Testimony: Vol. L Chicago Ill., July 1

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Vol. l CHICAGO; ILL., JULY 1, 1910 No.5


Acts, 2, 4-
, And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit
gave, them utterance.

EDITORIAL convention; and by getting one new speaker after an-

'other; These things bring. very few definite results,
It h'as been several months since a new edition, of because this is not' the plan of God and He cannot
PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONY has appeared. We have bless it. .
simply found it impossible to preDare the. material PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONY stands for real fun salva-
sooner, owing to so many other pressing duties. About ti~n in Christ,and for the real baptism in the Holy
ten weeks has been spent in revival work,and when '5pirit. False theories concerning the baptism will be
we are in revival work, we feel that in ordertb get the 'exposed when dealt with at all. We stand, and shall,
best results we have to devote all our time and strength continue to stand for unity of all God's people itl the
to,preaching and praying for seekers. We spent six . Spirit, not in the flesh. We cannot afford to purchase
weeks in Canada; during the winter, and> had the unity by sacrificing the Truth of God. This has been
blessed privilege of seeing between fifty andsixtJpeo- our stand from the beginning and, by the grace of
. pIe' baptized in the Holy Spirit, and numbers saved God, shall be to the end. We cannot even afford to
ahd se.-eral healed, besides we believe the faith, of many compromise with the government to get the lower
was strengthened, and their experiences dei~pened. postage rates. 'We prefer to remain free.
We believe God still has a place for PE£:TTECOSTAL We cannot help expressing our gratitude to God for
TESTIMONY, tlterefore we are preparing'to cbiltinue its the success He has given the paper. Four n'umbers
publication. We believe its clear, pointed teachings are have been issued, three of which consisted of 2,S,000
11eeded, and as long as they are needed, it will appear each, and the other of 51,900 copies. These have all
just as often as the Lord leads, and gives time and found ready circulation,and thousands have been or-
strength to prepare the material. We are sure when . dered which we could not supply, and today we are
He does this He will provide the funds to" pay .for entirely out of all numbers of the paper, though orders
printing. and mailing. PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONy,COn- are comincr in on almost every mail. Literally thou-
tinues to stand for the real truths of Pentecost. It will sands of ktters have been received, coming from all
never lower the standard, or fall back on to old lines; parts of the the world expressing the writers' appre-
-: nor will it ever compromise with any manor move- ciation of the paper. All this has been a very g.reat ,.
ment. We have taken our stand on the Word of God, encouracrement and help to us, especially in the many
and shall continue to stand there. cases where people had received the Pentecostal bap-
,In spite of all the ,compromisers, and every scheme tism through reading the paper.
and device of man or devil, the mighty wQrk of God We shall continue to publish the paper as long as the
is still progressing, and the truth of God is being estab- Lord leads, and shall much appreciate the earnest pray- •
lished. The Spirit is !;till falling on hundreds, and they ers of all who love the real Pentecostal truth, and who
are speaking in tongues as at the beginning. ,We have are interested in its spread. • •
been in the experience more than three years, and are
more fully convinced than ever before, that the work
is of divine origin. We believe the speaking in tongues THE GREAT CRISIS NUMBER TWO.
to be the evidence of the bap6§m in the Holy Ghost.
God is confirming this doctrine with the signs follow- In number four PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONY, we pub-
ing. It is among those that stand for this truth, that lished an article headed, "The Great Crisis, What Is
the Spirit is being poured out, and other mighty works the Plan of God?" From all parts of the world we re-
done in the name of Jesus, and in the power of the ceived mention of this article; many saying it was just
Holy Ghost. The sick are being. healed, many are what the Lord had made them to see. At the time we .
being converted, and in rnany unmistakable ways God wrote the article, we were conscious that it did not
is showing His approval of the work. Not so among . fully cover the ground, nor do we believe that we can
those who do not stand for the truth,'-or who have gone . in anyone or two articles exhaust this subject. We
back to old lines. The power of God is leaving them, feel, however, that the Lord would be pleased to have
and they are becoming col4 and formal. Many of us take up the subject again.
them are ,going against all manifestations of the Spirit. Weare already. entering into the 111()st remarkable
They keep their work going by calling convention after crisis that has been witnessed on earth for centuries.


" Very few seem to realize the importance and gravity ness. It is a solemn fact that most of the truths that
of this time. Few seem to see or understand the plan the founders of Methodism made so prominent are ex-
of God. The ignorance concerning the time in which cluded from the pulpits of the leading Methodist
we live is appalling. The more men learn along other churches of today. When John Wesley was sick he
lines, the more ignorant they seem to become concern- prayed to God and God healed him. When on the way
ing the wonderful plan of God. This is an age of to his appointment, and his horse became lame, he
science and invention; but sad to say, men seem to be called on the Lord, and He healed his horse. Recently
entirely g.iven up to these things. They refuse to retain I talked with a minister who has been thrust out of the
, the knowledge of God in their consciences. We are Methodist Church for preaching certain truths to which
reminded of the words of Christ "Oh ye hypocrites! ye they objected. He said God showed him the truth
can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern concerning divine healing, and he began to pray for
the signs of the times?" Men are intellectually' mad! the people, and to .tell them that the Lord would heal
There never was a time when men were so taken up them. God healed some for whom he prayed. The
with their own works and plans, and so little interested presiding elder' and a brother pastor waited on him
in God and His plans as they are today. This has re- and told him that he would have to stop preaching
sulted in an attempt on the part of the scientific world this doctrine' or leave the church. He told them it was
to rule God out entirely, or to leave us only a vague, a doctrine of the Bible and that God was blessing it
mysterious, impersonal God. This condition has been and healing the people and he would have to preach it.
maturing for years. Up to the last few years men They told him that the Methodist Church would not
have only' cautiously or apologetically expressed their stand for any such thing, and that he would have to
skeptical views on important religious subjects; but stop it. He thoug.ht he would stand some chance at
of late they are becoming more and more outspoken. the general conference, and told them so, but they
They have laid aside their masks and seem to have only laughed at him. When the conference met he WClS
laid aside all fear, and are openly and publicly ridicul- thrust out, and denied the privilege of saying a word
ing the most vital and 'fundamental principles of the in his own defense. This is only one sample of what is
Gospel of Jesus Christ. They ridicule His personal going on. If a man wants to preach the Gospel of
claim that He was the Son of God, and' the claims Jesus Christ as it is in the Bible, he has to do it out-
of His Apostles and all others on the same line. They side of the religious denominations. of this day. While
are bitter in their denunciations of a Blood atonement, there ate still many honest souls in many of them who
thus ruling out the whole plan ofsalvation and redemp- love the truth, as organizations, they have ruled the
tion. Orthodoxy is a subject for special ridicule in real truths of the Gospel out, and in their stead have
much of the current literature of the day, as well as substituted the theories of men.
in most of the institutions of learning. The man that If this woeful state had been allowed to continue,
believes the story of the Cross of Calvary today is the without direct interference from God, it is sad to con-
exception and not the rule. The man today who de- template what the result would have been, but during
clares his belief in the Bible doctrille of redemption the last hundred years God has been dealing directly
and salvation through the Blood of Christ, makes him- with a host of people who have set their hearts to seek
~elf an object of ridicule in the circles of higher edu- His face, and night and day from all parts of the world
cation. a mighty cry has been ascending to God for help;
In the religious world it is little better. It would When from so many standpoints things have looked
be hard to imagine anything that resembled the Pentec. so dark, it is evident that God ha5 been in close touch
costal church much less than the church of today. The with the situation, and, as it were, preparing to strike
church of today is full of unbelief. Its pulpits are at the right time. Just as the scientific world has
filled with skeptics and higher critics, who are follow- ru!t';d God entirely out, and the relig.ious world has
ing. closely in the footsteps of the unbelieving higher practically done the same thing, just when the religious
'" ,educationalists. It cannot be said that the church of world is united in the proclamation, that the days of
today is drifting away from God; it has already drifted miracles are past, and are scoffing at the idea of God's
away from Him. Not only do the preachers fail to performing miracles i.n this age; just when the preach-
contend for the truth of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus ers are justifying their lack of power by declaring
Christ, but they stoutly contend against it. There is that God performs no works of power today, God has
not one leading denomination of today, whose preach- made a move that is startling the whole religious world
ers are contending for the doctrines on which the de- in a measure at least, and will more thoroughly arouse
nomination was founded. Instead of telling of the them in the near future.
quickening power of faith in the Blood of Christ, the The proof of the condition of the religious world
ministers are preaching evolution; instead of preaching may be seen by the way they have received, or rather
the Bible doctrine of regeneration, and calling men to failed to receive the great outpouring of the Holy
repentance, they preach reform, and advise men to Spirit which God has sent to the world, and which has
come under the moral influence of the church. Instead spread all over the world. God could not introduce
of telling of the power of God to save and justify, they this wonderful work through one of the religious de-
deny that there is any such power. They have the nominations of today-nor could He do so through any
form of g.odliness, but deny the power thereof. of the so-called holiness movements. He simply
A hundred years ago the ministers of the Methodist ig.nored them all, and when His own people who love
Episcopal Church were not only warning men to flee Him with all their hearts, and who, in spite of all the
from the wrath to come, and calling them to repent- teacnings and theories of men, believe the Word of
ance, but were thundering forth the truth concerning God, continued to cry to Him to demonstrate the truth
sanctincation, so fearlessly that men were made to of His Word and send another Pentecost, He has an~
know that without holiness no man shall see the Lord. swered their prayers, and has sent exactly what they
Today m~n are frequently turned from the pulpits of have prayed for. God did not simply send a revival of
this same church for preaching the doctrine of holi- religion, but He has sent a genuine Apostolic Pente-
PEN TEe 0 S T It. L T E.S TIM 0 N Y 3

