr 0.186** (0.165) lnqn*lnqn αnn −0.442** (0.210) lnpl*lnpm αlm 0.016** (0.008)
lnqn αn 0.828*** (0.213) lnqn*lnqw αnw 0.224* (0.131) lnpl*lnpW αlW −0.046*** (0.009)
lnqw αw −0.184** (0.087) lnqn*lnpl αnl −0.008 (0.033) lnpk*lnpk αkk 0.094*** (0.002)
lnpl αl 0.163*** (0.022) lnqn*lnpk αnk −0.024 (0.037) lnpk*lnpe αke −0.049*** (0.002)
lnpk αk 0.382*** (0.011) lnqn*lnpe αne −0.011 (0.020) lnpk*lnpm αkm −0.012*** (0.002)
lnpe αe 0.228*** (0.022) lnqn*lnpm αnm −0.005 (0.020) lnpk*lnpW αkW −0.048*** (0.002)
lnpm αm 0.007 (0.035) lnqn*lnpW αnW 0.049* (0.026) lnpe*lnpe αee 0.039*** (0.005)
lnpW αW 0.220*** (0.025) lnqw*lnqw αww 0.086*** (0.032) lnpe*lnpm αem −0.0193** (0.008)
lnqr*lnqr αrr 0.377 (0.243) lnqw*lnpl αwl −0.001 (0.011) lnpe*lnpW αeW −0.018** (0.007)
lnqr*lnqn αrn −0.614** (0.270) lnqw*lnpk αwk 0.037*** (0.014) lnpm*lnpm αmm 0.004 (0.006)
lnqr*lnqw αrw 0.254 (0.155) lnqw*lnpe αwe −0.018*** (0.007) lnpm*lnpW αmW 0.007 (0.008)
lnqr*lnpl αrl 0.034 (0.025) lnqw*lnpm αwm −0.000 (0.007) lnpW*lnpW αWW 0.053*** (0.005)
lnqr*lnpk αrk −0.042 (0.032) lnqw*lnpW αwW −0.018** (0.009) t αt 0.004*** (0.000)
lnqr*lnpe αre −0.031** (0.015) lnpl*lnpl αll 0.051*** (0.006)
lnqr*lnpm αrm 0.016 (0.015) lnpl*lnpk αlk −0.079*** (0.003)
*** significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; * significant at 10%; R2 = 0.99; Subscript of lower-case w refers to wasted water and upper-case W refers to raw water.

losses, which wouldn’t be incurred if leaks are not taken care of. city, and supportive of the concern that available water should be
Wasted water doesn’t necessitate network maintenance costs, used carefully. Water loss reduction has economic and financial
leading to a lower total cost of water supply given that wastage impacts, among others. Economically speaking, it alleviates water
is not compensated for by more costly production. scarcity; financially, it avoids the loss of potential revenue, which
The negative and significant parameter of the interaction has implications for water prices: with water loss, MWSO may
between qr and qn(αrn) implies that an increase in qn would cause overcharge consumers to compensate for the wastage, leading
a decrease in the MC of qr (∂ 2C/ ∂ qr ∂ qn < 0)and the other way to a dead-weight loss, as Cousin and Taugourdeau (2015) note.
around. This result is an implication for the prospect of econo- The parameter of t is positive and significant, indicating that
mies of scope (Leathers 1992) in Mekelle if the OC of raw water is cost increases with time for fixed output levels and input prices.
accounted for in the cost structure of MWSO, which is not the case Material costs, depth of ground water, and distance of borehole
currently. The positive and significant parameter of the interaction locations are increasing with time, according to MWSO (2012).
between qn and qw(αnw) implies that an increase in qw would cause This can be a possible explanation for the rise of cost of water
an increase in the MC of qn (∂  2C/ ∂ qn ∂ qw > 0 = diseconomies supply as time goes by. The values of MSCs for each customer
of scope). Yet, the parameter of the interaction between qr and category (Table 3) indicate that serving non-residential customers
qw(αrw) turns out to be insignificant, implying that the MC of qr induces a higher MSC than serving residential customers. This is
would not depend on the level of qw(∂  2C/  ∂  qr  ∂  qw  =  0). The contrary to prior expectations that serving residential customers
implication of these results combined is that there would be cost would be more expensive due to more distribution networks,
advantages in producing qr and qn jointly, but none in producing higher system losses, and the larger number of smaller accounts
qw jointly with qr and qn in Mekelle. The bottom line is that it would associated with residential customers than with non-residential
be cheaper to repair leaks (to meet demand) than to pump more customers as reported by Diakite et al. (2008). A possible explana-
water in Mekelle if raw water is accounted for. This finding is a tion for this contradiction could be the fact that non-residential
disclosure of the presence of incentives to reduce water loss in the customers of MWSO get extra services, such as water supply from
Urban Water Journal   413

