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S 1 : Types of signalling :
S1.1:Controlling signal
S1.2:Indicating signal
S1.3:Warning signal
S1.4:Detonating signal
S1.5:Hand signal
S1.6:Semaphore signal
S1.7:Warner signal
S1.8:Shunt signal
S1.9:Coloured light signal

S 2 : Functions of signals :

S 3 : Signals based on location :

S3.1:Outer signal
S3.2:Home signal
S3.3:Starter signal
S3.4:Advance starter signal

S 4:Purpose of signalling:
S4.3:Call on
S 5 : Signalling systems :
S5.1:Absolute block system
S5.2:Space interval system
S5.3:Time interval system
S5.4:Pilot guard system

Interlocking :
I1:Machanical interlocking
I2:Electrical interlocking
I3:Panel interlocking
I4:Route relay interlocking




Control Table :


The Jaipur Metro is a rapid transit system in the city

of Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Construction on the mostly elevated part of the
first line, ca lled Phase 1A, comprising 9.63 kilometres (5.98 mi) of route
from Mansarovar  to Chandpole Bazaar, started in November 2010, and
was completed in 2014. The Jaipur Metro began commercial service
between Chandpole and Mansarovar on 3 June 2015. The Jaipur Metro
Rail system is India's sixth metro rail system after those
in Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore, Gurugram and Mumbai. The Jaipur Metro is
the first metro in India to run on triple-storey elevated road and metro
track. Phase 1-B, from Chandpole to Badi Chaupar, began operation on
23 September 2020.rapid transit system in India. Phase 1-B of the project
started operating on 23 September 2020.

The Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., abbreviated to JMRC, is a state-owned

company that operates the Jaipur Metro. The Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
was created on 1 January 2010 BY MR AJAY GHOSH serving as the
MANGING DIRECTOR. Among the Rapid Transit systems of India, it has been
recorded fastest to conduct of trial run after starting construction, when it
commenced trial runs in Jaipur on 18 September 2013 flagged off by the then
Chief Minister of Rajasthan Shri Ashok Gehlot

The first route of Jaipur Metro (East-West Corridor) connect Mansarovar to Badi
Chaupar via Civil Lines and Chandpole. In Phase I-A, the metro was operating
between Mansarovar to Chandpole. The construction of Phase-1B between
Chandpole and Badi Chaupar is completed. This is the Metro line that got flagged
off on 5 June 2015, and has been named as Pink Line, as it takes passengers to the
Pink City. The depot for this line is situated at Mansarovar.

Jaipur Metro was planned to be built in phases. Phase-1A (9.63 km) was
completed in 2014, and Phase- 18 was completed in 2020 and Phase II is
scheduled for completion in 2020.

There are three departments under Electronics and Communication training:

1. Signalling Dept.

2. Telecom Dept.

3. AFC Dept.

It is the department of JMRC, which deals with the protection, supervision and
operation of the train.
Signalling used on high density metro routes on the same principle as main line
signaling The line id divided into blocks on the same protected by asignal but, for
metros are shorter so that the number of trains using the line can be increased.
There is also an automatic supervision to prevent a train passing a stop signal.


The Train Control & Signalling system for the Metro System sub-subsystems:
(i) Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system with cab signalling. The track to
train communication shall be through joint-less coded Audio Frequency Track
Circuits (AFTCs).
(ii) Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system. (iii) Automatic Train Supervision
(ATS) system with Automatic Route Setting (ARS) andAutomatic Train
Regulation (ATR).
(iv) Computer Based Interlocking (CBI), both for main line and


The main function of ATP system shall be to ensure safe train separation and safe
train movement. The ATP's intelligence and safe decision making process shall
be mainly on the on-board ATP equipment. It shall have in its store the needed
rolling stock characteristics. Safety information in respect of field entities shall be
provided by the Computer Based Interlocking for the track circuit occupancy and
by the way-side ATP equipment for the track profile like curves, gradients,
location position of signals & points, location of stopping point, and permanent &
temporary speed restrictions etc. The communication between the track and train-
borne equipment shall be through coded
AFTCs, in the form of ATP telegrams. The telegrams shall be received by the d
through a pair of pick-up coils mounted on both sides of the first bogie of the
driving car.
The train-borne equipment shall act as a Train Operator does. It shall receive
from the track, calculate the speed versus location profile and deduce orders such
as ..stop at this point" or reduce the speed to this level at this point" etc. The
communication link between the track & train shall also be used to transmit the
ID and alarms & messages to the track side ATP equipment.


The main function of ATO system shall be to run the trains in between the
stations automatically without the intervention of the Train Operator. The ATO
system shall generate speed control to the traction and braking system of the train
with respect to the computed speed profile. The ATO system shall ensure that the
train achieves timely, accurate and smooth station stops or stopping ahead of a
restrictive point. The ATO systemshall also control the train doors during station
stops under the supervision of the ATP system without the intervention of the
Train Operator.


