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Mr. Gadisa K
The term work book refers to a book designed to guide the work of a student by inclusion of
sothattheanswerscanbewrittendirectlyinthebook.In-otherwords,studentworkbookisatype of an
education material that typically include components to support classroom learning. They help
ensuring students‟ knowledge and ability in line with the acquisitions stated in teaching
questions present in the text and how to tackle some challenge problems. Such conditions made
students to have the chance to expose to many different item types questions and they are able to
measuretheirabilityand skills.Thequestionsarepreparedbasedonthenewcurriculumwithfive item
types, like true-false; matching, fill in the blank spaces, multiple choices, short answers and
To sum up, the main purpose of this work book is to ensure that to what extent students have
acquired knowledge, ability and skills in general science lesson.
To the students:
To be successful in General Science lesson and other subjects, students should follow the
followings bit of guide lines.
1. First,havearegularstudyprogramforeachsubject.Thiswillhelpyoutosavetime,energyand to
become an effective student.
2. List and defined those key terms in each unit. This will help you understanding theunit.
3. Do those activities, experiments and projects in each page of the unit. This increases your
appetite for learning and scientificcuriosity.
4. List down those exceptional concepts alone. This again assist you to avoid misconceptions;
5. Do all the various types of exercise and problems in the unit to check your understanding. This
will assist you to check your ability and to recall what you have learned sofar.
6. Develop your ability and skills in problem solving strategy. This enables you to develop your
mathematical operations and to create new scientificidea.
7. Haveahabittoreadthetopiclessonbeforeyouenterinclass.Thisinitiatesyouto understand
the concept easily when a teacher isteaching.

Review exercises and problems on
I. Matchingquestions:
Part-one: Match the items in column A with that of column B.
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Handspan A. known as fathom
2. Digit B. measuring from the heel of one foot to the samefoot.
3. Cubit C.measuresfromthebackoftheheeltothetipofthebigtoe.
4. Foot D. width of an adult human malefingertip.
5. Pace E.measuresfromthetipofone‟selbowtothetipofmiddlefinger.
6. Armspan F. measures from the tip of finger to the tip ofthumb.
Part two: Match the items under column A with that of column B.
Column“A” Column “B”
1. WeQet A. measures the mass of pepper andcoffee
2. Quntal B. a plastic cup measures the volume ofliquids
3. Feresula C. measures cereals, pulses, liquids andsolids.
4. Jog D. a glass measures pulses andliquids
5. Birchiko E. measures the mass of powder of gold.
6. Kubaya F. a mug measures pulses, cereals andliquids.
7. Tassa G. measures the mass ofgrains.
Part three: Match the quantities under column A to their units under column B.
Column“A” Column“B”
1. Length, L A. Second,s
2. Mass,M B. Kelvin, k
3. Time, t C. Ampere,A
4. Temperature,T D. Kilogram, Kg
5. Electriccurrent,I E. kilogram per cubic meter,Kg/m3
6. Density,d F. meter,m
7. Volume, v G. cubic meter,m3
II. Fill in the blank spaces with an appropriateanswer.
1. A method of measuring that practiced locally iscalled
2. Measure of a distance from the heel to one foot to the heel of the sameis
3. The amount of matter present in a substance isreferredto .
4. Thedistancefromthemiddlefingertipofthelefthandtothatoftherighthandcanbemeasured by .
5. Measuring the space occupied by an object isknown as .
6. Quantities that can be measuredarecalled _.
7. The unit ofareais , while that of densityis
8. The prefix for a numbero.ooo1 is .

9. One thousand centimeter isequal to meter.
10. The device used to measure the temperature of anobject is .
11. The SI unit oftemperatureis , while that of timeis .
12. The mass of a sample can bemeasuredby .
13. A short hand form of writing very large and very small numbers isknown as .
14. Physical quantities are classified intotwo,namely and .
15. A quantity which cannot be expressed in terms of any other quantity isreferred to .
16. A physical quantity has two components.Theseare and .
17. The process of obtaining the magnitude of a quantity relative to an agreed standardis
III. Multiple choicequestions.
Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives.
1. Which of the following physical quantity is a derivedquantity?
A. Volume B.Time C.Temperature D. Mass
2. Which of the following is a fundamental physicalquantity?
A. Velocity B. Density C. Volume D. electriccurrent.
3. The SI-unit of volumeis
A. Kg/m B.Kg/m2 C.Kg/m3 D. Kg/m2
4. Which one of the following set of physical quantities represents fundamentalquantities?
A. Time,Speed,Mass C. Temperature, Time,Length
B. Force,Velocity, density D. Area, Volume,Length.
5. From the followings an indigenous units of measurement for lengthis
A. Kilometer B.Span C.Shadow D. Weqet
6. The prefix that represents as 1/1000is
A. Kilo B.Mega C.Milli- D. Centi-
7. An instrument used to measure fractions of very small lengthis
A. Meterruler B.Measuringcylinder C.Verniercaliper D. Beambalance
8. The last steps of scientific methodis
A. Observation B.Hypothesis C. Theory D. Scientificlaw
9. A general statement that summarizes facts that come from many experiments iscalled------
A. Theory B.Scientificlaw C. Hypothesis D. Observation
10. In scientific work, temperature is oftenmeasuredon scale
A. Kelvin B.Celsius C. fahrenheit D. all of these

IV. Essay type questions

Write short and precise answers for the following questions.
1. What are the disadvantages of using indigenousmeasurements?
2. Write four examples for each of thefollowing
A. Fundamentalquantities C. Traditional measurements ofmass
B. Derivedquantities
3. Define the following terms and give examples foreach.
A. Prefix b. precision c.accuracy d.density e.volume f. scientificmethod.
4. What is measurement? Unit?SI-unit?
5. List the necessary steps of scientificmethod?
6. Write the differences between thefollowings:
A. Accuracy measurement and Precisionmeasurement
B. Basic quantity and Derivedquantity
7. What is the device used to measure thefollowing?
A. Temperature b. Mass c. Weight d. Air pressure e. Electriccurrent
8. Classify the following units as fundamental units or derivedunits
( s, m/s, J ,w, kg, m, m3, N/m2, K,0C, V,)
9. A substance weighs 25 kilogram. What is its magnitude andunit?
10. Two grade eight students A and B determined the density of water at 40C and 1.0 atmosphere in six
separateexperimentsandthefollowingvaluesing/mLobtained.Theacceptedvalueofthedensityof water
Student Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trail 4 Trial 5 Trail 6 Average
A 0.91 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.89 0.91 0.90
B 1.10 0.99 1.01 0.97 0.91 1.03 1.00
10.1. Which of the measurements is moreprecise?
10.2. Which data are less precise?Why?
10.3. Which average value is close to the truevalue?
11. Convert the followings to the indicatedunit.
11.1. 770g=-------mg 11.3. 0.05kg = ----------kg 11.2.650mL=--------L 11.4.
364 day= ---------- weeks

Unit -two Composition of matter.

Review exercises and problems on structure of atom.
I. Matching itemquestions.
Part one. Match the items under column A with column B
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Nucleus A. located outside the nucleus
2. Protons B. collectively name of protons and neutrons.
3. Electrons C. determines the atomic number of an atom.
4. Neutrons D. the central part of an atom.
5.Nucleons E. has no charge.
Part two.
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Atomicnumber A. average mass of isotopes of anatom
2. Atomicmass B. the number of protons in the nucleus of anatom
3. Massnumber C. sum of electrons and neutrons in neutralatom.
4. Nucleus D. refers to the collective name of protons andneutrons.
5. Nucleons E. positively or negatively chargedatom
F. Central part of an atom which is positively charged.

II. Fill in the blank spaces with appropriateanswers.
1. Most of the mass of an atom is mainly concentratedin
2. The total positive charged in the nucleus of an atomis
3. The fundamental particle that is not present in hydrogen atomis
4. The two regions of anatom are and
5. The only element of an atom that has no neutron particleis
6. The particle that has nearly the same mass to a proton of hydrogen atomis
7. A path of an electron in atom is referredto
8. The building blocks of all substancesis
9. The mass of electronis _ times less heavier than protons andneutrons.
10. The actual charge ofprotonis and that of neutronsis
11. An atom is represented by thenotationof .
12. Theideaof„atoms‟firstproposedbytheGreekphilosophernamed

III. Multiple choicequestions.

Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives.
1. Who proposed the first atomictheory?
A. Thales B.John Dalton C.Aristotle D. Democritus
2. Which of the following particles have the samemass?
A. Protonsandneutrons C. Neutrons and Electrons
B. ProtonsandNeutrons D. protons and Electrons.
3. An atom has 18 electrons and 16 neutrons. What is its massnumber?
A.16 B. 18 C. 32 D. 36
4. Themassnumberandatomicnumberofanatom“A”are27and13,respectively.Whatisthenumber of
neutrons of thisatom?
A.14 B. 15 C. 40 D. 31
5. An atom is electrically neutral because there are equal numbersof
A. Protonsandelectrons C. protons andneutrons
B. Electronsand neutrons D. protons and valence electrons.
6. All of the followings are examples of matterexcept
A. Light B.Air C. Salt D. Water
7. What would be formed when a neutral atom loseselectrons?
A. amolecule ion C.agas D. a compound
8. The atoms 147 N and 126C have thesame;
A. Numberofprotons C. Number ofneutrons
B. Atomicnumber D. Massnumber.
9. The smallest particle of an element or a compound that can exist freely in nature is; A.
Amolecule B.anion C. anatom D. an element.
10. Atom of the same elementhas
A. thesamemass C. identical chemical properties
B. The samephysical properties D. different chemicalproperties.
11. All of the following formulas represent a molecule of an elementexcept.
A. Ne B.P4 C. Cl2 D. CO

12. Most of the volume of an atom is occupiedby;
A. Protons C.Neutrons
B. Electrons D. protons andneutrons.
13. From the followings an example of a poly-atomic moleculeis
A. Ozone B. Oxygen C. Carbon D.Chlorine.
14. All of the followings are diatomic moleculesexcept.
A. Iodine B.Hydrogen C.Nitrogen D. Carbon
15. The total sum of number of protons and number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atomis
A. Atomicnumber B. Atomicmass C.Mass number D. atomicshell
16. The number of neutrons in 19Kare
A.20 B. 19 C. 58 D. 39
17. Which of the following statement is true about the nucleus of anatom?
A. It contains onlyneutron particles C. It contains protons andelectrons
B. It ispositivelycharged D. It occupies largevolume.
18. The continuous theory of matter proposedby
A. Democritus B.Thales C. Aristotle D. John Dalton
19. Structurally, what is anatom?
A. It is the smallestspherical body C. It is massive at the center of thenucleus
B. It consists of protons andneutronsparticles D. all of theabove.
20. The continuous theory of matter described the factthat
A. Substance divided up to a certainpoint
B. Substance divided withoutlimit
C. Substance cannot subdivided into smallerpieces
D. Substances combined together instead ofdividing.
21. The smallest possible number of atoms in a moleculeis
A. Four B.Three C. Two D. One
22. Which one of the following pairing is correctlymatched?
A. Oxygen---poly-atomicmolecule C. phosphorus---mono-atomic atom
B. Ozone---diatomicmolecule D.Helium ---- mono-atomic molecule.
23. Which property made that atom and molecule to besimilar?
A. Both have two atomsper molecule C. Both have the samestructure
B. Both areneutralparticles D. both arestable
24. Which of the following pair of sub-atomic particles are always equal to neutralatom?
A. Protonsandneutrons C. mass number and atomic number
B. Neutronandelectron D. protons and electrons
25. Why is an atom electrically neutral? This isbecause
A. The number of neutrons equal to the number ofprotons
B. The number of protons equals to number ofelectrons.
C. The number of neutrons equal to the number ofelectrons.
D. All of these
26. Which of the following statement is false about the atomicstructure?
A. The electrons occupy a very large volume space tonucleus.
B. Almost all the mass of the atom is concentrated in thenucleus.
C. The protons and the neutrons in the nucleus are very tightlypacked.
D. All neutral atoms of a given element have the same number ofelectron

27. The following table shows the comparison between continuous and non-continuous theory ofmatter.
Continuous theory Non-continuous theory
1. Matter is divisible Matter is indivisible
2. The existence of atoms is not accepted The existence of atom is accepted.
3. Matter is indivisible Matter is divisible

In the above table, which row contains the wrong comparisons? A. 1 and 2
B. 2and 3 C.only1 D. only3.
28. Which one is not true about the diagrammatic representation of theatom?
A. Letter C represents the electronshell. A. B
B. Letter B indicates the nucleus of anatom cC
C. Letter A stands for an electron revolving around thenucleus.
D. Letter C indicates the location of protonsparticles. C

IV. Essay typesquestions.

Write short answers to the following questions and problems.
1. What are the fundamental subatomic particles? Write their symbols, charges and relativemasses.
2. Name the subatomic particles contained in the atomic nucleus of anatom.
3. Explain the differencesbetween;
A. An atom and amolecule
B. Molecule of compound and molecule ofelement
C. Mass number and atomic number
4. Write the propertiesof
A. Electrons B.Protons C. Neutrons
5. What particles are found; A. Inside the nucleus of an atom?
B. Outside the nucleus of an atom?
6. What are the electric charges of electrons? Ofneutrons?
7. Whatisthereasonforthefactthatanatomiselectricallyneutral8.Compareandcontrastthecontinuity and
discreteness theory ofmatter
9. What is matter? What it is made upof?
10. Why the nucleus is positivelycharged?
11. How many neutrons, protons and electrons are there in the following
elements?A.2311Na B.8035Br C.11H D.23892U E.
12. Classifythefollowingmoleculesasmono-atomic,diatomicorpoly-atomicmoleculeswhere
possible.(hydrogen, water, ozone, phosphorus, sulphur, bromine, helium, neon,)
13. Draw the atomic structureof;
A. Carbon(Z=6) C. Hydrogen(Z=1)
B. Helium(Z=2) D.Oxygen(Z=8)
14. Which of the following are molecules of elements and molecules
ofcompounds?(He, H2, O2, H2O, CO, NH3, P4, HF, CO2, S8,Ar,)

15. Complete the following tableaccordingly.
Atomic Atomic Number of Number of Number of Mass number
symbol number(Z) protons neutrons electrons
23 Na
238 U
56 Fe

Unit Three Classification of Compounds.