Table 3. Estimates of average prices, MSC, ASC (Birr/m3), fixed charge (F = ASC-MSC), and ES.

Output p̄ ASC MSC F p̄ -MSC (p̄ -MSC)/MSC

qr 4.46 14.34 5.33 9.01 −0.87 −0.16
qn 6.10 16.36 7.71 8.65 −1.61 −0.21
qw 0.00 31.42 −5.03 − 5.03 −1.00

Cost Elasticity with respect to: Overall cost elasticity

qr(ξr) qn(ξn) qw(ξw) (ξcq = ξr + ξn + ξw) (ES = 1/ξcq)
0.30 0.38 −0.13 0.55 1.82

mobile tankers during times of network water shortage, which rampant. Failure to cover cost of water provision is another prob-
induces extra costs. The negative sign of the MSC of qw indicates lem, since p̄ is lower than ASCs. On average, the city suffers a reve-
a decrease of Birr 5.03 in the cost of water supply if one m3 of nue deficit of approximately Birr 10/m3 (ASC-p̄ ) in supplying qr and
water is wasted, arguably due to cost savings from avoided main- qn alike. Though MCP is superior to the IBR-pricing on efficiency
tenance costs, assuming that no more water is extracted to make grounds, MSC-pricing will not address the revenue sufficiency cri-
up for the loss (not to be confused with the impact of loss on the terion (because MSC < ASC), and since the MSC (for a given level
forward-looking MCs of qr and qn discussed above). of output) is a fixed value, poor and rich households will face the
MSCs were calculated based on Equation (3), and ASCs as same water price, disregarding equity. Given the under-pricing
ASCi = MSCi/ξi. Note that because of the inclusion of the price, and revenue non-sufficiency effects, respectively of MCP and IBRs
rather than the stock, of capital in the cost function, the esti- in Mekelle, we recommend a two-part tariff, consisting of a volu-
mated MC is LRMC. This implies that not only expenditures on metric charge (= MSC) and a fixed charge (F = ASC - MSC) to serve
variable inputs, but also expenditures on network expansion are the efficiency and revenue sufficiency goals simultaneously. F is
accounted for, as Renzetti (1992) notes. In order to understand set to make up for the shortfall between the revenue from an MCP
to what extent water is underpriced in Mekelle, we calculated IBR and the revenue needed to cover total costs (Sibly 2006a). Since
prices (p̄ ) as p̄ = i=1 wi pi (where p̄ = marginal price in block i; wi = it is independent of the volume consumed, F does not influence
the share of total water consumed in block i) and compared it with consumers’ choice of volume. Thus, setting volumetric charges
the estimated MSC and ASC. The values of p̄ - MSC for qr and qnare of Birr 5.33/m3 and Birr 7.71/m3, together with F = Birr 9.01 and
negative, suggesting that the current IBR-pricing in Mekelle leads Birr 8.65 for qr and qn, respectively can be proposed for Mekelle.
to a considerable difference between what it costs the society to This implies that water prices for qr and qn would, respectively
supply an additional m3 of water and the price actually paid by be 3.2 and 2.7 times higher than the current ones if raw water is
consumers (qr and qn are priced, respectively at a rate of 16% and accounted for.
21% below their MSC). Given the monthly qr and qn (at the current Yet, since F is given as ASC - MSC, its magnitude may vary
prices) of 6.41 m3 and 88.03 m3 for the average consumer (Table with the level of production and, thus, cannot remain constant
1), respectively, implementing MSC-pricing in Mekelle may have a no matter what the level of consumption. To transform this figure
significant impact on the consumption decisions of users and the into real fixed charge, one assumption needs to be imposed here:
revenue of MWSO. As of January 2013, MWSO implemented a new the vertical distance between the ASC and MSC curves remains
relatively expensive five-tier rate structure with the aim, among constant within the relevant range of water consumption. In prin-
others, of discouraging excessive water use and promoting use ciple, there is no requirement that F be equal across consumers
efficiency (MWSO 2012). Yet, trying to discourage excessive water in order to achieve allocative efficiency (Sibly 2006a), though it
use with an IBR-pricing is a dubious approach. Apparently, exces- should be kept so small that it doesn’t influence a consumer’s
sive refers to using water in a way that fails to provide a benefit connection decision. Equity issues can be addressed by imposing
commensurate with the cost of delivering it. But, economic theory an F that varies for different classes of consumers: high-income
holds that only MCP can give sufficient incentive to discourage consumers might pay more F than low-income consumers. This
excessive use. IBR-pricing is, however, not consistent with MCP: approach is unlikely to entail additional assumptions that might,
different customers pay different prices (most of them different in practice, affect the efficiency gain from the analysis performed
from MC) for the same service. The degree of scale economies in the paper. A rebate of F to low-income consumers after cover-
has a value of 1.82 (Table 3). This value means a 10% increase ing the costs of water supply can also address the equity issue.
in all inputs gives rise to an 18.2% (more than proportionate)
increase in aggregate water output. This implies the conformity
5. Conclusions
of MWSO to the natural monopoly nature of water utilities. This
entails a higher AC than MC of water supply in Mekelle, and has We used the cost function approach to empirically estimate the
implications for the cost recovery if water prices are set at a rate MSCs of water supply in Mekelle, Ethiopia. Particularly, we con-
equal to the estimated MSC: revenues will be lower than costs, sidered the value of natural water in the cost function so that the
leading to a deficit. OC of urban water use will be captured. This is a new contribu-
Apart from the inherent problems of IBR-pricing, the revealed tion to the literature of water pricing, especially for areas where
under-pricing effect of IBRs in Mekelle calls for a more appropriate natural water is taken for granted with no value assigned to it.
pricing scheme. As well, since IBRs are inflexible, their application Our findings show that the IBR prices in Mekelle were found to
stands against economic efficiency on account of the inconsistent be lower than the estimated MSCs of water supply in the city:
nature of water availability in the city, where water variability is qr and qn are priced inefficiently at rates below their respective
414    T. W. Gezahegn and X. Zhu

