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1.1 Name of School: Gina Mixed Secondary School
Address: P. O. Box 650-40405, Sare-Awendo.
Mobile Contact: 0721-394-895(Principal)
1.2 Name of the Principal: NYAKITI MAURICE OMITO
TSC No.: 397797
Job Group/Grade: JG ‘N’ (D3)
1.3 Location
Zone: Ototo
Division: Pala
Sub County: Ndhiwa
County: Homa Bay
1.4 Type of School: Public Sub-County Mixed Day & Partial Boarding Secondary
1.5 Registration Certificate No.: GP/A/6032/09
Date of Registration: 23/01/2020.

Approved Student Enrolment: 2 Streamed Public Mixed Day & Partial Boarding
Secondary School.
50 Students per Class Form 1-4, Maximum
400 Students
1.6 Sponsor: County Education Board.
1.7 Management: Board of Management (BOM)
1.8 Date of Investigation: 16th December, 2022.
1.9 Purpose of Investigation: To Investigate circumstances under which one (1) extra Biology Paper 2
(231/2) and one (1) History & Government Paper 2 (311/2) could not be accounted for by the Centre
Manager, Supervisor, Invigilators and Security Officers assigned to man KCSE examination on 15th
December 2022.

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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022
1.10 Date of Last Assessment: 27thJanuary2022.
1.11 Purpose of Last Assessment: Panel Advisory Standards Assessment.

A team comprising of officers from the Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission from Homa
Bay County arrived at the school at 9.30am and witnessed the opening of exam KCSE Biology Practical
(231/3) examination question papers. The laboratory had been set up to accommodate two shifts of
candidates and as such arrangements had been made to confine candidates in the second shift in a secluded
room from where two invigilators had been assigned to watch over them as per KNEC guidelines. The team
witnessed the sealing of extra papers and answer scripts for both sessions. There was no malpractice noted
on this particular day.

This investigation was carried out in response to observations and discovery made by the County Director of
Education- Homa Bay while monitoring the conduct of examinations on 15th December 2022 at Gina Mixed
Secondary School KCSE examination center. The CDE who arrived at 11:46 am, found that one extra question
paper for History & Government Paper 2 (311/2) was missing from the packet placed in front of candidates
as required by KNEC regulations. She further established that one extra Biology Paper 2 (231/2) which had
been done in the morning session was also missing from the packet. The CDE consequently ordered the the
team manning examinations at the center to produce the missing papers. This occurrence raised doubts as
to whether the credibility of the conduct of the examination by key duty bearers in the exam center was above
board. However, they were finally unable to produce the lost papers. She therefore informed the Sub County
and County Multi-Agency teams involved in the management of exams to address the matter since the
missing papers could have been smuggled out to aid in examination malpractice.

The Multi-Agency team comprising of Ndhiwa Sub-County DCC, SCDE, TSC –SCD and the police, summoned
the Center Manager, Deputy Center Manager and the Supervisor for questioning by the CDE, SCDE and
SCQASO at Magina ACC Examination Distribution Center. However, the Deputy Center Manager, not only
failed to turn up, but was also unreachable through the phone. After a brief interrogation by the
aforementioned departmental heads and the failure by the two to account for the missing papers, they were
handed over to the police for further investigations for perpetuating an examination malpractice. The
following day the Deputy Center Manager and the invigilators were reportedly summoned to Ndhiwa police
station for further interrogation concerning the lost papers. In the meantime, arrangements were made by
SCD-TSC to deploy new Center Manager, Deputy Center Manager, Supervisor, security officers and
invigilators to man the exam for the remaining days.

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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022

This investigation was carried out in response to observations and discovery made by the County Director of
Education- Homa Bay while monitoring the conduct of KCSE examinations at Gina Mixed Secondary School
on 15th December 2022. The CDE found that one extra question paper for History & Government Paper 2
(311/2) was missing from the packet placed in front of candidates as required by KNEC regulations. On
further scrutiny, she established that one extra question paper had also not been enclosed and stapled among
the extra papers in Biology Paper 2 (231/2) packet.

It is for the above reasons that this panel was constituted to investigate the circumstances under which one
extra question paper from Biology packet and another extra question paper from History & Gov’t packet
could not be accounted for by the Centre Manager, Deputy Center Manager, Supervisor, invigilators and the
Security Officers manning exams in the center on 15th December 2022.


The team used a number of methods in the course of the investigation including the following:
i. Oral/face-to-face interviews with the Center Manager, Deputy Center Manager, Supervisor, the
Invigilators and candidates.
NB: The panel did not get an opportunity to interrogate the security officers assigned to the
exam center
ii. Document analysis: Perusal through a number of documents and records which included examination
nominal roll; the deployment schedule for supervisors; invigilators and center managers; written
statements from key duty bearers deployed to man KCSE at the center; class registers; visitors book;
school logbook; the KNEC regulations & timetable, monitoring tool and the details printed or written
on the examination question paper packets.

