Tony Evans BK Illustrations 01

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SERMON Illustrations

presence of someone she couldn’t now

A see.
You can’t see the Living God. He’s
a spirit, but He’s written to you and
ABIDING wants to have an eternal love affair
A DINNER plate left out overnight with you. If you hang out there with
will be hard to clean in the morning. An His words, next thing you know you’ll
alternative to scrubbing is soaking the be packing your bags to meet Him.
dish in hot water and dishwashing liq- You’ll have fallen in love with Him and
uid. Letting a dish abide in the solution have become transformed by abiding
will allow a hard cleaning job to become in His presence.2
a lot easier. This is what abiding does for [Transformation; God’s Presence]
Christians. We are much easier to clean John 3:16; 15:3–5; Rom. 12:2
up when we’ve been hanging out in the
right environment. THE PLANET Mercury is hot. Plu-
Religion says “Scrape off the dirt.” to is cold. Why is Pluto cold and Mer-
It tells us to apply elbow grease to fix cury hot? Mercury is really close to the
a problem. Relationship says “Soak.” sun and Pluto is a long way off. The far-
Just sit in the hot water for a while. ther you get away, the colder things be-
Abiding will set you free.1 come, but the closer you get, the hot-
Eph. 2:8–9; 2 Cor. 11:3 ter things are. You may say that you are
not a Pluto Christian or a Mercury
SADLY, these days there are many Christian. Maybe you are an Earth
young ladies who are being coerced in- Christian where things get hot and
directly into bad situations because cold. You may be a seasonal Christian
they meet somebody over the Internet. who has changes depending on whether
Even thirteen-year-old girls can be it is wintertime, summertime, spring-
lured to a location to meet somebody time, or fall.
they don’t know because they “fell in God is looking for some Mercury
love” over the Internet. Their initial re- Christians. He is looking for some
lationship with this stranger is only by folks who want to get close and stay
reading. Both parties sit at the computer hot all the time because they stay close
and read each other’s words, but after to the S-o-n.3
awhile, the words take on life because [Discipleship]
behind the word is a real, living person. James 1:8; Rev. 3:16
Those words for a young girl grow
into emotions and then turn into actions I WAS talking on my phone one day
as she figures out how to sneak out to and it began going “beep, beep, beep.”
meet him. Those words take on life be- The beeping noise indicated that the bat-
cause the girl spent time abiding in the tery was low. After a couple of minutes,
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I heard a clicking noise. The battery had When you hang out in the sun,
died because it had been off its charger you’re going to sweat. Why? Because
too long. In other words, it was putting you can’t be under that much power
out with no refill and so it lost its power. and it not affect you. If you hang out
It lost its “anointing.” It lost its ability to under the S-o-n, you’re also going to
function at the level it was designed to sweat. You’re going to sweat His
function at because it had stayed away commandments. You’re going to
from its source too long. sweat pleasing Him. You’re going to
We can’t keep running on spiri- sweat His Word because you can’t
tual empty and wonder why we’re only hang in His presence without Him
limping along in the Christian life. We rubbing off on you.
are regularly caught unexpectedly The way you know He’s rubbing
on empty because we don’t stay close off on you is that you begin to walk as
to our source of strength on a regu- He walks. You begin to pick up some
lar basis.4 of His habits. You begin to pick up
Phil. 4:13 some of His direction. You begin to
pick up some of His influence.5
A LOT OF people talk about how hot [Discipleship]
it is in Texas. The heat doesn’t really Luke 6:40
bother me, though, because every-
thing is air-conditioned in Texas. Your I HAVE abided over the last twenty
car is air-conditioned. Your house is air- years with American Airlines. They
conditioned. Every building you go in have been my airline of choice, and as
is air-conditioned. So while you do a result I have been awarded a level of
sometimes have to be under the sun, intimacy. That level of intimacy is
and while you’re in it, it’s hot, most peo- called Platinum. They have awarded my
ple here just don’t hang out in the sun. consistency with them. That Platinum
Actually, I’m a hot-weather person. card affords me various privileges that
The hotter it is, the nicer it is for me. come simply because I have the card. I
Where some people like air condi- can ride first class if the first class
tioners blasting in their cars, I prefer seats haven’t been purchased. I can
to roll down the windows. I’d rather get bumped up simply because I have
have hot air than cold air-conditioning. this Platinum card and I’ve flown two
It’s just my particular temperament, million miles with American over the
and I know something is wrong with years. They’ve given me a card that says
me, but that’s just the way it is. I don’t I’m a preferred customer. They send
mind hanging out in the sun. things to my house because they ap-
That said, most people I know preciate the fact that I have abided with
don’t want to hang out in the sun. them. They like the fact that they can
They just want to pass through the pretty much count on me to fly Ameri-
sun. What a lot of people want to do can when I travel.
with the s-u-n they want to do with When I walk up to a booth, if
the S-o-n. They just want to pass people are ahead of me, and first class
through. is full, they have a waiting list. If they
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tell me they have Gold members in ductive because they are always look-
front of me, I pull out my Platinum ing for the sun. They always locate the
card. My status bumps me to the top s-u-n, and because they always are
of the list. I take precedence because I looking for the s-u-n, they’re always
have a deeper, longer, and more regu- growing.
lar relationship with American than When you and I look for the S-o-n,
the Gold members do. like the sunflower looks for the s-u-n,
However, once a man behind me then we will find the effects of His rays
asked the clerk if there were any first softening our hearts so we can throw
class seats. The clerk told him there off new seed, new life. It is our re-
were, but then added that the first per- sponse to the Word that determines
son was a Platinum member and our productivity. Abiding in our re-
would be awarded the upgrade first. lationship with the S-o-n will result in
The man reached into his pocket the transformation and growth that
and pulled out an Executive Platinum many Christians are looking for.7
card. I felt like slapping him. To re- [Transformation; Spiritual Maturity,
main Platinum you have to fly fifty Growth]
thousand miles a year. To be Execu- Rom. 6:4
tive Platinum you fly one hundred
thousand miles a year. When I walked THERE ARE two ways to drink tea.
up to the counter, they let me know Some people are dippers. They dip
they liked me by putting me first. their tea bag up and down in the mug.
When he came up they let me know A lot of Christians are like that. They dip
they loved him. His level of abiding in on Sunday morning then dip back
was deeper. out. They dip back in on Wednesday
Some Christians are satisfied with night then they dip back out. But there’s
Gold status, others are happy with another way to drink tea and that’s to be
Platinum, and yet others are after Ex- an abider. It involves the act of just drop-
ecutive Platinum. What kind of Chris- ping the tea bag in the water and letting
tian are you? We need to know that it stay there. Without touching the bag
until we are ready to make the com- an amazing thing will happen. The
mitment of abiding, we will never color of the water begins to change as
get all the benefits that occur with on- the influence of the bag in the hot wa-
going intimacy.6 ter effects change in the cup. A person
[Commitment; Intimacy, with God] can just sit and watch the transforma-
tion take place because of the act of
SUNFLOWERS are beautiful flow- abiding.
ers that start off as tiny sprouts. The rea- When you are a dipper you’ve got
son sunflowers are called sunflowers is to make things happen by your own
because they follow the sun. The sun effort. You’ve got to move the bag up
rises in the east, the sunflower will point and down, dip a spoon in and out of
east. The sun sets to the west, and the the cup, wrap the string around the
flowers will point west. These flowers spoon, jerk, and then pull. It can re-
throw off a lot of seeds. They are pro- quire a lot of human effort. But when
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you are abiding, the water changes all trapped by situations and circum-
by itself. stances that the world calls “addic-
Once I was meeting with a guy tions.” Whether it’s drugs, sex,
and we were both drinking tea. He pornography, alcohol, codependency,
was dipping and pulling away. I just gambling, or food, they feel trapped,
let my tea bag sit. He told me that he and there seems to be no way out.10
couldn’t let his tea bag sit in the bag
like that because his tea would get too ADVERSITY
strong. That’s exactly what happens IN ORDER for God to bring out the
when you abide. The depth of your best in His children, He brings about
abiding will determine the rate of your scenarios in our lives to build strength
progress in the spiritual life. Jesus and character.
wants you to stay there and experi- When building our physical bod-
ence the full strength of His presence.8 ies, development takes on the form of
[God’s Presence] pumping weights, running on a tread-
mill, and participating in activities that
ABUNDANT LIFE require tennis shoes. Workouts in-
A WHILE back I went to McDonald’s volve some sweat, heavy breathing,
and ordered a value meal. The cashier and perspiration because something
asked me if I wanted to supersize my or- is being developed. God allows trials
der. He wanted to know if I wanted my and adversity to put us in gymnasium
order to be bigger. I told him no; I just situations. Just like the Father did with
wanted my regular-sized order. He His Son Jesus, He creates a workout
asked me again to make sure I didn’t scenario that includes a difficulty
want my order supersized. I told him no that we must work through.
thank you, got my regular-sized order, A lady came to work out at the
and drove off. gym. Everything about what she had
If you’re tired of regular or ordi- on said she was going to go for a
nary living, God is offering you super- killer workout. She wore the typical
size.9 attire, the headband around her
head, wristbands around her wrists,
ADDICTION and had a water bottle on her side.
A POW IS a prisoner of war. He or She stepped into a clear area and
she is a person who has been captured bent down to touch her toes in order
by the enemy and is held hostage in the to stretch. This woman looked very
context of a conflict. The situation is serious about working out. She
where the opposition or the enemy grabbed some dumbbells, walked
now controls the movements, the ac- over to a bench, and sat down. Lift-
tions, or the reactions of the person who ing the weights, she did a couple of
has been captured. bicep curls, put the weights down,
Many Christians are POWs, pris- and wiped herself off with a towel. In
oners of spiritual warfare. The Enemy an exasperated voice she said,
has captured them, and there ap- “Whoof! That’s enough for today!”
pears to be no way of escape. They feel This lady looked the part but she had
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not truly come to the gym for a [Transformation; Trials; Tests;