costal outpouring of the Holy Ghost, exactly like the come to stay, and to all appearances -it w~s able to take
one described in the Bible. How refreshing it is to care of itself; or rather God was taking care of it. The
the souls who have waited on God for so long to see opposition saw that if they did not down it, it would
this real proof of the truth of His Word. Much of the down them. They accordingly preparec;l for battle, and
Word of God had been experienced in our lives before, began to denounce the work in the m9st scathing terms,
but now in addition to all that we had. experienced be- calling it demonology, wildfire, wild fanaticism, the
fore, we have this clear unmistakable proof of the tongues delusion, and any other thing that happened
Word of God concerning the baptism in the Holy to come into their minds. They called the people devils,
Ghost. Nothing could be more real than this wonder- J
fanatics, deceivers, libertines, harlots,,. cran~s, ang.
ful experience. The blessed Holy Spirit simply comes suppose every o<her bad name that came mto th~lr
upon and into our souls and bodies and takes possession minds, and then. had the unblushing effrontery to say
and speaks through us, as a proof that it is the real meekly, "The tongues people have not as much love as
Bible brand we receive, and takes up His abode in our they ought to have," and "Isn't - love better than
bodies which now become His temples, and begins tongues?" They published books, pamphlets, tracts, ar-
- His work of leading into all the truth, as Jesus said He ticles in papers, and preached sermons against the
would do. After nineteen hundred years we have the work. They thrpw the saints out of their-gatherings
exalted privilege of seeing God do again what He did and branded them as devils. They attacked the peo-
in the days of the Apostles, and no words can possibly ple, the doctrines, the manifestations, the tongues. I
express the praise and gratitude we feel in our souls to have read books or tracts or printed articles against
God. the work by Brooks, Godbey, Reese, McLaughlin,
One would think, that, as deep as the need is, the Steele, Martin, A. T. Pierson, Mrs. Habershon, Kauff-;
whole religious world would have welcomed such an man, Di'xori and many others, each one assuming that
outpouring of the Holy Ghost: It would seem that no he was an authority on ~he subject, and seeming to
lover of the Bible could fail to recognize it as being prove to his own satisfaction that the work could not
Scriptural, and rejoice that God had sent it. Can it be be of God.
that rea,ders and teachers of the Bible have overlooked Johnston Myers, of Chicago, and a host of preachers
the fact that the great outpourings of the Spirit throughout the country have denounced the work in
recorded in the Bible were accompanied with the speak- the bitterest terms, and have preached or prophesied
ing in new tongues? Can it be that the one thing that is against it, but all their statements and predictions have
made so plain in the Bible has made no impression on fallen to the ground, and it has been proven that what-
them? Is it because they cannot see the similarity be- ever else they may be, they are very unreliable
tween this experience and work and that outlined in the prophets. I have carefully read the writings of theBe
acts? There must be some real reason, and we will and many others who are not mentioned by riame in
. attempt to locate it in this article. this article, and it is more than astounding to me that
When God sent the present Pentecostal movement it no two of them take anything like the same view of the
was different from anything on earth. Many had matter, and this makes it impossible to answer them
prayed for an outpouring of the Holy Ghost, not un- collectively as I should like to do, and there are so
derstanding what they were praying for, and when it many of them, that to answer each of them is simply
came they could not understand it, and when they out of the question. I simply mention them as enemies
found that according to its teachings they had not yet who are outside of the movement. I feel it right, how-
been baptized in the Holy Ghost themselves, they re- ever, to say that some of the above mentioned have
fused to become seekers and some of them turned not been very bitter in their den.unciation of the work,
against the work and denounced it, because having but most of them have.
posed as having the Holy Spirit they were too proud On the inside the work has been mU'ch misunder-
to acknowledge their condition and need before God stood, and as much misrepresented. The devil has left
and the people, so denounced the work. no stone unturned, that he could turn to hinder the
. The Pentecostal movement is the means that God is work or bring reproach upon it. He has pushed every
using to hasten the crisis. It is drawing the fire of all flighty, or visionary, fanatical, or mentally or other-
religious bodies in existence. It is something that can- wise unbalanced person into it, that it was possible for
not be left alone, however much many of its opponents him to influence. He has worked upon the flesh, played
would like to do so. It is drawing a line around the upon the imagination of man, imitated every work of
world, so to speak, and every person that comes in con- the Spirit of God, introduced every fleshly manifesta-
tact with it has to get on one side of it or the other. tion in his power into the work to try to frighten peo-
There is no half way grounds. Either it is a genuine ple away. He has roared and threatened; counter-
outpouring of the Holy Spirit, or it is the basest fraud feited, lulled people to sleep, deceived and led astray
the world has ever seen, and the most far-reaching as when in his power to do so. He has been willing to
well. Many of the most deeply spiritual people in the pay any price necessary to bring about the downfall
country recognized it at once as a real Pentecostal out- of any leader of any consequence in the movement.
pouring of the Spirit of God, and by scores and hun- I never saw nor heard of such activity on the part of
dreds were filled with the Spirit and spake in tongues. the devil against any people in my life. Everything
It aroused such general attention, and was received by that he has accomplished on any of these lines he has_
so many, that the religious world began to be deeply immediately sounded his trumpet, and called the at-
alarmed. tention ot all the people to it, and all the enemies of the
Especially did the leaders of the different little holi- work have at once taken it up with j9Y, and spread
ness movements who were most effected by it rise up it far and wide. It has been surprising to me, that
against it; they tried by tnimicry, mockery, ridicule, everything that could be said -to be questionable, has
slander and misrepresentation to down it. Other re- been so carefully observed, and s6 faithfully proclai1l1 ed
ligious leaders and moverrients were equally as hostile and that the wonderful works of God have been taken
to it, but were not so much effected by it. But it had so little notice of. For instance if there is some pe-

culiar manifestation in a meeting, and in the same flesh dies hard, and is fighting to the very last ditch.
meeting twenty people should stand and tell h::>w won- There is a mighty battle as to which shall prevail, the
derfully and miraculously God has healed them, the plan of man or the plan of God, and God is as certain
opposers seldom take any notice of the testimonies as to put His plan in force in the earth, as that He is on
to what God has wrought, but go away and slander the His throne. Man had just as well see this first as last,
whole company for what some person did, that per- and stand aside, and let God perform His wonderful
haps was a great grief to the Pentecostal people, and works. Man has proven a failure in spiritual matters
for which only one individual was responsible, nor do in all past time, and all his plans have failed. In the
we ever excus'e people for getting into the flesh, but end of the days the Lord has poured out His Spirit,
more generally sing them down or even eject them as in the beginning of the dispensation, and has under-
from the building. taken to restore to His own spiritual church all that
Further, there have been men on the inside of the she has lost through the failure and unbelief of man,
movement whose heads the enemy has filled with the and He will do so--not by bringing into existence an-
idea of, and desire for leadership, and they have spent other organization, but by bringing those which He has
much time trying to convince the people that the work filled with the Spirit entirely under His control, and
needed organization, and of course trying to work imparting to them His gifts, and performing through
themselves into the position of leaders. They seem to them His wondrous works.
be so blind that they can see nothing beyoncl a mere Nothing short of a full surrender to the will of God,
human organization. They seem to think that after all with an absence of any desire for recognition, position
the failures of man along these lines God is going to or reward, will bring us into the _place that God can use
intrust the present -great work to the control of man: us to perform His mighty works, and this is a place
Knowing God's work has been hindered so much by man does not want to take. Mari wants to be seen and
man trying to control it in the past, and that His peo- heard. Man wants to do something and be something.
ple are unwilling to be tricked again, these schemers The Holy Ghost says to every man to get -down at the
are cunning enough of course to only contend for a feet of Jesus Christ and stay there. He tells u;; we are
very simple form of organization, and if they cannot nothing, and that we can do nothing. He makes the
get full control of the work, they will leave no stone Lord Jesus Christ all in all. He magnifies the work of
unturned to get as much control as they can. People redemption and discounts even the best works of man.
of God in every land, I plead with you in the name of Men want God to help them in their work, but He
Christ, remain free. Do not be deceived by any of passes them by and continues to exalt the work of
:h_~se schemes of men who are seeking power and Christ on the Cross of Calvary. Everything else has
glory for themselves. The saddest part of it is, that been exalted in the earth, and now the Holy Ghost is
those as far as I know both-in the United States and exalting the name of Jesus Cl'irist. He is defending:
Canada, who are concerning themselves so much and confirming the truth of God, and it will be estab-
about the matter of organization, have in all past time lished amc:mg the people of God. Every enemy of the
proven themselves so utterly unfit for the positions to truth will be subdued; every theory will be exposed.
which they aspire. I do not wish to pillory anyone, as Everyone will ha¥e a chance to see1.nd hear the work
my contention is not against any man as such, but some of the Spirit of God. He has again "Poured forth that
of those who have written me criticising me for my which ye now see and hear."
stand in this matter, and because I cannot recognize Men and movements are being called to decide
these self appointed leaders, would do well to examine whether to continue on in the old way, or to fall in line
the record of some of them, and find out if they have with the plan of God, and they are making their de-
been expelled from the organizations with which they cisions by the thousands. Many who have long waited
were formerly connected for booming, and rushing out for a real demonstration of the power of God, and who
missionaries and then failing to support them, or if now see it, are rejoicing and giving God the glory, and
any of them have been expelled for the way they have are giving up all their old theories, and works which
handled missionary funds intrusted to their care in the have been so largely in the flesh, and are praying night
past, before they attempt to force God's people to bow and day that God will put His own plan in operation,
to them as leaders, and acknowledge them capable of and that He will overthrow all the plans of men; and
controlling the missionary work in this blessed Perte- God is doing it. On the other hand, all who are in
costal movement. the flesh, and who are full of fleshly manifestations are
There is nothing on earth today, that is bearing such fighting with all their might, but are sure to lose in
a powerful testimony against the flesh, and all the the end.
works and theories of men, as is the Pentecostal move- Three classes, already formed, are rapidly develop-
ment. As a result, every person that is in the flesh or ing; first the unbelieving world, which is ripening for
who has any fleshly ambitions, is stoutly condemning destruction; second the unbelieving cold and formal
the whole movement. Every theory of man is being church, which together with the unbelieving world is
so fully exposed, and set at nought, that unless some- preparing the way for the anti-Christ. A portion of
thing happens speedily, people can no longer be held the cold formal church will have life enough to be
by any theory. If the teaching in the Pentecostal move- saved, but will have to pass through the tribulation.
ment is true, and it is, every other theory concerning The third class is those who are yielding themselves
the subject is utterly false, and is simply deceiving wholly to God, and are sealed unto the day of redemp-
people, and cheating them out of the real baptism. tiOl.).. These are living the overcoming life, and will
Men know this, and t4is accounts for the mighty battle constitute the reigning force in the millenial kingdom
that is so fiercely raging. It is a battle between truth of Jesus Christ. They are the pre-tribulation rapture
and error, and truth is bound to prevail. It is a battle saints who will be caught up in the clouds to meet the
between flesh and the Spirit, and the Spirit is sure to Lord in the air. I Thess. 4 :16-17. I Cor. 15 :51-52-
prevail. There is a real deadlock, as it were, as the 53-54. Rev. 20 :4-6.
P EN T E ,C 0 ~ TAL T EST I M 0 N Y 5