3.1. Worksheet on Organic
CompoundsI: True – False
1. The functional group of alkanes is carbon – carbon doublebonds.
2. The higher molecular mass of alkenes is solids at roomtemperature.
3. Alkenes and alkynes have the same generalformula.
4. Alkyne and Alkene compounds are unsaturatedhydrocarbons.
5. The functional group present in alkynes is carbon– carbon doublebonds.
6. The formula of a compound commonly known as acetylene isC2H4.
7. The suffix –yl represents an alkenehydrocarbon.
8. Hexene is an alkene containing six – carbonatoms.
9. Hydrocarbon compounds are soluble in aqueoussolution.
10. The compound CH3 – CH3 is named asethane.
II: Matching item questions
Part I. Match the items under column B with that of columnA.
Column”A” Column “B”
1. Alkaneformula A. contains a triple bond
2. Alkyl group B. possessing unpaired electrons
3.C6H12 C. forming a linkage with the same element
4.Alkyne D. CnH2n-4
5. Functional group E. compounds differ by–CH2 group from the next
6. Catenation F. has a general formula CnH2n + 1
7. Freeradical G. determine the chemical properties
8. Homologousseries H. A member of alkene
I. Soluble in watersolution
J. CnH2n + 2
Part II .Match the uses of some hydrocarbons under column B with column A

Column “A” Column “B”

1.Methane A. used in preservation
2. Propane andbutane B. found in vinegar
3. Octane C. component of petrol – fuel for engines
4. Ethene andpropene D. present in alcoholic drinks
5. Ethyne E. bottled gas (buta gas)
6. Ethanol F. used for cutting and welding
7.Ethanoicacid G. used as fuelgas
8. Formalin H. used for cooking andlighting
I. starting material for plastics
III: Fill in the blank spaces
1. A series of hydrocarbons each differing from its next member by a constant group isknown as .
2. The general formula of alkane is CnH2n + 2, but that of alkyneis
3. Linkage of an element forming chains with repetition of the same atomis
4. An atom or group of atoms containing unpaired or odd electrons is_
5. The alkene name is derived from alkane by changing the ending –aneto
6. The common name foralkaneis and that of etheneis
7. An alkene containing 7 – carbon atom has theformula
8. Bottled gas is amixtureof and
9. Gasoline is amixtureof , and
10. Crude oil (petroleum) products are obtained industriallyby

IV: Multiple choice items

1. Organic chemistry is the studyof
A. Carbon elements andits derivatives C. A vitalforce
B. Compounds derived from plantsandanimals D. Livingthings
2. From the followings, identify the compound that is notorganic
A. HCN B.(NH2)2CO C.C3H8 D. CCl4
3. Organic chemistry means the chemistry of carbon. This is dueto
A. Carbon can exist in allotropeform C. Carbon is a nonmetal with sixelectrons
B. Carbon can form a very long chains andrings D. Carbon is more active element thanothers
4. Which is not true about homologous seriescompounds?
A. They have similargeneralformula C. They refer to saturated hydrocarbonsonly
B. They differ from the next by– CH2groups D. They show similarreactions.
5. The 16 – carbon alkane has the molecularformula
A. C16H32 B.C16H34 C.C16H30 D. C16H31
6. Which of the following hydrocarbons has the largest heat ofcombustion?
A. C2H2 B.C2H4C. C2H6 D. CH4
7. Which statement is trueaboutalkane?
A. They are chemically inert to manyreagents
B. They are saturatedhydrocarbons
C. They are the least dense of all groups of hydrocarboncompounds
D. All of the above
8. The general formula for an alkeneis:
A. CnH2n B. CnH2n–2 C. CnH2n+ 1 D. CnH2n +2
9. Which of the following compound has the highest boilingpoint?
A. PenteneB. Butane C. Propene D. Ethane

10. What is the molecular formula of a member of the homologous series of alkene with 11– Carbonatoms?
A.C11H11 B.C11H20 C.C11H12 D. C11H18
11. Which of the following is the main use ofalkane?
A. forfuel C. for production ofalkene
B. forsolvent D. for makingexplosives
12. The 10 – carbon alkyne has the molecularformula
A.C10H18 B.C2H6 C.C3H8 D. C4H10
13. The main combustible gas obtained from a biogas plantis
A. CH4 B.C2H6C. C3H8 D. C4H10
14. An alkene that can be found in the liquid state at room
temperatureis:A.C8H16 B.C5H10 C.C18H36 D. C4H8
15. The hydrocarbon structure of CH3 = CH - CH2 - CH2 – CH3 refersto
A. Alkene B.Alkyne C.Alkane D. Alkylgroup
16. The hydrocarbon compound named as n- pentyne has the
formula:A.C5H12 B.C5H10 C.C5H8 D.C5H11
17. The crude oil product used at home for fuelis
A. Natural gas B.Butagas C. Benzene D. Ethanol
18. Which of the following hydrocarbon compounds is correctly arranged in order of increasingmelting
point anddensity?
A. CH4>C2H6>C3H8 C. C3H8> C2H6>CH4
C H >C
B. 2 6 3 8H >CH 4 D. C 2 6 CH4>C3H8
H >
19. Organic compounds that differ by a constant -CH2 group arecalled
A. Allotrope C.Hydrocarbon
B. Isotopes D. Homologousseries.
20.which statement is true aboutalkanes?
A. They aresaturatedhydrocarbons C. They are chemically inert to manyreagents.
B. They have generalformulaCnH2n+2 D. None ofthese
21. Alkanes differ from alkenes inthat;
A. They are saturatedhydrocarbons
B. They are more reactive thanalkenes.
C. They have less hydrogen atoms thanalkenes.
D. They do not show the homologousseries.
22. Ethanol is notused
A. Asalcoholicbeverage C. As afuel
B. Ascleaningwounds D. As preservation ofinsects.
23.Ethene and propene are gaseous of alkenes. They areused
A. For the productionofplastics C. for cutting and weldingsteel
B. For cookingfood D. for lighting.
24. Which of the following is not the use of aceticacid?
A. Food flavoringagent C. Preservingvegetables.
B. Preservativebiologicalspecimens D.Disinfectant
25. The vinegar is a solutionof;
A. 5%aceticacid C. 10% aceticacid
B. 15%aceticacid D. 50% aceticacid
26. How many hydrogen atoms are there in the straight chain of alkene that have five carbonatoms?
A.10 B.11 C. 12 D. 8

V: Essay type – item questions.
1. What was the belief of vital force theory? Who disproveit?
2. What is the name and formula of the first organic compoundsynthesized?
3. List the major elements associated with carbon producing different types of organiccompounds?
4. What are the reacting inorganic substances that producedurea?
5. What is:
i) The old definition of organicchemistry
ii) The modern definition of organicchemistry
6. Identify the differences between organic compounds and inorganiccompounds?
7. What are the primary sources of organiccompounds?
8. Give some reacting inorganic substances to prepare organicones?
9. What does organic chemistry studyabout?
10. What are hydrocarboncompounds?
11. Sketch the structural division of hydrocarbon compounds on the basis ofstructure?
12. Reason out why does carbon form many organiccompounds?
13. Why formalin is used for preservation of biologicalspecimens?
14. What are the simplest classes of hydrocarboncompounds?
15. List down the main characteristicsof
i) Alkanes ii)Alkenes iii) Alkynes
16. What is the main source of obtainingalkanes?
17. What are homologous series of compounds? What properties do theyhave?
18. Define what a function group ismeant?
19. What is the functional group presentin?
i) Alkanes ii)Alkenes iii)Alkynes
20. What is indicating a prefix? a suffix? In hydrocarboncompounds
21. What is the first memberof?
i) Alkane ii)Alkene iii)Alkyne
22. Why are the boiling points and melting points of alkane compounds increased with increasing carbonnumber?
23. Write the range of carbon atoms where alkanes can existas?
i) Solid ii)liquid iii) gaseousstate
24. Classify the following alkane members as solid, liquid or gaseousstate:
C4H10, C7H16, C16H34, C20H42, C3H8, C10H22,C5H12
25. What are the products obtained when propane compound burn withoxygen?
26. Write all usesof
i) Alkane ii)Alkene iii) Alkyne compounds
27. What are alkyl groups? How they different fromalkanes?
28. What is the first, the third, the fifth and the seventh memberof?
i) alkanes iii)alkynes
ii) Alkenes iv) alkyl groups
29. State the properties of alkenes on the basisof
i) meltingpoint iii)density
ii) Solubility iv) states ofmatter
30. What would be the molecular formula for a straight chain hydrocarbons having 17 – carbon atomsand
i) All C – C singlebonds
ii) One C – C triplebonds
iii) Two C – C doublebonds
List down the most important application of acetylene?

3.2. Inorganiccompounds
Review exercises and problems on-Oxides, Acids, Bases and Salts
A. Oxides:
I: True – False item questions
1. Potassium reacts with excess oxygen, formingperoxide.
2. On adding litmus paper to a solution of CO, a red color willproduce.
3. The compounds PbO2 and CaO2 are examples of basicoxide.
4. An element with atomic number 14 can form basicoxide.
5. The color of the product when sulphur burned in air is a blueflame.
6. Metals like gold, platinum and palladium react with oxygen to fromoxides.
7. Metallic oxides react with acids to from salt andwater.
8. The compound NO2 is a basicoxide.
II: Matching item questions
Column “A” Column “B”
1. Neutral oxides A. shows property of acidic instead of basic
2. Acidicoxide B. Pt, Au, and Pd elements
3. Noblegases C. do not shows acidic and basic properties
4. Basicoxides D. do not react under ordinary conditions.
5.Un reactivemetals E. change litmus paper to blue.
F. change litmus paper to red
III: Fill in the blank spaces
1. Acid anhydride +Basic oxide ? + ?
2. The P value for acid anhydrideis
3. The type of oxide that has no action on litmus paperis
4. From the oxides of carbon, the neutral oxideis
5. The anhydride forms of Mg (OH2)is
6. Among the metals that do not form oxidesaregold, and
7. Oxides are binary compoundsformed from and
8. The type of oxide that changes litmus paper to red coloris
IV: Multiple choice questions
1. A type of oxide that can form a salt and wateris
A. Acidicoxide B.Basicoxide C.Neutraloxide D. None of theabove
2. When metals react with oxygen they mayform:
A.Basicoxides B.Peroxides C.Neutral oxides D. All of these
3. What color change would you see on adding litmus paper to a solution ofSO2?
A.Blue B. Red C. Colorless D.Yellow
4. Which one of the following naming of oxides iscorrect?
A. Fe2O3 – isironoxide C. Na2O2 – is sodiumperoxide
B. Al2O3 – isaluminumtrioxide D. CaO2 – is calciumoxide
5. Which one of the following statements is correctlystated?
A. NO2 – is aneutral oxide C. ZnO2 – is acidicoxide
B. K2O – is abasic oxide D. NO – is neutraloxide

6. An eighth grade student tested solutions of some unknown oxides and the results are asshow

PH of solution 13 2 7 9 1
Unknown oxide A B C D E
Which metal oxide is an alkali?
A.B B. A C. D D. E
7. From Q6 above, which are the oxides of a non –metals?
A. Aand D B. B and E C. C and D D. B andC
8. Among the following oxides, which one will produce an acidic solution when dissolves inwater?
A.Na2O B. N2O C.CO2 D. NO
9. From the followings, identify the neutraloxide
A. CaO B. K2O C. H2O D. SO2
10. Which of the following oxides has neither basic nor acidicbehavior?
A. CO B.P2O3 C. K2O D. Al2O3
11. From the following compounds which one can produce basic solution inwater?
A.ZnO B.Al2O3 C.SO2 D. BaO
12. Most reactive metals react with oxygen toform:
A. neutraloxides B.Basicoxides C.Peroxides D. Hydroxides
13. Which one of the following elements forms insoluble basicoxides?
A. Calcium B. Silicon C. Sulphur D. None ofthese
14. A type of oxide that cannot form a saltis
A. Basic oxide B.Acidoxide C.Neutraloxide D. Salt
15. Oxides can be prepared by one of the following methods.Identify
A. Neutralization B. PrecipitationC.Decomposition D. All ofthese
16. Which one of the following elements can form neutral oxide as well as acidic oxides withoxygen?
A. SulphurB.Hydrogen C.Nitrogen D. Phosphorus
17. With which of the following elements that oxygen may react to fromoxide?
A. Pt B.Ne C. Au D. Fe
18. Metals are able to react with oxygen to from oxidesexcept
A. Magnesium B. Copper C.Iron . Gold
19. Consider the followingoxides.
I.SO2 II.N2O3 III.Al2O3 IV, N2O V.
H2OThe acidic oxidesare;
A. I, II and IV B. II, III and IV C. Iand II D. IV and V
20. The oxide dissolves in water to produce a P value equal to 7is
A. Na2O2 B.Al2O3 C.NO2 D. N2O

V: Essay type item questions
1. From the oxides of nitrogen,identify
i) The neutral oxides? ii) The acidicoxides?
2. Why litmus paper does not bring a color change in distilledwater?
3. Define the followings and give examples foreach
i) Oxides ii)metallicoxides iii) nonmetallicoxides
4. Write two basic chemical properties for each of thefollowing
i) Neutraloxides ii)Acidicoxides iii) MetallicOxides
5. Classify the following oxides as acid anhydrides, basic anhydrides, or neutral oxides, where
possible.(H2O, H2O2, Na2O, Na2O2, BaO, BaO2, SnO, SnO2, PbO2, PbO, Cr2O3, MnO2, CO, CO2, NO,
N2O, NO2, SO2, B2O3, Fe2O3,FeO)
6. Complete and balance the followingreactions
i) Di-nitrogen pent-oxide +water
iii) CaCO3+ CO2+H2O
iv) Na2O +SO3
v) Al2O3+HCl
vi) S + O2 + H2O ?
vii) Mg+O2? + ?
7. Give basic reason for each of thefollowing
i) Noble gases do not form normaloxides.
ii) Chromium oxide (CrO3) shows the property of acid rather thanbasic
8. Mention the elementsthat
i) Cannotformoxides ii) can form only oneoxide
ii) Can form onlytwo oxides iv) can form more than twooxides

B. Review exercises and problems on

BasesI: True – False itemquestions
1. Bases release hydroxide ion in watersolution.
2. The basic anhydride of sodium hydroxide isNa2O2.
3. If a base is strong, then it is highlyconcentrated.
4. Insoluble bases are electrolytesubstances.
5. Bases turn the deep–red color of the phenolphthalein back to yellowcolor.
6. A gardener can neutralize an acid soil by the addition oflime.
7. The solution of ammonia isneutral.
8. Bases can be prepared by the reaction of active metal withwater.
9. The term concentrated acid or base indicates that there is large amount of solute in thesolution.
10. The color of methyl orange in basic solution isred.
11. A solution that has greater OH-then H+turns red litmus toblue.

