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Delivery task 1 to 4

Task 1

My best friend Angie is someone who is modest, she is very supportive, she is a reliable friend.
although we are not in contact always, she is someone who is helpful and encouraging when a
need her. We met about ten years ago, I met her at school when we were in fifth grade. We have
in common, that we like various rock and punk bands, we like to paint and go for a walk in the
woods. We are different in that I like to travel more and be with friends, instead she prefers to be
more at home and with her family. Our friendship is special because we have been together for
many years and even though months go by without seeing each other, our friendship is always

Task 2

One day, a group of boys were playing soccer in the city field. They had been playing for an hour,
when suddenly an enraged bull ran into the soccer field. The bull saw the ball rolling and decided
to go for it until he pricked it with his horn. The boys' coach, seeing the bull run after the ball, yells
at the boys to get off the field and gather in a safe place. Meanwhile, the boys' trainer calls the
environmental police and reports the presence of the bull. After 10 minutes, the police arrive,
shoot the bull with a tranquilizer and finally take it away. the boys never forgot that day.

Task 3

When you visit bogotá, the are some important things you should know. For example, if you are
walking in the street is important not to show your phone because a person can stol you. In
general you have to be careful with your personal things. One thing that you have to do is to know
the museums, for this, it is the custom to go the sundays, becasue you can get a discount in the
price of admission. Besides, if you visit a friend, it is the custom to bring a small gift. Also, if you are
invited to a party, you are supposed to bring some snacks or drinks.

Task 4

I bought this bicycle in mercadolibre but when I received it I realized that there are a few scratches
on its frame. Also the handlebar has a stain, The spoke is dented an the tire has a hole on it. But in
the product description, it said that it was in very good condition. That is why no one should buy
this product until proper repairs are done. These reparation are: The frame needs to be polishing,
also the handlebar needs cleaning and the tire needs to be fixed.

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