School Profile

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School Profile

Class of 2023

School and community

School history
Located in the highlands of the Serra dos Órgãos, Teresópolis
is a city full of attractions and activities. It was while revisiting
this beautiful city that I came across a school.
Nome Jose N. Amorim Right from the start, looking at the facade, I could tell it was
not an ordinary school. I soon found out that it is the oldest
Start Date: June 22, 2009
school in the city and perhaps in Brazil. As part of our history
and a city landmark, the State School Euclydes da Cunha
impresses with its well-preserved condition.

GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR: The school was founded in the early 20th century (in 1912) and
is considered one of the city's first public buildings. The place
Nome: Cristina Guarilha can be visited to learn more about the institution's history and
the city itself, but since it is a public building (and still
functions as a school), it can only be visited during weekdays.

Located in the traditional Alto neighborhood, the State School

Euclydes da Cunha is very close to the main shopping centers
in the area, as well as the location where the Feirinha do Alto
Address : MELLO FRANCO STREET, 608 takes place.
ALTO. 25960-531 Teresópolis - RJ(Brazil).
Phone:++55 (21) 2741-1337

School Type: Public

Total enrollment: 932
Size of graduating class: 225

Number of HS teachers: 60
Languages: 1
Class of 2023
Graduation requirements
Certainly, here's the text explaining how a student can excel above average
in the Brazilian education system, where the school has 4 terms (biestres)
and a total score above 20 is required to be considered above average:
Achieving Academic Excellence in the Brazilian Education System
In Brazil, the educational system is mainly regulated and
In the Brazilian education system, students have the opportunity to coordinated by the government at the federal, state, and
distinguish themselves and excel above average by demonstrating a strong
commitment to learning and adopting effective study strategies. With a municipal levels. This includes the curriculum,
curriculum divided into four terms, commonly known as "biestres," and the
requirement to achieve a total score above 20 to be considered above pedagogical guidelines, and education policies in general.
average, students can follow these steps to stand out academically:
1. **Engage Actively in Class:** Attending classes regularly and actively
Students do not have direct control over which specific
participating in discussions can help students grasp concepts more subjects will be taught in schools, as the curriculum is
effectively. Engaging with teachers and peers allows for better
understanding of the subjects being taught. defined by government bodies such as the Ministry of
2. **Set Clear Goals:** Establish specific academic goals for each term.
These goals could include achieving certain grades in particular subjects or Education (MEC) at the federal level and Education
improving in areas where the student faces challenges.
3. **Create a Study Schedule:** Design a well-organized study schedule that
Departments at the state and municipal levels.
allocates time for each subject according to its difficulty level and the
student's strengths and weaknesses.
4. **Practice Regularly:** Regular practice and revision are crucial for The curriculum is a set of subjects and content that
students are required to study throughout their school
understanding and retaining information. Completing assignments, solving
problems, and reviewing notes can reinforce learning.
5. **Utilize Resources:** Take advantage of educational resources such as
textbooks, online materials, and supplementary resources provided by
journey to achieve certain educational objectives. The
teachers. Exploring different sources can provide a more comprehensive government determines which subjects are mandatory at
understanding of the subjects.
each stage of education, such as Elementary and High
6. **Seek Clarification:** Don't hesitate to ask teachers for clarification if
certain topics are unclear. Clarifying doubts promptly ensures a strong
School, and establishes learning goals and parameters for
foundation for more complex concepts. assessments and exams.
7. **Collaborate with Peers:** Forming study groups with classmates can be
beneficial. Discussing and explaining concepts to each other can enhance
understanding and offer different perspectives. This means that schools must follow the curriculum
8. **Effective Time Management:** Learn to manage time efficiently by
prioritizing tasks, avoiding procrastination, and maintaining a healthy
guidelines set by education authorities. While some
balance between study and leisure. schools might offer elective subjects, most of the
9. **Practice Problem-Solving:** Focus on problem-solving skills, especially curriculum is determined by the government. Choices of
elective subjects can vary based on the school and the
in subjects that involve mathematical or analytical thinking. Practicing
problem-solving techniques can boost performance.
10. **Stay Consistent:** Consistency is key to academic success.
Maintaining a consistent effort throughout the year, rather than cramming
available subject offerings, but they still fall within the
before exams, yields better results. boundaries of the curriculum established by authorities.
11. **Review and Reflect:** Regularly review your notes, assignments, and
assessments to identify areas of improvement and celebrate progress.
12. **Stay Motivated:** Keep your motivation high by celebrating small
achievements and setting rewards for reaching milestones.
This approach aims to ensure a minimum level of
By adopting these strategies and maintaining a proactive approach to knowledge and skills for all students, promoting equal
learning, students can position themselves to excel above average in the
Brazilian education system. Remember that consistent effort, effective educational opportunities across the country. However,
study habits, and a genuine interest in learning can go a long way in
achieving academic excellence. it can also limit students' flexibility to choose specific
areas of interest.
The grading system from 0 to 10 is used in
Brazil to evaluate students' performance. In In summary, in Brazil's educational system, it is the government
the four-bimester system, the academic year is that defines mandatory subjects and the school curriculum, and
divided into four periods. At the end of each students have a limited role in choosing classes. This is done to
bimester, students receive a grade for each ensure a consistent and standardized educational foundation for
subject they study.
all students, regardless of where they live.

