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Test 1
I am (1)……. who usually gets (2)…. bed quite late, ranging from 9 am to 10 am every
morning. However, there were some occasions when I (3) ……. to get up early, and I still
remember the last time that I had to get up soon.
In September of last year, I was offered the first job in my life. At that time, I was a fresh
graduate. Thus I had to move to X city to join training sessions at the Head Office of the
company. My supervisor booked the flight ticket. Unfortunately, she had no choice but
to book (4)….. for me at 6 a.m. As I (5)…. the ticket information, I was quite anxious
about whether I would miss the flight or not. I set off the alarm on my phone and asked
my mother to wake me up in time. Finally, I made it, though I felt so sleepy. I (6)….. as
soon as I was on the plane. It was such a nerve-racking experience as it was the first time
I went on a plane, dealing with all kinds of stuff at the airport in the early morning on my
own. Luckily, some kind people were willing to help me with my suitcase, which made
that experience less harrowing for me.
As a youngster, I was in the habit of (7)… late at night and getting up late, too. However,
I feel I should change this custom to improve my health.

(1) a. a night bird b. a night cat c. a night owl d. a night bell

(2) a. out of b. about on c out on d. on
(3) a. forced b. was forced c. was d. have forced
(4)a. a late flight b. an early flight c. too late flight d. quite late flight
(5)a. was receiving b. am receiving c. have received d. received
(6) felt sleep b. fall aslept c. fall asleep d. fell aslept

(7) a. upping b. staying c. making d. felling

Test 2
Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây với các giới từ sau.
for/ from/ in/ into/ of/ on/ over/ with

Parents sometimes want to exercise too much control over their children.
Young people often perceive their parents as interfering too much_ in their lives.
It is often better to negotiate responsibilities of adolescents than to impose
responsibilities on them.
Children must learn to cooperate with others in order to achieve goals.
In some countries such as Scotland, the age of criminal responsibility is as low
as ten.
When setting standards in behavior, the child's level of maturity needs to
be taken into account.
In order for children to distinguish right_ from wrong, they need to be held
accountable for their actions.
Parents do not always behave in the best interests of their children.

Test 3
Clothes have been worn for thousands of years, originating with our animal-skin clad
Neanderthal ancestors, through to sophisticated modern-day couture. So why are clothes
so important? Here, we examine the impact and importance of clothes in society.

A. Firstly we mustn’t underestimate the importance of clothing on human psychology.
It’s true that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but people still do. In the case of
human beings, that ‘cover’ is, in a large part, your clothing and others are looking at it
in order to help gauge an impression of who are. This is because clothing is seen as an
extension of our personality. So, before you choose your outfit for the day, think about
how you would like to portray yourself and how you want other people to see you and
interpret your personality. ‘To others, your clothes speak volumes about your personality,
says Bridget Allen, a senior level fashion industry expert.

B. In reality, most people favour a combination of styles, wearing casual clothes one
day and business garb the next. The key to using it to your advantage is to dress so you
ready to take on the world. In fact, experts have found that dressing in this way has a real
impact on your mood and your outlook. Consider what you wear to the gym. ‘Putting on
a flattering outfit encourages people to actually go to the gym or to exercise outdoors in
public, says performance coach Larina Kase, PsyD, MBA, president of performance &
Success Coaching LLC, in Philadelphia, USA.

C. Many people believe clothing is not a necessity; their clothing represents their cultures
and beliefs. Many factors affect the clothing worn by different civilizations. Some factors
include region, beliefs, climate, and gender.

DSome pieces of clothing remain almost synonymous with the cultures which crafted
them. For instance, a billowing white toga is usually associated with the Roman Empire.
A brilliantly coloured, ornate kimono is most often associated with Japan.

EIt is also important to know the fashion and customers of certain regions to get a better
grasp of how other cultures function. As Coco once said, ‘Fashion is not something that
exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the
way we live, what is happening.’

F. Clothing also has a very practical use. Physically, clothing serves many purposes;
it can serve as protection from the elements and can enhance safety during hazardous
activities such as hiking and cooking. It protects the wearer from rough surfaces, rash-
causing plants, insect bites, splinters, thorns and prickles, by providing a barrier between
the skin and the environment. Clothes can insulate against cold or hot conditions.
Furthermore, they can provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials
away from the body. Clothing also provides protection from harmful UV radiation.

G. In some societies, clothes may be used to indicate rank or status. In ancient Rome, for
example, only senators could wear garments dyed with Tyrian purple. In traditional
Hawaiian society, only high-ranking chiefs could wear feather cloaks and palaoa, or
carved whale teeth. Under the Travancore Kingdom of Kerala, India, lower-caste women
had to pay a tax for the right to cover their upper body.

In China, before the establishment of the republic, only the emperor could wear yellow.
History provides many examples of elaborate sumptuary laws that regulated what people
could wear. In societies without such laws, which includes most modern societies, social
status is instead signaled by the purchase of rare or luxury items that are limited by cost
to those with wealth or status.

H. So what is the future of clothing? The world of clothing is always changing, as

new cultural influences meet technological innovations. Researchers in scientific labs
have been developing prototypes for fabrics that can serve functional purposes well
beyond their traditional roles; for example, clothes that can automatically adjust their
temperature, repel bullets, project images and even generate electricity. Researchers are,
in addition, working on creating textiles with designer bacteria that survive off ‘dead’
skin and sweat, reducing the need to wash clothes.

Such bacteria could also be used to create bio-luminescent fabrics. Some practical
advances already available to consumers are bullet-resistant garments, made with Kevlar

and stain-resistant fabrics that are coated with chemical mixtures which reduce the
absorption of liquids.

Questions 29-35

The text has eight paragraphs, A-H. Which paragraph contains the following

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 29-35 on your answer sheet.

29) Intelligent’ clothing that can adapt or react to the environment. …H………

30) Cultures cannot be understood in isolation, without reference to contemporary factors

and external factors. ……E…..

31) Our assessment of others is not purely objective. …A………

32) Certain types of clothing are intrinsically linked with some cultures……D…….

33) A direct relationship between status and skin exposure. ……G………..

34) The motivational impact of clothes on the human psyche …B……….

35) A relationship between clothes and outside influences. ……C……………

Sắp xếp lại các câu sau dựa vào các từ cho sẵn .

Children/ In most countries around the world,/ are/ persons /recognized/ by/ law /as

In most countries around the world, Children are recognized as persons by law

Children/ because / do not/ the/ have/ access/ to as/ their rights /adults, they /to defend.
Same/ power/ lack the means
Because children do not have the same access to as power adults, they lack the mean
to defend their rights

Is/ It/ that /adults /important /recognize /young /the rights of /people.

it is important that adults recognize the rights of young people

the duty of /Some /that /argue/ this /parents/ is /uniquely

some argue that this is uniquely the duty of parents

Society/ bear /must/ this /some /of/ responsibility /as a whole

society as a whole must bear some of this reponsibility

can /ensure/ its policies /that /into account/ Government/ children/take the interests of

government can take the interests of ensure that ít policies into account

This /young people/ in the halls of /ensure /would/ represented /are /continuously/ power
This would ensure that young people are represented continuously in the halls of

And/ charities/ can / Local government / that/ have / young people / access to/
confidential sources/ independent / of / help/ ensure.
Local government and charities can ensure that young people have access to
independent confidential sources of help


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