The main function of ATS system shall be automatic management of train

movement with due interfacing with the ATP/ATO/CBI systems for Automatic
Route Setting and Automatic Train Regulation. The ATS system shall supervise
the train movement continuously and optimize the train movements in case of
abnormalities. This shall be achieved by assigning Train Identification Numbers
(TIDs), monitoring the operation of each train, modifying the dwell times at each
station, if required, modifying train operations to optimize headways, power
consumption or run-time and also provide outputsto the Passenger Information
Display System (PIDS) units at each station.
The main function of interlocking system shall be to provide the requisite
interlocking. control and indication functions as also support all the feasible train
movements in the yard. The CBI shall be based on entry-exit system and shall
have separate controls, upon operation of which the trains will be allowed to
operate in reverse direction except at terminals and turn-back stations. The system
shall interface with CATC systems.
The interlocking system shall ensure that:
(v) Conflicting routes cannot be set.
(vi) Points are only moved, when all the safety conditions are met. (vii) Signals
only clear to a proceed aspect, when all the safety conditions are fulfilled.
viii) The system is fail-safe and failures shall not provoke an unsafe situation.
Under failure conditions, signals shall display a stop aspect and points shall not
be moved and shall remain in their last operated position.

In normal operation, the route shall be released by the train movement, if the
route is notset in the fleet mode. However, it shall be possible for an operator to
release the route with a specific local/remote control, as per the requirements of
operations as also to meet
the emergent situations.
The interlocking system, on receipt of a route remote control from the local ATS
command either originated from the central ATS (CATS) or the local ATS
itself), shall permit to:-

(1) Control and Lock the Points to the position required by the Route.
(ii) Set up the Route.
(iii) Lock the Sub-routes of the Route,
(iv) Lock the Route. (v) Set Direction of Traffic (DOT).
(vi) Authorize the Route.
(vii) Set the aspect of the Signal, at the origin of the route, to PROCEED" aspect.
A control terminal with VDU display consisting of a colour VDU monitor, a
keyboard & mouse or digitizer be provided to allow trains to be controlled on the
section, in case of failure of the ATS system.
The Train Control & Signalling System shall be based on fail-safe computers and
safety- critical software. The system shall be configured with fibre optic
transmission system (FOTS) based WAN as the backbone of transmission of both
vital and non-vital information between CBIs and Trackside ATP equipments.
The Track side systems shall be connected to the Central ATS
(CATS) system at the Operation Control Centre (OCC) again through the FOTS
for performing the function of supervision and regulation of traffic on the line.

Safety shall be the primary consideration in the design and performance
requirements system. To meet these requirements:
(i) All safety-critical equipments shall be designed to conform to fail-safe
principles in respect of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety
(RAMS), manufactured and validated to meet the Safety Integrity Level-4 (SIL-
4), as defined in the CENELAC standards EN50126, EN50128 & EN 50129.
(The system, in totality, shall conform to SIL-4 in accordance with CENELAC
standard EN50129 for safety-related electronics system for signalling and with
CENELAC standard EN50128 for software for control and protection system.


Line side fixed signals, with route indicators where required, shall be installed on
the main lines at the entry and exit to all interlocking for bi-directional working.
The location of fixed signals shall be such that trains will stop at a safe distance
from any fouling movement or location. Line side running signals shall be of
three aspects:
(i)RED: A train must be brought to stop short of the signal. Red aspect shall
indicate that
either route is not set and locked or the first track circuit after the signal is
(ii)VIOLET: Conditional proceed. Violet aspect shall indicate that route is set
and locked but
not fully clear. The first track circuit after the signal is clear or the Greenaspect
has failed
or the route indicator is failed.
(iii)GREEN: Proceed. Route is set and locked and the track circuits up to the
next fixed signal are clear and the overlap is locked A train may proceed as far as
the next fixed signal. In ATP mode, violet shall be interpreted by the Train
Operator in accordance with the target
speed' distance displayed. In Restricted Manual (RM) Mode/Running On Sight
(ROS) Mode,
violet shall be interpreted by the Train Operator as proceed" only if no
obstruction in his line of
sight is observed and under the rules laid down in the JMRC procedures manual.
In RM or ROS or CO modes, Train Operators shall never pass a signal showing
red or violet
spect unless the Train Operator takes a formal authorization from CHC/TC or as
per the
Operation Manual/ Safety Manual.