4.1 Collection of examination materials from the distribution center and arrival at the exam center
4.1.1 The panel established that the container was opened at 7.00 am and the question paper packets were issued
to the center manager by 7.20 am while intact. This exercise was witnessed by the CDE Homabay, who
thereafter proceeded to monitor the examination in schools served from Magina ACC distribution center:
code 4172402. (Source: SCDE /ACC – Magina Distribution Centre)
4.1.2 The vehicle used for transportation of the examination materials to Gina Mixed Secondary School was NG-
CDF Landrover Reg. No. GK A191X which also carried center managers and security officers for Okota,
Lwanda Kawuor, Ogango, and Kaguria Secondary Schools. This lot of Center Managers departed from
Magina ACC distribution center at around 7.25 am and arrived at Gina Mixed Secondary School at around
8.25 am. (Source: SCDE /ACC – Magina Distribution Centre and Appendix 1 & Appendix 3)

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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022
4.1.3 The center manager, reportedly handed over the examination materials to the supervisor in tamperproof
state as corroborated from oral and written submissions by the center manager, supervisor and invigilators
manning the center. (Appendix 1 & Appendix 3)

4.2 Start and end of Biology Paper 2 (231/2) and History & Gov’t Paper 2 (311/2) sessions.

The panel established that the question papers for Biology Paper 2 and History Paper 2 were opened and witnessed by
the following in room 1 and 2 respectively:

Table 1. a) Examination Opening Witnesses – Biology Paper 2


Table 1. b) Examination Opening Witnesses – History & Govt Paper 2


4.2.1 From the information in the tables above, the panel could not establish the time when both exams
started, and whether this was deliberate or not. The panel viewed this as a examination irregularity
contravening KCSE Regulation and (Source: SCDE /ACC – Magina Distribution

4.2.2 By the time of the investigation, the packets containing answer scripts for examination papers done on 15th
December 2022, had been returned to the distribution center and secured in the distribution center container
and as such the panel could not establish the particular times when both papers ended.

4.3 School Enrolment candidature and number of candidates sitting for the examinations in the center.

The panel scrutinized the printed and written details on the question paper packets in order to establish the
number of packed question papers by KNEC and compare with the enrollment candidature for each subject as well

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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022
as the number of question papers sealed in the examination packets that had been done on that particular day.
The information was summarized as indicated in table 2 below.

Table 2:

2/12/22 ENG P1 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
CHEM P1 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
5/12/22 MAT P1 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
ENG P2 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
6/12/22 ENG P3 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
CHEM P2 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
7/12/22 KIS P1 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
KIS P2 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
8/12/12 MAT P2 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
KIS P3 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
9/12/12 CHEM P3 79 80 2 3 3 0 Compliant
13/12/22 CRE P1 58 59 2 3 3 0 Compliant
BIO P1 77 78 2 3 3 0 Compliant
14/12/22 CRE P2 58 59 2 3 3 0 C0mpliant
HIST P1 50 51 2 3 3 0 Compliant
15/12/22 BIO P2 77 78 2 3 2 1 Missing
HIST P2 50 51 2 3 2 1 Missing
16/12/22 BIO P3 PRACT 77 78 2 3 3 0 Compliant

4.3.1 The panel found that, the school the school had enrolled 79 candidates out of whom 2 were absent.
The absent candidates were: Atieno Cynthia Adiema; Random No. 50704161075. Orwa Moses Otieno; Random No. 50704161043.
4.3.2 The absent candidates above had also enrolled for Biology and History& Government. In this regard
KNEC packed 78 question papers for Biology and 51 question papers for History & Government
4.3.3 The panel established a trend whereby KNEC packed ONE (1) EXTRA question paper in each
examination packets for this particular center. It was therefore expected that there would be three
(3) extra papers in Biology and History & Government question paper packets issued at the
distribution Centre. However, the CDE- Homa Bay, while monitoring the conduct of examination in
this center discovered that ONE (1) of the three expected extra papers for each subject for the day
was MISSING, contrary to Section of 2022 KCSE Guidelines. (Gina Mixed Sec School-
KCSE Nominal Roll 2022)
4.3.4 On 15th December, 2022 the Deputy Centre Manager reportedly entered Room 1 during Biology
paper two session, after being alerted by the invigilator manning the room to attend to a purportedly
sick candidate by the name Bradley Hezron Otieno, Random No. 50704161018, who had asked for
something to eat/ drink to boost his low energy level due to fatigue. Coincidentally, this is the same
room, where sealed question papers were placed in front of the candidates as required. The panel

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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022
suspected that this was the point at which the missing paper could have been smuggled out through
a collusion involving the Deputy Centre manager, the supervisor, room 1 invigilator with or without
the knowledge of the Center Manager and the Police officer in the vicinity of room 1. (Appendix 4
a). and Appendix 5)
4.3.5 That Biology question paper packets were opened in room 1 and extra papers reportedly sealed and
placed in front of candidates the same room during the first session while History & Govt question
paper packets were opened in room 2 and extra question papers placed in front of candidates in the
same room. (Appendix 4 a & 4 b)
4.3.6 By the time of this investigation was concluded the TWO missing papers had NOT been found.

4.4 Actions taken by the Sub County Multi Agency team to mitigate on the irregularity at the school.

4.4.1 The SCDE, SCD-TM and SCPC mobilized, briefed and deployed a new team made up of Centre manager,
Deputy Centre Manager, Supervisor, Invigilators and Security officers to manage the exams for the remaining
days, effective from 16th December, 2022, as the former team was recalled to assist with the investigations.

Table 3: A table showing the old and newly appointed team to oversee the proper conduct of the examinations.