II: Matching - item questions
Column “A” Column “B”
1. Ammonia water,NH4OH A. Anti – acid compound
2. Hydroxide ionOH- B. Alkali
3. Solublebases C. combination of lime and water
4. Milk ofmagnesia D. contains H+and OH-ions
5. Calciumhydroxide E. characterize the properties of bases
6. Watermolecule F. basic anhydride of Al (OH)3
7. Aluminumoxide G. molecular base
8. Sodiumhydroxide H. the extent of dissociation
I. PH value less than seven
J. soap making
III: Fill in the blank spaces
1. The base substance used to treat the acid in human stomachis
2. The color of phenolphthalein in basic solutionis
3. A substance that indicates the acidity or alkalify of a solution is knownas
4. Neutralization reaction is thereactionbetween & ions.
5. Alkali bases react with ammonium salts to formsalt and .
6. When solution of hydroxides and acids aremixed,the and ions combine toform
7. The positive ion ofbaseis or
8. Strong alkalis have a POHvaluerangingfrom to
9. Complete the reaction: Ca+ H2O Ca (OH)2+ ? .
10. NaOHis a base where as NH4OHis a base.

11. Baseshavea taste.

12. The ion which that characterizes all acids in watersolutionis and that ofbasesis .
13. What are indicators? Write the common indicators used in schoollaboratory?
IV: Multiple choice questions.
1. Potassium hydroxideisa base; but magnesiumhydroxidea base.
A. weak,strong B. strong,weak C.strong, strong D. weak,weak
2. A weak baseionizes:
A. slightly inwatersolution C. very nearly completely in watersolution
B. completely inwater solution D. in weakacid
3. The strength of base mainly dependson
A. the degreeofdissociation C. the concentration of the OH-ions
B. the degreeofsolubility D. all of theabove
4. The chemical name calcium hydroxide is known by its commonname
A. Causticacid B.Quicklime C.Slakedlime D. Ammoniasolution
5. All of the following are weak baseexcept
A. Al (OH)3 B. NaOH C.Mg(OH)2 D. NH4OH
6. If a solution contains a large mass of dissolved solute in a given volume, it is saidtobe base
A. concentrated B.diluted C. weak D. strong
7.Which of the following chemical reaction would produce only abase?
A. Na2O+ H2O B.Na2CO3+HCl C. Ca + H2O D. AgCl + NaNO3
8. What would be the POHof a solution, if its PHis3?
A.3 B. 11 C. 10 D. 14

9. All bases releaseionsof .
A. Oxides B.Proton C.Hydroxide D. Hydronium
10. As the base-city of a solution increases, its P value
A. increase B.decrease C. remainthesame D. becomesneutral
11. From the given table, which one is the strongestbase?
A. A andC C. B andD Unknown A B C D
base 11 9 13 8
B. A andB D. B and C
PH solution
12. From the followings, an example of a non –metal baseis
A. ammoniumion C. watersolution
B. ammoniasolution D. magnesiumhydroxide
13. From the followings, an insoluble base in aqueous solutionis
A. NH3 B.NaOH C. Rb(OH) D. Mg(OH)2
14. Which of the following reaction does not produce Ca (OH)2?
A. Ca + H2O B.CaCl2+NaOH C. CaO+ H2O D. CO2 +CaO
15. Which of the following reaction can be used to prepare abase?
A. acid anhydrideandwater C. active metals andwater
B. active metalsandacids D. metallic oxides and acidicoxides
16. The only non – metallic baseis:
A. Zn(OH)2 B. CaO C.NH4OH D. CaH2
17. Which of the following is true about the properties ofbases?
A. Bases have a POHvalue greaterthan 7 C. Bases feel soapy on theskin
B. Bases have abittertaste D. All of the above aretrue
18. Which one of the following is a strongbase?
A. Ba(OH)2 B.Mg(OH)2 C.NH4OH D. Fe(OH)3
19. Both acids and bases show the following propertiesexcept?
A. changes the coloroflitmus C. conduct electriccurrent
B. form ions inwatersolution D. have similar PHvalue.
20. When you preparing a solution in the laboratory, a base is splashed on your friend eyes. What you are going todo?
A. Giving milkofmagnesia C. Giving boricsalt
B. Giving ofaceticacid D. Giving ammoniasolution
21. Which one of the following properties does not belong to both bases and acidicsolution?
A. Changing the coloroflitmus C. Reacting with activemetals
B. Being dilutedorconcentrated D. Formation of ions
22. Which one of the following solutions is the strongestbase?
A. ammoniasolution C. Magnesium hydroxidesolutions
B. Sodiumhydroxidesolution D. Aluminum hydroxidesolutions
23. Which of the following is not the use of neutralization athome?
A. Toothpaste C. Conditioner
B. Bakingpowder D. Cure wasp stings.
24. When vinegar and baking soda are mixed together, which gas isproduced?
A.Oxygen B. Nitrogen C.Hydrogen D. Carbon-dioxide.
25. The following table shows the effect of indicators on acidicsolutions
Indicators Acids
1. Red litmus Turns to blue
1. Blue litmus Turns to red
2. Methyl orange Turns to yellow
3. Phenolphthalein Turns to pink.
In the table above, which indicator shows wrong response to the acidic solution?
A. 3and4 B. 4and 2 C. only4 D. only2

V: Essay type item questions
1. Define the following terms and give examples foreach
i) Base iii)Strongbase v) Concentrated basicsolution
ii) Weakbase iv)Alkali vi) dilute basicsolution
2. Give some common basecompounds
3. Jot down the common properties of basecompounds
4. Identify the metal hydroxide for each of the following basic
oxide?Na2O, FeO, Al2O3, CuO,MgO
5. Draw a PH – scale and indicate the place for strong acids, strong bases and neutralconditions.
6. What are the common properties for both acids andbases?
7. Name the base substanceused
- to make soap anddetergents
- to make soft soap
- as anti-acid in humanstomach
- as a medical and a laboratoryreagents
8. Give at least three examples for each of thefollowing
i) Soluble bases ii)
Slightly soluble iii)
9. Write an equation for the ionization of the following bases inwater
i) NH3 iii) Ba(OH)2 ii) Al(OH)3 iv)Rb(OH)
10. What kind of substance can weuse?
10.1. if an acid is spilled onclothing
10.2. To reduce the acidity of asalt
10.3. If a base is spilled onclothing
10.4. If a person suddenly swallow anacid?
10.5. If a person is stung by ants orbees?
11. If too much HCl acid present in stomach, what kind of base can be used to neutralizeit?
C. Review exercises and problems onAcids
I: True – False item questions
1. Compounds containing hydrogen are considered to beacids.
2. PH is inversely proportional to the concentration of hydrogenions.
3. Acids are compounds which release hydrogen gas in aqueoussolution.
4. When carbonates react with acids, the gas released turns lime watermilky.
5. The strength of an acid is measured by the extent of its ionization insolution.
6. The main uses of HCl acid is for making explosivesubstances.
7. Using our tongue, we can prove that acids have a sourtaste.
8. Acids neutralize bases due to the formation ofsalt.
9. In universal indicator, yellow color indicates strongacid.
10. Pour water into a test tube, containing concentratedacid.
11. Asolutionwith PH=2 is more acidthanone with PH= 4

II: Matching item
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Nitrousacid A. an acid found invinegar
2. Abinaryacid B. neutralizationreaction
3. Carbonic acid C. strongacids
4. Mineral acid D. has a PH value7
5. Citricacid E. hydro sulfuric acid,H2S
6. aceticacid F. phosphoricacid
7. Combination of acidswithbases G. acid anhydride of N2O3
8. Distilwater H. „Ambowater‟
9. Dissociategreatly I. an acid found in lemonjuice
10. Phenolphthalein J. an acid found inants
K. colorless in acidic solution
L. changes litmus paper to blue color
III: Fill in the blank spaces.
1. An acid that is important in the human digestive systemis
2. The basic property of all acids isdueto ion formation.
3. The reaction between acids and bases is knownas
4. When acids react with active metals, the substance formedare
5. A solution of acidic oxide turns methylorangeto color.
6. An acid formed when milk become souris
7. Aquaregia is a mixture of nitricacid and acid.
8. All acids release ionsof
9. The nitrogen oxide obtained by dehydration of HNO3 acidis
10. The gas evolved when zinc reacts with dilute HCl acidis
11. A gas prepared in the laboratory by reacting HCl with CaHCO3is
12. Hydrogen ion reacts with watertoproduce ion.

III: Multiple – choice itemquestions.

1. The acid found in lemon juiceis
A. Formicacid B.Ethanoicacid C.Benzoicacid D. Citric acid
2. Which of the following reactions would not be the properties ofacids?
A. Neutralization C. reaction of active metal withacids
B. precipitation D. reaction of basic oxides withacids
3. Which of the following substance has the highest PHvalue?
A. Vinegar B.Rainwater C.Orangejuice D. Lemon juice
4. Which one of the following household products can change the color of red litmus paper toblue?
A. milkofmagnesia B. a cupofcoffee C.lemonjuice D. vinegar
5. When a strong acid is added to a solution of sodium carbonate the evolution of a gasis
A. CO B.CO2 C. H2 D. NH3
6. A criterion for the strength of an acidis
A. itsconcentration C. its corrosiveactions
B. its degreeofdissociation D. itsodor
7. A salt and hydrogen gas can be formedwhen
A. acids reactwithbases C. dilute acids react withmetals
B. acids react withbasicoxides D. strong acids react withcarbonates

8. Acids can be prepared by the followingexcept
A. Direct unionofelement C. Nonmetallic oxide withwater
B. Nonmetal with another non– metal D. Concentrated acid withsalt
9. When calcium carbonate reacts with HCl acids, which one does notformed?
A. CaCl2 B.CO2 C. CaO D. H2O
10. The main uses of nitric acid (HNO3) is in the manufactureof
A. Soaps B.Fertilization C.Carbatteries D. Picklingmetals
11. Nitrous acid (HNO2) is produced by reacting waterwith
A. N2O5 B.NO2 C.N2O3 D. N2O
12. Which of the following substance contains anacid?
A. Aspirin B.Vinegar C.Ambowater D. All of theabove
13. Weak acids differ from strong acidsby
A. Having PH greaterthanfour C. Releasing more H+ions in watersolution
B. Giving a sour test inwatersolution D. Changing methyl orange tored
14. The acid used in the manufacturing of detergents, fertilizers and explosivesis
A. HCl B.HNO3 C. H2SO4 D. H2CO3
15.Tella turns to sour when left open for sometimes. The sour test is due to the formationof:
A. ethanolalcohol B. aceticacid C.water D. yeast
16. Sulfurous acid is preparedby
A. dissolving SO2inwater C. dissolving SO3 inwater
B. dissolving Sinwater D. dissolving H2S inwater
17. Which of the following substances have a PH less than7?
I. H2O II. Vinegar III. Lemon IV.CO2 V. Causticsoda
A. IandV B. II, IIIandIV C. I, IIIandV D. II andIII
18. Which statement is correct about the properties ofacids?
A. Acids change the color of methyl orange toyellow
B. Acids release H+ ions insolution
C. Acids are compounds that containhydrogen
D. All are correctanswers
19. The strength of an acid can be identified byits
A. PHvalue B.Solubility C.Density D.Mass
20. As the acidity of a solution increase its PHvalue
A. increase C. remain the same (nochange)
B. decrease D. becomesneutral
21. Which one of the following solutions has the greatest PHvalue?
A. Purewater C. Concentrated HClacid
B. Vinegar D. ConcentratedKOH
22. Which is the safest technique for diluting concentratedacid?
A. Add water to the acid while stirringsteadily C. Add water to the acid and shake quickly
B. Add acid to the water while stirringsteadily D. Add water to the acid quickly
23. Identify the correct statement aboutacids
A. Organic acids areweakacids C. The PH value of acid is equalseven
B. Acids have abittertaste D. Acids react with metals to formbase
24. Which one of the following acids does not containoxygen?
A. Sulfuricacid B.Nitricacid C. Aceticacid D. Hydrochloricacid
25. Which of the following are common uses of HCl, HNO3 andH2SO4?
A. making of explosive C. for production of KNO3
B. for production of phosphate D. for production of drugs
26. A solution with a PH12 is;

A. Weakly acidic C. Weakly basic

B. Strongly acidic D. Strongly basic
Essay type – item questions.
1. Define the following terms and giveexamples
i) Acid iv) Weak acid vii) Neutralization ii)Organicacid v) Strong acid iii)
Inorganicacid vi) PH – scale
2. What kind of acid is found in the followingsubstances
i) In sour milkand cheese iv) In the lead storage battery ii) In gastricjuices
v) In fruits iii) In beer orwine vi) In bee orants
3. Write the formula of the acid formed when the following acid anhydrides dissolved inwater?
i) SO2 iii)P2O5
ii) N2O5 iv)CO2
4. Write strong, weak or medium if an acid has the colorof
i) Red ii)Yellow iii)Green iv) Brown
5. When lemon is added to a cup of tea, the color changes from brown to yellow. Why this isso?
6. Write the following substances in order of increasing acidstrength?
i) Urine, lemons, tomatoes, orange and gastric juice ii)
HCl,H2CO3, HNO3, and H3PO4 iii) HF, HCl, HBr, andHI
7. What is the scientific name of the followingacids?
i) H2SO4 iii)HCl v) H2CO3ii)HNO3 iv) CH3COOH
8. Complete and balance the following chemicalreactions
i) Zn +HNO3
ii) MgO+H3PO4
iii) LiOH +H2S
iv) CaCO3 +HCl
v) NaHCO3 +H2SO4
vi) KCN + HCl
vii)Na +CH3COOH
viii) N2O5 + H2O

9. What are the methods applied to identify whether a given solution is acidic, neutral or basic. Give
examples for youranswers.
10. Consider the PH scale as shownbelow
PH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

10.1 Which letter A, B, C or D represents the PH of thefollowing?
i) Sulfuric acid ii)Water

iii) Sodiumhydroxide
10.2 What name is given to the type of chemical reaction that takes place when a liquid of PH = 1is
added to liquid of PH =14

11. Five solutions (A to E) were tested with a universal indicators solution. The results are shownbelow.


PH= 9 PH= 1 PH= 5 PH=13 PH =7

11.1 Which one of these solutions is the mostacidic?
11.2 What color does the PH paper turn with thebeaker?
i) D ii)B iii) C iv) E
13. Five solutions A to E were tested with three indicators, and their colors are shown for each aswritten

Green Yellow Violet Green Colorless
Which solution is
i) Neutral? ii) Strong acid? iii) Weakacid?

14. A mixture of zinc and dilute sulfuric acid mixed together in a test tube as shown in the figure.Answer
the followingquestions
i) What substance is formed? Is it soluble in water? ii) Why was it
necessary to heat the reactionmixture?
iii) Write the equation for the reaction?

15. What color change would you see on adding litmus paper to a solutionof
i) CO ii)CaO iii) SO2
16. Complete the following tableaccordingly.
Color of the indicator in
Solution Red litmus Blue litmus Methyl orange Phenolphthalein

17. Write the scientific name of the

followingcompounds?(HNO3, HNO2, H2SO3,
H2SO4, HCl. H3PO4,)
18. What is formed when all the hydrogen ion has been replaced by activemetal?

