ML Intermediate, Units 7-12

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MARKET LEADER (intermediate)


p. 68 – IDIOMS

To break the ice – yinulis galRoba, situaciis ganmuxtva

I was thrown in at the deep end – cud dReSi Camagdes; rTuli davaleba momces
We don’t see eye to eye about / on – Cven ar veTanxmebiT erTmaneTs; Cven sxvadasxva azri
I got into hot water with my boss – Cemma ufrosma cecxlSi gamatara
I really put my foot in it – uxerxuli situacia Sevqmeni
To get on like a house on fire with – kargad Sewyoba; erTmaneTis ucbad gageba; kontaqtSi
swrafad Sesvla
To be like a fish out of water – uxerxulad igrZno Tavi ucnob garemoSi
A real eye-opener – siurprizi, siaxle

p. 69 - Standard Bank overcomes culture shock

Culture shock = the feelings of isolation, rejection, etc., experienced when one culture is brought into
sudden contact with another, as when a primitive tribe is confronted by modern civilization
Cross-cultural = involving or bridging the differences between cultures
To struggle = to go or progress with difficulty
Patterns of behavior – qcevis normebi
Counterpart – kolega
Personal space – distancia saubrisas, urTierTobis dros; piradi sivrce
To underestimate = undervalue, underrate; arasaTanadod Sefaseba
Make-up = mental or physical constitution; xasiaTi, buneba
Global competence – globaluri codna
Working practice – samuSao praqtika
Diverse – mravalferovani n. diversity
To provide meaningful understanding of sth – saSualeba misce Caswvdes raRacis mTavar arss,
Etiquette [´etiket] = the customs or rules governing behaviour regarded as correct or acceptable in social or
official life; etiketi
Manifestation – gamovlineba
To engage sb – CarTva, daTanxmeba ramis gasakeTeblad
To design = to form or conceive in the mind; invent; mogoneba, Seqmna
Tailored – specialurad maTze morgebuli

p. 70

To move to a first-name basis – gadaxvide saxeliT mimarTvaze

Honorific title = showing or conferring honour or respect; sapatio tituli
To slurp = to eat or drink (something) noisily
To belch = to burp; to expel wind from the stomach noisily through the mouth; boyini


We had loads of things in common – Cven uamravi ram gvqonda saerTo

To know something inside out – raimes zedmiwevniT codna
The ball is in your court – Seni jeria
Good natured = tolerant and kindly
To maintain a good-natured attitude –keTilmosurne damokidebulebis SenarCuneba
To go with the flow – miyve dinebas
To have a good grasp of sth = to have a good understanding of sth
Plenary = attended by all the members
We are up to our eyes in work – yelamde Cafluli varT saqmeSi

National = a citizen of a particular country

Toll = a charge for the use of certain roads and bridges; sagzao gadasaxadi
An identity card – piradobis mowmoba
Small talk = light conversation for social occasions
Marital status – ojaxuri mdgomareoba
To address somebody by a surname – gvariT mimarTva
To bridge the culture gap – kulturuli gansxvavebis aRmofxvra
Workshop = seminar
Empathy = the ability to sense and understand someone else's feelings as if they were one's own; gageba
From someone else’s perspective – viRacis TvalTaxedviT

MARKET LEADER (intermediate)

p. 74

Reference = a written testimonial regarding one's character or capabilities; sarekomendacio werili

Marital status – ojaxuri mdgomareoba
Sickness record – avadmyofobis istoria

p. 75 – A

Applicant - kandidati
To submit one’s CV – reziumes (sivis) wardgena
Speculatively – savaraudod
To keep one’s CV on file – vinmes reziumes Senaxva mosalodneli vakansiisTvis
A covering letter = an accompanying letter sent as an explanation; Tanmxlebi / TandarTuli werili
Psychometric test = the test where candidates answer questions desighned to reveal their strenghtes and
weaknesses, ways of thinking, etc. to take a psychometric test
To assess one’s mental ability and reasoning skills – vinmes gonebrivi SesaZleblobis da
azrovnebis unaris Sefaseba
Probationary period – gamosacdeli vada to work a probationary period

p. 75 – B

Shortlist = a list of suitable candidates for a job or prize, from which the successful candidate will be
selected; shortlisted candidates – bolo turSi gasuli kandidatebis sia
To shortlist = to put (someone) on a short list
To assemble an interview panel – realuri kandidatebis SesarCevi jgufis Sedgena

p. 75 – E

Adaptable – advilad Seguebadi, adaptirebadi

Reliable – sando
Methodical = characterized by method or orderliness; systematic
Authoritative = dictatorial; mbrZanebluri, gavleniani, avtoritetuli

