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Absurd and grisly tech implants to be found in the bleak streets of

CY. Manifestations of the nature of the age. Flesh no longer
satisfies; seek upgrades or accept obsolescence.

1. QUICKEATS rapid metabolism process. An obscene network of pipes and

tubes running around the wearer’s abdomen. Allows for meals to be
digested and absorbed either in hours or minutes according to the
settings selected by the wearer on the hand-mounted control panel. You
can see food running through it in a nauseating slurry.

2. BREATH_EASY particle filter. A grotesque nest of plastic tubing

and micromotors that hangs around the wearer’s neck like a scarf from
hell. Steadily drips out the filtered pollutants into a container that
sloshes with the accumulated filth. If the room is quiet you can hear the
filter motors humming and the slosh of the attached septic tank.

3. KAMILION ID shifter. The skin of the hands is peeled off, replaced

with a permanent film of smart gel linked to bracelet-like implants
surrounding the wearer’s wrists. Pallid blue-gray slime encases bare
muscle and bones, capable of shifting fingerprints or leaving none at all
with the press of a button. Their touch is clammy and vaguely adhesive,
like a slug.

4. URSECUR anti-pick pocket. A flesh-fold cut into the abdomen, sealed

at the opening with a smartLock strip that opens at the wearer’s mental
command, like flexing a muscle. Within the meat pocket is enough space
for a few small items- a pair of keys, a stick of gum, a few credit
cards. Guaranteed to be just as hygienic as holding them in your hand.
5. VIJIL eye securer. Popular for jobs where a second taken to blink can
cost you a fortune. The eyelids are removed, with plastic screens
implanted over the eye sockets to keep out particles. Tiny apparati,
metal loops that run around the edge of the eyeball, are hooked into the
wearer’s biological tear ducts, periodically spraying a fine mist of tear
film across the surface of the eye.

6. 2ATTENTION leg lock implants. Used for the likes of cashiers,

security guards or other professional standers. A metallic device built
into the side of the hip, conjoined straight into the bone. When
activated by flipping the lever, the legs buckle in a sprained-looking,
almost digitigrade configuration. While in this setting, the wearer can
remain standing for hours without fatigue. Don’t forget to unlock it
before you try moving again, or else you’ll just faceplant.

7. CHESHIRE dental hygiene booster. The lips are removed, gums and
teeth fully exposed. The implant itself looks like braces, but with the
metallic nodes placed between the teeth and a thicker wire. Able to fully
clean the teeth in a matter of moments, spraying a mist of spit and
expelled food particles from the wearer’s mouth as it does.

8. ONURMIND personal feed. The outer ear is removed and replaced

with a device that looks like a metal spider trying to jam itself down
the exposed ear-hole. The diminutive armatures pass vibrations directly
into the ear without generating external noise. Customize the feed
settings for it to play traffic warnings, stock updates, news, or music.

9. DIV/IDED_ATTEN\TION split processor. A cortex upgrade allowing

for true multitasking. The main component is a processor rig, always
whirring and beeping, attached to the brain through a surgical gap in the
back of the skull. The other is the eyes, removed and replaced with
dual-faceted cybernetics like a tiny pair of binoculars rammed into each
eye socket. They swivel independently of one another, allowing the wearer
to concentrate on two things independently.

10. CHLLOUT personal climate control system. A full-body

cybernetic. Veins and arteries, surgically plucked from within the body,
run through small cylinders scattered at points across the surface of the
skin instead of underneath it. These temperature nodes heat or cool the
blood and thereby the body to the user’s desire, as set up on the control
panel implanted in the forearm.

DEFACE THE FLESH is an independent production by Ross_Hollander and is not affiliated

with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG Third Party License.CY_BORG

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