A TESTIMONY Ff-.OM INDIA. The Lord bless you richly in all your work of faith
and labor of love, and though a stranger in the flesh,
Beulah, 37 Sentor St., permit me to remain, Yours in our blessed Lord,
Jacob's Circle, Bombay, India, CHRJ:STIAN SHOONMAKER.
Jan. 23, 19IO.
My Dear Brother Durham:
NO.4 of Pentecostal Testimony reached my wife to- OUR CANADIAN TOUR.
day, and since I took it up to read, I passed just about On January 6 we left for Berlin, Ont., where a con-
through its contents before I laid it down. The three vention was in progress. There we found a company
previous copies have brought untold blessing to me, of loyal Pentecostal ·people. We had the privilege of
and this last one has done likewise. The truth always staying in the home of our Brother and Sister Ed-
refreshes and vitalizes the souls that are open to it, and munds, who were then in charge of the work there.'
with the many hundreds of God's saints throughout the We will always remember their kindness to us.
earth, we praise God for what He has been doing' in God worked in real power in these meetings and a
Chicago. number received the gift of the Holy Ghost and spoke
While still in America, God showed me the truth in tongues. A retired Mennonite minister was at times
about this Pentecostal Outpouring and in May, 1907. mightily under' the power 6f the Spiritof.God, but did
at Columbia, S. c., I began to seek my personal not get the baptism till later, in Toronto.
baptism. At the same time He showed me the Scrip- While in Berlin, Brother Semple, who with his dear
tural distinctiol1 between the "gift of tongues" and the wife was with me, corresponded with persons in Lon-
utterance of the Holy Spirit given at the time of being don and it was arranged that we should go there for
baptized in Him. The latter I saw clearly was the in- a few meetings. We arrived there January 13. Ar-
fallible sign of being baptized into the Holy Spirit. rangements had been made to hold the meetings in the
These points of truth were clear to me when I began home of Mr; William H. Wortman, a class leader in
to tarry. . Dundas Center M. E. church, and the head of The
God, in His wisdom, permitted me to leave for India W ortman-Ward Co., a manufacturing establishment..
in the fall of 1907, and set me down in the midst of The member~ of the prayer circle of the First Meth-
some missionaries in India, who had heard, but had not odist church, with Mr. Edward F. Towe, their class
yet seen the Spirit poured out upon a believer. During leader, and the prayer circle of the Dundas Center
Christmas week of that year we decided to have some M. E. class, were alike interested in these meetings,
waiting meetings and on December 26, 1907, the Lord with numbers of other people. They were a people
Jesus Christ wrought what He showed me He would taught of God and earnestly seeking God's best.
do in the previous Spring. The Holy Spirit came From the first God was with us. Tlienext day after
mightily upon me, taking possession of my entire being, we arrived the Lord baptized one or two. The third
and declared His presence by speaking for some hours day of the meeting (Sunday) the Spirit fell on and
in other tongues. During this same time in which the baptized six people. By this time the interest was
Spirit was speaking, God was pleased to lay bare His intense; the power was mighty. The large drawing
heart of love to my redeemed soul by causing me to see rooms of the Wortman home would no longer hold the
Christ on the Cross, bearing away the sin of the world. people and other rooms of the house were thrown open
At that time Romans 5:5 became a glowing reality to and filled with people eager to hear. And nearly all
my soul. Hallelujah for such a salvation! who came staid to the after service to seek God. No
In connection with two others, God led out to pub- pen can describe these meetings. Sometimes they were
lish abroad what He had done and was so willing, yea quiet and the people listened attentively to the Word of
waiting and wanting to do for all His people. We had God; again the glory and power of God would rest
the joy of seeing many souls likewise enter into the upon us in such a measure that we could not proceed
cloud. Part of the time I have been privileged to labor with any regular order of service, but would simply
with Brother A.H. Post, of Los Angeles, who has yield to God and allow Him to work in His own way.
often spoken. of his experience with you in Chicago. Scarcely a service would end without definite results,
We are expecting him to rejoin us again in the work and sometimes two or three would be filled with the
in Bombay in the very near future. Spirit and speak in tongues in a single service. It was
The Lord's leadings were of such a character last surprising at times when the power of God worked so
Spring that I found it necessary to separate from my mightily that a people so unaccustomed to seeing real
mission and launch out, after the manner of the Pen- manifestations of power were so calm in the midst of
tecostal missionaries. Since I clearly understood it as it. People would fall and lie as dead under the power.
His will, I followed with joy, and at present we are Other's would be shaken mightily, and some would be
working in connection with a Pentecostal Home in praying, some singing- in the Spirit, some speaking in
Bombay, conducted by Miss Orlebar; The intense tongues, yet all seemed to be praising God in perfect
opposition' toward this present outpouring has been harmony. .
manifested to an unusual degree in India, but God has These meetings continued night and day for twenty
enabled us to some extent to recognize this as an oppor- days. During this time thirty-two persons were bap-
tunity for faith and a call to press the battle to the tized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues as He
gates. On the whole, many have entered into the gave utterance. Mrs. Wortman received a very clear
Baptism. Many friends gathered during this past and wonderful experience, both speaking in tongues
Christmas for two weeks' conference in Fyzabad, No. and singing in the Spirit at the time. Mr. Wortman
India. The Lord rejoiced us with His presence and also received. . ..
manifested that His hand was upon us by baptizing Among the number that received the Holy Spirit
several more of His saints. Other incidents of His were Mrs. McDermid, Miss Wilson, Mr. Armstrong
working could be recorded, but at present I will re- and his brother and Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun. Mrs. Cal-
frain. houn'sexperience was very remarkable, owing to past

experiences which had left her in a somewhat despond- attend the meetings, with a letter to me stating that
ent condition. She was the first to receive, and her her daughter was in I:onsumption, and requesting me
experience was clear and beautiful, and from that very to give her such spiritual help and advice as I could,
hour the very light of Heaven shone in her face. and to pray for her healing. I with others dealt with
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong entertained us in their her and urged her to seek the Lord and to yield
quiet little home and all that could be done to make us herself to Him and seek to be baptized in the Holy
comfortable and happy was done. Mrs. Armstrong, Ghost. At first she seemed somewhat reluctant to
who is a remarkable woman of prayer, had prayed and begin to seek, but as her very appearance indicated
waited for years for God to do a work in London. As beyond a doubt that she had consumption and would
God began to work she felt that prayers of years were soon die if she did not get deliverance, I urged upon her
being answered. God began to deal with her relatives the more earnestly to yield herself to God, telling her
and friends and before the meetings were over He had that her very life depended upon it and that I firmly
baptized about ten of her near relatives in the Holy believed that if she would yield herself to Him and
Spirit. May God ever bless these dear people. fully trust Him, she would be healed. Some other
God used Brother and Sister Semple in these meet- girls about her age used all their influence to bring her
ings; also Miss Gertrude Taylor, who came from Chi- to the point of yielding.
cago during the meetings, bringing little Ethel Mae The power of God was so mightily upon the meet-
Durham with her. Brother and Sister Marshall, who, ings that it was easy for anyone who would seek to
with their little son were baptized in the Holy Spirit find the Lord. Mabel was soon an earnest seeker. In
while on a visit LO Scotland were with us in the meet- a few nights the power of God came upon her. She
ings and were used of the Lord. Time and space for- and a little girl named Marshall. lay side by side upon
bid our attempting to relate the wonderful things that the floor of the house of Mr. William H. Wortman,
happened or to make persona] mention of all who had where the meetings were being held, for more than
wonderful experiences, or who were used of God after an hour. Noone who witnessed this scene could ever
their baptism. We will simply say a more blessed and forget it. God dealt with them in .a most remarkable
sincere company of people it was never our privilege to and beautiful way, and they both came through speak-
meet. Every heart and every home was open to us. ing in tongues at about the same time. I never saw
Mr. and Mrs. Wortman placed their home at the Lord's anything more clear and convincing than the experi-
disposal for as long as He should keep the meetings ence of these two girls. Many who saw it told me
going. They also entertained many who attended the they could never doubt that it was a genuine work of
services either at meals or furnished lodging for them. God and that they were convinced as never before that
The love and fellowship among the Saints was beau- the Pentecostal work was of God.
tiful indeed. God demonstrated clearly that He was no A few days later Mabel came to me saying she had
respecter of persons as all classes were dealt with, and to leave for home the next day and begged me to ear-
dealt with alike. There were practical and successful nestly pray that God would heal her before she had
business men, capable teachers in the schools, rich and to go. That night was a time never to be forgotten.
poor, learned and unlearned alike went down under the God's mighty power was upon the entire service. We
mighty power of God and came up filled with the were conscious of His very presence with us. In the
Spirit, speaking in tongues and magnifying God. The after meeting God was dealing with many. Some were
work was in such a condition that after we left the Lord prostrated under the power, others were singing in
continued to bless the people and pour His Spirit upon the Spirit or speaking in tongues and- still others were
them, so that a short time ago Mr. Wortman informed earnestly praying. I noticed Miss Sipes kneeling near
me that the number of those baptized had reached fifty- me with face bowed ne~rly to the floor. I felt the time
eight and that God was still working. had come to lay hands on her and felt the assurance in
Personally, I was conscious during the meetings o£ my heart that God would heal her. I reached over to
my wealmes.s, of my constant need of help from God. lay my hands on her, thinking to lay them on her back
I was consdous of a deep love burning in my heart for as near over the lungs as possible. My left hand
the people and a strong desire to lift up Christ and reached her first, and the instant it touched her. she
preach Him a~ the only Saviour. God revealed Him fell as dead and was for at least an hour mightily
to many in a wonderful way. God did all the work that under the power of God. When she arose she declared
was' done and to Him alone be all the glory. that she was healed. When she came to me, though a
From London we went to the Hebden Mission in girl of fourteen years of age, she weighed only ninety-
Toronto, where ~e spent ten days, and in spite of the eight pounds.
fact that the P. M. D. people were holding a conven- Three weeks later I was in London and she came
tion at the time, and in spite of the division the P. M. again to the meeting and handed me a letter from her
U. has caused there, the Lord was with us in power. mother which stated that she had been perfectly healed
Brother and Sister Hebden are standing firm for the on the night she was prayed for and that she had
truth and God is working there in power. We wish gained seventeen pounds in three weeks. She looked
them God speed in their firm stand for real Pentecostal the picture of health.
truth. From there we returned to Chicago, stopping Recently I wrote Mrs. Sipes to know the present.
off two nights in London. May God bless His people condition of the girl's health, and learned that she con-
in Canada is our prayer. tinues to be well and happy and that God indeed
wrought a notable miracle of healing in her case, as
THE MIRACULOUS, INSTANTANEOUS HEAL- her lungs had been affected for fifteen months and she
ING OF MABEL SIPES, FROM had been examined by the physician at different times,
CONSUMPTION. who said she was getting worse and that it would be a
While engaged in evangelistic services in London, capital thing to send her to the Muskoka Hospital for
Ont., Canada, last winter, Mrs. James Sipes, of Inger- consumptives. At the time of her healing she was in
sol, Ont., sent her daughter, Mabel, to London to such a condition that she could scarcely keep anything