(1) Route indicator shall be provided when main line signals are origin of several
routes or
on the fixed signals at the connection between the depot and the main line.
(i) Route Indicators shall be mounted on the Main Signal and may be any of the
following types:
Junction Type/Direction Type: a row of 5 white lamps. Lamps, when lit, shall
indicate a diversion. Stencil Type: a letter -,,M" for main direction. .,D" for first
diversion and ..S" for second diversion and..T" for third diversion. Letter, when
lit, shall indicate the
For routes on entrance signals to depots, stencil may show letters,W"...WI" or
W2" for different workshops to which the train is directed.
Multi Lamp Type: lamps or LEDs arranged in a matrix form. LEDs or lamps,
whenlit and exhibiting a letter,,M" or,,D" or,,S", shall indicate the direction.
(i) Lamp proving shall be provided for the route indicator. Route indicator shall
be said to be lamp proved if it is lighted in accordance with its control. If route
indicator is failed, the associated signal shall be controlled not to exhibit proceed
aspect. Lamp failure shall be indicated on the workstations and at the VDU
system. (iv) Signal aspects shall be designed to be clearly visible at the required
sighting distance, under all weather conditions including rain and direct sunlight.

(i) Shunt signals shall be of position light type and shall have three lunar white
lights to display different indications:
.Two lunar white horizontal lamps lit: stop (normal or on" aspect). Route not set
and locked, or if the route includes track circuits, one of them is occupied.
.Two lunar white lamps lit at 45° in the left hand upper quadrant: proceed (clear
off" aspect). Route set & locked, or if the route includes track circuits, all of them
are clear.
(ii) Lamp proving shall be provided for shunt signals. A shunt signal shall be said
to be or lamp proved if it is lighted in accordance with its control. Lamp failure
shall be indicated on the workstations and at the VDU system.


(1) A fixed red signal, incorporating twin filament type or LED type fixed red
lamps, shall be provided to indicate:
. The ends of the line.
.The ends of the siding in the line and in the depots.
.The ends of the test track in the depots.
(ii) Fixed red lamps shall be permanently displayed.
(iii) Lamp proving shall be provided for buffer stop signals. Lamp failure on the
workstations and at local control.


Punt machines shall be of electrical type, operating ca either 380 V 3-Phase AC
or 110 VDC Point machines shall be used in conjunction with external locks and
shall provide detection Pont machines provided on main running lines shall be of
external lock type and non-trailable

Joint less coded Audio Frequency Track Circuits (AFTC) shall be used for train
detection purposes. Separate sets of frequencies shall be used for UP & DN or
odd & even tracks. Frequency differentiation between UP & DN or odd & even
tracks should neutralize the effect of cross talk. Also to eliminate / reduce the
overreach effect, the frequencies used in adjacent tracks shall be distinctly
The track circuit frequencies shall be frequency modulated by means of different
bit patterns, to ensure a clear assignment of transmitters to receivers. The track
circuit vacancy detection procedure shall, accordingly, encompass amplitude
assessment of the signal, frequency check and modulation (coding) check.
The AFTC configuration shall also be used for transmission of telegrams for ATP
system. The transmission of telegram signals for ATP system shall commence
when the track circuit is occupied. The change-over from normal code
transmission for track circuit vacancy detection to ATP code transmission for
controlling the movement of trains, shall be controlled via sensing of the level
decrease", when the level of the track circuit signal in the receiver shall fall below
a certain level. When a level increase" is registered, the ATP code transmission
shall cease and normal code transmission shall commence.

Signalling facilities to be provided in the depots shall be as under:
Signalling for movement of rakes for various maintenance facilities within the
depots. Movements within the depots beyond the entrance interlocking, shall be
controlled by line side shunt signals and stop signals.

v) ATS link having a separate duplicated ATS server system. The ATS system at
depot shall continuously present dynamic and static overview of train movement
& signalling information within the depot control area and for the connecting
tracks to main line.
(VI) Transfer tracks, of suitable lengths in between the depot and main line, for
switching in to and out of RM/ROS mode from normal operation modes, while
entering or leaving the depot.
(vii) Test track to dynamically test the train-borne ATC system. The test track
shall be equipped with full trackside ATP/ATO systems for train tests to be
conducted within the limitations of the test track length.


Mobile Train Radio system shall be provided to enable the Train
Operator to contact OCC/SCR in case of emergency. Train Radio
System shall, inter-alia, interface with Train Control and Signalling
System to enable it to report the Alarm and Status of the Train- borne
Signalling Equipment to the OCC and for dynamic registration of
Train Identification Number (TIN) with the System.

