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GUIDE study: double-blind comparison of once-daily gliclazide MR and

glimepiride in type 2 diabetic patients

Article  in  European Journal of Clinical Investigation · September 2004

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.2004.01381.x · Source: PubMed


264 9,677

10 authors, including:

Guntram Schernthaner Józef Drzewoski

Rudolfstifung Vienna, Austria Medical University of Łódź


Anna Novials Raoul Rottiers

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Ghent University


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European Journal of Clinical Investigation (2004) 34, 535– 542

GUIDE study: double-blind comparison of once-daily

Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

gliclazide MR and glimepiride in type 2 diabetic patients

G. Schernthaner*, A. Grimaldi†, U. Di Mario‡, J. Drzewoski§, P. Kempler¶, M. Kvapil**,
A. Novials††, R. Rottiers‡‡, G. E. H. M. Rutten§§ and K. M. Shaw¶¶
Rudolfstiftung Hospital, Vienna, Austria; †Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, Paris, France, ‡Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy,
Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, ¶Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, **Faculty Hospital Motol, Prague,
Czech Republic, ††Fundació Sardà Farriol, Barcelona, Spain, ‡‡University Hospital, Gent, Belgium, §§Utrecht University,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, ¶¶Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK

Abstract Background Progressive β-cell failure is a characteristic feature of type 2 diabetes;

consequently, β-cell secretagogues are useful for achieving sufficient glycaemic control.
The European GUIDE study is the first large-scale head-to-head comparison of two
sulphonylureas designed for once-daily administration used under conditions of everyday
clinical practice.
Design Eight hundred and forty-five type 2 diabetic patients were randomized to either
gliclazide modified release (MR) 30–120 mg daily or glimepiride 1–6 mg daily as monotherapy
or in combination with their current treatment (metformin or an α-glucosidase inhibitor)
according to a double-blind, 27-week, parallel-group design. Efficacy was evaluated by
HbA1c and safety by hypoglycaemic episodes using the European Agency definition.
Results HbA1c decreased similarly in both groups from 8·4% to 7·2% on gliclazide MR
and from 8·2% to 7·2% on glimepiride. Approximately 50% of the patients achieved HbA1c
levels less than 7%, and 25% less than 6·5%. The mean difference between groups of
the final HbA1c was −0·06% (noninferiority test P < 0·0001). No hypoglycaemia requiring
external assistance occurred. Hypoglycaemia with blood glucose level < 3 mmol L−1
occurred significantly less frequently (P = 0·003) with gliclazide MR (3·7% of patients)
compared with glimepiride (8·9% of patients). The distribution of the sulphonylurea doses
was similar in both groups.
Conclusions This study provides new insights into therapeutic strategies using
sulphonylureas. It shows that gliclazide MR is at least as effective as glimepiride, either as
monotherapy or in combination. The safety of gliclazide MR was significantly better,
demonstrating approximately 50% fewer confirmed hypoglycaemic episodes in comparison
with glimepiride.
Keywords Glucose control, HbA1c, hypoglycaemia, sulphonylureas, type 2 diabetes.
Eur J Clin Invest 2004; 34 (8): 535–542

Department of Medicine I, Rudolfstiftung Hospital, Vienna, Austria (G. Schernthaner); Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, Paris, France
(A. Grimaldi); Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy (U. Di Mario); Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland ( J. Drzewoski); Semmelweis
University, Budapest, Hungary (P. Kempler); Faculty Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic (M. Kvapil); Fundació Sardà Farriol,
Barcelona, Spain (A. Novials); University Hospital, Gent, Belgium (G. E. H. M. Rutten); Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands;
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK (K. M. Shaw).
Correspondence to: Professor Guntram Schernthaner, Rudolfstiftung Hospital, Department of Medicine I, Juchgasse 25, A-1030 Vienna,
Austria. Tel.: +43 1711 65 21 07; fax: +43 1711 65 21 09, e-mail:
Received 19 April 2004; accepted 24 June 2004