p. 76 - Article A

To have a say – sityvis Tqmis ufleba

To share sb’s burden – tvirTis gaziareba
Hanoi = the capital of Vietnam
Sleek – gluvi, priala
To pursue career – miyve, misdio karieras
To affirm = confirm, corroborate; dadastureba
To discover one’s worth – aRmoaCino, mixvde Sens fass
To fulfill one’s potential - Seni potencialis, SesaZleblobebis realizeba
To account for – Seadgens
Fishery – TevzWera
Driving force – mamoZravebeli Zala
To attribute to = ascribe (to)
Advancement – dawinaureba
Gender Equality – genderuli Tanasworoba
Vocational training – profesiuli swavleba
Underemployment = not full or adequate employment; arasruli dasaqmeba, dasaqmeba, romelic
damsaqmeblis kvalifikacias ar Seefereba


p. 32

Starting salary – sawyisi xelfasi

On the basis of qualifications and experience – kvalifikaciisa da gamocdilebis safuZvelze
Graduate – kursdamTavrebuli
To take up a post - daikavo Tanamdeboba
To appoint sb to – daniSvna Tanamdebobaze
To reject applicants – kandidatebis dawuneba
To terminate a contract – kontraqtis Sewyveta
To enter into a contract – kontraqtis dadeba

p. 34

To recruit = to find new people to join a company, an organization, the armed forces, etc
Deployment = to organize (troops or resources) into a position ready for immediate and effective action;
mzadyofnaSi qona, wesrigSi moyvana
To be responsible to sb – iyo angariSvaldebuli vinmes mimarT
Maintenance – teqnikuri momsaxureba
Long-range (=long-term) technology planning – teqnologiis grZelvadiani dagegmareba
Remuneration package = salary package = the pay offered to employees along with any other advantages
such as long holidays or a car (=perks)
Via = by means of; saSualebiT
Closing date for applications = deadline for applications; bolo vada aplikaciebisTvis


With reference to = concerning; rac Seexeba, dakavSirebiT

Attached CV – TandarTuli sivi
MSc = Master of Science

Redundancy - kadrebis Semcireba

A devastating effect - damangreveli zegavlena
To betray – gawirva, Ralati

MARKET LEADER (intermediate)

p. 83

Free trade = international trade that is free of such government interference as import quotas, export
subsidies, protective tariffs, etc

Free port = a port where import duty (baJi) does not have to be paid on imports that are to be sent to
another country to be sold, or used to manufacture goods that will be sold abroad
Dumping = the activity of selling products in an export market cheaper than in the home market, or cheaper
than they cost to make, usually in order to increase market share; dempingi
Tariffs (usually plural) = a tax on goods coming into a country or going out of it
Strategic industries = ones considered vital to future prosperity such as the electronics industry in the
developed world
Quota = an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular period; kvota
Laisser-faire = the policy of allowing private businesses to develop without government control ; (frang)
ekonomikaSi saxelmwifos Caurevlobis politika; Tavisufali konkurencia;
adj. a laisser-faire ecomomy; They have a lasisser-faire approach to bringing up their
children = they give them a lot of freedom
Liberalize = to make a system, laws, or moral attitudes less strict, liberalizacia, SezRudvebis
Customs – sabaJo

Deregulation = if a government deregulates a particular business activity, it allows companies to operate
more freely so as to increase competition; saxelmwifos ekonomikaSi Carevis
moculobis Semcireba
Subsidize = if a government or organization subsidizes a company, activity, etc. it pays part of the cost;
Subsidy = money granted, esp. by a government or society to an industry or other cause needing help, or to
keep prices down; subsidi; dotacia; fuladi asigneba
Regulation = an official rule or order

p. 84 - Article 1

Protectionism = the idea that a government should try to help an industry in its country by taxing foreign
goods that compete with it, limiting the number that can be imported, etc.
White Paper = an official government report in any of a number of countries, including Britain, Australia,
New Zealand, and Canada, which sets out the government's policy on a matter that is or will
come before Parliament
To argue for sth = to present supporting reasons or cases in a dispute; raRacis mxardasaWerad
argumentebis moyvana
Trade deficit = excess of a nation's imports of goods (tangibles) over its export of goods during a financial
year, resulting in a negative balance of trade. # trade surplus
Chamber of Commerce – savaWro palata
To preserve - SenarCuneba
Commitment = an obligation; valdebuleba
Sustained – xangrZlivi, stabiluri

p. 85 – Article 2

To fund – dafinanseba
In part – nawilobriv
With respect to China – CineTTan mimarTebaSi
Labour union – profkavSiri
To revalue = to adjust the exchange value of a currency, esp upwards; valutis kursis aweva