 For efficient Metro Railway Management and Operations, it is essential to have a
wellorganized telecommunication network covering strategic locations like OCC,
Stations & Depot. It is also equally essential to have reliable links between
strategic locations, moving trains and staff working along the Metro Track
 The telecommunication system shall provide all necessary communication
channels/links for carrying voice, data and video signals for management control
and operations, irrespective of the track gauge. The backbone transmission
network shall be built of Fibre Optic Transmission System (FOTS) and shall be of
high quality, shall have high reliability, availability, serviceability and
 .Telephone sub-system shall comprise of telephone exchanges installed at
Stations, OCC & Depot and other strategic locations within JMRC. These will be
interlinked together with the channels drawn from the backbone network of
FOTS to facilitate direct dialing from one location in JMRC to the other.
 .System for control and supervision of trains shall be of Direct Telephone Line
(DTL) type and shall constitute a non-blocking and vital communication link
 .Links between OCC, strategic locations, staff working along the railway track
and moving trains shall be part of a train Radio system. The train Radio shall also
be used for Depot operations.
 .In the Stations and Depots, a Public Address System (PAS) shall be provided for
making announcements to passengers regarding train arrival/ departure and
shall work as the primarymeans of communication with passengers and staff
during emergencies. In the normal case, audio broadcast shall be made at
stations from the Station Control Room (SCR) and in a train by the driver. It shall,
however, he also possible for the OCC to make direct announcements to any
station. group of stations or all stations and to passengers in the selected
moving Trains.
 .The Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) shall be the primary means of
visual communications with passengers at station concourses and platforms for
the notification of scheduled train arrivals departures and for operational,
normal and emergency including evacuation message displays to passengers. In
the normal case, PIDS at stations shall beaccessed from the Station Control
Room (SCR). It shall, however, be also possible for the OCC to directly access and
control the dispatch of messages, via PIDS, to any station, group of stations or all
 . At all the stations of Jaipur Metro corridor, entraining and detraining at
platforms shall be secured by using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system. A
CCTV surveillance system shall be built for supervising strategic locations like
AFC gates, ticketing offices, escalators and platform operational area to ensure
safe operation of the metro. This system shall be supervised mainly from station
control room but the video signals shall also be transmitted to the OCC from the
Stations for remote supervision.

In JMRC, Telecommunication System shall comprise of eight basic


 Fiber Optical Transmission System (FOTS)

 2 Public Information Display System (PIDS)
 Public Address System (PAS)
 Master Clock
 Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) & Switch Mode Power Supply
 Telephone System

 Radio System
• Signalling is the device by which the movement of trains is controlled
• Highly important in terms of safety
• Trains can be operated efficiently, utilization of tracks and tracks can be done at
. maximum levels
• Signalling includes signals, points, blocks and other equipment;
. Objects of Signalling
• Maintain safe distance between trains running in the same direction on a single
• Safe distance between trains which are approaching or crossing a crossing.
• To run the trains at restricted speeds during repair works
• At junctions to prevent the trains from colliding
• At the diverging tracks to give indication about the direction to move
• In marshalling yards, to provide safety against shunting
• Toprovide facilities for the maximum use of track and rolling stock
• Increase the safety

Classification of signals
• Depending on the operational characteristics
🞑 Fog or audible or detonating signals
🞑 Visual indication hand signals
🞑 Visual indication fixed signals
• Depending on the functional
🞑 Stop or semaphore type signals
🞑 Warner signals
🞑 Shunting signals
🞑 Coloured light signals
• Depending on the location characteristics
🞑 Outer receptional signals
🞑 Home receptional signals
🞑 Starter signals
🞑 Advance starter signals
• Special signals
🞑 Routing signals
🞑 Calling on signals
🞑 Point indicators
🞑 Repeater or co-acting signals
🞑 Modified lower quadrant semaphore signals
🞑 Miscellaneous signals


Controlling signal Which are mandatory to observe train movement

Indicating signals
Correspond to the traffics signs of highways. Also mandatory to observe.
They provide a pre-hand warning to the driver about the controlling signals ahead.
These only enhance the efficiency and providea furthersafety caution.

Detonating signal

• Used when hand and fixed signals or not visible (foggy and cloudy conditions)
• Also used during emergencies (derailment, accidents etc.,)
• These are in the form of detonators fixed on the top of rails
• When engine passes over it explodes with big sound and alerts the driver to stop
the . train.
• 3 to 4 detonators are placed at an interval of about 10 to 15m at 400 to 500m

• Hand Signals:
• Given by the guard using coloured flags or by bare arms
• During night times kerosene lamps fitted with movable green, red and yellow
……coloured glasses are used.
Green - proceed
Red - dead stop
Yellow – proceed with caution
Semophare signal
• Consist of a vertical post on which a movable arm is pivoted at the top.
• Arm can be kept horizontal or it can be inclined at 45 degree to horizontal
• Outer end of arm is 2.45cm broader than that at post.
• Movable arm is controlled by means of levers and cables from the cabin.
• Spectacles of red and green or fixed in the arm
• These are fixed on the left hand side of track, with spectacles towards driver.
• Horizontal arm indicates “ DANGER – STOP ” and the inclined arm indicates “
• In the day time position of arm indicates the signal.
• During the night time light of lamp passing through spectacle gives the signal.