workout. Spiritual Maturity, Growth]
Many Christians come to church Phil. 2:12–13
every Sunday looking like they are
ready for a workout. We wear the right ALIENS
clothes, sing the right songs, and talk AMERICA has ambassadors. Am-
the right talk, but building real strength bassadors are in a foreign land that is
requires real effort and a little sweat. not their own. They go away tem-
God figures that we will not vol- porarily to a foreign land to spend
untarily go to a spiritual gym so He time away from home. Ambassadors
brings the gym to us. Adverse cir- have to learn the language and learn the
cumstances, cross-bearing situations, customs, but they’re never to belong
difficult scenarios, and problematic there. They are just to live there in or-
encounters all serve as opportunities der to carry out their mission.
for Christian growth.11 In order to carry it out, they’ve
[Trials; Tests; Character, got to live there. In order to carry it
Importance of ] out, they’ve got to talk the language.
Prov. 3:11; Phil. 2:12; Heb. 12:6; To carry it out, they’ve got to function
James 1:2; 1 Peter 1:6–8 in the context of the people, but they
are to never forget it’s not where
A CATERPILLAR is ugly, slow, they belong. The Bible says your citi-
slimy, and it takes all day to go two feet, zenship is in heaven.
but when it undergoes the process of What good is an ambassador
metamorphosis and the caterpillar be- who doesn’t represent the home-
comes a butterfly, something beautiful land? The problem is that today we’ve
is born. Metamorphosis is the process got a generation of ambassadors who
of something at work on the inside try- like the foreign country. In fact, they
ing to show up on the outside. have fallen in love with the foreign
There’s only one reason a but- country.13
terfly can fly: its wings are strength- [Ambassadors, for Christ]
ened by the work it does to break Phil. 3:17–21; 1 Peter 2:11
through the cocoon. If a bystander
were to slit open a cocoon prior to the WHEN HURRICANE Katrina hit
butterfly breaking itself loose from the New Orleans, thousands of people
cocoon, it wouldn’t fly. Its wings are were displaced. Thousands of people
developed through the struggle. No had to leave their homes and move to
struggle, no flight. other places. Some moved to other
Every Christian is a butterfly wait- cities in Louisiana, others moved to
ing to happen. A saint may feel like a Houston, other people moved to Dal-
caterpillar or even think they look like las, not knowing when they could return
a caterpillar, but the idea is to work out home.
their salvation in the midst of adver- Months later, many people could
sity because God is at work within still not return home and they were
them to do His good pleasure.12 frustrated. Although they had places
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to sleep, food to eat, and clothes on word is angelos. It means to be a mes-

