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Year 10/11 Work Experience 2023 – Musgrove Park Hospital (Taunton)

Thank you for your interest in work experience at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust. Please
complete and return the application form below to
before 6:00pm on Monday 14th November 2022.
Please read the Person Specification and Frequently Asked Questions before submitting
your application for work experience. All sections are required unless indicated otherwise.
Personal Details

Full Name

Name of School or

Year Group ☐ Year 10 ☐ Year 11

Contact Email

Please indicate all dates that you would be available to attend.

Week 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Not available

Mon 19th June – Fri 23rd June ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Mon 3rd July – Fri 7th July ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Mon 10th July – Fri 14th July ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Personal Statement
Please use this section to explain why you have applied and what makes you suitable for this
work experience opportunity. Length: 150 - 200 words.

1 Version 1 (October 2022)

Equal Opportunities
Please select all that apply:
☐ I am eligible for free school meals
☐ I would be the first in my immediate family (not including siblings) to go to university
☐ I am in care or have been in care (have experience of being looked after by a Local
☐ I am a carer (currently looking after someone in your family, for example, who is ill)
☐ I have asylum seeker/refugee status
☐ I am from a military family (a parent or carer serves in the regular armed forces or as
a reservist or has done at any point during your life)
☐ Not applicable
☐ Prefer not to say
Applicant and Parental Declarations
By signing below, each individual indicates that they:
- Agree that all information provided is correct to the best of their knowledge
- Have read the person specification (page 2) and the FAQs (page 3)
- Consent to the data provided on this form being processed for the purposes of
allocating places on Year 10/11 work experience at Musgrove Park Hospital in 2023

Applicant signature Date

Parental / guardian Date


Education Provider (School/College) Declaration

By signing below, the education provider representative indicates that:
- All information provided is correct to the best of their knowledge
- The applicant can be released from school/college to attend work experience
(Monday to Friday) in each week selected in the ‘availability’ section
- The applicant would be attending the work experience as part of a formal work
experience week
- They understand that each school/college can submit a maximum of four

Name Position

Signature Date

2 Version 1 (October 2022)

Person Specification – Skills and Qualities
All elements of the person specification will be assessed from the personal statement.

Qualities Essential (E) or Desirable (D)

 Interested in working in healthcare. E

 Interested in finding out more about the range of E

roles and opportunities in the NHS, both patient
facing and non-patient facing.

 Has a good understanding of the services provided D

by the NHS.

 Appreciates that all NHS roles are valuable and D


Skills Essential (E) or Desirable (D)

 Can communicate well with others. E

 Can work well as part of a team. E

 Understands the importance of behaving E

appropriately in a hospital environment.

 Understands the importance of confidentiality. D

Additional comments / information (not required)

Applicants and education provider representatives can use the space below to provide any
further comments or relevant information.

3 Version 1 (October 2022)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Who can apply for this work experience opportunity?
This work experience opportunity is open to all Year 10 and Year 11 students who have a
formal work experience week planned by their school/college in 2022/23.
2. How many applications can be submitted per school or college?
Each school or college can submit a maximum of four applications. Please note that
priority will be given to applications from individuals currently attending schools and
colleges in the Somerset area.
3. Does applying guarantee a place?
No. Personal statements will be reviewed against the person specification to ensure that
places are offered to the most suitable applicants. We will also prioritise applications
from individuals who would not usually have access to opportunities similar to this.
4. When will I find out if I have been successful?
Successful applicants will be contacted by email on or before Friday 2 nd December 2022.
Please ensure that you provide a valid email address on the application form. This can be
a school/college email address or the email address of a parent/guardian.
5. How many places are available in each week?
Each week will accommodate a maximum of five participants.
6. What will the work experience involve?
Each week will involve some classroom-based workshops and talks. There may also be
opportunities to visit some departments within Musgrove Park Hospital, but this cannot
be guaranteed. A full timetable will be provided before each work experience week.
7. Do I need to have a specific NHS career path in mind?
No. We welcome and encourage applications from individuals who are considering a
career in healthcare but are not yet completely sure what they would like to do. Each
week is designed to introduce participants to a range of NHS roles, so this is an ideal
opportunity for individuals who would like to discover what the NHS has to offer.
8. Do I need to be interested in becoming a nurse, midwife, or doctor?
No. There are a wide range of opportunities in the NHS, including chefs, podiatrists,
healthcare assistants, audiologists, librarians, and IT professionals. We welcome and
encourage applications from individuals interested in any area of the NHS. You can find
out more about the range of careers in the NHS here: Explore roles | Health Careers.
9. Who should I contact with any other questions?
Please email Caroline Stone at

