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Oil and gas

Development of a novel safety production
and health educational operation

management information system

(HAZ-PRO) for oil and gas
production operation Received 20 April 2019
Revised 19 August 2019
Accepted 3 November 2019
A proposed framework
Muhammad Mujtaba Asad
Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University, Sukkur, Pakistan
Razali Bin Hassan and Fahad Sherwani
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Malaysia
Irfan Ahmed Rind
Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University, Sukkur, Pakistan, and
Yaser Maiji
Technical and Vocational Training Cooperation – College of Telecom and Electronics,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Purpose – This proposed research study aims to focus on the development and implementation of a new
safety and health educational management information system (hazard-free production operation [HAZ-
PRO]) based on effective hazards controlling factors and mitigating measures for safe onshore and offshore oil
and gas drilling operation in Saudi Arabian, Malaysian and Pakistani industries. According to previous
studies, there is a sheer industrial need of an effective management information system for decision-making to
prevent life-threatening accidents at oil and gas production sites based on innovative hazard controlling
strategies from different production origins. Similarly, that safety and health management information
system will also enhance the decision-making skills of oil and gas production crew through effective accident
prevention strategies.
Design/methodology/approach – In this study, 100 drilling crew are randomly selected for quantitative
research phase. Similarly, 3 safety experts are purposively selected for qualitative research from each drilling
domain from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan, whereas for the identification of hazard controlling
measures, what-if analysis and thematic analysis approaches are adopted. Furthermore, the educational
management information system (HAZ-PRO) for safety and health has been developed by using ADDIE
Model based. Whereas, Visual Studio (2017) and MySQL software are used for the database and user interface
development of the safety and health management information system for the safety and health of production
Findings – This study proposes the research framework for the development and implementation of a new
safety and health educational management information system (HAZ-PRO) based on identified effective
hazard controls and mitigating measures in support of accident prevention and effective decision-making in
hazardous events at Saudi Arabian and Pakistani onshore and offshore production domains. Whereas, this
Journal of Engineering, Design
proposed safety and health management information system will assist and facilitate the safety professionals and Technology
and production crew to prevent the injuries in hazardous work environments of onshore and offshore oil and © Emerald Publishing Limited
gas industries according to international safety standards. DOI 10.1108/JEDT-04-2019-0109
JEDT Practical implications – This safety and health management information system can be utilized by oil
and gas industries (oil and gas production crew) in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan for accident
prevention and suitable decision-making prior to the actual onshore and offshore operations. Also, the
proposed system development framework will be useful as an effective source for the elimination of life-
threatening drilling hazards associated with its activities in oil and gas industries. Similarly, the proposed
framework can also be implemented in other oil and gas work-based accident prevention and effective
decision-making designs.
Originality/value – This proposed safety and health management information system will be the first
system for oil and gas production operation that covers all onshore and offshore operations for Saudi Arabian,
Malaysian and Pakistani oil and gas industrial settings. Also, the system development methodology and
design framework, which will be used, is novel and unique based on their characteristics and functionalities.
Keywords Industrial engineering, Risk assessment, Information and knowledge management,
Environmental, Quality and health and safety issues, Safety management,
Educational management system, Production operation, Oil and gas, Industrial safety,
Management information system
Paper type Conceptual paper