S/No. Position Name PF / TSC Work Name PF/TSC No. Work Station
No. Station
1. Centre Manager Nyakiti Maurice 397797 Gina Sec. Augustin 401418 CSO Riana
Omito Sch. Otiep
2. Deputy Centre Nyabuti Noah 555483 Gina Sec. Maroa 712895 Snr. Teacher.
Manager Mainye Sch. Thomas
3. Supervisor Onyango Cyphas 589190 Ototo Mixed Cadra Moraa 782275 Ogango Mixed
Odhiambo Sec. Mumaa Sec.
4. Invigilator
1. Room 1 Jack Lwande 511908 Oneno Nam. Isaac 655917 Pap Kamenya
Randoh Omondi Obel Pry. Sch.
2. Room 2 Ephy Awuor Ooko 536200 Kaguria Walter 853362 Kowuor Pry Sch.
Primary Sch Onyango
3. Room 3 Lilian Atieno Owiti 404167 Ogango Quinter 5414323 Anding’o Pala
Primary Akinyi Pry. Sch.
School Ocholla
4. Room 4 Elisha Odhiambo 395797 Ogada Domnic 475520 Ototo Primary
Aal Primary Odiere School
School Osweto

(Source: TSC Ndhiwa Sub County 2022)


The findings under Sections 4.2.1, 4.3.3, 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 above led the panel to conclude that there could have
been a deliberate collusion involving the Supervisor, the Deputy Center manager and room 1 & 2
invigilators to smuggle one extra question paper for Biology P2 and another extra History & Government
question paper to aid and abet examination irregularity. The panel also opined that, this clandestine motive
could have been done with or without the involvement of the Centre Manager. Further, the panel could not
establish whether this malpractice was intended to aid cheating within the Centre under investigation or

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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022
elsewhere. The panel therefore viewed the Supervisor, the Deputy Centre manager and the invigilators in
rooms 1 and 2 as the people bearing the greatest responsibility.


Following the above findings, the panel recommended that:

1.) The Supervisor, Mr. Onyango Cyphas Odhiambo TSC No. 589190, the deputy Centre Manager Mr.
Nyabuti Noah Mainye TSC No. 555483 and the two invigilators manning the two rooms where exams
were opened and kept for safety in front of learners; namely Mr. Jack Lwande Randoh TSC No 511908
(Room 1) and M/s Ephy Awuor Ooko TSC No.536200 (Room 2), should face disciplinary action for
abetting examination irregularity and negligence of duty as characterized by non-adherence to laws, policies,
regulations and guidelines governing the management and administration of KCSE 2022 Examinations.
2. The relevant government investigative and prosecutorial agencies should step up their actions to unravel the
whereabouts of the missing papers and the individuals involved in the crime.
3. The security officers who were assigned to man the examination Center should be interrogated with a view of
establishing the whereabouts of the missing Exam papers or face disciplinary action for failure to secure the
papers as per KNEC Guidelines and Regulations.
4. The Chief Executive Officer of KNEC should ensure that no extra papers are packed as it creates room for
exposure of examination question papers to aid in examination irregularity.
5. The Ministry of Education, TSC and KNEC should consider amending the various acts, polices and regulations
that bar the deregistration of candidates who absent themselves from school for more than two terms after
registering for examinations. This would ensure that their exam materials are NOT included in the packets/
package to the exam centers.


a) Appendix 1 – Statements of the principal on 15th and 16th Dec 2022.

b) Appendix 2 - Statement from the Deputy Centre Manager on 15th and 16th Dec 2022.

c)Appendix 3 – Statement from the Supervisor on 15th and 16th Dec 2022.

d)Appendix 4 a), b), c) & d) -Statements from the invigilators on 15th and 16th Dec 2022.

e) Appendix 5 - Statement from the sick Candidate on 16th Dec 2022.

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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022
f) Appendix 6- Members of the Panel for investigation.


Name of Officer Designation Work Station

1. Mr. Adera Daniel O. ADQAS CDE’s Office -Homa Bay

2. Mr. Oketch Joshua Otieno SCQASO Ndhiwa

3. Mr. Lukibia George SCD- TSC Rangwe
4. Mr. Mayube Stephen SCD- TSC Ndhiwa


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Gina Mixed Secondary School Investigation Report – 16th December, 2022







1.1. The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC), thanks you for your
continued support in the management and administration of national
examinations. In 2022, the Council calls upon your support once again to
ensure the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), Kenya
Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary
Education (KCSE) are conducted in accordance to the laid down rules and
expectations. During the conduct of these examinations, the Council will heavily
rely on you to ensure that examinations are managed well.

1.2. The Council will conduct the above-mentioned examinations and assessment as

1.2.1. Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA); the rehearsal will
be held on Friday 25th November 2022. The assessment will be
conducted from 28th to 30th November 2022.

1.2.2. Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE); the rehearsal will be

held on Friday 25th November 2022. The examination will be
conducted from 28th to 30th November 2022.

1.2.3. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) will have the rehearsal
conducted on 18th November 2022 and the examination will run from
21st November to 23rd December 2022.

1.3. In preparation for the field administration of the examinations, KNEC has
provided detailed notes outlining issues pertaining to the conduct of the
examinations for your attention. These should be communicated to the Centre
Managers, supervisors and invigilators who will be involved in the administration
and management of the examinations and assessment.

1.4. The TSC Sub County Director (TSC SCD) will be required to hold briefing
session for all the personnel who will be involved in the management of the
examinations between 14th to 18th November 2022 before the start of the
examinations to ensure all the teachers involved are updated with the Council’s

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 2 of 19

The Kenya National Examinations Council will closely work with the TSC Regional and
County Directors in supervising and overseeing the identification, recruitment, vetting
and deployment of the centre managers, supervisors and invigilators by the TSC Sub
County Directors.
2.1 The TSC Regional Director
The TSC Regional Directors are answerable to the Teachers Service Commission
(TSC) and ensures teachers participate fully in the examinations exercise
according to the guidelines provided. The officer is expected to ensure that the
TSC County and Sub County Directors perform their roles successfully as
specified by the Council from time to time.

2.2 The TSC County Director

TSC County Director shall be responsible to the Council for overseeing and
coordinating the identification and deployment of teachers of high integrity as
centre managers, supervisors and invigilators to manage the examinations/

assessments in the county.

