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AI OF Generation


1 Navigate to

2 Click "New notebook"

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3 Click here.

4 Click here.

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5 Click "Upload"

6 Upload the stable_diffusion_1_5_webui_STABLE.ipynb file from Github.

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7 Click here.

8 Click here.

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In this menu that pops up, Click *Change Runtime Type*
Again, this is under Runtime->Change Runtime Type

Make sure that the settings are set to:

10 Hardware Accelerator: GPU
GPU Type: T4

Note that the GPU type doesn't really matter.

11 Click here.

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After about 10 minutes, a link will be outputted in the output section of "Run UI!".
12 Click the public URL.

13 The UI should look like this.

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14 Make sure the checkpoint (top right) is set to chilloutmix.

Then, paste the sample prompt (prompt.txt) from Github into the first prompt
15 box.

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16 Click this button to autofill next sections from prompt.

17 Click "Generate".

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18 After around 2 minutes, you can view and save the generated photo.

Now you can edit the prompt as you wish and generate more photos. You can try
19 out new prompts on your own or from civitAI chilloutmix (google)

Mentioned in the store, but note that due to increased load on google collab you
may want to subscribe to Collab Pro to get full long term usage of this. If it says
"No longer running" after some time, it's because collab ran out of compute for

Sometimes the photo won't load after generation on the UI for unknown reasons
(likely not having Google Collab Pro). The photo was still generated though, you
can stop the current step and run the export step. The generated photo will be in
the "exports" folder inside google collab. What you can do is generate a photos
(refresh the UI window each time), and then all of the photos will be exported on
the next step.

In the prompt, note that that: <lora:aiBeautyIthlinni_ithlinniV1:0.6>,<lora:koreanD

ollLikeness_v15:0.3>,<lora:chilloutmixss_xss10:0.3>, are the loras followed by the

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