1. Introduction
Oil and gas industries play an important role in driving the global economy because of its
consumption as basic fuel ranging from household to wide spread industries. According to
the hazardous nature of oil and gas upstream activities, the oil and gas production operation
is considered as an area of high potential risk for drilling crew (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b;
Baram, 2010). Every year large number of fatalities and accidents are reported during both
offshore and onshore production sites (Asad et al., 2014). There are many hazards and risks
coupled with oil and gas production which can cause serious injuries and accidents.
In the proposed study, effective hazard controlling factors and mitigating measures
associated with potentially hazardous activities will be identify for reducing the workplace
risks and hazards in drilling process at oil and gas industries in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and
Pakistan. Whereas, after the identification of effective hazard controlling factors associated
with production operation at targeted counties a safety and health management information
system will be developed for accident prevention at onshore and offshore drilling site at
Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan. In this study, sequential exploratory research design
will be adopted which will consist on preliminary and post research analysis. Both
qualitative (semi-structured interview) and quantitative (Survey Instrument) methods will
be used for analysing the effectiveness of proposed safety and health management
information system and decision-making potential of production crew after using the
proposed system. The proposed safety and health management information system (hazard-
free production operation [HAZ-PRO]) will assist and facilitate the production crew and
safety officers for the identification of effective hazard controls of potential production
hazards. It will also help to implement appropriate controls as per safety protocols according
to the occupational safety and health acts and regulations in both domains to prevent the
injuries in hazardous work environment of oil and gas industries. Moreover, the respondents
for this research will be randomly selected health and safety experts and production crew of
major onshore and offshore oil and gas industries operated in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and
This study will also facilitate and act as a reference for those who are conducting job
safety analysis (JSA) and detailed risk assessments for oil and gas production operation at
targeted oil and gas industries for the well-being of production crew. Likewise, this study
will also figure out the effectiveness of the proposed safety and health management
information system (HAZ-PRO) for accident prevention at onshore and offshore oil and gas Oil and gas
drilling sites at Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan. production
1.1 Problem statement
Oil and gas production operation is one of the most important process in oil and gas
industries. Owing to the lack of innovative health and safety hazard controlling strategies,
high fatality rate among oil and gas production crew has been reported (Bjerga and Aven,
2015). In the years 2008-2015, the occupational fatality rate of the oil and gas drilling
industry was 2.5 times higher than the construction industry and seven times higher than
general industry (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b). This industry’s fatal injury rate is correlated
with fluctuations of industry activity, as measured by the number of active oil and gas
production rigs (Muhammad et al., 2019a, 2019b). Fatality rates are highest during
production operation, which demands increased efforts for improved safety strategies at oil
and gas production sites (Handal, 2013). Many of the workers that survive in such
disastrous incidents are vulnerable to other health concerns. These health effects include,
severe fractures, dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting as well as
dermatitis and deep skin tissues infections from repeated skin contact with the hazardous
fluids (Asad et al., 2014). Some of the mildly refined base oils have also been associated with
cancer, as a result of the aromatic compounds in the oil mists (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b). In
the context of Malaysia, during past five years several deaths and critical injuries has been
reported during working at onshore and offshore drilling sites. In June 2012, during oil and
gas production operation more than 23 critical injuries have been reported because of
explosion at Kerteh in Malaysia (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b).
Moreover, in October 2014 during Malaysia’s Sapura Kencana offshore rig operation, a
technician and a mechanic were inspecting a safety boat on the rig before the boat suddenly
fell into the sea owing to lack of safety measures, both workers died from head injuries
reported by Malaysian news agency. According to the online statistical information
provided by department of safety and health, 68 fatalities and 74 permanent disabilities
have been reported in year 2016 at manufacturing and petroleum industries in Malaysia
(Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b). Moreover, because of the recent technological advancements such
industrial safety management systems are required at Pakistani oil and gas drilling sites for
assessing the severity of drilling operations from different drilling fields and regions by
using multiple and innovative safety strategies to minimize the risk factor.
Firstly, there are many factors involved in high rate of production fatalities and critical
accidents and injuries (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b). Owing to the rapid change in environment,
technology and complex production approaches production crew and safety engineers must
face new challenges every day regarding health and safety. For this reason, there is a need to
identify potential hazards with their effective controlling measures based on hierarchy of
controls for reducing work place risk and hazards at onshore and offshore oil and gas
industries in an effective manner (Asad et al., 2017; Penning et al., 2014).
Secondly, there is a lack of proper and effective safety and health management
information system which can enhance the performance of drilling crew during performing
production operation (Pranesh et al., 2017). For the elimination of variety of hazards and
risks in production operation, there is a sheer industrial need of an efficient safety and health
management information system for production personnel with updated knowledge and
hazard controlling measures according to the international safety regulation (Hassan et al.,
2017). Therefore, in this proposed study it is intended to tackle the issues by developing a
novel safety and health management information system (HAZ-PRO) based on effective
JEDT controlling measures for reducing workplace risk and hazards at onshore and off shore oil
and gas industries at Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan.

1.2 Proposed research objective

The aim of this study is to develop a novel safety and health management information
system (HAZ-PRO) for reducing workplace risk and hazards at offshore and onshore oil and
gas industries in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan. The main objectives of this study
will be:
 to identify the hazardous operations with associated potential hazards in production
operation at onshore and offshore oil and gas industries in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia
and Pakistan;
 to identify the hazard controlling measures for reducing workplace risk and hazards
in production operation at onshore and offshore oil and gas industries in Saudi
Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan;
 to develop a new safety and health management information system for onshore
and offshore production operation at oil and gas industries in Saudi Arabia,
Malaysia and Pakistan; and
 to assess the performance of production crew production crew after utilizing the
developed health management information system for accident prevention at oil and
gas industries in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan.