which she ate on her stomach. But, praise God, from ders are following. God is repeating many of His
the day that He touched her she has had no further wonderful works which have been seen in other ?ges.
trouble. The mother's name is Mrs. James Sipes. She In this day when the miraculous is being scoffed at
lives at Ingersol, Onto PASTOR DURHAM. even by preachers and church members, God is reviv-
ing the miraculous. Just when men are denying the
power of God, He is sending His power among those
MANIFESTATIONS NUMBER II. who believe Him. This power will }ncrease among
_ In a previous number of Pentecostal Testimony we true believers till Jesus comes. God is a God of power:
p1}blished an article on manifestations which did much His works are works of power. And the devil and
to clear up the subject for many; but still many ques- unbelieving men hate to see the mighty power of God
tions are being asked and we feel that another article being manifested, because they know men will be con-
on the same subject is necessary. One thing is sure: vinced thereby that God is the same and the works and
Whenever there is a revival of considerable power teachings of men and devils will be overthrown.
there are sure to be manifestations. After all different From the beginning of the present great outpouring
opinions are expressed the facts remain the same. the opposers have severely criticised the wonderful
When the mighty power of God rested upon George mariifestations of the Spirit of God, and have proven
Fox <;lnd the early Quakers there were visible manifes- their ignorance of what God is doing, by the weakness
tations of the Spirit's power. The devil was aroused of their arguments and criticisms. For a person to
and awful persecution followed. Mr. Fox was im- declare that the manifestations in the Pentecostal
prisoned, mobbed, and shamefully treated in many movement are psychologiCal or a result of nervousness
ways. To our mind it was not so much his simple, is sufficient proof to establish his ignorance of the sub-
plain preaching and dress that drew the fire of the ject in the mind of everyone who has experienced the
devil as the manifestations of the Holy Ghost which manifestations of the Spirit in his life:' I must state
accompanied his ministry. People not only heard the actual facts just as they are. To tell a man who has
Word, but saw the power of God. They were com- time and time again felt the literal power of God
pelled to acknowledge that there were supernatural stream into his soul and body, and so fill him that he
manifestations following the powerful preaching of this would fall helplessly to the floor and remain under the
htynble man. control of the power for several minutes or even an
When God sends a man He always manifests His hour or more, and who at such times feels his soul
power through him and the devil is always stirred. filled with unutterable glory and praise to God, or
When God sent Moses to Pharaoh to' deliver His feels a real burden of prayer and soul travail for the
message, signs and wonders accompanied that message lost, that, because his body is shaken more or less at
when it was delivered. As long as Moses lived God the time, it is all nervousness is to make yourself ridic-
wrought wonders through him. So itwas with Joshua ulous in his eyes. To say that it is excitement or that
and all the prophets. So it was with Jesus Christ Him- we work ourselves up to this state is false.
self and with His apostles, and so has it ever been since Recently in a meeting-in North Avenue mission there
the days of the apostles. were nearly two hundred people in attendance and
When signs and wonders cease it is a sure evidence without any visible cause for it they were presently
that the Church has drifted away from God, and that nearly all mightily under the power of God. We had
God has withdrawn His presence from it. And in just risen from our knees when wave after- wave of
every case where the people set their faces to seek God power and glory swept over our souls and bodies,
and continue to do so till He returns to them, His re- filling our souls with glory and praise, and shaking
turn is evidenced and accompanied by signs and won- many of our bodies, and speaking in tongues and sing-
ders. As stated, it was so in the days of Fox. It was ing in the Spirit was heard on every side. People in
notably so in the days of Wesley, Cartwright, Finney all parts of the building were equally affected. This
and many other mighty men that God has raised up continued for nearly half an hour before the regular
to declare His Gospel. Further the manifestations order of service could be continued. No person could
have always been somewhat similar. The Quakers deny that there was a supernatural power operating,
were so called because they shook and quaked under among the people. Noone who heard the volume of
the power of the Spirit of God. In the days o·f Wesley, praise which ascended to God and heard the name and
Finney and others, the people not only shook and power of Jesus Christ and His precious Blood exalted:
trembled but fell under the power, sometimes in num- could doubt that it was the power of God. 0 how
bers, and often lay for hours. These manifestations Satan hates this real visible power 6f God which can
have always stirred the devil. Cold, formal preachers be seen and felt and which so clearly demonstrates the
and churches have always been aroused to action, and fact that God is working among His people!
have generally opposed and hindered all they possibly But some will say, "I have seen manifestations which
could. The preachers know they ought to have power, I cannot believe to be from God." So have 1. There
and not having it, they feel that the easiest thing for never was a genuine work in progress that Satan did
them to do is to declare that the manifestations follow- not get ,some counterfeit into it. Every great revival
ing the ministry of others are not of God, but honest attracts not only honest seekers and well-balanced
souls are always convinced by the manifestations that people, but cranks and fanatics as well. I never saw
God is working. the exception. Every revivalist of any note has had:
The manifestations in the present great outpouring his troubles with them, and we have had our full share.
of the Holy Ghost have been and still are something There is a host of them and they all desire to air their
wonderful. All the manifestations witnessed in the theories or ride their hobbies; but they are no proof
great revivals of the last two hundred years seem to that God is n6t working, but rather prove that He is
have reappeared and others that have not been seen working. But as the purpose of this article is not t.o
before since the days of the Apostles, so far as I know. deal with cranks and fanatics, we will return to the
God has visited His people and mighty signs .and won- subject of manifestations.

There are three distinct kinds of manifestations. The weight with us. He says, "If a son shall ask bread of
first is produced by the direct operation of the Spirit anyone of you who is a father, will he give him a
of God. It is this one, and only this that we wish to stone?" etc. There is no safer place under Heaven for
defend. The other extreme is- any manifestation which an honest soul than seeking God for anything which
is produced by the direct operation of demon power. He has promised to His children.
No one with any knowledge of Scripture can deny that I would answer the oft repeated question of how to
the devil has power and that he gets control of people come to God f.or the baptism in the Holy Spirit in this
whenever possibl~. Between these two is what I way: come with a humble heart and mind, trusting the
would call manifestations of the flesh. There is much Blood of Christ alone, and ask Him for the gift of the
that \ould not be said to be of God, and yet I would Holy Spirit-not that you may be great and powerful,
not dare to say it was of the devil. My opinion is that but that you may be brought into a right relationship
many people are entirely too liberal with the devil. to God, and possess your promised inheritance, and
That is, they are too quick to ascribe to him any mani- that Jesus Christ may be glorified through the Holy
festation or work which they do not understand. Such Spirit's dwelling in you. To my mind, it is a sad mis-
people, as soon as they see a physical manifestation, take to seek God for His Spirit's power with a desire
are ready to cry out that it is the devil; simply because prominent in your mind to do or be something. A
they do not understand it. If asked for proof that it " person seeking power with a desire to do some great
is Satan they simply say: "0, God would never work thing, who is not perfectly honest in his desire to he
in that way," as though they were authority on what right with God, or who does not first seek to be fully
God will or will not do. cleansed in the Blood of Christ and made clean and
As some who in a general way believe in the Pente- pure in the sight of God, will not only fail to get
costal movement are afraid of physical manifestations, anything from God, but is in grave danger of being
we will deal briefly with these three kinds of manifes- taken possession of by some evil spirit, or receiving an
tations mentioned, in the hope that many will be made awful rebuke from God, as Simon the sorcerer at the
to see the truth. While it would be wrong to say that City of Samaria.
every physical manifestation is of God, it is entirely I wish to reaffirm that I believe there have been very
wrorig to say that any great per cent of them are from few cases of demon possession, or manifestations pro-
the devil. N or is it correct to say that that which i5 duced by an evil spirit that have come under my ojJ-
physical is of the flesh, as so many do say. God is put- servation. I cannot and do not believe it is possible
ting His power not only upon our spirits, but upon our for Satan to get possession of an honest person. It
bodies as well. Paul says, "The body is the temple of is my belief that every case of real demon power that
the Holy Spirit." The Spirit of God comes upon and has been witnessed in the Pentecostal or any other
into our bodies, and physical manifestations are the work has been that of some dishonest or unclean per-
inevitable result. So that a physical manifestation son. For a person, as many have done, to attribute
which is produced by the direct operation of the Holy all the physical manifestations to Satan, to my mind,
Spirit is just as real and acceptable as a shout or sim- is little short of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, as the
ilar Spiritual manifestation. To my mind, by far the manifestations of the power of God are so many and
greater part of physical manifestations which I have so wonderful, as well as so valuable, that it is an awful
seen, such as shaking, falling under the power, etc., mistake to credit them to Satan.
were produced by the direct operation of the Spirit There is really little resemblance between the mani-
of God upon the physical beings of His children. I festations of the Spirit of God and the manifestations
have seen several cases, howeve'r, where I believe it of Satan. I can detect the workings of the devil as
was the flesh working. In other cases when God really soon as I see them. He always leads people to do
works, folks become self-conscious and desire to be foofish and unscriptural things, that in the end do not
seen, and thus it becomes evident that while God is profit; while the manifestation of the Spirit is given
working the flesh is working also. In many genuine to every man to profit withal. Satan destroys body,
experiences the flesh is allowed to get in in some little mind and soul, fills with doubt, fear, _envy and strife,
measure, and God is hindered and the person does not destroys confidence in God and man, and in the Word
have as beautiful an experience as he would, had he of God. The power of God strengthens us bodily,
kept self entirely out of it. I would have to say that mentally and spiritually, increases our faith in God and
in a few cases, perhaps a half dozen or more, I have man, fills with love, joy and peace, deepens our love
seen what I was compelled to believe was the power of and strengthens faith in Jesus Christ the only Son of
Satan working, but it has generally been in persons God, and in the blessed Word of God. Time and
,vho have at some time dabbled with Spiritualism, or in again have I had the power of God come upon me and
the case' of divorced and remarried women. prostrate me for several minutes, or even an hour.
Some one will say, "If there have been cases where When the power would lift I would find myself won-
the enemy got hold of people, is it really safe for us derfully strengthened and Tested in body and mind, and
to seek the experience?" Our answer is, that it is most wonderfully uplifted spiritually. In fact, my soul
perfectly safe for any honest person to seek to be is filled with faith, love, joy, peace, confidence in God,
filled with the Holy Spirit, as the Blood of Christ in and all other things that I understanq to be from God
which they trust makes it impossible for Satan to as at no other time. Dare anyone say that I would
touch them. They are in no more danger than an receive such results if it were Satanic power that came
honest sinner is in when he is seeking God for salva- upon me as some seem to think it.is? It is disgusting
tion. In other words, we have too much confidence in to me to hear folks talk as though God allowed the
God to believe He would allow an honest soul while devil to put his infernal power on His children, and
seeking His face, and desiring to be filled with the make playthings of them a good part of the time. God's
Holy Spirit, to be taken possession of by the devil. If children are under the Blood of Jesus Christ, and Satan
this could be, no one would be safe in seeking God for has no power to touch them as long as they stay there;
anything. The words of Christ on this lirie have great but let them watch and pray, and trust the blood con-