2.3 The roles of the TSC Sub County Director includes:

2.3.1 Identifying, vetting and deploying qualified teachers as centre managers,

supervisors and invigilators to examinations/assessments centres;
2.3.2 Jointly with Sub-County Directors of Education brief agents appointed to
perform examination/ assessment administration functions before the start
of the examination/ assessment;
2.3.3 Verify data for supervision and invigilation personnel before submission to
the Council;
2.3.4 Oversee submission of queries related to payment of supervision and
invigilation personnel to the Council;
2.3.5 Monitor the conduct and discipline of centre managers, teachers,
supervisors, and invigilators during the examination/ assessment period;
2.3.6 Take appropriate action according to teachers, centre managers
invigilators and supervisors involved in examination/ assessment
irregularities or malpractices;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 3 of 19


2.4.1 Centre managers are supposed to be the heads of institutions where the
candidates are sitting the examinations from.
2.4.2 Each examination centre must have a centre manager who is either the
principal or the head teacher of that examination centre;
2.4.3 A prison officer must be identified to be the centre manager of candidates
taking examinations in prisons who must be an officer from that prison;
2.4.4 Candidates taking examinations from hospitals will have only an invigilator
and a security officer;
2.4.5 Correct details of the supervision personnel should be provided and should
ensure no under recruitment or over recruitment. For every 20
candidates there should be one invigilator and for every 200
candidates there should be one supervisor.
2.4.6 Hosted schools should have only invigilator(s) and the centre manager
must accompany the candidates to hosting centre. Hosted centre
managers are not supposed to go to the container, their examination
materials shall be collected by the hosting centre managers.
2.4.7 Deployment of only qualified personnel. KNEC still gets unqualified
personnel supervising and invigilating in some examination centres. This is
an irregularity and should be avoided at all cost;
2.4.8 Supervisors and invigilators must not be allowed to administer
examinations in any institution for more than 2 consecutive years;
2.4.9 Supervisors and invigilators must not be posted to adjacent schools where
they teach.

2.5 The roles of centre managers on various activities regarding examinations

include the following

2.5.1 On Examination Fees and Other Charges, the role of a Centre Manager
shall, where applicable, include but not limited to: Communicate examination fees payable for each examination

offered by the Council to the candidates. Be deemed to have registered a candidate upon confirmation of
payment of the prescribed examination fees; Register a candidate after meeting the entry requirements; Make a payment of the prescribed fees in the prescribed mode to the

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 4 of 19 Present to the Council the original payment receipt as evidence of
payment; Inform candidates that examinations fees are neither refundable nor

2.5.2 On Examination Centres, the roles of a Centre Manager shall include but
not limited to; Ensuring their institutions are registered by the Ministry in-charge of

education; Applying to the Council for registration as an examination centre one
year before the year of examination; Ensuring the application for registration is sent to the Council
through the respective County and Sub County Director of Education; Ensuring an application is accompanied by a valid registration
certificate and an inspection report issued by the Ministry in-charge of
education through the County/Sub County Director of Education; and Ensuring the availability of the required facilities, equipment and
materials for administration of the relevant examination and the
Centre is conducive for administration of examinations.

2.5.3 On Entry Requirements for Registration of Candidates, the role of a

Centre Manager shall include but not limited to : Ensuring candidates are registered as per the specified requirements

for every examination offered by the Council; Submitting the registration data authenticated by every candidate
together with other relevant registration documents not later than
two weeks after the end of the registration period; Adhering to the registration deadlines prescribed by the Council for
the relevant examinations; Ensuring that all records appearing on a candidate’s registration data
are accurate; Ensuring that the entries of every candidate including names, centre
details, gender and subject or course combinations are correct before
signing the registration document;

2.5.4 On Registration of Candidates, the role of a Centre Manager shall include

but not limited to ensuring that; The institution is an approved examination centre with the required

facilities for all subjects offered for the relevant Council examination; Candidates being registered for the examination are eligible; Candidates are correctly categorized as first attempt or repeaters;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 5 of 19 All registered candidates meet the minimum examination entry
qualifications specified by the Council; Subject entry requirements are met as spelt out in respective
examination regulations and curriculum; All eligible candidates are entered for the examination and accurate
examination fees fully paid in the mode prescribed by the Council; Candidates’ registration details are accurately captured in the mode
prescribed by the Council; The candidates are entered for the correct subjects and paper codes
as given in the respective examination regulations and syllabus; The original evidence of payment of examination fees is forwarded to
the Council together with other relevant registration documents; registered candidates sit examinations as prescribed by the
Council; and bona fide candidates are registered for examination

2.5.5 On registration of learners pursuing CBC, the role of a Centre Manager

shall include but not limited to ensuring that:- Registration of learners under the Curriculum Based Assessment

(CBA) done at grade three (3). The head teachers must ensure they
have valid registration certificate from the County Education Board
when registering these learners. The headteachers should start
initiating the registration process of learners when they are in grade
2; Learners registration data is continuously edited as the learners
progress to grade 4 and 5 especially during the conduct of the SBA.
Ensuring the data is clean at the time the learners will be taking their
grade 6 summative assessment; Download SBA assessment tools and oversee the administration of
the same to learners in the most efficient way; Uploading learners’ scores onto the KNEC portal and accounting for
each learners score. The Council is aware that some centres are not
scoring learners as required. They liaise with cybers to award
unwarranted scores. KNEC from time to time will be verifying those
scores; Once a learner transfer to another school they adhere to rules put in
place of transferring learners to other schools.

2.5.6 On Examination arrangements for Persons with Disabilities, the role of

a Centre Manager shall include but not limited to submitting the following
information to the Council: Name and Index number of candidate;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 6 of 19 Examination subjects; Nature and degree of impairment of the candidate with special needs
with supporting evidence from a qualified professional assessor; and Recommendation on the nature of assistance to be provided during
the examinations.

