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1 Cloud Concepts

VM is an emulation of a computer (IaaS)

Container is an emulation of a OS
Local network gateway = typically refers to your on-premises location

Containers provide a consistent, isolated execution environment for applications.

They're similar to VMs except they don't require a guest operating system.

scalability  = load balancing / grote vraag aankunnen

elasticity  = automatisch up-down scalen CPU of VM etc etc

Serverless computing lets you run application code without creating, configuring, or maintaining a
server. The core idea is that your application is broken into separate functions that run when triggered
by some action. This is ideal for automated tasks - for example, you can build a serverless process
that automatically sends an email confirmation after a customer makes an online purchase.

High Availability system is one that is designed to be available 99.999% of the time, or as close to it
as possible. Usually this means configuring a failover system that can handle the same workloads as
the primary system.

A Fault Tolerant system is extremely similar to HA, but goes one step further by guaranteeing zero
Within VMware, FT ensures availability by keeping VM copies on a separate host machine

Fault Tolerance = Ensure a service is running even in the event of a failure

Disaster Recovery = Ensure a service is running even in the event of a catastrophic loss
Dynamic Scalability = Ensure a service is scalable even when the load on the service is
Low Latency = A cloud service that can still be accessed quickly by users over the

low latency. ... Met 'low latency' (lage latentie) - bijvoorbeeld in 'low latency trading' of 'low latency
connectivity' - wordt bedoeld dat er sprake is van de kleinst mogelijke vertraging tussen de diverse
stappen in een proces of algoritme, waardoor er supersnel gehandeld kan worden.

What is difference between on premise and cloud?

The biggest difference between these two systems is how they are deployed. 
Cloud-based software is hosted on the vendor's servers and accessed through a web browser.
On-premise software is installed locally, on a company's own computers and servers
Vertical Scaling (aka "scaling up")
The process of adding resources to increase the power of an existing server (e.g. adding a faster
CPU, additional CPUs, more memory).

Horizontal Scaling (aka "scaling out")

The process of adding more servers that function together as one unit (e.g. adding more servers).

Capital Expenditure (CapEx) de aanschaf van een kopieerapparaat Private Cloud

CapEx is the spending of money on physical infrastructure up front, and then deducting that expense
from your tax bill over time. CapEx is an upfront cost, which has a value that reduces over time.

Operational Expenditure (OpEx) de jaarlijks benodigde toner en papier

OpEx is spending money on services or products now and being billed for them now. You can deduct
this expense from your tax bill in the same year. There is no upfront cost, you pay for a service or
product as you use it. Software Licence renewals Public Cloud

Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) staat voor de kosten voor ontwikkeling of levering van niet-
verbruikbare onderdelen van een product of systeem (investering). Als voorbeeld is de aanschaf van
een kopieerapparaat de CAPEX, terwijl de kosten voor de jaarlijks benodigde toner en papier
de OPEX vormen.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
you don't have to install an operating system, web server, or even system updates.
Container orchestrators such as Kubernetes
content delivery network & SQL Databases

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) (shared responsibility model)

You need to install an OS
Azure Storage Accounts & Virtual Machines

Paas met OS
Iaas zonder OS

Public Cloud = Metered Pricing & Self-service management

Authentication = Act of providing legitimate credentials

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