To remove government controls on – samTavrobo kontrolis moxsna

To impose restrictions – SezRudvebis daweseba


To quote a price for the consignment – fasis dadeba tvirTis partiaze

To use sth on a regular basis –raimes regularulad gamoyeneba
Stock Exchange – safondo birJa
To breach the regulations – wesebis darRveva

To flood the market – bazris gavseba, gajereba (= saturate)

To offer concessions – daTmobis SeTavazeba

To pay promptly – gadaxda droulad
A firm order = final and not likely to be changed
To close one’s account – angariSis daxurva
Payment is overdue - gadaxdam daagviana
Satisfactory terms – damakmayofilebeli pirobebi
To dispatch = to send off to a destination or to perform a task; daniSnulebis adgilze gagzavna

p. 38

To cover insurance – dazRvevis dafarva

To place an order with – SekveTis micema # To cancel an order – SekveTis gauqmeba
To split costs = divide costs; xarjebis gayofa
Invoice = a bill for goods and services supplied; angariS-faqtura
A letter of credit = a written promise by an importer’s bank to pay to exporter’s bank on a particular date
or at a particular time after the goods are sent by the exporter; akredativi
To enclose – TandarTva
To send goods by rail freight – tvirTis gagzavna rkinigziT


Grossly = extremely
Companies outsource = companies relocate to overseas market to reduce production costs
To work in sweatshop conditions = to work in a workshop where employees work long hours in poor
conditions for low pay; mZime pirobebSi muSaoba
Meager wages – Raribuli, mwiri xelfasi

MARKET LEADER (intermediate)



Bribery – meqrTameoba
Bribe = a reward, such as money or favour, given or offered for this purpose; qrTami
A sweetener = a bribe (illegal or unfair payment made to someone to persuade them to do something)
A slush fund = an amount of money collected for illegal purposes, especially by a politician

Fraud = criminal deception; TaRliToba

Deceit = when someone tries to gain an advantage for themselves by tricking someone, for example by making
a false statement; TaRliToba

A fraudster = a person who commits a fraud; swindler; TaRliTi, aferisti

A con artist = (Am E sl) conman; TaRliTi
Crooked = (of a person or his actions) dishonest, not straightforward ; arapatiosani

A whistleblower = someone working for an organization who tells the authorities that people in the
organization are doing something illegal, dishonest or wrong; damsmeni, “CamSvebi”
Price fixing – fasebis xelovnurad gazrda (ZiriTadad ramodenime kompaniis SeTanxmebis
Counterfeit – falsificirebuli
Money laundering – fulis gaTeTreba

Insider trading (un) = when someone uses knowledge of a particular company, situation etc that is not
available to other people in order to buy or sell shares. Insider trading is illegal.
konfidencialuri informaciis gamoyeneba aqciebis SesaZenad an
Industrial espionage = the activity of secretly finding out a company’s plans, details of its products etc.
Disclosure (un) = the act of giving information about someone by an organization or person who would
normally have to keep that information secret, for example when a bank gives information
about a customer’s accounts to the police; saidumlo informaciis gacema

Integrity = complete honesty; patiosneba

Trustworthy = dependable; that or who may be relied on; sando, saimedo
Law-abiding = obeying the law; kanonmorCili

A cover up = concealment or attempted concealment of a mistake or crime; danaSaulis dafarva,

A whitewash = an attempt to conceal the unpleasant truth; udanaSaulod, umankod warmoCena

p. 98 - The ethics of resume writing

To stretch the truth – gadaameto simarTles

To dress-up resume – sivis Selamazeba
Deception – motyueba, tyuili
To elicit – gamovlena, gamorkveva
To justify lying – tyuilis gamarTleba
To tempt – cduneba
To carry the weight – to do one's fair or proper share of a task; wvlilis Setana
To inflate the number – raodenobis gaberva
Rationalization – axsna-ganmarteba
To construct a justification – gasamarTlebeli mizezis SeTxzva / mogoneba
To pass close examination – dawvrilebiTi gamokvlevis gavla
Distorted – damaxinjebuli
Accomplishment - achievement, progress, skill or talent
In question = under discussion, mocemuli, razec midis saubari
Prior employer – adrindeli damsaqmebeli
Newsletter = a printed periodical bulletin circulated to members of a group; sainformacio biuletini
Underneath – qveS, safuZvlad

