8 Maths

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Mathematics Summer Project

Class VIII


1. To prepare a scrap book / model for the nets of 3-D shapes.

- Cube
- Cuboid
- Cone
- Cylinder
- Pyramid
- Prism
and two other 3D shapes of your choice

2. Mapping Space Around Us

Draw the following maps using proper scale, showing symbols for
different objects and landmarks on A3 size sheets and prepare a project
a) Route from house to school
b) Map your classroom
c) School compound
d) Visit Delhi zoo and prepare its map

1. Prepare a working model / cardboard for any one of the identities:
(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(a–b)2 = a2 –2ab + b2
2. Prepare a newsletter depicting use of various mathematical concepts in
our day-to-day life.
Mathematics Assignments
Class VIII TERM I 2016 – 17


Q1 A survey was conducted to collect the information of viewers watching different types of
channels on TV. Draw a pie chart to depict the following data:
Channel No. of people
News 300
Informative 200
Sports 500
Entertainment 1000
Q2 Find the probability of getting the following, when a dice is thrown:
a) A multiple of 3 b) An even number c) A prime number
d) A factor of 6 e) A factor of 36
Q3 Following are the number of members in 25 families of a village:
6, 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 5, 6, 8, 7, 7, 4, 3, 6, 6, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 5
a) Prepare a frequency distribution table for the data using class intervals 0–2, 2–4, etc.
b) Draw a histogram to depict the given data
Q4 The marks obtained (out of 20) by 30 students of a class in a test are as follows:
14, 16, 15, 11, 15, 14, 13, 16, 8, 10, 7, 11, 18, 15, 14,
19, 20, 7, 10, 13, 12, 14, 15, 13, 16, 17, 14, 11, 10, 20
a) Prepare a frequency distribution table for the above data using class intervals such as
4–8 (8 not included)
b) Prepare a histogram for the above data
Q5 Shoes of the following brands are sold in November 2007, at a shoe store. Construct a pie
chart for this data:
Brand No. of pairs of shoes sold
A 130
B 120
C 90
D 40
E 20
Q6 Construct a frequency distribution table for the following weights (in grams) of 35 mangoes,
using equal class intervals one of them is 40–45 (45 not included)
30, 40, 45, 32, 43, 50, 55, 62, 70, 70, 61, 62, 53, 52, 50, 42, 35, 37,
53, 55, 65, 70, 73. 74, 45, 46, 58, 59, 60, 62, 74, 34, 35, 70, 68
a) How many classes are there in the frequency table?
b) Which weight group has the highest frequency?
Q7 In a district the number of branches of different banks is given below:
Bank SBI Bank of Baroda Punjab National Bank Canara Bank
No. of branches 30 17 15 10
Draw a pie chart for this data.

Mathematics Assignments
Class VIII TERM I 2016 – 17

Q8 The pie chart gives the marks scored in an examination by a student in different subjects. If
the total marks obtained were 540, answer the following questions:

a) In which subject did the student score 105 marks?

b) How many more marks were obtained by the student in mathematics than in Hindi?
Q9 A coin is tossed 200 times and head appears 120 times, in an experiment. Find the probability
of getting (a) a head (b) a tail.
Q10 A bag contains 3 red, 5 black and 4 blue balls. Find the probability of getting (a) a red ball (b) a
blue ball (c) a black ball (d) a yellow ball, when a ball is taken out randomly.

Mathematics Assignments
Class VIII TERM I 2016 – 17


Q1 Find the product of additive inverse and multiplicative inverse of –⅓ (Ans: –1)

Q2 On a winter day the temperature at a place in Himachal Pradesh was –16oC. Convert it in
C F  32
degrees Fahrenheit (oF) by using the formula  (Ans: 3.2oF)
5 9
Q3 From a rope 40 meters long, piece of equal size are cut. If the length of one piece is 10/3 meters,
find the number of such pieces. (Ans: 12)

Q4 A mother and her two daughters got a room constructed for `62,000. The elder daughter
contributes ⅜ of her mother’s contribution while the younger daughter contributes ½ of her
mother’s share. How much do the three contribute individually?
(Ans: `32,000; `12,000; `16,000)
Q5 Simplify the following using a suitable property
2  7 21  5  8 16
a)    (Ans:1⅜) c)  (Ans: 3⅓)
7 16 4  4  5 15
3 2 5 32 7 1 1 41
b)   (Ans: ) d)   (Ans: )
7 21 6 63 8 16 12 48
Q6 Write any five rational numbers between:
5 7 2
a) and b) –2 and –3 c) and 0
6 8 5
Q7 Plot the following rational numbers on the number line
5 13 14
a) b) c)
16 5 3

Mathematics Assignments
Class VIII TERM I 2016 – 17


Q1 Simplify: (2)  (2)

3 7
(Ans: )
3  46 12

Q2   2  2   1  4 1 38
Simplify:        31  (Ans: )
 3    3  6 27

49 z 3 75 2
Q3 Simplify: z  0 (Ans: z )
73 10 z 5 10

Q4 Find the value of x

2 14 8x
 5  5  5
a)        (Ans: x=–2) b) (2)3  (2) 6  (2) 2 x1 (Ans: x=–2)
 3  3  3
 x
c) 21  41  61  81  1

Q5 Write 39,00,00,000 in the standard form.

Q6 Write 0.000005678 in the standard form.

Q7 Express the product of 3.2 x 106 and 4.1 x 10–1 in the standard form.

Q8 Find the value of n

2 n  26 5n  53  52
a)  218 (Ans: n=9) b)  512 (Ans: n=6)
23 55

Mathematics Assignments
Class VIII TERM I 2016 – 17


Q1 x x x
Solve:   10000 x (Ans: x  2,00,000 )
2 4 5
Q2 Solve: 5x  3(2x 1)  21 x (Ans: x  12 )

Q3 A steamer goes downstream from one point to another in 7 hours, it covers the same distance
upstream in 8 hours. If the speed of the stream will be 2km/hr, find the speed of the steamer
in still water and the distance between the points. (Ans: 30km/hr, 224km)
Q4 Distance between two stations A and B is 690 km. Two cars start simultaneously from A to B
towards each other, and the distance between them after 6 hours is 30km. If the speed of one
car is less than the other by 10km/hr, find the speed of each car. (Ans: 60km/hr, 50km/hr)
Q5 Solve the following
5(1 x)  3(1 x)
a) 8 (Ans x  0 )
1  2x
x 1  1 1 1
b)   x    ( x 1)  (Ans: x  2 )
2 4  3 6 12
c) 4(3p  2)  5(6 p 1)  2( p  8)  6(7 p  4) (Ans: p  )
1 1 5 12
d) (x 1)  (x 1)  (x  2) (Ans: x  )
2 3 12 5
e) 3(5x  7)  2(9x 11)  4(8x  7) 111 (Ans: x  96 )

Q6 Radha takes some flowers in a basket and visits three temples one by one. At each temple,
she offers one half of the flowers from the basket. If she is left with 3 flowers at the end, find
the number of flowers she had in the beginning. (Ans: 24)
Q7 Find a number whose fifth part increased by 30 is equal to its fourth part decreased by 30.
(Ans: 1200)

Q8 The sum of three consecutive numbers is 156. Find the number which is a multiple of 13 out
of these numbers. (Ans: 52)

Q9 Sum of the digits of a two digit number is 11. The given number is less than the number
obtained by interchanging the digits by 9. Find the number. (Ans: 56)

Q10 After 12 years, Kanwar shall be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago. Find his present age.
(Ans: 12 years)


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