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

536 G. Schernthaner et al.

Introduction Study design

Sulphonylureas are widely used in the management of type After confirmation of eligibility, patients were randomized
2 diabetes, as impaired insulin secretion plays an important to either gliclazide MR or glimepiride either as monotherapy
role in the pathophysiology of hyperglycaemia [1]. Tight in patients previously treated with diet alone or in combi-
glycaemic control is essential in order to prevent or delay nation with their current treatment (metformin or an α-
diabetes complications [2,3]. One deterrent to tight gly- glucosidase inhibitor maintained at stable dosage) for a
caemic control is the risk of hypoglycaemia [2]. Moderate 27-week double-blind treatment period that comprised a
hypoglycaemia induces cognitive impairment [4] and 9-week dose titration period followed by an 18-week
many complex attention tasks relevant to everyday life maintenance period. The randomization of treatments was
may be impaired [5]. Recurrent severe hypoglycaemia may balanced, using permutation blocks of four and stratified on
induce impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia and possibly the centres.
long-term sequelae in the form of cumulative cognitive The four dosages of gliclazide MR, from 30 to 120 mg
impairment [6,7]. Intensive therapy frequently means daily, and the five dosages of glimepiride, from 1 to 6 mg
multiple medications, negatively impacting treatment adher- daily, currently recommended in European countries were
ence. Studies have demonstrated that adherence depends used. Tablets were masked in capsules. It was checked that
on the frequency of doses: fewer intakes lead to higher the blinding method using capsules did not modify the dis-
compliance [8]. Gliclazide modified release (MR) and solution kinetics of the tablets. Capsules were taken once
glimepiride are the two once-daily sulphonylureas used daily, just before or during breakfast as follows (gliclazide
most frequently in type 2 diabetes treatment in many MR/glimepiride): dose 1 (30 mg or 1 mg); dose 2 (60 mg
European countries [9]. Gliclazide MR has demonstrated or 2 mg); dose 3 (90 mg or 3 mg); dose 4 (120 mg or 4 mg);
efficacy and safety [10 – 12]; a smaller incidence of hypogly- and dose 5 (120 mg or 6 mg). Patients started double-blind
caemia has been reported with gliclazide than with other medication with the lowest dose of gliclazide MR 30 mg or
sulphonylureas in several studies [13 – 15]. Glimepiride glimepiride 1 mg. During the titration period, the dose of
demonstrated equivalent efficacy to glibenclamide, with a study medication could be increased every 3 weeks up to
lower incidence of hypoglycaemia during the first weeks dose 4 until metabolic control was achieved [therapeutic
of treatment [16,17]. Despite sulphonylureas being a goal defined as fasting plasma glucose (FPG) between 5 and
widely used class of oral antidiabetics [9], few direct 7·8 mmol L−1]. Visits were then scheduled every 9 weeks
comparisons have been performed. GUIDE (GlUcose (W). The product monograph for glimepiride states that the
control in type 2 diabetes: Diamicron MR vs. glimEpiride) usual maintenance dose is 1–4 mg and the maximal dose
is a large scale prospective double-blind, randomized of 6 mg allowed in most European countries improves blood
study comparing gliclazide MR and glimepiride, over glucose control only in exceptional cases. However,
27 weeks in type 2 diabetic patients. The study was glimepiride 6 mg (dose 5) could be prescribed at visit W18
designed first to assess the efficacy of these sulphonylureas, based on HbA1c and the investigator’s judgement. Dose 5
following current recommendations for dose adapta- for gliclazide MR corresponded like dose 4–120 mg.
tion and second to obtain reliable information on Throughout the study, the dose could be decreased in case
sulphonylurea-related hypoglycaemia when glycaemic control of hypoglycaemia according to the investigator’s judgement
is improved. or more than 3 episodes within 1 month.
The trial was approved by the Medical Ethical Review
Committees of participating centres and conducted in
accordance with the revised Declaration of Helsinki
Methods (Edinburgh revision, 2000). All patients gave their written
informed consent to participate in the study. One hundred
Subjects and fifty-four clinical centres in Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Nether-
Inclusion criteria were: type 2 diabetic patients (accord- lands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom
ing to World Health Organization criteria), >35 years were involved.
old, treated for at least 3 months with diet alone or in All fasting blood samples were analyzed in a central
combination with metformin or an α-glucosidase inhibitor laboratory (MDS-Pharma Services, France), except for FPG
(acarbose or miglitol), with glycated haemoglobin during the titration period, which was analyzed in local
(HbA1c) between 6·9% to 11·5%, and able to perform laboratories ( W3, W6, and W9).
home blood glucose monitoring. Exclusion criteria Central HbA1c and FPG were assessed at baseline ( W0),
were: currently treatment with insulin-secreting agents at the end of the titration period ( W9), and during the main-
or thiazolidinediones, contraindication to study drugs, tenance period ( W18 and W27). HbA1c was assayed with the
no effective contraception in women with child-bearing high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Biorad
potential, elevated transaminases more than threefold Variant. The lipid profile [including total cholesterol, high-
the upper normal range or calculated creatinine density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, calculated low-
clearance (CCl) using the Cockroft formula: CCl < density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides,
20 mL min−1. using an enzymatic method] and biochemical safety screen