their backs, they were not happy. senger for someone else. Now if in-
Although they had opportunities for visible Charlie could get three ladies to
new lives, new jobs, and a new start, go in harm’s way for a man they had
they were not excited. Although the never seen, how much more should
victims of Katrina had the ability to Jesus’ angels, messengers for Jesus
send their kids to new schools, to see Christ, be willing to go in harm’s
new places, and to do new things, they way to represent somebody they’ve
were not thrilled. No matter how never seen? Even though we haven’t
great the new places were, many seen Him, we should be ready to
Americans displaced from New Or- fulfill His mission and share His love
leans were frustrated. Why? Because with others.15
they were not home. It didn’t matter [Witnessing]
how wonderful Dallas or Houston 2 Cor. 5:20; 1 Peter 1:8–9
could be, these cities were not New
Orleans. ANGER
As Christians, we should never be A MAN said, “My wife and I promised
satisfied with the things that this that we would never go to bed angry.
world holds. We should never be We haven’t slept together in seven
thrilled with the things this world has years.”16
to offer. No matter how wonderful this [Marriage]
world is, for the Christian, it will
never be home. We are aliens in this
world.14 B
[Ambassadors for Christ]
Heb. 11:12–14
AMBASSADORS, FOR CHRIST WHEN a lady gets married, she puts on
I USED TO love the television show a ring. That ring does not make her mar-
Charlie’s Angels. First there was a TV ried. She could be married without a ring,
show, and then there were the Charlie’s just like you could be saved without be-
Angels movies. These three young ladies ing baptized. But what the ring does do
would go in harm’s way for Charlie. is serve as a sign that she is married.
What’s interesting is, they had never seen Many times when you see a guy
Charlie. Charlie was invisible to them, yet talking to a girl, you will see his eyes
they were willing to do his bidding. go south as he is looking at the left
They would get a call and receive infor- hand to see whether or not she has al-
mation about what Charlie wanted them ready been spoken for and belongs to
to do. They would go out to represent another.
Charlie’s interests, even though it meant I am certain that a wife who re-
difficult times for them. They were fused to wear her ring would insult
Charlie’s Angels. any man. He would probably take that
The word angel in the Bible as a rejection of him. The ring is more
means messenger. The original Greek than a piece of jewelry. The piece of
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jewelry represents an institution and I see a steering wheel, I see brakes, I see
a covenant. Like a ring is symbolic for an accelerator, a radio, heat, and air-con-
marriage, baptism is a sign of our ditioning. Good to go.
covenant with God.17 But on this particular day, I de-
[Salvation; Marriage; Spiritual cided to flip through my manual. I was
Identity, in Christ] shocked at some of the stuff I read in
Acts 2:38; 8:13; Matt. 28:19 there. There is so much stuff in this
car that has never been used! I real-
THE IDEA OF A baptized believer ized that I’d been doing things man-
is that they have gone public in declar- ually that the car was set up to do au-
ing that they are wedded to another— tomatically. I realized that I’d not
to Jesus Christ. been taking advantage of all that the
We would think it odd if a hus- manufacturer had provided.
band never wanted to go out in pub- On one particularly rainy day, I
lic with his wife. He might say, “I’ll eat was trying to look out of my rear win-
dinner with you as long as it’s at dow and couldn’t see anything. After
home,” or “I’ll watch a movie with you three years of having this car, I had no
as long as it’s at home,” or “I’ll talk to idea there was a windshield wiper
you as long as it’s at home.” That kind back there. It wasn’t that it was not
of behavior would be an insult. Jesus provided, it’s that I was ignorant of the
Christ is insulted regularly by His chil- provision. I didn’t know what was pro-
dren because in private they will vided and I certainly didn’t know
identify with Him, but in public they how to take advantage of it.
don’t want folks to know that they are What the Bible, the grace manual,
associated with Him.18 is designed to do is show you all the
[Witnessing; Spiritual Identity, provisions that God has provided
in Christ] for every believer. The problem is I
Luke 9:26; Rom. 1:16; 2 Tim. 1:8 not only need to know that the man-
ual is there, but I also need to know
BIBLE what it tells me I can do and how
FOR MANY people, the Bible is things work.20
like the Queen of England. She holds the [God’s Will; Scripture,
top position, but has no real power.19 Importance of ]
Josh. 1:8; Ps. 119; 2 Tim. 2:15
RECENTLY, I decided to do some-
thing I never do. I took out my car man- WHEN MY oldest son was small, I
ual and read it. I’m a real simple guy. I bought him a bicycle for Christmas. It
get in a car, get behind the wheel, turn came with a manual that explained how
it on, and roll. That’s it. But one day I to put it together. I did not intend on us-
was just fooling around, opened my ing the manual. After all, I was finishing
glove compartment, and there was my my doctorate degree. After studying for
car manual. Now this manual has been twelve years post high school, I consid-
in this car for three years. As far as I’m ered myself to be a smart brother. The
concerned, this is unnecessary reading. bicycle that I had bought for my son had
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all these nuts and bolts and various gree and diploma from the school.
parts, but I had decided that I didn’t As long as my wife audits her sem-
need this manual. I’d had too much edu- inary class, she will have no credit on
ma-cation. I decided to depend on my her transcript. There will be no grad-
own human intelligence. uation ceremony and nobody will
Eight hours later and with just the ever hand her a degree. As long as you
handlebars on, my wife, Sister Evans, audit your Christian life, there will be
came to the door and said, “Why don’t no passing grades, there will be no di-
you read the manual?” Could it be, just vine recognition, and there will be no
maybe, that the bicycle maker knew experience of your calling.22
more about bicycle fixing than I did? [Church; Commitment]
Could it be that the Life Maker knows 1 Sam. 15:22; James 1:23–24;
more about life living than you do?21 1 Cor. 9:23–25
[God’s Will; Scripture,
Importance of ] A COUPLE decided that they should
Prov. 3:5–6; Mark 12:24; do something together to strengthen
2 Tim. 3:14–17 their marriage. They decided to go
duck hunting together. They’d heard of
BIBLE, APPLICATION OF other people going duck hunting with
MY WIFE at various times over the dogs, so they figured they needed to buy
years wanted to take classes at Dallas a good hunting dog and buy the dog
Seminary. She didn’t want to take the they did. They got all of their equipment
class in the traditional way. She want- and their dog and took off to go duck
ed to audit the class. You see, when you hunting for the day. They tried getting
audit the class, you can go and sit and some ducks, but they came to the end
get the information but there are no out- of the day and hadn’t gotten one. The
side requirements. You don’t have to husband looked at the wife and said,
study. You don’t have to take any tests. “Honey, we’ve got to be doing some-
You get the information but you don’t thing wrong here. We haven’t caught a
have the burden of the class. duck yet.”
Many Christians come to church The wife said, “Well, maybe, if we
on Sunday mornings and audit the throw the dog up a little higher, he can
sermon. They go to class, have text- catch a duck this time.”
book in hand, sit in their regular That’s what a lot of us are doing.
seat, and listen to the professor. But We’re trying to get a dog to do what
all they want to do is audit the class. a gun was meant to do. We’re trying
They don’t want to be expected to do to accomplish things in our lives
any homework. They don’t want to with tools that don’t work or don’t
pass any tests that God sends their make sense. A dog is not the right
way to check their understanding. weapon to get ducks. You need fire-
These Christians will pay the money power to bring a duck down.
to take the class but they don’t want A lot of us have “hound dogs” try-
to have to meet any requirements. ing to fix our marriage. We’re on the
They also don’t expect to receive a de- phone with “hound dog” girlfriends or
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guy friends. All they’re doing is bark- BIBLE, CENTRALITY OF