E. Review exercises and problems on Salts
I: True – False itemquestions
1. Salts can possess the behavior of acids as well asbases.
2. Large quantities of salts are found in seawater.
3. CaCO3, Na2SO4 and NH4Cl are binarysalts.
4. The compound CaCO3 used to neutralize acidicsoil.
5. A base and acid anhydride combined together to give salt andwater.
6. BaSO4 is a salt of H2SO4 acid and a base of Ba(OH)2.
7. When calcium reacts with nitric acid a binary compound isformed.
8. A salt can have a bittertaste.
9. Some salts are soluble and some are insoluble inwater.
10. A salt can be obtained from the combination of othersalts.
II: Matching item questions
Column “A” Column “B”
1. Binarysalts A. salts of hydro sulphuric acid
2. Ternarysalts B. does not form a salt
3. Neutralizationreaction C. called rock salt
4. Sodium hydrogencarbonate D. compounds derived from acids and bases
5. Sodiumchloride E. sulphate
6. Sulphide F. salts containing only two elements
7. Salts G. combination of base and acid
8. Neutral oxides H. a bitter salt
I. used as fire extinguisher
J. salts containing more than two elements
III: Fill in the blank spaces
1. The salt of calcium compound used in building constructionis

2. Salts can be obtained from the neutralizationof and

3. NaHCO3+ HCl ? +? + ?
4. In organic salts aredividedinto and groups.
5. Fill the missingpart?
5.1 CaCO3+ ? H2CO3 +
CaCl25.2 Ca + ? Ca (NO3)2 +H2
5.3KClO3 ? + O2
6. When metal combines with non-metalstheyform compounds.
7. An example of salt that can decay human teethis
8. A table salt has theformula
9. A salt used as medicineis
10. The salt found (deposited) in Afar region is namedas

IV: Multiple choice item
1. The name of salts formed from sulphuric acid arecalled
A.sulphites B.sulphates C.sulphides D. all ofthese
2. Salts cannot be prepared by one of the following methods.Identify
A. Acidsand bases C. Acids with activemetals
B. Basicoxides D. Decomposition of oxides
3. A salt can be obtainedfrom
A. acidoxides C. peroxides
B. calciumcarbonate D. all of theabove
4. The salt used as a building materialis
A.CaCl2 B. CaCO3 C.KNO3 D. Na2CO3
5. One of the following salts is insoluble inwater.Identify A.
Ca3(PO4)2 B.PbCl2 C. BaSO4 D. All
6. Which formula represents ammoniumwater?
7. Calcium carbonate isused
A. insugarindustry C. in the manufacture ofglass
B. as flux insteelindustry D. all of theabove
8. Chemical combination of phosphorus and metalgives
A. Phosphine B.Phosphides C.Phosphates D. Phosphites
9. Which one of the following is asalt?
10. The salt used as a laxative and commonly known as Epson saltis
A.MgSO4.7H2O B. BaSO4 C.CaSO4 D. Mg(OH)2
11. Which of the following pairs do produce asalt?
A. Acidand base C. Active metal andacid
B. Metaland non-metal D. All of theabove
12. One of the uses of Na Clis
A. preservingfood C. Making Streetlight
B. watersoftening D. makingfertilizer
13. Which of the following is a binary compound ofsalt?
A.PbBr2 B.NaHCO3 C. CaCl2 D. CaCN2
14. The salt Na2SO3 is produced fromacidand baserespectively.
A. NaOHand H2SO4 C. H2SO4 andNaOH
B. NaOHand H2SO3 D. H2SO3 andNaOH
15. Among the followings, which one is asalt?
A. NH4OH(l) B.NH4Cl(s) C.CH4 (g) D. HCl(g)
16. Identify the salt that does not formed by the combination of an acid and abase?
A.NH4Cl B. HCl C.Na2SO4 D. CaCO3
17. Slats can be classified according to the number of elements they containinto
A. Acid, basic andneutral salts C. Organic and inorganicsalts
B. Acid, basic, neutral andmixedsalts D. Ternary and binarysalts
18. In binary slats the number of elements present couldbe
A. a metal and a non-metal C. a metal and two non-metals
B. twonon-metals D. A and B areanswers
19. Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) is a salt which has theformula
A.(NH4)3PO4 B.(NH4)HPO4 C.(NH4)H2PO4 D. NH4H2PO4
20. The largest group of inorganic compoundsis
A.Oxides B.Acids C. Salts D. Bases
21. Which of the following is pairedcorrectly?
A. HCl(s)= Salt C. H2O (l) =Base
B. CH3COONa=Acid D. NH4OH (l) =oxide

22. When metals combine with non-metals usually theyform
A.Acids B.Bases C. Oxides D. Salts.
23. Which of the following is an example of a ternarysalt?
A.CaS B. FeCl2 C. CaCO3 D.HCl
V: Essay type – item questions.
1. Define the following terms and give examples foreach
i) Salt ii)Hydratedsalt iii)Binarysalt iv)Anhydroussalt v) Ternarysalt
2. State briefly three general methods for the preparation of salts and illustrate your answer bya
3. Name the salts formed when sodium reacts with the following
acids?H2S, H2CO3, HNO3, HCN, HClO3,H3PO4
4. Name the acids and bases that are required to prepare the followingsalts?
i) Potassium sulphate iv) Sodium phosphate ii) Calcium
nitrate v) Zinc carbonate iii) Bariumchloride
5. Name the starting chemicals you would use to prepare each of the followingsalt
i) Calcium carbonate ii)
Silver chloride iii)
Copper (II)carbonate
6. What are the properties ofsalt?
7. Classify the following salts as binary orternary
NaCl, CaCO3, KNO3, CuSO4, HCl
8. Complete the following chemicalequations?
i) HCl + Pb(OH2)
ii) HNO3 +NaOH
iii) NaCl +NaNO3
9. What is the saltof
i) HCl ii)H2CO3 iii)H2SO4 iv) H2S
10. Name the salts that are used asmedicines?
11. Consider salt compounds such as: NaCl2, Na2CO3, CaCO3, KNO3, MgSO4 and AgBr. Which salt
i) as a building and manufacture of concrete ii) in softening hard water iii) as a fertilizer and
iv) in cooking in preservingfoods v) as laxative
12. Name the types of oxides that can formsalts
13. What kind of substance can we use to reduce the acidity of asoil?
14. Give examples of binary compounds for thefollowings?

i) acids ii)oxides iii) salts iv)bases

16. Write the name of the acids and bases from which salt is derived Formula
ofsalt Formula ofacid Formula ofbases

17. Give common name for the following salts?

i)NaCl iii)Na2CO3 v) NaHCO3
ii)CaCO3 iv)KNO3 vi) MgSO4
19. Mention some places of Ethiopia where salts are found (deposited)?
VI. Challenge problems.
1. What are the common properties of acids andbases?
2. What are the criteria that help in determining a solution X tobe?
i) Anacid ii) Abase iii) A
concentrated acidorbase iv) A diluted acid orbase
3. Which type of inorganic acid is the most important chemical for the industrial growth of acountry?
4. What is determined the solubility of asalt?
5. All acids contain hydrogen ion, H+, in water solution. Is it true orfalse?
6. Write the application of neutralizationreaction
i.At home ii. Inhealthsector iii. In agriculture
7. Write the scientific namefor;
i. NaHCO3 ii.CH3COOH iii.H2O iv.H2O2 v. HF.
8. Write the general chemical formulaof;
i) Oxides ii.Peroxides iii. Acids
9. Complete the following simple word equations and give two examples foreach.
1. Element + Oxygen→
2. Metal+Oxygen →
3. Nonmetal+Oxygen →
4. Acidic oxide +water→
5. Basic oxide + water →
6. Acids+ Bases →
7. Acidic oxide + basic oxide →
8. Metal + nonmetal→

Unit-Four: Human body Systems and Health.
Instruction: attempt all of the following exercises and problems on a separate answer
I. True-Falsequestions.
1. Cranium, scapula and ribs are flatbones.
2. Acute gastritis is very serious and dangerous forhealth;
3. Breathing through noise is better than breathing throughmouth.
4. In pulmonary circulation blood flows from lung toheart.
5. Carbuncles are treated with antibiotics and antibacterialwashes.
6. Blister is a skin disease heal by sharp needle with rubbingalcohol
7. Latex allergy is caused by the herpes simplexvirus.
8. Nail covers the internal parts of thebody.
9. The lower part of skin is calledhypo-dermis.
10. Mammary glands produce ear wax forprotection.
11. The function of glands is to regulate bodytemperature.
12. The cuticle has similar function in hair andskin.
13. Pivot jiont is found in theneck.
14. The ball and socket joint permit universalmovement.
15. Knee and elbow joints are examples of glidingjoint
16. Tendons connects muscles tobones
II. Matching itemexercises.
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Upperlayer A. responsible for the growth of the fingernail.
2. Middlelayer B. white colored half-moon shapedarea
3. Lower layer C. located on the sides of the nailplate
4. Medulla D. located at the base of the nail and overlaps the nailplate.
5. Cortex E. skin that lies beneath the nailplate
6. Cuticle F. part of the nail that isvisible
7. Nail plate G. hypodermis contains fattytissue
8. Nail bed H. middle layer of hairshaft
9. Nailfolds I. deepest layer of hairshaft
10. Lunula J. dermis containing bloodvessel
11. Matrix K. called epidermis made up of deadcells.

Part two.
Column“A” Column“B”
1. Esophagus A. last part of a gut
2. Stomach B. digested food passes through blood vessels
3. Large intestine C. both physical and chemical digestion occurs
4. Small intestine D. end of the digestion products
5. Mouth E. absorbs water
6. Anus F. produces enzymes and hydrochloric acid.
7. Villi G. allows food to pass through.

Part three.
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Acne A. infection caused by the avarice-zoster virus
2. Rosacea B. reaction of proteins found in natural rubber latex.
3. Eczema C. scaly patch on the skin develops from exposing to sun.
4. Hives D. a bubble of fluid under the skin
5. Warts E. caused by bacteria into the hair follicles
6. Cold sore F. a red fluid-filled blister found near the mouth.
7. Carbuncle G. caused by viral infections and seen on hands/feet
8. Blister H. caused by allergic reaction in the body
9. Actinic keratosis I. persistent skin for long range conditions.
10. Latex allergy J. most commonly associated with redness.
11. Chickenpox K. caused when the pores of skin has no oi
Part four:
Column“A” Column“B”
1. Leukemia A. cancer of body‟sblood
2. Osteopaths B. deformation andstereo-malacia
3. Osteoporosis C. bone becomes thin and lose itsstrength
4. Osteoarthritis D. degradation of jointspain.
5. Fracture E. continuity breaks ofbones
Part five:
Column“A” Column“B”.
1. Constipation A. avoiding tobacco and alcoholproducts
2. Diarrhea B. avoiding triggers foods andsmoking.
3. Hemorrhoids C. eating more fruits andvegetables.
4. Gastritis D. taking enough saltwater.
5. Peptic-ulcer E. drinking sufficient amount ofwater.
Part six:
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Inhalation A. combination of food and oxygen inside the body
2. Exhalation B. provide oxygen to reach the blood and CO2 be removed
3. Pharynx C. tiny air sacs where exchanges of O2 and CO2 takes place.
4. Larynx D. major air passage of the lungs/
5. Trachea E. large tube extends from larynx to bronchial tubes.
6. Bronchus F. forms an air passage to the lung
7Alveoli G. a lined cavity connecting nose and mouth to esophagus
8. Lung H. removal of carbon dioxide out of a body.
9. Cellular respiration. I. taking oxygen into the body

Part seven:

Column “A” Column “B”

1. Integumentary system A. produce reproductive cells with in gonads
2. Muscular system B. transport materials and solutions to cell blood
3. Skeletal system C. exchange of gases between organism and environment.
4. Digestive system D. changed insoluble food into smaller and soluble form.
5. Respiratory system E. provide protection of organs and stores minerals.
6. Circulatory system F. perform different types of body movements.
7. Human reproduction System
III) Fill in the blank spaces
1. The removal of wastes from body parts is referredto
2. Undigested food substances are removedout through .
3. The development and arrangement of teeth isknownas .
4. Permanent teethset have teeth ,but in milk teeth setis
5. At the age of 20 to 25 four additional back teeth growcalled
6. The central part of the teeth isknown as .
7. The end product ofproteinis where asfat is .
8. Removing of acid from stomachis called . 9. A joint that fixes in place and
do not moveis .
10. Millions of air sacs in lungsarecalled .
11. A large membrane tube reinforced by ring of cartilageis
12. The place where two bones meet together is called_
13. A system that allows movements and protectsorgansis .
14. The only vein that carries oxygenated blood isknown as .
15. In circulation, the left of the heart isalwayspumps , while the right side isreceived
16. The numbers of bones found in adult humanare
17. Shoulder bonecomposedof and
18. Human hairs are simple organ made up of cellcalled
19. The hard covering end of the figure or toeis
20. Structures that used to prevent the back flow of thebloodare .
21. The outer layer of theskinis , while that of hairis
22. The part of nail that responsible for the growth of finger nailis
23. The diseases characterized by bubbles of fluid under the skinis
24. A gland that secret sweat through small opening of skinsurfaceis .
III. Multiple choiceexercises
1. A type of bone which have blood vessel and nerveis
A. Flat bone B.Shortbone C. Longbone D. Irregularbone.
2. Which type of bone is filled with yellow bonemarrow?
A. Flat bone B.Short bone C. Longbone D. Irregularbone
3. All of the followings are skeletal system diseasesexcept
A. Leukemia B. Osteopenia C.Osteoporosis D. None
4. Which of the following is an example of axialskeleton?
A. Skull B.Hyoid C.Thoracic D. None
5. The parts of teeth which are found above the gumis
A. Incisors B.Canines C.Premolars D. Enamel
6. A disease which affects the human circulation systemis
A. Hypertension B.Eczema C.Osteoporosis D. Hives
7. Which chamber of the heart carry de-oxygenated blood tolung?
A. Rightatrium B.Right ventricle C.Leftatrium D. Leftventricle.
8. Which type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart to different bodyparts?
A. Artery B. Vein C.Capillaries D. platelets
9. A disease which occurs when blood stops flowing to parts of the heartis
A. Strokes B.Heart attack C. Heartfailure D. Hypertension.
10. In which alimentary canal that finger like projection isfound?
A. Largeintestine B.Stomach C.Small intestine D. Bile
11. Which type of teeth is used for chewing and crushingfood?
A. Incisors B.Canines C. Premolars.Molars
12. Which layer of teeth is the hardest and whitesubstance?
A. Enamel B.Pulpcavity C.Dentine D. Canines
13. The anterior opening parts of the gutis
A. Mouth B.Stomach C.Esophagus D. Small intestine
14. All of the followings are associated with glands of alimentary canalexcept
A. Anus B.Liver C. Salivaryglands D. Pancreas
15. A smaller tubes branching from each bronchus in the lungis
A. Trachea B.Bronchioles C. Bronchus D. Alveoli
16. A membrane tube lined cavity behind the nose and mouthis
A. Larynx B. pharynx C.Trachea D. Alveoli
17. Which of the following is not used to filter inhaledair?
A.Hair B. MucusC.Trachea 18. Which of the D. Blood
following is a larger organ of thebody?
A. LigamentB.Skin C. Bone D. Joints
19. A circulatory system is not used to transport a substanceis
A. Air B. Food C. Mineral D. None
20. The system of transporting substances in the body of an organism iscalled
A. Respiratorysystem C. Circulatorysystem
B. Digestivesystem D. Integumentarysystem.
21. Which of the following is not the function ofmuscles?
A. Keepingposture B.Pumpingblood C.Digestion D. Mammary
22. Which of the following is the disease ofskin?
A. Rosacea B.Sebaceous C. Osteoporosis D.Hypertension
23. Which of the following layer of skin that covers the internal parts ofbody?
A. Epidermis B.Hypo-dermis C.Dermis D. All ofthese
24. From the followings, which one is the strongest type ofmuscles?
A. Skeletalmuscle B.Smoothmuscle C.Heartmuscle B. None ofthese
Item 25 is based on the list of breathing structure of human given below.
1. Bronchioles 3.Nasalcavity 5.Nostrils 7. Pharynx
2. Trachea 4.Bronchi 6. Alveoli
25. In which of the following orders does the incoming air pass through the breathing structures of
A.5,4,3,2,7,1,6, C.5,3,7,2,4,1,6,
B.7,2,1,4,6,5,3, D.3,7,5,2,6,4,1,
26. In human breathing system when the diaphragmrelaxes;
A. The pressure in chest cavitydecreases
B. The volume of chest cavityincreases
C. Air rushes intolungs
D. Air rushes out oflungs.

