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Subject: Request for Paternity Leave

Dear CEO, Umair Haroon,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss the possibility of taking paternity leave.

My partner and I are expecting the arrival of our child, and I would like to request a minimum of 04 days
of leave to be present for the birth and 06 days work from home to support my family during this
significant time. I understand that the company's policies do not currently include provisions for
paternity leave, but I wanted to express my sincere desire to be there for the birth of my child and
contribute to my family's well-being. My demand for work from home because till the stitched are open
I am the only person to take my wife from the bed. So please consider my request because my demand
based on genuine case. I am assuring you that during work from home I accomplished all my task in

Taking paternity leave is important to me as it allows me to establish a strong bond with my child,
support my partner, and contribute to a positive work-life balance.

I kindly request your understanding and consideration of my situation. I would greatly appreciate the
opportunity to discuss this matter further and explore potential options that would allow me to take this
time off.

As you told us that our medical insurance also on. It’s requested that if DMOOSE proceeding my health
insurance and help to bear this expenses in these difficult days.

Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Abu Bakar

(Operations executive)

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