Sterilization Physical Method

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Newt recy. & " rT | Stes een 2- Cfthew im the vegetative ~ ox ispome | Sterte | i \ | Tt 6 Qi poocess of destsuchon om | f leo Producing am fnrectiea Powes ave mot rf i sh i e ° hlowfne He xadine col Asepsts An eterte of hefingeved frown is dizcuse OF Wicrble perthogemiic mia fm any - anv taonanent J - Amite epsis 4 - T+ fs the x shit mos fn LPyfing tissues theaehy paeventing sthe _hero-epul “OPE ects of impechon caused —_ by them. Alccho) , Dettol , H902 . chlowine Hexading,,, Dnbsephi. 4 = lAntiseptics ciwe agents thers _carm_ho- seifedy. applied om the skin ox nAucous membaan [ie inet incertae hy Tabb cthe_ cheefai. {Gavourth of bee | Tt {5 sometimes used as syn0-0y/r0 Kon disinfection, pusrifeulemly \coith aetesen sto _food paocessing ¢ ceclening. fs the. | i Pyocess oF clean ng Pathogenic m'os fio-rr Pathlic — ecrtfing atentensils dhieot: ackenfatalr|: 2. Any ageat ther Kelle the bacteaie - | Bet cheafoPder | cigeart $= C geampe des J iSubstemces “that com Kil] ber chee Par. | Ractosiostertfc Agents 4- Baciemiostrhc agents paver the amnult plicertia Loe bactema —cahich rey}, Mery, however lmeamatn alive A—chemmicol enhich _~s I hectevictdal= at a pasticulcy comcemacecHon qmcty became. geitounatioetie ct paatiaben — di uhon+ = = Sy nena cut —heis been heceted foa_such cae ey tae —_Pt _comnctaifine no iPvPng LOxga2 =m. fr 7 Scfd +0 he. sterile. [Bucteotosterht ¢_ 7 ifs The process of: tiemdexing: an asitcle Oe avec Ol p + | | arrolel ry louch: Lathes hazasdous —“mertemc! From aon ! Sbiect ax body \Suetec Pus pose 2. ITO make coaplete “destauchom oe _mios. Tov stesPle Pnetrament Land __ Og wipments.- Used im the en wgical practice. L "To keep the caghcles pa enich a_comdition - that they" ave seady pow used of ony— time . l 6 Eos the gufely of ptente & health CUSE ataee a ethod of _Stestl zat] ——— (Peconol 7 Physfeal_ tethads of, IEEE 4 | Sunaltaht. | f =i Din + einlight hag Shertlt fg CF Pert due to_ Presence of Uy veya. heat g efPect Of fnewa-ved ways Tt has bacteaPefda J Cffect FF is ome ofthe merhyral metheds lof Steaflizaton of coctien fn_sfivers lakes £ 4tumk Q (Dey tng Oo Deskcadion (Dantas. has leléiesfos —SPRent on ocaciny | herctemfa Ho meds Powe ame wumaceected 12 can natin alive for | sovemci! month Lore VEN Years “Thesefore it 15 mot a7 — method OF “sto-flfzotion. | Desy Heet 9- tots 3 4 ea Heat Kells. m'oi ty Comair’ g id lestoa cht & _oaxdation of of somes | lof __ stew flicarhon by day heer [Red beaks. A LL YY YY YY aE Ot Imelude plenacatlacting cdPres £ lop foxecep pafnl cL a necay p \e | e}e fag— tfl| wed hot. en hy -Elasmantang_s- 1 Marwh | of cay tuve tubes 2 ~ bottles , Cover slPps_, Secilpele lneeclles ane Gleafliced by passing loves the. flame of Baumsemn | [few C3-4) hmes witharw cy] glumd +00 ribleides 2 thea bug-mea (2 locmivn gy _-hean “to long. J _ ° ‘This fe an er etcien+} method: For destroying infective. Merlesinls —.C Sach ct bedding otled dresstne cine Pathologie! — prerhen fel [fke Gprtiom | stool <= caaccisse a) hy imedaictng thea tn ae ish by barssm fang for MN T-acfMevertos- di). Hof felt OVEN _%= He fs am Paleo “mnethad of OSentlie ectfon of CIAO est tubes Pipettes peta? dishes | Elaaes.); Sarmgicc| ¢metct) ineimimants Gach as iC poscepe., Scalpels , Sctss ous) Séeated + mertesfal Csrtch as oafls “Lfeatfd — | Perey Pe fan qwenses day pawdex ) Senab sticks pete ked__fan__-test —tukes-—— ee afl fection -bempercriize “heidéng.