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Schaeffler Sustainability Report 2018

Key Figures on Sustainability – Environment and energy15)

2018 2017 2016 Percentage

Coverage rate for EMAS certification16) % 88.2 87.9 89.3 0.3
Coverage rate for ISO 14001 certification16) % 88.7 88.3 89.9 0.5
Coverage rate for ISO 50001 certification16) % 85.8 85.2 83.7 0.7
Total energy consumption17) GWh 3,367 3,233 3,119 4.1
Electricity consumption GWh 2,365 2,339 2,255 1.1
Natural gas consumption GWh 876.7 798.0 742.0 9.9
Fuel oil consumption l 880,462 748,143 850,959 17.7
Propane/LPG consumption t 4,097.9 3,938.0 3,401.0 4.1
District heating consumption MWh 63,429.6 67,393.0 69,414.0 -5.9
Greenhouse gas emissions18) 19), total20) t CO2 1,461,790 1,409,388 1,474,864 3.7
Greenhouse gas emissions18) 19) (Scope 1) t CO2 193,708 175,635 163,828 10.3
Greenhouse gas emissions18) 19) (Scope 2) location based t CO2 1,268,082 1,233,752 1,311,036 2.8
Greenhouse gas emissions19) (Scope 2) market based21) t CO2 851,916 833,350 937,839 2.2
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)22) t 86.2 104.3 88.9 -17.4
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)18) 22) t 7.5 6.2 6.6 16.1
Fine particles kg 145 90 182 61.1
Water consumption23) m3 6,089,564 5,964,821 5,018,560 2.1
Amount of waste, Germany t 312,383 302,969 313,259 3.1
Scrap and metals, Germany t 260,419 249,031 260,056 4.6
Waste for disposal, Germany22) t 4,402 2,761 4,725 59.4
Waste for recycling, Germany22) 24) t 48,397 51,177 51,256 -5.4
Recycling rate, Germany25) % 91.1 94.9 96.3 -4.0
Transport volume, outbound26) 27) 28) Million tkm 161 161 n. a. 0
CO2 emissions, outbound26) 27) 28) t 144,675 149,153 n. a. -3.0
Charging stations with direct current (DC) power columns, total18) Number 8 7 2 14.3
Charging stations with alternating current (AC) power columns, total22) Number 105 66 14 59.1
Charging stations for electric bikes, total22) Number 46 46 10 0
Sites with charging infrastructure for electric and hybrid motor vehicles, Number 25 20 5 25.0
15) The key environmental indicators of emissions and energy and water consumption are based on the consumption of the 75 production sites at 71 locations. The calculation is based on certification in accordance
with ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and OHSAS 18001 and entry in the EMAS site registry; reporting date 12/31/2018.
16) Relating to employees.
17) Energy sources included: Electricity, natural gas, district heating, propane, fuel oil, without the amount of electricity produced by the gas-powered CHP.
19) The
The value for 2016
calculation has been corrected
of greenhouse in the course
gas emissions is basedof on
a subsequent validation.
the emission factors ofItthe
therefore differsand
VDA (2017) fromthe
value presented in the
database of the German
Federalreport 2017.
Environmental Agency. Emission sources covered: Scope 1
(natural gas, fuel oil, propane) and Scope 2 (electricity, district heating).
20) Total of Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location based).
21) Supplier-specific emission factors were used to determine Scope 2 market based.
22) The value for 2017 has been corrected in the course of a subsequent validation. It therefore differs from the value presented in the Sustainability Report 2017.
23) Water consumption includes municipal and internal company water. 2017 value corrected based on subsequently reported data.
24) Excluding metals and scrap.
25) Recycled or recovered amount of total waste, excluding metals and scrap.
26) Not included are rail transports and special transports, such as machine transports during removal.
27) Distribution of Schaeffler products to the end customer (last-mile transports).
28) Calculation of CO2 emissions according to DIN EN 16258.

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