1.3 Proposed research questions

The main research questions of this study will be:

RQ1. What are the hazardous operations with associated potential hazards in
production operation at onshore and offshore oil and gas industries in Saudi
Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan?
RQ2. What are the hazard controlling factors and mitigating measures for production
operation at onshore and offshore oil and gas industries in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia
and Pakistan?
RQ3. What is the performance of production crew production crew after utilizing the
developed safety and health management information system for accident
prevention at oil and gas industries in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan?

2. Literature review
Every year hundreds of people died and thousands of them injured during performing their
tasks at oil and gas production industries (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b). Owing to the
unpredictable and hazardous nature of this professions several chemical, safety,
environmental and ergonomic hazards have been reported from decades in all over the
world. Whereas, number of fatalities and life severe injuries has been indicated during
onshore and offshore production and maintenance operations round the globe. There are
several underlying causes of huge deserters which had happened in seventeen years.
However, most of accidents happened because of the negligence of safety and health
regulation and effective emergency action plans. Although, the fire explosion, blowouts,
uncontrolled well accidents are top in the list. Table I highlight the detailed overview of oil
Country Year Operator Reasons investigated Fatalities/injuries/evacuated

United Arab Emirates 15 April 2000 Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Co. Rig jack-up rig collapsed Fatalities 4
Brazil 15-20 March 2001 Petrobras Fire explosion Fatalities 11
Saudi Arabia 30 September 2002 Saudi Aramco Blowout Fatalities 3
Egypt 10 August 2004 Petrobel Uncontrolled well 150 Crew Members Evacuated
with Injuries
Mumbai High, Indian 27 July 2005 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Fire explosion Fatalities 22 and 361 Rescued with
Ocean (ONGC) Injuries
USA 05 June 2006 Raligh Explosion Fatalities 3 and 1 Major Injuries
Saudi Arabia 18 November 2007 Saudi Aramco Fire during pipe line maintenance Fatalities 40
Australia 21 August 2009 PTTEP Australasia (PTTEPAA) Fire explosion Evacuated with Injuries
Gulf of Mexico April 20, 2010 Transocean Fire explosion Fatalities 11
Gulf of Paria 13 May 2010 PDVSA Unstable rig, later sunk in the sea 95 Workers Rescued with Injuries
South of Vermilion Bay 02 Sep, 2010 Mariner Energy Environmental factors 13 Rescued with Injuries
Russia Nov 2010 Gazprom Fire and physical injuries Fatalities 7
Nigerian Delta Region 16 Jan, 2012 Chevron Explosion Fatalities 2
Malaysia 11 June 2012 PETRONAS Fire explosion Injured 5 and 11 Evacuated
Malaysia 26 July 2012 PETRONAS Fire explosion Fatalities 5
USA 28 Oct 2014 Covered Blowout explosion 400 Evacuated
Saudi Arabia 27 December 2013 Saudi Aramco Maintenance operation platform Fatalities 3
Malaysia 18 August 2014 Sapura Kencana Fell from height Fatalities 3
Iran 2015 National Iranian Gas Company Ship collided with platform Damage to the Platform
Azerbaijan 05 December 2015 SOCAR Fire explosion due to leakage Fatalities 32 and 42 Rescued with
Gulf of Mexico 26 March 2016 Whistler Energy II LLC Drop objects Fatality 1
Norway 29 April 2016 CNC Engine failure during helicopter Fatalities 13
Canada 04 Aug 2017 Karve Energy Struck with head with pipe Fatality 1
Israel 29 May 2017 Afek Oil Well drilling Injured 2
Pakistan 25 June 2017 Shell Fire explosion Fatality 153
Malaysia 17 April 2018 PETRONAS Fire explosion Fatalities 2
Injured 2
Pakistan April OGDCL Stuck by equipment Fatality 1

production disasters

gas drilling and

Overview of oil and

Table I.
Oil and gas
JEDT and gas production disasters along with investigated causes and number of fatalities and
injuries among drilling crew in past eighteen (18) years. As it is depicted form the Table I,
that most of the oil and gas disasters and accidents were happened during drilling process at
Middle Eastern (Saudi Arabia) and Asian (Malaysia and Pakistan) countries owing to the
environmental diversity and lack of industrial safety and health practices and effective
accidents preventive resources for both production domains (Muhammad et al., 2019a,
2019b; Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b).
Furthermore, based on the detailed literature review from over past 10 years’ different
safety and health management information system have been developed for oil and gas
production operation worldwide (Asad et al., 2014). But there is no such safety and health
management information system available in the industries with mutually integrated onshore
and offshore oil and gas production operations based on effective hazard controlling factors
and mitigating measures (Hassan et al., 2017; Muhammad et al., 2019a, 2019b). Table II reflects
the name of existing online resources and modules for health and safety of oil and gas and their
countries with industrial domain based on detailed literature review.