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34, 535–542
GUIDE study: gliclazide MR vs. glimepiride 537

(serum creatinine, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase) Changes from baseline to last value were analyzed in each
were assessed at W0 and at the last visit. treatment group using a paired Student’s t-test. Changes from
Adverse events were recorded at each visit after examina- baseline were tested in each treatment group using one-way
tion and questioning of patients. analysis of variance for repeated measures on time factor
All patients were provided with the same blood glucose and completed by a Dunnett t-test (baseline as reference).
monitoring device with a memory (Glucotrend, Roche For hypoglycaemic episodes, the percentage of patients
Diagnostics) and were trained to recognize symptoms sug- reporting at least one episode and the distribution of the
gestive of hypoglycaemia. Patients systematically measured number of episodes were compared between treatment
capillary blood glucose 1 day per week (three times daily: groups using Fisher’s exact test. The time of occurrence of
before breakfast, lunch, and dinner). At any occurrence of the first event was compared between the two treatment
symptoms they were instructed to measure their blood glucose groups using a model for survival curves (Kaplan–Meier
level (BGL) and to record the event in a diary, which was estimator) and Wilcoxon test.
reviewed by the investigator at each visit. Analyses were also performed on prespecified subgroups
The definitions used to classify suspected hypoglycaemia according to concomitant antidiabetic treatment, age
were those recommended by the European Agency for the (≤ 65, and > 65 years, > 75 years), CCl < 50, 50 –80,
Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) [18]: (i) severe and > 80 mL min−1, and body mass index (BMI) (≤ and
hypoglycaemia, defined as symptomatic episodes requiring > 30 kg m−2).
external assistance owing to severe impairment in con- All statistical analyses were performed using SAS soft-
sciousness or behaviour, with BGL < 3 mmol L−1; (ii) ware (Statistical Analysis System, version 8·2, SAS Institute,
hypoglycaemia with BGL < 3 mmol L−1 being either symp- Cary, NC). Data management and statistical analysis were
tomatic with no need for external assistance, or asympto- performed by a professional institute independent from the
matic; and (iii) episodes suggestive of hypoglycaemia, where sponsor (UMANIS, Levallois-Perret, France).
blood glucose measurements are not available. Additionally
the blood glucose threshold of less than 4 mmol L−1 was also
used to describe hypoglycaemia, following the Canadian
guidelines [19]. Results