Consider the following structures involved in pulmonary circulation.
1. Rightatrium 4.Pulmonaryartery 7. Right ventricle
2. Pulmonary 5.Lungs 6. Left atrium
3. Leftventricle
27. The order of blood flowis;
A.1,7,4,5,2,6,3 C. 6,3,4,5,2,1,7,
B.1,7,2,5,4,6,3, D. 1,6,4,5,7,3,2,
28. Which of the following is part of the smallintestine?
A. Rectum B.Anus C.Colon D.Ileum
29. In the human respiratory system, which of the following parts is nearest to themouth?
A. Larynx B.Windpipe C.Bronchial tubes D. Epiglottis
30. What do we call the joint that allows movement only back andforth?
A. Hingejoint C. glidingjoints
B. Pivotjoint D. Ball and socketjoints.
31. Which of the following is an example of shortbones?
A. Upperarm B. Fingers C. Ribs D. lower arm. 32.
Which of the following statements is true about function ofmuscles?
A. Cardiac muscles cause movement of bones
B. Smooth muscles contract to pumpblood
C. Skeletal muscles allow bodymovement
D. Cardiac and skeletal muscles have similarfunction
33. What are the front chisel-shaped teeth ofhumans?
A. Molars B.Canines C.Premolars D. Incisors
34. What are the cells in our bodies involved in transporting oxygen and CO2? A.Blood cells
B.Musclecells C. Nervecells D. Skin cells
35. Which of the following bones of human skeleton are categorized under the perpendicular skeletonbones?
A. Shoulder B.Skull C. Sternum D. Rib
36. The total number of a mammal having a dentalformula
I=0/2, C=1/1, P=3/3‟ M= 3/3is
A.16 B.32 C. 34 D. 26
37. Cardiac muscles are muscles found in the wallsof
A. Bloodvessels B. Heart C.Stomach D.Intestine.
38. Which of the following is not true about human skeletonfunction?A. protects vital organs
C. Makes new blood cells
B. Produces calcium D. Supports thebody
39. Which of the following type of joint is found at elbow andfinger?
A. Hinge B.Pivot C. Gliding D. Ball andsocket
40. The site of gas exchange between lung and bloodis
A. Bronchi B.Alveoli C.Bronchioles D.Stomach
41. The importance of a valve in blood circulationis
A. To allow blood flow intwodirections C. To allow blood flow towards thelung
B. To prevent back flowof blood D. To prevent mixing ofblood.
42. Blood cells responsible for transport of oxygenare;
A. Platelets andredcells. C. White bloodcells
B. Platelets D. Red bloodcells
43. Which of the following joint is matched with correctexample?
A. Hingejoint---wrist C. Immovable joint---knee
B. Pivot joint---headon neck D. Ball andsocketjoint -----elbow.
44. In human digestive system, pyloric sphincter is foundbetween
A. Small intestine and large intestine C. Stomach and smallintestine
B. Esophagus andstomach D. Pharynx andesophagus
45. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood on the wallsof;
A. Veins B.Arteries C.Ventricles D. Auricles
46. What are the advantages of breathing thenose?
A. It helps to takeairfaster C. It helps to obtain plenty ofair
B. It needs less energytobreathe D. It warms and filters the air.
47. Axial skeletonincludes--------
A. Bones ofthehips C. Bones of the arms
B. Bones ofthe feet D. Bones of thechest
48. The involuntary muscle whose activity does not stop at all through life is----
A. Smoothmuscle B.Skeletal muscle C.Cardiacmuscle D. Straightedmuscle.
49. The alveoli are efficient respiratory surfacesbecausethey -------- ;
A. Have smallsurfacearea C. are notventilated
B. Lackblood vessels D. have walls single cell thick.
50. Which heart chamber has the thickest wall?Why?
A. Right ventricle, because it pumps blood to thelungs
B. Left ventricle, because it pumps blood throughout thebody
C. Left auricle, because it pumps blood to leftventricle
D. Right auricle, because it pumps blood to leftventricle
51. The blood is enriched with oxygen supplyduring---------
A. Systematiccirculation C. Renalcirculation
B. Pulmonarycirculation D. Portalcirculation
52. Respiration infections can be avoided by the followingsexcept
A. Eating balancedmeals
B. Sufficient ventilation of places where tostay
C. Avoiding to stay around over-crowdedplaces.
D. Cleaning the skin usingsoap.
53. The human heart and lungs are protectedby;
A. Appendicularskeleton B.Skullbones C.Ribsbones D. Hip bones
54. HIV primarilyattacks;
A. Redbloodcells B. Blood platelets C. Whitebloodcells D. Blood plasma
55. The main function of the large intestine isto;
A. Absorbwater B. Absorb fatty acids C.digest protein D. Digestcellulose
56. Compared with inhaled air, exhaled aircontains
A. Lesswatervapor B. More carbon-dioxide C.moreoxygen D. lessnitrogen.
57. One of the following is not the function ofskin?
A. Excretoryorgan C. Controlling body temperature B.
protect against lossof water D. Keeping balance and bodyorientation
58. Which of the following is not the function of epidemic ofskin?
A. To reduce excesswaterloss C. to protect from sunrays
B. To protectofdiseases D. to protect from loss of excessheat.
59. The part of hair which is characterized by regulating body temperature is;A.Cortex B. Cuticle
C.Medulla D. Epidermis.
60. A type of exocrine gland which produce ear wax for protection iscalled
A. Mammarygland C. Sudoriferous
B. Ceruminouegland D. Sebaceous gland
61. Which of the following components of integumentary system is not correctly matched with itsfunction?
A. Glands--excrete differentchemicals
B. Nail --- protect organisms frominjury
C. Humanhair -- traps warm air between skin andhair
D. Humanskin ----release oil in to hairfollicle.
62. A skin disease which is treated with antibiotic and anti-bacteria washesis
A. Blister B.Carbuncle C.Warts D. Chickenpox
63. The followings are functions of the skeletal systemexcept:
A. Movement B.Protection C.Support D. Transportation

64. Which of the following can be the cause for loss of musclebone?
A. Musculardisorder B. Malnutrition C. Lackofexercise D. All ofthese
65. Which one of the following is a correctpair?
A. Cardiacmuscle-----arm C.Smoothmuscle------ shoulders
B. Skeletalmuscle-----intestine D. None of theabove
Essay type exercises
1. What is digestive system? What are its mainfunctions?
2. List all the components of alimentary canals inorder
3. What is meant by physicaldigestion?
4. Write at least two important jobsof
I. Bile ii.Largeintestine iii. Smallintestine
5. Where does digestion starts? Ends in humanbody
6. What the role of the human skeletalsystem?
7. What is roughage? What is theiruse?
8. What is the dental formula of adult human? Giveexample
9. What is respiration? List its parts in orderof
10. Write the uses of the following nose partsof;
I. Hair ii. Largesurfacearea iii. Mucus iv. Good bloodsupply
11. What are the causes of the following diseases of respiratorysystem?
I. Asthma ii.Sinusitis iii.Influenza iv.Bronchitis
12. Which type of bone is composed of scapula &clavicle?
13. What is the products function ofBile?
14. Why is breathing through nose much better than throughmouth?
15. Give examplesfor
I. Immovablejoints ii.Movablejoints iii. A pivotjoint
16. What is a bone? Write its types withexamples?
17. List some skeletal system diseases? What is itsprevention?

18. Give two examplesfor;

I. Irregularbone ii.Flat bones iii.Short bone iv. Longbone
19. What are the elements present in blood circulationsystem?
20. Write the correct pathof
I. Oxygenatedbloodflow ii. Deoxygenated bloodflow

21. Write the main functions of thefollowings

I. Vein ii. Redbloodcells iii.Platelets iv. Capillaries
22. List the diseases thataffect
I. Thecirculationsystem iii. The respirationsystem
ii. Theskeletal system iv. The digestion system 23.
Associate the following terms with the phrases written below
(Asthma, Sinusitis, Influenza, Pulmonary disease,Bronchitis)
I. Chronic lungdisease
II. Pain-full swelling the tissues of thenose
III. Viral infection that attacks nose, throat andlungs
IV. Cause air flows blockage andbreathing
V. Inflammation of the lining of bronchialtubes.
24. Write the correct path ordershowing
I. The entrance of air into thelung.
II. The blood flows in heartmammals
III. The digestion offood
25. Write the differences between the followings I. Axial skeletons and

II. Systematic circulation and pulmonary circulation 26.
Write three parts of our body where non-movable joints are found?
27. Write three types of axialskeleton?
28. Label the parts of heart and define theirfunctions?

29. Write the flow of blood in circulatorysystem

I. From the heart to outside bodyorgans
II. From the outside parts of body to theheart.
Review exercises on Human Reproductive system
I. True-False itemquestions.
1. Syphilis transmitted from mother to herchild
2. Cancroid transmitted during unsafe sexualintercourse
3. Secondary sexual characteristics appear duringpuberty.
4. HIV is a disease that transmitted by sexualintercourse.
5. There is no a vaccine for HIV disease.
6. Unicellular organisms have no reproductiveorgans.
II. Matching item exercises Partone:
Column“A” Column“B”.
1. Testis A. release of sperm from male duringsex.
2. Penis B. reproductive cells produced by thetestis.
3. Scrotum C. stores sperm cells formaturation.
4. Sperm ducts D. a sac like structure on the lower ends of the penis
5. Sperm E. an erectile organ for sexual intercourse
6. Ejaculation F. produces the sex hormones.
7. Epididymis G. a long tube transports sperm and fluid
Part two:
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Ovaries A. Opens at the time of menstruation and childbirth.
2. Vagina B. external genital of the female reproductivesystem.
3. Uterus C. used for sexualintercourse.
4. Cervix D. made up of follicle cells producing ovary eggcells
5. Clitoris E. narrow tube from the ovary touterus.
6. Vulva F. wide tube for implantation of thefertilized
7. Fallopian G. an erectile organ and sensitivetissue.

Part three
Column“A” Column “B”.
1. Gonorrhea A. movement of eggs from ovary to Fallopiantube
2. Cancroids B. discharging of blood throughvagina.
3. Syphilis C. damages the immune system of white blood cells
4. HIV/AIDS D. caused by bacterium.
5. Menstruation E. caused by hemophiliacs
6. Ovulation F. caused by treponema palladium
7. Menopause G. stopping of menstruation and ovulation in female.

III. Fill in the blankspaces

1. A male sex organ that produces sperm cellsis
2. Secondary sexual characteristicsappearduring period
3. The male gonad iscalled
4. HIV damages theimmunesystem cell, whichiscalled 5. A sequence of
events which takes place every four weeks lifeof women is .
6. The reproductive ofhumanare and
7. When sperm cells and egg cells unite togethertheyproduce .
8. Gamete producing organs arecalled
9. The female organ where fertilization occursis
10. The release of an ovum from the ovary to the Fallopiantubeis .
11. The monthly discharge of blood in femalesiscalled and startsat .
12. Gonorrhea iscausedby , where as AIDS iscaused by .
IV. Multiple choice exercisesquestions.
1. Which of the following processes comes last in humanreproduction?
A. Fertilization C.Implantation
B. Embryoformation D. Zygote formation.
2. Which of the following is true about HIV?It
A. Causestuberculosis C. causes pneumonia
B. Attacks the heartandlungs D. destroys the immunesystem
3. Identify the disease that is caused by what is known as the “dropletinfection”.
A. AIDS B.Cholera C.Malaria D. Flue.
4. HIV cannot be transmittedby
A. Bloodtransfusion C. Hugging eachother
B. Sexualintercourse D. from mother to ababy
5. Which of the following is not an impact of HIV orAIDS?
A. Reducedlifeexpectancy C. populationexplosion
B. IncreasedTBpatient‟s D. increasing number oforphans.
6. The best way of being safe from sexually transmitted diseases(STDs)is
A. Usingpenicillininjection C. Usingcondom
B. Avoiding sexual contact withinfectedperson D. Avoiding sexual contact withprostitutes.
7. HIV primarilyattacks;
A. Redbloodcells B.Bloodplasma C. whitebloodcells D. blood platelets
8. Which of the following structure is associated with the human male reproductivesystem?
A. Seminiferous C.Endometrium
B. Graafainfollicle D. Fallopian tube
9. In the human male sperm are stored in a structurecalled---------
A. Bladder B.Scrotum C.Epididymis D. Seminalvesicle
10. During the menstrual cycle of a woman, fertilization is most likely to occurbetween;
A.3--8days B.7--9days C.21---28days D. 11---17days.
11. Which of the following is true aboutvaccines?
A. Theyareantiseptics C. They give us passiveimmunity
B. They give usactiveimmunity D. They have toxins to killgerms.
12. What is fertilization? It isthe;
A. Union of a sperm cell and an egg cell C. Growth of the embryo in the Fallopian tube
B. Development of sperm cell in males 13. D. Production of progesterone by the placenta.
The primary sexual characteristics include;