ing us up into more mess. We’re do- IN THE game of football, there is no
ing everything but using firepower game without the ball. Players can put
from heaven. It’s not that we’re not on the gear, wear the helmets, and
trying. The question is, what are we walk in the cleats, but there is no game
trying. without the pigskin. Nothing really
The Word of Christ must dwell in matters much in football if you don’t
us richly. It has to be the basis of our have the ball.
decisions.23 When you think about it, that lit-
[Marriage; Scripture] tle piece of pigskin controls a lot. A
Josh. 1:8; Col. 3:16; 1 Peter 2:1–3 touchdown is only a touchdown
measured by where the ball is. A
BIBLE, AUTHORITY OF first down is only a first down mea-
A NAVY captain was sailing and sured by where the ball is. You’re on-
came upon a big light. He thought it was side or offside in relationship to the
a ship coming toward him. He was the ball. Whether it’s a catch or an in-
highest-ranking officer in the U.S. Navy complete pass depends on control of
at this particular time. So he got on a big the ball. Everything has to do with the
bullhorn and said to the ship behind the ball. Three points or a lack of three
light, “Move ten degrees south or we’re points has to do with where the ball
going to crash!” went. Isn’t it amazing? You can have
It said, “I shall not move! You all the other stuff right, but if there is
move ten degrees north so you don’t no football, you just wasted your
crash!” Saturday afternoon.
The captain was getting irritated. In the Christian faith it is possi-
He said, “Don’t you know who I am? ble to have a bunch of stuff right. You
I am a captain in the United States can go to the right church, carry the
Navy. I say, ‘You move ten degrees right Bible, and use the right “Chris-
south so we do not crash!’” tian-ese.” You can have all the acces-
The voice came back, “I shall sories of Christianity and still not have
not move! You move ten degrees the main thing. If you don’t have the
north so that you don’t crash!” main thing, everything else is a waste
The captain got back on the of time. Just like we can’t play football
speaker and said, “Did you hear me without a football, we can’t be effec-
say that I am a captain in the United tive Christians without the gospel.25
States Navy?” [Gospel; Scripture]
The voice came back, “Yes, but I Rom. 1:16–17; 1 Cor. 9:23
am the lighthouse!”
The Word of God must be the au- BIBLE, GUIDANCE OF
thority for the life of the disciple I HAD a speaking engagement once
who is living with a kingdom per- that required about a forty-five-minute
spective.24 drive. So I got my directions. It was a
men’s breakfast at a church, so I left my
house with plenty of time to spare, put
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the directions beside me in the seat, because I hate being late to any-
glanced at them, and then got on the thing. I started winding down my win-
freeway headed to the breakfast. After dow at stoplights, asking random
driving for about forty minutes, I glanced people to help me find my way. It was
at the directions to double-check my 7:25 p.m., then 7:30.
exit. I made sure it was the right one, I had gone to five different peo-
then I exited and made a left. I began ple to tell me where I was supposed
driving past the mall, past the light, past to be. Everybody meant well, but no-
another light, and I wasn’t seeing any- body could tell me where I needed to
thing I thought I was supposed to see. I go. I decided to read the directions
figured I hadn’t gone far enough, so I one more time. I picked it up and
kept driving. looked at it closely. Originally, I had
Things were getting worse, not only glanced at it. Then I let well-
better. I figured that I ought to pull meaning people try to help me. Now,
over and ask somebody. So I pulled I decided to look closely at the di-
over to a convenience store, thinking rections. When I exited the freeway,
that I could trust the people who I should have turned RIGHT!
worked there to give me directions. A First of all, I listened to myself and
clerk told me that I hadn’t gone far turned left. Then I listened to every-
enough. Now, I thought that the body else and really went farther out
church was supposed to be not too far of the way. But the instructions said
off the freeway, but I figured I had turn right. Because I did not pay at-
missed something and assumed that tention to the instructions but listened
the clerk knew what he was talking to my own understanding and listened
about. After all, he was from the to everybody else’s understanding, I
area. He told me to just keep going went left when I should have gone
and that I’d run right into it. I get in right. So I had to backtrack, and
the car and I keep going. when I backtracked and went two
I started seeing cows and realized blocks to the right of the freeway, I
that I was now in the country. Some- found the church.
thing about this didn’t feel right. I was- I had lost time; I had lost patience.
n’t arriving at where I thought I was I was sweating, frustrated, mad, and
supposed to be. So I figured I’d asked irritated because I had gone the
the wrong person. I needed to talk to wrong direction.
somebody else, get somebody else’s Some of us have gone left. “There
opinion. So I asked another guy. is a way that seems right to a man”
Time was getting late. I was sup- (Proverbs 14:12). Where I wound up
posed to start speaking at 7:30 a.m. I’d was wrong. A lot of us have spent five,
given myself plenty of time, but now ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty years going
it was 7:15 and I didn’t know where I left and you’re running out of time; the
was. I was in a bad situation. So, I did hour is late. It’s time to backtrack be-
ask somebody else. They said they’d cause where God wants to take you is
never heard of the church. It was now really not that far away.26
7:20 and I was getting a little nervous [Repentance; God’s Will]
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Prov. 3:5–6; Ezek. 18:29–31; Acts BIBLE, NEGLECT OF