tinually, to keep them clean, lest the enemy get an At the first opportunity I told Brother Durham, pas-
advantag.e over them. tor of the assembly, I had come to be healed and get
I believe we will see greater manifestations of the my baptism in the Holy Ghost and did not expect to
power of God as the dispensation draws to a close. leave until I had received both. The first meeting. I
God's people are going down before Him in real humil- was in I just put myself into God's hands and from
ity and faith. And the nearer they get to Him the that time on just rested in Him, believing that what He
greater the degree of power which He puts upon them, had promised He was able to perform. The days rolled
and the gre~ter the degree of power which produces by and no one had been led to pray for me, but I did
the physical manifestations, which we are defending, not worry; I was in His hands and my soul was just
the greater the results. This is why the devil hates feasting on the things of God. '
and opposes the manifestations so. He knows they I had been here just three weeks and as Brother
evidence the real power of God in operation. He knows Durham came into the pulpit in the evening service I
if he can prejudice people against all physical manifes- realized the mighty power of God was on him as he
tations, he has robbed them of all they would have announced a hymn and made the request for anyone
received through the operation. of the Spirit of God who wished to be prayed for for healing to come for-
upon their physical beings, and it is when the power ward. Oh, what a conflict there was! The Lord seemed
of God is operating thus, that, the best results are ob- to speak to me saying, "Now is the time, if you ever ex-
tained. I have seen this wonderful power cause the pect to be healed." But the· enemy, Satan,was on
lame to rise and walk-made instantly and . perfectly hand to tell me it was of no use and to refer me to the
whole. I have seen it heal the sick in many cases. many times I had been prayed for and not healed, and
While feeling. this mighty power operating in my body, he said it would only weaken my faith if I was prayed
I have laid my hands on people in many cases, and they for now and not healed. But I said, "Lord, 1 will go,
would be filled instantly with the Holy Ghost. All the let come what may." By this time they were singing
real work that is done on every line is done by this the chorus for the last time and as I knelt at the altar
mighty power, which comes upon us and which at Brother Durham put his hands on me and the mighty
times shakes the body, at other times prostrates us, healing power of God went through and through me
speaks and sings in tongues, and produces many other and I felt in my body that I was healed. Glory be to
manifestations. It is none other than the power of God, who has all power in heaven and earth.
God. It is no less a personage than the Blessed Holy Just one week later He baptized me in ..the H. G. and'
Spirit Himself working among the saints of God. This gave me the .Bible evidence of speaking in other
explains why the devil tries to counterfeit it, and the tong.ues. Since that time I have enjoyed perfect health.
flesh tries to imitate it. Let all the saints yield them- To Him be the glory forever and ever.
selves to God; hate the flesh; and, above all, give no MRS. J. A. BARKLEY.
place to the devil.
A WONDERFUL HEALING. We wish to again warn the people of God against
With a heart full of praise and g.ratitude to my having anything to do with the matter of organization,
blessed Lord who has so marvelously delivered me, I which is being urged by a few would-be leaders here
write this testimony for publication. May the dear and there. Last year an attempt was made to form
Lord use it to encourage many of His children who what they pleased to call the Pentecostal Missionary
are looking to Him for the healing of their bodies. Union. God's people protested against this organiza-
After having suffered intensely for weeks and find- tion in no uncertain voice. At our convention in Chi-
ing no relief through medicine, on February 22, 1908, cago, last September; about seven hundred Pentecostal
I was taken to the hospital in Sioux City, Ia., and people, representing twenty-five states of this Union,
operated upon by one of the best surgeons in the city. rose in solemn protest against this movement. We
I left the hospital knowing that the operation had sent copies of the resolutions to Mr. Lupton and
brought nothing but temporary relief. In one year and others, composing what they were pleased to call the
one month from the day I was first operated upon, executive council, and Seeley D. Kinne of St. 'Louis,
after having suffered such pain that many times death who was the strongest man in it, came out. Different
would have been a relief, I was again carried into the others have come out of their own accord. I under-
hospital with but little hopes for recovery. stand that others from different parts of the country
Before consenting to the second operation three doc- also protested against this movement. Little atten-
. tors had been consulted, all telling me that nothing else tion, however, was paid to these things by the real
could .be done to relieve the awful pain which I was promoter of this scheme, and notices have been sent
suffering. I went on the operating. table the second out stating that they will attempt to further develop
time, knowing it would bring me no relief but for the the scheme this year at Alliance, Ohio. We cannot
time being. recognize the authority of this one man, who is not
The surgeon told me I was suffering from the same even in charge of a congregation, to call such a meet-
disease that is tcday filling our insane asylums with ing. We will give the organization no recognition if .
women. formed. To our mind, it is time to stop this foolish-
Oh, how I cried to God from the depths of my soul ness and get down to business for God and the salva-
as I lay on my bed waiting to undergo the operation, tion of souls. Every Pentecostal Mission in Chicago
and what comfort and assurance He gave me that all is against this thing, and there is no stronger Pente-
would be well. I promised God that if He would spare costal center in the world than Chicago. We feel no
my life and open the way as soon as I was able I would need of stlch a thing, and it is a grief to us to think
come to Chicago where I knew God was working in that men would spend their time trying to organize
mighty power. . the people of God into a sect and get control of them.
So on the 11th day of May I left home and loved Other men in different parts of the country are try-
ones and came with the determination to go through ing to organize the work on different lines, and the
with God. Praise His precious name. brethren are' writing us expressing their regrets that

such should be the case. People of God in every land, Little Gloria Sterling gave her heart to Jesus when
pay no attention to these men; and above all do not she was three and a half years old, and she had a real
help them in carrying out these plans, as by so doing cC)11version. She seemed to be inspired of God. I re-
you will become in a measure responsible for the ir- member soon after her conversion, while in a mission
reparable damage that will be done, and the division on the South Side, she was pleading with a backslider
that -will unavoidably result, The great majority of to come to Jesus; she said, "If you do not come now
God's people do not want another sect organized, but there is no telling when it will be." When the altar call
want to remain free, and they will do so whether was given the man came back to Jesus a1).d has been
these little sects are formed or not. We believe God faithful ever since.
wants His people to be united and to meet together When she was five years old she was baptized in the
and discuss any problem which may arise at any time, Holy Ghost and spoke in other tongues. She is now
but as a councilor convention, and not as a sect. If seven and a half years old and is going to school.
these men will stop these efforts, and take their places Please pray that God will preserve her from all evil
as ministers and assist in pushing this great war for and that God will have His way with her.
God to a successful issue, we will give them the right 0, I praise God for the fellowship of the saints, but
hand of fellowship, and will be glad to meet with all most of 'all I praise Him for Jesus. I asked the Lord
of them at any time it b.ecomes necessary to discuss in to make rile willing to give up my child, while alone
a general way matters connected with the work of the with her a few moments before the Lord healed her.
Lord. God is able to solve the missionary and all other- He asked .me if I would take life or death, and I said,
problems connected with His work, and only He can "Lord, I'll take either." He made me perfectly willing
do it, anyway, so we had best let Him work it out. for Gloria to be with Jesus.
THE MIRACULOUS- HEALING OF A LITTLE I809 Humboldt St., Chicago, Ill.
I feel like praising God for the wonderful way He "STATE ENCAMPMENT."
healed my little girl, Gloria. About the 20th of April, Malvern, Ark.
I9IO, she was taken very ill. At first she had symp- Sept. 9 to 25, I9IO.-On this date, we expect to hold
toms of measles; then it seemed to be scarlet fever; the first "annual encampment of the Apostolic Faith for
but later it developed into double pneumonia. This the State of Arkans1.s." While this is especially for
seemed to take an awful hold on her and death was Arkansas, the brethren from the adjoining states and
staring her in the face. Most of the time she was de- elsewhere are most cordially invited to be with us.
lirious and in much agony of pain. She seemed to be This meeting is solely for the glory of God in the
burning up with fever, her temperature being over I06. salvation of souls, that they may also be sanctified with
We labored and prayed-but seemingly all in vain. the Blood, and Baptized with the Holy Spirit; and for
Towards the ninth or tenth day she was sinking very bringing together in love and unity the workers of
rapidly. The dear saints showed me much kindness, Arkansas and other places.
an.d some of them advised me to call in a physician to We expect quite a number of brethren from a dis-
avoid any trouble in case of her death, which I did. tance, whose labors God has blessed, to be with us; but
But I knew that the doctor could do nothing, for I most of all, are we depending upon the Lord Himself
have been trusting Jesus as my Physician and He has to honor this meeting with His presence.
many times answered my prayers. Ministers and workers, sent of God, we hope to en,..
When the _doctor came he said it would be one case tertain free. Meals will Le in a large tent on the free-
in a thousand if the child lived and he was very angry will-offering r Ian. Individual tents for campers will
because I had not called him sooner. After leaving the be furnished at cost, for all who write in time to get
house he met Pastor Durham on his way to pray for them here from Little Rock. In general, everything
Gloria, who asked him how she was. The doctor told will be free as far as the Lord makes possible. Let all
him that she had double pneumonia and that there was who attend come in an humble dependen~e upon God
no hope, the child would die. He said he would call alone and in prayer that there may be a mighty out-
the next morning, but did not expect to find the child pouring OC the Holy Ghost.
alive. Let all who expect to come write us. For tents and
That night, April 28, some of the dear saints held on for any other information, address either of the under-
to God for her until after midnight. About 2 o'clock signed. H. A. Goss,
the next morning, April 29, we took a lighted lamp K N. BELL,
and looked at her face. Her eyes were dark and Committee in Charge.
sunken; there was no more air seemingly getting into
her lungs-just a little movement in her throat. Her OUR FOREIGN MISSIONARIES.
pulse was very bad, and her body was growing Gold. The last missionaries going out from us were Mr.
While leaning over her alone and sile~tly praying, I and Mrs. R. J. Semple and Miss Phoebe Holmes, who
said, "Lord, are you goihg to take my Gloria?" And left us last winter and are now situated in Hong
He answered me these words: "I will raise her up at Kong, China, which will be their field of labor for
the last hour." I knelt byher side and asked Him to the present or till the Lord leads them elsewhere.
raise her up now, and soon the power came and she Mr. B. Berntsen and family and some other workers.
was instantly healed. are located at Cheng Ting Fu, Chili, North China.
When it came time to arise that same morning, she Brother George Hanson and family are at Shanghai,
said to me: "Mamma, I have been in bed so long, and China. -
have been so sick, can't I go out and play?" When Miss Jennie Mishler is in Santa Isabella, Porto
Pastor Durham called to 'see her a little later in the Rico.
day, she was sitting in a chair playing with her dolls. These are all strictly faith missionaries, and are
Today she is the picture of health. worthy of the support of Pentecostal people. We also