Demographic and baseline characteristics

Statistical analysis
A total of 845 patients were randomized in the study. The
The primary efficacy endpoint was HbA1c. Secondary two groups were comparable for all baseline characteristics
endpoints included FPG, lipid levels, and hypoglycaemic (Table 1). Of the 845 patients, 842 were exposed to at least
episodes. one dose of study medication corresponding to the safety
Sample size was estimated based on the final value of population. Of them, 815 had at least one HbA1c value on
HbA1c, using the one-sided Student’s t-test at 2·5% type I study medication corresponding to the intention-to-treat
error (noninferiority limit set at 0·5%); 400 patients per population.
group were needed to conclude noninferiority of gliclazide Overall, 778 of 845 patients (92%) completed the study.
MR compared with glimepiride with a SD of 1·5% and a Thus, 67 patients withdrew from the study (35 gliclazide
power greater than 90%. This figure was also appropriate MR/32 glimepiride): 23 owing to adverse events other than
to evaluate differences in the incidence of hypoglycaemic hypoglycaemia (12 gliclazide MR/11 glimepiride), 10 owing
episodes. to hypoglycaemia (1 gliclazide MR/9 glimepiride), two
All efficacy analyses were performed on the intention-to- owing to lack of efficacy (one in each treatment group), 25
treat population, defined as all patients exposed to study for a nonmedical reason (16 gliclazide MR/9 glimepiride),
medication with one baseline and at least one postbaseline and seven because of a protocol deviation (five gliclazide
efficacy evaluation on treatment, and the per-protocol pop- MR/2 glimepiride).
ulation defined as completed patients without deviation
interfering with primary efficacy criterion. Safety analyses
were performed on all patients who were exposed to at least Efficacy
one dose of study medication. Final values for withdrawn
patients corresponded to the final values on treatment (final Over the 27 weeks of treatment, improvement in blood
observation on treatment carried forward). Data are expressed glucose control was statistically significant in both groups
as mean ± SD. with decreases in HbA1c of 1·1–1% (Table 2) and in FPG
For efficacy analyses, covariance analysis on the last value of 1·4–1·3 mmol L−1 in the gliclazide MR and glimepiride
including the baseline value as covariate and country and groups, respectively. Mean adjusted differences between
concomitant antidiabetic treatment as factors was used. A groups were – 0·06% (95% CI –0·19 to 0·07) for HbA1c
95% confidence interval (CI) for differences between the and –0·05 mmol L−1 (95% CI –0·33 to 0·23) for FPG with
least-squares means (gliclazide MR – glimepiride) obtained noninferiority tests, both P < 0·0001. The time course of the
from the covariance analysis were calculated as well as changes in mean HbA1c and FPG in each treatment group
an exact P-value (using a noncentred Student’s t-test). were similar with an early decrease at 9 weeks (Fig. 1).

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34, 535–542
538 G. Schernthaner et al.

Table 1 Baseline characteristics in the randomized population

Gliclazide MR 405 patients Glimepiride 440 patients

Age (years) 60·5 ± 9·9 60·6 ± 10·5
Sex (M/F) (%) 51/49 52/48
Body weight (kg) 83·1 ± 14·3 83·8 ± 16·0
Body mass index (kg m−2) 30·5 ± 4·8 30·6 ± 4·9
Blood pressure (mmHg) 136 ± 13/81 ± 8 137 ± 14/81 ± 8
Known duration of diabetes (years) 5·6 ± 5·9 5·8 ± 5·8
HbA1c (%) 8·4 ± 1·1 8·2 ± 1·0
Fasting plasma glucose (mmol L−1) 10·2 ± 2·6 10·1 ± 2·6
Hypertension (%) 61 64
Dyslipidemia (%) 49 49
Macrovascular complications (%) 22 21
Microvascular complications (%) 10 11
Antihypertensive agents (%) 60 62
Lipid-lowering agents (%) 30 33
Anti-platelet agents (%) 21 21

Data are mean ±SD.