A. The growth of hair on the face in males C. The presence of penis and tastes in males
B. The production of egg cells in females. D. The enlargement of genital organs in females.
14. The male reproduction structure that helps to lower the temperature of the testesis;
A. Penis B.Scrotum C.Epididymis D. Prostategland.
15. Contraceptive pills helps in birth controlby;
A. Preventing growth oftheembryo C. Preventing the implantationprocess
B. Blocking the passage ofthesperm D. preventing the process ofovulation.
16. Which of the following is true about the menstrualcycle?
A. It takes a longer timeaftermenopause C. Its secretory phase involves loss ofblood
B. It starts in femalesatpuberty D. It takes a shorter time duringpregnancy
17. Which of the following secondary sexual characteristics is common for males andfemales?
A. Deepeningof voice C. Widening ofhips
B. Enlargementofbreast D. Fast bodygrowth
18. In which parts of a human reproductive system fertilization takesplace?
A. Oviduct B.Ovary C.Cervix D.Uterus
19. Which of the following processes found in human reproductive system is different from theothers?
A. Fertilization B.Ejaculation C.Menstruation D. Ovulation
20. HIV can be transmitted by all of the following routes of transmissionexcept;
A. havingunsafesex C. using contaminatedneedles
B. feeding onbreast milk D. biting bymosquitoes
21. Which of the following is true about menopause? It is the age that marksthe;
A. endofgivingbirthinmale‟s C. beginning of menstrualcycle
B. end of giving birthinfemales D. beginning of sperm cellproduction.
22. Which of the following is not the member of primary sexual characteristics of themale?
A. penis B.Testicles C. Scrotum D. Uterus
23. The process by which a fertilized egg is embedded in the wall of uterus iscalled
A. Ovulation B.Implantation C.Fertilization D. Placenta
24. The test is normally descendedintothe .
A. Penis B.Uterus C.Scrotum D. Ovary
25. Which of the following is false aboutmenstruation?
A. It is a monthly dischargeofblood C. It begins at pubertystage
B. It is the characteristic of both maleandfemale D. It occurs if fertilization does not takeplace.
26. Which of the following is not a common sexually transmitteddisease?
A. Syphilis B.Gonorrhea C.Cancroid D. None.
V. Essay type exercises andproblems.
1. Define the following terms withexample.
A. testosterone C.menopause E.ovulation G.rape
B. estrogen D.ejaculates F.Graafianfollicle H. HIV/AIDS
2. List those of secondary sexual characteristicsof
A. Male B. Female
3. What are the two hormones of male andfemale?
4. Explain the importance of reproduction inhuman?
5. Write the common sexual characteristic of male andfemale?
6. What is meant by primary sexualcharacteristics?
7. What are the hormones produced during puberty of female? What are theirimportant?
8. Draw the male reproductive organs andthen
A. Labeleachpart. B. Write theirfunctions.
9. List all the problems affect the reproductive health ofwomen
10. For the following diseases write their causes, transmission and prevention.(make atable)
A. HIV B.Syphilis C. Gonorrhea D.Cancroids
11. What are the rules (ABC ) to abstain from sex beforemarriage?
12. What is menstrual cycle? How itoccurs?
13. Write the two types ofabortion?
14. For the following picture, write the name of the indicated numbers and define theirfunction?

Review Exercise and Problems on

Unit five-Ecosystem and Conservation of Natural resources I.
True-False item type questions.
Write true if the statement is correct and write false if it is wrong. Reason out for your wrong answers.
1. Nitrogen and oxygen cycle under go in similarprocess.
2. Air is the combination of several gases in theatmosphere.
3. Soil determines the distribution of life inecosystems
4. The relation between human and tape worm is an example ofsymbiosis.
5. Environment is the sum of biotic and abiotic component in a givenhabitat.
6. The interaction between hyena and lion is intro-specificinteraction
7. Nonliving things that can affect the-living condition in ecosystem is calledbiotic
8. Photo autotroph is also calledproducers
9. Nitrifying bacteria is an exampleautotroph.
10. Food web is the direct feeding system that involve the transfer of nutrients andenergy
11. Pyramid of energy can be flown in a recycleform.
12. An ecosystem is a community of plants and animals that depend upon one another andtheir
surroundings forsurvival.
13. Natural resources are evenly distributed throughout the world. 14. Plants and soil are examples of
biotic factors of anecosystem.

II. Matching itemquestions.
Part one;
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Mutualism A. studies about interaction between organisms and theirhabitat.
2. Commensalism B. the sum of all living and nonliving components in a givenhabitat
3. Parasitism C. biological association between two organismsinteraction.
4. Protocooperation‟s D. two populations compete for resources and areharmed.
5. Competition E. cannot make foods and feed on otherorganism.
6. Autotroph F. an obligatory relations oforganisms
7. Heterotrophs G. relation in which one organism is benefited and other isharmed.
8. Symbiosis H. both populations compete and both areharmed
9. Environment I. organisms that can synthesis their own energy from rawmaterials.
10. Ecology J. Relation in which both organism arebenefited.
Part two:
Column“A” Column “B”.
1. Consumers A. composed of several gases and watervapor
2. Water B. important for the growth ofvegetation
3. Sunlight C. simple feeding system involves in transfer of nutrient andenergy
4. Air D. organisms that make their ownfood
5. Soil E. found at the end of each food chain due tocharacter
6. Decomposer F. a complex feeding system which consists of many foodchains
7. Landtopography G. serves as a habitat and irrigation
8. Food chains H. source of energy for all life onearth.
9. Food web I. cycle of elements from environment to organism and back toenvironment
10. Nutrientcycle J. the arrangement of landescape.
11. III. Fill in the blankspaces.
1. Organisms which release energy from chemical reactions iscalled
2. Plants that drive its moisture and nutrients from air, rain and grow on other plants arecalled
3. A relationship where one organism gets benefits is referred asto
4. An organism which cannot make its own food iscalled
5. An organism that uses sunlight to synthesis organic foods isknownas .
6. An organism that is carnivores and depends on consumers isknownas .
7. Any type of biological associations between two organisms thatinteractis .
8. A relationship in which one organism gets benefit while the other is notreferredto .
9. The major components forecosystemare and .
10. The hydrogen cyclebeginsfrom where as oxygen cyclestartsfrom .
11. A graphical representation of the energy found within the trophic levels of anecosystemis known
12. The conversion of ammonia to nitrates by soil living bacteriaiscalled .
13. The main driving factor of the oxygen cycle is theprocessof .
14. The elements that are most important for plants nutrientsarenitrogen, and
15. Animals that eat both plants and other animals arecalled
16. The original source of energy in an ecosystemis
17. A population and an environment in which its members interactforming
18. A complex feeding inter relationship among organism isknown as .
IV. Multiple choice itemquestions.
1. In the pyramid of biomass, which of the following trophic levels has the highestbiomass?
A. Herbivores B.Producers C. Carnivores D. Secondarycarnivores.
2. Which of the following symbiotic relationships is notobligatory?
A. Protocooperation B.Parasitism C. Mutualism D. Commensalism
3. To which tropic level do primary consumersbelong?
A. First B.Second C.Third D. Fourth
4. The association of different species of organisms interacting and living together iscalled
A. Community B.Ecosystem C.Population D. Habitat
5. Which of the following groups form the base of an ecologicalpyramid?
A. Decompose-rs B.Producers C. Secondaryconsumers D. Primaryconsumers.
6. An ecosystem will most likely remain stableif
A. Finiteresourcesdecrease C. It has more predators thanprey
B. Bioticfactorsdecrease D. It has a high level of biodiversity
7. An ecological unit which is self-sufficient in its energy and nutrient requirementsis
A. Population B.Ecosystem C.Biosphere D.Community
8. The pair of processes which return carbon dioxide to atmosphereare‟
A. Decompositionandphotosynthesis C. Photosynthesis and respiration
B. Evaporationandrespiration D. Decomposition andrespiration.
9. Which one of the following is not an abiotic component of anecosystem?
A. Food B.Sunlight C. Rainfall D. Wind
10. Animals which feed on meat left by predator arecalled--------
A. Scavenger B.Decomposer C. Saprophyte D. Herbivore
11. In tropical rain forests, epiphytes grown on the branches of large trees. This is an exampleof;
A. Commensalism. B.Parasitism C. protocooperation D. Mutualism
12. Which of the following is correct about pyramid ofenergy?
A. Carnivores < herbivores<producers C. Omnivores< producers<carnivores
B. Producers < carnivores<herbivores D. Herbivores < carnivores <producers.
13. In a simple food chain, secondary consumersoccupy
A. Secondtrophic level C. fourth trophiclevel
B. First trophiclevel D. third trophiclevel.
14. Which of the following is true about the pyramidenergy?
A. Energy is lost in a food chain at various trophiclevels
B. Primary consumers are large in number thanproducers
C. The biomass of carnivores is greater thanherbivorous
D. Organisms at higher trophic levels contain more energy than organisms at lower trophiclevels.
15. Ecology is a biological science that deals with all of the followingexcept
A. Ecosystem B. Population C.Anorganism D. Community.
16. Biodiversity refersto;
A. All the natural resources we have on the planetearth
B. The variety of living things on the planetearth
C. Sustainable use and protection of naturalresources
D. Identifying and scientifically describing species of livingthings.
17. Organisms that get energy from the breakdown of inorganic substances arecalled
A. Autotrophs B.Heterotrophs C.Chemotropism D. Omnivores.
18. In a given food chain, cow is found atthe
A. 1sttrophic level B. 2ndtrophic level C. 3rdtrophic level D. 4thtrophiclevel
19. According to the pyramid of biomass, which of the following groups of animals has the highestbiomass
20. A.Dog B. Lion C. Sheep D. Hyena

21. In a given pyramid of energy, which of the following groups of organisms has the lowestenergy?
A. Grass B.Horse C.Tiger D.Ox
22. All the organic materials produced by living organisms isknown.
A. Food web B. Foodchain C.Biomass D. Biofuel
23. Which of the following can be considered as abiotic component in a givenecosystem?
A. The number ofparasitesdiseases C. The amount of foodavailable
B. The type of soilsandrocks D. The number ofpredators.
24. Which of the following group organisms eats otherorganisms?
A. Prototroph B.Chemotropism C.Heterotrophs D. Autotrophs
25. Which of the following food chains iscorrect?
A. Grasshopper → leopard → rodentC. Algae → parrot fish →grouper
B. Corn → grouper → parrotfish D.Algae → corn → parrotfish.
26. An ecosystemincludes
A. one typeof organism C. two types oforganism
B. At least one type of plant and one typeof animal D. a wide variety oforganisms
27. What kind of organisms can produce their ownfood?
ACarnivores B. Animals C.Greenplants D. Herbivores.
28. What name is given to all organisms that feed on otherorganisms?
A. Producers B.Consumers C.Decompose-rs D. Carnivores
Answer question number 28 and 29 based on the diagrambelow.

29. In the pyramid energy producers are found in the trophic level 3
Designated by number:A.4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
30. The least amount of energy is delivered from the trophic level3 4
Designated by: A.1 B. 2 C. 3 D.
4Questions number 30 up to 32 is based on the food chainbelow;
Grass Grasshopper Frog Snake
31. In such food chain, the primary consumeris;
A. Snake B.Grass C. Grasshopper D. Frog.
32. Which organism takes the third trophiclevel?
A. Frog B.Snake C.Grasshopper D. Grass
33. In the above food chain, Grass is:
A. Autotrophs C. PrimaryConsumer
B. Secondaryconsumer D. Second trophiclevel.
34. Which one of the following has a uni-directional flow in anecosystem?
A. Energy B.Nitrogen C.Carbondioxide D. Phosphorus.
Answer questions 34---36 based on the figure below. Note that the arrow shows the direction of energy

Fox Snake

Rabbit Filed mouse

Small bird

Cater pillar
Green plant

35. Which animal has many alternatives to feedon?
A. Hawk B. Fox C.Snake D. Filed mouse.
36. Which of the following is false about thefigure?
A. Hawk, fox, snake,arecarnivores C. Fox is 2ndand 3rdconsumer
B. Hawk is 2nd, 3rdand4thconsumer D. Field mouse is primaryconsumer.
37. Which animal supports manyconsumers?
A. Rabbit B.Small bird C.Filedmouse D. Cater pillar.
V. Essay typeexercises.
1. Define the followings inbrief
I. Ecology III.Nutrient cycle V.Pyramidenergy VII. Nitrification
II. .Environment IV.Decompose-rs VI.Heterotrophs
2. Explain why is the number of organisms in each group decreases from bottom totop?
Write the componentsof;
I. Food chain II.Food web III.Biotic IV. Abiotic
3. Write the differences between thefollowings?
I. Food chain andfoodweb III. Intra-specific interaction and inter-specificinteraction.
II. Producer and consumers
4. Construct your own food chain in the followingtable.
Producer 1storder 2ndorder 3rdorder 4thorder
consumer consumer consumer.

Review exercises and problems on conservation of Natural Resources I.

Matching item questions.
Part one:
Column“A” Column“B”.
1. Soil A. afforestation and contourploughing
2. Humus B. the most fertilesoil
3. Loamsoil C. have poor ability to holdwater
4. Claysoil D. holds large amount of water
5. Soiltexture E. primary source of nutrients forplants.
6. Soilhorizon F. biochemical substance making the upper layer of soil becomedark
7. Soilfertility G. the size distribution of the mineral particles in sample ofsoil
8. Soil conservation H. a layer parallel to the soilsurface
Part two:
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Pollution A. chemicals used to killinsects.
2. Airpollution B. rises the earth‟s temperature by about20c.
3. Waterpollution C. any discharge of materials or energy intoenvironment.
4. Pesticides D. rain containing strongacids.
5. Fungicides E. the increment of carbon dioxide inatmosphere.
6. Acid rain F. industrial products and domestic wastes drain intowater
7. Globalwarming G. chemicals used to destroy unwantedplants.

