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R A N - 3 9 6 5

S.Y.B.H.M.S. Examination
October / November - 2019
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (New Course)

[ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 S.Y.B.H.M.S.
Name of the Subject :
 Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (New Course)
Subject Code No.: 3 9 6 5 Student’s Signature

(2) Write New Question on Separate Page.

(3) Write Each Section in Separate Supplementary.


Q.l. What do you mean by Rigor Mortis? Describe it under heading of

Mechanism, factors, and Compare with Cadaveric Spasm. (15)


Q.l. Define and classify Thermal injury. Describe Burns under heading
varieties, classification, Post-mortem appearance Medico-legal
importance. (15)

RAN-3965 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Q.2. What is Infanticide? What are the signs of Live birth. (15)


Q.2. a) Write on Preservation of Viscera. (08)

b) Describe Dying declaration (07)

Q.3. Write Short Notes (Any three) (15)

I) Witness.
II) MTP act.
III) Professional Misconduct.
IV) Function of C.C.H. act.
V) Presumptive Sign of Pregnancy.

Q.4. Write M.C.Q. (05)

a) Temporary cessation of menstruation occurs in ..................
i) Vaginismus,
ii) intense desire for pregnancy in married women,
iii) Sterility.
iv) Hysteria
b) Exhumations is : ..................
i) Examination of post-mortem report by magistrate,
ii) Burial of dead body involved in criminal case,
iii) Digging out of an already buried body,
iv) Examination of hostile witness.
c) Karyo type of Turner syndrome ..................
i) XO. ii) XX. iii) XXY iv) XY.
d) When C.C.H. act establish ...................
i) 19th January l974. ii) 20th December l973.
iii) 16th August 1973. iv) 19th December 1973.
e) Where post-mortem lividity find in hanging ....................
i) face, ii) Limbs,
iii) Chest, iv) Neck.

RAN-3965 ] [ 2 ] [ Contd.

Q.l. Define and Classify Poisons. Describe the action, signs and symptoms,
treatment, Medicolegal importance of Nux Vomica. (15)


Q.l. Describe the treatment of unabsorbed ingested poison. (15)

Q.2. Describe the action, signs and symptoms, treatment and medicolegal
importance of Dhatura Poison. (15)


Q.2 Describe the following :

a) Clinical feature of Plumbism. (08)
b) Drug addiction. (07)

Q3 Write Short Notes (Any Three) (15)

I) Vitriolage.
III) Universal antidote.
IV) Prophylaxis against Tik 2o poisoning.
V) Run amok.

Q.4. Write M.C.Q. (05)

a) Fatal dose of Poppy seed
i) 100 seeds. ii) 50 seeds, iii) 200 seeds, iv) None,
b) Antidote of Phosphrous Poison .....................
i) CuS04 ii) H2S04. iii) NaCI. iv) K2C03.
c) Which of following poisons are Cardiac Poison .....................
i) Digitalis, ii) Arsenic, iii) Cannabis Indica. iv) Ergot,
d) Remote action of Oxalic Acid .....................
i) Hypoprothrombinaemia. ii) Hypocalcaemia.
iii) CNS depression, iv) GIT upset,
e) Which one of the following is not a Chelating agent ..................
i) BAL. ii) EDTA.
iii) Desferrioxamine. iv) Charcoal.

RAN-3965 ] [ 3 ] [ 380 ]
R A N - 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1

Second BHMS Examination
November - 2020
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
(New Course)

[ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 Second BHMS
Name of the Subject :
 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (New Course)
Subject Code No.: 2007000102020001 Student’s Signature

(1) Write New Question in Separate Page.
(2) Write each section in Separate Supplement.

Section I
Q. 1 What is Identification? Give data of Identification . Write down about
fingerprint under heading classification of Ridges, mode of production,
technique of fingerprints, types of it, Medicolegal importance.
Write note on poroscopy. (15)
Q. 1 Define Pregnancy. Write down Medicolegal importance of pregnancy. (15)
How do you diagnose case of pregnancy?

Q. 2 Define Asphyxia. Give types and causes of Asphyxial death. Describe (15)
Strangulation under heading, types, causes, sign and symptoms,
postmortem apperance and Medicolegal importance.

