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Hi can i help ___
No thanks i'm just _______________
Okay let me know __ you need help with
Actually i'm trying to ____ shoes for
So ____ need to be formal ___ also
We have _ range of shoes that ___
Appropriate for work
Let __ show you so
As ___ can see there are _____
Flats and boots
What ____ of shoes are you __________ in
I think heels _____ be best i like _____
Pink ones
Do you ____ a size 5 in _____
Let me check for ___
Unfortunately we don't have _____ in
Size five
But __ do have the blue ____ in a size

___ let me just try ____ on
Actually i do ____ these but theyre a
Tight i think it's _______ i have wide
__ actually have sizes available ___
Wide feet
Too here ___ these
Wow they fit __ well thank you for ____
No problem is _____ anything else i can
____ with
I'd like to ___ on a dress can ___ tell
Me where the ________ rooms are
Sure the ________ rooms are just on ___

Thank you
I'm __ excited to try these _______ on
Theyre half price
____ that's amazing this top __ on sale
Too but ___ not sure if i ____ it
Why what's wrong ____ it
Well i love ___ color but it's really
It makes me feel _____________
Ah we can ask __ they have a larger ____

I think a size __ would be perfect for
Youre right i really ____ that dress
Youve picked
___ i try it on ____
But try to be _____ i really want to ___
On these clothes too
___ are you using that ________ room
I'm using this ___ but the one on ___
End is free
Okay ______
Hi can i help _____
Ive just got this ___ item
That's 25 pound ______
Can i pay by ____
Sure we also take ___________ payments
Okay great would ___ like your receipt
Printed ___ or sent to your _____
Print it please
___ i return this item __ i change my
Mind _____ it
Yes you can ___ as it's on sale
___ will receive a voucher _______ of
Your money back
____ that's fine when's the _____ day i
Can return __ by

You have 30 ____ so make sure you ______
It within the 30 ____
Great thanks here you ___
Your receipt is in ___ bag have a nice
Thanks bye


____ Easy to tell when _________ not paying attention,
But __ can be surprisingly tricky __ know what truly excellent _________ looks like.
Behavioral scientists ____ found that good listening

__ one of the most _________ things we can do __ improve our relationships,

Develop ___ worldview, and potentially even ______ people's minds.
So, what ___ we do to become ______ listeners?
At its core, _________ in a one-on-one conversation __ about taking an interest
__ another person and making ____ feel understood.
Theres no ___________ agreed upon definition of ____________ listening,
But some recurring ________ include attentiveness, conveying understanding,
___ showing a positive intention _______ the speaker.
This doesnt ____ you can simply go _______ the motions—
Researchers have _____ that merely smiling and _______
At set intervals doesnt _____ work.
However, there is _________ slightly performative about listening
__ that its important to ____ youre doing it.
So, __ addition to actively attending __ a speakers words,

Good _________ also use questions and ____ language
That indicate their _____________ and their desire to __________.
This might feel awkward __ first,
And whats most _________ might depend on your ____________ with the speaker.
But ____ time and practice you ___ internalize these basic behaviors.
__ lets say a good ______ wants to tell you _____ an issue
Theyre having ____ their partner.
Before even ________ your conversation,
Remove any ____________ in the environment.
Turn ___ the tv, take off ____ headphones and put your _____ away— far away.
One _____ showed that even the _______ presence of a phone
____ conversations feel less intimate ___ fulfilling to those involved.
____ the conversation begins,
One __ the most important things ___ can do is also ___ most obvious—
Try not __ interrupt.
This doesnt mean ___ need to stay completely ______.
But if you do _________, look for natural pauses
__ ask open-ended questions that _______ the speaker,
Not just ____ curiosity.
Questions like “what ________ next?” or “how did ____ make you feel?”
Confirm ____ youre following the story _____ also helping the speaker
____ deeper into their own ________.
Another great way to ____ your understanding is by ___________
What you just heard ___ asking if youve missed ________.
Summaries like this show ___ speaker that youre truly ______ to understand them
Rather ____ just waiting for your ____ to talk.
Speaking of _____, while a good conversation ________ back and forth,

Planning ___ your response while the _______ is talking
Is a ______ way to miss whats _____ said.
So try to ____ present and if you ____ focus,
Don't be shy _____ asking the speaker to ______ what you missed.
This _____ feel embarrassing,
But asking ___ clarification actually shows that _____ committed
To understanding.
Finally, ____ be afraid of silence.
___ okay to ask for _ moment to formulate your ________
And taking a beat __ think can help speakers _______ on their speech as ____.
These might seem like _____ changes, but together they ____ a big difference.
And ____ people feel heard, they ______ more satisfaction,

Trust, and __________ in their relationships.