4 Version 1 (October 2022)

Data Protection Statement
The information provided by yourself on this application form, and any subsequent
information generated by the Trust throughout your work experience, is processed under
the lawful basis found in Article 6(1)(b) and Article 9(2)(b) General Data Protection
Regulations 2016/679; processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and within
the field of employment. Information about you will be held securely and only accessible by
authorised employees. Information regarding your work experience will be shared securely
with your educational institution. Unless requested otherwise, records of your work
experience will be held by the Trust for six years after you complete your placement and a
summary file may be retained until your 75 th birthday, in accordance with the Records
Management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care 2016. You have the right to access
information held about you by contacting the Human Resources Team at Somerset NHS
Foundation Trust.

Exposure to Unexpected Situations Statement

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has agreed to take work experience students to assist them
towards a career in healthcare and the NHS. The Trust will endeavour to ensure that
students are protected from experiences that may be unpleasant. Prior to a work
experience placement taking place, the placement supervisor will ensure that a risk
assessment has been completed. Students will be informed of any hazards, associated risks
and control measures that apply to their placement as part of their local induction and
ongoing throughout their placement. However, due to the unpredictable nature of our
clinical areas, the Trust cannot guarantee that there will be no exposure to unpleasant

Work Experience Code of Conduct

This is a summary of the expectations that Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has for work
experience students. Any breach of the Code of Conduct may result in the immediate
termination of your placement and your school, college or university will be informed.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive list and further guidance may be provided by your
placement supervisor.
Patient Confidentiality
Do respect patient confidentiality and read the Trust’s Confidentiality Policy.
Do not divulge the details of patients and their care. If you have a placement diary, your
notes must not identify a patient. You must not take photographs.
Do inform your supervisor immediately if you recognise a patient. You must not observe the
care of a patient that you know.
Do always remain with your assigned supervisor and follow your supervisors’ instructions.

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Do not have unsupervised patient contact or have any involvement in patient care. You may
only observe or shadow in clinical areas.
Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C)
Do comply with all IP&C instructions and read the IP&C guidance prior to your placement.
Do not attend your placement if you are suffering from of or displaying symptoms of a
disease or illness that can be transmitted from person to person.
Do keep yourself clean, wear clean clothes and maintain good hand hygiene.
Health and Safety
Do comply with all health and safety instructions and practices.
Do not perform or assist in any task that involves significant moving or manual handling,
which includes, but is not limited to, performing any cleaning duties.
Do supply the Trust with any relevant information relating to medical conditions, physical
and learning disabilities, so as not to create a hazard to yourself or others.
Do not put yourself or others in danger.
Do immediately report any accidents to your supervisor.
Do not touch any medical equipment. If you should see a syringe or needle, do not touch it,
and tell a member of staff.
Do familiarise yourself with the local fire alarm system and procedures.
Do not give meals out to patients or assist at mealtimes, for food hygiene reasons.
Do immediately inform your supervisor if you feel unwell during your placement.
Do adhere to the start times, finish times and timetable (if applicable) provided by your
placement supervisor.
Do inform your placement supervisor and, if you are
unable to attend your placement.
Personal belongings
Do look after your personal belongings. The Trust cannot be responsible for the loss of
Do not use mobile phones inside hospital buildings.
Do behave in a courteous, discreet, and professional manner.
Do not smoke on Trust premises.
Do research and come prepared to ask questions.
Dress Code

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Do dress appropriately in respect of the area and the nature of the work being undertaken.
As a general rule, smart casual clothing will be expected and ‘bare-below the elbows’ is
Trust policy (i.e. short sleeves).
Do not wear jeans, clothes with prominent logos, see-through or tight clothes, cropped or
low-cut tops, shorts or skirts above the knee, hooded tops, jewellery (including wrist
watches), trainers, high heels or sandals, heavy makeup, false nails, or strong
Do wear flat, comfortable, and enclosed footwear.
Do tie long hair back and keep fingernails short, clean and without nail polish.
Questions and Concerns
Do raise any questions or concerns with your placement supervisor or the Careers &
Employability Skills Facilitator in Learning & Development.
Contact details will be supplied to successful applicants.

