Alberta Employment Standards Assignment - Fall 2022

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Introduction to Human Resources (HRES2201)

Assignment 1: Alberta Employment Standards

Assignment 1 Overview:
As human resources professionals, it is very important to understand employment laws to ensure the
organization is compliant with legislation and always working towards industry best-practices. Whether
you work in human resources, own a business, are a manager or starting your career in a non-human
resources position, these employment laws will impact your day-to-day responsibilities.
This assignment introduces you to Alberta Employment Standard rules through real-world application of
research, the same completed everyday by businesses across the province. Specifically, this assignment
will evaluate Alberta Employment Standards from the employer-perspective to examine the implications
on operations and how they must be followed.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this assignment, you will be able to:
1. Identify and apply Alberta Employment Standards.
2. Explain the role of Human Resources within an organization.
This is an individual assignment.
In this assignment, you will be analyzing two Alberta Employment Standards Rules. Please see the
link below to access the Alberta Government’s website relating to these rules.
1. Introduction (Header): Use the introduction section to overview your paper and show what will
be included. This is very important so the reader has a clear understanding of what will be
analyzed within the report
2. Clearly identify which two Alberta Employment Standards Rules you will be overviewing, then
examine each in detail and explain why Human Resources professionals need to have knowledge
on these Standards. This can be included under an “Alberta Employment Standards” header, or
one similar
3. Application to Workplace (Header): In your own words, please overview how both Employment
Standards Rules apply to a workplace of your choice (note: the workplace MUST be in Alberta).
Remember to clearly identify which workplace you are applying them to
4. Recommendations (Header): For each Standard, recommend 1-2 ways that Human Resources
professionals can ensure their organization is successfully following these rules or
communicating required information to their employees
5. Conclusion (Header): Conclude the assignment and reiterate to the reader what was included and
why it is important
6. References (new page): This is NOT an academic research paper, but an applied analysis on
Alberta Employment Standards Rules. You WILL need references; however, they are to be
application based on the Alberta Employment Standards and relevant research/material, not
7. Declaration of Academic Honesty & Integrity (new page): Include a paragraph on a new page
after the reference section stating the following:
a. “I ______ (add your full legal name) declare that the content of this report is my own
work. Any information that was sourced from anywhere or anywhere else, such as
websites, books, etc. has been clearly identified using APA 7th Edition procedures.”
Link to Alberta Employment Standards Rules:
Once completed, please upload your assignment to the D2L DropBox before the due date. Late
assignments will receive a 10% daily late penalty (including weekends) and will only be accepted up to
three calendar days after the due date. Assignments submitted more than three calendar days after the due
date will not be accepted.

• Size 12, Times New Roman font

• Use 1.5 spacing
• Word count: 1,200 – 1,500
• Include a title page with the course name, assignment name, your name and student ID number,
department (Chiu School of Business), instructor’s name and date of assignment submission
• Ensure there is a reference page at the end of the document following APA format – 7th Edition,
followed by the Declaration of Academic Honesty
Helpful Hints:

• Before writing your assignment, always create a plan for what you will be writing to help you
structure your assignment
• Build your reference list as you move throughout your assignment, referencing as you go so
nothing is lost
• Take time to review your submission after finishing – check for grammar, spelling, punctuation,
Academic Honesty:
Academic honesty is taken extremely seriously. A grade of zero will be awarded if your work is copied
or plagiarized, as well as further disciplinary action being taken in accordance with the academic honesty
Bow Valley College APA Guide:
All assignment submissions are run through Turnitin, which is an anti-plagiarism software used by Bow
Valley College. This is automatically set up and runs in the background of DropBox, you do not need to
download any software. Simply upload your assignment to the D2L DropBox and your assignment will
be used with Turnitin.
When you submit your assignment, it will be run through Turnitin. Turnitin is a web-based software that
checks the assignment against its database of materials that contain other learners’ work, as well as
external material.
It is recommended to use the Turnitin tool to make improvements to your assignment before submitting
the final version. Please always focus on the due date of the assignment to allow yourself time to use the
tool and make changes before submitting your final version before the due date.
A report will be generated from Turnitin after submitting which is useful in editing and reviewing your
assignment. The report will overview incorrect referencing, too many quotes, paraphrasing, etc. If the
Turnitin report shows a high percentage of matching text, this is an opportunity to review and edit your
assignment to ensure you are properly citing your work and upload to Turnitin again. After editing, you
can upload your assignment to Turnitin a second time – the software will know not to match your second
submission to your first. Please wait at least 24 hours before submitting the second draft.
Once you have submitted your final version of the assignment, there is nothing you need to do – the most
recent submission (last submission you posted) is the one which will be graded.