17:30–31 THE PREACHER came to have
dinner with one of the families in his
THERE was a show I used to watch a congregation. The woman of the house
couple of years ago called Early Edition. was very pleased to have the minister in
The host of the show would get the next her home and wanted to impress him.
day’s newspaper, read it, and then do a She wanted the preacher to read some-
show about the upcoming news. He’d thing to the family after dinner. She
read a newspaper about the morrow asked one of her daughters, “Darling,
and related it to his viewers today. Be- please go and get the good book. Go
cause he had tomorrow’s newspaper to- and get the book we love. Go get the
day, he had information nobody else did. book we read every day.”
Most of our coworkers don’t have The girl came back with the
the information. Most of our neigh- Sears catalog.29
bors don’t have the information. But Josh. 1:8; Acts 17:11
as Christians, we’ve got an Early Edi-
tion. God has given us the Early Edi- BIBLE, PROVISION OF
tion. We can function today in light A MAN was in prison and was in need
of what we know about God’s plan for of some money. He wrote his mother
the future.27 and asked her to send five hundred dol-
[Providence] lars immediately. Soon after, he got a
1 Thess. 4:13–18; Titus 2:11–13 package in the mail. It was a Bible. On
the top of the Bible, there was a letter
WHEN you are on the highway, you that said, “Son, I love you. Pray and read
are expected to choose one lane to drive your Bible.”
in, though there may be lanes to your The man was ticked off. He got
left and right. You are expected to stay on the phone and called his mother.
in your lane and not to swerve into the “Mama, I appreciate the Bible, but
other lanes, because if you start to what I need right now is five hundred
swerve to the left or to the right, you’re dollars.”
an accident waiting to happen. There’s She told him over the phone,
a time and an appropriate way to “Son, pray and read your Bible.” He got
change lanes. more ticked off and hung up on his
God’s Word gives you a lane to stay mother.
in. That lane is based on the written He then wrote a letter. “Mother,
Word and then affirmed by the work of I know you believe in God, but that’s
the Spirit in terms of specific applica- the problem with you Christians.
tion. Stay in that lane and do everything You are so heavenly minded that you
He tells you to do and He will make your don’t know how to function in the real
way prosperous.28 world. When I need five hundred dol-
[Bible, Centrality of; Bible, lars, I don’t need a Bible. I need a
Sufficiency of; Blessing; Focus] check or five greenbacks! If I need
Josh. 1:7–9; Ps. 1; John 13:17; James money, don’t send me a Bible and tell
1:22–25 me to pray!”
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He got a letter back that said, BIBLE, SUFFICIENCY OF

“Son, pray and read your Bible.” THERE WAS a commercial not too
He was so irritated at his mother, long ago for Prego spaghetti sauce. A
that for the six months he was in jail mother is cooking the spaghetti and the
that Bible stayed in the corner. pot is full of what looks like a vibrant,
After a long while, he finally got red spaghetti sauce. The aroma ap-
out. His mother was there to meet him. pears to be filling the house. The son
He could hardly speak to her. “Mama, comes up and looks at his mother
you let me down. I needed you as my cooking the sauce and asks, “Mom,
mother and you let me down.” where are the mushrooms?”
She said, “What do you mean, She says, “It’s in there.”
son?” “But what about the sausage?”
“I wrote you. I called you. I begged “Why, it’s in there.”
you for five hundred dollars and every “What about the ripe tomatoes?”
time you gave me this same old line to “It’s in there.”
pray and read my Bible.” Prego’s spaghetti sauce had kick
“Well, son, did you pray and read and flavor, because of what was inside.
your Bible?” Every time the boy looked for some-
“Yeah, I prayed and read my thing to explain what he smelled, his
Bible, and I’m still as broke now as I mother would reply, “It’s in there.”
was when you told me the first time If you are looking for victory, it’s
to pray and read my Bible.” in the Bible. If you’re looking for
“Son, do you have your Bible?” transformation, it’s already in there.
He reached in his bag and he If you’re looking for power, it’s in
handed her the book. there. If you’re looking for deliverance,
“Son, let me ask you one more it’s in there. If you’re looking for a
time. Did you pray and read your brand-new you, it’s already there.
Bible?” The divine nature has given you
“Yes, Mama. I told you I prayed everything you need and you can
and read my Bible.” learn about what’s available to you by
“Son, you neither prayed nor studying the Word of God.31
read your Bible.” 2 Tim. 2:15; 2 Peter 1:3
She opened up the Bible and at
every major divisional section within I AM SURE many of you have moth-
the text, there was a hundred-dollar ers like I do. My mother thought castor
bill taped inside of it. If the boy oil was the medicine for everything.
would have just read his Bible he “Ma, I got a stomachache.”
would have understood that the thing “Bring the castor oil.”
he was looking for was in the text. Be- “Ma, I got a headache.”
cause he didn’t take seriously the “Bring the castor oil.”
Word of God, what the Word of God “Ma, I got a hanged toenail.”
had to offer he never received.30 “Bring the castor oil.”
My mother had a view that cas-
tor oil could fix anything. Now, let me
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explain something about castor oil. I host anything beneficial in return.

didn’t prefer castor oil. I didn’t like the Similar to leeches, unproductive peo-
way castor oil tasted. It didn’t matter. ple take, but do not give.
I grew up hearing my mother say, One of the ways God will bless you
“Boy, put this castor oil in your is by making your life productive. He
mouth, because it’s good for you.” She will enable you to do more with your
believed that castor oil could fix any- life than exist. He will enable you to
thing and that it was sufficient for make a life that is worth something.35
whatever ailed me.32 [Giving; Christian Living, Power]
Ps. 1; 1 Cor. 12:4–7; Eph. 2:10
A PREACHER was late for his ap- HAVE YOU ever been to a real
pointment and pulled into a parking lot. pizzeria? Especially a real, authentic Ital-
He went around the parking lot ten times ian place? The dough is the best! That
looking for an empty space. The only dough goes through some major abuse
spot he could find was one where a sign before it is ready to be served and eaten.
said No Parking. He put a note on his It is slammed down on the counter.
window: “Late for my appointment.” Bam! It’s treated very rough. A rolling
Then he wrote underneath, “Tried ten pin mashes it and flattens it out. It is
times. Forgive our trespasses.” twirled around on a single finger, then
He came back to his car an hour thrown spinning up in the air.
later. There was a note next to his note Now, most people aren’t thinking
from the policeman. It read, “Been rid- about the process of making the
ing in this neighborhood for ten years. dough. They just want the good stuff
Will lose my job if I don’t ticket you. —the pepperoni, sausage, cheese,
Lead us not into temptation.”33 and sauce. But the good stuff doesn’t
[Temptation] happen unless the dough has been
made ready to receive it.
THE WORD, like medicine, is de- See, many people want to see the
signed to address the comprehensive is- goodness of God, the power of God,
sues of life. A Bible that is falling apart or the blessing of God and wonder
usually belongs to somebody who isn’t.34 why it’s not happening the way they
[Spiritual Maturity] think it should. God is trying to tell
Ps. 19; James 1:25 them that “the dough isn’t quite ready
to receive it.” Sometimes we are just
BLESSING not ready for the blessings of God to
ALL OF us know people who are liv- be fulfilled.36
ing unproductive lives. Our society is [Sanctification; Maturity]
filled with people who offer no produc- Luke 14:11; James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6
tivity to the well-being of themselves,
their families, their jobs, or society in CREDITCARD companies send mass
general. They are just hanging on. mailings to people with amazing news
A leech sucks blood from a host. of great grace. The recipients have not
It takes nutrients without leaving its applied for a new card or a new level of
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credit, but the credit card company freely