2.5.7 On Materials and Equipment for Examinations, the role of a Centre

Manager shall include but not limited to; Providing the facilities, materials and equipment required for the
examination; Ensuring that there is no loss or damage to any candidates’ answer
script, project or coursework materials before submission to the
Council; Ensuring that only the Council’s Mathematical Tables shall be allowed
in the examination room or be used in answering questions unless
the instructions on the question paper rubric states otherwise; Ensuring calculators used are aligned to Council regulations and
instructions; and Ensuring that there are sufficient equipment, chemicals, materials
and specimens for practical papers.

2.5.8 On Conduct of examinations, the role of a Centre Manager shall include

but not limited to: Ensuring that the rehearsal is undertaken prior to the examination;
Maintaining a conducive environment for the conduct of
examinations; Ensure that only the following persons are allowed within
the examination centre during the period of examinations:-
(i) The Deputy Centre Manager;
(ii) The Supervisor;
(iii) Invigilators;
(iv) Subject teachers and Laboratory Technicians/Assistants
conducting the practical examinations when required as per
the timetable; and
(v) Any other authorised personnel and support staff. Ensure that all other unauthorised persons are restricted

and kept away from the examination area during the
examination period; Being at the distribution Centre at the time prescribed by the
Council to collect the examination materials; Witnessing the opening of examination containers at the distribution
Centre every day of the examination;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 7 of 19 Collecting the question papers as prescribed by the Council from the
distribution centre and ensuring protection of the same when on
transit to the examination centre; Upon reaching the examination centre, hand over the

examination materials directly to the supervisor in the
presence of the security officers in the examination room
and sign the accountability documents. Ensure that the security officer is in close proximity to the
examination materials to ensure their safety and security at
all times. Ensuring that examination question papers are not tampered with
and kept in one of the examination rooms and guarded by the
security officers before handing over to the Supervisor. Ensure that there is security in the centre. Ensuring that the candidates, supervisors, invigilators and security
officers inspect the question paper packets and signing the
declaration to witness that they are intact before opening; Witnessing the opening of the examinations question paper packet
by the Supervisor in front of the candidates and ensuring at least
one of the candidates countersigns the envelope as evidence of
witnessing the opening; Witnessing the counting of the question papers by the Supervisor
and ensuring that the examination papers are adequate before the
commencement of the examination and issuance to each invigilator; Ensuring that no candidate who is more than half an hour late is
given a question paper prior to clearance by the Council; Be vigilant, monitor and ensure that the examinations are
conducted in accordance with KNEC laws, rules and
regulations. Ensuring that all reports of hardship cases which might have
affected candidates’ work during the examination and which are
related to the conduct of the examination are indicated in the
Report and Certificate of Supervision; In consultation with Sub County Director of Education ensuring that
candidates taking examination under special circumstances do so in
a conducive environment; Ensure that any excess scripts and question papers for
absent candidates are picked and sealed in a separate
envelope and returned together with the other candidates
answer scripts to the distribution centre. Submitting to the officer managing the distribution Centre answer
scripts of candidates taking examinations under special
circumstances in a special envelope separately;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 8 of 19 Receiving the packed candidates answer scripts and examination
materials from the supervisor in the examination centre and
returning them directly and securely to the distribution centre after
each day of the examination under armed security escort and
signing the relevant accountability documents; Accurately completing the Attendance Sheets, Report and Certificate
of Supervision, Declaration Form for Payment and any other
documents required thereafter submitting the documents to the
Council through the officer managing the distribution centre upon
completion of the examination; The Overall responsibility of Centre Managers during

examinations shall include but not limited to:

(i) For the avoidance of doubt, the Centre Managers shall

not, under any circumstance, take the examination
materials to any other room/place other than the
designated examination room.
(ii) Taking overall responsibility for management of the
examinations at the examination centre and ensure
that all candidates strictly adhere to the examination
(iii) Taking overall responsibility where instances of
massive examination irregularities occur;
(iv) Taking necessary action as per the Act, other written
law, the Council rules and regulations and reporting the
matter to the Council when he/she observes any
examination malpractice.
(v) For conduct of KPSEA the summative assessment will be
inform of multiple choice just like KCPE. Learners will be given
personalized OMR answer sheets.
(vi) KNEC will upload samples of OMR answer sheets for KPSEA
and KCPE for schools to download and use to practice
shedding. Once you download the headteacher should ensure
all their candidates are able to shade as expected.
(vii) Any school with candidates who disappeared from school after
registration should send the list of the learners in excel format
to KNEC indicating the assessment number of the learners,
scores in SBA and religious option the learner had chosen.
(viii) The CBA portal is opened for uploading scores for learners who
are in grade 6 and had not uploaded scores for grade 4 and 5.
Failure to upload learners score is an irregularity and learners
will not be graded.

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 9 of 19

2.6 Role of the hosting Centre Manager

2.6.1 All KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE examinations centres with less than thirty (30)
candidates/learners will be hosted during the 2022 national
examinations/assessment. This policy does not apply to special needs schools
for learners with special needs and disabilities. Such schools will be expected to
conduct examinations at their centres.
2.6.2 All KPSEA examinations centres will be hosted by in the existing KCPE
examination centres with a candidature of thirty (30) candidates or above.
However, Primary schools with a combined candidature for both KCPE and KCSE
of thirty (30) and above will be allowed to conduct the assessment in their own
premises on condition that: Have a valid registration certificate from the county examination
board; Have adequate examination classrooms that can accommodate
twenty (20) candidates per room with a spacing of 1.22meters on all