Warner Signal
• This is similar to semaphore signal
• Difference is it contains a fish tailed arm
• These signals are placed ahead the semaphore signals to warn the driver before .
……entering the railway station.
• When the arm is horizontal –indicates signal ahead is stop
• Warner signals are placed 540m away from the first stop signal.
• Some times warner signals are provided with yellow lights instead of red to .
……distinguish them from semaphore signals during nights.
• Some times both warner and semaphore signals are placed on the same pole
• Both horizontal – stop line not clear
• Semaphore lower, warner horizontal –proceed with caution
• Both lowered – proceed on with confidence(this section and next section both are

Shunting Signals
• Also called as disc or ground signals or miniature semaphore signals
• Used during shunting operations
• Consist of a circular disc painted white with a red band along its diameter.
• Red band is horizontal – stop
• Red band is inclined – proceed
• Similar to semaphore these are also provided with lamp and colored glasses
Coloured light signals
• Used for automatic signalling these days
• No moving arm is present
• Give indication by electric light both during day and night
Red – Stop
Green – Proceed
Yellow – Proceed with caution

Outer Signal
• This is the warner signal first seen by the driver
• Trains moving at high speed require certain distance for stopping
• Hence driver informed about the position in advance that platform is clear or not.
• This signal gives the position of stop signal ahead.
• As it is provided at some distance away from station it is also called as distant or
……outer or warner signal.
• In horizontal or stop position it indicates that the driver must bring his train to
halt . ……within 90 m before outer signal and than proceed to the home signal with
• In the inclined or proceed position it
• Indicates that track and platform is clear and proceed normally without any danger.

Home signal
• It is next signal after outer signal towards station
• It is a simple semaphore signal and indicates whether platform is clear or not
• After the outer signal towards station is a stop signal and exactly placed at the
station limit is called home or stop signal. Its main function is to protect the stations.
The permission to enter the platform is given by the operation of this signal. The
maximum protected distance between the signal and the point, it is intended to protect
is specified as 180 m due to its location at the door of station, it is called home signal.
This signal is provided at the forward end of platform and controls the movement of the
train as they leave the station. It gives permission to the train to leave the platform for
next station. No train can leave the platform unless this signal is lowered, that is why it
is called starter signal. A separate signal is provided for each line.

The limit of a station section lies between the home signal and the advance starter
signal. The signal which allows the train to enter in block section is called advance
starter signal. It is always placed beyond the outer most set of the point connections.
These signals are placed about 180m beyond the last point or switches.



When many branch lines diverge in different directions from the main line, it is very
difficult to provide individual signal for each lineat the divergent point.
In such situations various signals for main line and branch lines are fixed on the same
vertical post. These signals are called routing signal. Generally signal for main line is
kept higher than those for branch lines
When the view of the main signal is obstructed due to some structures or on curves etc.
some signals are used to repeat the information of the main signal. Such signal are know
as repeating signal.

These signal are similar to semaphore signal, but they are smaller in size and are fixed on
the same post below the main signals. A calling on signal permits a train to proceed with
caution after the train has been brought to a halt by the main signal. These are helpful
when repair works are going on.
Signalling Systems
• Absolute block system
• Space interval system
• Time interval system
• Pilot guard system
Absolute Block System
• This system involves dividing the entire length of the track into sections called
block ……sections.
• Ablock section lies between two stations that are provided with block instruments
• The block instruments of adjoining stations are connected through railway lines.
• A token can be taken from the block instrument of a particular station with the
consent of both the station masters.
• In the absolute block system, the departure of a train from one station to another is
not permitted until and unless the previous train has completely arrived at the next
• i.e., trains are not permitted to enter the section between two stations at the same
• Each station has two block instruments;
🞑 one for the station ahead and the other for the previous station
🞑 These are electrically interconnected

Time interval method

• Trains are Spaced Over an length of a track in such a way that , if the first train
stops, the following train driver should be able to stop the train in sufficient distance
without colliding with the first one.
• This type is used where traffic is less and weight of the trains are less, e.g: Trams
• This Type of System cannot be used in Passenger rails since weight and traffic is

Space interval method

• In this method of “Control Over Movement”, the length of the track is
divided in to sections called Blocks.
• The Entry of a train in to the ‘Block’ is controlled in such a way that only when it
is ……free, a train can be allowed to enter it.
• This means that between two consecutive trains , there is definite space interval.


• Arrangement of of signals, points and other appliances, so interconnected by

mechanical or electrical locking that their operation takes place in a predetermined
sequence to ensure that conflicting movement of signals and points do not take place
and train runs safely.

• increase in the number of points and signals
• Increase in speeds
• Points and signals arranged in fool proof manner Conflicting movements are
• Helps in proper and safe working of the system

• It should not be possible to turn a signal off unless all points for the line on which
the train is to be received are correctly set, all the facing points are locked, and all
interlocked level crossings are closed and inaccessible to road traffic.
• The line should be fully isolated before the signal is turned off, i.e., no loose
wagons should be able to enter this line.
• After the signal has been turned off, it should not be possible adjustments in the
points or the make locks on
• It should not be possible to turn any two signals off at the same time, as this can
lead to conflicting movements of the trains.
• Wherever feasible, the points should be so interlocked as to avoid any conflicting

• 1st standard : makes use of key interlocking

🞑 Running speed for trains restricted to 50kmph
• 2nd standard:
🞑 used on non trunk main routes
🞑 Operated mechanically or electrically
🞑 Speed less than 75kmph
• 3rd standard;
🞑 Makes used of mechanically or electrically interconnected
🞑 Uses latest interlocking techniques also.