it couldn’t hurt. Well, that oil company
offers unsolicited spending power. did drill and hit a gusher—eighty-two
These gracious companies write cus- thousand barrels of oil a day. Mr. Yates
tomers to tell them they are prequali- immediately became a multi, multi,
fied or preapproved. The only thing left many-times-over millionaire.
for the customer to do is to accept the Now, there’s a question on the
offer and spend! The limit has already floor. Exactly when did Mr. Yates be-
been negotiated and all that’s left to docome a millionaire? Did Mr. Yates be-
is use it. By accepting Christ, we have come a millionaire when the oil com-
accepted His terms and are prequalified pany struck oil or did Mr. Yates be-
for the spiritual benefits and resources come a millionaire when he bought the
available to us.37 farm? Mr. Yates was a millionaire the
[Grace; Provision, God’s] moment he purchased the farm, but
Rom. 5:17; Eph. 2:8 he lived in poverty because he didn’t
know what was underneath the
CITIES have food banks and blood ground.
banks. They’re designed to help other When you came to faith in Jesus
people live. Although these banks are Christ as your personal sin bearer, the
set up to collect, they are not designed moment you came to faith, you were
simply to hoard and to store. The re- blessed “in the heavenly realms with
sources they gather help other people every spiritual blessing” (Ephesians
to live—either by the infusion of food 1:3). Like Mr. Yates, many of us are liv-
or by the infusion of nutrients from ing in the Great Depression. We are
blood. living spiritually poor, spiritually de-
God has saved and blessed Chris- feated, spiritually weak, and spiritu-
tians so that we can share the bless- ally anemic lives even while sitting on
ings God has given us with others.38 top of all this wealth, because we don’t
[Giving] know what’s down there.39
Gen. 12:3; Acts 2:44–45; [Provision, God’s]
1 Cor. 16:1–4 Col. 2:2

THE STORY is told of Mr. Yates, WILLIAM Randolph Hearst, the great
who owned a farm in Texas. The Great publisher, read about a painting and be-
Depression came and he was having came greatly interested in it. Desperately
trouble keeping up with the payments desiring to own this painting, he sent his
on his farm. The bank began to press people all over to try to locate this paint-
Mr. Yates and gave him thirty days to ing but they couldn’t find it anywhere.
pay his back payments or face foreclo- A year later, out of the blue, one of his
sure. With three weeks left to go, a man employees came to him and told him
came to Mr. Yates’s door. He worked for that the painting had at last been found.
an oil company. He asked Mr. Yates to Hearst, excited about the discovery,
give the company a lease to drill on his asked where it had been all this time.
farm for oil. Yates knew he was going to His employee said, “It was in your
lose the farm anyway, so he decided that basement. You’ve owned it all the time.”
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Mr. Hearst had never read the ledger went on to explain. In the will of the
that had record of everything he owned. master, the instructions specifically said
He did not understand the wealth that to offer for sale the painting drawn by
he already possessed. Many believers his son first, and that whoever gets the
operate their lives never fully under- painting of his son gets the whole art
standing all of the blessing that is avail- collection. The master had decided
able to them in Christ.40 well in advance that whoever loved his
son and accepted him could not only
A MAN died who was extremely have his son’s work, but all the other
wealthy. His will was full of art pieces— benefits that belonged to the father.41
very expensive art pieces. This man had [Salvation, Benefits of ]
a son who had died before him, a son John 5:22–23; 2 Peter 1:17
whom he loved, and this son would have
been his only heir. Soon after the death WHEN I first started traveling and
of the wealthy man a public auction was speaking in other places, my kids were
held that included the valuable art small so I’d go by the gift store in the air-
pieces. People came from all over the port and I’d buy a gift to bring back to
world because of those works of art. them. I would buy them a blessing. I’d
Over a thousand people gathered to buy a little toy or a trinket from the gift
participate in the auction. The auc- shop like some jacks for my girls or a lit-
tioneer began the auction by offering up tle car for my boys. On my return I
for sale a portrait, painted by the de- would give them the gift. They would
ceased son. It was a rather plain paint- always be excited. I would always get a
ing—not at all like the other expensive hug and a kiss. There would be great
art pieces. The floor opened for bids, gratitude and thanks because I had
but there weren’t any. After what come back with a blessing and they were
seemed like a long silence, a little old excited about the blessing. What made
man walked down the aisle. As he me feel good and excited me was the
neared the front of the room, the auc- fact that they were excited about the
tioneer recognized him. He had been blessor. I got a hug and I got a kiss as
the servant of the wealthy man. they expressed gratitude. But after a
He meagerly and almost shame- while, they began to look forward to my
fully offered a couple of dollars from trips. They wanted me to leave again. In
his pocket for the child-drawn portrait. other words, my kids were so into the
The auctioneer hit his gavel and said, blessings that they had lost sight of the
“Sold!” The many people in the room bless-er. As long as the bless-er brought
shifted with excitement, preparing back a blessing, they were fine. A lot of
for the main part of the selling to be- folk want to come to church and don’t
gin. But much to their surprise and want to mess with the bless-er. They just
chagrin, the auctioneer hit the gavel want the bless-er to leave behind a bless-
again and said, “Auction over.” The ing. God has said, “Return to me”
room filled with loud chatter and (Malachi 3:7). He wants us to be focused
confusion, wondering at the early on Him.42
close of the auction. The auctioneer [Thanksgiving, Motivation for;
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Intimacy, with God; they will take you on a tour in a tram