2.6.3 The roles of the hosting centre manager will include: Collecting examination materials from the container for both his/her
centre and of the hosted centre(s); Coordinate the conduct of examination at the centre; Return the candidates answer scripts to the container for his/her
centre and that of hosted centre(s); Where an examination Centre is hosted in another Centre, it is the
responsibility of the Centre Manager whose candidates are hosted to
communicate to their candidates where they shall be hosted while
undertaking examinations in good time. Both hosting and hosted centre managers mus take responsibility
to ensure candidates adhere to rules and regulations of examinations
and maintain high discipline during the examinations. Packing of Examinations: DO NOT PACK EXAMINATIONS FOR
centers) TOGETHER! Examinations for hosted centers MUST be
packed separately from the hosting centres

2.6.4 On Conduct of Continuous Assessment and Supervision of Projects,

Centre Managers and Subject Teachers shall:

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 10 of 19 Ensure that continuous assessment is conducted at regular
intervals in the course of instruction for the relevant courses in
accordance with regulations and guidelines; Acquire the required project materials and equipment within
stipulated time; Keep an accurate and verifiable record of course work marks and
project reports and marks; Upload and submit copies of course work marks and project marks
to KNEC by the scheduled time.

2.6.5 On Receipt of Results Printouts, Results Slips and Certificates, the

role of a Centre Manager shall include but not limited to: Receiving and issuing results slips and certificates to the candidates; Verifying results in the Results printouts and raise queries with
KNEC within 30 days from the date of release of the examination
results; Receiving certificates as per the checklist from KNEC and raise
queries related to the Certificates within Sixty (60) days from the
day of dispatch of the certificates from KNEC; Keeping and maintaining a record of issued results slips, certificates
and candidates’ details together with a certificate checklist for ease
of reference.

2.6.6 Qualifications and roles of Supervisor:

Supervisors are teachers from within the Sub County. Every examination centre must
have a supervisor who is expected to ensure successful conduct of examinations in the
centres they have been deployed. Supervisors should either be in or moving around
the examination rooms when the examination is ongoing. They should neither be
seated in their offices nor in any other examination room.
The number of supervisors in an examination centre is determined by the number of
candidates in the centre. For every two hundred (200) candidates there should be one
(1) supervisor. Such a teacher eligible for appointment must be vetted by the TSC Sub
County Director. Such teachers must be officers of high integrity and quite resourceful
in issues management.
The supervisor must have the following qualifications Be serving teachers registered with TSC or employed by TSC with a
minimum qualification of SI or Diploma in Education or Approved Teacher
Status (ATS) grade or higher;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 11 of 19 Public service employees in Job group K and above, and who have
previously served as teachers and have successfully supervised national
examinations in the past; P1 teachers with 5 years teaching experience, 3 years of which he/she must
have participated in the invigilation of KNEC examinations may be
considered for supervision of KCPE examinations; Have minimum of three years’ experience as Invigilators; Have the ability to attend to details; Preferably senior Teachers or head of department.

2.6.7 The roles of a Supervisor shall include but not limited to:- Attending briefing sessions; Reporting to the allocated examination centre at least a day before the start
of the examination for rehearsal and carrying out the following duties;

(i) Ensuring a secure room with a lockable cabinet or cupboard is allocated

by the Centre Manager for storage of examination materials other than
the question papers and answer scripts during the examination period;
(ii) Briefing and assigning duties to the invigilators on what is expected of
them during the examination period;
(iii) Inspecting examination rooms to ascertain that they meet the
specification prescribed by the Council and are free of stimulus
materials and ensure that the desks or tables are arranged as per the
Council’s specifications;
(iv) Requesting the Centre Manager for materials or equipment required to
administer the examination as prescribed in the Rules and Council
regulations for the examination;
(v) Ensuring that only registered candidates sit the examination; and
(vi) Briefing candidates on how to conduct themselves during the
examination. Reporting to the examination centre by 6.30 am in the morning on every

day of the examination to receive the examination materials from the Centre
Manager in the presence of the security officers; Inspecting the examination rooms every day before the start of
examinations to ensure that they meet the specifications prescribed by the
Council Rules and Regulations and that there are no unauthorized or
stimulus materials in the examination room including the washrooms that
are to be used by candidates; Ensuring that all candidates are positively identified against the photograph
register and Council registration data; Supervising the search of candidates as they enter the examination rooms
for every examination session and ensuring that female candidates are