Work Experience Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) Guidance

The following section contains guidance for individuals visiting Somerset NHS Foundation
Trust on a work experience placement (sometimes referred to as shadowing).
It is essential that you read this document in full prior to your work experience placement. If
you have any questions or concerns, please contact the work experience team, or speak to
your placement supervisor.
Displaying symptoms of a communicable illness
To protect the safety and wellbeing of the Trust’s patients, staff, and visitors, you must not
attend your work experience placement if you are displaying symptoms of a disease or
illness that can be transmitted from person to person.
You also must not attend your work experience placement if a member of your household is
displaying symptoms of a disease or illness that can be transmitted from person to person.
These symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:
 a high temperature or shivering (chills) – a high temperature means you feel hot to
touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
 a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or three
or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
 a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
 shortness of breath
 feeling tired or exhausted
 an aching body
 a headache
 a sore throat

7 Version 1 (October 2022)

 a blocked or runny nose
 loss of appetite
 diarrhoea
 feeling sick or being sick
If you are unsure whether to attend your work experience placement, do not attend and
contact your placement supervisor or the work experience team for advice.
If you begin to feel unwell during your work experience placement, you must immediately
inform the Trust colleague who is supervising you.
To report that you will be absent, please contact both your placement supervisor and the
work experience team. If the work experience falls on a day that you would usually be
expected to attend school, college, or university, you should also inform your education
provider of your absence.
General IP&C restrictions for work experience students
During your work experience placement, you must not:
 Visit any ward or area that is closed due to an outbreak of any illness or disease.
 Visit any ward or area that is designated for treating COVID-19 positive patients.
 Enter rooms with patients that are known to be COVID-19 positive or have any
contact with (e.g. observing the treatment of) patients known to be COVID-19
If a ward or area is closed before or during your work experience placement, do not enter
that ward or area. You should seek guidance from your placement supervisor in the first
instance. If your placement supervisor is managing the outbreak and unable to offer
guidance, you should contact the work experience team as soon as possible.
If a ward or area is closed whilst you are visiting that ward or area, you should follow the
guidance of the Trust colleague who is supervising you in the first instance. If your
placement supervisor is managing the outbreak and unable to offer guidance, you should
leave the ward or area immediately and contact the work experience team as soon as
Details of wards closed due to norovirus can be found here.
Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) for COVID-19
From 31 August 2022, asymptomatic testing for COVID-19 has been stopped. If
asymptomatic testing is reinstated, you may be required to provide evidence of a negative
LFT prior to arriving for a work experience placement. The Trust colleague supervising your
placement will inform you whether LFTs are required.
Following IP&C protocols
To protect the safety and wellbeing of the Trust’s patients, staff, and visitors, you must
follow IP&C protocols whilst on placement. These are:

8 Version 1 (October 2022)

 Good hand hygiene – please watch this video before attending your placement.
 Using the alcohol gel provided for visitors at the entrances to buildings and wards,
both on arrival and when you leave. Rub the gel into your hands until it fully
evaporates, about 30 seconds, without forgetting fingernails, thumbs and between
fingers and wrists
 If you visit more than one ward, please clean your hands between visits too.
Further IP&C protocols may also be introduced across the Trust, such as:
 Wearing a surgical mask, which are available at the entrances to Trust buildings.
 Physical distancing when inside Trust buildings.
The Trust colleague supervising your work experience placement will inform you of current
IP&C protocols.
If you are required to wear any additional personal protective equipment (PPE) or if there
are any additional IP&C measures in place in the area that you are visiting, this will be
explained to you by your placement supervisor at the beginning of your work experience

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