The averages for each subject can vary

⚠️ANDAND Examples of a report

depending on the teacher, as they have
autonomy to determine evaluation criteria and
weights assigned to each activity. Some
card, and how our system works⚠️
teachers adopt an average based on the simple
arithmetic mean of the grades, while others
may add extra criteria or use a weighted

At the end of the academic year, the averages

of the four bimesters are added up and divided
by four to obtain the final grade for the
subject. This final grade is used to determine
whether the student passes or fails, according
to the school's regulations.

In the end, students need to have a final

average of 20, so the average for each bimester
is 5.
Class of 2023
Academic school year:
Calendar system:
Offered Subject
School schedule:
Classes are held on weekdays, Monday through Friday, with a total
▪️Physical Education
of 206 class days per year. Classes take place from 7:30 am to 12:20
pm. Each day consists of six lessons, allowing students to
comprehensively engage with the curriculum and make the most of
their learning experience. ▪️Arts (Art Education, Theater, Dance, Music, Visual Arts, and
Required courses: others)
▪️Foreign Language/Literature - English
NSE 4 Classification* ▪️Foreign Language/Literature - Spanish
In this level, students are up to half a standard deviation
below the national average of INSE. Considering the
majority of students, both mother/guardian and ▪️Physics
father/guardian have incomplete or complete primary ▪️Chemistry
education and/or complete secondary education. The
majority of them have a refrigerator, one or two bedrooms, ▪️Biology
one bathroom, Wi-Fi, a washing machine, and a freezer, but ▪️History
they do not have a vacuum cleaner. Some students in this
level also have a computer, a car, a study desk, a garage, a ▪️Geography
microwave oven, and one or two televisions. ▪️Sociology
▪️Social Studies or Sociology
Opportnities Functioning of Extracurricular
FIFA (Video game) In certain educational contexts, schools may not offer year-
Futsal round extracurricular activities but rather provide a 2-
month program in collaboration with the local
Music Class
▪️Piano municipality. This program is designed for students aged 15

▪️Guitar to 17 and aims to offer a variety of activities and workshops

that complement their regular academic curriculum. The
▪️Flute focused duration encourages students to explore interests,
Volleyball develop skills, and broaden their horizons. While balancing
these activities with academic responsibilities, students
engage in diverse experiences and receive recognition for
their achievements at the program's end. The partnership
Music Class
▪️Piano between the municipality and schools ensures accessibility,
community engagement, and positive personal and skill
▪️Guitar development for participating students.
Class of 2023

Grade distribution Grading

Averages 5-6/10 In Brazil, it is not common for schools to establish a formal ranking system for students based on their academic
performance. Instead, the focus is primarily on individual student progress and development.
Averages 7-8/10
Brazilian schools generally prioritize a holistic approach to education, emphasizing the overall growth and learning
Averages 9-10/10 of each student rather than creating a competitive environment based on rankings. The educational system in Brazil
values collaboration, cooperation, and personal improvement rather than fostering a culture of competition among

Ano 5%
The emphasis is placed on providing quality education, fostering critical thinking, and promoting a positive learning
experience for all students. Teachers focus on assessing students' understanding of the subjects and their ability to
10% apply knowledge rather than comparing them against their peers.

By not implementing a ranking system, Brazilian schools aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment
where students can focus on their own individual academic journey. This approach encourages students to develop
their unique strengths, interests, and talents without the pressure of constantly comparing themselves to others.

In conclusion, Brazilian schools prioritize individual student growth and learning rather than establishing formal
rankings among students. The focus is on creating a supportive and inclusive educational environment that
encourages personal development and fosters a love for learning.

Ano Excellent: A Nota(10-9)
Above average: B Nota (8-7)
Ano Average: C Nota (6-5)
Below average: D Nota(4-3)
Failed: F Nota(2-0)

School additions
Brazilian national exam
Rank Brazil's National ▪️School average ▪️National average
46% participation rate (83 participating
students) Human Sciences

Human Sciences 653 points

506 points Natural Sciences

Natural Sciences 659 points

469 points Language and Codes

Language and Codes 634 points

533 points Mathematics

Mathematics 646 points

513 points Essay

Essay 643 points

547 points

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