To sell oneself short = to disparage or belittle; sakuTari Tavis arasaTanadod warmodgena,
Precisely because – zustad imitom, rom

p. 100 – ex. C

A background to the problem – problemis winapiroba, gamomwvevi faqtorebi

Feedback = information in response to an inquiry or experiment; reagireba, gamoxmaureba
To endorse = to express formal support or approval for someone or something
e.g. endorse a proposal/an idea/a candidate etc
To issue guidelines – miTiTebebis / direqtivebis gamocema


Mission statement = an official statement of the aims and objectives of a business or other organization
River blindness = another name for onchocerciasis = a disease found in parts of Africa and tropical America
that is caused by a parasitic worm, Onchocerca volvulus, and transmitted to humans by
various species of black fly. It results in inflammation of the skin and in some cases
To withhold information – informaciis damalva


p. 40

Code of ethics – moraluri kodeqsi, qcevis normebis kodeqsi

To designate – gamocxadeba
To bolster = to support
Watchdog = a person or group of persons that acts as a protector or guardian against inefficiency, illegal
practices, etc
Conduit [‘kondit] – arxi, gadacemis saSualeba
To charge sb with – bralis wayeneba

p. 41

To misrepresent = to represent wrongly or inaccurately; damaxinjeba (faqtebis, cifrebis)

To overcharge – zedmetis gadaxdevineba
Deputy Marketing Manager – marketingis menejeris moadgile
Tough competition – mkacri konkurencia
To gain experience – gamocdilebis SeZena
To pride oneself on / upon = to take pride in (oneself) for
Environment-friendly packaging – ekologiuri SefuTva
To cherish values - gaufrTxilde Rirebulebebs
To discover to one’s amazement – aRmoaCino Senda gasaocrad
The current manager – amJamindeli menejeri
He was due to retire – mas pensiaSi gasvlis dro hqonda
To blow the whistle on sb - (Informal) to reveal and put a stop to (wrongdoing or a wrongdoer); CaSveba,

Tax evasion – gadasaxadebisTvis Tavis arideba

To abuse illegal immigrants – aralegali imigrantebis mkacrad mopyroba, Seuracxyofa
Cyberspace fraud – kompiuteruli TaRliToba
To use fraudulently = using with intent to deceive; TaRliTuri gamoyeneba
Refund = return of money to a purchaser or the amount returned; gadaxdili Tanxis ukan dabruneba
In view of = taking into consideration; Tu mxedvelobaSi miviRebT, gaTvaliswinebiT


The volume of business transactions – biznes garigebebis moculoba

I’m forced to conclude – iZulebuli var davaskvna
Overheads = the general costs of running a business, such as rent, electricity, and stationery; zednadebi
End-of-year bonus – wlis bolos premia
Fair trade = a system in which countries agree not to charge import taxes on particular goods they buy from
each other

MARKET LEADER (intermediate)

p. 104

Cautious – frTxili, windaxeduli # incautious, careless

Diffident = lacking self-confidence; timid; shy; moridebuli, morcxvi
Idealistic – idealisturi, meocnebe
Assertive = confident and direct in claiming one's rights or putting forward one's views; Tavdajerebuli,
mimwoli, saqmis gamtani
Decisive # indecisive
Ruthless = feeling or showing no mercy; sastiki, daundobeli
Distant - TavSekavebuli, civi, uemocio
Conservative = tending to be moderate or cautious; zomieri, mokrZalebuli
Approachable = accessible
Laid-back - relaxed in style, character, or behaviour; easy-going and unhurried; mSvidi, auCqarebeli

p. 105

To be up to the job – Sesaferisi samsaxurisTvis

To put forward a proposal – winadadebis wamoyeneba
To come in for criticism – miReba, damsaxureba kritikis

p. 106 - Father of the feel-good factory

Gruffly – uxeSad, pirquSad

To exude [ɪɡˈzuːd] = to make apparent by mood or behavior; gamJRavneba, Cveneba

Air = personal bearing, appearance, or manner; mien; garegnoba, saxis gamometyveleba
Expertise = special skill, knowledge, or judgment; kvalifikacia, kompetenturoba, eqspertuli
To step back – daTmoba, ganze gasvla
To hand over – sxvisTvis gadacema
To go places = to become successful
To credit sb with = attribute to; iyo madlobeli vinmesi, miawero rame
Predecessor [´pri:di,sesə] - winamorbedi
Single-handedly – damoukideblad, erTpirovnulad
Literally – sityva-sityviT,
To harbor = to think about or feel something, usually over a long period; gulSi Senaxva
Grim – sastiki, daundobeli

p. 108

To walk out in front of people – win gauZRve xalxs

Scarcity - deficiti
Orthodox = conforming with established or accepted standards, as in religion, behaviour, or attitudes;
sayovelTaod miRebuli / tradiciuli normebi