3. Research methodology
This section covers the detailed explanation of methodology that will be used to conduct and
pursue this proposed study. Plenty of preparation should be done to produce a best quality
of research study to ensure all plans can be done in an orderly and systematic manner.
Whereas, the flow of this proposed study is shown in Figure 1.

3.1 Hazard controlling measures identification approach

For the identification of suitable hazard controlling measures qualitative data will be
analysed through what-if analysis approach for extracting meaningful and detailed
information through in-depth semi-structured interviews from health and safety experts.
What-if analysis is considered as an effective method for determining the hazard controls. It
is done by asking questions based on potential hazards and related recommended actions
for those risks judged by field experts. Because of the nature of this hazard control
identification technique it is required to identify the associated hazards related with onshore
and offshore drilling activities prior to identify appropriate controls. In the context of
identifying hazards and their controls thematic analysis approach with tabular
representation will be adopted for interpreting the findings of all drilling operations. Main
themes will be developed on the bases of the characteristics of hazards and their appropriate
controls. Whereas, sub themes for each activity and their controls will be sorted out on the
bases of identified hazard and their recommended and suggested control by experts from
Saudi Arabian, Malaysian and Pakistani oil and gas industries as shown in Figure 2.

Name of system Origin Domain

Permit Control and Monitoring System (PCMS) UK Oil and gas

SPONCOM USA Oil and gas
Confined Spaces Advisor 1.1 USA Oil and gas
Fire Safety Advisor 1.0a USA Oil and gas
Table II. DUST-Expert UK Oil and gas
Previous related Hand-arm Vibration Calculator UK Oil and gas
work Hazard Awareness Advisor 1.0 USA Oil and gas
Oil and gas
START production
Identification of Hazardous Production Operation

Identification of Hazard Controlling Measures Associated
with Production Operation

Development of a New Safety and Health Management

Information System

Validation from Experts

Data Analysis and Compression Phase

Implementation for Accessing Effectiveness for Accident

Prevention and Training

Data Analysis and Conclusion

Figure 1.
Proposed research

Figure 2.
Block diagram for
what-if analysis

3.2 ADDIE model for proposed safety and health management information system
ADDIE model is followed for the development of management information system (HAZ-
PRO) and multimedia technologies (Asad et al., 2014). In the context of this study, ADDIE
model of instructional design will be used for planning and designing of safety and health
management information system for the production operation at Saudi Arabian, Malaysian
and Pakistani oil and gas industries ADDIE model is based on five main steps like: analyse,
design, develop, implement and evaluate.
JEDT 3.2.1 Analysis phase. In the analysis phase of this model, problem should be simplified
and well-defined. In this phase of ADDIE, the developer should know very well about the
audience (Targeted population) or learner’s needs, objectives and content required before
instructional design (Hassan et al., 2017). In this initial phase, performance and
achievements of learner and training purpose and its expected outcomes are also analysed.
In the context of this study, safety and health management information system will be
developed for accident prevention and decision-making in hazardous conditions at onshore
and offshore targeted oil and gas industries.
3.2.2 Design phase. The designing phase of ADDIE model deals with learning goals and
designing the instructional materials which can help us in the development of delivery
instruments, exercises and practices, developing content of teaching material and lesson
planning and media selection for the delivery to the audience (Ltifi et al., 2013). The learning
goals of vestibule training in this research is to enhance the health safety performance of
drilling crew by identifying hazards before working at actual drilling.
3.2.3 Development phase. The development phase is where the developers form and
gather the content assets that were generated in the previous phase of ADDIE Model. This
development phase almost depends upon design phase. In this study, it consists of several
stages such as specifying the hazard controlling factors and measures, learning objectives
from proposed system, assign roles and responsibilities, prepare documentation because
organization and planning is very important for systematic process. In this phase, the
developer should identify the available media and its performance.
3.2.4 Implementation phase. The Implementation phase is where the developed course is
placed into action and monitored with its implementations. After previous phases, the work
or planning performed in the design and development phase is now applied on the audience
(production crew) for further outcomes. In the context of this research, proposed safety and
health management information system will be tested on the production crew at Saudi
Arabian, Malaysian and Pakistani oil and gas industries to assess the effectiveness of the
safety and health management information system for accident prevention and effective
3.2.5 Evaluation phase. This phase involves an ongoing process or activity in all phases
after every stage and reviews the feedback and evaluates results from learners. In the first
phase of analysis, the evaluation can determine if there is a problem and its potential
solution (Asad et al., 2014).