Table 2 Change in glycated haemoglobin (%) in the intention-to-treat population

Gliclazide MR Glimepiride

n Baseline Final Change n Baseline Final Change

Whole population 388 8·4 ± 1·1 7·2 ± 1·1 −1·1 ± 1·1 *
427 8·2 ± 1·0 7·2 ± 1·1 −1·0 ± 1·1*
Treatment regimen
Monotherapy 129 8·3 ± 1·1 7·0 ± 0·9 −1·3 ± 1·1* 150 8·1 ± 1·0 6·9 ± 0·9 −1·2 ± 1·0*
Combination therapy
Metformin 219 8·4 ± 1·1 7·4 ± 1·2 −1·0 ± 1·1* 250 8·3 ± 1·0 7·4 ± 1·2 −0·9 ± 1·1*
α-glucosidase inhibitor 40 8·4 ± 1·0 7·3 ± 1·1 −1·1 ± 1·2* 27 8·2 ± 1·1 7·3 ± 1·1 −0·9 ± 1·2*
≤ 65 years 253 8·4 ± 1·1 7·3 ± 1·2 −1·2 ± 1·1* 276 8·3 ± 1·0 7·2 ± 1·1 −1·1 ± 1·1*
> 65 years 135 8·4 ± 1·1 7·2 ± 1·0 −1·1 ± 1·2* 151 8·1 ± 0·9 7·2 ± 1·1 −0·9 ± 1·0*
Creatinine clearance‡
> 80 mL min−1 218 8·4 ± 1·1 7·2 ± 1·1 −1·2 ± 1·1* 229 8·3 ± 1·1 7·2 ± 1·1 −1·1 ± 1·1*
50–80 mL min−1 151 8·4 ± 1·1 7·3 ± 1·1 −1·0 ± 1·1* 176 8·2 ± 0·9 7·3 ± 1·1 −0·9 ± 1·1*
< 50 mL min−1 16 8·4 ± 1·2 7·0 ± 1·0 −1·4 ± 1·6† 22 8·1 ± 0·9 7·0 ± 1·3 −1·0 ± 1·0*
≤ 30 kg m−2 201 8·4 ± 1·2 7·3 ± 1·1 −1·2 ± 1·2* 216 8·2 ± 1·0 7·3 ± 1·1 −1·0 ± 1·2*
> 30 kg m−2 187 8·4 ± 1·1 7·2 ± 1·0 −1·1 ± 1·1* 211 8·4 ± 1·1 7·2 ± 1·0 −1·0 ± 1·0*

Data are mean ± SD.

P < 0·001; †P < 0·01.

Calculated using the Cockroft formula; missing data for three patients.

Improvement of blood glucose control was observed as early (32%/32·8%); dose 2 (18%/19·2%); dose 3 (14·2%/16·9%);
as W9 with HbA1c of 7·5 (1·1%) and 7·4 (1·0%) at W9 and dose 4 (15·5%/14·3%), and dose 5 (20·3%/16·8%). Mean
7·3 (1·1%) and 7·2 (1·1%) at W18 in the gliclazide MR and (± SD) final daily dosages were 76·2 (38·1) mg for gliclazide
glimepiride groups, respectively, and a mean FPG of 8·6 MR and 2·9 (1·8) mg for glimepiride. In patients in whom
(2·3) mmol L−1 at W9 and 8·7 (2·3) mmol L−1 at W18 in both the glimepiride dose was increased from 4 to 6 mg at W18,
groups. The evolution of HbA1c was similar in all subgroups the mean HbA1c (± SD) remained stable at 8·5 (1·4)% at
according to concomitant antidiabetic treatment, age, renal W18 and 8·4 (1·2)% at W27. HbA1c values were 8·4 (1·2)%
function and BMI (Table 2). In both treatment groups, and 8·2 (1·2)%, respectively, over the same period in
approximately 50% of patients achieved HbA1c levels patients receiving dose 5 of gliclazide MR (same dosage as
less than 7%, and 25% less than 6·5% by the end of study dose 4, i.e. 120 mg).
treatment. Lipid parameters remained stable throughout the
The method in which the final doses were distributed was study, with minimal changes in LDL-cholesterol from
similar in the gliclazide MR/glimepiride groups: dose 1 3·3 to 3·2 mmol L−1 and from 3·2 to 3·2 mmol L−1 and of

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34, 535–542
GUIDE study: gliclazide MR vs. glimepiride 539

triglycerides from 2·2 to 2·1 mmol L−1 and from 2·3 to

2·2 mmol L−1 in the gliclazide MR and glimepiride groups,
Identical results were observed in the per-protocol
population for all efficacy criteria.