contribute to the support of Brother A. H. Post, and gives good material. Our object is to reach tens
who is now jn Egypt and to Pandita Ramabai in of thousands of people when we do publish, rather than
India. to reach a few people often.
Weare in sympathy with every genuine faith mis- Most of the papers that have a subscription price on
sionary on the face of the whole earth. them have less than two thousand subscribers. At the
We will forward 100 cents on every dollar sent rate of two thousand a month it would take them over
to us for any missionary anywhere. five years to circulate the number of papers that we cir-
Let the glad tidings be proclaimed in all the earth! culated last year. Meantime we will reach more than
Amen. fifteen times as many people as they reach.
My opinion is that it would be well for the brethren
to stop these criticisms of the publishers of Pentecostal
CRITICISMS ANSWERED. literature as they are sure to be one-sided. If criticisms
When the first number of PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONY are in order, we will offer this one of the Latter Rain
appeared, myoId friend and beloved brother, William Evangel which contains the above criticism of free
F. Manley, published an article in his paper, the Ho.use- literature. Their subscription price is $1.00 a year
hold of God, criticising my position, making personal which is at the rate of $83.33 per thousand. This is in
mention of me. Believing then, as I still do, that he' my estimation three times the valu~ of the paper. On
was honest in his views, I let the matter pass and con- page 2 it is stated that. three faithful helpers give their
tinued to recommend his paper to those who desired a time free to the paper. Why not take some of this ex-
monthly paper. I even recommended his paper in num- orbitant sum and pay them for their labors. We do
ber 4 Pentecostal Testimony, 25,000 copies of which not charge $83.00 per thousand ·for our paper and then
were circulated. take offerings for it besides, but everyone of our regu-
About the last of March or the first of April, this lar helpers is paid a fair wage every week, and we have
year, Brother Manley wrote me that he had decided to never been in debt one cent to anybody. We, too, be-
give up the publication of his paper and asked me if I lieve that the laborer is worthy of his hire and so pay
would take it, saying he was giving me the first chance him.
at it. I prayed over the matter and asked the people in PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONY will appear just as often as
the mission to pray with me, but felt after doing so, our blessed Lord lets us know He wants us to publish
that the LOld would not be pleased to have me oblig.ate it, and it will continue to conta.in ~od's message for
myself to publish a paper Tegularly every month. I today, real live, Pentecostal teaching, and we believe
wrote Brother Manley expressing my regrets that I God will provide all necessary funds.
could not take the paper and heartily thanking him for PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONY has never criticised anyone
the confidence he had shown in me, in offering it to for putting a price on their literature or for taking
me.· offerings, and we have never asked people to kneel and
In the May number of the Latter Rain Evangel) page pray that the Lord would send in the money. We
2, it is announced that Brother Manley has turned the leave everyone free to do as they please in tnese mat-
paper over to the editor of the Latter Rain Evangel. ters. Brethren, be charitable ,and give us the same
On the same page begins an article by Brother Man- privilege.
ley in which he again attacks free literature and makes God will reward my dear Brother Manley for the
statements which, though they may be true in some faithful work he has done both in preaching and pub-
cases, are far from true in all cases, although I believe lishing the truth of God. Will every reader of PENTE-
my brother thinks they are true. The charge is made COSTAL TESTIMONY pray for this man of God who has
o· clearly iinplied that if our papers do not appear spent many years in the ministry.
monthly it is because we have no funds, and that we With the passing of- the Household of God from the
have to wait till funds are sent in before we can pub- hands of my dear Brother Manley our indorsement of
lish the papers. As editor of PENTECOSTAL TESTIMONY) the paper ends. We cannot recommend a paper that in
I feel it is no more than right to state the facts as they its first number took· a decided stand against the
are, lest the minds of honest people should be preju- tongues being the evidence of the baptism in the Holy
diced. Of course I can only speak for my own paper. Ghost, and other truths for which the Pentecostal
Now follow the facts. The first number of PENTE- movement has stood from the first, and whose editor
COSTAL TESTIMONY appeared March 27, i909. The cost has not yet received the Holy Ghost, so far as we
of printing 25,000 copies was $239.25 and was paid as know. But I must state, I have nothing to say against
. soon as due. In other words, the money was ready the editor-it is purely a matter of doctrine. Brethren,
when the work was done. We published 51,900 copies let there be no further controversy between us on these
of number 2 and when the work was done the money or any other lines.
was ready. Twenty-five thousand each of numbers 3
and 4 were published, and in each case the money was
ready when 'the work was done. I refer anyone who THE WORK IN COLUMBUS, OHIO.
doubts this statement to Stromberg, Allen & Co., Chi- Brother T. A. Lee, who has for some time been
cago, and the Regan Publishing Company, Chicago, laboring in Columbus, Ohio, writes that they are having
who have done my printing, and I wish to state em- wonderful meetings there. About fifty have been saved
phatically that the paper has never been. delayed one and about forty. have received the Holy Ghost and
moment for lack of funds. The delay, if any, has al- spoken in tongues. He has baptized thirty-s,even in
ways been because I could not possibly find time to pre- water and the work is still going. on. There are seek-
pare the material, as I do not allow the paper or any- ers at the altar in nearly every service and their little
thing else to interfere with my ministerial duties. mission is crowded to the doors every night, with
I wish to state again here that our object has never crowds on the outside who cannot get in.'
been to publish a paper monthly or at any stated in- We rejoice with our dear brother for the success he
terval, but to publish large numbers as the Lord leads is having in the Work of the Lord.


A PROPHETIC MESSAGE. should speak unto My people. Look not upon the
(Given by Mrs. R. J. Semple, in Belfast, Ireland; while pages that contain the theories of men, but upon the
en route to China.) . burning, flaming words of My Word as revealed and
The voice of the Lord came unto me, saying, "Lift illuminated by the Holy Spirit which I have given
up thine eyes that I may shew thee my plan concern- unto you."
ing thee. Give ine thine ears, that I may speak unto And again I beheld the messenger of God holding
thee concerning the preaching of my gospeL" And I aloft the word of power.' The nations looked upon it,
said unto Him, "Yea, Lord, not mine eyes and my and where the light of its pages shone forth upon tne
ears only turn I unto Thee, but my whole soul, my earth it dispelled the gloom and darkness and shed
whole being longeth to hear Thy voice." forth the light of day.
Straightway mine eyes were opened and I beheld a "Even so hold thou My Word unto those whereunto
Book of light and wisdom. Its pages were written in I shall send thee. For I, even I, shall break the fetters
letters of fire, and the words thereof were words of that bind. I, even I, shall give liberty unto those in
power and glory; giving death and life; giving bond- bondage, and light unto those in darkness through thee
age and freedom; making deep wounds, and also giv- if thou shalt be as clay in my hands."
ing healing; giving great hunger, and also satisfying
the hungry soul; causing great sorrow, yet giving
great joy; telling of endless gloom and despair, but DOCTOR DIXON ANSWERED.
revealing a life of endless bliss and glory; causing In the last few months Dr. A. C. Dixon, pastor of
great drought and thirst throughout the earth, yet the Moody Church, has preached twice, or more, on
giving f,bowers and rivers of living water and bread the subject of tongues, and recently has published a
unto the nations thereof. booklet on the same subject, a copy of which is before
But, I beheld that as the light of the Book shone me. Feeling that he has not done justice to the sub-
forth dispelling gloom and darkness, giving light unto ject, and that the public has a right to hear the other
the world, there came those clad in priestly robes and side of the question, I make this attempt to *answer
ministerial attire. Each one held in his hand a scroll some of the statements which he makes. I shall have
and was writing thereon with a pen, and the name of only time to touch on a very few points, and space
the pen was "The Wisdom of Man." I beheld the compels me to deal briefly with those I shall be able to
wliting; it was the wisdom of man, the thoughts and touch on at all. I wish to' state that I always had a
theories of men. When they had ceased to write I very high regard for Mr. Dixon, as I have believed
saw them take the pages which they had written, and him to be faithfully preaching Christ as the Savior,
cover with them page by page the Book of light and and standing firmly for the Bible as the Word of God.
life, so that the light thereof was obscured as the word 1 have no desire to say or do any thing against him,
of man obscured the word of God. Then saw I that or to in any way injure him. I simply write in de-
they brought great stones and mortar and built a wall fense of what I believe to be the plain truth' of God,
about the Book, and my heart was sore'within me,for and to which I believe my brother has failed to do
I beheld the nations groping in darkness, searching for justice.
the light that was hidden within the Book. Then cried In the first place Mr. Dixon admits of a doubt
I unto the Lord, "How long, how long shall this be? as to whether the Apostles and others on the day
Shall thy mercy endure fore,\er, 0 Jehovah?" of Pentecost really spoke in other tongues or whether
But straightway lifting up my eyes, I beheld a mes- the people simply heard in their own language. The
senger of the 'Lord running s,\\,iftly, clad in a white Scripture says distinctly that they~pake in other
garment 01 righteousness, and his inner garments were tongues, and to our mind there is, no room whatever
the garments of humility. His face shone with Heav- for doubting that tiley really spake in other tongues.
enly light, while within his hand he held a flaming On page one, under the head of "Not Repeated" he
sword. makes the statement that the Pentecostal experience
And I beheld that as he advanced he came unto the was never repeated, and continuing attempts to prove
Book whose pages had been covered, and wielding the that in other instances where the speaking in tongues
flaming sword, he severed page by page the writing is recorded, it does 110t mean that the people spake
of man which had obscured the pages of light and , in other tongues, but if I grasp his meaning, they
power and life, so that they were again revealed unto simply spoke in a different way in, the same language.
the blinded nations. The wall of stone and mortar Let us examine the Scriptures and see if Dr. Dixon
he overthrew, so that again the rivers and life-giving is right in this position. His position is that the
waters flowed forth into the regions around about. Give Pentecostal experience was never repeated. In Acts
ear, therefore, and hearken unto the voice of God, and 10 :47, Peter says of the people at the house of Corne-
let him that hath understanding, understand aright. lius, "They have received the Holy Ghost as well as
And the Lord spoke unto me, saying, "The Book we." In Acts I I :15, Peter says, "The 'Holy Spirit
which thou seest is the word of the living, the eternal fell on them even as on us at the beginning." Now
God. The burning words thereof are the words of the as it was the speaking in other tongues, or as Mr.
Lord Jehovah who liveth and reigneth with power. Dixon puts it, tongues, leaving off the adjective,
The writing which obscured is the dark and foolish "other" that convinced both Peter and those that were
sayings and theories of the unbelieving and false with him, that the gentiles had received the gift of
church. But behold, even as thou sawest the messen- the Holy Ghost, it is an astonishing thing to me that
ger' of light come forth, even so have I chosen and a man of the. learning of Dr. Dixon should not see
ordained thee, that thou shouldst go forth, and clear that it was supernatural tongues that were spoken.
away the debris and contamination, with which they We believe that Peter's plain, twice-repeated state-
have covered and obscured the light of My Word. ment that these people had received the same thing
I have chosen thee and called thee by name that thou he received on the day of Pentecost, entirely removes

