Lectio 20 Vocab List

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Lectio 20: A Chance Encounter

Index Verborum
NOUNS (Nomina)
Nominative Genitive Gender Meaning

miles militis m soldier

fabula fabulae f story

hospes hospitis m/f host, guest, friend

ADJECTIVES (Adiectiva)
Masculine Feminine Neuter Meaning

hic haec hoc this (s), these (pl)

optimus optima optimum best, very good

VERBS (Verba)
1st p. part 2nd p. part 3rd p. part 4th p. part Meaning

narro narrare narravi narratus to tell (a story)

neco necare necavi necatus to kill

ADVERBS (Adverbia)
Latin English

numquam never

antea before


Latin English

Heus! Hey!

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