Key Interlocking
• Simplest method of interlocking
• Involves the manipulation of keys in one form or other
• This type of interlocking is normally provided with standard 1 interlocking
• Arrangement of key interlocking is done as below when a main line and branch
line exist on a single track.
🞑 Point can be set either for main line or branch line
🞑 A, B are the keys for main and branch lines.At any point only one of the keys can be
taken out.
🞑 Lever frame operating the signals is provided with 2 signals and will be operated by
keysAand B only.
🞑 If the train is to be received on main line, the key is locked for point on main line,
and Ais
taken out and inserted in the lever for signal of main line.
🞑 Thus lowering the signal of main line.
🞑 This type of signal is called indirect interlocking.
🞑 If there are multiple lines succession interlocking will be used.

Mechanical Interlocking
• Improved form of interlocking compared to key interlocking
• Greater safety and less manpower
• Done using plungers and tie bars
• Plungers are of size 30cm x 1.6cm and have notches in them
• Tie bars are placed at right angles to plungers and are provided with suitable
shaped riveted cast iron pieces (tappets) that exactly fit in notches.
• Main components are
🞑 Locking frame
🞑 Point frame
🞑 Signal fittings
🞑 And connecting devices
• Levers are arranged in a row in the frame
• Pulling a point lever operates the point to which it is connected through a steel rod.
• Pulling a signal lever changes the signal by pulling the wire connecting the
lever and signal.
• This entire arrangement is provided in a locking trough where tappets are provided,
which move at right angles to the plungers.
• When lever is pulled, it causes the plunger which it is connected to move.
• Due to wedge action, the tappet accommodated in the notch of the plunger is
pushed out at right angles to the movement of plunger.
• The motion gets transferred to the other tappets which are connected to the other
tappets by means of tie rod.
• Some tappets gets pushed in, some pushed out as a result.

• In case a tappet is free and pushed into the notch, it locks the lever connected to
that plunger.
• Else if it is already locked, it will come out of notch, and the lever becomes free to
be operated.
Different cases of mechanical interlocking
• Normal interlocking:
🞑 Pulling one lever locks other lever in normal position
• Back locking or release locking:
🞑 Lever in normal position locks the other lever in normal position.
🞑 When pulled other lever released and is free to operate
🞑 When other pulled, first one gets locked in pulled position.
• Both wall locking:
🞑 Once the lever is locked other lever locked in current position.
• Conditional locking:
🞑 Pulling one lever locks other lever only when certain
Electrical interlocking
• Achieved through electrical switches known as relays
• Manipulation of relays achieves interlocking
• In the place of plungers or in addition to plungers, lever locks are attached with
• These work by making use of the principle of electromagnetism.
• Soft iron core wrapped inside a iron core turns into magnet when current passes
through it.
• An arrangement named armature is attached to this magnet.
• Depending on whether the armature is attached or not interlocking works here.
• This entire system is housed in a glass or metal box

Panel interlocking
• All points and signals are operated electrically from a central location
• The switches for operating these points and signals are mounted on a
panel, which also bears the diagram of the yard layout
• Electrical interlocking is achieved by means of relays
• Centralized controlling of greater area is great advantage
• With elimination of inter cabin controlling greater number of trains can be run
with less

Route Relay Interlocking

• Improvement over panel interlocking
• In panel interlocking each point in the line has to be individually setup with a
switch and clearance of signal is obtained by operating the switch.
• In R.R.I only a pair of switches are used for doing all these operations
• Signal is also cleared in the similar automated manner
• The main requirement for this type of interlocking is entire track needs to be track
• The conditions of track circuit and various indications of all signal are mirrored
on the panel that carries the diagram of the yard.
• By looking at these indications a panel operator can a panel operator can
easily know whether a track is free or not.
• Once the route is set to allow, the portion gets illuminated with white light.
• If the route is occupied, it will show in red colour. • If the train has cleared
the track, the lights will off.

The Automatic Warning System (AWS)

🞑 It is a device that triggers the automatic application of brakes if the signal is

indicating danger and the driver has not taken any action.
🞑 The system consists of a track device located at a desirable braking distance at the
rear end of the first stop signal.
🞑 The track device is activated when the signal indicates danger and is
ineffective when the signal is ‘clear’.
🞑 Alarm will sound if driver don’t take action during a stop signal.
🞑 Then emergency brakes are applied automatically.

Different components.

• Points:
🞑 Points are set mechanically and are kept in locks and stretcher bars.
🞑 The mechanical arrangement for operating them includes a solid rod and
🞑 Point locks, detectors and lock bars used for controlling and
directing the points.