II. Fill in the blankspaces.
1. The loos surface material that covers most landiscalled 2.
A dark ,soft and rich in nutrients decaying organic mattersis
3. The types of soilsaresandy, and .
4. The type of soil that has poor ability to hold wateris
5. The type of soil which is suitable for growing plantsis
6. The method of preventative soil that help for improvement of soil structure and fertilityis
7. Chemicals used to destroy the weed plants areknownas .
8. The method used to absorb and hold water and reduces the run offis
9. Air is madeupof % of nitrogenand % of oxygen.
10. AnaturalprocessthatwarmstheEarth‟ssurfaceis .
11. An area set aside for the preservation of the natural environmentis
12. The process of growing trees to prevent soil erosionis
13. The collection of shrubs and large trees arecalled
14. The collection of life and habitat in ecosystem isknown as .
15. The maintenance of species and ecosystems is conserved by two ways. Theseare
and .
III. Multiple choiceexercises
1. Which of the following gases results in global warming when accumulated in theatmosphere?
A. Carbondioxide B.hydrogen C.Oxygen D. Nitrogen.
2. Which of the following activities increases the biodiversity of ourcountry?
A. Cutting treesfortimber C. Burning of fossilfuels
B. Replantingofforests D. Cultivation of a singlecrop.
3. Air pollution by chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) hascaused
A. Ozone hole B.Globalwarming C. Acid rain D. Volcano eruption.
4. Which of the following refers to the topography of anecosystem?
A. Climatefactor B.Bioticfactor C.Seraphicfactor D. Physio-graphicfactor.
5. Which of the following play an opposite role in recycling carbon between living things and theenvironment?
A. Condensationandphotosynthesis C. Evaporation and condensation
B. Respirationandcombustion D. Photosynthesis and respiration.
6. What is the role of nitrifying bacteria in the nitrogencycle?
A. Produce nitrates for the usebyplants C. Decompose dead bodies of plants andanimals
B. Build free nitrogen intheirbodies D. Release free nitrogen toatmosphere.
7. Ammonium compounds are oxidized to nitrateby;
A. Nitrogenfixingbacteria C. nitrifyingbacteria
B. Denitrifyingbacteria D. putrefyingbacteria.
8. What do we call the place where organisms live in theirecosystem?
A. Abiotic b.Biotic C.Habitat D. Niche
9. Which of the following element is not recycled in theecosystem?
A. Carbon B.Sulphur C.Energy D. Oxygen
10. Which of the following element is the most abundant in livingthings?
A. Nitrogen B.Carbon C.Oxygen D.Hydrogen.
11. Which of the following processes is most important to release nutrients from dead organic matter into thesoil?
A. Respiration B.Decomposition C.Excretion D. Fixation.
12. Which of the following activities is used to conserve ourvegetation?
A. Plantingexoticplants C. Protecting naturalresources
B. Encouragingdeforestation D. Reducing indigenousplants.
13. What is the significance of plantingtrees?
A. To reduce the numberofwildlife C. To reduce the rate of soilerosion
B. To reduce the number ofsoil microorganism D. To increase the amount of carbondioxide.

14. Which one of the followings is a renewableresource?
A. Fossil fuels B.Coal C. Livestock D.Gold.
15. Which of the following processes removes CO2 from theatmosphere?
A. Respiration B.Burning C.Decomposition D. Photosynthesis.
16. Which of the following processes occurs during carboncycle?
A. CO2 is released to the air duringphotosynthesis
B. CO2 is removed from the air during burning offossils
C. CO2 is released to the air duringdecomposition
D. CO2 is removed from the air duringrespiration.
17. Which of the following activities causes globalwarming?
A. Burning offossil fuels C. Reducing the number of livestock
B. Afforestation ofthehabitat D. Reducing the amount of ricefarms.
18. Which of the following statements is correct about the importance of conservation in a givenecosystem?
A. It maintains healthy biodiversity in theecosystem
B. It maintains pure air and water in theecosystem
C. It reduces the biodiversity from theecosystem
D. It gives favor for single species in theecosystem.
19. Which of the methods is used to conservewildlife?
A. Mixing wildlife with thedomesticspecies C. Shifting their habitat andniche
B. Allowing poaching foreconomical use D. Setting national parks andsanctuaries.
20. Which of the following statement describes renewableresources?
A. They can be used but unable to bereplaced
B. They are mainly nonliving andreplaced
C. They are mainly living things and theirproducts
D. They can be replaced but unable to bereused.
21. Which of the following statements is correct about the nitrogencycle?
A. All bacteria in the soil are helpful in nitrogencycle
B. Denitrifying bacteria in the soil convert nitrogen intonitrates.
C. Green plants absorb nitrogen in the form ofammonia
D. Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil convert nitrogen intoammonia
22. The wise use of natural resourceis
A. Degradation B.Misused C.Destruction D. Conservation.
23. One of the following explains the importance of wild animals. Identifyit.
A. Maintains the balanceofnature C. Source of industrial rawmaterial
B. Source of food D. All arecorrect
24. Which of the following is more likely to ensure the conservation of all therest?
A. Soilconservation C. Plantconservation
B. Wildlifeconservation D. Watershedconservation.
IV. Essay type review exercises andProblems.
1. Define the followings withexamples.
I. Naturalresources III.Renewableresources V.Biodiversity
II. Airpollution IV.Resourcemanagement VI.Conservation
2. Group the followings into renewable or nonrenewable resources ( soil, minerals, fuels, gold, air,
forest, plants, petroleum, water,coal,)
3. Write those characteristicsof
I. Soil II.Water III. Air
4. Write the impacts of;
I. Airpollution II.Waterpollution III. Global warming.
5. What are the major causesfor
I. Airpollution III. Water Pollution
II. Deforestation V. Global warming

3 42
6. Write the main usesof
I. Soil III.Air V. Carbon dioxide
II. Forest IV.Water
7. List down the various actions that can betaken
I. To conserveforests
II. To reduceairpollution III. To reduce the emission ofCO2.
8. What are the strategies usedto
I. Soil conservation II.Waterconservation III. Biodiversityconservation
9. Write the differencesbetween
1. Respiration andtranspiration 2. Sanctuaries and nationalpark
10. List down the uses ofBiodiversity
11. What is meant by indigenous knowledgeconservation?
12. What is aquarium? Giveexamples.
13. List the types of diseases that are dangerous for human health dueto
I. Airpollution II. WaterPollution
Unit Six-Solar system.
I. True-False item typequestions
1. Pluto is the biggest planet of the solarsystem.
2. Everything in the solar system revolves around theearth
3. Artificial satellites revolve around thesun
4. The solar system consists of nineplanets.
5. Mars is a planet that has suitable conditions for life tolive
6. The tail of a comet is always directed towards thesun.
7. Planets revolve around thesun.
8. Asteroids closest to the sun are rockyobjects.
9. Meteoroids are small objects moving around theEarth.
10. The earth has a strong magneticfield
11. The sun does not rotate on itsaxis.
II. Matching item questions.
Column “A” Column “B”
1. Sun A. the planet known as the red planet.
2. Moon B. have highly elliptical orbits
3. Venus C. a natural satellite to earth.
4. Saturn D. the smallest planet of all
5. Earth E. the planet that has a ring
6. Pluto F. the farthest planet in the solar system
7. Jupiter G. the biggest planet of all
8. Mercury H. the most massive object in solar system
9. Uranus I. the first plant discovered and has a blue-green in color
10. Mars J. planet that has only one moon.

3 43
Part two:

Column “A” Column “B”.

1. Comets A. celestial body revolves around the planet.
2. Asteroids B. the explosion of a star
3. Planets C. has a bright head with long tail.
4. Satellite D. found between the orbits of mars and Jupiter.
5. Constellation E. known as shooting stars
6. Meteors F. celestial bodies revolve around the sun.
7. Supernova G. A group of stars.
III. Fill in the blankspaces.
Complete each of the following statement with the correct word or phrase
1. The largestplanetis , while the smallestis
2. Neptunetakes years to make one complete revolution whereas theearthtakes .
3. The earth appears blue greendue to .
4. The largest volcano in the solarsystemis andfound in planet
5. The planet that has the largest number ofmoonsis .
6. The planets that rotate from east towestare and .
7. The least dense among all the planetis
8. Planets can be grouped in to inner and outer dueto
9. Currently, the planet that does not considered as member of solarsystemis .
10. According to Edmund Halley prediction, the comet will appear afternearlyevery
years 11. A large cloud of gas and dust from which the sun, planets and other solar system are
formed isknown as .
12. The sun is made up of twogases,namely and
13. The planet which has no satellite of itsownis .
14. The planet which has similar land escapes like theearthis .
15. A planet which takes longest revolutiontimeis .
16. Most of the mass of the solar system isconcentratedin .
17. Celestial bodies revolve around thesunare but revolves around earthis
18. The two planets which have similar objects likeearthare and .

IV. Multiple choicequestions.

1. Which statement is not true about thesun?
A. The sun is the center of our solarsystem
B. The sun made up of hydrogen and heliumgases
C. The sun revolves in solar system in well -definedpath.
D. The sun is a star closest toearth.
2. Which of the following statement is not true about planets in solarsystem?
A. They are celestial bodies revolve around thesun.
B. There are eight planets in solarsystem.
C. They can be classified into inner and outerplanets.
D. They all have fixed number of moons of theirown.
3. Which of the following is not a member of innerplants?
A. Mars B.Venus C.Mercury D. Saturn
4. From the followings which one is a dwarfplanet?
3 44
A. Pluto B.Uranus C. Mars D. Saturn
5. Based on the size of planets, which one is correct in order ofincreasing
A. Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus C. Uranus, Saturn,Jupiter
B. Saturn,Jupiter,Uranus D. Uranus, Jupiter,Saturn.
6. An X planet has the characteristics of least dense, largest moons and 1432 million Km far from the
Sun. Thisrefersto planet.
A. Uranus B.Mars C.Earth D. Saturn.
7. Planets can be classified into two categories based ontheir
A. Orbit B.Density C. Distance fromthesun D. period ofrotation
8. Which of the following pairing is correctlymatched?
A. Mars-reddishcolorplanet C. Saturn--redplanet
B. Earth-bluegreenplanet D. Uranus--blue green incolor
9. Which planet has less density than that ofwater?
A. Mercury B.Venus C.Saturn D. Mars.
10. Which of the following is not the behavior of outer planets (Jovianplanets)?
A. High mass C. High averagedensity
B. Have large numberof moons. D. Made up of from Hydrogen andHelium
11. From the members of the solar system, which one is known as shootingstars?
A. Asteroids B.Comets C.Meteors D. Supernova
12. Asteroids are found between the orbitsof;
A. MarsandJupiter B. MarsandEarth C. Saturnand Uranus D. Neptune andUranus.

13. Which of the following planets have no moon atall?

A. MercuryandVenus B. PlutoandJupiter C. VenusandEarth D. Earth and Mars
14. Which statement is not correct about mercuryplanet?
A. Mercury is thesmallestplanet C. Mercury has extremetemperatures
B. Mercury has one moon ofits own D. Mercury takes 88 days to complete onerevolution
15. Which of the following planet has the hottest temperature in solarsystem?
A. Mercury B.Venus C.Earth D. Mars.
16. Which of the following are commonly known as shootingstars?
A. Comets B.Meteors C. Asteroids D. Galaxies.
17. The appearance of the Moon as seen from the earth, changes dueto;
A. TheEarth‟srotationaboutitsaxis C. The Moon‟s rotation around theearth
B. TheEarth‟srotationaroundthesun D. The Moon‟s rotation around itsaxis.
18. Which statement is not true aboutcomet?
A. revolves around the sun with ellipticalorbit
B. comes to the inner solar system at 76 yearsperiod
C. has a long hair ortail
D. rounds between Mars and Jupiterplanets.
19. Now a days, satellites are important devices. Which one are the main uses ofsatellite?
A. inprovidinginformation C. In improving telecommunicationsystem
B. Inforecastingweather D. In detecting rotation of theearth.
20. Which statement is true about our solarsystem?
A. the sun is the center of thesolarsystem. C. the moon emits its ownlight.
B. the sun does not rotate onitsaxis. D. recently there are nineplanets.
21 The whole solar system was formed at the same event. This facts can be supportedby
A. All planets revolve roundthesun C. The explosion of giantmass
B. The orbits of the planets nearly the same plane D. The compression of materialbodies.
22. A large collection of stars, dust particles and asteroids iscalled
A. Constellation B.Galaxies C. Comets D. solarsystem.
23. Starting from the sun, which order path of planets is nottrue?
A. Earths,Venus, Mercury C. Venus, Mars,Jupiter
B. Saturn,Uranus,Neptune D. Mercury, Venus,Earth.
3 45
24. The sun, planets and other solar system are formedby
A. Cloudof dust B.Hydrogengas C.Heliumgas D. All ofthese
25. Which of the following views of Galileo Galilee make him to have a conflict with the church at thattime?
A. Inventor of thetelescope
B. Discovery of the Earth-centered solarsystem.
C. Discovery of the phases of Venus and Saturn'srings
D. Discovery of the Sun-centered solarsystem
26. Which of the following planet takes the longest period ofrotation?
A. Neptune B.Mars C. Earth D. Uranus.
27. Which planet takes the least and the most to make one complete revolution around the sun,
A. Mercuryand Neptune C. Venus andUranus
B. Mercuryand Saturn D. Mercury andMars
28. Which of the following is not correct about Venusplanet?
A. It rotates on its axis as otherplanetsdo. C. It is the hottest planet in solarsystem
B. It can be seen easily byitsbrightness D. Its atmosphere is made up of Carbondioxide.
V. Essay typequestions.
1. Explain how shooting stars areformed
2. Reason out why Pluto planet is discarded from solarsystem?
3. Write the works of GalileoGalilee
4. What does it mean by Halley‟s Comet? When it will appear in the inner solarsystem?
5. Describehow
I. the motion of large bodies in thesolarsystem II. Satellites move around theearth?
6. Which planet
I. has moremoons?
II. Has the least temperature?
III. Rotates fastest around its axis ofrotation?
IV. Takes one complete rotation around thesun?
7. List the points that our earth is suitable forlife?
8. Draw a diagram, which shows the solar system and indicate the name of the planets located in 1st, 3rd,
9. Why are scientists interested to visit Mars more frequently than otherplanets?
10. Why is the International Astronomical Union (IAU) categorized the planetsas
I. Terrestrial (inner) and Jovian (Outer)planets
II. Eight planets
III. Dwarfplanets.
Review exercises and Problems on
Unit Seven -Physical phenomenon in the surrounding.
I. True-False item typequestions.
1. The sun is the main natural source oflight.
2. Electric bulb is an example of luminouslight.
3. The moon is a luminousbody
4. White light gives seven different colors when it passes through a spectrumprism.
5. Red light bends in greater size thanothers.
6. On a foggy conditions, air is atransparent
7. In diffused reflection, rays are reflected in the samedirection.
8. Light travels in a straightline.
9. In diffused reflection, a blurry image isformed
10. Images are formed by reflection and byrefraction.