To seize opportunities = use opportunities

Statesman – saxelmwifo moRvawe
Assertiveness training workshop – Tavdajerebulobis mopovebaSi daxmarebis seminari
Compulsory – savaldebulo
To fulfill the potential = to realize the potential
Empathy = the ability to sense and understand someone else's feelings as if they were one's own; gageba,
Genuine = not pretending; frank; sincere; gulaxdili
Mobile content = any type of electronic media which is viewed or used on mobile phones, like ringtones,
graphics, discount offers, games, movies, and GPS navigation
Visionary = marked by vision or foresight; SorsmWvreteli
To empower = to delegate authority; to give (someone) the power or authority to do something;
Zalauflebis miniWeba

MARKET LEADER (intermediate)

p. 113

A level-playing field – Tanabari konkurenciis garemo

We are in the driving seat – Cven vakontrolebT situacias
We are neck and neck – Cven erTnairad mivdivarT, erT doneze varT; gverdigverd

We are flogging a dead horse – amaod vcdilobT, wylis nayvaa
To flog = to hit someone very hard with a stick or whip as a punishment; maTraxiT cema
To move the goalposts – wesebis Secvla
To keep your eye on the ball – situaciis floba
Ahead of the game – uswrebde konkurentebs
He has become a one horse race – mas konkurenti ar yavs
On the ropes = in a defenceless or hopeless position; uimedo mdgomareobaSi

In terms of new prices – axal fasebTan mimarTebaSi

To fight off competition – konkurenciis mogerieba

p. 116 - McDonald’s stirs up battle with Starbucks

To stir up - gaRviveba, wamowyeba, gaCaReba

To preside over = to exercise authority or control; xelmZRvaneloba
To lose out to = to be defeated or unsuccessful; wageba, poziciebis dakargva
To replicate – kopireba, imitireba
To underperform = perform less well than expected
In response to – pasuxad
To earmark money for = to set aside or mark out for a specific purpose; fulis gadadeba garkveuli
To take on – gamowveva
Beverage = any drink, usually other than water
To detail = to list or relate fully; detalurad aRwera / CamoTvla
To roll out – gaxsna (maRaziis, baris…)
Barista = (from the Italian for "bartender") a person who works in a coffee bar
Timescale = the time allowed for a process or sequence of events; gansazRvruli dro, grafiki,
Push = a) a lot of advertising;
b) a determined attempt to get an advantage over other companies in business
Head-to-head – erTi-erTze, pirispir
To recruit – dasaqmeba, samuSaoze ayvana
To demystify = to remove the mystery from; make clear; naTelis mofena
Venti = (chiefly US) A cup of coffee larger than ’grande’, usually 20 ounces [auns]
Simplistic - gamartivebuli
Side-swipe – gverdidan dartyma
Price point – sacalo fasi, standartuli fasi


p. 48

Cut-throat competition = fierce or ruthless in competition = tough competition; umowyalo

The terms of the contract – kontraqtis pirobebi
To win a stake – wilis mopoveba

To make tough decisions – rTuli gadawyvetilebebis miReba
Corner shop = a small general shop serving a neighbourhood; patara, ubnis paRazia
They stand a good chance of catching up with their competitors – maT winaSe dgas kargi Sansi
daewion konkurentebs
Volatile market – cvalebadi bazari
To be up against – problemebis qona

p. 49

She is past normal retirement age – is gadascda sapensio asaks

To stay alert – fxizlad yofna


To pull one’s punches – Seasusto muSaoba, dazogo Seni Tavi

To kick off – wamowyeba
The ball is in your court – Seni jeria
To sink or swim – an CaiZiro an gaimarjvo
To backpedal on – pirobis ar Sesruleba, ukan daxeva
To be thrown in at the deep end - cud dReSi Cavardna; rTuli davalebis micema
Start-up company – damwyebi kompania

p. 51

Your order is being processed – Tqvens SekveTaze mimdinareobs muSaoba

Follow-up meetings – Semdgomi Sexvedrebi
Major stakeholders – mTavari aqcionerebi
To commission – davalebis micema
To submit a report – angariSis wardgena
Two-pronged strategy – ormxrivi strategia
To reposition = (marketing) if a company repositions a brand, product, etc, it tries to get people to think
about it in a new and different way in relation to the company’s other products and
competing products
Surplus – Warbi
Produce = agricultural products regarded collectively
To dump = to market (goods) in bulk and at low prices
Livelihood = one's job or other source of income; saarsebo wyaro
Fragile industry – susti mrewveloba


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