• Point locks
🞑 A point lock is provided to ensure that each point is set correctly.
🞑 It is provided between two tongue rails and near the toe of the switch
🞑 The point lock consists of a plunger, which moves in a plunger casing.
🞑 The plunger is worked by means of a plunger rod, which is connected to the signal
cabin through a lock bar.

• Detectors:
🞑 Provided at all points
🞑 To detect any defect or failure in the connection between points and levers
🞑 Toensure the correct signal is lowered
🞑 It can be mechanical or electrical

• Lock bar
🞑 A lock bar is provided to make it impossible to change the point when a
train is passing over it.


There are two types machine that are used in this operation are:
Types of SSW

A unified computing system (UCS)

It is used for communication between the ASCV, ATC AND ATS are:

UVPS (Unit for vital power supply)

UVPS are used in:
Power Supply Arbiter
Check the vital voltage
There are two types of UVPS are:
 Vital power supply
 Vp
 Aovd

 Vital power switch module

 AFMb

Vital power supply module

 VP: provide a vital power supply

 AOVD(Absence of voltage detector): detects, through a fail safe circuit , Vps
activity and provide information to the ULE it is connected to.
Vital power switch module
There is one part of vital power switch module are:
 AFM card is designed to switch the vital output’s power supply from the normal
 vp: connected to the UlsN to the standby
 VP: connected to the ULE/R and vice-versa.

Unit for communction switch(ucs)

The communication and switching unit provides conection to physical mediums of all
transmission channels. It consists of two separate modules, which carry out different
 Line Switcher Module
 Modem module Line switcher module
The LSW Module consists of two type of card:
SUP_AL5: is n the switching module power supply for LSW module.
ELH: card effect switching between the normal and standby channels. Modem module

There are so many function of card in ASCV are:
1. UAS Rack
2. UVO Rack
3. UVI Rack
4. ULE Rack

UAS Rack
It is used for power supply to in all the
other rack in the system

It use for output to the:
 Point machine
 Point track
 Signal

This is used for output to the:
• Point machine
• Point track
• Signal
This rack is communication between the
 CBI ( Computer Based Interlocking)
 ATS (Automatic Train Supervision)
 ATC(Automatic Train Control
 Control of the point
The points can be controlled in Normal or Reverse position if all the safety conditions
are satisfied
A point can be controlled by Route Control or by train detection in strike-in section or
by the Controller with individual operation.
 Locking of the point
The conditions that could lock a point are:
• Track circuit.
• Route Locking.
• Overlap.
• Point Blocking / Unblocking facilities
The points can be blocked and unblocked by the Controller with individual operation.
Point control is forbidden when a said point is blocked.
Point Detection
The point position is detected for Normal or Reverse. That information is acquired by
the ASCV by mean of a safety relay.
 Powering of the point
When the control of the point has been delivered by the ASCV, it will be powered with
a contactor relay until the detection of the position requested is obtained. Then, the
control information is cancelled.

+ In case of failure of moving or detection of the point, the position requested is not
obtained. In that case the point powering is cut by a timer (11s).

• Point Manual Authorisation

 When the electrical control is defective, the points are manually controlled by
means of an operating lever on site.
 Access to this lever is permitted when the controller has given the authorisation.
 The key for the access is secured in the in the SCR in a key transmitter.
 When the authorisation is given, the interlocking checks that no route is approach
locked on the points to be manually controlled and safely allow the key to be extracted.
 After the operation of the point machine, the key is inserted back in the key
………transmitter and the controller cancels the authorisation
Track Circuit
 Track Circuit
 The variable (TCx) state of each Track Circuit is made of the sum of all receivers
(TCx_1_DI) of this Track Circuit
 For each track circuit there is one associated variable (TCx_TMR) for a delay of 15
seconds. This variable is used for releasing the sub route and inApproach Locking

 Cycle
 Simple cycle controls 2 successive routes.

• After a control of cycle (CYCx = 1) the cycle will be established (CYx =1) if all
following ……………conflicted conditions are not set.
– Conflicted Routes Locking released (RLx_y_R=1)
– Conflicted Subroute released (Ux_y = 1)
– Points in the cycle not blocked (MPLx =1)
– Maintenance Block associated to the route of the cycle not blocked (MBLx = 1)
– Routes of the cycle not blocked (RBLx_y =1)
– Conflicted overlap released (Ox_y = 1)
– Conflicted cycles not set (CYy = 0)
– Destruction of the cycle not activated (CYDx =0)
– Destruction of the routes belonging to the cycle not activated (RDCx_y =0)
 After setting of the cycle, the routes belonging to the cycle will be set by the
occupation of the berth track circuit of the route (CYx_Ry_z = 1). This variable will
remain at 1 until the route is set (RLy_z_S = 1).
 The cycle remains set until the destruction of the cycle or a destruction of one of the
route belonging to the cycle.