RAN-2007000102020001 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Q. 2 a) What is Forensic Medicine. Write down Important role of Forensic
Medicine in Homoeopathy. (8)
b) Define Adipocere. Write down mechanism of formation adipocere with
Medicolegal importance. (7)

Q. 3 Write down Short Notes (Any three) (15)

1) Professional misconduct
2) Defence Wound.
3) C.C.H constitution.
4) Bestality.
5) MTP act.

Q. 4 Choose the appropriate option from given below. (5)

1) Bite mark example of
a) Pressure abrasion b) Graze abrasion
c) Scratch abrasion d) Pattern abrasion
2) Rape is define under
a) Section 320 IPC b) Section 375 IPC
c) Section 376 IPC d) Section 351 IPC
3) False negative hydrostatic test in live born.
a) Atelectasis. b) Meconium aspiration
c) Emphysema d) Congenital heart disease.
4) According to Rule of 9, perineum burns constitute
a) 1%. b) 9%.
c) 18%. d) 27%.
5) Autopsy is done in which age group.
a) 18 years b) 16 years
c) 21 years d) All age group

Section II

Q. 1 Write down fatal dose, fatal period, signs & symptoms, treatment and PM
appearance of Arsenic Poisoning. (15)
Q. 1 Write signs, symptoms, fatal dose, fatal period, post mortem appearance
and medico legal importance of Alcohol Poisoning in detail.

RAN-2007000102020001 ] [ 2 ] [ Contd.
Q. 2 Give the general characters, fatal dose, fatal period, signs & symptoms,
PM appearance & Medico-legal importance of Opium poisoning. (15)
Q. 2 a) Write in detail general principles of treatment in any case of poisoning. (8)
b) Give detailed account of various types of antidotes. (7)

Q. 3 Write short notes. (Attempt any Three) (15)

1. Ricinus Communis.
2. Cardiac poisons.
3. Runamok
4. Marking nut
5. War gases

Q. 4 Tick the correct answer in the following MCQ (5)

1. From the burnt bones
a. Arsenic can be detected. b. Arsenic cannot be detected
c. Opium can be detected d. Iodine can be detected
2. Postmortem staining due to Carbon monoxide is
a. Cherry red b. Yellow
c. Chocolate d. Deep blue
3. Perforation of stomach and severe corrosion of surrounding viscera is seen in
a. Sulphuric acid b. Nitric acid
c. Hydrochloric acid d. Oxalic acid.
4. Exotoxin is produced by
a. Salmonella group b. Streptococci
c. Staphylococci d. Shigella group

5. Epidemic Dropsy is caused by consuming

a. Lathyrus Sativus b. Mustard oil
c. Argemone oil d. Mushrooms

RAN-2007000102020001 ] [ 3 ] [ 480 ]
R A N - 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1

S.Y.BHMS Examination
March - 2021
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

[ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
Name of the Subject :
 Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Subject Code No.: 2007000102020001 Student’s Signature

(2) Write new question on separate page.

(3) Write each section in separate supplementary

Section I
Q.l. What is Infants death? Enumerate the points for child in Infanticide.
What are Medicolegal importance of Infant deaths. (15)
Q.l. What is Violent Asphyxial death.Describe Hanging under heading of
sign & Symptoms ,cause of death,postmortem appearance and
Medicolegal importance. (15)

Q.2. What is Consent ? What are types of consent? In which circumstances

Expressed consent is necessary in Medical practice. (15)

RAN-2007000102020001 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Q.2. a) What is difference between True Virginity and False Virginity (07)
b) What is scar? How it is useful for Identification. (08)

Q.3. Write down Short Notes (Any Three) (15)

1) CCH function.
2) Mummification.
3) Describe Somatic & Molecular death.
4) Sadism.
5) Preservation of Viscera.

Q.4 Write down M.C.Q (05)

1) An announcement of the commission of crime without information
regarding the accused means-
i) Open Verdict. ii) Closed Verdict.
iii) i & ii. iv) None of these.

2) An individual who may be impotent with one particular women but not
with others.
i) Satyriasis. ii) Quoad hoc.
iii) Frigidity. iv) Vaginismus.

