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I. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

1. Which of the following is a type of motion?

A. rectilinear motion B. rotary motion
C. oscillatory motion D. all of these
2. Which motion type describes the motion of pendulum of a clock?
A. linear motion B, oscillatory motion C. rotary motion D. all of these
3. The spinning of the body about its axis is_____
A. rotatory B. circular C. translational D. vibratory
4. Which type of motion is “the pendulum of a wall clock moves at regular intervals”?
A. Rectilinear B. Vibratory C. Rotatory D. B and C
5. Which type of motion is “a train moving on a straight track “?
A. Circular B. Rectilinear C. Rotary D. none of the above
6. The act, process or state of the change in place or position of a body with respect to time and
relative to the observer is said to be__________________.
A. Rest B. Stationary C. Motion D. none of the above
II. Short answer questions
1. What is a motion?
2. State at least four types of motion, and give practical examples for each type

I. Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate word(s).

1._________is the force of attraction that acts between all objects in
the universe, without exception.
2. Push or pull of an object in a certain direction is known _____.
II. Choose the best answer from the givenalternatives.
1. The force of gravity on a person or object at the surface of a planet is called
A. Mass B. Gravity C. weight D. motion
2. The force that pulls objects toward Earth is called ______.
A. mass B. gravity C. air D. wind
3. Which one of the following best describes a gravitational force?
A. A repulsive force between any two objects with mass.
B. A force of attraction between two objects with mass.
C. A force between any two objects, whether or not they have mass.
D.All of the above.
III short answer questions
1. Define the term Force as a science with appropriate examples from your daily life.
2. Explain gravitational force.

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