Basic Interlocking Functions: Route

• Route
 Definition of a route A route is a section of track having an origin route signal and a
destination signal.
 Designation of a route

R01_03 with its origin at signal S01 and its destination at signal S03 R03_06 with its origin
at signal S03 and its destination at signal S06

Route Control
• Route request

 Aroute could be controlled after the ASCV receives a route request from the ATS or

 When the ASCV receives a route request, it checks that all the safety conditions are
satisfied. If there are, then the request is accepted and the process to set the route
could start. If the safety conditions are not satisfied, the route request is rejected.

• Route request could be received:

Route control: In that case the train, by its passage, will release automatically the
considered route;
Fleet route control: In that case the route is set for several trains (i.e: the train will not release
the route after its passage).

Cycle Route control: Route can be called by strike track circuit by train when cycle is
activated allow to control a series of routes sequentially in order to perform automatic
reversals of trains

Establishing of the route

 Establishing Route

– Route in the same CBI

• Route Setting (R)
– After a control of route (RCx_y = 1) the route will be set (Rx_y=1)
if all following conflicted conditions are not set.
 “Route Locking Set” under control not set (RLx_y_S =0)
 Destruction of route under control not activated

 Conflicted route not set (Rz_w = 0)
 Conflicted Sub route released (U=1)
 Maintenance Block associated at the route under control not block (MBL= 1)
 Routes under control not blocked (RBLx_y =1)
 Conflicted overlap released (O=1)
 Conflicted Fleet route not set (FRx_y =0)
 Points of the route, including the fouling points are free to move or set (V_PRCNx_y
=1) or/and (V_PRCRz_w=1).

• After the route is set (Rx_y = 1), this variable :

 Process all the direction of travel (DOT=1) of the route.
 Block the routes which request the points in the other position than the route under
control (VPCLN or VPCLR =0) and (V_PRCN or V_PRCR =0).

 Control the points in the position requested by the route and the fouling point
(VPCN or VPCR=1) and (CPPN or CPPR=1) and (PPN or PPR =1).

 After this, all points in the route are powered:(KP=1) and (RPPN or RPPR) and
(CPPN=1 or CPPR=1) and (CTEM_P=1)

• When the route is set and the points are in good position the second step to establish
the route, Stick Control or Route Replacement, is processedto one (RRx_y=1).
 Stick Control or Route Replacement (RR):

– After the route replacement is set (RRx_y=1), this variable locks all the Sub route
belonging to the route (Ua_b = 0).
 Route Locking Set (RLx_y_S)

– After all the sub route are locked (Ua_b =0)

 the third and last step for establish the route is controlled (CRLx_y_S=1) and
(RLx_y_R=0) and (RLx_y_S=1)

 the points of the routes are locked (VPLN or VPLR=0)

• The three step of establishing of the route :
 Route Set (R)
 Stick Control or Route Replacement (RR)
 Route Locking Set (RL_S)

• have to be processed under three seconds after one

control of the route(RC).
• After the Route Locking is Set (RLx_y_S=1), this variable processes:

 All the traffic directions in the route are set (TD =1)
 Confirmation of locking of all the Sub route belonging to the route (Ua_b = 0).

• Route between two CBI “A&B”.

• Route Set (Rx_y)
 The Route does not control the points immediately.
 After the route is set in CBI “A” (Rx_y=1), this variable is sent to the CBI”B”.
 In the CBI”B”, if the conflicted routes to the route under control are not set, the
CBI”B” sends to the CBI “A” an acknowledgement (V_Rx_y=1)
 After this, all the points are controlled (VPCN / VPCR=1)
 And the Stick Control is processed (RRx_y=1)

• Route Locking Set (RLx_y_S)

–- - TP he Route Locking Set has the same functionality as explained reviously.
– The three step of establishing of the route :
 Route Set (R)
 Route acknowledgement is received from the adjacent CBI Stick Control or Route
Replacement (RR)
 Route Locking Set (RL_S)

– have to be processed with in 25 seconds after one control of the route(RC).

• Route Setting

Route control
– After a control of route (RCx_y = 1) the route will be set
(Rx_y=1) if all following conflicted conditions are not set.
 “Route Locking Set” under control not set
 Destruction of route under control not activated
 Conflicted route not set
 Conflicted Sub route released
 Maintenance Block associated at the route under control not block
 Routes under control not blocked
 Conflicted overlap released
 Conflicted Fleet route not set
 Points of the route, including the fouling points are free to move or set .

Fleet Route Feature

• Transformation of Fleet Route to normal Route and vice versa.
 It is possible to transform the fleet route in normal route with a control of
destruction the fleet route.(FRDx_y=1) & (FRx_y=0) and (Rx_y=1).
 It is possible to transform the normal route in fleet route with a control of the fleet
route.(FRCx_y=1) & (FRx_y=1) and (Rx_y=0)

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