3) DNA fingerprint was discovered by

i) Southern. ii) Galton.
iii) Crick. iv) Jeffery.

4) Benzidine test is done to detect

i) Semen. ii) Blood.
iii) Bile. iv) Saliva.

5) False about Grievous hurt

i) Loss of one kidney. ii) Loss of hearing in one ear.
iii) Loss of vision of one eye. iv) Abrasion on face.

RAN-2007000102020001 ] [ 2 ] [ Contd.
Section II

Q. l Write down fatal dose, fatal period, Signs & Symptoms, treatment and
PM appearance of Canabis Indica Poisoning. (15)
Q.1 Write Signs, Symptoms, post mortem appearance and medico legal
importance of Corrosive Poisoning in detail.

Q. 2 Give the General characters, fatal dose, fatal period, signs & symptoms,
PM appearance & Medicolegal importance of Kerosene poisoning (15)
Q.2 a) How will you diagnose a case of poisoning in living and dead subjects. (8)
b) Mention the factors influencing the action of poisons. (7)

Q.3 Write short notes. (Attempt any Three) (15)

1. Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome
2. Barbiturate poisoning.
3. Digitalis poisoning
4. Heroin
5. Scorpion bite poisoning.

Q. 4. Tick the correct answer in the following MCQ (5)

1. Schedule H of the Drug and Cosmetic Rules Act 1945 consist
a. Antibiotics and antihistamines.
b. Vaccine and Sera
c. Biological and special products
d. Drugs to be sold only on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner

2. Diwali poisoning is due to

a. Phosphorous
b. Arsenic
c. Mercury
d. Lead

RAN-2007000102020001 ] [ 3 ] [ P.T.O. ]
3. In Carbolic Acid poisoning pupils are
a. Constricted
b. Dilated
c. Without any change
d. Dilated and constricted

4. Teeth are chalky white in poisoning due to

a. Sulphuric acid
b. Nitric acid
c. Hydrochloric acid
d. All of the above

5. Gastric lavage is contraindicated in poisoning of

a. Kerosene
b. Morphine
c. Carbolic acid
d. Diazepam


RAN-2007000102020001 ] [ 4 ] [ 170 ]
* R A N - 3 9 6 5 *

Second Year B.H.M.S (theory) Examination
March / April - 2019
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Section 1

[ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 Second Year B.H.M.S(theory)
Name of the Subject :
 Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Section 1
Subject Code No.: 3 9 6 5 Student’s Signature

Q.1 Define rape. Describe procedure of examination of victim and findings

in victim of rape 15
Q.l What is infanticide? What are the signs of live birth? 15

Q.2 Classify thermal injuries. Describe classification and features of burns 15

Q.2 A Rigor mortis 8
B throttling. 7

Q.3 Short notes (any three). 15

1 Criminal negligence
2 CCH act
3 Tattoo marks
4 Postmortem artefacts D
5 Adipocere

RAN-3965 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
Q.4 Define or answer in one sentence 5
1 Hallucinations
2 Arcus senilis
3 Lucid interval
4 Expert witness
5 Anthropometry


Q. 1 Write down fatal dose, fatal period, signs & symptoms, treatment and
PM appearance of organophosphorus poisoning. 15
Q. 1. Write signs, symptoms, fatal dose, fatal period, treatment and
differential diagnosis of Opium Poisoning. 15

Q. 2 Give the general characters, fatal dose, fatal period, signs & symptoms,
PM appearance & medicolegal importance of Phosphorus poisoning. 15
Q.2. A. Write in detail general principles of treatment in any case of poisoning. 8
B. Give detailed account of various types of antidotes. 7

Q. 3 Write short notes. (Attempt any Three) 15

1. Arrow Poison
2. Vitriolage
3. Runamok
4. Marking nut
5. War gases

Q. 4 Write answers in short. 5

1. Name two Chelating Agents
2. Name two poisons leading to pin point contraction of pupils.
3. Ideal homicidal poison
4. Mechanical irritants
5. Contraindication of stomach wash.

RAN-3965 ] [ 2 ] [ 40 ]

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