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Can sugar affect people’s mood?

It’s true that sugar produces the “feel good” neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) that
boost our energy and enhance our mood. And while it can give you a rush in the short-run,
excessive consumption of sugar, in the long run, can be dangerous to your health.A growing body
of evidence suggests a relationship between mood and blood sugar, or glycemic highs and lows.
Symptoms of poor glycemic regulation have been shown to closely mirror mental health
symptoms, such as irritability, anxiety, and worry. This should come as no surprise, knowing that
the brain runs primarily on glucose.

Sugar suppresses the activity of BDNF, which is low in individuals with depression and
schizophrenia. Sugar is also at the root of chronic inflammation, which impacts the immune
system, the brain, and other systems in the body; inflammation has also been noted as a factor in

Sugar appears to worsen anxiety symptoms and impair the body’s ability to cope with stress.
Sugar can cause blurry vision, difficulty thinking, and fatigue, all of which may be interpreted as
signs of a panic attack and increase a person’s worry and fear. A sugar high and subsequent crash
can cause shaking and tension, which can also make anxiety worse.

If you over-consume sugar to the extent that it causes insulin resistance, then your brain will
constantly have a high level of insulin in it, and a high level of sugar. This high sugar diet causes
insulin resistance, which in turn damages communications between brain cells that also fuel
learning and memory formation.

There are also potential negative effects of consuming too many sweets, particularly over the
long term. Eating a diet high in sugar and processed foods has been linked to a range of health
problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. These conditions can have a
significant impact on human development, both physically and mentally.It can also impact human
development and well-being.Overall, the relationship between the influence of sweets on human
mood and human development is complex and multifaceted, with both positive and negative
effects to consider.

The topic of the influence of sweets on human mood is important in the history of human
development because it speaks to the intersection of several key areas of human experience,
including food, health, and psychology.The influence of sweets on human mood is an area of
growing interest in psychology and neuroscience. As we better understand the complex interplay
between the brain, body, and environment, we are gaining new insights into how food choices
can affect our mood, emotions, and mental health.Taken together, the topic of the influence of
sweets on human mood is an important one because it sheds light on the complex and dynamic
relationship between food, health, and psychology, and how these factors have shaped human
development over time.

Method:We make a questionnaire and send it to our school students to answer questions, and

then obtain data. Finally, count these data and get the result.Questionnaires can be a useful tool

for studying the subject of the influence of sweets on human mood because they allow us to

collect data from a large number of people in a relatively short period of time.


The students in our school sometimes deny themselves. But I often eat sweet food. Because
students have a lot of pressure from entering school and studying.
This result really proves this hypothesis. Because many students in our school eat sweets to
relieve pressure when they are under pressure. But this is a very short period.

Consuming sweets when under pressure can have both positive and negative impacts on human
development. While sweets can provide short-term relief and boost mood, overconsumption can
lead to health problems and negative emotions. It is important to maintain a balanced and
healthy diet and develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress.

Positive effects:
Short-term relief: Eating sweets can provide temporary relief from stress by increasing serotonin
levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is associated with feelings of happiness
and well-being.
Boosting mood: Sweets can also boost mood by providing a quick source of energy and increasing
blood sugar levels, which can help combat fatigue and improve focus.
Social bonding: Eating sweets with friends or family can also promote social bonding and provide
a sense of comfort and connection.

Negative effects:
Health risks: Consuming too many sweets can lead to health problems such as obesity, diabetes,
and heart disease, which can negatively impact human development.
Negative emotions: Overconsumption of sweets can also lead to guilt, shame, and negative
emotions, which can exacerbate stress and anxiety.
Negative impact on mental health: Eating sweets as a coping mechanism for stress can lead to a
cycle of emotional eating, which can negatively impact mental health and self-esteem.

The relationship between sweet food and human mood is complex, and its impact on human
development is still a matter of debate. Overall, while sweet foods can temporarily improve
mood, excessive consumption can have negative health consequences. The impact of sweet food
on emotional and mood development is still being studied, and it's important to maintain a
balanced and healthy diet for optimal physical and emotional well-being.


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