Safety and tolerability

Overall, 66% and 69% of symptoms of hypoglycaemia were

documented with blood glucose measured before sugar
intake on gliclazide MR and glimepiride, respectively.
Hypoglycaemia with BGL < 3 mmol L−1 occurred signif-
icantly less frequently (P = 0·003) in the gliclazide MR
group (3·7%) compared with the glimepiride group (8·9%)
with an odds ratio of 2·5 (95% CI, 1·4–4·7) (Table 3). Epi-
sodes suggestive of hypoglycaemia (symptoms with no blood
glucose measurement) also occurred less frequently on gli-
clazide MR [34 patients (8·4%) experienced 45 episodes in
total] compared with glimepiride [52 patients (11·8%)
experienced 82 episodes in total].
The occurrence of hypoglycaemic episodes was evenly
distributed during the 27-week study (Fig. 2). No episodes
requiring external assistance or nocturnal symptomatic epi-
Figure 1 Changes in HbA1c (a) and fasting plasma glucose sodes occurred. On both drugs, most of the hypoglycaemic
(b). Data are means ± SEM. : gliclazide MR; : glimepiride. episodes occurred in the late morning (58% between 11:00
non-inferiority test, P < 0·0001. and 13:00) and early afternoon (17% between 13:00 and
15:00) (Fig. 3). Hypoglycaemic symptoms led to nine
patients on glimepiride withdrawing from the study vs.

Table 3 Hypoglycaemia with blood glucose level < 3 mmol L−1 in the safety population

Gliclazide MR Glimepiride
Patients exposed (n) n (%) Patients Episodes Patients exposed (n) (%) Patients (n) Episodes
* † *
Whole population 403 15 (3·7) 22 439 39 (8·9) 56†
≤ 65 years 264 10 (3·8)* 12 284 25 (8·8)* 39
> 65 years 139 5 (3·6)‡ 10 155 14 (9·0)‡ 17
Creatinine clearance§
> 80 mL min−1 226 10 (4·4)‡ 12 232 13 (5·6)‡ 23
50–80 mL min−1 157 5 (3·2)* 10 182 23 (12·6)* 27
< 50 mL min−1 17 0 (0)‡ 0 25 3 (12·0)‡ 6
Treatment details
Treatment regimen
Monotherapy 133 7 (5·3)‡ 8 156 15 (9·6)‡ 19
Combination therapy
Metformin 229 6 (2·6)* 12 255 22 (8·6)* 35
α-glucosidase inhibitor 41 2 (4·9)‡ 2 28 2 (7·1)‡ 2
Final HbA1c (%)¶
≤ 6·5 97 2 (2·1) 2 114 20 (17·5) 24
6·5–7 91 6 (6·6) 11 108 7 (6·5) 10
7–7·5 81 3 (3·7) 4 80 8 (10·0) 14
7·5–8 48 1 (2·1) 1 50 3 (6·0) 6
>8 71 3 (4·2) 4 75 0 0

Between-group comparisons: *P ≤ 0·02, †P = 0·007, ‡non-significant, §calculated using the Cockroft formula; the three patients with
missing creatinine clearance did not experience hypoglycaemia with a blood glucose level < 3 mmol L −1.

Data on safety population except for final HbA1c (intention-to-treat population; final HbA1c missing in 15 patients on gliclazide MR
and 12 patients on glimepiride, one patient reported two hypoglycaemic episodes in the glimepiride group).

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34, 535–542
540 G. Schernthaner et al.

At least one adverse event other than hypoglycaemia was

reported in 40·9% and 40·1% of patients in the gliclazide
MR and glimepiride groups, respectively. Fifty-six serious
adverse events occurred: 28 in each group. The most fre-
quent were cardiovascular events at similar frequencies and
judged to be nonrelated to the treatment by the investigator.
There were no significant changes in the biochemical safety
screen. Body weight was stable during the study with mean
changes from 83·1 to 83·6 kg and 83·7 to 84·3 kg on gliclazide
MR and glimepiride, respectively.