this flimsy foundation from under our brother's argu- substance is repeated in .the article which we have
ment. We cannot see that the absence of visible under· discussion. His whole contention, when an-
tongues of fire or of the sound of the rushing, mighty alyzed, is that the speaking in tongues is simply ecsta-
wind has anything to do with what they received or tic utterances escaping a person when "they are rap-
with the tongues that followed. It was the Holy turously happy, and that interpretation simply means
Ghost that was received on the day of Pentecost, to explain that this is the case. Would it be necessary
and it was the Holy Ghost that was received at the for God to give a person a gift of the Holy Spirit to
house of Cornelius. In each case it was evidenced produce the former or to explain it? I appeal this
by the speaking in tongues, as the Spirit gave utter- case to the intelligence of every reader of this article.
ance. Our contention is that the speaking in tongues is
Dr. Dixon uses the same weak argument with regard supernatural. The Scriptures say that in the Spirit'
to the Words of our blessed Lord Who said: "These mysteries are spoken. We contend that to interpret
signs shall follow them that believe: in my mime means to really translate what is spoken. We believe
they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new that the mysteries spoken in the Spirit are brought
tongues." To our mind t4ere can be no doubt as to down into the realms of the natural where the under-
what the Lord meant,· nor have we ever heard any standing of man can grasp them, by the Spirit's oper-
question raised as to His meaning till recently. All ating the gift of interpretation. The Spirit through one
have been agreed, so far as we. know, that He meant speaks mysteries, and through another interprets them.
supernatural tongues, and in Acts 2 we see how beau- This view of things exalts these blessed gifts of the
tifully it was fulfilled. The same thing applies to Spirit to the place where they belong. Dr. Dixon's
Acts 19 :6. teaching on this subject entirely removes the Scriptural
On page two Mr. Dixon takes up the subject of the teaching that they are gifts of the Spirit, and makes
speaking in tongues at Corinth as recorded in the them to appear very insignificant, as, if what he says
14th chapter of 1 Cor. After admitting what is were true, anyone who was happy enough might speak
generally denied by the opposers of the Pentecostal in tongues, and a sinner could interpret as well as any
work, namely that there is a difference between the one else. Let the reader decide for himself which
speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance, is right.
and the exercising the gift of tongues, as at Corinth, Let us compare Dr. Dixon's statements concerning
where it is plainly implied that the speaker has control "these ecstatic utterances" with actual facts. Is it
of himself, and can speak or not as he chooses, he only when those who speak in tongues are rapturously
takes up the subject of the gift of tongues and the happy that they speak in tongues? The writer pas
gift of interpretation. To our mind our brother is been filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in
in the grossest possible error on both these subjects. tongues for nearly three and one half years, and can
In answering him on these points I am going to' put say from actual experience that Mr. Dixon's ideas
Scripture and facts against his theories. On page on this subject are entirely wrong; and with all his
four, paragraph four, he says concerning the gift learning and wisdom, and knowledge on all other
of tongues "it was an ecstatic rhapsodical experience, lines, he has no knowledge whatever of this experi-
which expressed emotion without thought." Paul ence. Fifty-thousand copies of this paper will be
. says in I Cor. 12 :4-10, that certain gifts are given in circulated. They will faIl into the hands of thousands
the Spirit, and tongues is classed as one of those gifts. of people who are speaking in tongues, all of whom
It is a travesty on Scripture to teach that that which will bear me out in this statement. The first time
it caIls a gift of the Holy. Spirit, is simply "ecstatic," I ever spoke in tongues was March 2, 1907. The
"rhapsodical" or emotional. The speaking in tongues Spirit had come upon me, and I was prostrated under
is a genuine gift of the Spirit of God, and there is not his power. This was the day I was baptized in the
a hint in Scripture that it is an i1i.ferior' gift, or that Spirit. I was conscious at the time that the personal
it is not to be sought. Can it be possible that this Holy Spirit had come and taken up His abode within
man of letters really. believes that God would bestow me. He was dealing with me in a wondrous way,
a gift of the Spirit on his people that was of as little when presently He began to operate upon my vocal
value as he would lead us to Believe the gift of tongues organs, and then to speak through me in tongues.
is? Repeatedly he refers to the speaking in tongues, There was nothing ecstatic or emotional about it, in
as "ecstatic," "rhapsodical," "This gift of ecstatic the sense of which Dr. Dixon speaks. I was happy
. joy," and in other ways clearly implies that it has no and continued to be happy, but it was not my happi-
more meaning than a laugh or a shout, making it ness, nor emotions that produced the speaking in
emotionalism pure and simple. The Word of God tongues. I spoke as the Spirit gave utterance, as the
calls it a gift of the Holy Spirit, and says that the disciples at Pentecost, and it was the operation of the
speaker speaks to God. Can it be that God would Holy Ghost that caused the speaking in tongues, as
commit to His children a means of communication well as to make me happy. From that time to this
with Himself, that was as unimportant .and insignifi- I have spoken in tongues almost every day, and ofteri.
cant as Dr. Dixon makes the gift of tongues appear many times in a day, but I am just as apt to speak
to be? Three years ago I heard Dr. Dixon in de- when under a burden for the lost, or for the work
livering an address say that the speaking in tongues of the Lord, or when in earnest prayer, as when I am
was simply a spiritual ecstacy language, and. was the rapturously happy. The Holy Spirit dwelling within
result of a person's getting so happy they lost control speaks when He wills, and I am glad to have it so.
of themselves, and simply gave vent to their feelings It is the same with interpretation. Time and again
in uninteligible gibberish, and that the gift of interpre- has He given me the interpretation of messages
tation, simply meant that at such a time some one spoken in tongues, and at different times when others
would stand up and explain to the people that the one would stand and give the interpretation of what He
speaking in tongues was not crazy, but simply so had spoken in tongues through me, I would have the
happy that he had lost control of himself. This in same clear interpretation, which is wonderfully

strengthening to one's faith. What a contrast be- to it? Would Simon, the sorcerer, have been so im-
tween these actual facts experienced in the lives of pressed by such proceedings that he would have
thousands of God's people today, and' the theOries offered Peter money to give him power to go through
set forth by my Brother Dixon._ such a form? The truth of the matter is this. When
On page 7, paragraph 5, Dr. Dixon makes the people receive the Holy Ghost, there are signs which
astonishing statement that the speaking in tongues follow, without anyone's seeking for them, and they
was a sign of unbelief rather than of faith. I wonder are following in thousands of cases today. This is
if any student of the Scriptures will ever believe this? so troubling those who have none of the Scriptural
Will anyone believe that it was unbelief in the signs of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, that they
Apostles on the day of Pentecost that caused them to seem determined at any cost to minimize the work the
speak in tongues? Will anyone believe that the Lord is doing, or discredit it altogether. The Apos-
speaking in tongues at Ephesus indicated unbelief? tles prayed that signs and wonders might be wrought
Are lovers of the Bible ready to believe that one of the in the name of the Holy Child Jesus, and I do not
gifts th~ Holy Spirit impart£- to those who receive think they made any mistake in so doing. Paul says,
Him, is a sign that the recipient is an unbeliever, or "Covet earnestly the best gifts," and again, "Desire.
that he is weak in the faith? Let us appeal the case spiritual gifts," and to our mind he was not in error.
to Jesus Christ, Who says, "These signs shall follow Every thing that comes from God is a gift. Our
them that believe." The speaking in tongues accord- advice to every sinner wOJ1ld be to seek till he finds
ing to the Word of God is a sign of believers, and a God's gift to him, that is, Jesus Christ the only Sav-
sign to unbelievers. If what Dr. Dixon says of it be iour. And to everyone who has received Him, we
true it would be a thing to be feared, as no .one would would say, seek to receive what He has to give you,
want to possess any thil1g that branded him before the namely the gift of the Holy· Spirit. To those who
world as an unbeliever. Is it not astonishing that the have received the Holy Spirit, we would say keep
. Apostle Paul should say, "I would that ye all spoke low at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to give you the
in tongues," when so doing would brand them as un- gifts of the Spirit, that J eSU5 Christ may be glorified
believers, and then to make himself still more ridicu- through you in any way He chooses. Space forbids
lous, exclaim, "I thank my God I speak with tongues my dealing with other points which I should like to
more than you all," when so doing, according to Dr. answer, so I prayerfully submit this article to the
Dixon, would brand him as the greatest unbeliever judgment of its readers, who I trust will examine the
of all? What will lovers of Bible truth think of such Scriptures to see if these thing be so.
teaching from a man who fills the position this man
I submit the following proposition to Dr. Dixon:
fills? Knowing that large numbers of people will I will engage a large hall in the central part of the
be unwilling to believe that Mr. Dixon taught such a city, and pay all the expenses on it, if he will agree
thing, and will believe that I am trying to injure him to meet me 'in a friendly discussion of this much dis-
by accusing him of doing' so, I refer anyone who
cussed subject before the people. I will guarantee
doubts to "Speaking in Tongues" by A. C. Dixon, that there will be not less than 500 Pentecostal people
address The Bible Institute, 826 La Salle Ave., Chi-
present at this meeting. I believe there would be a
thousand, but will guarantee five hundred. This will
Dr. Dixon is very firm in his stand that it is a lack ?-fford our brother an excellent opportunity to present
of faith to expect any sign to accompany the receiv-
his side of the subject to the Pentecostal people, and
ing of the Holy Spirit. He implies that those who I am glad to have them hear him. This discussion,
expect to speak in tongues when they are baptized if Dr. Dixon agrees, is to be a friendly one, affording
in the Holy Spirit are a "wicked and adulterous each one of us an opportunity to present his side of
generation,:" But is this true? Does it betray a lack
the question, and as this subject is being so widely
of faith in God and His word to expect Him to do discussed in the religious world today, we believe it
what He says He will? Is it wrong to expect that
would not only be of interest to the public, but rrofit-
when we are justified by faith, we will have peace able as well. All Mr. Dixon will have to do will be
with God? Is it wrong to expect the Spirit Himself
to appear, and deliver his address. All arrangements
to bear witness with our spirits that we are the chil- will be made for the meeting and all expenses paid.
dren of God ? Would it be wrong for one claiming
to be a Christian and who had not these evidences vVe can see no grounds our brother can have for
of salvation, to concern himself about the matter, and rejecting this proposition, unless he should feel that
pray that God would give him conscious salvation? it would be unbending too much from his dignity.
Is it possible that things have so changed, that a per- We should hope, however, that as this work is grow-
son who is clearly convinced by the Scriptures that ink and spreading so rapidly, and as he has taken up
he has not the baptism in the Spirit must be satisfied arms against it, giving it as much attention as he
to see that Jesus promised to send a comforter even has, he will oe willing to take one more step, and give
though he has no knowledge of ever receiving Him? the public a chance to hear the two sides presented
Could a sinner claim salvation in the same way? Why at the same time.
did not Peter and the rest of the Apostles after Christ I have ordered fifty thousand copies of this paper,
ascended to the Father simply say, "Well He promised and if Mr. Dixon rejects this proposition, the hun-
to send the Comforter, therefore we have Him, and dreds of thousands of readers, which will include
it would be unbelief to go to the upper room and preachers and missionaries of this and many other
tarry?" Does anyone believe that when Peter and lands, can decide why he did so. Finally, will every
John went down to the city of Samaria, as recorded reader of this paper earnestly pray for the pastor of
in the eighth of Acts, they told the converts that they the Moody Church, that God will have His way with
must not expect to receive any thing, but must believe him? And please pray for the writer of this article,
they had the Holy Spirit, and that was all there was who is the least of all the servants of the Lord.
PEN -r: E COS TAL T E S.T I M 0 N Y 15

