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Pakistan and the United Nations

Historical Engagement
Joining the UN: Pakistan officially became a member of the United Nations on
September 30, 1947, just a month after gaining independence. Today, it is an active
participant in various UN agencies and organizations. Pakistan has also served on the
UN Security Council and had Muhammad Zafarullah Khan as the President of the UN
General Assembly.

Permanent Mission: Pakistan maintains a permanent mission to the UN in New York,
currently led by Ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon. Additionally, there is a second
mission in Geneva, Switzerland. The heads of these missions have historically been
eminent figures from various fields.

Peacekeeping Efforts
Role in Peacekeeping Missions: Pakistan actively participates in UN peacekeeping
missions, deploying both military and civilian personnel. It plays a vital role in helping
conflict-ridden countries establish sustainable peace. Pakistan has contributed to
missions in places like Congo, New Guinea, Iraq, Kuwait, Cambodia, Bosnia, Haiti, Sierra
Leone, Burundi, Congo, and others. Pakistani troops have shown bravery and sacrifice in
these missions, with a substantial presence worldwide.

Political Engagement
Kashmir Conflict: The UN continues to observe the Kashmir conflict between Pakistan
and India. Pakistan upholds the right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to self-
determination, as outlined in UN resolutions. The Simla Agreement of 1972 did not
change the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir. The UN has rejected India's claim
that Kashmir is legally Indian territory.

United Nations Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan (UNGOMAP):

Established in 1988 during the Soviet-Afghan War, UNGOMAP aimed to implement
agreements related to Afghanistan and investigate violations. It worked closely with the
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) regarding Afghan refugees. UNGOMAP's
mandate ended in 1990.

UN Security Council Resolutions

Key Resolutions: Several UN Security Council resolutions concerning Pakistan are
discussed, including Resolution 29, Resolution 622, Resolution 647, and Resolution 1172.

Contributions and Recognition

Contributions to the UN: Pakistan has consistently contributed to the UN's
peacekeeping missions and other initiatives. It currently holds the position of the largest
contributor of troops to UN peacekeeping missions worldwide.

Human Rights Recognition: Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed was awarded the
United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights in 2008.

Humanitarian Efforts
UN's Role in Pakistan: The United Nations operates in Pakistan to support national
efforts to combat poverty, address socio-economic challenges, and achieve the
Millennium Development Goals. It collaborates with government and non-governmental
organizations to provide relief, recovery, and development assistance, especially in
response to natural disasters.

Humanitarian Aid: The UN, along with its partners, has distributed essentials such as
tents, household goods, medicines, and food to flood-affected people in Pakistan.
Additionally, it has provided access to safe drinking water to a significant population.

This comprehensive breakdown explores Pakistan's relationship with the United Nations,
spanning its historical engagement, peacekeeping efforts, political involvement,
recognition, and humanitarian contributions.

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