First Love] through their movie lots. In these
Deut. 8:10–11; Rev. 2:3–5 movie lots you’ll see western towns
and modern-day types of towns where
THE GREEK word for blessed, films are made. The tour guides will ex-
makarios, was the name of an island off plain to you as you drive through that
of Greece—the Makarios Island. It was what you are looking at is a facade. The
known as the blessed island because it external may look like it’s a town or a
was self-contained. The residents didn’t city, but if you were to go on the other
need to leave the island in order to get side, there’s nothing there. There’s no re-
their needs met. The island offered ality behind what you see. It looks
everything that they needed. The nat- good, but there’s nothing else there. The
ural resources of the blessed island lots are simply there to create an im-
were so thick, so rich, so fruitful, and so pression of a town or a city for the pur-
productive that everything they need- poses of the film.
ed to enjoy their lives was already built- Unfortunately today, much of
in. The inhabitants of the island were what goes on in the lives of Christians
self-sustained and self-contained with- is not a reflection of true blessing but
out having to run to another island to more like a facade. Beyond the ex-
get their needs met. The blessed island ternal, their lives have nothing solid
provided everything they needed. on the other side.44
All the stuff you get is outside of [Weakness]
you. The new car, the new house, and
the new money are all fine . . . but they BLESSING, SOURCE OF
are all extra. They are a bonus. In the ONE OF the reasons that we don’t
biblical world of being blessed, you recognize the goodness of God is that
should be okay being on the island. Just we confuse the means of delivery with
being in the Kingdom with the King the source. Many times we think that
ought to put you in a blessed location. unless a blessing falls miraculously
One of the ways you know that you from heaven into our laps that it didn’t
aren’t blessed yet in the biblical sense come from God. We mix up medium
of the word is that you got to keep leav- and source.
ing the island to have fun. You need When we listen to the radio, we
more than your relationship with God can do so only because the radio is a
to have peace. You crave more than method of delivery. There are no
your communion with the Father to drums in the radio. No horns and no
have joy. The blessed person finds their guitars reside inside the equipment.
sufficiency with Him.43 The radio is only a conduit—a point
[Kingdom of God; Contentment; of contact. Even when your radio
Provision, God’s] stops working, there’s music in the air.
Matt. 5:1–12; 1 Tim. 6:6 All the radio does is receive a signal
that comes from another source and
IF YOU were to go to Universal Stu- deliver it to you. If you lose sight of
dios, either in Florida or in California, that fact, you’ll give the radio more
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credit than a radio ought to have. If BLESSING, SURPRISE

you place too much weight on the A MAN took his girlfriend out for
medium, you’ll forget the source.45 dinner and when they sat down, he laid
James 1:17 an elaborate box on the table for her
birthday. All the while they were eating
NORMALLY, when people eat a bal- dinner, she just kept thinking about this
anced evening meal, it includes veg- box, because it was a big box, and she
etables. Those vegetables will have wanted to know what was inside. She
been purchased at a grocery store. Of could hardly eat. The waiting to open
course, a grocery store bought the veg- the gift was killing her, but her boyfriend
etables from someone who farmed and told her to open the gift after dinner. All
harvested them. The farmer had those she could think about was what was in
vegetables to sell because he planted the box.
seeds in the ground. The land in which Finally dinner was over. “Can I
the seed was planted was also supported open the box now?”
by both rain and sunshine. Rain and “Yeah, you can open the box.”
sunshine are dependent on heaven. She opened the box and pulled
Rain from heaven must come out a pillow. “Oh, wow, I mean, this
down upon the land in which the seed is a nice pillow . . . but it’s a pillow.”
has been planted—so the fruit and She turned the pillow over, think-
vegetable can sprout, so the farmer ing that something was taped to the
can deliver it to the grocery store, so backside. There was nothing.
that we can pick it up when we go “Well, thank you.” It was obvious
shopping, so that we can have a nice she was disappointed that she got a
evening meal. If a person gets stuck pillow.
appreciating the grocery store, then Her boyfriend got up, took the
they’ve missed the source. pillow from her, and laid the pillow on
The grocery store is simply the the floor. He got down on one knee,
mechanism of delivery. Now, if God took her by the hand, and said, “Will
stops the sunshine and rain, stops the you marry me?”
replication of the seed, or does not al- She forgot about the pillow. The
low the land to be fruitful, then there one who gave her the pillow now be-
is no trip to the grocery store.46 came a lot more important.48
[Provision, God’s ]
Matt. 5:44–45 BODY OF CHRIST
SYMBIOTIC growth is the growth
THE CEREAL that we eat with milk that occurs between two organisms
comes from the grain, which came where both benefit. Parasitic growth is
from the mill, which goes back to the growth that occurs in one organism be-
provision of God in the wheat fields. cause it’s feeding off of another. Chris-
The milk came from the cows that ate tians must ask themselves how they are
the grass that came from the ground functioning in the organism of the
that God provided. Everything you Body of Christ.
have is traced back to God.47 Am I a spiritual parasite? Sing to
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me. Preach to me. Pray for me. Coun- One day, the father of the two girls
sel me. Help me, but expect nothing walked into the nursery to find the eld-
from me. That is a parasite. A Chris- est daughter standing and snarling
tian interested in symbiotic growth over the new baby girl as she slept in
says, “Yes, I have needs, but I’m will- the cradle. And then she did it. She
ing to give too because everyone took her hand and slapped the little
needs to benefit.”49 baby. If a little girl can be that sinful
[Commitment; Giving] at two years of age, imagine how sin-
Eph. 4:1–16 ful people are at twenty-two, thirty-
two, or forty-two—especially when
YOUR HUMAN body is made up of they’ve learned to become pros!
systems. These include the nervous sys- Needless to say, this little girl did
tem, circulatory system, muscular sys- not go without punishment because
tem, lymphatic system, skeletal sys- she exhibited a heart filled with evil!
tem, and immune system. These are sys- Because love had to be shared, she re-
tems that are interdependent upon one belled. But she needed to under-
another and when one system goes stand that rebelling against her sister
down, the rest of the body is negatively also meant getting her in trouble
impacted.50 with her father. When you are a re-
1 Cor. 12:12–26 bellious member of the Body of
Christ, your Daddy is upset.52
GOD DIDN’T put a hand on your
wrist so your wrist could look good. He BODY OF DEATH
didn’t put a foot on your ankle just so YEARS AGO cars were not as so-
you could have something dangling. phisticated as they are now. When the
Every part of you was prescribed to ac- power steering fluid level was good,
complish a function. A nonfunctioning, turning the wheel was a breeze with one
noncontributing body part is something finger. When your power steering fluid
that you would have checked by a doc- got low, you’d have to force the wheel
tor, ’cause something is wrong.51 to turn. You’d have to pull and tug. It
wasn’t natural. The pull of the wheel
FOR TWO years, a little girl was an back to the center was so strong that
only child. She knew nothing about without power steering, when you’d take
sharing because there was no compe- your hands off the wheel, it would
tition. No competition for attention. No snap back to its neutral position.
competition for love. All the dresses Some of our lives are like this. We
were hers. All the toys were hers. All the pull and tug trying to make our-
ingratiating elements were hers. It was selves better and different. After
all about her until the second child was awhile we get tired and go right back
born. When the second child, a girl, was to where our bodies are naturally
born and brought home from the hos- programmed to be. That is what hap-
pital, things had to be shared. Time had pens when you try to fix the “body of
to be shared. Attention had to be this death” (Romans 7:24) through hu-
shared. Love had to be shared. man effort. It is naturally bent to sin.
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So it is always going to go back there. “Get off my back!”