MSCs. As we have pointed out in the introduction, our analysis MC Marginal Cost
does not include any externalities related to urban water sup- MCI Millennium Cities Initiative
ply. Therefore, the IBR prices are even much lower than the real MCP Marginal-Cost Pricing
MSCs, a condition necessitating higher water prices in Mekelle. MSC Marginal Social Cost
Not only inefficiency, but also failure to cover cost of water pro- MV Marginal Value
vision is a problem: the city suffers a revenue deficit in supply- MWSO Mekelle Water Supply Office
ing water. What’s more, MSC-pricing would not be appropriate OC Opportunity Cost
either, since it fails to address the revenue sufficiency and equity TC Total Cost
issues. To make up for the shortfall between the revenue from an US United States
MSC-pricing and TC, a two-part tariff is proposed for Mekelle: set-
ting volumetric charges of Birr 5.33 and Birr 7.71 together with
fixed charges of Birr 9.01 and Birr 8.65 for qr and qn, respectively,
seems to serve the efficiency and revenue sufficiency purposes, 1. 
Note here that “long-run” refers to the time period during which
under the technology considered in this study. Equity issues distribution network expands, rather than the construction of the
central system of water supply.
would also be addressed either by imposing a fixed charge that Differencing refers to taking the time difference of a variable: Yt − Yt-1
varies across different classes of consumers, or via a rebate of the 3. 
A test statistic of −3.604, versus a 1% critical value of −3.505,
fixed charge to low-income consumers after covering the costs supports the rejection of the null hypothesis.
of water supply.
Adopting a flexible volumetric rate based on MSC would incur
some additional costs. Yet, since the estimated MC is LRMC, it may
not be so flexible that its costs can outweigh the benefits of intro- We are greatly indebted to Hans-Peter Weikard (PhD) for his useful com-
ments on an earlier version. We would also like to thank two anonymous ref-
ducing more efficient, equitable, and revenue sufficient water
erees and the Editor-in-Chief for their valuable comments that significantly
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