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Reddit | Piscator629

16+ People Who Are Getting

A Little Too Crazy For The
Paddy Clarke
December 20, 2019

Christmas can send people into a bit of a

frenzy. What with the bright, flashing
lights everywhere, and the forced
compulsion to have fun and spend money
that you don't have, it's no wonder some
people go a little off the deep end when it
comes to Christmas celebrations.

If you don't believe me that such people

exist, then I present you with 16+ people
who are getting a little too crazy for the

"Merry Christmas from my neighbors

down the street."

Reddit | micheldevon

This is the punishment that Rudolph

bestows upon those who still mock him
about his shiny nose.

"I have no Christmas tree. Danny


Reddit | MCON6791

This is better than any other tree could

possibly be. What a way to honor our one
true saviour this holiday season.

"Best Christmas Tree Topper I have


Reddit | check_your_attitude

Truly, Die Hard is the best Christmas

movie. Well, after Muppets Christmas
Carol of course!

"We had a Christmas door

decorating contest at work this year.
This was my entry."

Reddit | R4D4R_MM

Woah there bud, looks like you might be a

little too full of the Christmas cheer.
Hopefully, no one rips it off and eats it.

"My last minute Christmas sweater."

Reddit | rippednbu!

I can already hear the HR department's

phone ringing from here. Maybe leave this
one at home for the office Christmas

"The IT guy where I work put this up

as his decorations for Christmas"

Reddit | Mr_MozZie

Looks like this tree was brought to you by

BT's flawless internet service.

"My daughters Christmas list I just

read. I almost choked on my burger."

Reddit | stefanfection

But without their sacrifices, the volcano

gods will strike your family down with
furious vengeance.

"The real Christmas spirit"

Reddit | Gurtek86

"And to think my wife thought it'd make

me look stupid! This is real fir dammit!"

"Smart-ass Cousin's Reaction to my

6850 light Christmas Tree (at 14' tall
and 1712 watts, he isn't wrong)."

Reddit | Sunstoned1

Who in God's name needs a tree that big

and bright? You'd surely get sick of
wearing sunglasses while trying to watch
the TV, wouldn't you?

"My brother asked me to make him a

Christmas card"

Reddit | Hieth

While I understand that the whole thing is

creepy, the creepiest part is how big that
guy's hands are! They're like shovels!

"Lazy way to win at Christmas


Reddit | MyJelloJiggles

I see that, be arsed with Christmas cheer,

you cannot.

"My cat and my tree are both

plugged in and ready for Christmas."


That cat is really full of the Christmas

spirit. The more I stare into its eyes, the
more I feel it whispering for me to bring it

"Neighbor's response to HOA's email

about taking down Halloween
decorations. Now it's a Christmas

Reddit | keto_and_me

I'd like to see how this develops over the

course of a year. Perhaps for Valentine's
day, he could have little angel wings and a
bow and arrow.

"A few years ago my aunt and

grandmother took care of the
Christmas decorations"

Reddit | Lemonlaksen

I mean, they're very creative, but why?

Why would you ruin Christmas like this?!

"The family I babysit for sent out

their Christmas cards and I just got

Reddit | givemepilates

I don't really understand why people send

Christmas cards in general; however, I
particularly don't understand why people
do this kind of thing each year.

"This whole trailer lit up like a

Christmas tree."

Reddit | thesquidpartol97

Not often you see a headache on wheels.

Imagine if they were flashing, there'd be
collisions everywhere!

Matching Jumpers

Reddit | talia_x

I'm beginning to worry that this meme

may never, ever, ever die. For the rest of
our lives we will be seeing this meme in
various guises, prepare yourselves.

"This showed up today with my

Mom's Christmas gift."

Reddit | Squanch79

Christmas makes every go a little crazy,

good to see it hasn't had any effect on Jeff
Bezos that little scamp.

"Our low-budget hospital Christmas


Reddit | houseleb

I wouldn't say that medical supplies are

low-budget, but I appreciate the
sentiment. I'd love to see what it looks like
when they're all deflated.

"My roommate celebrates Christmas,

I celebrate Hanukkah...we decided to
build a compromise."

Reddit | mcsassy3

I'm sure even the Holiday Armadillo

himself would approve of this holiday

"Parents haven't noticed my

Christmas sweater yet."

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