Once you take your hands off of it for “Bless me with the food. Bless me
one minute, it is going to roll right with the water. Bless me with a cov-
back to its natural bent.53 ering. But don’t get on my back!”
[Flesh] The cowboy gets on the back of
Rom. 7:13–18; Gal. 5:17 the horse and rides it out. Sometime
he’s thrown off, but if the goal is the
BOUNDARIES breaking, he rides that wild horse un-
PARENTS of teenagers know that til it yields. How do you know when
the boundary lines between parent a horse has been broken? It doesn’t
and child can get blurry real quick. The lose its strength; it doesn’t lose the
older the young person gets, the more muscles in its legs. It does not lose its
apt they are to rebel against restrictions. God-given uniqueness and identity as
Many a parent has had to remind their a horse. It’s just now a horse under
teenagers of who’s who. The propensity somebody else’s control.
of the young person is to mentally Many of us want the blessings
erase the parent-child distinction be- from God, but we don’t want Him rid-
cause they don’t want to be told to clean ing us and bringing us into submission
up their room. They don’t want re- to His will.55
strictions; they want freedom without [Blessing; Submission]
boundaries, which erases the line of James 4:7
God wants it to be clear that there BROKENNESS,
is a major difference between man IMPORTANCE OF
and God—a big-time difference. God TO ENJOY the fragrance of perfume
is transcendent. God is infinite. Man or cologne, you must break the seal of
is not. There is only one God. Man is the bottle in which it comes. To see a
not Him, so he needs restrictions.54 plant rise from the ground, the shell
must be broken open by the substance
BROKENNESS inside. To enjoy roasted peanuts, there
THE PICTURE of brokenness is of must be a breaking of its outer core. For
a wild stallion that wants its inde- a baby chick to experience life, it must
pendence. It does not want to be ridden; break the egg that surrounds it. If you
it does not want to be told what to do. and I want to see God’s face, we must
Now, it doesn’t mind the cowboy feed- be broken first.56
ing it or keeping the trough full of wa- Matt. 21:44
ter. It doesn’t mind having a place to go
into out of the rain. It just doesn’t want BROKENNESS, PROCESS OF
anyone to get on its back. But the THE REFINISHING of antique fur-
process of breaking a stallion or break- niture is an awesome process. Strong
ing a wild horse involves the cowboy chemicals strip away the old varnish.
getting on its back and riding it. The Then sandpaper machines sand it down,
stallion usually bucks and bucks and exposing all the crooks, nooks, and
tries to throw the cowboy off. crannies that need repair. The sanding
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continues until the surface is even. of there. We couldn’t take it! But we
Then it is varnished, over and over un- wouldn’t have been able to get a new
til it has a smooth, refinished surface. It kitchen if the old one wasn’t torn up
is varnished until it gets back the glory first.
of its originally intended look. Many people want God to give
God will strip you down. He will them a new life, a new job, or a new
sand and sand. He sands until He ex- situation; but they don’t want Him to
poses every scratch, every nook, and touch anything. If I would have told
every cranny. This is the part that my remodeler that I didn’t want him
hurts the worst. This is the part to touch anything, he would have told
where most believers will cry out to me that I didn’t want to remodel. If I
the Lord in pain. This is the part when wanted new paint, a new floor, or new
we must trust that His grace is suffi- cabinets, none of that would be pos-
cient. God follows the sanding process sible if the old stuff wasn’t messed up
with the varnish. This is the point at first. We have got to trust God and
which the life of Christ shines through give Him permission to tear things up
in the life of the Christian. Your iden- so that He can make all things new.58
tity in Christ begins to reveal itself, [Transformation; Character,
and you’ll find power you’ve never had Importance of; Trials; Tests;
because you’ve been broken.57 Surrender, Benefits of ]
[Transformation; Character,
Importance of; Trials; Tests] WE HAVE recycling bins in our
Heb. 12:5–7; 1 Peter 1:6–7 church. They take paper, bottles, and
cans. They are designed to give them
A NUMBER of years ago, our kitchen new life. These materials are taken to re-
was remodeled. The remodeler came in cycling centers where fire is used to
and showed us some great plans. He break down the core components of the
showed us pictures of what the new cab- paper, or the glass, or the aluminum in
inets would look like, samples of our op- order to reshape them into something
tions for wallpaper, and color cards with brand-new. But the materials can’t be
choices for paint. It was a glorious reshaped until they are put under
sight to see what our new kitchen was enough heat that they can be stripped
going to look like on paper. In fact, there of all the external and only the inner
was so much excitement and anticipa- essence it left. Then the materials can
tion about the new kitchen, we forgot be remade. God wants to recycle us.
about the process. To get that kitchen He’ll keep us in the fire as long as it takes
remodeled, stuff had to be torn down to strip us.59
and torn up. Things got so bad in our [Transformation; Character,
house, that at one point, we had to move Importance of; Trials; Tests]
in with our daughter to get away from Ps. 66:10; Isa. 48:10
all of the flying dust. The remodeler had
to tear up the floor, tear down the ALL OF you have bought concen-
cabinets, move out the appliances, and trated juices that are packed in the can.
sand down the walls. We had to get out That juice will go a long way. In order

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