Figure 2 Kaplan–Meier curves for time to appearance of the

first hypoglycaemia with blood glucose level < 3 mmol L−1. Discussion
––: gliclazide MR; - -: glimepiride. Wilcoxon test, P = 0·004.
Significant improvements in blood glucose control were
one patient on gliclazide MR. Study-treatment dose was obtained in this study, with sulphonylureas used as first-line
decreased for one patient only, who experienced one episode therapy or in combination with metformin or α-glucosidase
with no blood glucose measurement. inhibitors. From a mean baseline value of 8·3%, half the
The 3 mmol L−1 threshold for BGL complies with the population attained a final HbA1c value less than 7%, and
EMEA recommendation of having a high level of specificity 25% less than 6·5%. Gliclazide MR and glimepiride, used
in the diagnosis of hypoglycaemia in clinical trials. When under identical glucose level target titration, were similarly
considering patients with symptoms and a BGL between 3 effective in improving blood glucose control with early
and 4 mmol L−1 (hypoglycaemia in clinical practice), there decreases after 9 weeks of treatment. Sulphonylureas pro-
was also a 50% difference between gliclazide MR and vide long-lasting improvement in blood glucose control
glimepiride [for gliclazide MR, 31 patients (7·7%) experi- [20], but this entails a risk of hypoglycaemia. This study
enced 45 episodes in total; for glimepiride, 63 patients provides detailed data on hypoglycaemia in well-trained
(14·4%) experienced 108 episodes in total; P = 0·002]. patients performing home blood glucose monitoring on a
Table 3 displays hypoglycaemia with BGL < 3 mmol L−1 regular basis. The confirmation of hypoglycaemic episodes
according to age, renal function, concomitant antidiabetic by capillary blood glucose enhances the value of the data.
treatment, and final HbA1c achieved. Among the 75 patients The safety of gliclazide MR was significantly better,
with baseline HbA1c ≤ 7%, 2·3% and 12·5% of patients in demonstrating approximately 50% fewer hypoglycaemic epi-
the gliclazide MR and glimepiride groups, respectively, sodes in comparison with glimepiride. It is worth noting that
experienced hypoglycaemia with BGL < 3 mmol L−1 (data the incidence of hypoglycaemia was particularly low in the
not shown). In patients > 75 years (23 on gliclazide MR and gliclazide MR-treated patients whose HbA1c was either
30 on glimepiride), 0 and 3 reported hypoglycaemia with moderately elevated at baseline (≤ 7%) and /or decreased
BGL < 3 mmol L−1, respectively. Most episodes occurred less than 6·5% on treatment and who were at higher risk
at the lowest treatment doses, 13 and two out of 22 episodes for hypoglycaemia [21]. This shows that gliclazide MR can
on 30 mg and 60 mg gliclazide MR, respectively, and 21 be used following current recommendations of aggressive
and 27 out of 56 episodes on glimepiride 1 and 2 mg. No treatment to obtain HbA1c targets between 6·5% and 7%
hypoglycaemia was observed on glimepiride 6 mg. [19,22,23]. Data suggest that even mild impairment of

Figure 3 Time of occurrence of

hypoglycaemia with blood glucose
level < 3 mmol L−1. : gliclazide MR;
: glimepiride.

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 34, 535–542
GUIDE study: gliclazide MR vs. glimepiride 541

renal function increases the incidence of hypoglycaemia on This study was supported by a grant from the Institut de
glimepiride and not on gliclazide MR. This might contribute Recherches Internationales Servier, Courbevoie, France.
to the difference between the drugs considering the high
prevalence of patients with creatinine clearance less than
80 mL min−1.
No episodes of severe hypoglycaemia were reported during References
the study in patients carefully trained in the management
of hypoglycaemia. However, in routine practice severe 1 Kahn SE. The relative contribution of insulin resistance and
hypoglycaemia is encountered in patients with type 2 diabetes. beta-cell dysfunction to the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes.
It should be noted that risk factors for severe hypoglycaemia Diabetes 2003;46:3–19.
recorded in a recent survey in acute care units are consistent 2 UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) group. Intensive
with the nonsevere hypoglycaemia in this study, in particular blood glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared
with conventional treatment and risk of complications in
low HbA1c and renal impairment for glimepiride [21].
patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33). Lancet
The observed difference in hypoglycaemic risk between
the two sulphonylureas may be explained by the pharma- 3 Gaede P, Vedel P, Larsen N, Jensen GVH, Parving HH,
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