3.3 Research paradigms

A research paradigm differentiates the set of ideas, thoughts and assumptions that guide the
direction and philosophy of the researcher in reaching the knowledge needed to draw
conclusions for the study (Hassan et al., 2017). In other words, the research paradigm
influences the research design with the intention of providing quality research outcomes.
The main purpose of this research design is to adopt pragmatic research paradigm that will
support both qualitative and quantitative approaches to answer the research questions (RQ).
Tashakkori and Teddlie, have pointed out several pragmatic and mixed-methods
characteristics as including:
 appropriateness of the study and findings;
 a mixed method that advocates the proficient use of both quantitative and
qualitative methods;
 the research questions being more important than the methodological approach of
 the methods match the purpose of the research questions; and Oil and gas
 the approach is practical and applicable to the type of research presented. production
In accordance with that, this research will present the appropriate instruments of
preliminary and post quantitative survey for major data collection and focus group
interviews to further examine data findings from the survey instruments.

3.4 Mixed method research design

Mixed methods research is a research design with philosophical assumptions as well as
methods of inquiry. It involves philosophical assumptions that guide the direction of the
collection, analysis of data and the mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches in
many phases in the research process. As a method, it focuses on collecting, analysing and
mixing both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or series of studies. Its
central premise is that the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches in combination
provides a better understanding of research problems than either approach alone. Some of
the advantages of using a mixed-methods approach in research design include:
 Mixed methods provide more comprehensive evidence and help to answer the
research questions (Asad et al., 2017).
 Mixed-methods research can answer the RQs that the other methodologies cannot
accomplish by simultaneously answering the confirmatory and exploratory
questions; it can therefore verify and generate theories in the same study.

3.5 Sequential explanatory research design of study

A mixed-methods study employs sequential use of different methods rather than the
integration of data analysis (Muhammad et al., 2019a, 2019b). The sequential (explanatory,
exploratory and embedded) method uses both quantitative and qualitative data, which are
implemented and connected at different phases. In sequential explanatory research design,
quantitative follows the qualitative findings. It means that quantitative research is
conducted firstly and based on the attained findings; qualitative research is conducted for
the in-depth understanding and validity of quantitative research findings (Hassan et al.,
2017). This design is relatively effective to implement and describes findings well where
mixed methods are employed. Furthermore, a sequential explanatory mixed-methods
research design is chosen because multiple methods and techniques can be used to provide
the most complete understanding of the research problems.
This study will adopt the strategy of sequential explanatory research method for
preliminary and post research phases to obtain maximum information from the findings to
answer and justify research questions. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative
results will be analyzed individually to answer the research questions lying under
preliminary research (RQ1, RQ2) and post research (RQ 3). The qualitative data (semi-
structured interviews) will be collected and analyzed second in the sequence which will help
to explain, or elaborate on, the quantitative (questionnaire) results which are obtained in the
first phase. Then, the corresponding findings will be compared for expanding the
understanding of research to see if there are similarities and differences. By using this
approach, in data analysis for mixed-methods or triangulation approaches, the qualitative
data may support and even confirm the quantitative results. The qualitative data and their
analysis refine and explain those statistical results by exploring participants’ views in more
depth (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b).
JEDT 3.6 Quantitative research design and analysis
Quantitative research design is used to quantify the problem by way of generating
numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify
attitudes, opinions, performance, and other defined variables. Quantitative research uses
measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research by using appropriate
statistical techniques (Asad et al., 2018a, 2018b). In this study, quantitative research method
will be used for answering the proposed research questions. Whereas, for the quantitative
data and hypothetical analysis, descriptive (Mean, Standard deviation and Percentage) and
inferential statistical approaches (One-way ANOVA) will be used for achieving proposed
objectives for accessing the effectiveness of the proposed safety and health management
information system for accident prevention at onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling sites.
For quantitative study, from each drilling domain, 100 oil and gas production crew will be
randomly selected from each targeted domain as shown in Table III.