- ren. Ne. _fers_stevilizerttom_. faa - hak cif -ovem S$ f Page No, Dato : >| 3 how at 40° c lest house at 460% >| So mifanaries A+ 180% _Moafs+ —hecrt 2- Stead | feertfom by Mmefst heat Pmphy, _Kellene Mm fenoorg ame coPth stectan O23 hot mere «Moist - beat kits the Mia hy lemerhusetion ¢ couqulert'ow Loe +hePi - pxote fan moist heer faq lstesflizcctiadi his these 4 aon pescrhise, _Bamges. L | Temmpemrrhize | below 100° Q- | Teamperearhive a+ Sh90%C Be “Team pescrtune Above 100% C =I Tem pemartuwe below) 400% sf matet hea 3D Vewcfane bata 2s TT Baetesial = “Eno Imes ome atlPeed by ‘Spe val “Aattes lacitth cated _ oNeredine bocth Lar. 60°e Foe ta ho wird «7 aki ——Negestett eel basse: ICL f i Pasterucsi’ ction $- 2) [Us sre Hie. “Proce '8S-. Used!) Aaa soilk 2 ck amilk os jS png Sale de [Q0__metheds axe _genesclls seals “UYsed- MOCe = EEE ES WIVES rte fs Po deanpencct Te Chelow its bofltng pole’) ae e 2 stem, lemath OF WMe , and then cooling it frmelicrhy ae cess a9 discovered bY Louis (dlelerua while ~ " Mens Ve frmachvut, spoileise oaganism tn oor odin -Holdes method 8: fm eohfch heciifing fo To dome. at 63°c for 30 minardes, Tv idane ch poe fom 1g = ss falleaed by coo ltng Juickly. 4 lowes. is : To atl ‘thes r Myca hocte icy Boucella. , | 2 x i. 1 % mis Hocev ees Com ella. -bugnettt Crertstang La Q fever)® fa: \ melee fv ly | het wesistumn- + E € arc sudvive at +empegauture | emmployed= in —haldes methods. _ °. 5 9 a - : LMS PIsseretlOy) see => By O- thts Method slan solfdfFicaten of on t ‘ | lgo%e bo 26° Lt ss! i imep?s sctass Li ££. lowestein -utengem en imedinin ! Seamus slopes etc. j > ih = i : ‘acledéry ¢ ne bonf Ifze. ib Hocheyes. fe the parties aloe Stes hy. Fomiaqs oF | ! Vimuse scp Go = 30% fy Shast tPane. bert Many spores LCdith Ste reed “hal tang foo cams Hestble- be °, | However = £ valu fe " Fel es -bojlinng: OF aneries_ymetdes the! chember - Oftee _foqmeh'amne * xesults fan _\Seeeiang - loth 1S ar itocmed +0 | esccppe>gnith ate > poixtuwe HW lair Feee. ithe .Gylindew~ i hecdanes > = Whe cischagae top. fs closed -€ the .: lallecwed to ru [ t ‘ Pa wise! tothe ane. Chosen Fox _- _Quiteclaving. For cr Fitted «Hane u€~'thus “ poeieke Stexf) feathion cach avila - ot elk . a — ea r Os 4 i feria le. dchieved 1g__ ps? C_Porumd.> por sgaicie®. acl “eae yee __cohith fs 29a helene te Bien the ime . Of" Opsvcetiom fg - 15-20: mine g = ——— SAL hfs jean pena Most Of “the heat 3 Storm Spa Sie Rlled chic, speeiss.t_b Se lated bay Other Sioa? le: 327 methods — ——- | Hocsi¢ or = f | PeceHo-sy robe alse deme at hia hee ban 22 ecto cet 126% Cc Lbs |p: au Lf fateh Dy st = LO aniacake ce: 1B Cc lbs pp: ayer | meh 2D 6 “Pavan rte s= i i x — brtkmclemwiang ss =H fiddece) _me-thocl 2 idk ucho ber cteeier) Spo sei ooo Ff. mised +a Poe ei Carb iwe A PEL Wesco yess af Tt cuiteclive a axceiledo le: iigsavtrg — diSplerceaman dy Pe { 2.|| Hyrgh Ch 4a See" )|iserm yr fn ahreh — slearr) CM+e0S the shew)! sey | Chamber crnd displeces the , wesidueel cpio [ AM OPED Vea} | I I | — Macaataen SteeilPcows 2- ~ They usually hee erteranortic. Cycle Camtaal.- esrc8el' z er} beet ey bord tev nih a "theese fe Sees, » pemertaartess = Feistee ann the = ott “eyeleVacinten ing = He “paesssae. Cookery Seaves | AS.G- minf- aactiiclewe. amd acchy ke Used few 2 le af i °, a Md aarvicn datatlishsneaat = Cans aie) Steal recto) ty “GleaTEsactix: cater a SMO niet a peel i f- voy = — oT ue. Except fox the use of adnan Stea%6 +heamophflus. 