HOW THE WORK IS PROGRESSING.. anceduring the week "is fine. Some are getting bap-
In the December, 1909, number of PENTECOSTAL tized right along, and there is a· strong determination
TESTIMONY we published a brief history of the work on the part of the people to go all the way with God.
in Chicago, or, rather, that part of it with which we . The work at 1414 Barry avenue still goes on among
are connected.' We. found that, though our article the Swedish people, and there is a mission on Willow
was lengthy, it was only an abridged account of the street, near Halsted, where the services are in the
work, as it would .be impossible to report all the Lord German language. Some of these brethren got their
has done in anyone article. baptism here, and they baptize their converts in our
Since the publication of this article, the Lord has baptistry. Just now there is a door open for a mis-
continued to work in a beautiful and wonderful way. sion in the downtown district,. wh,ich is a wonderful
Many have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, and many opportunity to reach the lost, and those deep in sin,
have been healed, and in many ways results have been and lead them to Jesus Christ, W'ho saves all, who
obtained that cannot be reported in detail. apply to Him. May God make it possible for us to
enter this remarkable door of opportunity.
In the last report it was stated that the Lord was
beginning to work in the Humboldt Park Swedish In our work we observe the ordinance of the Lord's
Baptist Church, and that its three deacons had received supper at 6 :45 p. m. every Sunday, and much blessing
the Holy Ghost. A little later the Lord met and bap- comes to us in doing so. We baptize by immersion
tized the pastor, and a few days ago one of the deacons only, and I humbly believe there have been one thou-
told me that more than one hundred people have re- sand people immersed in our work ih three years.
ceived the Boly Ghosf up to date, including all the offi- We recognize only two ordi1)ances in the Gospel-
cers (so far as I know) and a large percentage of the the Lord's supper and baptism. The ordinances of the
members. Best of all, the Lord continues to work, Gospel symbolize grace. Weare buried by baptism
and this church is literally transformed into a Pente- into His death. We commune of the body and blood
costal Assembly. So far as I know they are taking of the Lord. One ordinance symbolizes our getting
the s-ame firm stand for the truths of Pentecost that . into Christ, the other our' partaking of Christ, or of
we take. Glory to God for this ?Teat work which He His coming into us. The Gospel is briefly summed up
has wrought in the power of the Holy Ghost! in these few words: the believer in Christ, and Christ
in the believer. We believe in the rites and cere-
We also reported that a number of Persian brethren monies, customs, etc., in their proper places, but we
had been baptized in water and in the- Holy Ghost here. do not believe. anointing' with oil or laying on of
Since then numbers have continued to receive, and the hands, or foot-washing to be ordinances, but we rec-
power of God has increased upon them. Recently ognize them to be Scriptural, and believe in giving
they have been expelled from Moody's Church, and, them their proper places.
after waiting on the Lord, felt He would have them
open a mission on the North Side of Chicago. So,
two weeks ago, they opened a beautiful little place at
821 North Clark street, near Chicago avenue. The NOTICE CONCERNING THIS PAPER.
place was full at the first service, and the power and This paper is published for the glory of God, in
glory of God \vas upon the service. There were many the hope that it will be a blessing to very many people.
beautiful manifestations of the Spirit. The singing in There is no price on it. It is for free distribution.
the Spirit was beautiful indeed; then there was speak- Weare getting fifty thousand in the first lot this time, .
ing in tongues, interpretation, etc. The people from and will have this number of the paper on hand for
different missions participated in this service. Elders months. Should this number fail to be enough we
Sinclair and Bell, Millen, Reese, the writer and some will get another lot.
others were present. Brother Andrew Urshan is the We expect to be able to fill all orders for the paper
pastor of this mission. during the entire season. We will send any number
The It~lian brethren have bought and ehlarged and desired for distribution at the different camJil-meetings
beautified their mission on GLand avenue, between and conventions, throughout the country. We will
Center and May streets. The seating capacity has appreciate it if all who desire rolls for distribution
been increased at least one-third. Last week I was will state as nearly as possible how many they can
there and preached for them one night, and the place distribute for the glory of God. We had a~ soon send
was full, and was also full of the powert'!Pand. glory one thousand as any other number if we believed they
of God. The people were simply shaking and trem- would be carefully distributed. Brethren have fre-
bling under the mighty power of God, and there was quently said to us that they could have used many
a constant volume of praise ascending to God that more to good advantage, but they hated to send
Was beautiful to hear. Oh, how willing God is to work for them, as they had no money to send. Brethern
if only He is given a chance! Brother Ottoline, wpo We mean what we say when we say we wish to furnish
has spent two years in St. Louis in the work of the as many papers as are really needed. On, the other
Lord, is soon to leave for Italy with his whole family, hand, we can but appreciate the honesty of these dear
where he will preach the blessed Pentecostal Gospel to brethren, who are unwilling to keep ordering when
all whom the Lord gives him access. they cannot make an offering to help with the ex-
There is a prayer band which meets in Oak Park. penses.
I have not the number of their meeting place. There We especially request our brethren in Australia,New
is also a company which meets in Berwyn three or Zealand and South Africa, and other foreign coun-
four nights in the week, in the different homes. tries to state how many copies they can use, as' in
Brother Fred Peterson is the leader of this band. many of these cases we have little or no idea how
.The home work is going forward, with the blessing many to send.
and power of God upon it. In the Sunday services From all parts of the world letters of encouragement
the mission is crowded to the doors, and the attend- have come to us expressing thanks for the paper and

the blessing it has been to the writers. Many of these lines .. God's people everywhere, who are seeking Him,
letters have contained offerings for the publishing are invited.
fund, and these offerings have made it possible for us Tents and cots will be supplied on the grounds at the
to continue to send forth thousands of copies of the same rates they cost us. Please bring bedding.
paper; to all parts of the world, to establish this blessed For further pC!.rticulars address
truth of God. Every cent has been thankfuIly received. C. E. FOSTER,
Every word of encouragement has been a real bless- II44 Colleg.e ave., Topeka, Kan.
ing to us. We pray that·· God wiII abundantly bless
all these dear saints; and some day I hope to have IN'.lERSTATE CAMPMEETING.
the privilege of making a tour of this and other coun- The fifth annual encampment of the Apostolic Faith
trie:;; and meeting all these dear friends face to face. movement of Texas will be held this year in Ft. Worth,
Texas, from July 8-24, inclusive, to which the sain s
HO'W TO GET THIS PAPER. everywhere are invited. A beautiful park has been SL-
cured containing a large pavilion in which the meeting
Write a letter or card, to Wm. H. Durham. Do not will be held. The meeting will be committed to God.
address Pentecostal Testimony .. In sending offerings We will honor the Holy Ghost to lead in all things. A
for the paper, send P. O. money orders, or bank large tent will be erected for dining purposes where
drafts when cOlwenient, made payable to Wm. H. meals will be served free to all saints attending the en-
Durham. If,;~ecessar'y to send stamps, send five or campment. No charges will be made for tents, cots,
ten cent stamps if pos&ible. Where single copies are meals or any service given. We will trust God to supply
mailed from our office, "'('Ie purchase one cent wrappers. all our needs and we will have all things in common.
Address all communications to Wm. H. Durham, 2836 We are praying and believing for the most g.lorious
W. North Ave., Chicago, Ill. meeting God has ever given us. A feast of good things.
Hallelujah to Jesus! Come and enjoy it with us.
The park for the camp-grounds is located ili that
OUR PENTECOSTAL BOOK. portion of Ft. Worth known as Glennwood. Upon ar-
In our last issue of PENTECbsTAL TESTIMONY we rival in the city take a Polytechnic car'to Glennwood
announced that, if t,ne Lord was willing, we would schoolhouse. Get' off and walk three blocks south to
publish a Pentecostal book, inside of sixty or ninety the camp-gro,und:;;.
days. The Lord did not give us an opportunity to For further information address
get the book out in that time; Weare prepared to DANIEL C. O. OPPERMAN,
announce that we wiIl begin work on the book at once 1616 E. Linda st., Ft. Worth, Tex.
now, and, God willing, it will soon be ready. We
expect to cover all points of the Gospel as far as pos- PENTEcOSTAL MEETINGS IN SOUTH BEND,
sible, from a strictly Pentecostal point of view. Sub- IND.
. jects not dealt with hitherto in our paper will be care- The Swedish Baptist Church, corner of Napier and
fully handled and explained. The name of the book Laurel streets, South Bend, Ind., holds Pentecostal
will be "The Work of Christ, and of the Holy Ghost." meetings every Sunday, I I a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; also
We will attempt to explain all the work of Christ in Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. Sundays
.our. redempti.on and salvation, and the w.ork of the at 4 p. 'm .. in the English.
Holy Spirit, in F,Iis diffli}rent orders of w.ork. The F. A. SANDGREN, Pastor.
st1bject of demonology will be dealt with, as well as
all Christian experiences and graces. The price .of the NOTICES.
bo.ok, neatly b.ound in doth, will be $1, p.ostpaid. The We have on hand a limited supply of Volume 2,
b.o.ok will cohtain two hundred or more pages, and will Heavenly Messages, beautifully bound in black cloth,
be ,printed on good book ,paper. The price in paper at 35 cents," postpaid.
c()verswill be 50 cents. We advise all who can afford Address F. A. Sandgren, 1614 Irving Park Blvd.,
to ,do, so to buy the cloth binding, as it will be so much Chicago, Ill.
more valuable. Anyone, desiring to send money with
their oider before the book is out will take no chances, WORRELL'S TRANSLATION OF THE NEW
as in case anytll,ing shoulq,',:happen to prevent our pub- ~ TESTAMENT.
lishing the book, the mone'y will be promptly refunded.
We ask the people of God to pray for us while we are We still have on hand for sale Dr. ,Worrell's Trans-
engaged in this much-needed work. We have about lation of the New Testament, at $1.25, postpaid, in
five hundred orders in for the book, and, if those the cloth binding and $2'in the leather binding. In
who will probably buy a copy will please write us to ordering the leather binding by mail, please send 16
thi~ effect, it will help us to decide on how many thou-
cents extra for postage.
sands to publish. AddressWrn. H. Durham, 2836 West North ave-
nue, Chicago, Ill.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Do not fail to read our answer to Dr. Dixon in this

The Fourth Annual Pentecostal number,
CAMP MEETING We' are sorry to report that we are out of all back
.Willbe held at Garfield Park, Topeka, Kansas, August numbers of this paper. All future orders will be filled
18 to 28, 1910. ' from :rb. 5. '
In these meetings the Pen:tecostal truths will be
taught by those whom. the Lord leads to come and take Be sure to read the article, "The Great Crisis," in
part in .the meetings which will be run on Apostolic this number.

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