In ___ workplace, employees who feel _____ generally experience less burnout,
___ perceive the managers who ________ to them more favorably.
_____________, while it might be ____ to listen to some ______,
It can be hard __ muster all this focus ___ attention
If you disagree ____ or dislike the speaker.
___ these situations might actually _______ most from your efforts
__ listen openly.
The theory __ psychological reactance suggests that ______ to force someone
To ______ their mind makes them ____ likely to defend their _____ of view.
However, recent _______ suggest that high-quality listening _______
Open-mindedness by creating a ______________-
And psychologically safe environment.

__ course, truly open-minded listening ____ about changing peoples minds.
____ listening is not the ____ as agreeing,
And conversations ____ have to end with _ happy resolution.
But even ______ a disagreement,
Sometimes being _____ is enough to start _ deeper conversation.


iberian _______ flight 268 to barcelona
__ now ready for boarding ____ all
passengers for this ______ proceed to
gate 42
_____ this is the last ____ for passengers
traveling to ____ on al italia flight
___ due to leave at __ 40.
will any remaining __________ please g
immediately to ____ 12 where the flight

__ now closing


excuse __

i have a ticket ___ the 12 30 flight __

marseille i was told __ wait for

announcements could ___ tell me whats'
__ that air france yes ______ right
flight 729 i'm ______ the plane has been
_______ because of technical problems
___ new departure time is __ 30. oh
dear another ___ hours
this is ___ final call for passenger
_______ traveling on swiss air ______
number 414 to geneva _________ at 12 30.
will _________ jenkins please go to ____
13 where the flight __ ready to depart
__ no such terrible traffic ___ now im'
so late __ excuse me has the __ 45

lufthansa flight to ______ left yet

what's the ______ number oh hang on
_________ uh
yes here we ___ its'
right youre __ luck it's still boarding
__ gate 19

check in _______ and youll still make

__ thanks a million


____ is an important announcement

___ to extreme weather conditions
_________ airport has closed until
________ morning
with all passengers __ sas flight 108
due __ depart at 13 30
______ report to the airport ___________
desk thank you
_______ airways regret to announce ___
delay of flight
4022 __ athens due to depart __ 13 45
this flight __ now scheduled to depart
__ 15 40.
announcements and _______
iberian airways flight ___ to barcelona
is now _____ for boarding with all
__________ for this flight proceed __
gate 42
this __ the last call for __________
traveling to rome on __ italia flight

571 due __ leave at 12 40.
____ any remaining passengers please __
immediately to gate 12 _____ the flight
is now _______
excuse me
i ____ a ticket for the __ 30 flight to
marseille _ was told to wait ___
announcements could you tell __ whats'
happening is that ___ france yes thats'

right ______ 729 i'm afraid the _____

has been delayed because __ technical

problems the new _________ time is 14
30. __
dear another two hours
this is the final ____ for passenger
jenkins traveling __ swiss air flight
number ___ to geneva departing at __ 30.
will passenger jenkins ______ go to gate
13 _____ the flight is ready __ depart
oh no ____ terrible traffic and now __'
so late um excuse __ has the 12 45
_________ flight to prague left ___

what's the flight number __ hang on
amendment uh
___ here we are it's _______ right youre in luck ____ still boarding
at gate ___ check in quickly and _____'
still make it thanks _ million
this is __ important announcement
due to _______ weather conditions
stockholm airport ___ closed until
tomorrow morning
____ all passengers on sas ______ 108
due to depart __ 13 30
please report __ the airport information
desk _____ you
olympic airways ______ to announce the
delay __ flight
4022 to athens ___ to departure 1345
this ______ is now scheduled to ______
at 15 40.


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