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 12 of 19

searched by a female officer or teacher while male candidates are searched
by a male officer or teacher; Ensuring that the candidates, invigilators, Centre Manager and security
officer inspect the question paper packets and signing the declaration to
witness that they are intact before opening; Receiving from the Centre Manager, the question papers in one of the
examination rooms and ensuring they are not tampered with; Opening the examinations question paper packet in front of the candidates,
security officers, invigilators and Centre Manager and ensuring at least one
of the candidates countersigns the envelope as evidence of witnessing the
opening; Counting the question papers to ensure they are adequate before the
invigilator issues them to the candidates and starting the examination on
time as specified in the respective examination timetable and ensuring that
the examination lasts for the period scheduled on the examination timetable; Stapling the question paper packet and question papers for the
absent candidates, together with spare question papers to ensure the
packet is sealed then placing the packet on a desk in front of the candidates
inside the examination room; Preparing a report on any examination irregularity and ensuring that any
confiscated materials are sealed and handed over to the education officer
managing the distribution centre and ensuring that all examination
irregularity materials collected at the examination Centre are forwarded with
a report to the Council; Reporting to the security officer and the Council any criminal activities and
handing over any persons implicated to the security officer; Closely monitoring candidates’ inside and outside the examination room
during the examination session and escorting and searching a candidate who
visits the washrooms or any other premise before re-entering the
examination room; Ensuring that the institution’s centre number is boldly written in an
appropriate position where all candidates can see and ensuring that
candidates use the index number issued by the Council as per the approved
list; Ensuring candidates write their answers using the writing materials
prescribed by the Council; Ensuring that no person including the supervisor, invigilator, Centre Manager
and candidate enters the examination room with mobile phone or any other
electronic communication devices; Ensuring that no unauthorized persons have access to question papers or
candidates while the examination is in progress; Ensuring that the invigilators do not explain the questions to candidates,
read or allow any person to read candidates’ responses;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 13 of 19 Ensuring that the script control form is signed by all candidates before the
end of the examination session where applicable; Ensuring the question papers for the following sessions and answer scripts
for the preceding sessions are placed at a desk in front of the candidates
while the examination is in session; Collecting, counting, and putting all the candidates’ answer scripts and duly
signed script control form in the official Council script return envelope and
seal the return envelope in full view of the candidates, Centre Manager and
security officer; Ensuring that the declaration on the return envelope is duly filled in the
presence of the candidates, invigilators, Centre Manager and security officer
as provided for in the return envelope containing candidates’ answer scripts; Ensuring that no candidate’s answer scripts are left behind by physically
counting the number of candidates present against the number of answer
scripts collected at the end of every examination session; Ensuring that the spare question papers are only given to the Centre
Manager at the end of the day when every candidates’ answer script has
been sealed in the return envelopes; Receiving question papers that might have errors or blank pages from
invigilators and recording the details in the report and certificate of
supervision and enclosing the report and certificate of supervision in the
return envelope and handing it over to the officer managing the distribution
centre for submission to the Council; Preventing the occurrence of examination irregularities in the examination
centre and if such cases arise, handling them as stipulated in the act, these
rules and Council regulations; Keeping an accurate record of work allocated to invigilators on a daily basis
and accurately completing the attendance sheets, report and certificate of
supervision, seating plans, declaration form for payment and any other
documents required then submit the documents to the Council through the
officer managing the distribution centre; Ensuring that no candidate who is more than half an hour late is given a
question paper unless cleared by the Council; Ensuring that all reports of hardship cases which might have affected
candidates’ work during the examination and which are related to the
conduct of the examination are indicated in the report and certificate of
supervision; In consultation with the Centre Manager and the sub county director of
education ensuring that candidates taking examinations under special
circumstances have a conducive environment as per KNEC regulations; Overall Responsibility of the Supervisor:
(i) The Supervisor shall be held personally liable for any
examination irregularity which he/she failed to report during

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 14 of 19

the conduct of the examinations where it emerges that
examination irregularities indeed occurred;
(ii) The Supervisor must ensure that the examination is conducted
as per the Act, other relevant law, the rules, regulations and
these Guidelines.

2.7 Qualifications and roles of Invigilators:

Invigilators are identified and recruited to ensure that examinations are conducted
according to KNEC rules and regulations in an examination room. The invigilators
should be diligent and seated at the front of the class to be able to see all the
candidates. The invigilators work under the instructions of the supervisor. The number
of invigilators is determined by the number of candidates in an examination centre. For
every twenty (20) candidates, there should be one (1) invigilator. Invigilators must be
teachers from within the Sub County preferably coming from the nearby
schools/institution. Such teachers to be appointed as invigilators must be persons of
high integrity, identified, nominated, and vetted by the TSC Sub County Director.
NB: Institutions with candidates, who are touch readers (blind), should at
least have one Invigilator who is conversant with Braille. The
supervisors and invigilators MUST be vigilant when the examination is
going on.

Invigilator’s qualifications are:

2.7.1 Trained teachers with qualifications of P1 grade or higher and are registered
with TSC or employed by TSC;
2.7.2 Trained teachers of ATS (Approved Teacher Status) grade or Higher:
2.7.3 Teachers with a teaching experience of one year or more;
2.7.4 The roles of the invigilator during the conduct of the examinations and
assessments include: Reporting to the assigned examination centre a day before the start of
the relevant examination for briefing and assignment of duties by the
supervisor; Reporting to the examination centre by 7.00 am in the morning on every
day of the examination to receive the examination materials from the
Supervisor in the presence of the security officers; Inspecting the examination rooms assigned and the washrooms to be
used every day before the examination starts to ensuring that there are
no unauthorized materials or stimulus materials in the examination room
or on the candidates’ desks or tables; Closely monitoring candidates inside and outside the examination room
and ensuring candidate is escorted to washrooms and searched before
re-entering the examination room;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 15 of 19 Searching candidates each time they enter the examination room to
prevent smuggling of unauthorized materials and stimulus materials
including mobile phones or any other electronic communication devices
into the room. In this regard, female candidates must be searched by a
female supervisor or invigilator or teacher and male students must be
searched by male supervisors or invigilators or teachers; Receiving the question papers from the supervisor, checking to ensure
that the paper is correct as per the timetable and count them to confirm
that there are enough copies for all the candidates before distributing
them; Ensuring that the examination starts promptly and lasts for the time
scheduled on the examination timetable and hand over to the supervisor
any question paper with errors or blank pages; Ensuring that no unauthorized persons has access to question papers or
candidates while the examination is in progress; Identifying the candidates against the photograph register as
appropriate, verifying the candidates’ index numbers, names and
ensure that the script control form is signed by all candidates before the
end of the examination session; Being vigilant to ensure that candidates do not engage in any kind of
examination malpractice and in case of any, report to the supervisor; Ensuring candidates write their answers in the writing materials
prescribed by the Council; Not explaining the questions to the candidates, aiding, reading or
allowing any person to read candidates’ responses; Marking ‘AB’ against the name of every candidate who is absent every
session of the examination and account for every candidate using the
attendance register and ensuring that there is no discrepancy between
the record of absenteeism, on the attendance register and the script
control form; Taking note of the absent candidates’ index numbers and paper
missed to be transferred to the computer printed attendance sheet
and the script control form; Collecting and physically counting candidates’ answer scripts before
releasing the candidates from the examination room at the end of an
examination session and handing over candidates answer scripts at
the end of each examination session to the supervisor for recording,
packing and sealing in the return envelope; Signing the declaration form in the report and certificate of
supervision; Handing over candidates answer scripts at the end of each
examination session to the supervisor for recording, packing and
sealing in the return envelope;