3.7 Qualitative research design and analysis

Qualitative research design will be used to get valid information to address the proposed
research questions in this study. In qualitative research design section, hazard identification
and effectiveness of drilling safety and health training module will be analyzed by using
what-if analysis and thematic analysis approaches from health and safety professionals at
onshore and offshore production industry in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan. Three
health and safety experts will be purposively selected for semi-structured interviews as
shown in Table IV.

3.8 Safety and health educational management information system (HAZ-PRO)

For the development of safety and health educational management information system
intended for accident prevention during production operations, two different software will
be utilized according to the appropriate functionality and previous research studies as
shown in Table V. While, for the development of graphical user interface of safety and
health educational management information system, Visual Studio VB.NET will be used for
its user-friendly environment and ability of handling almost any amount of data, up to as
much as 50 million rows or more (Hassan et al., 2017; Utvik and Jahre-Nilsen, 2016).
Similarly, for inference engine, rule base method with structural quires will be adopted,

Countries Industry No. of respondents

Saudi Arabia Saudi Aramco 100

Table III. Malaysia PETRONAS and Shell 100
Respondents of Pakistan OGDCL 100
quantitative phase Total 300

Countries Industry No. of respondents

Saudi Arabia Saudi Aramco 03

Table IV. Malaysia PETRONAS and Shell 03
Respondents of Pakistan OGDCL 03
qualitative phase Total 09
because rule base method provides natural knowledge representation and deal with Oil and gas
incomplete and uncertain knowledge (Muhammad et al., 2019a, 2019b; Peppard and Ward, production
2016). Similarly, MySQL (2015) will be used for the development of knowledge base (KB) of operation
the proposed safety and health management information system (HAZ-PRO) along with
expert opinion for drilling accident prevention activities based on health and safety rules.

3.9 Development of research instrument

Study instrument or measuring instrument of study is essential to achieve the objectives of
the study. In this study, instruments which will be used for quantitative research are two
questionnaires. First one is Preliminary research questionnaire which is used for identifying
the major hazardous drilling operation, potential hazards and controlling measures. In
preliminary and post research both quantitative and qualitative (questionnaire set and semi-
structured interview) research methods will be utilized for answering the research questions
as shown in Figure 3. After the identification of major controlling measures for reducing
workplace risk and hazards in production operation, safety and health management
information system will be designed and developed. Once the module will be developed,
then a post research will be conducted for analysing the effectiveness and safety
performance of production crew after utilizing proposed safety and health management
information system based on controlling measures for accident prevention and effective
decision-making at Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan. Research questionnaire
development phases from Muhammad (2019a, 2019b) will be adopted for both questionnaire

HAZ-PRO development Tool and method

Graphical user interface Visual studio (VB.NET) Table V.

Inference engine Rule base method and structural quires HAZ-PRO
Knowledge base MySQL (2015) development tools

PHASE I (Indicate the area of construct)

PHASE II (Designing of draft Instrument)

Questionnaire PHASE III (Validation of Instrument) Rubric

Design Phases

PHASE IV (Pilot Study)

Figure 3.
Survey instrument
PHASE V (Finalizing Instrument)
development process
JEDT development and Rubric assessment tool which will be used for the validation of
questionnaire (Muhammad et al., 2019a, 2019b).

4. Expected outcomes and conclusion

This research study proposed the development and implementation of a new safety and
health management information system (HAZ-PRO) based on identified effective hazard
controls and mitigating measures in support of accident prevention and effective decision-
making in hazardous events at Saudi Arabian and Pakistani onshore and offshore
production domain. The proposed safety and health management information system will
assist and facilitate the safety professionals and production crew to prevent the injuries in
hazardous work environments of onshore and offshore oil and gas industries according to
international safety standards. This proposed safety and health management information
system will be the first system which have potential to implement at onshore and offshore
drilling domains in Saudi Arabian, Malaysian and Pakistani production industries.
Similarly, the proposed safety and health management information system will also use for
vocational training purpose at educational institutes for vestibule decision-making activities
associated with onshore and offshore drilling operation.

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Further reading
Asad, M.M. (2014), “A systematic review: development techniques and utilization of expert systems
inferences for health and safety environment in oil and gas and petroleum industries”, Malaysia
University Conference Engineering Technology, Melaka.

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Muhammad Mujtaba Asad can be contacted at:

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