Criteria Outstanding Good Needs Poor

8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points
Excellent overview of You introduced most of Your Your introduction was weak, you
the content of the the topics that you introduction was omitted mentioning the relevant
assignment. Your discussed in the paper. missing some Acts and/or did not clarify the
thoughts flowed in your You explained the content. You role of the Human Resources
overview, and the reader content that would be did not highlight Professional.
was able to form an covered in the all the major
outline of the content to assignment. headings that Zero marks if there is no
be covered. You were you will be introduction.
concise in presenting discussing in the
this overview paper.

20 points 15 points 10 points 8 points

Excellent research. You Majority of your Your research Your research was weak. You
& Research
accurately identified research was was not did not reference the Standards /
two Employment correct. You highlighted complete. Your government recommendations.
Standards. some standards and explanations Explanations were either vague
Excellent explanations of recommendations. Some were unclear or or inaccurate.
their importance. explanation was evident lacking in detail.

20 points 15 points 10 points 8 points

Excellent understanding You provided a basic Your Your application was
to the
of the role that human understanding of the role application incomplete. You did not discuss
resources fills in the that human resources lacked the role that human resources
workplace. You plays in implementing consistency. plays in implementing legislative
explained the influence the Acts into the You Acts in the workplace. Your
that human resources workplace. misunderstood suggestions will lead to
impact has on each of the confusion in the workplace. You
the Employment Recommendations were amendments, need to spend more time thinking
Standards and included but would and/or the role about different ways to
recommendations. You benefit from additional that human communicate within the
suggested meaningful detail, analysis or resources should workplace.
and relevant methods to application. fulfill in the
inform employees and workplace.
manage Standards.
8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points
Excellent review of the You concluded most of Your Your conclusion was weak, you
content of the the topics that you conclusion omitted mentioning the relevant
assignment. Your discussed in the paper. was missing Acts and/or did not clarify the
thoughts flowed in your You explained the content some role of the Human Resources
overview, and the reader that was covered in the content. Professional.
was able to form a assignment. You did not
conclusion of the content highlight all Zero marks if there is no
covered. You were the major conclusion.
concise in presenting this sections that
overview. were
discussed in
the paper.

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Spelling and
Spelling is correct. Some sentence structure, Assignment is Numerous errors in spelling,
Writing illustrates grammar and spelling not clearly grammar and punctuation
proper use of grammar, need revision; however, written; throughout, which can make
paragraphs structure and overall the writing is thoughts/ideas comprehension difficult.
sentence structure. fairly clear. are difficult to
Strong writing follow.
throughout. Sentence
structure needs

3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points

Times New Roman, 12 Most of the formatting Most of the Minimum expectations for
point font, formatting is criteria identified within formatting formatting criteria have not been
consistent. Title page the assignment criteria met. A declaration was not
has relevant information instructions have been identified within provided
Proper APA referencing met. Minor the assignment
is illustrated (references inconsistencies may be instructions
properly, in-text present. have been met.
citations, reference page Proper APA referencing Inconsistencies
included). The is generally are present
declaration is clear. illustrated. The throughout.
declaration is clear. Improper APA
formatting. The
declaration is
3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
The assignment is the The assignment is the There are Minimum expectations for
required length of 1,200 required length of 1,200 – inconsistencies organization and structure have
– 1,500 words. 1,500 words. Some in structure not been met.
inconsistencies in
Assignment is well structure are evident.
organized/structured as
per assignment Generally looks
instructions. professional.

Looks professional and

pride is clearly taken
in work.

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