11. Real images are alwaysinverted
12. In a plane mirror, the size of the object and the image formed is thesame.
13. Virtual images can be replaced on ascreen
14. A shadow , which is formed behind, is an opaqueobject
II. Matching itemquestions.
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Light A. objects that absorbs light withouttransmission.
2. Sourceoflight B. light reflects from unpolishedsurface
3. Refractionoflight C. objects that can produce their ownlight
4. Dispersionoflight D. objects allow light to pass throughthem
5. Transparentmaterials E. light reflects from smoothsurface
6. Translucentmaterial F. objects which do not emitlight
7. Luminous G. objects which allow light partially throughthem
8. Non-luminous H. splitting of white light into its constituentcolors.
9. Regularreflection I. light rays bend when it goes from one medium toanother.
10. Diffusereflection J. objects emits light of its own.
11. Opaquematerials. K. form of energy enables to seeobjects.
III. Fill in blankspaces.
1. Lightisa that enables to seeobjects
2. Objects which emits its own light iscalled
3. The two types of source oflight are and
4. The bending of light rays as it travels from one medium to another isknown as .
5. The change in direction of light as it moves from one medium to anotheriscalled .
6. The major factors which are required forvisionare and .
7. Images are formed by an imaging toolcalled
8. In plane mirror an image is formedby
9. Real imageisalways , but virtualimageis .
10. The two types ofreflectionare and
11. A ray of light that strikes the surfaceiscalled .
12. We see objectseitherby orby .
13. The light from the sun comes toearthby .
IV. Multiple choicequestions.
1. Which one of the following is different from theother?
A. Moon B. Sun C.Torchlight D. Burningcandle
2. The bending of light rays from one medium to another iscalled
A. Reflection B.Refraction C.Diffraction D. None
3. The nature of the image formed by a plane mirroris
A. Real B.Enlarged C.Inverted D. All
4. The image formed in a plane mirroris
A. Real and the same size astheobject C. virtual and the same size as theobject
B. Real and nearly the same size as the object D. virtual and nearly the same size as theobject.
5. The splitting of white light into different colors iscalled
A. Reflection B.Refraction C. dispersion D. Diffraction.
6. An image that cannot be obtained on a screen iscalled
A. Realimage B.Virtualimage C.Invertedimage D. Magnifiedimage.
7. The splitting up of light into colors of the spectrum on passing a glass prism isknown as A.
Reflection of light B. Dispersion of light C. Refractionoflight D. Image formation.
8. One of the followings is due to reflection oflight:
A. Dispersionbyprism C. Image formation by planemirror
B. Image formationbyeyes D. Mirage formation during hotdays.

9. The human eye form the image of an object atits;
A. Iris B.Pupil C.Retina D. Cornea
10. The color of an opaque object is the color of the light thatis;
A. Transmitted B.Reflected C.Refracted D.Absorbed
11. A rain bow is formedby;
A. Reflection B.Refraction C.Absorption D.Transmission
12. A stick held in a pond appears to be at the surfacebecause
A. Light travels faster in water than inair
B. Light travels faster in air than inwater.
C. Rays of light from the eye bend intowater
D. Rays of light are bent away from the normal at thesurface.
V. Essay type exercises andproblems:
1. Classify the followings as transparent, translucent or opaquesubstances.
(metal sheet, waxed paper, wood sheet, wall, glass, stone, clean water, fogy air, clean plastics, air,
oiled paper, frosted glass and tissue paper)
2. Define the followingterms;
I. Realimage III.Virtualimage V. Luminousbody
II. Refraction IV.Dispersionreflection VI.Reflection
3. List down the properties oflight
4. How many colors does a rain bowhold?
5. In the dispersion of white light by prism; I. What color is bent themost?
II. What color is bent theleast?
III. Which color is bent themedium?
IV. Write the colors in order ofappearance?
6. What is meant by spectrum of whitlight?
7. From the figure, what do youunderstand?
8. When does lightbend?
9. Draw how the incident rays and the reflected rays reflecton
I. Smooth surface II. Roughsurface.
10. Write three examplesof;
I. Natural sourceoflight II. Artificial source oflight.
11. Give at least three examplesfor;
I. Luminousobjects II. Illuminesobjects
12. Explain how image isformed:
I. Inplanemirror II. In humaneyes
13. Draw the incident and reflected raysfor
I. Refraction oflight,
II. Reflection oflight.
III. Dispersion of white light by aprism

14. Complete the following diagrams for light rays passing from one medium toanother

A.Air b. Diamond C. air

Water glass
15. Roemer determined the speed of lighttobe m/s in vacuum orair.
16. A stick held in a pond appears to be bent at the surface. Why?Explain?

Review Exercises and problemsonsound I.
True-False itemquestions.
1. As temperature rises, the speed of sounds in air is alsoincreased.
2. Echoes are caused by the reflection of soundwaves.
3. A body can produce sound when itvibrates.
4. Sound is better transmitted in air than insolids
5. When objects collide with each other they producesound.
6. Echo is used to determine the position of the soundreflector.
7. The speed of sound in materials is thesame.
8. People working in noisy areas should wear ear plugs. II. Matching itemquestions.
Column “A” Column “B”
1. Sound produced A. the reflection of sound waves
2. Source of sound B. Unpleasant sound to hear in the environment.
3. Vacuum C. substance through which sound is transmitted.
4. Sound pollution D. vibration of an object
5. Echo E. sounds which are pleasant to hear
6. Medium F. Sound does not travel
G. musical instruments
III. Multiple choicequestions.
1. Sound does not depend up on which of thefollowing
A. Temperature B.Distance C.Medium D. Vacuum
2. The increase order of hearing sound isin
A. Gas,liquid,solid, C. Solid, liquid,air,
B. Liquid, air,solid, D. Air, Steel,water,
3. The three requirements for sound to be heard can be written in orderof;
A. Source, mediumandear C. Medium, Source and water
B. Ear, mediumand source D. Source, medium and Receiver 4.
Sound cannot travelthrough;
A.Air B.Vacuum C. Water D. Steel.
5. Sound can be heard clearlyduring
A. Nighttime B.Daytime C.Anytime D. Rainingseason.
6. An echois
A. Formed during thunderstorm heard in a claimair
B. A reflection ofsound
C. Heard at minimum distance of 10meters.
D. None ofthese
7. Sound can be:
A. Transmitted B.Absorbed C.Reflected D. All ofthese
8. Which statement is wrongly stated aboutsound?
A. Sound travels inall direction C. Sound travels faster thanlight
B. Sound is a formof energy D. Sound cannot travel invacuum
9. Sound is better absorbedin
A. Air B.water C. Vacuum D. Solids
10. As temperature rises, the speed of sound inair
A. Decrease B.Increase C.Remain Constance D.None
11. An echo isused;
A. To measure the speed of soundinair C. To determine the source ofsound.
B. To measure the depth ofthesea D. All of the above.

12. Which one of the followings is a stringinstrument?
A. Kirar B.Washint C.Kebero D. all
13. What does the outer ear do to soundwaves?
A. Scatterthem B. Gatherthem C.Amplifythem D. Convert them.
14. The property of a sound wave that is related to the loudnessis
A. Thewave length B.Theintensity C.The speed D. Thepitch
15. Which of the following decibels (dB) level will harm to humanears?
A. 60dB B. 80dB C.120dB D. 40dB.
16. Which of the following is the application of anecho?
A. Inastethoscope B.soundboard C.Hearingaids D. All.
17. Which one of the followings is true aboutsound?
A. Speed of sound in air decreases with temperature C. Sound requires material media topropagate
B. Sound travels faster in air thaninsolids D. Sound travels faster than light inair.
IV. Essay typequestions.
1. Explain how sound isproduced?
2. What issound?
3. Why sound cannot travel throughvacuum?
4. What does a sound need totravel?
5. When you touch a source of sound, what do youfeel?
6. Mention some practical application ofecho?
7. Why is sound travel more quickly through solids thangases?
8. List some cause of soundpollution?
9. What are the effects of soundpollution?
10. List the steps to reduce soundpollution
11. What are the average decibels (dB) forhearing?
12. List those hazards or causes when you expose to Strongnoise?
13. The sound of a patient heart beat can be measured by instrumentknownas .
14. Consider water, steel, vacuum and air. Which of thesesubstances
I. That soundcannottravel II. Are best transmitters of sound
15. Why should trees be planted aroundbuildings?
Review exercises on Heat, Simple circuit andmagnetism.
I. Fill in the blankspaces
1. Heat flowsfroma to body.
2. Transfer of heat that occurs without any medium materialis .
3. Poor conductors areknown as .
4. The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid iscalled
4. In all solids, heat is transferred bytheprocess .
5. The electric circuit symbolfor
I. Resistoris III. Batteryis
II. Cell is
6. A device for closing or opening the flow of current in circuitis
7. A material that cannot pass current through itis
8. A device that controls the flow of current in electric circuit isknownas .
9. Heat can transfer throughsolidsby and throughvacuumby .
10. The branch of physics which deals with the property of a magnetiscalled .
11. of a magnet repel each other, but unlike poles of amagnet
12. Inside the magnet, the field of linespointfrom to pole.
13. The amount of heat energy in matter dependsupon and 14. The
direction of heat flow from one substance to the other isdeterminedby .
14. Heat will flow if the temperatures of twobodieshave .

II. Matching itemquestions.
Part one:
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Heat A. substances do not allow heat energy to be transferred throughthem
2. Conductors B. a form of energy flowing from higher body to lowerbody
3. Insulators C. the transfer of heat from a hot object to a coldobject.
4. Heattransfer D. energy transferred from the end by contact to otherend.
5. Conduction E. substances allow heat energy to be transferred throughthem.
6. Convection F. transfer of heat without material medium between twoobjects
7. Radiation G. transfer of heat by the movement of theliquid.
Part two
Column“A” Column “B”
1. Open circuit A. breaks the circuit or start the flow of current
2. Closed circuit B. a device that slows the flow of electrons.
3. Electric cell C. device which glows and emits light
4. Cell D. a source of current electricity
5. Resistor E. a combination of two or more cells.
6. Switch F. a bulb and wire form a complete path.
7.Battery G. a bulb does not lightup.
III. Multiple choicequestions
1. The SI unit of Heatis;
A. Joule B.Pascal C.Watt D. Calorie
2. Which of the following is true aboutHeat?
A. Heat measures the hotness or coldness C. Heat is a form of energy.
B. Heat flows from hot body to cold body D. Heat decreases the temperature of a body.
3. Magnets are not used in constructionof
A. Batteries B.Generators C.Electricmotors D. Electricbulbs
4. When something gets hotter, the particles in it gainmore;
A. Chemical energy B.Kineticenergy C.Potentialenergy D. thermalenergy
5. The heat energy from the sun is transmitted to the earthby
A. Transmission B.Conduction C. Convection D.Radiation.
6. The following sources of heat convert chemical energy to heat energyexcept‟
A. Dungcake B. Firewood C.Kerosene D. Electricitymains.
7. What causes you get warm if you stand near afire?
A. Conduction B.Radiation C.Convection D.Transmission
8. Electricity will only flow through a circuit if the circuitis;
A. Closed B. Connectedinseries C. Connectedinparallel D. Open
9. In a circuit, how do electronsmove?
A. From positive to negative, through aconductor.
B. From negative to positive, through aninsulator
C. From positive to negative, through aninsulator.
D. From negative to positive, through aconductor.
10. In an electric circuit, which one is used to break thecircuit?
A. Battery B.Generator C.Switch D. Copper wire.
11. Identify the household item that does not use a magnet as itscomponent;

A. Radioloudspeaker B.Electricitymeter C. Thermoflask D. Electricstove
12. Which of the following statements is correct aboutconductors?
A. Conductors havefreeprotons C. Conductors have free electrons B.
Conductors lackfreeelectrons D. Conductors have excessprotons.
13. Which element is a semiconductor?
A. Copper B.Aluminum C. Sulphur D. Germanium.
14. What is the use of a “fuse” in homeinstallation?
A. Toincrease current C. To control over flow ofcurrent
B. Todecreasecurrent D. To switch on and offautomatically.
15. A device used to measure potential difference or voltageis
A. Ammeter B.Volt C.Voltmeter D.Electroscope.
16. The region of a magnet where the magnetic field is felt very strong;
A. At all parts ofthemagnet C. At the poles of themagnet
B. At the sides ofthemagnet D. Cannot bedetermined
17. Which of the following is not true?
A. There are metals that are not attracted bymagnet
B. Heating a magnet tends to weakerit
C. Some magnets have only onepole
D. A magnet cut in half will produce two completemagnets.
18. All of the following substances can attract a magnetexcept;
A. Copper B.Iron C.Nickel D. Steel
19. The arrows on the magnetic lines of forcerepresent
A. The strength ofthefield C. the magneticforce
B. The magneticfielddirection D. the magnitude of magneticfield
20. Inside the magnet, lines of forces are directedfrom
A. NorthtoSouth B. SouthtoSouth C. South toNorth D. North toNorth
21. A region where magnetic force is strong iscalled--------
A. Magneticfieldlines B. Magnetic field C.Magneticpole D. Magnet
22. The magnetic field is stronger when the fieldsare
A. Opposing B.Helping C. Helping-Opposing D. None ofthese
23. One of the followings is best to lift heavy magneticmaterials;
A. Barmagnet B.Electromagnet C. Horseshoemagnet D. All ofthese
24. A freely suspended magnet always points inthe
A. North-Southdirection C. East-Northdirection
B. North-Westdirection D. South-North direction
25. Which of the following is not the use of amagnet?
A. Makingcompasses C. Scanningmachines(MRI)
B. Maglevstrains D. None ofthese
26. Which of the following is not the property of magnetic fieldlines?
A. The magnetic field lines intersect oneanother
B. The two poles of a magnet always exist inpairs
C. The magnetic field is strongest near the endpoles.
D. The magnetic field lines point from S-to-N pole inside themagnet.
27. Which of the following substance does not change when heat isapplied?
A. Densityofmatter C. Mass of abody
B. Volumeof matter D. State of matter.
28. If heat is supplied to a body at its melting point, whathappened?
A. Its bodytemperatureincreases C. Its temperature remainsunchanged
B. Its bodytemperaturedecreases D. It starts to contract.
29. Magnetic field linesare;
A. Imaginarylines C. Sinking into Southpole
B. Springing out ofNorthPole D. All ofthese

IV. Essay typequestions.
1. List those properties of magnetic field lines of amagnet.
2. Draw a bar magnet and indicate magnetic lineforces
3. List some devices that use a magneticmaterial.
4. Show the magnetic lines forcefor
I. Barmagnet II.Earth
5. List at least five uses ofmagnet.
6. Give examples for magneticsubstances
7. State the law ofmagnetism?
8. Which pole is the initial point of magnetic fieldlines;
I. Outside the barmagnet
II. Inside the bar magnet
9. Construct a simple circuit and describe the functions of eachcomponent.
10. List at least four points which describe electricalsafety?
11. Write the differencebetween
I. Cell andBattery
II. Open circuit and Closedcircuit
III. Magnetic and Nonmagnetic substances IV. Geographical magnet and Barmagnets
V. Virtual image and Real image
12. Assume that you have three magnets as shownbelow.

Magnetic pole X attracts magnetic pole Y and magnetic pole Z repels magnetic pole U. What are the
magnetic poles for letters X, Y, Z and U, respectively?
13. When a magnet is suspended by a string always comes to rest in the North-South direction.Why?
14. How do you know which end of a magnet is NorthPole?
15. What is meant bymagnetization?
16. Electrical energy is convertedinto
A. Light by meansof
B. Heat bymeans of C. Sound bymeans of .
17. What are the main sources of electriccurrent?
18. Explain how electricity comes to home from the powerstation?
19. What electrical effects observed in an electricbulb?



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