91> | ! “i checking stoi iscrtiond bye shee andes , | _. am gp SS | = The : fan oben oot TOR 1G 5~ Go%C [2 spoaories eee tate. tobe killeds sos) se Feltwattor t= : ahi method _f ead Foo sestifeio A lrquid = suhstetnc5os aw ClarPdt fos louie: ag seer: E>" sblarhioT of heat = = labile rb: terned & Such 1s- SUgGHes, 2 uyea_, emzryane € yentibioties —_cohi'ch get -claamaaiged « by “heer proces - = the ae tS Alaa aigedhl Fos ceeceatiee oft bactemiapherses € bactesicel toxims Frac —beicteas fa E \igrd geo ther inrets, abacfenial ‘cen 5 | = The pove shee: of epliews. fe: not “les | shot 0+45 mm fm didaneteds €) Ph > pete’ 5 ‘bactestc but cillows viruses | Mucopla sane. _C cohich cle Ven email) ; to" pa —theiah Jeo Piece. . = [Themetehre the fits 2 = | Ove mot. safe & «cw "nterbechias | for Clintea| use . a ke eanplay ed I 625 | Gexpatte menectons | - |e in wit have bees wscd -Pscudemno Xe onda ns Fa | | _i Types of _Feltews 3— arene _Fritess ee Mamufecherd faa ‘cdittesert qacdes of. eoeee Pty aan. herve * peeay widely used , Ta Pusificatiom of cociee Fou &ndustaia]., = I eS t= + biumglazed Cewammfc_ Ffitexs 4 , _£ chambeslandi gad _} doulton. L i AC Of) t hb f a fe US _Casth Filteys . &.(Askeeina drac. flexes a oi | ~3:[Mewmn harcrangus | FF en fdely u6ed ~4 evs 6% Goll fdal Fileoss- 10, Shidy iv Sfeen op, VRauses . Made _oe. Cellulose pateys ow other 4 a] ees have [crag @ly wepluced other _ HPO, “Hees Of. Filton 6) LLY [- 160 duty eactien Pi so OW) en “ROU aoe ly raiFicection an oR v ah : 2's: : o cs They comme. _fm_a aride sunqe of _civeadiae. pone diciarnelenes C_APRD_,the. : | Oe 22) a9) SP2 @ | be Jang)! LHe: raibeteaalbiely hased is Goce: Seal sini ora) =f : ( Sediet i i SJocw Seiad ef ldeae ts Caiedel r “ Pumificatton of ~~ Prniiang ode1+ ten) 5. -SLincewed glass. ‘efltens - fre prtivaned “By heat = euabitg Finely powdesed gla pumhcles of gaedec lefres: ! bs They have toc Cbésonuptve. 1Qand cam be jeamed ees t}y_, burt Are _beofti}e ced ©@ccpeansive « (geese vikeo how Arfs_€? |}eors s- Hees C_ High @Fficiemcy eae wats) Filjews used to, Biller are Blowing "lato! clseptic | 0a vPsomanent » Haeifittecetiovt COF)D &- UF memboanes aes | wae See DIME OF G-0] -O-] Um - UF oe ics Jarect Persticles such as slices | lises, emndotoxing Fi 6 Nea Sat a ONE) ine amMemmbocrnes hase owe: Size wong ©. O- OOl= oc i NPs es — Com: Filtee | eerie agidrer: “ond. dlye ins. © : ' 7 Ose 10 decom: fee C ULeADs Alter auras TesMave from the ait ar least 94-9ql+ ae. chist' pollen T * cea , ipciataicle ith a size lof” -)9a.mam ox iaoae These bs ae. Aygo fan “the. Precision, ui cing : [Ra icici oy Vip ar aire Vv | Teo dupes OF gadiehon case used lomizfing i mead fee Hfoigg -¢ Hees iL re [ These - include. ‘gestae. says 4 (yeerrety fF Ef non Guys + 1 ese ata have i Shirai pednedamcrtion. + Nineteen et Berl Ao, cll cells fncludimg_—~ A _Cabal+ = face idis.ion esaag—_Cmctosacl = recap fd. amuss- StevPlisartio) OF pre - packed items such ag. die poe able plaster eeyaine Cin) Ctrthelers Oe avfole-+ “meicharbiony cog used) Loar Cea thinsca reins Cabimetsidt- fn rc laboteetor res nem} e194 “ OpeoritoD | theartwes amd Habe axtoofes. srort Le - Lost of Vegetative beretemin crve susceptible - gadicctions. _Hacde vex pores Ave. hiahy pxecistamt, OV aadradions fn the fame. of 950- 960 man ence length S—* Haas) Cami ovey 45 2) sadiattion edith 4 a [L PE §mhibition of DNA “weelicerton & f Of dtpric Peoduct like Ho%2 Yen the | i Due to thet low pemedeertion Powe7 l ctthey ore wsed- im — dicinfectio of A nefuces fF! aie like ~ fmocsleatoy 4 hoods 1 jerbogeovies -~ -Wcreds | & k Cpeacchton _ Hhearh eS - i a4 f I mR Sound -& -ultsey soumd i Nflbacictioays t=. Bt — il ea malls + “Pasetie =~ " pereveticesd z dieing chan these ave Iiswrupt cells £ cell | However | ahig method + js of m0 __ * Veilue jay sien lized

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