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 16 of 19 Ensuring that there is no discrepancy between the record of
absenteeism, on the attendance register and the script control form. During the practicals, ensure that subject Teachers and Laboratory
Technicians/Assistants do not interact directly with the candidates; Overall Responsibility of the Invigilator;
(i) The Invigilator shall be held personally liable for any examination
irregularity which he/she failed to report during the conduct of the
examinations within the examination room he/she is allocated and
its environs;
(ii) The Invigilator must ensure that the examination is conducted as
per the Act, written law, these rules and Council regulations.


3.1 The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) through the Sub County Directors (SCD)
are expected to have identified, nominated, and vetted Centre Managers (CM),
Supervisors (SUP) and Invigilators (INV); and deployed them to
examination centres. The Council expects this activity to be concluded by 18th
October 2022.
3.2 The officers are supposed to download appointment letters online once they are
deployed to the various centers using their CP2 log in credentials. Centre
Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators are responsible to the TSC Sub County
3.3 When recruiting the personnel, the TSC Sub County Directors should ensure
they do not:
3.3.1 Over recruit because the Council operates on a budget like any other
3.3.2 Source supervisors and invigilators from adjacent examination centers.
This mainly applies where examination centers are in the same compound
or close to one another.
3.3.3 Deploy supervisors and invigilators in examination centers that are very
far from their workstations.
3.3.4 Deploy invigilators to examination centers hosted in other examination
centers. The hosted centers will be entitled to only one or two
invigilator depending on number of candidates;
3.3.5 Deploy supervisor to manage examination for a candidate in
hospital/prison. Candidates in hospitals/prison are supposed to be
assigned an invigilator and security officer. These officers are supposed to
sign declaration form on the space allowed of the examination center of

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 17 of 19

the candidate clearly indicating the candidates’ details and number of
days they have invigilated in the hospital/prison as required.;
3.3.6 The TSC SCD should ensure only qualified supervision and invigilation
personnel are recruited for the exercise and they attend the briefing and
sensitization meeting before embarking on the exercise.

3.4 Online Contracted Professional System (CP2 System):

3.4.1 Recruited Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators and other field
officers must register to be deployed in CP2 system by the TSC Sub
County Director. The system allows KNEC to collect the biodata of these
contracted professionals, deploy, verify, and report on activities and
personnel involved in the administration of national examinations.
3.4.2 Before filling in declaration form, the Contracted Professional (CP) should
confirm that they are registered in the KNEC online system.
3.4.3 Contracted professionals MUST register in CP2 system to create account
and submit details.
To register in the Online Contracted Professional System (CP2
System), Contracted Professionals shall be expected to access the system
home page using the link: http://cp2.knec.ac.ke/Account/Register.
Upon accessing the home page, to acquire Username and Password,
click on the CREATE ACCOUNT button, enter their mobile number in
the format provided e.g., 254722677***, confirm the same phone
number then click the create account button once again to submit
details. You will receive your password through an SMS from KNEC to
login into the CP2 system and provide required registration details. IF
Dial *456*9*5*5*1# to unblock your line then repeat the process and
ensure successful submission of captured details in the CP2 system. To
Reset / Recover forgotten password, using the link:
https://cp2.knec.ac.ke/Account/ResetPassword click the RESET
PASSWORD button on the CP2 system, key in your mobile number in
the specified format e.g., 254722657--- then click on the Reset Password
button once again to submit the request. You shall receive your
username and password through KNEC SMS. For more information,
download the user manual from the link: http://cp2.knec.ac.ke.

3.4.4 Registered contracted professionals (those who have created

accounts in CP2) should login, verify existing details and update
registration details (profile) in the CP2 system e.g., in case of changes in
their status, workstation or qualifications.

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 18 of 19

3.4.5 Contracted professionals who have registered in the CP2 system should
only be deployed upon verification of submitted details.
3.4.6 Centre Managers should take online attendance register using the CP2
system for themselves and officers deployed in their examination centers
who include Supervisors, invigilators, and security officers based on days
3.4.7 For more information on how to register online as a new user, how to
login into the system and submit details for deployment and online
attendance taking, contracted professionals can download the user
manual on the CP2 system website using the link:
3.4.8 The centre manager must maintain a list of authorised staff to be present
at the examination centre. The staff should be provided with appropriate
identification documents. All unauthorised staff must keep off the
examination centre during the examination period.


4.1 The Kenya National Examinations Council has put in place quality control
measures to ensure that no candidate gains undue advantage and that the final
examination results reflect the capabilities of each candidate.

4.2 KNEC further send officers to monitor administration of examinations to ensure

credibility and that all the contracted professionals and candidates are adhering
to the examination guidelines issued.

4.3 All contracted professionals are expected to personally undertake the duty
assigned to them as per the guidelines without delegating. In cases where
delegation is inevitable, appropriate approval must be sought from the
appointing authority.


The Council takes this opportunity to thank you for attending this important meeting. It is
important to cascade the information you have acquired today to those under you in order to
ensure they are well informed and equipped to manage the 2022 KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE
Examinations in the most efficient way without experiencing cases of dishonesty.

TSC Briefing and sensitization notes Page 19 of 19

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